Rabbi Jay & Ilana Rabbi Dr. Benny Lau Rabbi Adam Mintz Kelman The Narrative of Sefer Tehillim According to the Contextual Interpretation Online syllabus of 30 lectures Lecture #25 113-118 • Song of Ascents (Mizmorim 120-134) – Structure, 119 Messages & Story • Their location between 119 and before 135-136 120-134 • Comparison Song of Ascent Priestly Blessing • Intertextuality with Ezra & Nechemia 135-136 www.tehillim.org.il The Book of Psalms Beni Gesundheit Interpretation &
[email protected] Teachings Ariye Bar Tov, Susan Suna, Audrey Samuels הלל של הלל הלל פסוקי קיבוץ גלויות Hallel of the המצרי הגדול דזמרא Pesukei Great Egyptian Ingathered Dezimra Hallel Hallel Exiles L26 L25 L24 L23 L22 L21 תורה וציון )מזמור א'-ב'( 104-107 108-110 111-118 119-134 135-136 137-145 145-150 Contents Praise and Return to Jerusalem: Praise and Building in Jerusalem: Praise and The Blessing from Praise Thanksgiving Ingathering of the Thanksgiving Praise of the Torah, Thanksgiving Jerusalem: Punishment of Exiles and Going up to the Babylonia and a Call to the Restoration of the Temple and to the City Diaspora for Tikun Olam Davidic Kingdom of David Led by David Said by: Rescued from Returnees to Builders of Israel and the Exile Zion the Land the World תורת ה' )קי"ט( "הלל הגדול" )קל"ה-קל"ו( מהגלות לירושלים ק"כ קכ"א קכ"ב )ד-ה( םשֶׁשָּׁ עָּׁלּו קכ"ג קכ"ד )א( ִשיַּר הַּמֲעלֹות ְׁשָּׁבִטים ִשְׁב טֵ י יָּׁ ּה עֵדּות )א( ִשירַּ הַּמֲעְׁלֹות לָּׁדִו ד ֶׁאל ה' ַּבָּׁצָּׁרָּׁתהִלי ְׁלִי ְׁ ש ָּׁרֵאל תלְׁהֹדֹו לְׁשֵ ם ה': לּולֵי ה' שֶׁהָּׁ יָּׁה לָּׁנּו