Psalm 89-93: Christ Our New King June 6, 2021

Message: Take a few moments to review the message notes from Sunday. What was your main takeaway from this message?

Digging Deeper: Small Group Discussion

1.) What stood out to you? 2.) (Psalm 89) From the people’s perspective… their reality did not align with all of God’s promises. What happens when your reality fails to align with what you know to be true about God? 3.) () In verse 12, what do you think it means when says, “Teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”? 4.) () God is our protection in verses 9 and 10, is God’s protection available to everyone? 5.) (Psalm 91:10) Does God’s protection mean Christians are immune from all harm? 6.) Satan quotes verse 11 to Jesus in the wilderness (:9-12). The would like us to think that God’s promises have failed especially if He lets us suffer. Where does verse 15 say God will be? 7.) When the Israelites were tested in the wilderness they fell for Satan’s temptations. When Jesus was tested by Satan in the wilderness, He resisted temptation. What type of guidance does he model for us? 8.) () This chapter is titled “A Song for the Sabbath Day.” It was written to be sung in community on the sabbath day. What do verses 1-4 teach us about praising God? 9.) () This chapter reminds us the Lord reigns over all. What is the timeline for God’s reign?

Personal Reflection: homework

1.) How do these remind you to trust the Lord even when you don’t understand what he is doing?

Flourish means “to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a favorable environment.” In chapter 92 that environment is the house of the Lord.

2.) How do you think/know that being planted “in the house of the Lord” will affect your spiritual growth?

3.) What is your plan? What will you do to “flourish” spiritually?