Psalm 91 The Only Safe Place A short series of studies by Pastor David Legge PSALM 91: THE ONLY SAFE PLACE Pastor David Legge David Legge is a Christian evangelist, preacher and Bible teacher. He served as Assistant Pastor at Portadown Baptist Church before receiving a call to the pastorate of the Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He ministered as pastor-teacher of the Iron Hall from 1998- 2008, and now resides in Portadown with his wife Barbara, daughter Lydia and son Noah. Contents 1. The Only Safe Place - 3 2. Getting Through Life - 8 3. God's Guardians And Guarantees - 14 4. A God Of His Word - 20 Appendix A: Where Is God? - 26 Appendix B: God Over All! - 32 Appendix C: When Bad Things Happen To Good People - 38 Appendix D: Courage For The Unknown Road - 44 The audio for this series is available free of charge either on our website ( or by request from
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