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Karadelev Et Al Checklist.P65 Mitko KARADELEV et al. CHECKLIST OF HUMANO-TOXIC MACROMYCETES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Mitko KARADELEV, Snezana MITEVA & Kristina STOJKOSKA Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, P.O. Box 162, Gazi Baba bb, 1000 Skopje ABSTRACT Karadelev M., Miteva S. & Stojkoska K. (2004). Checklist of humano-toxic macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 25-29.10.2003, Ohrid. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological Society, Vol. 6, Skopje. According to the recent research into fungi biodiversity of R. Macedonia, 1,250 species have been registered. A part of these fungi show proved poisonous effects. These species mainly belong to the following genera: Amanita, Boletus, Clitocybe Cortinarius, Entoloma, Inocybe, Lepiota, Psilocybe, Russula, Tricholoma, Lactarius, Scleroderma and Mycena. Fungi toxicity manifests through the following syndromes: Phalloidine syndrome, Orellanine syndrome, Gyromitrin syndrome, Muscarine syndrome, Gastrointestinal syndrome and Coprinus syndrome. In most of them, these effects are due to the presence of toxic compounds such as: phalotoxins, amatoxins, orellanin, gyromitrin, muscarin, coprinmin, and different hallucinogenic and psychotropic compounds. In this work a checklist of 114 species of humano-toxic macromycetes registered in the Republic of Macedonia is given. Key words: humano-toxic macromycetes, distribution, toxic effects, the Republic of Macedonia. IZVOD Karadelev M., Miteva S. i Stojkoska K. (2004). Lista na humano-toksi~ni makromiceti vo Republika Makedonija. Zbornik na trudovi od 2-ot Kongres na ekolozite na Makedonija so me|unarodno u~estvo, 25-29.10.2003, Ohrid. Posebni izdanija na Makedonskoto ekolo{ko dru{tvo, Kn. 6, Skopje. Od dosega{nite ispituvawa vo Republika Makedonija se registrirani 114 vidovi na otrovni gabi. Ovie vidovi rastat vo listopadni, ~etinarski {umi, na livada, degradirani povr{ini, na izmet, na padnati granki i dr. Najgolem del od niv se terikolni. Toksi~niot efekt kaj ovie gabi se izrazuva preku toksi~nite materii koi {to se prisutni vo niv kako: falotoksini, amatoksini, orelanin, giromitrin, muskarin, koprinmin i razli~ni halucinogeni i psihotropni komponenti. Klu~ni zborovi: humano-toksi~ni makromiceti, distribucija, toksi~ni efekti, Republika Makedonija. Introduction Materials and methods The checklist of hallucinogenic species in the Re- The material was collected in various kinds of for- public of Macedonia is created according to the pub- ests, associations and on mountain pastures, on soil lished data from the previous investigations (Tor- or on fallen branches, trunks and logs, as well as on tich 1988, Karadelev 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000), the enriched soil, dung, etc. The identification of the spe- data- base MACFUNGI of the Mycological labora- cies was done either on the field or in the mycologi- tory at the Faculty of Natural Science in Skopje, and cal laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Mathe- from the field investigations of the authors. The in- matics in Skopje, using microscopes and reagents vestigations were carried out on various localities in (Melzer, KOH, Sulphovaniline, etc.). Some of the the Republic of Macedonia, such as the mountains: collected fungi were preserved in the National My- Osogovo, Kožuf, Kitka, Plačkovica, Karad`ica, Ser- cological Collection (FUNGI MACEDONICI), while ta, Golak, Belasica, Dešat, Niđe, Korab, Karaorman, the data were put in the database MACFUNGI. For Jelak, Vodno, Jakupica, Šar Planina, Ogražden, the identification are used the following: Moser (1983), National Parks: Pelister, Mavrovo, and Galicica, and Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1981, 1986, 1991, 1995, the area of the towns and villages: Kruševo, Resen, 2000), Däncke, R. M. (2001), Krieglsteiner, G. J. Katlanovo, Kičevo, Kumanovo, Bitola, Delčevo, (2000), Flammer (1980), Flammer & Horak (1983), Demir Hisar, Skopje, Strumica, Gevgelija, etc. etc. 472 Zbornik na trudovi od 2-ot Kongres na ekolozite na Makedonija Checklist of humano-toxic macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia est; Karad`ica Mt., beech forest. Growing on stump Results of Quercus frainetto, Q. cerris, Fagus, Abies, Alnus, Pinus peuce. July-October. Agaricus xanthoderma: Pelister Mt., in meadow; Boletus calopus: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; Jak- Katlanovo, oak-hornbeam forest; Skopje, in park, upica Mt., beech forest; Dešat Mt., beech forest; Pelis- planted forest; Serta Mt. oak forest, in meadow. April- ter Mt., forest of P. peuce with Fagus; Ko`uf Mt., November. beech forest; Bistra Mt., beech forest. June-October. Amanita citrina: Šar planina Mt., beech forest; Be- Boletus luridus: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; Bistra lasica Mt. alder and birch forest; Gali~ica Mt. oak Mt., oak and beech forest;; Kumanovo, in meadow; forest; Prespa Lake, oak forest; Maleševski Mt. beech Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce; Katlanovska Banja, and fir forest; Pla~kovica Mt. beech forest; Skopska oak-hornbeam forest; Negorski Banji, ash forest; Crna Gora Mt, beech forest; Vodno, chestnut forest; Ko`uf Mt., beech forest; Jakupica Mt., oak forest. Jakupica Mt., oak forest, beech and oak forest; Ko`uf June-October. Mt., beech forest; Kitka Mt., oak forest; Karadjica Boletus purpureus: Jakupica Mt., oak forest. July. Mt., beech forest; Pelister Mt, forest of P. peuce. Jan- Boletus radicans: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest. July. uary-October. Boletus satanas: Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce; Amanita gemmata: Pelister Mt., P. peuce forest. July. Del~evo, oak forest; Gali~ica, oak forest; Bistra Mt., Amanita muscaria: Mavrovo, wood of Abies and beech forest. July-November. Fagus; Jakupica Mt., oak forest, beech forest, forest Clitocybe candicans: Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce, of Pinus mugo and conifer plantation; Kruševo, wood September of Fagus and Pinus, conifer plantation; Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce; Ko`uf, beech forest, mixed fir and Clitocybe cerussata: Pelister Mt., mixed forest (Bet- beech forest, Osogovo Mt. beech forest; Bistra Mt., ula, Populus, Pinus peuce, Abies); Jakupica Mt., Pi- beech forest. August-November. nus mugo forest. July-September. Amanita pantherina: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; Clitocybe clavipes: Pelister Mt., P. peuce forest with Karadzica, oak forest, Mavrovo, fir forest; Skopska Fagus; Karad`ica Mt., beech forest; Jakupica Mt., Crna Gora Mt., beech forest; Katlanovo, oak-horn- mixed fir and beech forest, Pinus mugo forest. July- beam; Kumanovo, in meadow; Pelister Mt., mixed October. forest (Betula, Populus, Pinus peuce, Abies), forest Clitocybe dealbata: Jakupica Mt., beech forest; Vod- of P. peuce; Pla~kovica Mt., beech forest; Jakupica no Mt., oak-hornbeam; Strict Nature Rezerve „Ezer- Mt., oak forest, beech forest; Kruševo, beech forest; ani“, willow shrub land; Serta Mt., oak-hornbeam. Ko`uf Mt., beech forest; Osogovo Mt., beech forest; April-September. Bistra Mt., beech forest. June-November. Clitocybe diatreta: Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce. Amanita phalloides: Gali~ica Mt., oak forest; Jak- October upica Mt., oak and beech forest; Kruševo, beech for- Clitocybe nebularis: Mavrovo, beech forest; Karad- est; Bogdanci, oak-hornbeam; Ki~evo, oak forest; jica Mt., beech forest; Jakupica Mt., oak forest; Pelis- Bistra Mt., beech forest. June-November. ter Mt., forest of P. peuce; Bistra, Mt. beech forest. Amanita vaginata: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; October. Pelister Mt., forest of P. Peuce; Bistra Mt., beech for- Clitocybe phyllophila: Pelister Mt., P. peuce with est; Golak Mt., beech forest; Pla~kovica Mt., beech Fagus. September. forest; Jakupica Mt., beech forest, oak forest conifer Collybia peronata: Korab Mt., beech forest; Jakupi- plantation, Vodno Mt., oak forest; Skopska Crna Gora ca Mt., oak forest, beech forest; Debarska Banja, oak Mt., beech forest; Mavrovo, beech forest. May-Octo- forest; Karaorman Mt., beech forest; Bogdanci, oak- ber. hornbeam forest. Amanita verna: Karad`ica Mt., beech forest; Jakupi- Coprinus atramentarius: Šar Planina Mt., beech for- ca Mt., beech forest. July. est; Karad`ica Mt. beech forest; Skopje, city park; Armillaria mellea: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; Jakupica Mt., close to road, beech forest; Karaorman Gali~ica Mt., oak and beech forest; Ko`uf Mt., oak Mt., beech forest; Ko`uf Mt., beech forest; Demir and beech forest; Jakupica Mt., oak and beech forest; Hisar, oak forest; Bistra Mt., beech forest. May-No- Pelister Mt., forest of P. peuce and beech forest; vember. Mavrovo, beech and fir forest; Bistra Mt., oak forest, Coprinus micaceus: Šar Planina Mt., beech forest; mixed fir and beech forest, beech forest; Belasica Mt., Pelister Mt., P. peuce forest; Karadjica Mt., beech mixed alder and birch forest; Skopska Crna Gora Mt., forest; Ko`uf Mt., beech forest; Jakupica Mt., beech beech forest; Bukovi}, oak forest; Debarska Banja, forest; Kruševo, beech forest; Skopje, in botanical oak forest; Buševa Mt., beech forest; Kajmak~alan garden; Bistra Mt., beech forest. On stump of decidu- Mt., mixed beech and fir forest; Strumica, Alder for- ous trees, mainly Fagus. May-October. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia 473 Mitko KARADELEV et al. Cortinarius croceus: Pelister Mt., P. peuce with Fa- Hydnum repandum: Mavrovo Mt., mixed beech and gus. October. fir forest, beech forest; Jakupica Mt., beech forest, Cortinarius cinnamomeus: Pelister Mt., P. peuce oak forest; Vodno Mt., oak-hornbeam; Pelister Mt., forest. September. P. peuce forest with Fagus; Ko`uf Mt., beech forest; Maleševski Planini Mt.,
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