The Summer B-G News July 13, 1961
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-13-1961 The Summer B-G News July 13, 1961 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The Summer B-G News July 13, 1961" (1961). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1609. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Tto Summ B-6 W BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIV S I T Y Vol.45 Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Thursday, July 13. 1961 No. 63 Registration Begins Monday Registration for the second sic, political science, physchology, ing Green High School; Dr. Sam- Summer Session at the Uni- research, sociology, and speech. uel M. Mayfield, professor emeri- The second Summer Session tus of geology, Bowling Green versity begins Monday, with will bring seven educators to State University; Dr. Ralph Perry, nearly 100 course offerings campus from five states and associate professor of foreign in 23 academic fields. Japan. languages, Eastern Illinois Uni- The visiting instructors will in- versity; and Dr. Russell B. Smith, Final date for registering clude Dr. Viron Bamhill, instruct- professor emeritus of education, without penalty is I p.m. Wednes- or in English, University of Ken- Marshall University. day, July 19. Classes start Thurs- tucky; Dr. Elizabeth Bell, assist- Enrollment for the first Sum- day, July 20. ant professor of elementary edu- mer Session at BGSU is a record Registration nlso is open for cation, University of Arizona: 2,421 students, including 172 stu- 12 workshops to be in progress Miss Elizabeth L. Brown, librari- dents enrolled in the extended ses- during the second session. These an, Johnson Dependents School Blon for incoming freshmen. The workshops include Art for Ele- (military), Japan; Miss Esther present summer session closes mentary Teachers (Aug. .'1 through llayhurst, history teacher, Bowl- July 18. 23), Economic Education for Teachers (July 20 through Aug. 2), Social Studies (July 31 through Aug. 18), Teaching the Dorms, Dining Halls Assigned Gifted Child (July III through When- are the new freshmen staying? Are the upper- Aug. 18). Kindergarten Teachers classmen going to be staying in the same dorms for the second (July 81 through Aug. 18), Teacher's Role in Staff Problems Summer Session? Where is everyone going to be eating? These CURRENTLY SHOWING—ll i» a w.ll deserved niqhl oul lor Protessoi (July 21 through Aug. 6), are just a few of the many questions that have been going Solomon and hit wife who bid qood by to their children entrusted to the car* ol Children's Literature (July 21 ground campus concerning housing and eating quarters for June Ryder in "Tall Story." which oponod tho thlrtoonth season of summer stock through Aug. II), Driver Educa- the second Summer Session. at tho Huron Playhouto Tuesday. Tho play ondi Saturday. tion (July 24 through Aug. 4), ing in the Harmon, Lowry, and and Music for Elementary Teach- The men and women who Mooney wings of Founders and ers (Aug. 7 through 19). were here during the first ses- nre eating in the ballroom. Graduate and undergraduate sion and plan to return for the Every morning, from July 10 courses will be conducted in the until Aug. 18, a new group of the following fields: accounting, second session will stay in the Campus Theater Goers same dorms in which they were lo- freshmen will enter Founders for art, biology, business administra- their two-day stay. During this tion, business education, chem- cated the first session—either Hodgcrs or MRC. The women will time they will take their ACE, istry, economics, education, Eng- English composition, reading, lish, foreign languages, geogra- continue to eat in the Prout dining hull while the men will be divided math, speech, and hearing tests To See Huron Players phy, geology, health and physical and will meet with the deans of education, history, industrial arts, among the Shatzel and Prout dining halls. their respective colleges. Huron Playhouse is in ses- Stcbbins. both University gradu- library science, mathematics, mu- James C. Grimm, director of res- sion. The campus and people ate students, play the roles of an- The upperclass men who are idence services, suggests that the other professor and the college attending Second Session will be students w,ho plan on staying for of Bowling Green will be able president, respectively. Tests, Meetings placed in Rodger* and upperclass the second Summer Session and to see proof of this Monday Other players in the 24-mcmbor women in MRC and Shatzel. All who have not yet paid their initial evening when the summer cast arc Ronald Sherer, Wanda Occupy Freshmen will eat in Prout dining hall and $5 reservation fee, do so as soon Galloway, Mary Kay Switzer, Shatzel. as possible. The $110 housing fee theater comes to campus to Gilbert Short, William Crowed, The freshmen who are register- is due before classes start on present "The Pleasure of His Robert Spicer, Ronald Van Lieu, During BGSU Visit ing for the fall semester are stay- July 20. Company" in the main auditorium Terry Eberly, Roberta Wolfer, Freshman pre - registration, at 8:15 p.m. Kileen Sarafis, Gail Carson, Shar- which will bring .'1,500 visitors to The season opened officially on Luse, Terry Williams, Harry camnus this summer, began Mon- for the players in Huron, Tuesday, Allcnbatigh. Max Cobb, and day. The incoming freshmen will when the group presented "Tall Thomas Ousting. conic to MGSII for two-day ses- Story," which continues through Directing the play is Lawrence sions in groups of 115. Many of Saturday. Curtain time for all Selka of the Huron Playhouse stall. them will bring their parents to shows is 8 p.m. E.S.T. A member of the student company participate in the activities plan- The current offering at Huron 10 years ago. Mr. Selka has ned for them. tells the story of a brilliant bas- worked with theatre groups in The students spend their first ketball player who becomes in- Washington. D.C.. and Palm 'lay on campus taking the ACE, volved with love, Ramblers, and Beach. Florida. During this time he English, reading, and mathema- stiff - necked professors. "Tall also has produced several prise- tics tests. Men students spend Story" is a comedy by Howard winning films for the United Stales a short time with their parents in Lindsay and Russel ('rouse. Air Force. The five room setting an Air Force ROTC meeting. The play hilariously portrays for the play was designed by John Parents of the freshmen spend the dilemma of Ray Blent, the Hepler. Playhouse technical di- the day meeting with the per- brilliant Custer College basketball rector and a member of Ihe Bowl sonnel deans, and later with the star, who is made the innocent ing Green speech faculty. academic deans together with the victim of a bribe to throw the tudents. The parents also see a championship (tame. The play to be seen here Mon- de* on campus and next Tuesday program of colored slides, which Tho play gives on* who Is not through Saturday at Huron con- is followed by a question period. ■o woll informed on curronl events cerns an international playboy The evening is spent in recrea- a qood insight Into what lios bo- WOO returns to the home of his tional meetings and devoted to hind tho basketball scandals which former wife to give uway their free time in which parents and have occupied tho sports pages daughter in marriage. students are welcome to partici- tho past several weeks. Ron Sherer plays the lead role, pate in such recreations as bil- The comedy came out on which features him as a playboy liards, bowling, card playing, llroadway in 19S9 when illegal whose charm is so engagingly dis- dancing, swimming, and reading. recruiting; of college athletes was arming that he seems to be in con- The second day's activities in- the big story of the day. But stant command of every situation. with the more recent expose of clude speech and hearing tests, The gaiety unravels in the men's Army ROTC meetings, and Ramblers, bribes, and throw- plush San Francisco home of his aways, the play becomes more music tryouts for the students, ex-wife, Kate (Sandra Hablitzel), followed by meetings with their pertinent than ever. who decided after six years of Playing the lead role is Jack academic deans together with marriage to him that a simple their parents. Weisheit, a University senior. Co- home life was best for her. starring as his fiance is Barbara The two-day session is ended Mercer, a University of Michigan Yet she is still infatuated by his with a campus tour for the stu- charm, on Us surprise return to freshman. dents. San Francisco. Her current hus- Charles Schultz portrays the The pre-registration sessions band. Jim Dougherty (Terry Wil- frustrated basketball coach and will end Aug. 18. Those students liams) becomes very suspicious as Richard Riemold and Diana Kith- who do not pre-register this sum- his attempts to squelch a rekind- THIS IS WHAT A CARELESS SMOKER CAN DO—These Fourth of July cart play Professor and Mrs. Leon mer will be given a chance to do "fireworks" look place. In 377 Rodger* Quadrangle. Damage is estimated at Soloman.