THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Volume 15 Number 3 August 2011 A PROUD NEW CAPABILITY FOR AUSTRALIA The Hobart Class AWD represents a signifi cant leap in Australia’s air warfare capabilities. Equipped with highly sophisticated naval systems, the AWD will provide the Royal Australian Navy with one of the world’s most advanced multi-mission warships and form a critical part of the nation’s military assets. A new generation warship for new challenges in our national security. Department of Defence Defence Materiel Organisation S005563_ASC_A4.indd 1 16/02/11 5:12 PM THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Journal of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (Australian Division) Volume 15 Number 3 August 2011 Cover Photo: CONTENTS Recently handed over to her Danish owners, 2 From the Division President Leonora Christina is the largest catamaran built by Austal so far (Photo courtesy Austal) 3 Editorial 4 News from the Sections The Australian Naval Architect is published four times per year. All correspondence and advertising should be sent 18 Coming Events to: The Editor 22 Classification Society News The Australian Naval Architect c/o RINA 25 General News PO Box No. 462 Jamison Centre, ACT 2614 42 From the Crow’s Nest AUSTRALIA email:
[email protected] 43 Education News The deadline for the next edition of The Australian Na- val Architect (Vol. 15 No. 4, November 2011) is Friday 47 The Profession 28 October 2011. Articles and reports published in The Australian Naval 49 Industry News Architect reflect the views of the individuals who prepared them and, unless indicated expressly in the text, do not neces- sarily represent the views of the Institution.