Aug-Sep-Oct 1968
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THE NAVY The magazine of the Navy League of Australia When you're flying (Registered >n Australia for transmission by post as o Periodical) off to the other side of the world Vol. 30 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 1968 No. 3 PagCONTENTe S Pago for the very first time it's nice A Great Navy in Southern Seas — Book Review — "The Far and the Victoria's Colonial Fleet 7 Deep" 61 Background of the DX/DXG Pro- Helicopter-Destroyers for the to go with someone you know. gramme 25 R.A.N. 63 Australia's Navy in South Vietnam 31 Charts for all Nations 67 Navy Week in Australia and H.M.A.S. Melbourne nears end of Papua & New Guinea — Pro- refit 73 grammes 38 Navy League of Australia — An- Sea Cadet Corps News — New nual Report—Victoria Division 79 South Wales Division 43 What's New 83 Periscope on Australia 49 A Glimpse of our Maritime Future R7 Novy League of Australia—Annu- Future Role of the Soviet Navy 89 al Report — N.S.W. Division 57 News from Britain 93 Plus sundry stories and photographs The views expressed in articles appearing in this publication are those of the authors concerned They do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, the Navy League, or official opinions or policy Published by the Navy League of Australia, 66 Claronce Street, Sydney, N.S.W., 2000; Tel.: 29-6531 Postal Address: Box 1719. G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., 2001 EDITOR: Dennis P. Trickett, Esq., Box CI 78, Claronce Street Post Office, Sydney, N.S.W., 2000. Australia. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAL PUBLISHING CO. PTY. LTD. SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE BRISBANE PERTH HOBART 108 Henderson Rd 17 Eluabeth St 17 Currie St. 546 Queen St. 63 Si George's Tee 152 Collins S« Alexandria. 2015 Melbourne. 3000 Adelaide. 5000 Br.sbone. 4000 Perth 6000 Hobart 7000 Phone 69-6231 Phone 62-6411 Phone 51-6225 Phone 31-2531 Phone 23-2031 Phone 23-732 THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA PATRON: The Governor Generoi. His Excellency the Right Honorable Lord Casey. G.C.M.G., C.H.. D S.O.. M.C.. K.St J. FEDERAL COUNCIL Secretary: E. C. Shorroctcs. 528 Collins South Australian Division 'resident: Street. Melbourne, 3000 Patron: His Excellency The Governor of Queensland Division South Australia Deputy-President: Lieut Cdr. J. B Howse »ahon: His Excellency. The Governor of Choirmon: T. Francis Matters Esq V.RD R A N.V.R Queensland. Hon. Secretary: Miss Penny Wardle, Box Secretary: It Cmdr. A. A. Andrews, M B E Chairman: Cdr. N S Ptxley, M B E.. V R D 1529M. G.P.O Ade'ode. 5001. R.A.N (Retd), 28 Royal Street. Chats- R A.N R. (Retd j. wood. N.S.W . 2067. Hon. Secretary: G B. O'Neill. Esq . Box Mew South Wales Division 376E. G P.O , Brisbane, 4001. Potron: His Excellency, the Governor of New Australian Capital Territory Division Tasmanian Division South Wales. Chairman: Lieut. Cdr. J. B Howse V R D Patron: Vice Admiral S.r Guy Wyoit, K B E.. Chairman: Recr Admirai H. A Showers, R.A.N.V.R. C B C.B.E. Hon. Secretary: Lieut Cdr. D M Blake Hon. Secretary: K. M. Uhr Henry Esq. Secretary: lieut Cmdr A A. Andrews V.R.D., R.A.N.V.R., 60 Limestone Ave . M b.E . R.A N. !Retd). 28 Royal Street. Ainslie. 2602 Chatswood. Sydney, 2067. Northern Territory Division Western Australian Division Victorian Division Patron: His Honour the Administrator Patron: His Excellency. The Governor of Wc know the excitement of a very first flight. The sudden strangeness Patron: His excellency,' The Governor of Chairman: Lieot Cdr. J. J Ravenscrof? Western Australia of being away from home. When it'i nice to know you're not on your own. We care Victoria. V.RD.. R.A.N.V.R. Chairman: Roland Smith, Esq •boul you. Make lure you're comfortable. Answer your questions. Keep you happy every way we Chairman: It. Cmdr F. G. Evans. M.B E , Hon. Secretary: Mrs V M Sl-de c I- Hon. Secretary: R A Hannah. Esq . 182 can. We make you feel at home all the way to wherever you go. Flying Qantu u the V.R.D.. R.A.N.V R. H M A S "Melville" . Dorwir.. 5790 Coode Street. Como 6'52. nicest way to get there. With someone you know. AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET COUNCIL QAilTTAS Representatives of the Naval Board: L.eut Cdr. J. B Howse. V R D SC. Cdr I E Forsythe Director of Navol Reserves. Captain R. R A N V R. Lieut- Cmdr. F. G Evans, M.B.E., is someone know C. Savage. D.SC.. R.A.N.; L.eut. Cmdr. V.RD. R.A.N.V.R. E. D. Sa'idberg. R A.N Navy leagu*: A Re ore sen tot i ve from each Navy league Hon. Secretary: If. Cmdr A. A Andrews. QANTAS. with AIR INDIA. AIR NtW ZtALAND, SOAC. MSA ond SAA. Division, also— MBF. RAN (Retd) August-Septembor-October, 1968 THE NAVY Page One Printed ond publnhed by Percivol Co. Pty ltd . IOS HimdeiiJn load. Ale.andt.o, NSW., phone 1V-623I with permnsion ot the Novy League ol Autlrolio A Message from the First Naval Member arid Chief of Naval Staff Uice- 4ilm Irci / Y.A.T. SMITH C.B., C.B.E., D.S.C. I am delighted to have this opportunity to write a few words for The Navy", especially at this time of Navy Week. Whilst I realise that many readers of "The Navy" appreciate fully the need for a Navy, there may be some who do not and, for the latter, I would like to try and briefly illustrate the need in terms of insurance. Most responsible people today carry insurance in order to protect them- selves and their family or their property against certain risks The size of the premium depends upon the risk involved ond the protection required. If. happily, no claims are made then the premium can be examined, but if many claims are made or the cover is inadequate then the policy holder can be ;n trouble. This analogy is readily applicable to the Navy (and I cannot do better than paraphrasing part of the introduction to the Naval Discipline Act) whereon, under the good Providence of God, the wealth, safety and strength of Aus tralia so much depends. I would ask all who believe in the need, to explain it to others who aie less informed. In this manner we can play our part in ensuring the maritime safety of our country. Reward your shipmates with Scottish Cream Scotch Whisky- everybody goes overboard for it. At all good bottle departments. OUR COVER MORE POWER FOR THE NAVY —H.MAS. OXLEY ARRIVES R.A.N. Official Photograph Auguit-September-Oelober, 1968 I THE NAVY August-September-October, 1 966 THE NAVY Page Three Page Two 11 ^YFjeddcMje from Burns, Philp ^Jhe l^iiniiter for the lilauu The Hon. 6l CO. Ltd. C. R. KELLY M.P. ARE PROUD OF THEIR ASSOCIATION Navy Day, 1968, comes at a particularly important time for the Royal WITH Australian Navy. It sees the programme of shipbuilding, which began in the early sixties, nearing completion. It was then that the Australian Government decided to buy first two and later three DDG-type guided missile destroyers for the R.A.N. This month, the third, HMAS 8RISBANE, will reach Australia to take up duties with the fleet. Her sister ships, HMAS PERTH and HMAS HOBART, have already shown their fighting prowess in Vietnam, earning high praise from the Americans for accurate gunnery and the general efficiency of the ships. The Royal Australian Navy HMAS HOBART has now had two tours of duty with the U.S. Seventh FUet and PERTH has just begun her second In Sydney this year, Navy Day sees the sixth Type-12 destroyer escort for the R.A.N., HMAS TORRENS, at the fitting out stage at Cockatoo Island dock- yard in Sydney, thus almost completing the piesent building programme for • Type-12's. The second of the four Oberon-class submarines, HMAS OTWAY, has reached Australia from Scotland where the fourth, HMAS ONSLOW, was launched last month. The flagship of the fleet, HMAS MELBOURNE, will soon compile an ex- tended refit at Garden Island, Sydney. In the past year, she has been re- equipped with Douglas Skyhawk fighter-bombers and Tracker anti-submarine aircraft. BURNS, PHILP AND With the launching of HMAS BANDOLIER at Maryborough, Queensland, recently, 17 of the 20 patrol boats ordered for the R A N. early in 1966 have been delivered. A number of these fine boats are already in service in Australia and Papua-New Guinea waters. COMPANY LIMITED The strength of the R.A.N, continues to grow both in men and ships. In the present financial year, the number of Permanent Naval Forces personnel is expected to increase by more than 1,000 to 17,510. BRIDGE STREET, SYDNEY Over the past year, the Navy has proved itself once again in Vietnam. In the years to come, it will continue to play its most important role of protecting Australia and her allies. Auguit-S«pttmb«r-Oetobtr, Auguit-$«pt»mb«r-Octob*r, 1968 THE NAVY Pagt Fiv» THE NAVY Poge four Compliments from A (jteat Halif jfn £cuthetn " MOBILE HOMES PTY LTD. VICTORIA'S COLONIAL FLEET RINGWOOD "CARAVAN" CENTRE — SALES AND HIRE INSPIRED INHABITANTS Special Discount on Presentation of this Magazine ~ — By JACK MILLAR Puny by todays standards — some may even call them cockleshells — the ships of Victoria's colonial Navy, with regal and well-kown names as Nelson, Victoria, Albert, Countess REPAIRS — REMODELLING — BRAKES — FRIDGE of Hopetown, Childers and Lonsdale, were once the pride and joy of all Victorians.