Category: Outstanding In-House Public Relations Team

Company: and Borough Council

Number of staff employed - including executive / support staff - and annual public relations budget, showing areas directly under the control of the in- house team:  Head of Communications  Media and Marketing Manager  4 Media and Marketing Officers  1 e Communications Officer  3 Graphic Designers  1 Admin Officer

Budget £568k covers staffing costs, design, web, key publications, media monitoring and licensing which include:

 Media relations  Social media  Sponsorship and advertising  Internal communications  E marketing  Web and intranet  Design and print  Brand development and implementation  Marketing of services and facilities

Team has responsibility of all these areas across the Council and manages Council’s £336K budget for print, advertising and e Communications. (Overall Council budget of £48,7M).

Business objectives and analysis of performance against budget over the past three years:  engage with key stakeholders - residents, customers, businesses, our staff , Members and partner organisations to shape services  enhance and protect the Council’s reputation  alert senior team to potential PR issues and advise how to address them  promote facilities/events to maximise usage and optimise cost per rate payer  create efficiencies and cost savings through lean, cost effective Council wide initiatives eg Summer scheme bookings online  performed within our budget, even with unbudgeted key new projects implemented eg iConnect internal app.

A brief overview of business / team strategy:  Holistic integrated communications service for Council ‘s 18 service units, formulating and implementing targeted communications to help roll out each service area’s business plans and deliver for our 130,000 residents. Our diverse skill set and energy has inspired our.

 Led on communications for Council merger and established internal communications tools - Team Brief, intranet, Staff Newsletter. internal app, iConnect. We need an engaged workforce to deliver for our citizens.

 New team created when the Council merger took place in 2015. 4 key staff left on severance. Mentoring, coaching and action learning in intensive first year. We are a learning team, scanning the horizon for new opportunities to build skills and have taken communications to new heights.

 Key to our integrated communications are our social media channels and Borough Life, our residents’ magazine. Produced 6 times annually, it is our residents preferred means of communication with 91% satisfied to very satisfied with the content.

 Our media relations service deals on average with 30 enquires per month, seeks out positive PR opportunities and provides communications expertise to emergency situations and our events programme.

 All design is carried out in-house. A 15% saving in print made in year one of the team.

 Branding developed for new Council and the rebranding programme for facilities and vehicles is almost complete. Work managed in-house saving Council £80k plus.

A summary of commitment to CPD and professionalism:  Individual Personal Review Development Plan  Access to further education through Professional Development Scheme. (eg one officer has completed an MBA, other officers working towards CIPR and CIM qualifications.)  Development opportunities in key project groups, training and mentoring  Media and Social media training  Regular meetings with other communication teams to share experience.

A summary of recent outstanding achievements:  Team delivering on key strategic projects eg community plan launch, iConnect App launch.

 Bringing our Community Plan to life by producing native video content,. Video views of 11.4k across social media platforms led to 400% rise in engagement made through our online consultation portal.

 ‘It’s In Our Nature’ tourism brand development leading to high profile brand placement at International Airport and acclaim from tourism sector.

 iConnect internal app launched January 2017. First council in NI to use this innovative way to communicate with staff and Members. 406 Ios and Android users with 23,406 page views and further 23406 page views on web app since 31 Jan 17. Council’s Facebook launched January 2017. 1500 likes in first eight hours and 50% increase in likes within six months. 7.7k launch video views.

 30% growth in Twitter followers in year.

 The completion of the first yearly cycle and evaluation of Borough Life. 91% satisfaction figure.

 Developing as a digital hub by increasing the number of services online. Average monthly 17% increase in unique visitors to our website on last year.

 Rebrand of key facilities, 90% of our vehicle fleet and having staff in new branded uniforms.

 PR strategies to support 6 specific high profile events/services.

A summary of a campaign you are particularly proud of, including details of the brief, objectives, strategy, tactics, outputs, outcomes and budget: It’s In Our Nature Tourism Campaign

To develop and launch a tourism brand and supporting assets to drive forward tourism economy in the Borough.

A new visitor guide is key, as well as bespoke graphics strategically placed in Belfast International Airport.

Key objectives:  increase visitor numbers  target a wide audience  showcase key sites and assets  grow awareness of the Borough as a tourist destination  create a Call to Action  create a modern visual identity but also to reflect history and heritage Rationale behind campaign

Brand to support engagement with trade and a partnership approach to the ongoing development of tourism. A new unified tourism identity was to be created alongside a visitor guide and supporting assets.

Subsequent benefits:  A stronger voice for the tourism sector at both local and national levels  Cost effective, co-ordinated marketing targeted at agreed segments  Better engagement with local communities and improved sustainable tourism  Better understanding and improved relationships between local councils and the private sector Strategy and tactics

Brand created in house with visitor guide and additional graphics/assets. In addition to the guide, the creation of comic book publication aimed at children, and replicated as large scale graphics was installed at Belfast International Airport.

Implementation of tactics

 Press launch of brand and guide took place in early September 2016  Graphics designed and installed at 2 locations throughout International Arrivals at Belfast International Airport, showcased at launch  10,000 guides printed and distributed, also online as a digital/download version.  Brand logo and assets available to tourism promotors, hoteliers and service providers.

Measurement and evaluation

 Average 2000 passengers walk past tourism graphics daily in international arrivals  Positive press coverage for launch of the brand and guide  Online readership –6,945 impressions over 8 month period  Tourism promotors –using 10,000 to 20,000 copies.


 Industry buy in from sector, digital tool kit being developed for strategic partners to roll out brand on their own promotions  Awareness increasing as result of panels at airport  Requests from visitor centres in UK and Ireland the Guide  Momentum in sector to develop tourism strategy

Budget and cost-effectiveness

£10,000 budget. Project delivered £1000 under budget.