May 10, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 3103 Shays Stump Walker Gallegly Lujan Rowland (GA) NAYS-0 Skeen Sundquist Watkins Gallo Luken,Thomas Roybal Skelton Tallon Waxman Garcia Lakenns, Donald Russo NOT VOTING-11 Smith(TX) Taylor Weber Gaydos Lungren Sabo Biaggi Spence Spratt Thomas (GA) Wolf Gejdenson Mack Saiki Boland Hubbard Traxler Stallings Udall Wylie Gekas Madigan Savage Boulter MacKay Yates Stenholm Valentine (AK) Gephardt Manton Sawyer Daub Mica Gibbons Markey Saxton NOT VOTING—13 Gilman Marlenee Schaefer • 1752 Blaggi Duncan Spence Gingrich Martin (IL) Seheuer Boland Hubbard Traxier Glickman Martin (NY) Schneider So (two-thirds having voted in favor Boulter MacKay Yates Gonsales Martines Schroeder thereof) the rules were suspended and Daub Mica Goodling Matsut Schuette the bill, as amended, was passed. Donnelly Shumway Gordon Mavroules Schulze Gradison Mazzoli Schumer The result of the vote was an­ • 1744 Grandy McCandless Sensenbrenner nounced as above recorded. Grant McCloskey Sharp A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. LIVINGSTON changed his vote Gray(IL) McCollum Shaw the table. from "yea" to "nay." Gray (PA) McCrery Shays So (two-thirds not having voted in Green McCurdy Shumway Gregg McDade Shuster favor thereof) the motion was reject- Guarini McEwen Sikorski MAJOR FRAUD ACT OF 1988 ed. Gunderson McGrath Sisisky The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The result of the vote was an- Hall (OH) McHugh Skaggs Hall (TX) McMillan (NC) Skeen pending business is the question of nounced as above recorded. Hamilton McMillen (MD) Skelton suspending the rules and passing the Hammerschmidt Meyers Slattery bill, H.R. 3911, as amended. Hansen Mfume Slaughter (NY) The Clerk read the title of the bill. • 1745 Harris Michel Slaughter (VA) Hastert Miller (CA) Smith (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The BERNE CONVENTION Hatcher Miller (OH) Smith (IA) question is on the motion offered by IMPLEMENTATION ACT OF 1988 Hawkins Miller (WA) Smith (NE) the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. Hayes (IL) Mineta Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Hayes (LA) Moakley Smith (TX) HUGHES] that the House suspend the GRAY of Illinois). The pending busi- Hefley Molinari Smith, Denny rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3911, as ness is the question of suspending the Hefner Mollonan (OR) amended, on which the yeas and nays Henry Montgomery Smith, Robert are ordered. rules and passing the bill, H.R. 4262, Herger Moody (NH) as amended. Hertel Moorhead Smith, Robert The vote was taken by electronic The Clerk read the title of the bill. Hiler Morella (OR) device, and there were—yeas 419, nays Hochbrueckner Morrison (CT) Snowe 0, not voting 12, as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Holloway Morrison (WA) Solarz question is on the motion offered by Hopkins Mrazek Solomon [Roll No. 117] the gentleman from Wisconsin [Mr. Horton Murphy Spratt YEAS—419 Houghton Murtha St Germain KASTENMEIER] that the House suspend Hoyer Myers Staggers Ackerman Chapman Espy the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4262, Huckaby Nagle Stallings Akaka Chappell Evans as amended, on which the yeas and Hughes Natcher Stangeland Alexander Cheney nays are ordered. Hunter Neal Stark Clarke Fawell Hutto Nelson Stenholm Andrews Clay Fazio The vote was taken by electronic Hyde Nichols Stokes Annunzio Clement Feighan device, and there were—yeas 420, nays Inhofe Nielson Stratton Anthony Clinger Fields 0, not voting 11, as follows: Ireland Nowak Studds Applegate Coats Fish Jacobs Oakar Stump Archer Coble Flake [Roll No. 116] Jeffords Oberstar Sundquist Armey Coelho Flippo YEAS-420 Jenkins Obey Sweeney Aspin Coleman (MO) Florio Johnson (CT) Olin Swift Atkins Coleman (TX) Foglletta Ackerman Bruce Dellums Johnson (SD) Ortiz 8windall AuCoin Collins Foley Akaka Bryant Derrick Jones (NC) Owens (NY) Synar Badham Combest (MI) Alexander Buechner DeWine Jones (TN) Owens (UT) Tallon Baker Conte Ford(TN) Anderson Bunning Dickinson Jontz Oxley Tauke Ballenger Conyers Frank Andrews Burton Dicks Kanjorski Packard Tauzin Barnard Cooper Frenzel Annunzio Bustamante Dingell Kaptur Panetta Taylor Bartlett Coughlin Frost Anthony Byron DioGuardi Kasich Parris Thomas (CA) Barton Courter Gallegly Applegate Callahan Dixon Kastenmeier Pashayan Thomas (GA) Bateman Coyne Gallo Archer Campbell Donnelly Kemp Patterson Torres Bates Craig Garcia Armey Cardin Dorgan (ND) Kennedy Pease Torricelli Beilenson Crane Gaydos Aspin Carper Dornan (CA) Kennelly Pelosi Towns Bennett Crockett Gejdenson Atkins Carr Dowdy Kildee Penny Traficant Bentley Dannemeyer Gekas AuCoin Chandler Downey Kleczka Pepper Udall Bereuter Darden Gephardt Badham Chapman Dreier Kolbe Perkins Upton Berman Davis (IL) Gibbons Baker Chappell Durbin Kolter Petri Valentine Bevill Davis (MI) Gilman Ballenger Cheney Dwyer Konnyu Pickett Vander Jagt Bilbray de la Garza Gingrich Barnard Clarke Dymally Kostmayer Pickle Vento Bilirakis DeFazio Glickman Bartlett Clay Dyson Kyl Porter Visclosky Bliley DeLay Gonzalez Barton Clement Early LaFalce Price Volkmer Boehlert Dellums Goodling Bateman Clinger Eckart Lagomarsino Pursell Vucanovich Boggs Derrick Gordon Bates Coats Edwards (CA) Lancaster Quillen Walgren Bonior DeWine Gradison Bellenson Coble Edwards (OK) Lantos Rahall Walker Bonker Dickinson Grandy Bennett Coelho Emerson Latta Rangel Walkins Borski Dicks Grant Bentley Coleman (MO) English Leach (IA) Ravenel Waxman Boucher Dingell Gray (IL) Bereuter Coleman (TX) Erdreich Leath (TX) Ray Weber Boxer DioGuardi Gray (PA) Berman Collins Espy Lehman (CA) Regula Weiss Brennan Dixon Green Bevill Combest Evans Lehman (FL) Rhodes Weldon Donnelly Gregg Bilbray Conte Fascell Leland Richardson Wheat Broomfield Dorgan (ND) Guarini Bilirakis Conyers Fawell Lent Ridge Whittaker Brown (CA) Dornan (CA) Gunderson Bliley Cooper Fazio Levin (MI) Rinaldo Whitten Brown (CO) Dowdy Hall (OH) Boehlert Coughlin Feighan Levine (CA) Ritter Williams Bruce Downey Hall(TX) Boggs Courter Fields Lewis (CA) Roberts Wilson Bryant Dreier Hamilton Bonior Coyne Fish Lewis (FL) Robinson Wise Buechner Durbin Hammerschmidi Bonker Craig Flake Lewis (GA) Rodino Wolf Bunning Dwyer Hansen Borski Crane Flippo Lightfoot Roe Wolpe Burton Dymally Harris Bosco Crockett Florio Lipinski Rogers Wortley Bustamante Dyson Hastert Boucher Dannesneyer Foglietta Livingston Rose Wyden Byron Early Hatcher Boxer Darden Foley Lloyd Rostenkowski Wylie Callahan Eckart Hawkins Brennan Davis (IL) Ford (MI) Lott Roth Yatron Campbell Edwards (CA) Hayes (IL) Brooks Davis (MI) Ford(TN) Lowery (CA) Roukema Young (AK) Cardin Edwards (OK) Hayes (LA) Broomfleld de la Garza Frank Lowry (WA) Rowland (CT) Young (FL) Carper Emerson Hefley Brown (CA) DeFazio Frenzel Carr English Hefner Brown (CO) DeLay Frost Chandler Erdreich Henry H 3104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD —HOUSE May 10, 1988 Herger McMillen (MD) Schulze The result of the vote was an­ Kleczka Nagle Skeen Hertel Meyers Schumer Kolbe Natcher Skelton Hiler Mfume Sensenbrenner nounced as above recorded. Kolter Neal Slattery Hochbrueckner Michel Sharp A motion to reconsider was laid on Konnyu Nelson Slaughter (NY) Holloway Miller (CA) Shaw the table. Kostmayer Nichols Slaughter (VA) Hopkins Miller (OH) Shays Kyl Nielson Smith (FL) Horton Miller (WA) Shumway LaFalce Nowak Smith (IA) Houchton Mineta Shuster Lagomarsino Oakar Smith (NE) Hoyer Moakley Sikorski TERRORISTS FIREARMS Lancaster Oberstar Smith (NJ) Huckaby Molinari Sisisky DETECTION ACT OF 1988 Lantos Obey Smith (TX) Hughes Mollohan Skaggs Latta Olin Smith, Denny Hunter Montgomery Skeen The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Leach (IA) Ortiz (OR) Hutto Moody Skelton GRAY of Illinois). The pending busi­ Leath (TX) Owens (NY) Smith, Robert Hyde Moorhead Slattery ness is the question of suspending the Lehman (CA) Owens (UT) (NH) Inhofe Morella Slaughter (NY) Lehman (FL) Oxley Smith, Robert Ireland Morrison (CT) Slaughter (VA) rules and passing the bill, H.R. 4445, Leland Packard (OR) Jacobs Morrison (WA) Smith (PL) as amended. Lent Panetta Snowe Jeffords Mrazek Smith (IA) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Levin (MI) Parris Solarz Jenkins Murphy Smith (NE) Levine (CA) Pashayan Solomon Johnson (CT) Murtha Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lewis (CA) Patterson Spratt Johnson (SD) Myers Smith (TX) question is on the motion offered by Lewis (FL) Pease St Germain Janes (NC) Nagle Smith, Denny the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. Lewis (GA) Pelosi Staggers Jones (TN) Natcher (OR) HUGHES] that the House suspend the Lightfoot Penny Stallings Jontz Neal Smith, Robert Lipinski Pepper Stangeland Kanjonki Nelson (NH) rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4445, as Livingston Perkins Stark Kaptur Nichols Smith. Robert amended, on which the yeas and nays Lloyd Petri Stenholm Kasich Nielson (OR) are ordered. Lott Pickett Stokes Kastenmeier Nowak Snowe Lowery (CA) Pickle Stratton Kemp Oakar Solarz The vote was taken by electronic Lowry (WA) Porter Studds Kennedy Oberstar Solomon device, and there were—yeas 413, nays Lujan Price Stump Kennelly Obey Spratt 4, not voting 14, as follows: Luken, Thomas Quillen Sundquist Kildee Olin St Germain Lukens, Donald Rahall Sweeney Kleczka Ortiz Staggers [Roll No. 118] Lungren Rangel Swift Kolbe Owens (NY) Stallings YEAS-413 Mack Ravenel Swindall Kolter Owens (UT) Stangeland Manton Ray Synar Konnyu Oxley Stark Ackerman Coleman (MO) Gaydos Markey Regula Tallon Kostmayer Packard Stenholm Akaka Coleman (TX) Gejdenson Marlenee Rhodes Tauke Kyl Panetta Stokes Alexander Collins Gekas Martin (IL) Richardson Tauzin LaFalce Parris Stratton Anderson Combest Gephardt Martin (NY) Ridge Taylor Lagomarsino Pashayan Studds Andrews Conte Gibbons Martinez Rinaldo Thomas (CA) Lancaster Patterson Stump Annunzio Conyers Gilman Matsui Ritter Thomas (GA) Lantos Pease Sundquist Anthony Cooper Gingrich Mavroules Roberts Torres Latta Pelosi Sweeney Applegate Coughlin Glickman Mazzoli Robinson Torricelli Leach (IA) Penny Swift Archer Courter Gonzalez McCandless Rodino Towns Leath(TX) Pepper Swindall Armey Coyne Goodling McCloskey Roe Traficant Lehman (CA) Perkins Synar Aspin Craig Gordon McCollum Rogers Udall Lehman (FL) Petri Tallon Atkins Crockett Gradison McCrery Rose Upton Leland Pickett Tauke AuCoin Dannemeyer Grandy McCurdy Rostenkowski Valentine Lent Pickle Tauzin Badham Darden Grant McDade Roth VanderJagt Levin (MI) Porter Taylor Baker Davis (IL) Gray (IL) McEwen Roukema Vento Levine (CA) Price Thomas (CA) Ballenger Davis (MI) Gray (PA) McGrath Rowland (CT) Visclosky Lewis (CA) Pursell Thomas (GA) Barnard de la Garza Green McHugh Rowland (GA) Volkmer Lewis (FL) Quillen Torres Bartlett DeFazio Gregg McMillan (NC) Roybal Walgren Lewis (GA) Rahall Torricelli Barton DeLay Guarini McMillen (MD) Russo Walker Lightfoot Rangel Towns Bateman Dellums Gunderson Meyers Sabo Watkins Lipinski Ravenel Traficant Bates Derrick Hall (OH) Mfume Saiki Waxman Livingston Ray Udail Beilenson DeWine Hamilton Michel Savage Weber Lloyd Regula Upton Bennett Dickinson Hammerschmidt Miller (CA) Sawyer Weiss Lott Rhodes Valentine Bentley Dicks Hansen Miller (OH) Saxton Weldon Lowery (CA) Richardson Vander Jagt Bereuter Dingell Harris Miller (WA) Schaefer Wheat Lowry (WA) Ridge Vento Berman DioGuardi Hastert Mineta Scheuer Whittaker Lujan Rinaldo Visclosky Bevill Dixon Hatcher Moakley Schneider Whitten Luken, Thomas Ritter Volkmer Bilbray Donnelly Hawkins Molinari Schroeder Williams Lukens, Donald Roberts Vucanovich Billrakis Dorgan (ND) Hayes (IL) Mollohan Schuette Wilson Lungren Robinson Walgren Billey Dornan (CA) Hayes (LA) Montgomery Schulze Wise Mack Rodino Walker Boehlert Dowdy Hefley Moody Schumer Wolf Madigan Roe Watkins Boggs Downey Hefner Moorhead Sensenbrenner Wolpe Manton Rogers Waxman Bonior Dreier Henry Morella Sharp Wortley Markey Rose Weber Bonker Durbin Herger Morrison (CT) Shaw Wyden Marlenee Rostenkowski Weiss Borski Dwyer Hertel Morrison (WA) Shays Wylie Martin (IL) Roth Weldon Bosco Dymally Hiler Mrazek Shuster Yatron Martin (NY) Roukema Wheat Boucher Dyson Hochbrueckner Murphy Sikorski Young (AK) Martines Rowland (CT) Whittaker Boxer Early Holloway Murtha Sisisky Young (FL) Matsui Rowland (GA) Whitten Brennan Eckart Hopkins Myers Skaggs Mavroules Roybal Williams Brooks Edwards (CA) Horton Mazzoli Russo Wilson Broomfleld Edwards (OK) Houghton NAYS-4 McCandless Sabo Wise Brown (CA) Emerson Hoyer Cheney Shumway McCloskey Saiki Wolf Brown (CO) English Huckaby McCollum Savage Wolpe Bruce Erdreich Hughes Crane Vucanovlch McCrery Sawyer Wortley Bryant Espy Hunter NOT VOTING-14 McCurdy Saxton Wyden Buechner Evans Hutto McDade Schaefer Wylie Bunning Fascell Hyde Biaggi Hall (TX) Pursell McEwen Scheuer Yatron Burton Fawell Inhofe Boland Hubbard Spence McGrath Schneider Young (AK) Bustamante Fazio Ireland Boulter MacKay Traxier McHugh Schroeder Young (FL) Byron Feighan Jacobs Daub Madigan Yates McMillan (NC) Schuette Callahan Fields Jeffords Duncan Mica Campbell Fish Jenkins NAYS-0 Cardin Flake Johnson (CT) • 1807 NOT VOTING-12 Carper Flippo Johnson (SD) Carr Florio Jones (NC) So (two-thirds having voted in favor Biaggi Daub Mica Chandler Foglietta Jones (TN) thereof) the rules were suspended and Boland Duncan Spence Chapman Foley Jontz Bosco Hubbard Traxier Chappell Ford (MI) Kanjorski the bill, as amended, was passed. Boulter MacKay Yates Clarke Ford(TN) Kaptur The results of the vote was an­ Clay Frank Kasich • 1800 Clement Frenzel Kastenmeier nounced as above recorded. So (two-thirds having voted in favor Clinger Frost Kemp A motion to reconsider was laid on Coats Gallegly Kennedy the table. thereof) the rules were suspended and Coble Gallo Kennelly the bill, as amended, was passed. Coelho Garcia Kildee