Dooley Kyl Reed Yates (AK) Zeliff McDade Ray Snowe Doolittle LaFalce Regula Yatron Young (FL) Zimmer McEwen Regula Solomon Dorgan (ND) Lagomarsino Rhodes McGrath Rhodes Spence Dornan (CA) Lancaster Ridge NOES—27 McMillan (NC) Ridge Stearns Downey Lantos Riggs Alexander Gonzalez Moran Meyers Riggs Stenholm Dreier LaRocco Rinaldo Broomfield Green Natcher Michel Ritter Stump Laughlin Ritter Carr Hammerschmidt Pelosi Miller (OH) Roberts Sundquist Durbin Leach Roberts Coleman (TX) Hertel Perkins Miller (WA) Rogers Tauzin Eckart Lehman (CA) Roe Dixon Hoyer Pickle Molinari Rohrabacher Taylor (NC) Edwards (CA) Lehman (FL) Roemer Dwyer Lowery (CA) Quillen Montgomery Roth Thomas (CA) Edwards (OK) Lent Rogers Early McDade Rangel Moorhead Rowland Thomas (GA) Edwards (TX) Levin (MI) Rohrabacher (MI) Michel Roybal Morrison Santorum Thomas (WY) Emerson Lewis (CA) Rose Gilman Miller (OH) Wolf Myers Sarpalius Upton Engel Lewis (FL) Rostenkowski Nichols Saxton Vander Jagt NOT VOTING—19 English Lewis (GA) Roth Nussle Schaefer Vucanovich Erdreich Lightfoot Roukema Ackerman Gekas Torres Oxley Schiff Walker Packard Schulze Walsh Espy Lipinski Rowland Barnard Hefner Traxler Parker Sensenbrenner Weber Evans Livingston Russo Bonior Levine (CA) Waxman Paxon Shaw Weldon Ewing Lloyd Sabo Boxer Richardson Whitten Petri Shuster Williams Long Sanders Bustamante Ros-Lehtinen Wilson Pickett Sisisky Wolf Fawell Lowey (NY) Sangmeister Dymally Schroeder Pickle Skeen Wylie Fazio Luken Santorum Fish Tallon Feighan Machtley Porter Skelton Young (AK) Sarpalius So the amendments en bloc were Pursell Smith (NJ) Young (FL) Fields Manton Savage Flake Markey agreed to. Quillen Smith (OR) Zeliff Sawyer Ramstad Smith (TX) Zimmer Foglietta Marlenee Saxton After some further time, Ford (TN) Martin Schaefer The Committee rose informally to re- NOES—236 Frank (MA) Martinez Scheuer Franks (CT) Matsui ceive a message from the President. Abercrombie Gaydos Mrazek Schiff Alexander Gejdenson Murphy Frost Mavroules Schulze The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Gallegly Mazzoli Gephardt Murtha Schumer Gallo McCandless WISE, assumed the Chair. Andrews (ME) Gibbons Natcher Sensenbrenner Gaydos McCloskey Andrews (NJ) Gilchrest Neal (MA) Serrano Gejdenson McCollum T81.18 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Andrews (TX) Gilman Neal (NC) Sharp Gephardt McCrery Annunzio Glickman Nowak Shaw A message in writing from the Presi- Geren McCurdy Anthony Gonzalez Oakar Shays Gibbons McDermott dent of the United States was commu- Applegate Gordon Oberstar Shuster Gilchrest McEwen nicated to the House by Mr. Aspin Guarini Obey Sikorski Gillmor McGrath Atkins Hall (OH) Olin Sisisky McCathran, one of his secretaries. Gingrich McHugh AuCoin Hamilton Olver Skaggs Glickman McMillan (NC) The Committee resumed its sitting; Bacchus Harris Ortiz Skeen Beilenson Hatcher Orton Goodling McMillen (MD) and after some further time spent Bennett Hayes (IL) Owens (NY) Gordon McNulty Skelton therein, Berman Hertel Owens (UT) Goss Meyers Slattery Bevill Hoagland Pallone Gradison Mfume Slaughter 81.19 RECORDED VOTE Bilbray Hochbrueckner Panetta Grandy Miller (CA) Smith (FL) T Blackwell Horn Pastor Guarini Miller (WA) Smith (IA) A recorded vote by electronic device Boehlert Hoyer Patterson Gunderson Mineta Smith (NJ) was ordered in the Committee of the Borski Hubbard Payne (NJ) Hall (OH) Mink Smith (OR) Boucher Hughes Payne (VA) Hall (TX) Moakley Smith (TX) Whole on the following amendments en Jacobs Pease Hamilton Molinari Snowe bloc, as modified, submitted by Mr. Browder Jefferson Pelosi Hancock Mollohan Solarz MCDADE: Brown Johnston Penny Hansen Montgomery Solomon Bruce Jones (GA) Perkins Harris Moody Spence Page 23, line 23, strike ‘‘$3,014,000’’ and in- Bryant Jones (NC) Peterson (FL) Hastert Moorhead Spratt sert ‘‘$3,100,000’’. Campbell (CO) Jontz Peterson (MN) Hatcher Morella Staggers Page 29, line 9, strike ‘‘$2,314,000’’ and in- Cardin Kanjorski Poshard Hayes (IL) Morrison Stallings sert ‘‘$2,228,000’’. Carper Kaptur Price Hayes (LA) Mrazek Stark Page 76, strike lines 18 through 20. Carr Kennedy Rahall Hefley Murphy Stearns Chapman Kennelly Rangel Henry Murtha Stenholm It was decided in the Yeas ...... 183 Clay Kildee Ravenel Herger Myers Stokes negative ...... Nays ...... 236 Clement Kleczka Reed Hoagland Nagle Studds Coleman (TX) Kolter Rinaldo Hobson Neal (MA) Stump T81.20 [Roll No. 256]! Collins (IL) Kopetski Roe Hochbrueckner Neal (NC) Sundquist Collins (MI) Kostmayer Roemer Holloway Nichols AYES—183 Swett Conyers LaFalce Rose Hopkins Nowak Allard DeLay Herger Swift Cooper Lantos Rostenkowski Horn Nussle Allen Dickinson Hobson Synar Costello LaRocco Roukema Horton Oakar Archer Doolittle Holloway Tanner Cox (IL) Laughlin Roybal Houghton Oberstar Armey Dornan (CA) Hopkins Tauzin Cramer Leach Russo Hubbard Obey Baker Dreier Horton Taylor (MS) Darden Lehman (FL) Sabo Huckaby Olin Ballenger Duncan Houghton Taylor (NC) de la Garza Levin (MI) Sanders Hughes Olver Barrett Edwards (OK) Huckaby Thomas (CA) DeFazio Lewis (GA) Sangmeister Hunter Ortiz Barton Edwards (TX) Hunter Thomas (GA) DeLauro Lipinski Savage Hutto Orton Bateman Emerson Hutto Thomas (WY) Dellums Lloyd Sawyer Hyde Owens (NY) Bentley English Hyde Thornton Derrick Long Scheuer Inhofe Owens (UT) Bereuter Erdreich Inhofe Torricelli Dicks Lowey (NY) Schroeder Ireland Oxley Bilirakis Ewing Ireland Towns Dingell Luken Schumer Jacobs Packard Bliley Fawell James Traficant Dixon Machtley Serrano James Pallone Boehner Fields Jenkins Unsoeld Donnelly Manton Sharp Jefferson Panetta Brewster Franks (CT) Johnson (CT) Upton Dooley Markey Shays Jenkins Parker Broomfield Gallegly Johnson (SD) Valentine Dorgan (ND) Martinez Sikorski Johnson (CT) Pastor Bunning Gallo Johnson (TX) Vander Jagt Downey Matsui Skaggs Johnson (SD) Patterson Burton Gekas Kasich Durbin Mavroules Slattery Johnson (TX) Paxon Vento Byron Geren Klug Dwyer Mazzoli Slaughter Johnston Payne (NJ) Visclosky Callahan Gillmor Kolbe Early McCloskey Smith (FL) Jones (GA) Payne (VA) Volkmer Camp Gingrich Kyl Eckart McCurdy Smith (IA) Jones (NC) Pease Vucanovich Campbell (CA) Goodling Lagomarsino Edwards (CA) McDermott Solarz Jontz Penny Walker Chandler Goss Lancaster Engel McHugh Spratt Kanjorski Peterson (FL) Walsh Clinger Gradison Lehman (CA) Espy McMillen (MD) Staggers Kaptur Peterson (MN) Washington Coble Grandy Lent Evans McNulty Stallings Kasich Petri Waters Coleman (MO) Green Lewis (CA) Fascell Mfume Stark Kennedy Pickett Weber Combest Gunderson Lewis (FL) Fazio Miller (CA) Stokes Kennelly Porter Weiss Condit Hall (TX) Lightfoot Feighan Mineta Studds Kildee Poshard Weldon Coughlin Hammerschmidt Livingston Flake Mink Swett Kleczka Price Wheat Cox (CA) Hancock Lowery (CA) Foglietta Moakley Swift Klug Pursell Williams Coyne Hansen Marlenee Ford (MI) Mollohan Synar Kolbe Rahall Wise Crane Hastert Martin Ford (TN) Moody Tanner Kolter Ramstad Wolpe Cunningham Hayes (LA) McCandless Frank (MA) Moran Taylor (MS) Kopetski Ravenel Wyden Dannemeyer Hefley McCollum Frost Morella Thornton Kostmayer Ray Wylie Davis Henry McCrery


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