279 — 16 March 2016 Editor: Bo Reipurth ([email protected]) List of Contents
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THE STAR FORMATION NEWSLETTER An electronic publication dedicated to early stellar/planetary evolution and molecular clouds No. 279 — 16 March 2016 Editor: Bo Reipurth ([email protected]) List of Contents The Star Formation Newsletter Interview ...................................... 3 My Favorite Object ............................ 5 Editor: Bo Reipurth [email protected] Perspective .................................... 9 Technical Editor: Eli Bressert Abstracts of Newly Accepted Papers .......... 14 [email protected] Dissertation Abstracts ........................ 45 Technical Assistant: Hsi-Wei Yen New Jobs ..................................... 46 [email protected] Meetings ..................................... 48 Editorial Board Summary of Upcoming Meetings ............. 52 Joao Alves Alan Boss Jerome Bouvier Lee Hartmann Thomas Henning Cover Picture Paul Ho Jes Jorgensen W5 is a major star forming region in the Perseus Charles J. Lada arm of our Galaxy at a distance of 1.95 kpc. Thijs Kouwenhoven W5 harbors the young cluster IC 1848 which con- Michael R. Meyer tains a small group of O-stars that excite a large Ralph Pudritz bubble-shaped HII region. The cover picture is Luis Felipe Rodr´ıguez a three-color composite showing infrared observa- Ewine van Dishoeck tions from two Spitzer instruments. Blue represents Hans Zinnecker 3.6-micron light and green shows light of 8 microns, both captured by Spitzer’s infrared array camera. The Star Formation Newsletter is a vehicle for Red is 24-micron light detected by Spitzer’s multi- fast distribution of information of interest for as- band imaging photometer. tronomers working on star and planet formation and molecular clouds. You can submit material Image courtesy Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Cal- for the following sections: Abstracts of recently tech. accepted papers (only for papers sent to refereed journals), Abstracts of recently accepted major re- views (not standard conference contributions), Dis- sertation Abstracts (presenting abstracts of new Ph.D dissertations), Meetings (announcing meet- ings broadly of interest to the star and planet for- Submitting your abstracts mation and early solar system community), New Jobs (advertising jobs specifically aimed towards Latex macros for submitting abstracts persons within the areas of the Newsletter), and and dissertation abstracts (by e-mail to Short Announcements (where you can inform or re- [email protected]) are appended to quest information from the community). Addition- each Call for Abstracts. You can also ally, the Newsletter brings short overview articles submit via the Newsletter web inter- on objects of special interest, physical processes or face at http://www2.ifa.hawaii.edu/star- theoretical results, the early solar system, as well formation/index.cfm as occasional interviews. Newsletter Archive www.ifa.hawaii.edu/users/reipurth/newsletter.htm Q: In 1986 you made a large unbiased survey of molecular clouds searching for outflows, and many of those you found Yasuo Fukui are now classic outflows. How have your conclusions held in conversation with Bo Reipurth up with time? A: The Nagoya team discovered more than 50 outflows in the survey as reviewed in PPIII etc. Around 1990 we reached two conclusions. First, the discoveries showed that molecular outflows are driven not only by high lu- minosity stars like the Orion BN object but also by sun- like low-luminosity stars. This supports the idea that the solar-type stars commonly experience the outflow phase. Second, outflows were shown to be associated with driv- ing sources having very red spectral energy distributions, implying that they are in the mass - accretion phase, most probably protostars. These conclusions are consis- tent with the outcomes of subsequent studies and are now common knowledge. In the astrophysics of outflows, it still remains to be tested observationally if the details of launching an outflow matches theories, including the con- firmation of its spinning motion along its axis. Q: How did you enter into the field of molecular clouds and star formation? Q: More recently you have explored the southern sky with the NANTEN and NANTEN2 telescopes. Please describe A: I originally thought of majoring in high energy astro- these facilities. physics when I was an undergraduate student. I changed my mind when I attended lectures on a new field, inter- A: I had a plan to build a southern mm observatory in stellar molecules, given by Takeshi Oka. I found that in- 1987. Discussions with Mitsuaki Fujimoto inspired me to- terstellar molecular clouds were new and so fascinating. ward the Magellanic Clouds and other southern objects. I was also attracted by the problem of star formation. I learned that the Magellanic Clouds are an interesting The MNRAS paper by Richard Larson in 1969 was one system where young populous clusters similar to the glob- of my most favorite papers. In the graduate program, I ulars are forming. One of my motivations in the southern joined the radio astronomy group in Tokyo Observatory project was to study the formation of the populous clus- (now NAOJ) and used the 6 m telescope to map molecu- ters, and I also thought the southern survey could offer lar clouds at 3 mm wavelength. The Sgr A molecular cloud valuable insights. However, I found it difficult to build was my thesis topic. an observatory in Chile at that time because there was no legal basis for installing a Japanese telescope in for- Q: You have made major surveys with the Nagoya 4 m eign countries. The first step I took was to build a new millimeter wave telescope. What is the history of this tele- 4m telescope in Nagoya while I sustained my efforts for its scope? transfer to Chile. After a while, the government suggested A: I moved to Nagoya in 1980 and built the 4m mm tele- that I make a campaign for fund-raising to secure the oper- scope in 1982 – 1984. I lead the Nagoya team in designing ational costs of the observatory. I thought this over and in the telescope with a skillful craftsman with a wealth of 1994 started to seek contributions from a few hundred pri- experience. He manufactured the telescope in his small vate companies and the public. I gave a number of public machine shop. The budget was limited and 4 m was the lectures on the southern project and finally amassed the maximum dish diameter we could afford in a small uni- necessary funds. The government then supported to move versity laboratory. Later, I realized that the choice of the the telescope to Chile. I installed the new 4m telescope at dish size was right, particularly for observing star forming Las Campanas Observatory in 1996 and named it NAN- regions at pc scale resolution over a large field. 4 m is not TEN (“the southern sky” in Japanese) through a call to too small but also not too large. I also lead the develop- the public for suggestions. The Nagoya team surveyed the ment of low noise receivers since the receiver sensitivity is CO J = 1 − 0 emission in the southern Milky Way and the key for large scale mapping. In 1990 the Nagoya team the Magellanic Clouds. In 8 years we almost finished the developed an SIS mixer receiver of the best noise temper- survey from the low altitude (2000m) site and decided to ature at the CO J = 1 − 0 wavelength. Later, the noise move the telescope to a higher place good for sub-mm op- temperature was adopted as the design goal of the ALMA eration. In 2004 we upgraded the telescope by changing band 3 receiver. the main dish with one having three times higher accu- 3 racy and we enclosed the telescope by an astrodome to Q: Most recently, using ALMA, you have studied star for- achieve higher pointing and surface accuracy. This new mation in N 159 in the LMC, and discovered the first ex- sub-mm facility was named NANTEN2 and was installed tragalactic molecular outflows. You also found evidence in Atacama at an altitude of 4865m. for triggered star formation as a result of filament colli- Q: In your 2010 Annual Reviews article with Akiko Kawa- sions. Please summarize your results. mura you summarize your work with NANTEN on the A: N 159 is the most active on-going star-forming region Magellanic Clouds. What are your main conclusions? in the LMC among the NANTEN GMCs. So, we chose it A: With NANTEN we covered the whole LMC and SMC as the first target for ALMA in the LMC. In the ALMA in CO emission and mapped 300GMCs over the period images we found that the N 159 GMC consists of a number 1997–2003. This is the first sample of resolved GMCs cov- of filamentary clouds like in the Milky Way and that a cou- ering a single galaxy and allowed us to make reasonable ple of young O stars are located toward crossing regions of two filaments. Two of these young stars are found to drive statistics of GMCs. The Milky Way is too much contami- 4 nated toward the disk and one could see only a small num- outflows of a small age like 10 yrs, and one of them is a ber of resolved GMCs. The nearly 300GMCs in the LMC 40 M⊙ young star N 159W-S. We found bipolar outflow to- are classified into three types, “starless GMC”, “GMC ward two overlapping filaments and the clump shows large with only a few O stars”, and “GMC with clusters and HII velocity dispersion characteristic of a collisionally shocked regions” and we interpret that these types indicate evolu- layer. The projected velocity separation of the two fila- ments is only 2 km s−1 but we infer the actual difference tionary stages from low- to high-level of star formation in −1 a typical GMC lifetime of 20–30 Myr.