June 2019 Topeka, Kansas Vol
Grace Episcopal Cathedral June 2019 Topeka, Kansas Vol. 93, No. 6 From Mother Nic Practicing the Way of Love Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate “When the day of Pentecost had come, the apostles were all together Michael Curry has in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush won a broadcasting of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.” award for his —Acts 2:1-2 sermon last year at the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The Bishop of Repton, Jan McFarlane, chair of the Sandford St. Martin Trust, said, “One of the indisputable broadcasting highlights of the 2018 royal wedding was Bishop Curry’s sermon. His words were broadcast around the world and were instrumental in shining a spotlight on the central role faith plays in the wider social discourse, and on how religion can be both hugely engaging and unifying for the public.” An estimated 1.9 billion people worldwide heard Bishop Curry remind us all, “Love is the way.” I am a great believer in practice. Do I like to practice? No, I do not. But, I know practicing helps me get better at doing something. One of the examples from my own life has to do with prayer, specifically extemporaneous prayer, or prayer without a book. The first time I remember being asked to pray without the Book of Common Prayer, was at the bedside of someone critically ill. I knew the continued on page 2 From Mother Nic About the window… culture of the person, family, and importantly, Jesus lived out God’s On the top left corner this issue’s friends, but I was not a member of great love for us in all that he was cover, we feature the Pentecost (or that particular culture.
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