GNFN Tabloid Harvest 13.Qxd

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GNFN Tabloid Harvest 13.Qxd Inside ▲ New bishop - 3 Community hub - 5 We love Norfolk - 6 GOOD NEWS Christian bikers - 9 FOR NORWICH & NORFOLK Harvest 2013: FREE Royal honour - 10 New church will be a lighthouse for town Jan takes on ■ SHERINGHAM: A new church came into being been raised by selling existing property, grants, media role for in Sheringham on Sunday September 1, as the loans, fund-raising and the generosity of church town's Baptists moved into their brand new centre members. "We took up a special collection to help on Cromer Road, and became known as the meet the remaining £25,000 needed to complete Archbishop Lighthouse Community Church, in a move to the fitting out of the building," explained Finance become more accessible to the community. Manager Chris Gould. "That collection raised a ■ NORWICH: Archdeacon of Norwich, the "We have waited at least 18 years for this day," stunning total of over £50,000, which means we Venerable Jan McFarlane, became the acting said Ivor Charsley, one of the church leaders. will be able to purchase the rest of the equipment press secretary to the Archbishop of Canterbury, "During that time we have coped with cramped needed." based at Lambeth Palace in London from and dated facilities. Now God has given us this The grand opening of the new centre took September 2. fabulous new centre." place on Saturday September 21. Jan, who is also communications director for The need for a new building became more "This does feel like we've now arrived," said the Diocese of Norwich, will be handling the acute a few years ago when it emerged that the Pastor Bryan Pickard. "But in actual fact this is media for the Rt Rev Justin Welby, who became Holway Road Baptist church building required "Although it has been a long journey," said Ivor, really only the start of our journey. We want Archbishop in March and has already had to significant structural work. A re-build on that site "everything has fallen into place when it needed to share this wonderful new facility with our tackle issues such as the crisis in Syria, pay day was considered, but when the old Abbeyfield care to, including the funding, which is a sure sign that community in North Norfolk, and show them the lenders such as, Pope Francis, the home became available in late 2009, it soon God's hand has been upon this project from the joy we have in knowing God". G8 Summit, poverty and injustice across the became clear that this was the site that God had beginning". ■ world, gay marriage and the future of the chosen for the new church centre. The project has cost £1.5m in total, which has By Tony Rothe Anglican Communion. Jan has taken on the key role for a few months until a new director of communi- cations is appointed by the Archbishop. Jan has been in Who Cares? the Norwich commu- nications role for 14 years and under- stands the structures of the CofE, being a member of General Synod. The role will be to challenge provide media cover and advice on communica- tions and media to the Archbishop and to help shape the new role for the person appointed. "It will be fascinating to learn more about the day-to-day ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and living in historic Lambeth Palace, overlooking the Thames and Big Ben is to Norfolk a once in a lifetime opportunity," she said. "At the same time I'm very aware of the responsibility of handling the Archbishop's communications and prayers would be much appreciated!" Asked if she was interested in the permanent role, Jan said: "I've not applied for the new post churches as I'm a priest at heart and want to stay in a diocesan role. I'll be living in the attic of Lambeth Palace and returning to my husband and puppy here in Norwich whenever the Archbishop's diary major mission involving scores of Bishop of Norwich, said: "'Who Cares?' is often tool to enable them to impact their community, allows!" churches and thousands of young said by those who have grown cynical about coming out of caring and loving relationships. A people is set to be held in Norfolk our society. This mission initiative is a very This provides a great opportunity to communi- during 2014 after a successful launch during simple means of enabling churches to make cate the Gospel. It is one of many that Hope the Newday festival at the Royal Norfolk fresh contact with the communities of which would recommend and we're thrilled to be Fiona Castle in Norwich Showground in August. they're part and to show that they care for partnering with this in the summer of 2014." Who Cares? was launched first to around 75 everyone because God cares for them. It's a Rob Tervet, from Attleborough Community ■ NORWICH: The Flame Trust presents an church leaders from across Norfolk and then to practical initiative, achievable and worthwhile, Church, who came up with the original idea evening with Fiona Castle, wife of the late TV 6,000 young people in the Newday Big Top. and which I hope will bring people who've and Ailsa Magee from Kings Community entertainer Roy Castle, on Tuesday September Backing the mission were the Bishop of never known of Jesus Christ's care for them to Church in Norwich will be driving the mission. 24 at Norwich Central Baptist Church. Norwich, Newday leader Joel Virgo, Roy hear his name and discover his love." You can find out more information and regis- In an informal interview setting, Fiona will talk Crowne, executive director of Hope and Nick Roy Crowne, said: "Hope is thrilled the Who ter your interest at about how she coped with the loss of her life Blanch, director of Norwich Youth for Christ. Cares? resource will provide churches with a ■ By Keith Morris partner, well-known entertainer Roy Castle. The simple idea behind the mission – to ask Fiona, a committed Christian, will talk of her people the question "What hurts you the Above and left, the Bishop experience of bereavement alongside some most?" – was enthusiastically received by both of Norwich and local hilarious insights into Roy's life as one of the top audiences. church leaders launch the UK entertainers of all time. The mission plans to use the thousands of Who Cares initiative in the She will also talk of her work in support of young people attending the Newday event in Newday big top. projects in Thailand, in a thought-provoking and August 2014 to pose the question to people fascinating event full of challenge and humour. across Norfolk, with the help of scores of local The event will be hosted by Dave Pope, churches across all denominations. founder of the Flame Trust who works locally and internationally with disadvantaged people. The results will be collated and then local Proceeds from the evening will be used to churches will have the opportunity to respond support Global Care's projects and Flame Trust to the answer in whatever way they feel projects with marginalised people worldwide. appropriate - maybe a sermon series, free An evening with Fiona Castle will be held on booklet, events or pastoral visits for example. Tuesday September 24 at 7.30pm Norwich Alongside the mission is planned a wide- Central Baptist Church, Duke Street. ranging media campaign to raise awareness of Tickets cost £6 and can be bought online at the question and what churches can do to or by calling address it. 01603 743786. Backing the idea, the Rt Rev Graham James, 2 Good News for Norwich & Norfolk, Harvest 2013 NEWS GOOD NEWS Seedtime and harvest - a promise from God FOR NORWICH & NORFOLK ■ ■ Good News for Norwich & Norfolk is In my school days we broke up for harvest Kevin and offer gifts to him. published by Celebrate Norwich & Norfolk. holidays, not summer holidays, to help gather Parfitt, The process of reaching Harvest teaches Registered charity no 1141245. in the crops. A completion of a year's work us patience. It cannot be hurried. We plant ■ Website: from the ploughing, seed sowing and growth Norfolk the seed; conditions will affect its growth and ■ Editorial (01508) 488318. e-mail stories to through to ripening. Whatever the weather farmer and end result. So much of this is outside our [email protected] or send there is a harvest to gather. An exciting time Methodist control. So we need Faith and Hope, giving copy to Pear Tree Farmhouse, Wymondham of the year. thanks to God, for providing our earthly food Road, Wreningham, Norwich NR16 1AT. The earth continues its cycle, with God's local and for the death and resurrection of His son ■ Advertising: Peter Barnes (01603) 743786 promise to Noah, "As long as the earth preacher Jesus who gives us new and lasting spiritual ■ Distribution: Les Champion (01603) 402310 ■ endures seedtime and harvest, cold and life. Editor and designer: Keith Morris heat, summer and winter, day and night will We are each involved in a harvest. We ■ Regular writers: Peter Barnes, Kevin Gotts, never cease." read in Matthew's gospel the parable of the Mike Wiltshire, Sandie Shirley, Helen Baldry, Les Champion. In our churches we celebrate Harvest talents where one person buried his one ■ Printed by Archant Print. Festival during the months of September and lesson for us all to follow of sharing what we talent while the other two invested theirs.
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