The Value of Books
The Value of Books: The York Minster Library as a social arena for commodity exchange. Master’s thesis, 60 credits, Spring 2018 Author: Luke Kelly Supervisor: Gudrun Andersson Seminar chair: Dag Lindström Date: 12/01/2018 HISTORISKA INSTITUTIONEN It would be the height of ignorance, and a great irony, if within a work focused on the donations of books, that the author fails to acknowledge and thank those who assisted in its production. Having been distant from both Uppsala and close friends whilst writing this thesis, (and missing dearly the chances to talk to others in person), it goes without saying that this work would not be possible if I had not had the support of many generous and wonderful people. Although to attempt to thank all those who assisted would, I am sure, fail to acknowledge everyone, a few names should be highlighted: Firstly, thank you to all of my fellow EMS students – the time spent in conversation over coffees shaped more of this thesis than you would ever realise. Secondly, to Steven Newman and all in the York Minster Library – without your direction and encouragement I would have failed to start, let alone finish, this thesis. Thirdly, to all members of History Node, especially Mikael Alm – the continued enthusiasm felt from you all reaches further than you know. Fourthly, to my family and closest – thank you for supporting (and proof reading, Maja Drakenberg) me throughout this process. Any success of the work can be attributed to your assistance. Finally, to Gudrun Andersson – thank you for offering guidance and support throughout this thesis’ production.
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