

I. The two great classical works on the Consejo de Castilla are: A. Martinez Salazar, Colecci6n de memorias y noticias del gobierno y politico del Consejo (, 1764); and P. Escolano de Arrieta, Prtictica del Crlnsejo Real en el despacho de los negocios consultatiuos, instructiuosy contenciosos ... (Madrid, 1796). They contain a wealth of information and are essential for the subject of statecraft. 2. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, 'Les Institutions del'Espagne au XVIIIe Siec!e', Reuue Hispanique, June and August, 1927. 3. The comuneros troubles. 4. Carlos III very soon after his Spanish succession became a widower. 5. For a survey of Spanish institutions in the eighteenth century see G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, op. cit. 6. P. R. Campomanes, Cartas politico-econ6micas, ed. A. Rodriguez Villa (Madrid, 1878). 7. For an account of its history, its complicated constitution and a plan of reform addressed to Carlos IV see G. M. deJovellanos, 'Consulta del real y supremo Consejo de las Ordenes', Bibl. Aut. Esp., vol. XLVI, 1858 (rep. 1963), pp. 457-76. 8. Decree of 8 July. 9· A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de ,s vols. (Paris, 1890) vol. I, PP·575-7· 10. Such dress is to be seen in portraits of, for example, Francisco de Urquijo (Museo de Vitoria, Alava) and Ramon de Pignatelli (Col. Pano, Zaragoza). I I. Many examples and facts mentioned here are to be found in that mine of information,J. Santos Sanchez, Extracto puntual de todas las pragrruiticas, cMulas, provisiones, circulares, publicadas en el reinado ,del senor Don Carlos III (Madrid, 1792--93). 12. J. Mercader Riba, 'La ordenacion de Cataluna por Felipe V: la Nueva Planta', Hispania, XLIII, pp. 257-366. 13. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, L'Espagne de l'ancien regime, 3 vols. (Paris, 1897- 1904) vol. I, pp. I 22ff. 14. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., real ddula, 12 enero de 1740. 15. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., 28 noviembre. 16. Novisima recopilaci6n de las leyes de Espana, Bk. V, tit. X, (Madrid, 1805). 17. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, Reu. Hisp., June 1927, p. 149· 18. Ibid., p. 150. 19. J. Yanguas y Miranda, Diccionario de Antigiiedades del reino de Nauarra (3 vols.), (Madrid, 1840), vol. III, p. 527. 20. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., ordenanza, 13 octubre de 1749· 2 I. Until 30 November 1800 when they were placed under military authority. 22. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, L' Espagnede l'ancien regime, vol. I, pp. 121-40, for the different officers and institutions.

145 Eighteenth-Century , IJ()(}-IJ88

23. Ibid., pp. 52-3 and 61- 24. But in fairness to him it must be taken into account that the Archduke Charles had presided over the Catalan cortes in 1705. 25. The future Luis I. 26. W. Coxe, Historical Memoirs of the Kings ofSpain of the House ofBourbon, vol. II, pp. 137-40 (London, ISI5). 27. Ibid., p. 142. 28. M. Danvila y Collado, Historia del Reinado de Carlos Ill, vol. II, pp. 92-3 (Madrid, 1893-95).


I. For this will see: F. Nicolini, L'Europa durante la guerra, pp. 167-8, trans. in W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Spain under the Bourbons, 17()()-1833, pp. Iff. Louis was most surprised at the will of Carlos, never expecting he would favour France, see duquede Maura, Viday reinado de Carlos II, vol. III, p. 417. 2. For a personal account of the question of the Spanish succession see L. de Saint-Simon, Historical Memoirs (ed. and trans. Lucy Norton, 3 vols., London, 1967-72), vol. I, pp. I 36ff. 3. A constant source ofreference on French influence on Spain in the eighteenth century is F. Merimee, L'inJiuence jraTlljais en Espagne au XVlIIe sude (Paris, 1936). 4. For a contemporary account of the very beginning of Felipe V's reign (1700- 01) see B. M., MS Sloane 3958, especially fos. 31 and 33. Much valuable contemporary evidence, used in the following pages, is to be found in B. M. MS Add. 34,142 (fos. 1-254 in toto), 'Historia Politica y secreta del Rey Philipe [sic] V desde su ingreso a la Corona de Espana en 1701 hasta la Paz general, celebrada en 1719'. 5. A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de France, 5 vols. (Paris, IS9O) vol. I, p. 566. 6. F. Rousseau, Un riformateur jraTlljais en Espagne au XVlIIe sude: Orry, 1701- 1714, (Paris, 1912), p. 16. 7. A quaint amateur study, most laudatory to the subject, is: Constance Hill, Story of the Princess des Ursins (New York, 1899). 8. F. Combes, La Princesse des Ursins: essai sur sa vie et son caractere politique (Paris, 1858), p. 17· 9. For an account of the War's origins see M. A. Thompson, 'Louis XIV and the Origin of the War of the Spanish Succession', Transactions ofthe Royal Historical Sociery, 5th Ser., iv (1954), pp. 111-34. For a detailed account of the conduct ofthe war behind the scenes see H. A. F. Kamen, The War ofSuccession in Spain, 17()()-IS, (London, 1969) pp. 60-80. See also: A. Parnell, The War of Succession in Spain during the Reign ofOJieen Anne, 1702-1711 (London, 1905), a work interpreting the English standpoint, to be set against which is V. Bacallar y Sanna, Comentarios de la guerra de Espana e historia de su rty Felipe V, el Animoso (Madrid, 1957). 10. A vivid account of the War by a French courtier, and so seen from a distance, is to be found in L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. I. pp. l73ff. For Felipe V's part in it, see Ibid. pp. 267ff. and 46 Iff. See also Rousset de Courcy (marquis M. R.), La Coalition de 1701 contre la France (17()()-171S), 2 vols. (Paris, IS86). Notes to Part One 147

I I. [F. Wrangham), The British Plutarch, 8 vols. (Perth, 1795), V, pp. 58ff. 12. From 1703 to 1706 one is aided by an interesting and informative, if somewhat rambling, account ofthe War to be found in 'Noticias individuales de los sucesos mas particulares tanto de Estado como de Guerra, acontecidos en el Reynado de Felipe V .. .'. They are in the form of four letters purporting to be written by a monk to a gentleman, but are by Melchor de Macanaz (B. M. MS Egerton 390, fos. 19-112). 13. For an account of the conquest of from the Allies' point of view, see W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 21-5; [F. Wrangham,) op. cit., V, pp. 65-7· 14. [F. Wrangham,) op. cit., V, p. 50. 15. A. Baudrillart, Philippe V et la cour de France, vol. I, p. 80. 16. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 216ff. 17. P. Voltes Bou, El archiduque Carlos de Austria, rty de los calalanes, (Barcelona, 1953) pp. 86-101. 18. For the campaign in Barcelona, Valencia and adjacent theatres of war from 1705 to 1708 from the Allies' point of view, see B. M. MS Add. 28,058, 'Official Papers relating to military operations in Spain sent to Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain', § I, fos. 1-29. 19. For an account of this siege see: W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 26- 34. See also A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 251-5; A. Vovard, 'Le siege de Barcelone en 1706', Communications et Memoires de l' Academie de ,'Warine, XIV (1935), pp. 139-16 1. 20. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I pp. 267-7 I. 2 I. Felipe's delight is shown in his address to the University of Salamanca (W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 34-5). 22. For Berwick in Spain, see L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 86-7. 23. For the siege and capture of Lerida, see A. L.Javierre, 'Las cartas del duque de Orleans a Felipe V sobre el sitio de Lerida en 1707', llerda, IV (1946), pp. 93-11 9. 24. The treatment meted out to Aragon and Valencia appears in N. de J. Belando, Historia civil de Espana, pt. I, pp. 3161[., trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 35-6. 25. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 17ff. 26. He was to become Regent of France on the death of Louis XIV in 17 I 5. 27. The Archduke Charles had been in correspondence with Queen Anne, certainly since 1704; see B. M. Add. MS 29,548, fol. 43, Charles III, titular King of Spain to Q Anne, 9 Feb. 1704. 28. M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos espanoles, (Madrid, 1880- 82), vol. III, cap. i, § ii-v. 29. For the relationship between Felipe V and the Vatican, see B. M., MS Add. 2 I, 535, 'Papeles especiales sobre puntos ecclesiasticos y controversias con la corte Romana, 1508-1736', the second part of which contains letters addressed to Antonio Ibanes de'la Riva Herrera, Archbishop of Zaragoza, Inquisitor General. See especially § 2, fos. 222-24 and 242-50, being letters written by Felipe V from Madrid on 19 June and 10 July 1709. 30. For Villars, see C. C. Sturgill, Marshal Villars and the War oj the Spanish Succession (London, 1966). Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1788

31. Province of Caceres. This fine old bridge was built In 1552 to open a communication with La Mancha. 32. For Felipe V at these battles, see L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 99- IOJ. 33. For Vendome in Spain, a highly unflattering portrait by one who hated him, see L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 96ff. 34. See A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 409ff. for a general account of this campaign. 35. For the Peace Treaties see: A. Robledo, Tratados de Utrecht. Resena hist6rica de la paz general de 1713 (Madrid, 1846); O. Weber, Der Friede von Utrecht. Verhandlungen zwischen England, Frankreich, der Kaiser und die General Staaten, 1710--1713 (Gotha, 1892); Tratados de Espana. Coleccion desde Felipe V hasta el presente, 3 vols. (Madrid, 1796-1801); and M. R. Rousset de Courcy, Renonciation des Bourbons au trone de France (Paris, 1889). 36. A Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 409ff. 37. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 475-7. 38. A. Baudrillart, ibid., pp. 488-501. There is little doubt, however, that Felipe regretted this decision in later years. His later mental illness was increased by a longing for France, from which he was now for ever exiled. 39. A. Baudrillart, ibid., pp. 502-14; N. de]. Belando, Historia civil de Espana, pt. I, pp. 542ff. 40. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., p. 516. 41. The main articles of the Treaty of Utrecht are given in N. de]. Belando, Historiacivil de Espana, pt. I, pp. 650ff, trans. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 48-52. The clauses concerning the Netherlands, particularly the trade agreements, are given in N. de]. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, pp. 48ff, trans. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 53-7. For political reasons Belando's generally very impartial review of Spanish affairs between 1713 and 1733 was unfairly attacked after its publication in 1740. Melchor de Macanaz flew to its defence and exposed the criticisms for what they were. See B. M., MS 28,479, 'Defensa de la Historia civil de Espana de el Reynado del Senor Don Felipe V escrita por Fray Nicolas de Jesus Belando de la Descalzed de S. Francisco' by Melchor Rafael de Macanaz, preceded by a complaint of Belando to Felipe V, with notes by Macanaz (?1744). 42. The consequences of the War for Spain are well summed up in H. A. F. Kamen, The War of Succession in Spain, 1700--15 (London, 1969), pp. 36 1ff. 43. Although he half-heartedly pledged himself to do so in an article of the Quadruple Alliance (1718). 44. For a particularly vivid account of affairs in Barcelona, I711-14see B. M. MS Egerton 363 (suppl.) in toto. 45. He wrote in praise of the Catalans, calling them a 'valiant people', to Queen Anne declaring that they must not be abandoned 'to the yoke of the Bourbon House' (S. Sanpere y Miquel, Elfin de la nacion catalana, p. 6). 46. T. A. T. de Belmont, Histoire de la derniere revolte des catalans et du siege de Barcelone (Lyon, I7 14) . 47. S. Sanpere y Miquel, op. cit., p. 66. She had held court in Barcelona for several years. 48. F. Soldevila, Historia de Catalunya (3 vols. Barcelona, 1934-35), vol. II, p. 391. Notes to Part One 149

49. N. de j. Belando, Historia civil de Espana, pt. I, pp. 650ff, trans. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 50. 50. S. Sanpere y Miquel, op. cit., pp. 564-5; F. Soldevila, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 422-g. 51. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, p. 561. 52. For the popular hatred of him, see Bibliotheque nationale, Paris, Archives Espagnoles, Correspondence politique (Espagne) MS 237, fo. 99. 53· A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 571-3' 54. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 579-g0. 55. N. de j. Belando, op. cit., pt. IV, pp. 48ff, trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 53-7. For a very detailed account of the effect of the whole war on Spain see H. A. F. Kamen, op. cit., pp. 36 Iff. 56. For his career see S. Harcourt-Smith, Alberoni, or Tlu Spanish Conspiracy (London, 1943), an attractively written book and easily available. The standard work is P. Castagnoli, II Cardinale Giulio Alberoni, (3 vols., Piacenza/ , 1929-32). 57. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., pp. 595-614. 58. E. Rosseew-Saint-Hilaire, La princesse des Ursins (Paris, 1875). 59· E. Armstrong, 'Tlu termagant of Spain' (London, 1892). 60. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, p. 603. 61. S. Sanpere y Miquel, op. cit., pp. 595-618. 62. Article V of the Treaty of Utrecht, W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 49· 63. A. Baudrillart; op. cit., vol. II, pp. 236-48. For the period 1717-22 I have made use ofB. M., MS Add. 10,240, Anon. 'Historia de Espana, 1712-25', fos. 68-144. The earlier and later part ofthis MS is rather perfunctory, while the middle section is detailed. 64. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 265-76. 65. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 276-313' 66. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 61-2. This, of course, was the father of the unfortunate Admiral George Byng of the ill-starred Menorca expedition (1756). 67· N. de j. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, pp. 191-3, trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 65-8. 68. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 326ff. 69. Who was that very year killed at the siege of Fredrikshald (Halden), Norway. 70. F. Soldevila, op. cit., vol. III, pp. 23-4;j. Mercader Riba, 'El valle de Arlin, la Nueva Planta y la invasion anglofrancesa de 1719', Primer congreso Internacional del Pirineo (Zaragoza, 1952). 71. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, p. 400. 72. A striking face to face portrait of Felipe V and an account of his private life and character at this time are to be found in L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. III, pp. 326ff and 352-7. 73· N. de j. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, pp. 253-5, trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 69-70. 74· The terms of this treaty are set out in A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 403- 57· 75. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, p. 467; P. Bliard, 'La question de Gibraltar au 150 Eighteenth-Century Spain, 17QO-IJ88 temps du Regent, d'apres les correspondances officielles, 1720-1721', Revue des Questions historiques, LVII (1895), pp. 192-209. 76. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 4fig-502. 77. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, p. 539. 78. B. M., MS Add. 10,252, 'Papeles varios', fos. 21-23, 'Renuncia de Felipe V, 17 24'. 79. N. de J. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, pp. 320-1, trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 83-4;J. Maldonado Macanaz, Voto y renuncia del Rey don Felipe V', Discursos leitWS ante La ReaL Academia de La Historia (Madrid, 18g4), pp. 41-6. 80. M. Danvila y Collado, EL reinado reLdmpago: Luis Iy Luisa IsabeL de Orleans, 1707-42 (Madrid, 1952). 81. Cartas de don Juan Bautista Orendayn, 1724-33 (B. M. Egerton MSS 365- 6). The following are especially important: Egerton 365 (voLi) , §§ 6, 8, 19,28, 35, 39 and Egerton 366 (vol. ii), §§ 49, 55, 61, 72, 78, 85, 96. 82. A. Baudrillart, 'L'influence fran~aise en Espagne au temps de Louis I; mission du marechal de Tesse' in Revue des Qpestions historiques, LVIII (1896), p. 485. 83. A. Pimodan, Louise-ELisabeth d'OrLeans, reine d'Espagne (1709-1742), 2nd edn (Paris, 1923). 84. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. III, p. 19. 85. J. Olmedilla y Puig, Noticias hist6ricas acerca de La uLtima enfermedad deL Rey de Espana Luis I (Madrid, 1909). 86. J. Maldonado Macanaz, 'Voto y renuncia del Rey don Felipe V', Discursor Leidos ante La ReaL Ac~mia de La Historia (Madrid, 18g4), p. 46. 87. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 85-6;J. Maldonado Macanaz, op. cit., pp. 47-55. 88. On Ripperda, see: G. Syveton, Unecouret un aventurierau XVIIlesiecle. Le Baron de Ripperdd d' aprts des documents inidits des archives imperiaLes de Vienne et des archives du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres de Paris. (Paris, 18g6). S. A. Maner, Historia deL Duque de Ripperdd (Madrid, 1796). 89. For these early years see A. Rodriguez Villa, 'Informaciones del Marques de Berreti-Landy [sic] sabre antecedentes del baron de Ripperda antes de su embajada en Viena', BoLetin de La ReaL Academia de La Historia, XXXI (1897), pp. 221-5· 90. A. Rodriguez Villa, ibid. 91. A. Rodriguez Villa, 'La embajada del baron de Ripperda en Viena (1725); Revue Historique, XXX, 18g7. 92. N. de J. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, pp. 382-g, trans. W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 86-g0. They are discussed in A. del Cantillo, Tratados (Madrid, 1843), pp. 202ff. 93· N. de J. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4> pp. 383-g; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 88-g0. Here and elsewhere below use has been made of additions to Belando's published work, often of value, to be found in B. M., MS Add. 28,480, 'Breve Compendio con Adiciones al Torno 3° de la Historia Civil de Espana desde el ano de 1713 al de 1733, escrita por el P. F. Nicolas de Jesus Belando, Francisco Descalzo', written by Melchor de Macaoaz between I 740 and 1744. 94. A. del Cantillo, Tratados, convenios y declaraciones de pazy de comercio que han hecho con Las potencias extranjeras los Monarchas espanoles de la Casa de Borb6n desde el omo Notes to Part One

de I700 hasta el dia, 4 parts (Madrid, IS43), pp. 231--6. 95. R. Beltran y R6zpide, 'Ripperda en Africa', llustracwn Espanolay Americana, 1894· 96. 1670 is also given. 97. A. Rodriguez Villa, Patino y Campillo. Resena histOrico-biogrdfoa de estos dos ministros de Felipe V (Madrid, 1882). 'Fragmentos hist6ricos para la vida del senor D. Jose Patino', Semi1Ulrio Erridito, XXVIII, p. 72. gB. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. III, p. 251. 99. C. A. Montgon, Memoires (9 vols., The Hague, 1745-53)' It contains much that is interesting, but should be used with some caution. 100. T. A. Girard, 'La folie de Philippe V', Feuilles d'histoire du XVllie au XIXe siicie, vol. III (Revue Historique, Paris, 1910). 10 I. M. Fernandez. Diario de 10 ocurrido en el sitio de Gibraltar, que se principfo en Febrero de 1727 (Madrid, 17SI). 102. A. del Cantillo, op. cit., pp. 243-4: 103. T. A. Girard, op. cit. 104. Felipe V was always homesick for France, and this was one of the contributory factors of his illness. For the illness at this stage, see J. -L. Jacquet, Les Bourbons d'Espagne (Lausanne, 1968), pp. 104-8. 'He would have preferred to rule and live in France', states Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. III, P·35S. 105. A del Cantillo, op. cit., pp. 247--60. 106. T. A. Girard, op. cit., 107. He had died on 20 January 1731. lOS. On 6 June at Sevilla, Great Britain promised to support Spain's claims in Italy. log. A. del Cantillo, op. cit., pp. 263ff. This is known as the Second Treaty of Vienna. 110. For the wretched plight of Gian Gastone as the diplomatic pawn of the rivals of Austria and Spain, see G. F. Young, The Medici (N.Y. Modern Library, 1930), pp. 73 1-5. III. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. IV, p. 117, where he mistakenly refers to Miguel Reggio as Andres. 112. P. de la Cueva, lconismos 0 verdadera descripcwn de la expedici6n de Africa, en que las Reales Armas de S. M. recobaron a Mazalquivir, Oran y sus castillos (Granada, n. d.); N. deJ. Belando, op. cit., pt. 4, p. 540; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 91-7. 113. P. Cardona, La guerra tra Spagna ed Austria in ltalia durante la Lotta per La successione al trono di Polonia (Catania, 1913). 114. P. Boye, Stanislas Leu.C?inski et le troisiime traite de Vienne (Paris, I8gS). 115. E. de Ferrater, C6digo de derecho inter1Ulcional, vol. I, pp. 154ff; the most important articles are translated in W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 97-8· 116. For this part ofthe campaign, see A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. IV, pp. 202-14. 117. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. IV, pp. 226-39. 118. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. IV, pp. 239-40ff. 119. A. Gadaleta, Relazione de Spag1Ul deL cav. A. Cappello, ambasciatore a Filippo V dall'anno 1735 all738 (Florence, ISg6}. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. IY, p. 456. 120. For diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Spain, seeJ. Rousset de 152 Eighteenth-Century Spain, qO

Missy, Le proces entre La Grande-Bretagne et l' Espagne, ou Recueil des Traite;:., Conventions, Mimoires et autres Pieces touchant les Dimile<. entre ces deux couronnes (The Hague, 1740). 121. For Britain's naval history at this time, see H. W. Richmond, 'The Navy in the War of 1739-1748' in History, Oct., 1924. 122. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, pp. 48-57; W. Coxe, Historical Memoirs oftlu Kings of Spain of tlu , (London, 1815), vol. III, pp. 428-38. 123. A. Rodriguez Villa, Patino} Campillo (Madrid, 1882). 124. A. del Cantillo, op. cit., pp. 346-g. 125. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, p. 106. 126. That he had in mind a comprehensive programme for Spain and saw its affairs in the round can be seen in the two masterly treatises which he wrote between August 1741 and February 1742, 'Lo que hay de mas y de menos en Espana paraque sea 10 que debir ser y no 10 es' and 'Espana despierta. Criti• cas e instructivas reflexiones Correspondientes a varios e importantisimos asumptos para la mejor organizacion y regimen de la Monarchhl Espanola'. (B. M. MS Add 25,684, §§ I and 2, 'Obras ineditas del Ministro Campillo, transcr. por Francisco Maldonado, enero de 1804). 127. A. Rodriguez Villa, Don CenQn de Somodevilla, marquis de la Ensenada (Madrid, 1878). 128. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 107. 129. R. Aunon y Villalon, Episodios maritimos (Cartagena, 1913), § 'El combate de Cabo Sicie (1744)'. 130. E. Zevort, Le marquis d' Argenson (Paris, 1880). 131. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, pp. 364ff. 132. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, p. 392. 133. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, pp. 436-8. 134. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. V, p. 437. 135. V. Vignau y Ballester, 'Papeles referentes a la muerte de Felipe V y coronacion de Fernando VI', in Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas} Museos, III (1899).


I. For the personality and reign of Fernando VI, see M. Danvila y Collado, Estudios espanoles del siglo XVIII. Fernando VI} Dona Barbara de Bragan<;a (Madrid, 1905); A. Garcia Rives, Fernando VI J Dona Barbara de Bragan<;a. Apuntes sobre su reinado (Madrid, 191 7) . Some of the following information is to be found in the latter part of the important document (8. M. Add MS 15,576) 'Historia del Reynado de Felipe 5' (which actually goes to 1762), fos. 58-212. For a summary of court affairs during this reign see P. Zabala y Lera, Espana bajo los Borbones, 5th edn (Barcelona, 1955), pp. 45-g. 2. Her complicated will, 'Testamento de la Reyna Barbara' is to be found in B. M. Add. MS 10,252, 'Papeles varios', fos. 24-49. 3. Like Felipe V he suffered from priapism. 4. For this aspect of Fernando, see the first-hand account of his physician Piquer 'Discurso sobre la enfermedad del Rey Fernando VI', ColecciOn de documentos Notes to Part Two 153 iniditos, XVIII, pp. 156-7; & that of his confessor in C. Perez Bustamente, Correspondmcia privada e inidita del P. R6vago confesor de Fernando VI (Madrid, (936). See also C. Stryienski, 'Fernand VI, roi d'Espagne' in Chronique Medicale, 15 Nov. 1902. 5. A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de France (Paris, (890), vol. V, pp. 485-9. 6. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Spain under the Bourbons, 1700-1833. A Collection of Documents (London, (973), pp. 109-13. It is noticeable (p. (13) that Sotomayor's name is not among the signatories. Thus Spain did not sign. 7. Much that is interesting about him, especially the influence of Spanish popular music on his own, is to be found in G. Chase, The Music ofSpain, 2nd edn rev., (New York (972), pp. 108-14. See also R. Kirkpatrick, Domenico Scarlatti (Princeson, (952), pp. 81-133. 8. M. Mozas Mesa, Don Joside Carvajaly Llmcaster, Ministrode Fernando VI (jaen, (924). Ma. D. GOmez Molleda, 'EI pensamiento de Carvajal y la politica internacional espanola del siglo XVIII in Hispania, XV (1955), pp. 117-37. 9. In thus setting down his 'political testament' he displays the influence of his mentor Campillo, who had drawn up his in 1742 (B. M. MS Add. 25,684), see above n. 126. 10. A. Rodriguez Villa, Don Cenon de Somodevilla, marquis de la Ensenada (Madrid, (878). J. M. de Aranda, El marquis de la Ensenada. Estudios sobre su administracion (Madrid, (898). R. Bouvier and C. Soldevila, Ensenada et son temps (Paris, (941). I I. A. del Cantillo, Tratados convenios y declaraciones de pa<.y de comercio que han heCM con las potencias extranjeras los Monarchas espanoles de la Casa de BorbOn desde el ano de 1700 hasta el dia, 4 pts., (Madrid, 1843), pp. 400--8. 12. C. Calvo, Coleccion completa de los tratados de la America Latina (Paris, (862), vol. II, pp. 241--60. 13. A. Bermejo de la Rica, La colonia del Sacramento (Toledo, 1920), pp. 55-{). 14· W. Coxe, Historical Memoirs rif the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon (London, 1815), vol. IV, p. 180. 15. A. Rodriguez Villa, op. cit., p. 281. 16. M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos espanoles (3 vols.), (Madrid, 1880-82), vol. III, pp. 45-{)7; R. S. de Lamadrid, El concordato espanol de 1753, segun los documentos originales de su negociacion (jerez, (937). A short appraisal of it is to be found in R. Herr, The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain (Princeton, 1958), p. 13. 17. The text of the concordat is given in Mercurio Hist6rico y Politico, Madrid, marzo, 1753, pp. 63-8 and 70-9; it is translated in W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 113-21. 18. M. Fraile Miguelez, Jansenismo y Regalismo en Espana (datos para la historia). Cartas al senor Meninde<. Pelayo (Valladolid, (895). 19. C. Perez Bustamente, op. cit. 20. H. W. Richmond, Papers relating to the Loss of Minorca in 1756 (London, 19(3). 21. For this and similar negotiations between Pitt's government and Spain see V. Palacio Atard, 'Las embajadas de Abreu y Fuentes en Londres, 1754-1761', Simancas, I (1950), pp. 55-122. 22. See B. M. Add. 10,252, 'Papeles varios', fos. 24-49, 'Testamento de la Reyna Barbara'. 23. A. Piquer, op. cit., p. 156; C. Perez Bustamente, op. cit.; C. Stryienski, op. cit. 154 Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1788 24. The cold relationship between Carlos and Fernando VI is noted in C. Petrie, King Charles III of Spain: an Enlightened Despot (London, 1971), pp. 61-62. 25. M. Menendez y Pelayo, op. cit., vol. III, p. 60. 26. L. de Saint-Simon, Historical Memoirs of tM Duke de Saint-Simon (ed. and trans. Lucy Norton), (3 vols.), (London, 1967-72), p. 109, n. I.


I. For Carlos III see, M. Danvila y Collado, Historia del Rnnado de Carlos III (6 vols.), (Madrid, 18g1-96); F. Rousseau, Ripe de Charles III d' Espagne (1759- 1788) (2 vols.), (Paris, 1907); A. Baudrillart, 'Le roi d'Espagne Charles III' (review of Rousseau's work), La Correspondtmt, 25 avril 1907; J. Addison, Charles III of Spain (Oxford, 1900). 2. Real cldula 23 de junio de 1768. 3. The review of Spain's naval power which he ordered to be drawn up appears in B. M. MS Add. 20,926, § 3. (fos. 19-21), 'Estado actual de las fuerzas navales de S. M. Cat6lico en primero de agosto de 1760'. 4. V. Palacio Atard, 'Las embajadas de Abreu y Fuentes en Londres, 1754- 1761, Simancas, I (1950), pp. 55-122. 5. F. Rousseau, Repe de Charles III d'Espape, 17j9-88 (2 vols.), (Paris, 1907), vol. I, p. 52. 6. Ibid., p. 69. 7· F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 54fT. 8. F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 61-4' 9. V. Palacio Atard, El tercer Pacto de Familia, pp. 12 Iff and 348ff; the Third Family Compact (4 Feb. 1762) is translated in W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 126-31. 10. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 148ff, II. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 122. 12. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 148-58; F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 6g-72. L. Cahen, 'Le Pacte de famille', Revue Historique (1925).' 13. For the diplomatic treatment of Portugal by the French and Spanish, see A. Bourget, 'Le duc de Choiseul et l'alliance espagnole: un ultimation franco• espagnol au Portugal (I 761-1 762)' , Revue d' histoire diplomatique, XXIV (1910), pp. 25-38. 14. For a full account ofthe campaign in Portugal see conde de Fermin Nunez, Vida de Carlos III (Madrid, 18g8), vol. I, pp. 16¢. 15. V. Palacio Atard, Simtincas, I (1950), pp. 55-122. 16. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. II, p. 186. 17. For a COR temporary account of the siege and capture of Manila see N. P. Cushner (ed.) Documents illustrating tM British Conquest of Manila 1762-1763, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Camden Fourth Series, vol. 8 (London, 197 1). 18. F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 89-90. 19. Sometimes called Jacob. 20. F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 106-7. 21. About that time beginning to be thus spelt, a corruption of Peniscola. 22. But of course, they still had Belize. Notes to Part Three 155 23. For the terms of the , see Tratados de Espana, vol. III, pp. 235ff. Translations of the most important articles are given in W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 132-4. 24. Biblioteque nationale (Paris), MS Espagne 424, fo. 284. 25. W. marques del Villa-Urrutia, Mujeres de antana: la reina Maria Luisa, esposa de Carlos IV (Madrid, 1927). 26. J. Perez de Guzman y Gallo, La Historia lnidita: estudios de la vida, reinado, proscripci6n y muerle de Carlos IVy Maria Luisa (Madrid, 1908); J. Perez de Guzman y Gallo, 'Reparaciones a la vida de Carlos IV y Maria Luisa', Rev. de Arch. Bib[. Mus., X (1904). 27. The Order is given in N'ovisima recopilaciOn de las leyes de Espana, Bk. III, § XIX, Law XIII; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit. pp. 134- 5. The two different dresses are illustrated in J. Cayetano Rosell, 'Motin contra Esquilache', Seminario Pintoresco Espanal, I (Madrid, 1836), p. 201. 28. Blue bands were often at this time worn with full dress by high officers of state. It was a French fashion in the first place, so must have spread to Spain. 29. The marques de Esquilache hasn't prohibited this!' 30. For the initial riots on 15 and 16 March see the letter written from Madrid (B. M., MS Add. 10,252, fos. 289-297)' 3 I. 'Why don't you observe the order and not wear your hat?' 32. For a general account of the malin see M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. II, cap. vi; F. Rousseau, op. cit., vol. I, pp. I 76ff. 33. Relaci6n verdadera y circumstanciada de todo 10 acaecido en la ciudad de Zaragoza; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 136-8. 34. For a short summary of the molin, see P. Zabala y Lera, Espana bajo los Borbones, 5th edn. (Barcelona, 1955), pp. 61--63. 35. For Carlos Ill's appointment of Aranda to be President of the Council of Castile, see M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. II, p. 358; W. N. Hargreaves• Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 138. 36. A. Rodriguez Villa, Don Cenon de Somodevilla, marques de la Ensenada (Madrid, 1878), pp. 286-7· 37. C. Eguia Ruiz, Losjesuitasyel motin de Esquilaclu (Madrid, 1947); R. Herr, Tlu Eighteenth-CenturyRevolution in Spain (Princeton, 1958), p. 14, where he points out that the Society ofJesus and the Inquisition were the chief opponents of royal authority. 38. V. Rodriguez Casado, 'La "revoluci6n burguesa" del siglo XVIII espanol', Historia de Espana (ed. Arbor), pp. 379-81. 39. C. Eguia Ruiz, El Padre Isidro LOpezy el motin de Esquilaclu (Madrid, 1935). 40. F. Espinosa, 'El conde de Aranda', Espana Modema, CXLIX (1909), p. 5. 41. F. Rousseau, Expulsion des Jesuites en Espagne. Demarches de Charles III pour leur secularisation (Paris, 1904). 42. For the Papacy during the whole ofthis period, see L. von Pastor, History ofthe Popesfrom tlu Close oftlu Middle Ages (London, 1950). 43. For the Royal Decree of Carlos III regarding Papal authority (1761) see B. M., MS Add. 10,252, fos. 195-201. 44. J. F. de Isla, Obras Escogidas, vol. I (Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles, XV, Madrid, 1945). 45. P. Fraile Miguelez, El Jansenismoy Regalismo en Espana (Valladolid, 1895), pp. 330ff. Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1788 46. M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de Los Heterodoxos espa;IOLes (Madrid, 1880-82), vol. III, pp. 84ff. 47. J. Sarrailh, L'Espagne eclairee de La seconde moitie du siecle XVIII (Paris, 1964). 48. L. von Pastor, op. cit., vol. 37, p. 31 I. 49. Pragmatica sancion de su Majestad enfum;a de Ley; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 138-44. 50. For the relationship between Carlos III and Aranda, see C. Petrie, King Charles III of Spain: an Enlightened Despot (London, 1971), pp. 151-5. 5 I. For an account of the expulsion in Spanish America, when it was sometimes ruthlessly and cruelly carried out and greatly upset the Indians, see B. Moses, Spain's Declining Power in South America, 17~/806 (London, 1965), pp. 97- 152 • 52. J. de Manterola, La disolucion en Espana de la Compania de JesUs (Barcelona, 1934)· 53. A vivid account of the sufferings endured by the Jesuits driven from Spain is to be found in the 'Life of Padre Jose de Isla', a fine example ofa member of the Society (Obras escogidas del P. Jose Francisco de Isla, vol. I, pp. vii-xiv (BiM. Aut. Esp. XV)). 54. See A. Rodriguez Villa, Introduccion a las 'Cartas politico-economicas' de Campomanes (Madrid, 1878), for his general attitude. 55. He had had a change of heart. 56. L. von Pastor, op. cit., vol. 38, p. 73. 57. Such as Theiner. 58. F. Rousseau, Regne de Charles Ill, vol. I, caps. ix-xv. 59. For him and his work as ambassador to the Holy See see M. Cayetano Alcazar, El conde de Floridablanca (Madrid, 1929) and J. Sarrailh, op. cit., pp. 588ff. 60. L. von Pastor, op. cit., vol. 38, p. 533. 61. L. von Pastor, op. cit., vol. 39, p. 2 I. 62. Although Britain had ceded it to Spain at the Treaty of Paris (1763). 63. Of 1762, surrendering Manila, saying that those documents had been superseded by the Treaty of Paris. These documents are given in N. P. Cushner, op. cit., pp. 122-5 and 140-2. 64· J. Goebel, The Struggle for the Falkland Islands (New Haven, 1927). 65. L. Blart, Les rapports de La France et de l'Espagne apres Ie pacte de famille jusqu' ala fin du ministere du due de Choiseul, (Paris, 1915). 66. O. Gil Munilla, El conjiicto anglo-espanol en 1770 (Sevilla, 1948). 67. V. Rodriguez Casado, 'Politica marroqui de Carlos III: las mlSlones diplomaticas de Boltas y Giron .. .', Hispania, II (1942), pp. 101-22 and 236-78. 68. A. Rodriguez Villa, 'Una embajada espanola en Marruecos y estado de este imperio en tiempo de Carlos III (1767)', Revista Contemporanea, XXVII (1880), pp. 257-308. 69. F. S. Miranda, El sitio de Melilla de 1774 a 1775 (ed. R. Fernandez de Castro) (Tangier, 1939). 70. For O'Reilly and the expedition see C. Petrie, op. cit., pp. 158--60. 71. See B. M., MS Add. 21,445, 'Papeles historicos', fos. 96--99, 'Noticias de Cadiz: Expedicion a Argel'. 72. M. Danvila y Collado, Historia deL reinado de Carlos III (Madrid, 1891--96), vol. IV, pp. 206-59. Notes to Part Three 157 73. Gaceta de Madrid, 18 de julio de 177S; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit. pp. 149-50. 74. The former ambassador in London. 75. Narrowly patriotic nobles. 76. The lawyers, the new professional men of the Enlightenment. 77. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol IV, pp. 317ff; A. Bermejo de la Rica, La colonia del Sacramento (Toledo, 1920), pp. 67-73. It was now that the Viceroyalty of La Plata was created. 78. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 157-8. 79. For a general survey of Spain's part, see F. Morales Padron, La Participaci6n de Espana en la independencia de los Estados Unidos (Madrid, 1952). So. J. F. Vela Utrilla, Espana ante la independencia de los EstaJos Unidos (Urida, 1925), vol. II, pp. 9-10. 81. Ibid. 82. Ibid., pp. 26ff; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 152. 83. J. F. Vela Utrilla, op. cit., vol. II, p. 144. 84. Ibid., pp. 72ff; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley op. cit., pp. 152-5. 85. Ibid., II, p. 94; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit. pp. 155-6. 86. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. IV, pp. 448ff and vol. V, pp. Iff. 87. A. Temple Patterson, The Other Armada. The Franco-Spanish Attempt to invade Britain in 1779 (Manchester, 1960). 88. B. M., MS 10,252, 'Papeles varios', fos. 70-73, 'Letter from Algeciras on News of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779)'; C. Petrie, op. cit., pp. 170ffand 191-5. 89. F. Rousseau, Rep de Charles III, vol. II, cap. v, § 2. 90. For Galvez's exploits, see J. Caughey, Bernardo de Gtilve<:, in Louisiana, 1776- 1783 (Berkeley, 1934). 91. Diario de la expediciOn contra la pla<;a de Pan<:,acola; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 159-60. 92. For an earlier and fine account of him see A. Farrer del Rio, 'Estudio sobre el conde de Floridablanca', introduction to Floridablanca. Obras originales vol. LIX, pp. v-xlv (Obras originales de Floridahlanca, Bihlioteca de Autores Espaiwles, Madrid, 1867). 93. For his interesting 'political testament' written in 1788 see 'Representacion hecha al Sr. Rey Don Carlos 3°' (B. M. MS Add. 29, 299). It is a review ofhis administration in self-justification against the attacks of his opponents. Following it is an appendix in the form ofa letter to Carlos IV recommending it to his judgement, 1789. 94. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. V, pp. 164fT; F. Rousseau, Regne de Charles III, vol. II, pp. 189-95; eyewitness account in Bibl. Nat., Paris, Espagne, MS No. 423. 95. F. Rousseau, Regne de Charles III, vol. II, pp. 198-202; C. Petrie, op. cit., pp. 201-2. 96. S. Ancell, A Circumstantial Journal of the Siege of Gibraltar (London, 1784), for a general account. 97. M. Danvila y Collado, op. cit., vol. V, pp. 370-1, F. Rousseau, RegnedeCharles III, II, pp. 216-7. 98. Main clauses given in W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 167. 99. See the excerpts from Aranda's diary given inJ. F. Vela Utrilla, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 355ff; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 163-5. 158 Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1788 100. For these see the Introduction to this work. 101. W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 165--6 (selected articles only). 102. Gaceta de Madrid 20 de julio de 1784; W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., p. 168. 103. G. Guastavino GalIent, Los bombardeos de Argel en 178S-I784Y su repercusitin literaria (Madrid, 1950), pp. 12-17. 104. Ibid. p. 19. 105. Carlos Ill's eldest son Felipe was insane. 106. See the Introduction to this work (p. 2), Asturias had been born in Italy, and according to the law of 1713 those born outside Spain might not be able to succeed to the throne. 107. Whose nickname was 'el viejo ~O"o'-'the Old Fox'. 108. The 'political testament' referred to above (n. 93) (B. M. MS Add. 29,299). 109. For his popular eharacter see R. Herr, Th£ Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain (Princeton, 1958), p. 233; for a contemporary account see J. Town• shend, A Journey through Spain in 1786 and 1787 (London, 1791), vol. II, pp. 12 3--6. Bibliography

(a) Manuscripts as detailed in the notes; (b) printed books. Addison, J., Charles III of Spain (Oxford, 1900). Ancell, S., A Circumstantial Journal of the Siege of Gibraltar (London, 1784). Armstrong, E., Elisabeth Faroese 'The termagant of Spain' (London, 1892). Aunon y Villalon, R., Episodios maritimos (Cartagena, 1913). Bacallar y Sanna, V., Comentarios de la guerra de Espana e historia de su rey Felipe V, el Animoso (Madrid, 1957). Baudrillart, A., Philippe Vet la cour de France, 5 vols. (Paris, 1890). Baudrillart, A., 'L'influence fran~aise en Espagne au temps de Louis I; mission du marechal de Tesse', Revue des QJlestions historiques, LVIII (1896). Baudrillart, A., 'Le roi d'Espagne Charles III', Le Comspondant (25 avril 190 7). Belando, Padre N. de J., Historia civiL de Espana y sueesos de la guerra y tratados de Lapa;:., 3 vols. (Madrid, 1740). Beltran y Rozpide, R., 'Ripperda en Mrica', ILustracion EspanoLa y Americana (1894). Bermejo de la Rica, A., La colonia del Sacramento (Toledo, 1920). Blart, L., Les rapports de la France at de I' Espagne apres Ie pacte de fumille jusqu' tl lafin du ministere du due de ChoiseuL (Paris, 1915). Bliart, P., 'La question de Gibraltar, au temps du Regent, d'apres les correspondances officielles, 1720-1721', Revue des Questions historiques, LVII (18g5). Bourget, A., 'Le duc de Choiseul et l'alliance espagnole: un ultimation franco-espagnol au Portugal ( 1761 - 1762)', Revue de l'histoire diplomatique, XXIV (1910). Bouvier, R. and Soldevila, C., Ensenada et son temps (Paris, 1941). Boye, P., StanisLas Les;:.c;:.inski et Ie troisieme traiM de Vienne (Paris, 1898). Cahen, L., 'Le Pacte de famille', Revue Historique, (1925). Calvo, C., Colleccion compLeta de Los tractados de La America Latina (Paris, 1862). Campoman.ts, P. Rodriguez, Cartas politico-economicas, ed. A. Rodriguez Villa (Madrid, 1878). . Cantillo, A del, Tratados, conveniosy declaraciones de pa;:.y de comercio que han hecho con Las potencias extranjeras Los Monarchas espanoLes de La Casa de BorhOn desde el arlO de 1700 hasla eL dia, 4 pts (Madrid, 1843). Cardona, P., La guerra tra Spagna ed Austria in ItaLia durante La Lotta per La successione aL trono di PoLonia (Catania, 1913).

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Abrantes, plain of, 105 Almansa, battle of (1707), importance Abreu, Spanish ambassador in Lon- and described, 27--8, 30 don, 101 Almaraz, the bridge of, 34 and n3 I Acquaviva, Padre, I 17 Almeida, 104; battle of, 105 Acquivia, Papal nuncio, 23 Almenara, skirmish of (1710),33 Acton, 141 Almodovar, Pedro de Gongora y Acunha, Luis, 104 Lujan; marques de, 126, 13 1, 135 Adda, river, 19, 71 Altamira, condesa de, 54 Aguilar, conde de, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 46, Alvaro Faria de Melo, Portuguese gen• 51 eral in Felipe V's service, 25 Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress and Peace Amelot, marquis de Gournay, 6, 9, 23, of, 88---g, 92, 118 24; character of, 29; his Galli• Alava, 10 canism, 30; as ambassador, 3 I; 44; Alba y Huescar, duque de, 83, 86, 93, his son, 80 94,95,112,116,117 America, North, the beginning of the Albani, Cardinal Giovanni Francesco, struggle with Great Britain, 127 119, 121 Amezaga, jose, infantry commander, Alberoni, julio, later Cardinal, 2, 5; 28 earlier career, 43; meets Isabel Amida, Archbishop of, 68 Farnese, 44, 45, 46; his war, 47, 49, Ampurdan, 34 50; fall of and significance of, 50-I, Ancona, 71 55; calls on Patino to prepare the Anda y Salazar, Simon de, Chief jus• naval expedition of 1717,59 tice of Manila, 107 Albertini, Neapolitan ambassador In Anjou, Philippe, duc d', see Felipe V London, 101 Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 20, 30, Albuquerque, 24, 45, 105 36,37 Alcala de Henares, 26, 100 Anson, Commodore, 76 Alcoy, 30 Antequera, district of, 10 Alcudia,8 Antibes, 67, 70, 78 Aldobrandini, Papal nuncio to Spain, Antwerp, 22, 27 54 Apremont, castle of; 79 Alemtejo (Portugal), invasion of the Aragon, 6, 10; the cortes of, 20, 24; (1704),22 Felipe V decides to reorganise, Alessandria, 82, 83 35 Alfonso XII, King of Spain, 143 Aragonese Party (reign of Carlos III), Algeciras, 124 3, 120, 141 Algiers, Algerians, 68, 125, 140 Aran, Valle de, 50 Algiers, the Dey of, 124, 139 Aranda, Pedro Pablo de Abarca y Alicante, 25, 27, 67,125 Bolea, conde de, 105, 112, 113; Allemonde, Admiral, 20 earlier career, character and ap- 166 Index perance, 114; a Freemason, 115; Badajoz, 24, 65, 105 and the Jesuits, 116, I 17; leader of Bahamas, I 38 the Aragonese party, 120; advises Balaguer, 32, 34 war with Britain, 122; insults Balbases, marques de los, Viceroy of Carlos III, 123; becomes am• , 27 bassador to France, 123; his letter Balearic Islands, 6, I 39 to Eleta, 126, 129; anti-British, Baltic, 6o 132; recommends engineer for Barbara de Bragant;:a, Infanta of Por• siege of Gibraltar, 137, 138; leaves tugal, afterwards Queen of Spain, France, 141 65,85; character and appearance, , 70,82; treaty of, 92, 135 86, 87; love of music, 89, 92, 93; An;on, Michaud d', 137 last illness and death of, 96, 97 Arcos, duque de los, Capt. of the Royal Barcelo, Antonio, 132, 137 Bodyguard, I I 1-12 Barcelona, 7; the Diputacion, 7, 40; the Arethusa, the connonade of the, 131 University of, 7; Notary Public of, Arezzo,7° 8; the ciudadela of, 8; Felipe V visits, Argenson, marquis d', French Foreign 17; Felipe V embarks at, 18; Minister, 8 I; fall of, 83; his view of Queen Maria Luisa of Savoy ar• Fernando VI, 85, 87 rives at, 20; capitulation of to Arias, Manuel, President of the Council Archduke Charles, 25; Felipista at• of Castile, later Archbishop of Se• tempt to reconquer, 26; still holds villa, 16, 17,20,23 out for the Archduke, 35; blockade Arqui,82 of (1713),40; final siege of (1714), Arriaga, Julian de, 95, 100, 122, 125 41; Alberoni's naval expedition Arriaza, Francisco, 59, 60; dismissal leaves, 47; Patino President of the of, 61 Royal Council of, 59; Don Carlos Artalejos, forger, 73 leaves for Italy (173 I), 67; Clavijo Artois, comte d', 137 sails from, 70; arsenals to be built Asiento, the, 39, 75, 88 in, 91 Asti, 22 Bari, 70 Astorga, Diego de, 53 Barni, conte de, Archbishop of Piac- Audenarde, battle of ( I 708), 30 enza, befriends Alberoni, 43 Audiencias (High Courts), 6; at Bar- Barrenechea, 66 celona, 8; at Palma de Mallorca, 8 Baselini, Alejandro, 140 Augustus II, King of Poland and Elec• Basques, 9, 10; Basque Provinces, 8, 73 tor of Saxony, death of, 68--g Basset y Ramos, Juan Bautista, 25, 26, Augustus III, King of Poland, Elector 40 of Saxony, 70, 74, 77 Bassignano, battle of, 82 Avellaneda (Basque Provinces), 9 Baton-Rouge, 134 Avendano, Diego de, 112 Batthiany, Dutch general, 88 Avignon, occupation of by the French, Baudrillart, A., modern French his- 118, 120, 121 torian, 30, 3 I, 37, 49 Avites, marques de, 137 Bavaria, Elector of, 19, 21, 22, 37; Aytona, marques de, 53 Charles (later Emperor Charles Azara, Member of the Council of Fi• VII), 77,81, Maximilian, 81 nance, 120 Bay, Alejandro, marques de, 32, 35 Azores, the, 133 Beam, 26 Azpuru, Archbishop of Valencia, I 18, Beaumarchais, 128, 129 119 Beauvan, Prince, wins the battle of Index Almeida (1765), 105 Breda, 87, 88 Bedford, Duke of, 107, 108 Brest, 132, 133 Bedmar, marques de, Spanish military Briere, Gentleman of the Bedchamber commander, 22; head of the War to Felipe V, 68 Department, 31, 42 Brihuega, battle of, 34, 36 Bejar, duquesa de, 23 Brissac, 22 Beliardi, Abbate, 109, 110 Bristol, Earl of, 101, 102 Belize, 138 Brittany, the abortive revolt of, 50 Belle-Isle, comte de, 77, 79, 87 Brittany, Duke of, death of, 37 Bena, conde de, 81, 82, 83 Brogli, marechal de, 124 Benasque, 35 Broschi, Carlo, see Farinelli Benedict XIV, Pope, 94 Bruges,30 Benevento, 120, 121 Brunswick-Wolfenbiittel, Duke of, 19 Beragua, duque de, 23 Bubb-Dodington, Lord Melcombe Re- Beretti-Landi, Lorenzo Berrusio, mar- gis, 46 ques de, 51 Bucarelli, Governor of Buenos Aires, Bergen-op-Zoom, 88 122 Bermudez, Padre, 61 Buenos Aires 95, 122, 126 Bemis, Cardinal, 119, 120, 121 Bunker Hill, battle of, 127 Berwick, duc de (Spanish title duque de Burgoyne, General, 131 Liria), 22, 23, 26, 27; victory at Burgundy, Duke of, brother of Felipe Almansa, 28, 29, 32, 37, 40, 41; V, 19, 20, 22, 30; death of, 37 siege of Fuentarrabia by, 50, 58, Bute, Marquess of, 102 66,67 Byng, Adm. George, Viscount Tor• Berry, duc de, 37; death of, 42 rington,49 Bethune, 35 Byng, Adm. John, the loss of Menorca, Bidasoa, river, 50 96 Bilbao, 8 Byron, Captain, 121 BJecoun, 16,31 Boca de ToTO, 134 Caballero, Jeronimo, 141 Bochetta, Pass of, 82 Cabarrus, 136 Bologna, 72, 78 Cabral de Belmonte, Portuguese am• Boreel, Willem, 62 bassador, 73 Botta-Adorno, Imperialist general, 87 Caceres, I I Bouchain, the French recapture, 38 Cadiz, 20, 51, 60, 62, 67,73,91, 125, BoufHers, marechal, 22; capitulates at 126, 133, 136 Lille, 30 Cagliari, 47 Bougainville, French explorer, 121 Calatayud, 29 Bouligny, Juan de, 139 Camara de Castilla in 1700, 4 Bourbon, duc de (Regent of France, Camargo, Inquisitor-General, 53 1723-6), 53, 54, 56, 60, 65 Cambrai, 51; Congress of, 52, 53, 56, 57 Boumonville, duc de, 62 Campbell, Gen., 134 Bouzols, marquis de, 137 Campeche, 77, 101, 134 Brabant, 30 Campillo,Jose del, 2; particulars of, 77, Bracamonte, Feliciano de, 40 78; death and achievements of, 79 Braganc;a, city of, 104, 105 Campo-Florido, Luis Reggio Brancif• Brancas, 65, 66 orte, principe (also referred to as Brazil, 105, 126 marques and marchese), 55, 76, Brazo militar or Brazo noble, 7 78, 83, 116 168 Index

Campomanes, Pedro Rodriguez, conde Carlos Eusebio, , 140 de, 113, 116, 118, 141 Carlota, Infanta (afterwards Queen of Campo-Santo, battle of (1743), 79 Portugal), 140 Campo Villar, Alfonso Muniz, conde Caro, Carlos de, 106 de, 100, 115 Carolina, 75 Canada, 108 Carpenter, Gen., captured at Brihuega, Canfranc, 26 34 Captain-General, office of, 10 Carpi, 19 Capua, 70, 71 Cartagena (Spain), 73,80,91,139 Cara, river, 65 Cartagena de las Indias (Spanish Caracena, Luis de Borja, marques de, 27 Main), 61, 76 Cardona, 40 Carteret, Lord, 77 Carlo Emanuele III, King of Savoy• Carvajal y Lancaster, jose, 2, 87, 89; Sardinia, 6g, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, early years, character and aims, 80,81,82,83,87,88,99, 103 90-1; signs the Treaty of Aranjuez, Carlos I, King of Spain (Emperor 92; supports Wall, 93; death, 93, 95 Charles V), 2, 37 Casa-Cagigal, marques de, 137 Carlos II, King of Spain, 21 15, 16, 38 Casanova, Rafael de, Conseller en Cap, 41 Carlos III, King of Spain, I, 2, 3, 4, 9, Casas, Luis de las, 141 10, II, 13; birth (as Prince Carlos), Casa-Tilly, marques de, 126 46,47,53,54,56,57,59,62,63,64, Castel de los Rios, conde de, Spanish 66, 67, 68; enters the kingdom of ambassador to France, 16 Naples, 70; declared King of Castel Leon, 35 Naples, 70; conquest of Sicily, 71; Castel-Rodrigo, marques de, 51 King of Naples and Sicily, 72, 74; Castelar, marques de, 53 58, 60, 62, 66, British ultimatum to, 78; at war 68, 69; his death, 69 again, 81,85,92,94; and the death Castelar, marques de (son of the above) of Fernando VI, 97; succession of, as general, 78 to the throne of Spain, 99; likes Castel vetrano, 50 Spain, 100; dislike of the British, Castile, the heart of Spain, 26; loyalty 101, 104; affection for his sister, to the Bourbons, 29; the Council 104, 107; and the loss of La of, 4, 5, 38, 55, 97, I 13; the cortes of Habana, 108; and Grimaldi, 109, called in 170 I, 17; plan to cut 110, 114; attachment to the Augu• canals in Old Castile, 91 stinians, 115; promised that the Castremanes, marques de, 105 jesuits would be disbanded, 119; Castropignano, duquesa de, influences attacked by 'junius', 122; receives Queen Marie Amalie, 100 letter from George III, 123; Castropinano, duque de, 70 Moroccan policy, 124; South Catalan language, 7; law, 7; PrIVI• American policy, 126; unwilling leges, 40; teaching of in schools for war with Britain, 129; moral abolished (1768), 99 prestige of, 132; supports • Catalans, the, their position in 17 13, 39 blanca, 134-5; gifts to the Ameri• Cataluna, 6, 7; Captain-General of, 8; cans, 138; and home affairs, 139; Tribunal of Peers, 8; meeting of dynastic problems, 140; death of, the Three Estates of, 12; the cortes 142; his achievements, 142-3 of, 18; Francisco Velasco, conde de Carlos, principe de las Asturias (after• Palma, Viceroy of, 21, 22, 24, 25; wards Carlos IV, King of Spain), declares for Archduke Charles, 24; 1,3,4,13,99, IIO, 125, 140, 141 abandoned by the Allies at Ut- Index 169 recht, 39; Emperor Charles VI canism, 30, 94 and, 39; duca de Popoli, Viceroy Clement XIII, Pope, 115, 116, 117, of, 40; declares war on Felipe V, 118; death of, 118 40; Sartine Intendant of, 74; mar• Clement XIV, Pope, his election, 119, ques de Mina, Captain-General 120; death of, 120, 12 I of, 96; popularity of King Carlos Colbert, minister of Louis XIV, 17 III in, 99 Colle de l'Assietta, pass of, 87 Catherine I, Czarina of Russia, 61 Cologne, Elector of, 19 Catinat, Gen., 19 Colomo, battle of, 71 Caylus, marquis de, 42, 74 Compania de Comercio, 136 Cayo Cocina, 133, 138 Compiegne, 65, 72 Ceballos, Pedro, marques de, 105, 107, Concordat, the (1737), 94; (1753),94, 126, 127 110 Cella mare, principe de, nephew of Coni, siege of, 8 I Giudice, 45, 49 Consejo de las Ordenes, 4 Cervera, university founded at (1714), Consulat del Mar, 8 7; capture of, 29, 40 Conti, Prince de, 80, 87 Ceuta, 22, 51, 59, 68 Conway, British Secretary of State, 12 I Chacta Indians, 134 Cordoba, Luis de, 132, 133, 137 Chambery, 22, 79 Cordoba, province of, 10 Chancillerzas, 6, I I Corella de Navarra, Queen Maria Charles, Archduke of Austria, later Luisa at, 35 Emperor Charles VI, Pretender to Corfu, 46 the Spanish throne with title of Cornejo, Francisco, 67 Charles 111,2,7,15,16,22,24,26; Corregidor, 8, 10, I I many nobles support, 27, 28, 29, Corrientes, 126 30, 33, 34; sets out for Vienna, 35; Cortes, the national, I I changed position in Spain, 36; Corzana, conde de la, Viceroy of Crowned as Emperor 37; 47, 52, Archduke Charles, 28 53,54,57,59,61,62,63,64,65,66, Coscojuela, marques de, 25 68,72,76 Cosimo III de'Medici, Grand Duke of Charles VII, Emperor (Charles Albert, Tuscany, 47, 53 Elector of Bavaria), 77; death of, Costa Rica, 134 81 Council of State, 110 Charles XII, King of Sweden, 49 Court, French admiral, 81 Charles Stuart (the Young Pretender), Cremona,19 81,82 Crequi, marechal, death of at Luzzara, Chamy, conde de, 67, 70 20 Chauvelin, 66, 69, 74 Crillon, duc de, 136,137 Chaves, 105 , British conquest of, 106-7 Chester, Adm., 134 Cuenca, Padre, 112 Choiseul, duc de, 99, 101, 102, 107, Cumberland, Duke of, 76, 88, 107 108, 109, 110, 116, 118, 119, 122; Cumberland, Richard, 135, 136 fall of, 123 Cifuentes, conde de, 25, 139 Dalmare, Sebastian, 40 Ciudad Rodrigo, 26, 29, 105 Danzig, capitulation of, 7 I Civita-Castellana, 70 Darby, Adm., 136 Clavijo, conde de, 70 Darfeld, mercenary general in Bourbon Clement XI, Pope, condemns Galli- pay, 28 Index

Daubenton, Pere, 19,29,45,47,53,56 posItion of in 1739, 76; France Dauphine, The, 32 decides on war with, 80--1; and the Deane, Silas, 129 Treaty of Aix-Ia-Chapelle, 88, 89; Denain, battle of (1712), 38 rivalry with France, 95-6; Prussia Denmark, 60; neutrality of, 96 and Portugal her allies during the Despacho universal, reform of the (1705), Seven Years' War, 96; declares 3 war on Spain (1761), 104 Desvalls, Manuel, 40 Enlightenment, the, 9 Diario de Madrid, 141 Enriquetta of Modena, Princess, 63 Diderot, Denis, I 16 Ensenada, Cenon de Somodevilla y Dominica, 103 Bengechea, marques de la, 3, 78, Douai,35 reorganises Savoy, 79; earlier his• Douro, river, 104, 105 tory of, 80, 86; compared with Draper, Brigadier, 106, 116 Carvajal, go; character, 91; work Dresden, 82, 83 for Spain, 91; opposes peace in Drouillet, 136 Italy, 92; opposes Carvajal and Dubois, Cardinal, 46, 51 Wall, 9$ banished to Granada, Dunford, Colonel, 134 94; and the Concordat of 1753, Duran, Miguel, 51 94; and the Esquilache Riots, 113, Durango (Basque Provinces), 9 115 Duras, due de, 92, 95 Escarano, Spanish ambassador to Great Britain, 126, 131 Egmont, Port, 122, 123 Escorial, Treaty of the, see First Family Egremont, Earl of, 102, 107 Compact Eleta, Joaquin, Carlos Ill's confessor, Escudero, Bartolome, 139 115,117,118, 124,126,134 Eslava, Sebastian de, 95, 97 EI Ferrol, 73, 76, 91 Espartel, Cape, battle off, 133, 139 EI Harrach, 125 Esquilache, Leopoldo de Gregorio, Elisabeth, Czarina of Russia, 107 marques de, 9; becomes minister of Elliot, Sir George (later Lord Heath- Finance, 100; origin of, 109, 110; field), 132 Riots, I 10-12; fall of, I 12; opposed Elvas,65 to Jesuits, 116 El Velasco, O'Reilly's flagship, 125 Esquilache Riots, described, I I 1-12; Encyclopaedism, 116, 123 cause of, 113 Engineers, English and French brought Estaing, comte d', 107, 136,.137 to Spain, 91, 104 Esteban de Mare, marques de, 46, 67 England, English (after 1707 Great Esterhazy, Count, 92 Britain, British), well received in Estrees, Cardinal d', French Am• Cataluiia, 25, 31; sole winner of bassador to Rome, 18, 21 the War of the Spanish Succession, Estremez, 104 35; importance of internal politics Eugene of Savoy, Prince, 18, 19,27; at of, 36; leaves the coalition of the the battle of Audenarde, 30; be• Grand Alliance, 37; and Utrecht, sieges Landrecy, 38, 56 38; Alberoni's plan for, 45, 46, 47; Extremadura, 22, 29, 59, 65, 105 official declaration of war on Spain, 49, 50, 60, 61, 71, 72; Falkenhayn, comte de, 137 growing rivalry of and Spain in Falkland Islands, the, 121-2, 123 America, 74-5; Great Britain de• Family Compact, the, in general, 44; clares war on Spain (1739), 75; the First (Treaty of the Escorial), Index 171 69-70,71,72; the Second (Treaty dondo, conde de, 2, 3, 4, 13, 120, of Fontainebleau), 80; the Third, 127; in power, 128, 129; careful 102-3, 104, 108 policy, 130; refuses war, 131; de• Farnese, Antonio, 54; Duke of clares war on Britain, 132; difficul• (1727),63,66 ties of, 134; description of, 134-5; Farnese, Francesco, Duke of Parma, 54 and the siege of Gibraltar, 137, Felipe, Infante Don, second son of I 39; difficult position of, 141; his Felipe V and Isabel, 57, 74, 75, 76, 'memorial', 142 78, 79,80,81,82; becomes Duke of Florence, 70 Parma and Piacenza, 8$ 88, 92, Foligno, duca de, 79 96, 99, 110, 114, 118 Fonseca, Baron, 62 Felipe IV, King of Spain, 2, 15 Fontainebleau, Second Treaty of Felipe V, King of Spain, 1,2,3,4,6,7, (1762), 108 8,9, 10, q, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,20, Fontainebleau, Treaty of, see Family 21,22,23,26,27,30,31,32,33,34, Compact, the Second 35,37,38,40,41,42,43,4$ illness Fontenoy, Louis XV wins the battle of, of, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52; abdi• 82 cation of, 53; reassumes the th• Francavilla, 50 rone, 55, 58, 59, 60; madness of, Francis, first Duke of Lorraine, then 62, 64, 65, 66; new mental crisis, Grand Duke of Tuscany, later 68; at Bailen, 6g; 70, 72, 73. 74, 75, Emperor and consort of Maria 76, 78, 80; death of, 83 Theresa, 72, 76, 77; elected Em• Ferdinand, Duke of Parma, 116 peror, 82, 92 Ferdinand I, King of Naples and Sicily Frankfurt-am-Main, Charles VI crown- (from 1759),99, 123, 140 ed there, 37 Fernando, Infante (later Principe de las Franklin, Benjamin, 129, 130 Asturias and King Fernando Frederick II, King of Prussia, 77, 78" VII), birth of, 140 83; wins the battle of Kesselsdorf, Fernando VI, King of Spain, I, 3, 10, 83; 101, 107, 141 (as Prince Fernando) 59, 64, 65; Frederick William I, King of Prussia, succeedstothethrone,85;charac• 61 ter, 85; appearance, 86, 87; anger Frederick William II, King of Prussia, at France over Aix-la-Chapelle, 89, 141 91; mental position in politics, 91- Freemasons, 116 2, 96; and the Concordat of 1753, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 38 94, 9$ madness and death of, 97; Frigiliana, conde de, 42 reign and character, 97-8; econ• Frondes, the, 12 omics of, 100, 143 Fuenclara, conde de, 74 Fermin Nunez, duque de Villahermosa, Fuenterrabia, 50, 52 116, 125, 141 Fuentes, Joaquin Pignatelli, conde de, Figueras, Felipe V visits, 17,21,32 101, 103, loB, 123, 125 Finale, marquisate of, 20, 88 Fuessen, Treaty of, 81-2 Finisterre, Cape., 50 Fleury, Bishop Frejus, afterwards Car• Gabriel, Infante, 140, 142 dinal, Chief Minister of France, Gaeta, 70 6o,6l,62,63,64,65,66,67,69,71, Gages, Juan de, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86 72, 77; death of, 79 Galispanos = united forces of French Florida, 75, 107, 128, 133, 136, 138 and Spanish, 82, 83 Floridablanca, Jose Moruno y Re- Galvez, Bernardo de, 133, 134, 135, 138 Index Galvez, Jose de, 123, 125, 128, 133, 134 Granaries, public, set up by Ensenada, Galvez, Matias de, 134 9 1 Galway, Lord, 26, 28 Grand Alliance, The, 36 Gandia, duque de, 25 Grantham, Lord, 129, 131 Gardoqui, Diego, 130, 13 I, 136 Grasse, comte de, 137 Gasteiieta, Antonio, 49 Graus,34 Gaston, Miguel, 126, 132, 133 Grenada, 136 Gausa, Miguel Muzquiz, conde de, Grenville, Thomas, 137 112, 117 Grillo, Carlos, navy captain, 5 I Genoa, Republic of, 45, 72,82,87,88, Grimaldi, Geronimo, marques de, 102; 110 at the Treaty of Paris, J08, J09, George I, King of Great Britain, 46, 52, 110; opposed to Jesuits, 116, 117, 58; speech from the throne (I 727) , 120; manners, 121, 122; works 61,62; death of, 63 against Aranda, 12$ and the Al• George II, King of Great Britain, 75,88 giers disaster, 125; orders to Mas• George III, King of Great Britain, 107, serano, 127; and war with Britain, 122, 123, 131, 137 128; fall of, 128; and Arthur Lee, Georgia, 75, 80 130 Geraldino, 75 Grimaldo, Juan, marques de, 45, 51, Germaine, Lord George, 135 52, 54, 55; deprived of his post, 58; Gerona, 34, 39 restored, 60, 61, 74 Gertruydenberg, 32 Guadalajara, 2 I, 26, 55; cloth industry Ghent, 30, 3 I at, 73 Gian Gastone de' Medici, Grand Duke Guadarrama mountains, 91 of Tuscany, 53, 54, 63, 65, 67,72; Guanabacoa, 106 death of, 74 Guastalla, battle of, 7 I Gibbon, Edward, 132 Gudiiia (Orense), 32 Gibraltar, surrender of, 22; base for Guerapin de Vaureal, Louis-Guy, Peterborough's attack on Cat• Bishop of Rennes, 77, 83, 85; re• aluiia, 25; 37, 38, 52, 57; siege of moved from ambassadorship by (17 27),61,62,63;64,80, 104,128; Fernando VI, 86; opposes siege of (1779), 132, 133, 135, d'Argenson,87 136-g Guerra, Domingo Valentin, Arch• Gibson, George, 129 bishop of Amida, 60 Gil, Juan, 25 Guevara, Baltasar de, Commander of Giron, Fray Bartolome, 124 the Galleys, 46, 47, 50 Giudice, Cardinal, Inquisitor-General, Guichen, Adm., 132, 133 42, 43, 45;. resigns, 46 Glimes, conde de, 79 Hacen, Bey, 68 Godoy, Manuel de, 3, 9 Haddock, Adm., 75, 78 Goito,20 Hague, The, 19,31,46,59; Treaty of, Golilla Party, golillas, 3, J09, 116, 120, 20, 101, 102 141 Hanover, Treaty of (Herrenhausen), Gonzalez de Castejon, Pedro, marques 57,60 de, 125 Harcourt, comte d', 16 Gordillo, Royal Accountant, 95 Hardy, Adm., 132 Gramont, duc de, 23 Hasselaar, G. A., 88 Gran i General Consell, 8 Heinsius, Grand Pensionary of the Granada, province of, JO United Provinces, 15, 20, 36 Index 173 Heredia, Ignacio de, 138 Jenkins, smuggler, 76 Herrera, Juan de, Bishop of Sigiienza, Jennings, Adm., 60,61 55 Jesuits, Society of Jesus, in Paraguay, Hesse-Cassel, Prince of, 22 9S; and the Esquilache Riots, I 13; Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince of, 20, 22, 25 quarrel with the Augustinians, Hidalgo de Cisneros, Francisco, 124 I IS; European governments op• Honduras, 101, 103, 107, 108, 134, 138; posed to, I 16; events leading to Gulf of, 96 expulsion from Spain, 116-17; Hopson, Adm., 63 commission against, I 17; accu• Hosier, Adm., 60, 61 sations against, I 17; allowed into Howe, Adm., 137 various parts of Italy, I 17; the Huescar, duque de, see Alba Papacy favourable to, 118; attack• Hunt, Commander, 122 ed by Spanish bishops, 119; final Huxelles, marechal, 50 suppression, 121 H yeres, Islands of, 78 Joao V, King of Portugal, 65, 93 Joao of Portugal (later KingJoao VI), Ibiza,45 140 Idiaquez, Francisco Javier de, 113 Johnstone, Commodore, 135 India, Anglo-French rivalry in, 15, 103, Jose I, King of Portugal, 93, 104; death 108 of, 127 Innocent XIII, Pope, 94 Joseph I (Emperor of Austria, 1705- Inquisition, the Spanish, 115 I I), 15; death of, 35, 36 Intendants, 10, 29 Joseph II, Emperor of Austria, 99, 143 Ireland, projected expedition from Juan, Jorge, 91,124 Spain to, 76, 128 Juana la Loca, 15 Isabel Christine of Brunswick, Princess, Jucar, river, 27 consort of Archduke Charles, 30, 'Junius', insults Carlos III, 122 39-40 Junta suprema, created by Carlos III Isabel Farnese, Queen of Spain, I, 2, 3, (1783), 3; revised (1787) and sup• 43, 44; appearance of, 45; am• pressed (1792), 4 bitions, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,62,63,64,65,69,70,74,76,77, Kaunitz, Prince, Austrian Chancellor, 81,85,89,97,100; death of, 113 88,136 Ischia, Island of, 70 Keene, Sir Benjamin, British am• Isla, Padre J. F. de, 115 bassador to Spain, 63, 64, 66, 75, Italian campaign (1734-5), 70-2 85,89,91,94; his death, 96 Italians at the court of Carlos III, 109 Klevenhiiller, Field Marshal Count, 72 Iturralde, 74 Koenigsegg, Count, Imperialist am• bassador, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, Jaca, 26 71, 73 Jadraque, 26 Jamaica, 62, 101, 128 La Cabana, 106 James II, King of England, 20 la Chaise, Pere, 2 I James Stuart, the Old Pretender La Coruna, 62 (James III), 20, 50, 58, 81 Laguna de los Patos, 126 Jativa, captured by J. Tarrega, 2S; La Habana, 61, 106, 107, 128, 129, 133, resists the Felipists, 28; punished, 134 29 La Mirandola, 7 I Jay, John, 135, 136, 138, 139 Lamtilly, comte de, 58 174 Index Landau, 22 in infancy, 65, 81, 86 Landrecy, siege of, 38 Louis, first son of Louis XV, died in Langara, Juan de, 133 infancy, 63 Laredo, 50 Louis XIV, King of France, I, 9, 12, 15, Lascy, Francisco, 105 16,17,18,19,20,21,23,27,31,33, La Spezia, 70, 78 37, 38, 43; death of, 45 Las Talladas, 105 Louis XV, King of France, 52, 56, 60, Laubrussel, Pere, 60 62,65,6g,74,75,76,80,82,83,86, Laules, Patricio, 51 92,93, 101, 102, 123, 12 7 Lawfelt, battle of, won by Saxe, 88 Louis XVI, King of France, 127, 138 Leake, Admiral, takes Sardinia, 30 Louise-Isabella de Montpensier, Lede, marques de, 47, 50, 52, 53 Queen Luisa Isabel, consort of Lee, Arthur, 129, 130, 131 Luis I of Spain, 52, 53, 54; returns Lefevre, Pere, 89 to France, 56 Leibniz, G. W., 15 Louisiana, 108, 109, 136 Le Marchand, 32 Louisville, marquis de, 16; opposed by Leon, Isla de, 25, 65 Portocarrero, 18, 19, 21; 46 Leopold I, Emperor, 15, 19, 20 Lowendal, French commander, 88 Leopold, Grand Duke of Tuscany (af- Lucca, Duchy of, 82 terwards Emperor Leopold II), Ludwig of Baden, Prince, 22 110 Luis I, King of Spain (1724), formerly Lerida, Felipe V visits, 17; falls to the principe de las Asturias, 12, 13; Austrians (1705), 25; besieged, 29, birth of, 30; 52; proclaimed, 53, 33 54; death of, 54 Lerma, marriage of Luis of Asturias Luis, Archbishop of Toledo, third son of there, 52 Felipe V and Isabel, 74, 97 Liechtenstein, Prince, 83 Luzzara, Battle of (1702),20 Liege, 20 Lippe, Graf von, 105 Macanaz, Melchor Rafael de, 6; Liria, see Berwick Felipista reorganiser of Valencia, Lisbon, 22, 24,80,89, 104, 126 29; royalist pamphlet of, 43; leaves Livorno, 66, 70 Spain, 45; advises Felipe V, 6S; Livry, abbe de, 56 eccentricity, 88 Llana, glass industry of, 73 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord, Llivia, 10 view of Peterborough, 24 Lobkowitz, Imperialist commander, MacBride, Commander, 122 79,81,82 Maceda, conde de, 105 Lombardy, 19,47, 71 Madrid, College of Advocates, 5; cen• London, peace negotiations between G. tralisation of government in, 7, 8, B. and France begin in, 36 9; 26, 37 Long Island, 128 Madrid, Treaty of (1750),93, 126 Lopez, Alvaro, 140 Maffei, conte, 47 Lopez de Corral, Tomas, 134 Mahon, 81 Lopez, Padre Isidro, 113 Mahon, duque de, 137 Losada, Jose Fernandez de Miranda, Mahoni, conde de, 30 duque de, 100 Maillebois, marechal, 78, 79,82,83,87 Louis, Dauphin of France (d. 1711),37 Maine, duchesse de, 49 Louis, Dauphin of France, second son Maintenon, Madame de, 18, 32 of Louis XV, the first having died Malaga, naval battle off (1704), 23 Index 175 Mallorca, 7,40,45,91 Marlborough, Earl of, later Duke of, Malplaquet, battle of (1709), 32; criti- john Churchill, 20; defeats Vil• cism of in Great Britain, 36 leroy at Ramillies, 27; victory at Malta, 47, 139 Audenarde, 30; defeats Villars at Mancera, marques de, 17,23,24 Malplaquet, 32; disgrace of, 36 Manchak, 134 Marsan, marques de, 92 Manila, British capture of, 106-7; 116, Marsin, Gen., 27 122 Martinique, 130, 133 Manresa,40 Marvan,24 Manrique, Alonso, 41 Masones, jaime, see Sotomayor Mantua, Duchy of, 20, 70 Masserano, principe de, 121, 122, 123, Marcillac, comte de, 74 12 7 Marcin, French ambassador to Spain, Matagorda, 20 18, 19 Matthews, Adm., 81 Mari, marques de, 49 Maulevrier-Langeron, marquis de, 51, Maria Ana Victoria, Infanta, 52, 56, 60 52 Maria Ana Victoria of Portugal, 140, Maurepas, 78, 130 142 Mazalquivir, 68, 138 Maria Anna of Neuberg, widow of Mazarredo, 139 Carlos II, 16 Medinaceli, duque de, Spanish Viceroy Maria Antonia, Infanta, marriage to of Naples, 19, 20, 23, 31; accu• Vittorio Amadeo, Prince of Savoy• sation of treason and death, 32 Sardinia, 92 Medina Sidonia, duque de, 19,23,31, Maria Carolina, Queen of the Two 42 Sicilies, 140 Mejorada, marques de, 42, 51 Maria Francisca, Queen of Portugal, Melazzo, battle of (1718),50 12 7 Melilla, 124 Maria Leszczynska, Princess of Poland, Mendizabal, Ignacio, 133 consort of Louis XV of France, 56, Menorca, captured by Stanhope 60 (1708),30; held by G. B. at Ut• Maria Luisa of Parma, Princess (after• recht, 38; 57, 80; lost by G. B. wards princesa de las Asturias, (1756), 96; 103, 108, 128, 136; wife offuture Carlos IV), I 10, 125, Spanish again, 137 140,141 Messina, 50, 71 Maria Luisa of Savoy, Queen of Spain, Mexico, Gulf of, 61, 75 first consort of Felipe V, 3, 20, 21, Migazzy, Count, 92 23; as Regent, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, Milan and the Milanese, 16, 19,20,27, 35, 37, 39; death of, 42, 43, 59 30, 38, 47, 72, 80, 82, 83, 92 Maria Teresa of Spain (Queen Marie• Mina, marques de la, 68, 70, 75, 76, 79, Therese of France), 15 80, 85, 87, 96 Maria Theresa, Empress, 57, 62,72,74, Minas, marques de las, 26, 27, 28 76,78,80,81,83,88,89,92,96,99, Minho, river, 104, 105 110, 119 Miralles, juan, 135, 136 Maria Victoria, Queen of Portugal, Miranda, 105 sister of Carlos II I, 104 Miraval, Luis, marques de, 53, 55 Marie Amalie of Saxony, Princess, con• Mississippi, river, 136, 138 sort of Carlos III, 74; her ap• Mobile, 134 pearance, 99; her intelligence, Modena, Duke of, joins forces with 100; death of, 10 I, 102 Gages, 82 Index

Modena, at the Treaty of Aix-la- Netherlands, Dutch, see United Chapelle, 88 Provinces Mogrobejo, Facundo, 94 Netherlands, Spanish, afterwards Aus• Molina, jose, 126 trian, 16, 19, 22; to be ceded to Molines, jose, Inquisitor-General, 47 Bavaria, 37; ceded to Austria, 38 Monaco, Prince of, describes the Prin- Newcastle, Duke of, 75, 107 cess de Orsini, 45 Newfoundland, 101, 103, 108, 131 Moncorvo, 105 New Orleans, 130 Mons, 27 Nice, county of, conquered by Franco• Montalto, duque de, 17, 20, 23, 24, 31, Spanish forces, 81; 87 42 Nivernais, duc de, 107, 108 Monteleon, marques de, Spanish am• Noailles, duc de, 18, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35; bassador in London, 49, 56, 63-4 his son, 83, 87, 130 Montellano, conde de, 23 Noris, Cardinal Enrique, 115 Montemar, jose Carrillo de Albornoz, Norris, Adm., 76; patrols the English conde de, 67, 70; created duque Channel,81 and governor of Castel-Novo, 71; North, Lord, 122, 13 1, 137 72, 74, 76, 77, 78; relieved of Nova Scotia, Anglo-French rivalry in, command, 79; 93 95 Monterrey, conde de, 23, 24, 31, 42 Nuendariz, Gen., in Sardinia, 47 Montevideo, 126 Nuestra Senora de Covadonga, ship cap• Montgon, abbe, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67 tured by Anson, 76 Montijo, conde de, 77 Nueva Planta (New Plan), 7,8 MontmeIian, 79 Nymphenburg, 77 Montmorin, 135, 136 Montpellier, 72 Ocio, Francisco, Intendant-General of Moragas, Gen., 8 Andalucia, 77 Morocco, Moroccans, 59,68, 124, 139- O'Dunna, jacques, 104, 107 40 Ohio, river, 95 Morro, castle of, 106 Olmedo, glass industry at, 73 Morville, comte de, 62, 63 Oporto, 104, 105 Mosquito Coast, the, 96, 134 Oran, 30, 67, 68, 80, 138, 141 Muniain, Gregorio, 105, 112, 117 Orbitello, 77, 78 Munich, 77 Ordeiiana, Agustin Pablo de, 94 Munster, Bishop of, 19 O'Reilly, Alejandro, 105, 123, 124, Murray, Gen., 137 125, 141 Muzquiz, see Gausa Orendain,juan Bautista, later marques de la Paz, important papers of, 53; Nancre, marquis de, French envoy at office, 55, 57; deprived of post, 58; Madrid, 47, 49 regains office, 59; increases pos• Naples, 18, 19, 27, 30, 38, 47; Don ition, 61; 63, 64, 66, 68, 6g, 74 Carlos enters the Kingdom of, 70 Orihuela, 25, 26 Natchez, 134 Orleans, Philippe, duc d' (Regent of Navarra, Kingdom of, 10, the cortes of, France, 1715-23), as commander• 10, 13 in-chief of the French in Spain, 28, Navarro, juan, admiral, created mar• 29, 30, 31, 32; appointed Regent, ques de la Victoria in 1744, 81 45; 46, 49, 51, 52 Nebot, jose, 26,40 Ormonde, james Butler, Duke of, 20, Necker, 136 50 ,58,76 Index

Orozco, Bias de, 53 Perez de Prado, Padre Francisco, 114 Orry,jean, 9; description of, 17; 21,23, Perez Delgado, Alonso, I 13 24,29,30,41; 'universal minister', Perugia,7° 42,44,45 Pescara, 71 Orsini, Marie-Anne de la Tremoille, Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, 49 Princess de, I, 2; description of, Peter III, Czar of Russia, 107 17-18,21,23,31,35,37,41,42, Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl 43, 44; character and subsequent of, character of, 24; exploits 25, 26, life of, 44-5 27; reads Don Quixote, 28 Orvilliers, comte d', 132 Philadelphia, Congress of, 127, 128 Ossun, marquis de, 101, 110, 124 Philip of Austria (son of Emperor Max- Ostend Company, 54, 57, 61, 62, 67 imilian I), 15 Osuna, duque de, 52 Philippa - Isabelle de Beaujolais, 53, 56 Ottoman Empire, 46, 47 Philippines, The, 16, 73, 106 Oudenaarde, see Audenarde Philipsbourg, 71 Piacenza, duchy of, 47, 52, 57, 63, 66, Palafox y Mendoza, Bishop of Puebla, 69; renounced by Carlos of Spain, 115,116 72; 80; taken by the Gencese, 82; Palermo, 47, 71 taken by the Imperialists, 83; fin• Palma de Mallorca, 8 ally goes to Don Felipe, 88; 99 Pamplona, 10; castle of, 32, 88 Pico de la Mirandola, Abbate Ales- Panama, 61 sandro, 109 Papal Curia, 5 Pignatelli, canonigo Ramon, 125 Paraguay, 93, 95, 116 Pignatelli, Gen., 71, 83 Pardo, Convention of, 64, 75 Pineiro, Francisco, 134 Paris, Treaty of (1763), 108, 109, 128 Piscatori, Laura, 46, 60 Parma, duchy of, 47, 52, 57, 63, 66, 67, Pitt, William, the Elder, later Earl of 69; renounced by Carlos of Spain, Chatham, 96, 101, 102, 107, 122 72; 80; Spanish leave, 83; finally Pius VI, Pop.:, succeeds, 121 goes to Don Felipe, 88; 99; jesuits Plymouth, 132 expelled from, 116; still there in Po, river, 20, 70, 71, 72 1768,117-18 Pocock, Adm., 106 Parma, see Farnese Poitou, 50 Passaro, Battle of Cape (1718),49 Poland,60 Patino, jose del, 2, 7, 9, 47, 53, 58; Pombal, marques de, 105, 114, 116, origin and career, 59--60; 61, 62, 126, 127 63,64,66,67,68, 6g; last days and Pompadour, marquise de, 116 attacks on, 73; death and achieve• Popoli, duca de, 40, 46, 51 ments, 73, 79 Portmore, Adm. Lord, 63 Pavia, 82 Porto Bello, 61, 76 Pedro II, King of Portugal, 16, 22 Portocarrero, Cardinal Archbishop of Pedro of Portugal, Dom (later King Toledo, 16, 17, 18,20,21,24 Pedro III), 96, 127, 140 Porto F erraio, 66 Pellegrina, lady-in-waiting to Queen Portugal, as British ally, 104; war with Isabel,68 Spain, 104-5; relations with Spain Penaranda, conde de, 51 in South America, 124-7 Peniscola, 25 Portuguese Trading Company, the, 45 Pensacola (Florida), 108, 128, 134 Pozo-Bueno,61 Peral, marques de, 41 Prado,juan de, Governor of Cuba, 106 Index Pragmatic doctrine of (1707), 29 Rio Pardo, 126 Pragmatic Sanction, 67, 69, 72, 75, 77 Riosco, duque de, Admiral of Castile, Prague, 77, 79 16 Prats del Rey, 35 Riots, connected with that of Es• Prince Frederick, the (British ship), 61, quilache, 112 63,64,66 Ripperda, johann Wilhelm, Baron de, Providence Island, 63, 107, 138 2,46; career and character, 55-6; Puebla, conde de la, 40 57; runs into trouble, 58; fall and Puerto de Santa Maria, 20 future career of, 59, 60 Puerto Rico, 107 Rivas Betancourt, Roberto de, 133 Puigcerda, 40 Robinet, Pere, Felipe V's confessor, 42, Puyzieulx, French minister, 87 45 Pyrenees, The, 16,50 Robinson, British minister, 66, 68 Rochford, Lord, 109, 121, 122, 123, Quadruple Alliance, The, 47, 49, 51, 126, 127 56,65,67 Rockingham, Marquess of, 121, 137 Quesnoy, taken by Prince Eugene, 38 Roda y Arrieta, Manuel de, 115, 116, Quintana, 74 117, 120, 125 Quintano y Bonitaz, Manuel, Inquisi• Roderique Hortales et Cie., 129 tor-General, I 15 Rodney, Admiral, 133, 137 Rodrigo, jose, 51 Radoski, Gen., 71 Roermunde, 20 Ramillies, battle of (1706), 27 Rojas, Diego de, I 12 Rastatt-im-Baden, 38, 39, 40, 52 Rojo, Antonio, Archbishop of Manila, Ratisbon, Diet of, 20 106, 107 Ravago, Padre, confessor of Fernando Ronquillo, Francisco, in the Por• VI, 89; dismissed, 95, 115 tuguese campaign (1704), 22; Pre• Real-Transporte, marques de, 106 sident of the Council of Castile, 31, Reggio, Miguel, 67 42 ,55 Regidores, 8 Rooke, Admiral Sir George, 20, 22 Rezzonico, Cardinal, 117, 118, 119, Rosado, jose, 133 120 Rosas, stands out for Felipe V (1705), Rhine, river, 22 25; 50 Ribagorza, the county or region of, 25, Rosenberg, Francisco Orsini, Graf, 110 34 Rota, 20 Ric, Pedro, 113, 116 Rottenbourg, comte de, 63, 64, 67, 68, Ricaud, Baltasar, engineer in Cuba, 6g 106 Rousseau, F., modern French his- Ricaud, Francisco, engineer in Cuba, torian, 17 106 Roussillon, 26, 32 Ricci, Padre Lorenzo, I 16, I 17 Rubi, marques de, 141 Richelieu, Cardinal, 10 Ruiz Puente, Captain Felipe, 121 Richelieu, duc de, military commander Russia, 60, 66, 70, 96 at Menorca, 96 Ricola, conde de, 105, 125 Sacramento (Banda Oriental), 45, 93, Rimini,78 107, 108, 115 Rio de la Plata, 93, 126, 127 Saint-Aignan, French Ambassador to Rio Grande de San Pedro, 126 Spain, 45, 46, 49 Rio Hondo, 134 Saint Domingue (Haiti), 130 Index 179 Saint Lucia, 103 Sevilla, Treaty of, 65, 66 Saint-Severin d'Aragon, comte de, 88 Shelburne, Lord, 122, 137 Saint-Simon, L. duc de, 52 Sheridan, R. B., 135 Saint Vincent, 103 Sherlock, Juan, 124 Salazar, conde de, 60 Shovel, Admiral, 23 Salento, Cape (Sicily), 47 Siaca,50 Sallc Law, I, 12 Sicie, Cape, naval battle off, 81 Salinas, Francisco, 139 Sicily, 38, 47, 50, 51, 71 Salvatierra, 24 Sida Mohamed ben Abdala, Sultan, San Agustin, 108 124 San Esteban de Gormez, conde de, 19; Sidi Ahmed el Gazel, 124 made Capt.-General of Aragon, Sidi Mohammed ben Othman, 139 25 Siena, 70 San Fernando de Ornoa, 134 Sierra de los Tapes, 126 San Ildefonso, Treaty of (1777), 127 Siete-Iglesias, 104, 105 Sanjuan de Nicaragua, 134 Silesia, 77 San Justo, funds of, 6 Soissons, Congress of (1728), 64, San Luis, shipwrecked, 77 65 San Sebastian, 50, 52, 76 Solano, Jose, 133, 134 Sandwich, Lord, 88 Soler family, 139, 140 Santa Catalina, fortress of, 20 Solferino, duque de, 5 I Santa Cruz, conde de, commander of Solsona,40 the Galleys, 26 Sopena, Antonio, 53, 58 Santa Cruz, marques de, 66, 68 Sotomayor, Jaime Masones de Lima, Santander, 50 duque de, 88, 102, II7 Santa Vittoria, 20 Sotomayor, Martin Alvarez de, 132 Santesteban de Puerto, conde de, 51 South Sea Company, The, 61 Santo Domingo, Island of, 10 I, 128, Souza Countinho, Francisco de, 127 130 Speier, 22, 38 Santona, 50 Stahremberg, Count, Imperialist com• Saratoga, 131 mander, 30, 33, 34, 35, 39, 56 Sardinia, 8, 16, 38, 40, 47, 51 Stanhope, Gen., takes an army to Sarria, marques de, 104, lOS; and the Cataluna, 30, 32; victory at Brih• Esquilache Riot, 112 uega, 34; plenipotentiary at Mad• Sastago, conde de, 25 rid, 47; 58; gives asylum to Rip• Saxe, marechal, 88 perda, 59; 61; leaves Spain, 62; Saxe-Gotha, Duke of, 19 and the Treaty of Sevilla, 65, 66 Scarlatti, Domenico, career in Portugal Stanislas Leszczynski, King of Poland, and Spain, 8g later Duke of Lorraine, 69, 70, 7 I ; Schmerling, Imperialist diplomat, 72 renounces Poland and becomes Schulemburg, Imperialist commander, Duke of Lorraine, 72, 74 79,82 States General of France, 12 Scilly Isles, 132 Surnbel, Samuel, 124 Scotti, marchese, 50, 60, 68 Sweden, 96 Segovia, 59 Swift, Jonathan, his The Conduct of the Segre, river, 40 Allies, 36 Seo de U rgel, 50, 5 I Syracuse, 7 I Seven Years' War (1756-63), events leading to and its beginning, 95-6 Tagus, see Tajo 180 Index Tajo (T~gus), river, 27, 34, 104, 105, Triple Alliance, the, 47, 52 126 Tripoli, 139 Tallard, marechal, 22 T'Serclaes, Prince de, 22, 39 Tangier, 139 Tucuman, jesuits in, 95 Tanucci, Neapolitan minister, 100, Tunis, 59, 140 101, 109, 115 Turin, 49; treaty of, 69, 70; Don Felipe Tapestry industry, 73 enters, 79 Tarazona, 26 Turkish Empire, see Ottoman Empire Tarragona, 35 Tuscany, 20, 47, 52, 57, 64, 66; Aulic Tiurega, juan, 25 Council of, 67, 69; renounced by Tarrega, town, 29 Carlos of Spain, 72; condition ofin Taverner, Bp. of Gerona, 8 1773, 121; Presidios of, 38 Terminos, lake, 101 Territorial divisions in Spain, 9 Ubilla, Antonio de, marques de Rivas, Tesse, marechal and marquis de, 22, Secretary of State, 16, 19, 23, 24 23, 24, 54, 63 Ulloa, Bernardo de, 91 Tetuan, 59, 124, 139 United Provinces, The, 2, 18, 27, 31, Three Estates of Spain, The, 12 43,45,46,47,49,61,63,66,71,72, Tillot, 116 75; at Treaty of Aix-Ia-Chapelle, Tilly, marquis de, 50 88,89; 96 Tinajero, Bernardo, Secretary of the Unzaga y Amezaga, Luis de, 129 Council of the Indies, 42 Urgel, plain of, 29 Tirawley, Gen., 104, 105 Ursins, see Orsini Tobago, 103 Ushant, battle of, 132 Toledo, Maria Anna of Neuberg retires Ustariz, 74 to, 16, 26 Utrecht, Treaty of, 5, 37; terms of it, Torey, marquis de, 18, 60 38--g; explicative articles of, 46, Torre, Francisco de la, Governor of the 49,52; referred to, 69, 101, 122 Philippines, 107 Torregiani, Papal secretary of state, Vadillo, Manuel, Secretary of the 118 Council of State, 42 Torrenueva, marques de, Treasurer- Valdecanas, marques de, 34 General, 74 Valdeflores, marques de, 113 Torrero, jose, 104 Valencia, 6, 25, 26, 28 Torres, conde de las, 46, 61, 62 Valencia de Alcantara, 24 Tortona,82 Valero, marques de, 53 Tortosa, 30, 35 Valladolid, 11,33 Tortuguero, 134 Valletri, battle of, 81 Toulon, 29, 87 Valparaiso, juan de Gaona y Portocar• Toulouse, comte de, 26, 36 rero, conde de, 93, 95, 100 Trafalgar, Cape, 133 Valverde, Lucas Spinola, conde de, 66 Trapani, 71 van der Meer, United Province's am- Tras-os-Montes, province of, 104 bassador to Spain, 58, 63, 64, 72 Traun, Field Marshal Count von Var, river, 87 Abensperg und, 70, 71, 78, 79 Vara (staff of office), II Trebbia, river, 83 Varas, Francisco de, 74 Tremp, 50, 51 Vaudemont, Prince de, 20 Trent, Council of, 5 Vaulgrenaut, French ambassador to Trevino, county of, 10 Spain, 72 Index 181

Vazquez, Padre, 115 tion of, 34, 35; impression of in Velasco, Luis, 106 England, 36; the palace of, last Vendome, man~chal, 19,20,22,30,33, days of Fernando VI there, 97 34, 35; death of, 39 Villena, marques de, 17, 19, 20, 27 Venice, Venetians, 46, 58 Villeroy, marechal, 19, 27 Venloo,20 Vinaroz, death of Vendome at (I 712) , Ventura Figueroa, Manuel, 124 39 Veracruz, 61 Viry, Ambassador of Savoy to France, Veragua, duque de, 31,41,46,51 107 Vercelii, 22 Vitoria, Queen Maria Luisa at, 33 Vergennes, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, Vittorio Amadeo, Duke of Savoy, 1675- 13 1, 137, 138 1720, when he became King of Vernon, Adm., 76 Sardinia, abdicating in 1730, 16; Versailles, presentation of Philippe won over by Louis XIV to an d'Anjou at, 16; 27; 58; Treaty of alliance, 17; 19,20,21,32,47,49; (1783), 138 becomes King, 51 Vertiz, Juan Jose, Governor of Buenos Aires, 126 Wager, Adm., 60, 63, 67 Vetzel, Baron von, besieges Gerona, 39 Wall, Ricardo, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96; Vich,4° minister of State, 100; anglophile, Vienna, First Treaty of (1725), 57; 10 I; and Aranda, I 14; opposes the Second Treaty of (1731),66,67, Jesuits, 116; befriends O'Reilly, 68; Third Treaty of (1735), 72; 124 Fourth Treaty of (1739), 75 Walpole, Horatio, 62, 87 Vigo, battle of (1702),21; 50 Walpole, Sir Robert, 64, 67, 73, 75, 76 Vilavelha, 105 Washington, George, 127 Villadarias, marques de, 22, 23, 32, 33 West Indies, 60, 62, 63, 73, 132 Villadarias, Sebastian de la Quadra, Westphalia, 32 marques de, 74, 75, 77; confirmed Weymouth, Lord, 122, 131, 132 in his position by Fernando VI, 86 Wharton, Lord, 58 Villaflor, 105 William III, King of England, 19,20, Villagarcia, marques de, Viceroy of 35 Valencia, 25 Windward Islands, 130 Villarroel, Antonio de, 34; takes com• Worms, Treaty of (1743),80 mand of the Catalans, 40, 41 Villars, marechal, 22; defeated by Zaragoza, 6, 7, 17, 20, 21, 26, 29; battle Marlborough at Malplaquet, 32; of, 3$ court at, 35 defeats the Imperialists at Denain, Zelada, Cardinal, 120 38; victories in 1713, 38; 50; cap• Zinzendorff, Imperial Chancellor, 56 tures Milan, 70; death of, 71 Zuniga, Luis de, taken prisoner by the Villaviciosa, battle of (1710), descrip- Catalans, 25