Notes INTRODUCTION I. The two great classical works on the Consejo de Castilla are: A. Martinez Salazar, Colecci6n de memorias y noticias del gobierno y politico del Consejo (Madrid, 1764); and P. Escolano de Arrieta, Prtictica del Crlnsejo Real en el despacho de los negocios consultatiuos, instructiuosy contenciosos ... (Madrid, 1796). They contain a wealth of information and are essential for the subject of statecraft. 2. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, 'Les Institutions del'Espagne au XVIIIe Siec!e', Reuue Hispanique, June and August, 1927. 3. The comuneros troubles. 4. Carlos III very soon after his Spanish succession became a widower. 5. For a survey of Spanish institutions in the eighteenth century see G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, op. cit. 6. P. R. Campomanes, Cartas politico-econ6micas, ed. A. Rodriguez Villa (Madrid, 1878). 7. For an account of its history, its complicated constitution and a plan of reform addressed to Carlos IV see G. M. deJovellanos, 'Consulta del real y supremo Consejo de las Ordenes', Bibl. Aut. Esp., vol. XLVI, 1858 (rep. 1963), pp. 457-76. 8. Decree of 8 July. 9· A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de France,s vols. (Paris, 1890) vol. I, PP·575-7· 10. Such dress is to be seen in portraits of, for example, Francisco de Urquijo (Museo de Vitoria, Alava) and Ramon de Pignatelli (Col. Pano, Zaragoza). I I. Many examples and facts mentioned here are to be found in that mine of information,J. Santos Sanchez, Extracto puntual de todas las pragrruiticas, cMulas, provisiones, circulares, publicadas en el reinado ,del senor Don Carlos III (Madrid, 1792--93). 12. J. Mercader Riba, 'La ordenacion de Cataluna por Felipe V: la Nueva Planta', Hispania, XLIII, pp. 257-366. 13. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, L'Espagne de l'ancien regime, 3 vols. (Paris, 1897- 1904) vol. I, pp. I 22ff. 14. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., real ddula, 12 enero de 1740. 15. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., 28 noviembre. 16. Novisima recopilaci6n de las leyes de Espana, Bk. V, tit. X, (Madrid, 1805). 17. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, Reu. Hisp., June 1927, p. 149· 18. Ibid., p. 150. 19. J. Yanguas y Miranda, Diccionario de Antigiiedades del reino de Nauarra (3 vols.), (Madrid, 1840), vol. III, p. 527. 20. J. Santos Sanchez, op. cit., ordenanza, 13 octubre de 1749· 2 I. Until 30 November 1800 when they were placed under military authority. 22. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, L' Espagnede l'ancien regime, vol. I, pp. 121-40, for the different officers and institutions. 145 Eighteenth-Century Spain, IJ()(}-IJ88 23. Ibid., pp. 52-3 and 61- 24. But in fairness to him it must be taken into account that the Archduke Charles had presided over the Catalan cortes in 1705. 25. The future Luis I. 26. W. Coxe, Historical Memoirs of the Kings ofSpain of the House ofBourbon, vol. II, pp. 137-40 (London, ISI5). 27. Ibid., p. 142. 28. M. Danvila y Collado, Historia del Reinado de Carlos Ill, vol. II, pp. 92-3 (Madrid, 1893-95). PART ONE THE REIGN OF FELIPE V (1700-46) I. For this will see: F. Nicolini, L'Europa durante la guerra, pp. 167-8, trans. in W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Spain under the Bourbons, 17()()-1833, pp. Iff. Louis was most surprised at the will of Carlos, never expecting he would favour France, see duquede Maura, Viday reinado de Carlos II, vol. III, p. 417. 2. For a personal account of the question of the Spanish succession see L. de Saint-Simon, Historical Memoirs (ed. and trans. Lucy Norton, 3 vols., London, 1967-72), vol. I, pp. I 36ff. 3. A constant source ofreference on French influence on Spain in the eighteenth century is F. Merimee, L'inJiuence jraTlljais en Espagne au XVlIIe sude (Paris, 1936). 4. For a contemporary account of the very beginning of Felipe V's reign (1700- 01) see B. M., MS Sloane 3958, especially fos. 31 and 33. Much valuable contemporary evidence, used in the following pages, is to be found in B. M. MS Add. 34,142 (fos. 1-254 in toto), 'Historia Politica y secreta del Rey Philipe [sic] V desde su ingreso a la Corona de Espana en 1701 hasta la Paz general, celebrada en 1719'. 5. A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de France, 5 vols. (Paris, IS9O) vol. I, p. 566. 6. F. Rousseau, Un riformateur jraTlljais en Espagne au XVlIIe sude: Orry, 1701- 1714, (Paris, 1912), p. 16. 7. A quaint amateur study, most laudatory to the subject, is: Constance Hill, Story of the Princess des Ursins (New York, 1899). 8. F. Combes, La Princesse des Ursins: essai sur sa vie et son caractere politique (Paris, 1858), p. 17· 9. For an account of the War's origins see M. A. Thompson, 'Louis XIV and the Origin of the War of the Spanish Succession', Transactions ofthe Royal Historical Sociery, 5th Ser., iv (1954), pp. 111-34. For a detailed account of the conduct ofthe war behind the scenes see H. A. F. Kamen, The War ofSuccession in Spain, 17()()-IS, (London, 1969) pp. 60-80. See also: A. Parnell, The War of Succession in Spain during the Reign ofOJieen Anne, 1702-1711 (London, 1905), a work interpreting the English standpoint, to be set against which is V. Bacallar y Sanna, Comentarios de la guerra de Espana e historia de su rty Felipe V, el Animoso (Madrid, 1957). 10. A vivid account of the War by a French courtier, and so seen from a distance, is to be found in L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. I. pp. l73ff. For Felipe V's part in it, see Ibid. pp. 267ff. and 46 Iff. See also Rousset de Courcy (marquis M. R.), La Coalition de 1701 contre la France (17()()-171S), 2 vols. (Paris, IS86). Notes to Part One 147 I I. [F. Wrangham), The British Plutarch, 8 vols. (Perth, 1795), V, pp. 58ff. 12. From 1703 to 1706 one is aided by an interesting and informative, if somewhat rambling, account ofthe War to be found in 'Noticias individuales de los sucesos mas particulares tanto de Estado como de Guerra, acontecidos en el Reynado de Felipe V .. .'. They are in the form of four letters purporting to be written by a monk to a gentleman, but are by Melchor de Macanaz (B. M. MS Egerton 390, fos. 19-112). 13. For an account of the conquest of Gibraltar from the Allies' point of view, see W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 21-5; [F. Wrangham,) op. cit., V, pp. 65-7· 14. [F. Wrangham,) op. cit., V, p. 50. 15. A. Baudrillart, Philippe V et la cour de France, vol. I, p. 80. 16. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 216ff. 17. P. Voltes Bou, El archiduque Carlos de Austria, rty de los calalanes, (Barcelona, 1953) pp. 86-101. 18. For the campaign in Barcelona, Valencia and adjacent theatres of war from 1705 to 1708 from the Allies' point of view, see B. M. MS Add. 28,058, 'Official Papers relating to military operations in Spain sent to Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain', § I, fos. 1-29. 19. For an account of this siege see: W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 26- 34. See also A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 251-5; A. Vovard, 'Le siege de Barcelone en 1706', Communications et Memoires de l' Academie de ,'Warine, XIV (1935), pp. 139-16 1. 20. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. I pp. 267-7 I. 2 I. Felipe's delight is shown in his address to the University of Salamanca (W. N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 34-5). 22. For Berwick in Spain, see L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 86-7. 23. For the siege and capture of Lerida, see A. L.Javierre, 'Las cartas del duque de Orleans a Felipe V sobre el sitio de Lerida en 1707', llerda, IV (1946), pp. 93-11 9. 24. The treatment meted out to Aragon and Valencia appears in N. de J. Belando, Historia civil de Espana, pt. I, pp. 3161[., trans. W. N. Hargreaves­ Mawdsley, op. cit., pp. 35-6. 25. A. Baudrillart, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 17ff. 26. He was to become Regent of France on the death of Louis XIV in 17 I 5. 27. The Archduke Charles had been in correspondence with Queen Anne, certainly since 1704; see B. M. Add. MS 29,548, fol. 43, Charles III, titular King of Spain to Q Anne, 9 Feb. 1704. 28. M. Menendez y Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos espanoles, (Madrid, 1880- 82), vol. III, cap. i, § ii-v. 29. For the relationship between Felipe V and the Vatican, see B. M., MS Add. 2 I, 535, 'Papeles especiales sobre puntos ecclesiasticos y controversias con la corte Romana, 1508-1736', the second part of which contains letters addressed to Antonio Ibanes de'la Riva Herrera, Archbishop of Zaragoza, Inquisitor General. See especially § 2, fos. 222-24 and 242-50, being letters written by Felipe V from Madrid on 19 June and 10 July 1709. 30. For Villars, see C. C. Sturgill, Marshal Villars and the War oj the Spanish Succession (London, 1966). Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1788 31. Province of Caceres. This fine old bridge was built In 1552 to open a communication with La Mancha. 32. For Felipe V at these battles, see L. de Saint-Simon, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 99- IOJ. 33. For Vendome in Spain, a highly unflattering portrait by one who hated him, see L.
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