Notes INTRODUCTION I. The two great classical works on the Consejo de Castilla are: A. Martinez Salazar, Colecci6n de memorias y noticias del gobierno y politico del Consejo (Madrid, 1764); and P. Escolano de Arrieta, Prtictica del Crlnsejo Real en el despacho de los negocios consultatiuos, instructiuosy contenciosos ... (Madrid, 1796). They contain a wealth of information and are essential for the subject of statecraft. 2. G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, 'Les Institutions del'Espagne au XVIIIe Siec!e', Reuue Hispanique, June and August, 1927. 3. The comuneros troubles. 4. Carlos III very soon after his Spanish succession became a widower. 5. For a survey of Spanish institutions in the eighteenth century see G. N. Desdevises du Dezert, op. cit. 6. P. R. Campomanes, Cartas politico-econ6micas, ed. A. Rodriguez Villa (Madrid, 1878). 7. For an account of its history, its complicated constitution and a plan of reform addressed to Carlos IV see G. M. deJovellanos, 'Consulta del real y supremo Consejo de las Ordenes', Bibl. Aut. Esp., vol. XLVI, 1858 (rep. 1963), pp. 457-76. 8. Decree of 8 July. 9· A. Baudrillart, Philippe Vet la cour de France,s vols. (Paris, 1890) vol. I, PP·575-7· 10. Such dress is to be seen in portraits of, for example, Francisco de Urquijo (Museo de Vitoria, Alava) and Ramon de Pignatelli (Col. Pano, Zaragoza). I I. Many examples and facts mentioned here are to be found in that mine of information,J. Santos Sanchez, Extracto puntual de todas las pragrruiticas, cMulas, provisiones, circulares, publicadas en el reinado ,del senor Don Carlos III (Madrid, 1792--93).
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