Improving access to market information: a driver of change in marketing strategies for small producers? DAVID-BENZ Hélène(1), ANDRIANDRALAMBO Norontsoa(2), SOANJARA Helgina(3), CHIMIRRI Chiara(4), RAHELIZATOVO Noro(5), RIVOLALA Bezaka(6) (1) CIRAD, UMR MOISA, TA 60/15, 73 rue J.-F. Breton, 34398 MONTPELLIER cedex 5, France.
[email protected] (2) Lot A 139 Ambodiriana Nord, Ambatolampy 104, Madagascar,
[email protected] (3) Logt 150 A LE, Lazaret Prefet Sud, Antsiranana 201, Madagascar,
[email protected] (4) Via di Ripoli 207/g , Florence 50126, Italy,
[email protected] (5) Univ. Antananarivo, ESSA, Ankatso, 101, Antananarivo, Madagascar,
[email protected] (6) OdR, PADR, Enciente ex-Microhydraulique, Nanisana, Antananarivo, Madagascar,
[email protected] Paper prepared for presentation at the 149th EAAE Seminar ‘Structural change in agri- food chains: new relations between farm sector, food industry and retail sector’ Rennes, France, October 27-28, 2016 Copyright 2016 by David-Benz, Andriandralambo, Soanjara, ChimirI, Rahelizatovo, Rivolala. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. Summary: The circulation of information has been pointed out by the economic literature as a main factor of market performance. In developing countries, information asymmetries are frequently mentioned as limiting the effectiveness of agricultural markets. Rice market in Madagascar, characterized by a great instability and a poor spatial integration, is an illustration of such situation. Market Information Systems (MIS) aim at improving market performance, through the dissemination of information to producers and other market players.