PORT AUTHORITY TRANSIT CORPORATION Minutes of the March 20, 2013 Board Meeting One Port Center, Camden, Wednesday, March 20,2013,9 a.m.


PENNSYLVANIA NEW JERSEY David F. Simon, Chairman Jeffrey L. Nash, Esquire, Vice Chair Kathryn Boockvar (DePasquale) AI Frattali William Sasso, Esquire E. Frank DiAntonio John Lisko (McCord) (via telephone) Richard Sweeney Walter D' Alessio Charles Fentress Joanna Cruz, Esquire Denise Mason (via telephone) Joann Bell Rick Taylor

Officers and Chiefs Counsel John Matheussen, CEO Christopher Gibsop., Archer & Greiner, NJ Michael Conallen, Deputy CEO Counsel Danielle McNichol, General Counsel Tom Ellis, Duane Morris, PA Counsel and Corporate Secretary Kristen Mayock, Deputy General Counsel Others John Hanson, CFO Kevin Schmidt, Deputy General Counsel, Toni Brown, CAO PA Governor's Office Mike Venuto, Chief Engineer Kerstin Sundstrom, Assistant Counsel, NJ John Rink, PATCO, General Manager Gov. Authorities Unit Anthony DeSantis (CAC) DRPA Staff Casey Oakes (Sen. Lautenberg's Office) Dan Auletto, Bridge Director, WWB & CBB Val Bradford, Bridge Director, BFB/BRB Fran DiCicco, Administrative Coordinator Ann DuVall, Executive Assistant to CEO Timothy Ireland, Director, Corp. Comm. Kevin LaMarca, Director, IS Sheila Milner, Administrative Coordinator Elizabeth McGee, Administrative Assistant Thomas Raftery, Inspector General Cheryl Spicer, Asst. General Manager, PATCO Susan Squillace, Manager, Purchasing Jack Stief, Acting Police Chief, Public Safety Dawn Whiton, Administrative Coordinator The Corporate Secretary announced that pursuant to the By-Laws of this Authority, public notice of this meeting of the P ATCO Board of Directors has been given by posting proper notice in the lobby at One Port Center, and issuing proper notice to the public and news media.

Chairman Simon called the meeting to order and asked that the Corporate Secretary call the roll. The Corporate Secretary then called the roll and announced that there was a quorum. Chairman Simon presided.

Report of the General Manager John Rink, General Manager ofPATCO, stated that the report is submitted as it stands.

Mr. Rink stated that there are two items he wanted to highlight. He stated that during PATCO's 22"d Annual Valentine Food Drive, PATCO customers and employees donated 350 pounds of food to the Food Bank of . Mr. Rink also stated that PATCO's Satellite FREEDOM Card Service Center has a satellite center at Broadway and now opened a new center at , primarily to offer an additional site once a month to customers to wish to enroll in the Reduced Fare Program. He stated that during January, 104 customers came to the new satellite office and 125 customers in February.

Mr. Rink stated that he wanted to update the Board on an incident which occurred this past Saturday evening. He started out by apologizing to the customers who were stranded on the train on the Ben Franklin Bridge. As a brief background, a P ATCO train was disabled on the Ben Franklin Bridge with a broken air pipe. He stated that P ATCO employees attempted to repair the problem but did not succeed. Mr. Rink stated that as a consequence, another train was sent up and coupled to the disabled train. All passengers were taken from the train to the other train and taken on their way. He stated that this process took more than an hour, which he said was an hour too' long. He stated that he felt that P ATCO could have been more communicative with the passengers on the train as to what had happened and how it was going to be remedied. Mr. Rink stated that they now know what went wrong and the need to communicate with the passengers. With this knowledge, in the future, any type of incident will be communicated to the passengers and public promptly. He stated that PATCO Operations will now communicate with DRPA Public Safety anytime a train malfunctions on the Ben Franklin Bridge or in the subway tunnels. These new default procedures will allow police to respond and assist, prevent passengers from exiting cars, free the train operator to attend to mechanical issues and have police assist the passengers. These procedures will help to reinforce and retrain train operators on protocols.

Commissioner Sasso inquired as to cause of the problem. Mr. Rink responded that there was a problem with the pipes that connect air brakes. There was a report that there was a bang and a hissing sound, apparently from the pipes bleeding air and subsequently the air pipe snapped.

Mr. Rink stated that P ATCO annually has re-training with their train operators and supervisors. He said that the annual retraining process begins next week and they will go through in the training what transpired this past weekend to include lessons learned from this incident and what the operators should say and do with the passengers.

Commissioner Sasso asked about the FREEDOM Card and about the Smart Card progress, with Commissioner Sasso's understanding that SEPTA is currently working with Xerox. Mr. Rink stated that our smart card process is one of the projects up for a vote later in the meeting. He said that this contract is with Cubic Transportation Systems to modify PATCO's equipment for the next generation of Smart Card. Kathy Imperatore, who is PATCO's Director of Fare Collection, is in contact with SEPTA and their proposals that they have put out. This concluded the Report of the General Manager.

Chairman Simon thanked Mr. Rink for promptly addressing and reporting on the disabled train incident.

On motion duly made and seconded, the Report of the General Manager was approved.

Approval of February 20,2013 PATCO Board Meeting Minutes The Minutes of the February 20, 2013 Board Meeting of the Port Authority Transit Corporation were previously provided to the Governor of New Jersey and the P ATCO Directors and there were no comments.

On motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of the February 20, 2013 Board Meeting were approved.

Receipt and Filing of Balance Sheet & Equity Statement Dated January 31,2013 The Balance Sheet and Equity Statement dated January 31, 2013 were previously provided to all Commissioners and there were no comments.

Receipt and Filing of the Monthly List of Payments Covering the Month of February 2013 The Monthly List of Payments covering the month of February 2013 were received and filed.

Receipt and Filing of the Monthly List of Purchase Orders and Contracts Covering the Month of February 2031 The Monthly List of Purchase Orders and Contracts covering the month of February 2013 were received and filed.

On motion duly made and seconded, the Balance Sheet and Equity Statement, Monthly List of Payments Coveringthe Month of February 2013 and the Monthly List of Purchase Orders and Contracts for the month of February 2013 were received and filed.

Approval of P ATCO Operations & Maintenance Committee Report of March 6, 2013 The Report of the P A TCO Operations & Maintenance Committee Meeting of March 6, 2013 was previously provided to all Commissioners and there were no comments.

On motion duly made and seconded, the Report of the P ATCO Operations & Maintenance Committee of March 6, 2013 was approved.

Adopt Resolutions Approved by Operations & Maintenance Committee of March 6, 2013

PATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EV1 Upgrade

John Rink stated that staff is seeking Board authorization to negotiate a contract with Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. who handles our fare collection system. He stated that with the cards running out, PATCO needs to purchase the next generation of our FREEDOM Cards. To do this, we need to upgrade all of the devices which we have at our fare gates and ticket machines so that all tickets can be read. Mr. Rink stated that this contract will be in an amount not to exceed $168,240. Chairman Simon asked whether this improvement will relate to the security ofthe card and Mr. Rink stated that the new technology will prevent hackers from hacking into the cards as the encryption process is more detailed.

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and made the action of the Authority:

P ATC0-13-005 PATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EVl Upgrade

Approval ofPATCO Finance Committee Report of March 6, 2013 The Report of the P ATCO Finance Committee Meeting of March 6, 2013 was previously provided to all Commissioners and there were no comments.

On motion duly made and seconded, the Report of the P A TCO Finance Committee of March 6, 2013 was approved.

Adopt Resolutions Approved by Finance Committee of March 6, 2013

Purchase of Transit Scheduling Software

Mr. Rink stated that staff is seeking Board authorization to negotiate an agreement with SHI, Inc. for the purchase of Trapeze Scheduling Software which is the purchase of transit scheduling software. He stated that currently P ATCO uses Excel spreadsheets to generate all scheduling tasks. Mr. Rink stated that this new software will allow plan future modifications of service and future development of smartphone apps for our customers. He stated that NJTransit and SEPTA both use Trapeze.

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and made the action of the Authority:

P ATC0-13-006 Purchase of Transit Scheduling Software

Sole/Single Source Vendors for Replacement Parts for PATCO- CY 2013

Mr. Rink stated that there is a correction in the name of one of the vendors listed on Exhibit A. United Knitting Machine Co., Inc. has changed their name to UKM Transit Products.

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution, as amended, was unanimously adopted and made the action of the Authority:

P ATC0-13-007 Sole/Single Source Vendors for Replacement Parts for PATCO -CY 2013 Approval of Purchase Settlement Agreements

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and made the action of the Authority:

P ATC0-13-008 Approval of Purchase Settlement Agreements

Unfinished Business There was no P ATCO unfinished business.

New Business

Item 1-Consideration of Pending PATCO Contracts (Between $25,000 and $100,000)

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and made the action of the Authority:

P ATC0-13-009 Consideration of Pending P ATCO Contracts (Between $25,000 and $100,000)

There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.

Danielle L. McNichol Corporate Secretary REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER

March 20, 2013

Port Authority Transit Corporation Administration Offices & Maintenance Facility PO Box 4262 Lindenwold, NJ 08021-0218

To the Commissioners:

The following is a summary of recent PATCO activities, with supplemental information attached.


PATCO's 22"d Annual Valentine Food Drive- PATCO customers and employees donated 350 pounds of non-perishable food to the Food Bank of South Jersey through PATCO's Valentine Food Drive. We appreciate the continued dedication and community spirit of all who contributed to this annual endeavor.

PATCO'S Satellite FREEDOM Card Service Center- The FREEDOM Card Service Center at our Broadway Station has served our customers on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. since the inception of our new fare collection system. In 2012, we opened a satellite office at our Woodcrest Station, primarily to offer an additional site once a month to customers who wish to enroll in our Reduced Fare Program for Medicare Card holders, seniors, and the disabled. This option has become so popular that the satellite office now serves our customers every Tuesday. During January, we served 104 customers and in February 125.


PATCO Income year to date (through 1/31/13} amounted to $2,326,623, compared with a Budget Anticipated Income of $2,218,549, a favorable variance of $108,074 or 4.87%.

Operating expenses during January 2013 amounted to $3,090,931 compared with a Budget Anticipated Expense of $3,807,619, a favorable variance of $716,688 or 18.82%.

During the month of January 2013, PATCO experienced a Net Operating Loss (excluding rental and non­ recurring charges} of $764,308. Total Cumulative Loss year to date (including Lease Rental charges} equaled $1,274,471.

Net Transit Loss (including lease expense} for the month ending 1/31/13 was $1,274,471. General Manager's Report- February- for March 20, 2013 Board Meeting

The passenger count for the month of January 2013 totaled 903,744, an increase of 21,665 {+2.46%) when compared to January 2012.

2013 2013 Through January 31, 2013 Budget Actual Variance Income $2,218,549 $2,326,623 $108,074 F Expenses $3,807,619 $3,090,931 $716,688 F Operating Ratio .5827 .7527

Passengers 868,393 903,744 35,351 F Car Miles 405,075 416,502 11,427 u


The following personnel transactions occurred in February 2013:



Michael Bennett Custodian Equipment 2/11/13 James Cox Custodian Way& Power 2/11/13 Brian Spence Custodian Way & Power 2/11/13 Dwayne Stevenson Custodian Way& Power 2/11/13 Beth Pratt Dispatcher Trainee Transit Services 2/11/13




Fred Linett From: Electrical Foreman Way & Power To: Acting Manager, Power Signals & Communications Way& Power 1/25/13 - 2/04/13

William Shaw From: Technical Supervisor, Electrical Systems Way & Power To: Acting Director Way & Power 1/28/13 - 2/04/13

TRANSFER{$) - None



- 2- General Manager's Report- February- for March 20, 2013 Board Meeting


During the month of February, 122 purchase orders were issued with a total value of $178,815. Of the $33,664 in monthly purchases where minority vendors could have served PATCO needs, $448 was awarded to MBEs and $8,635 to WBEs. The $9,083 total MBE/WBE purchases represent 5.1% of the total spent and 27% of the purchases available to MBE/WBEs. The storeroom completed 2,969 transactions in February; book value of inventory on hand at the end of February was $6,346,643.


The on-time performance for the 5,143 scheduled trips for the month of February was 97.29%.


The following significant maintenance items were progressed in February:

• Car Overhaul • The first car under production at Alstom has most undercar control groups in place; pneumatic piping is largely installed; console and cab partitions have been started. • First Article Inspections were completed for communications components, incorporating the PA, radio, and automated announcement system, exterior and interior passenger information displays, interior video cameras/recorder and video display screens. • All cars have been cleaned and abated. • Ten (10) cars have had structural inspections completed. • Three (3) cars have floors installed. • Shop Annex Building • The masonry work is largely complete and the roof is in place. • The gas main is in place. • Interior partitioning has begun. • Pit lighting in the existing shop building is being replaced. • Sixteen (16) traction motors were changed out. • Two (2) trucks were overhauled. The journal housing repair procedure has been approved, and assembly of wheelsets has resumed. • Interior heavy cleaning was performed on twenty (20) cars. • Sixty (60) exterior washes were performed this month; the cold weather in February limited this activity. • Support services were provided as required for the following projects: • Infrared Camera Installation in (started this month) • Design of Track Rehab across Ben Franklin Bridge • PATCO and Ben Franklin Bridge Biennial Inspections (completed this month) • Ben Franklin Bridge maintenance activities • Pole Line and Cable Replacement • Lindenwold Yard "Diamond" Crossover Replacement • Lindenwold Yard Rehab

- 3- General Manager's Report- February- for March 20, 2013 Board Meeting

• Lindenwold Shop Annex Building • Accessibility Improvements (Elevators) at 9th/10th/Locust and Ferry Avenue Stations • Replacement of Escalators at Woodcrest, 12th/13th and 15th/16th • Transformer Replacement, Phase I (completed this month) • Repaving Lots at Westmont and Lindenwold Stations • Testing of relays at interlockings and substations continued. • Relamping of stations, subway tunnels, and parking lots continued. • Replacement of wood ties and timbers continued in Lindenwold Yard as well as tamping of mainline switches and insulated joints. • Rail replacement continued in various locations in the subway. • Subway fire alarm operational inspections continued.


The monthly report of the Safety Department is enclosed with this report.


As part of an overall effort to manage the organization utilizing quantifiable measures, PATCO has identified several categories of Key Performance Indicators (KPI's). As an example, recognizing the importance of escalators and elevators to our customers, PATCO is tracking availability of this equipment, as shown below:

Operational Percentage- February, 2013 Favorable I Equipment Target Actual Variance Unfavorable Escalators* 90% 90.01% +.01% F Elevators 97% 98.66% +1.66% F

* The escalator at gth/Market South was out of service for the entire month. An inadequate supply of spare parts from Japan is the primary cause of the extended outage. We are hoping to develop alternate sources for the stair treads which frequently break; these pieces are an essential safety feature.

The availability of all escalators, exclusive of the 8th/Market South unit, was 97.045% in February.

Respectfully submitted,

John D. Rink General Manager

-4- 3174'2013 1:45PM


1ST At~" 2NIDAtf' 3RO.Aif> 4U!Alf' 5THM 6TH At~" 1THMP BTKM Q!UJ,Atp 'tGU!eM 111H AlP t2TI-IAIF' H3tl2ll13 212amJ13 3/3112013 ~13 51311211'13 ~13 7l3tt2D13 Sl31t'21l13 ~13 Uh\31913 1U31lt2!113 121319'1!3 INCOME Operating 2,.295,,147 4l a a 0 a G a 'll G a G Nlon;.Qper.rtlng 31,41111 0 a 0 0 a G a 0 0 0 G Tctaii~-N 2,326;1!123 0 a C! !I a G a 0 !I !1 0 Tctai'!~-Ym 0. Ill I} !I Ill !I [I I} Ill I} 0 Total' 'Opter.lrullc-Pd 2,295,147 I} Ill I} II a 0 [I 0 Ill a il Total: Oper.lnlle-'HI::l 0 Ill 0 II a I! II 0 ll ll 0 EXPENSE Wey&Porner 7H,m ll a ll [I a !l !l 0 ll 0 !l Ef!\lipmem 464,252 0 !l ll 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 ll T~ Um1.435 ll il 0 II 0 II a 0 0 !1 a Aliminisiral!brn 317,00'4 ll a ll il 0 0 a 0 0 ll 0 Pu!'cl:iased,f>llWii1!r 387,518 il a il II 0 ll II il a 0 ll lns&C!am tll!l,lli59 £1 0 £1 £1 0 il II !l il !l a S!Jb-'Tota!-Pd 3,11911;93'1 IJ 0 IJ II a II 0 0 !! a !! Sub-TotaiC'fm a a !l !! !l II 0 a II a 0 OPEB Aooruai-Pil 0 ll a ll 0 !l 0 !I a 0 0 0 OPEB Accmai-'HO ll 0 ll 0 !l 0 0 a 0 a I! l%en!-l::lRPJt.,PO 5U].,tl33 1'l a a 0 a I! a ll I! 0 I! Fle:nt4:1Rf>AC'fT0 IJ !l a 0 !l n 0 a 0 0 0 Totali'E~d 3,.!101,1!94 ll a C! II 0 0 II 0 II 0 a Total Expenseos-'HD £1 a 0 £1 !! 0 n ll il 0 II

Pass;qers;-PO 003.}'44 £1 0 0 0 !l II II 0 0 a 0 P.ass;~Ym 0 !l 0 II 0 II 0 a II u II Ioper Rev. fP

411.!Jl02 ll 0 ll II I} I! I) !l il !l 0 ll Ill 0 II 0 II 0 0 a 0 !! 5.5100 a 0 ll! I! I} 0 0 tl 0 I} tl a I! 0 0 ll 0 0 a 0 !l ll 7.421!2 0 0 ll 0 ll ll I! ll !! ll 0 0 0 0 II (l fl II ll II I} ll jivg. Rev. i'f'a5is; 2.5744 a II 0 0 I} 0 0 0 !! 0 ll

Port AlrillornyTr.m:sit ·~· Comp~~-2013 ~~~&~Expe,1!15eS for tbec Monlh Ern:liog .January 31, 2Q13;

2013 ·Curren~: Year-T~ EWDGE:r EIUDGET ACTlfAt. VAmAIIICE BUOGEf ACTUAL ~ Gross?~~ $24~.230 $2..004,liM $2.,215,373 $13C1,1100 6.3% F $2JJB4,664 $2,215.373 $13D,700 6,3% F Smarl. Cal:d Sales ill.ll!ID 7,583 7,'940 357 4.7% F 7.003; 7.940 357 43%F less: Tfai'IS!fers ~ 4.567 4.9B3 ~ ..lft3%U 4.567 4.9B3 !'4:.<.'6} -~,3% u Neil"~-~ 2·t~;llW 2.087.,6Siil .2,218:320 13111.Mfl 6.3% F 2;007.~ 2,218,3:20 13tl,ifli'm· 6.:!'!$, F

Cltl1el- 1.S!XI.~ t31l.M!I:i 1\08.31)(3 ~ ~17~2% u tJQ.S!lQi 1C$,3t13 f22.§m} -17.2.'!$ u

Tetall1lmrnle :&2ft787.351< S2.21E.!i4la :11:2.326J'l23 ~ ~F $221!154!!! 123.m~Z3l ~ :1..lm F w:ay & !"ower IJet;lt $11,442:,949 $lll!SJ1'37 '~Kl'11.393 $277,.344 2!tl%F ~;.737 $111,393 .$277,344 2Rl%F Et::tuipmi!'l\lt IJet;lt 6,.\i21:,1l.BS 501,78$ 464,252 87.,536 15•. 1l.% F 501,788 4lll4.2§2 87,5?£1 15cii%F T~!Jet;lt 116.&14,5§4 l,B:Ji(ll 1.,1:;08,435 174,105 13.6%F 1,28$,§41li U!l9,435 174,105 1R6%F Ar.!mini~ IJet;lt 5.4-2lf,455 436,152 317.674 118,478 27.2%F 4313,1:52 31'7,674 118,478 27..2'!1iF I~&Oiaims t.fli38,41)7 1l36Ji34 ti!i!l6!il< 35.• S75 :<.'6c3%F 13ij,534 100,,651§ 35,875 2a:31!1>F ~Pil'l'llE!I" 4.~.!ll5 41(1,800 387,518 .23.300 !1!;F 410.800 387.518 .23,3W ~F

Sub-T>t'liai $46.M1,111QS $3,Bm',I61Q $3;1Jlli!JJi31 $716,.698 18.8% F $3,scr?.,611l. $3Jl!ID,Il31 $7HM!BS 1RB'l6 F

Rerrt-OOF'A 6,122.£!00 510,.163 51!1,,1'63 0 !1.!1% F !H!l,l63 5tll,163 !} 11!1% F ~Accrua~-uotl1ei-Pcst~:Benefflls .Q .Q .Q ~ fl.!!!% F ~ .!l Q It!~% F

T>t'liai' Expenses $5;2,763,111QS $4.3'17,782 ¥3.'601,004 $716.698 16Jtl'l6 F :54,317,78.2 $3,6!1t,!IM S71ftf.IBS 'l!Lil% F

Tmnsit tDs1s ($25,1l.75.6311) ($2:.flQQ,232) {:$1,274,471) $324,751: ~% F t~.232} ($1,274.471) ~ 39.3%F

31712013 EMORANDUM


To: John Rink

FROM: David Fullerton

SUBJECT: Monthly Report: Safety Department- February 2013

DATE: March 5, 2013 1. Staff was involved in the following activities concerning Contractor Safety: • Conducted Contractor's Safety Briefings and created the necessary follow-up reports of safety briefings as shown below:

02/04/13 JPC Group 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 1

02/04/13 JPC/E.B. O'Reilly 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 6

02/04/13 JPC Group/RCC 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 4

02/04/13 Ironworkers Local 399 Lindenwold 2

02/04/13 JPC/General Masonry 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 2 PATCO Accessibility 02/04/13 AP Construction 12-H 1 Locust & Fe Ave 02/11/13 JPC/General Masonry 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 1

02/11/13 Ironworkers Local 399 Lindenwold 3 Transit 02/11/13 PATCO New Hires Dispatcher Trainee 1 Services 02/11/13 PATCO New Hires Equipment Custodian 1

02/11/13 PATCO New Hires Way& Power Custodians 3

02/11/13 Burns Engineering 10-G Power Cable & Pole Line 2 Daidone/Henkels & 02/11/13 10-G Power Cable & Pole Line 1 M 02/11/13 HNTB/Miller Brothers 35-C Lindenwold Diamond 1

02/11/13 Jacobs Engineering 47-2010 PATCO Transformers 1

02/11/13 JPC Group/RCC 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 3 Progress Report: Safety Department February 2013 (Cont'd) Page 2

C:.L ·················· ...... <·.········ ~\.l'":lj '\·· •••••••. \..VI'!IlJV-\\..1.· PAT~:... •.••••••••.• •• .· •••••r••j"~"''-'J""•""'''l'.·· ·····•·•·····f'f •. ~~~~~~~ ·. · ·~•r•• .. . •··••• •02/19/13 > >>·····················i· JPC/Union Roofing 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 8 Repairs to Overhead 02/19/13 GMH Associates RFB 12-0019 4 Crane PATCO Accessibility 02/19/13 AP/A & S Sprinkler 12-H 9/10th Locust & Ferry 1 Ave PATCO Accessibility 02/19/13 AP/Federal Elevator 12-H 9/lOth Locust & Ferry 1 Ave Power Cable & Pole 02/19/13 Burns Engineering 10-G 1 & 5 QSP Line Daidone/Henkels & Power Cable & Pole 02/19/13 10-G 2&QSP McCoy Line 02/19/13 JPC Group/RCC 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 2 & 1 QSP

09/19/13 DRPA IS Various Contracts 1QSP

02/19/13 PATCO Way & Power Various Contracts 1QSP

02/23/13 Crown Pipeline Site Specific Install New Gas Main 5

02/23/13 South Jersey Gas Site Specific Install New Gas Main 1

02/25/13 Shelby/VFC Lightning 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 2 Power Cable & Pole 02/25/13 Burns Engineering 10-G 1 Line Daidone/Henkels & Power Cable & Pole 02/25/13 10-G 1 McCoy Line 02/25/13 JPC/General Masonry 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 1 Escalators Woodcrest, 2/25/13 AP/Schindler Elevator 48-2011 3 12/13 & 15/16 Locust 02/25/13 Titan/a2bTechnologies Station Advertising 4

02/25/13 Titan/SMS Building Sys Station Advertising 1

02/25/13 JPC Group/RCC 49-2011 PATO Shop Annex Bldg. 1

02/25/13 Schneider Electric Security Camera Project 2

FEB SAFETY DAY PASSES Various Contracts 2 Progress Report: Safety Department February 2013 (Cont'd) Page 3

Drug & Alcohol Tests -for February, 2013 Random Drug only 10 Random Alcohol 2 Post Accident Drugs 0 Post Accident Alcohol _Q TOTAL TESTS COMPLETED 12

2. Staff was involved with the following activities concerning Employee Health and Safety: • Participated in meeting with safety vendor to discuss new safety items. • Conducted four (4) environmental audits. • Participated in meeting with Fall Proof concerning "Competent Person" training.

3. Internal PATCO Safety Activities: • Conducted and participated in monthly Joint Workplace Committee meeting. • Participated in monthly SACC meeting. • Participated in planning meeting for 2013 Emergency Drill

4. Involvement in Authority Activities: • Participated in Central Safety & Health Meeting. • Participated in 800 MHz Radio Expansion Progress Meeting. • Participated in Incident/Accident Subcommittee

5. Outside Agency Involvement • Participated in Rail Safety Program At Middlesex County Fire Academy in Sayerville, NJ. • Met with community leaders concerning PATCO's 2013 Emergency Drill. PORT AUTHORITY TRANSIT CORPORATION

BALANCE SHEET January 31, 2013

ASSETS December 31,2012 January 31, 2013

Cash (Includes $107,460 in Station Escrow Funds) $572,179 $1,787,812 Investments (Note 1) 2,654,919 2,655,157 Accounts Receivable 529,421 255,654 Inventory at lower of cost (frrst-in, first-out) or market 6,395,086 6,365,162 Prepaid Expenses 385,872 1,060,917 Work Orders in Progress 539,038 506,079 $11,076,515 $12,630,781

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities: Accounts Payable: Trade $2,017,976 $1,373,167 Delaware River Port Authority (Note 2) 238,608,000 239,118,163 Accrued Liabilities: Reserve for Other Post Employment Benefits (Note 4) 14,261,340 14,261,340 Deferred Revenue (Note 5) 3,244,502 3,265,689 Wages 628,836 546,721 Payroll taxes 58,442 33,126 Pension and Other 384,857 431,055 Sick Leave Benefits 544,436 544,436 Reserve for Unused Vacation 313,820 313,820 Reserve for contingent liabilities (Note 3) 4,978,051 5,016,251 $ 265,040,260 $ 264,903,768

Equity: Advances from Delaware River Port Authority 343,360,196 346,325,423 Deficit ($ 597,323,941) ($ 598,598,410)


Year to date ended Month ended

113112013 113112013 Operating Revenues: Passenger fares $2,208,524 $2,208,524 Passenger parking 76,827 76,827 Passenger - other 9,796 9,796 Advertising 29,041 29,041 Telecommunications Rental Income 0 0 Miscellaneous 2,197 2,197 Interest Income From Investments 238 238 $2,326,623 $2,326,623

Operating Expenses: Maintenance ofWay and Power 711,393 711,393 Maintenance of Equipment 464,252 464,252 Purchased Power 387,518 387,518 Transportation 1,109,435 1,109,435 CJenerallnsurance 100,659 100,659 Superintendence and CJeneral Office 317,674 317,674 3,090,931 3,090,931 Rent of Rapid Transit System Facilities (Note 2) 510,163 510,163 Other Post Employment Benefits Accrual (Note 4) 0 0 $3,601,094 $3,601,094

Net Income (loss) ( $ 1,274,471) ( $ 1,274,471)

Deficit, December 31,2011 ($ 597,679,609)

Deficit, January 31,2013 ($ 598,954,080)

See Notes To Financial Statements PORT AUTHORITY TRANSIT CORPORATION (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Delaware River Port Authority) January 31, 2013


1. Investments:

The Corporation has set aside $2,655,000. par value Treasury Bill due 5-30-13 to partially fund its liability for self-insurance with the following limits: (a) Totally self-insured for Voluntary Workers Compensation.

(b) Comprehensive General Liability from the first dollar to $5,000,000 per occurrence.

2. Rent of transit system facilities:

All rapid transit system facilities used by the Corporation are leased from the Delaware River Port Authority, under terms of an agreement dated April 18, 1969 and amended June 3, 1974. The lease requires the Corporation to operate and maintain the Locust-Lindenwold line.

The terms of the amended agreement, which was made retroactive to January 1, 1974, and which is to continue from year to year, provide that the Corporation pay a minimum annual rental of $6,122,000, which approximates the sum of the annual interest expense to the Delaware River Port Authority for that portion of its indebtedness attributable to the construction and equipping of the leased facilities plus the provision for depreciation of the rapid transit facilities as recorded by the Authority. In addition, the lease requires the Corporation to pay to the Authority any net earnings from operations for the Locust-Lindenwold line less a reasonable amount to be retained for working capital and operating reserves.

The rent is payable semi-annually on June 30 and December 31. The Corporation is in default of this agreement as payments totaling $239,118,163 from January 1, 1974 through January 31, 2013 have not been made to the Authority.

3. Reserves for Contingent Liabilities:

Pursuant to a policy of self-insurance, the Corporation has reserved $3,520,000 for Comprehensive General Liability and $1,496,251 for Workers' Compensation.

4. Other Post-Employment Benefits:

The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued Statement No. 45, "Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment Benefits Other than Pensions (OPEB)," which addresses the accountability and disclosure of the costs and obligations, that are associated with post­ employment health care and other non-pension benefits to current and future retirees, by governmental entities. Pursuant to this requirement, the Corporation adopted its reporting requirements during the 2007 fiscal year. The OPEB accrual, in recognition of the costs and obligations associated with post­ employment health care, represents an actuarial determined amount upon an unfunded assumption under a 30-year amortization period at a discount rate of 5%.

5. Deferred Revenue:

Deferred revenue consists of the prepayment of fares related to the unearned values on passengers' smart cards for unused trips. Port Authority Transit Corporation Monthly List Of Payments 02101/13 through 02128/13 Meeting Date 03/20/13

Vendor Name Item Description Resolution # Amount Kaeser And Blair Incorporated Advertising 25K Threshold $290.00 Spectrum Marketing & Communications Inc. Advertising 25K Threshold $3,500.00 Advertising Total $3,790.00 Cubic Transportation Systems AFC Customer Service Center PATC0-12-014 $20,791.25 AF.c; Custon1er Serv,ice CenterTotal $20;791.25 Acadaca AFC IS System Administration Support PATC0-09-002 $7,865.20 AFC IS Systern.A~minil;tration SupJX>rt Total $7,865.20 Dunbar Armored Inc. Armored Car Services-Revenue Transport DRPA-09-055 $874.18 Arntor~~tal $611;817;27 Treasury Direct Employee Deduction U.S. Savings Bonds $100.00 !;;1Jlpti:>y~e·P~~cti&n··.IJ,5 •• ·.~!1vlllss•aonds total $,00.00 AFLAC NEW YORK Employee Payroll Deductions $9,730.69 Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Employee Payroll Deductions $29,000.31 lNG Employee Payroll Deductions $35,112.64 National Drive Employee Payroll Deductions $8.00 PATCO- Flexible Spending Account Employee Payroll Deductions $3,327.44 South Jersey Federal Credit Union Employee Payroll Deductions $98,594.17 State Of New Jersey GITAX Employee Payroll Deductions $38,088.56 Teamsters Local Union 676 Employee Payroll Deductions $11,574.00 United Way Of Camden County Employee Payroll Deductions $85.12 liOrnpl&yee•P~yrot!Oetal $19,5~~.2$ Frederick C Linett Jr Fees & Permits 25K Threshold $18.00 Robert L Kruckowski Fees & Permits 25K Threshold $18.00 f"~~P~i"ttj'j~'r!>fat $36,0(} Federal Express Corp. Freight 25K Threshold $218.25 fr~19tttc· Total $218:~5 ISO Bunkers, L.L.C. Fuel Expenses DRPA-12-047 $55,696.69 South Jersey Gas Company Fuel Expenses Utility $5,389.33 f!1~{~p~ff$~.Tota( $81.08$J:l;2 Borough of Collingswood lns~a,llation .of BirdSontro,l Netti~~ 25K Threshold $1,377.00 ln!;t

Page lofS Port Authority Transit Corporation Monthly List Of Payments 02101/13 through 02/28/13 Meeting Date 03/20/13

Vendor Name Item Description Resolution # Amount ftl~(!ijt{fft 'l"w1 ' • :$ai2,~·MlJ· C.L Presser Company Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $204.00 Harsco Track Technologies Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $63.82 Hilti Inc Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $242.47 Patriot Marine Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $30.79 Travers Tool Co., Inc. Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $68.33 Tri-State Industrial Distributors of NJ, Inc. Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $602.12 Uline Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $64.89 Winchester Industries Inc. Inventory- Tools 25K Threshold $2,183.50 lftlf~Jyi~}f~J§:_J;q~;- ,,··,::· i: ,\,;>:' ::z:- .< ;~~~~~~~~~ 503 Corporation Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $823.82 Allied Electronics, Inc. Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $155.53 Cooper Electric Supply Co. Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $688.00 Electronics Connections, Inc. Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $1,584.34 Fotronic Corporation!Test Equipment Depot Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $88.00 Franklin Electric Co. Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $12,196.80 Knopp Inc lnventory·Eiectricai/Eiectronic Supplies 25K Threshold $2,040.00 Lindley Electric Supply Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $347.10 Marlac Electronics, a Div.of Syscom Tech, LLC Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $1,122.93 Newark !nOne Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $215.15 Pemberton Electrical Supply Company Inventory-Electrical/Electronic Supplies 25K Threshold $201.60 ~~-~~~K(IfilllJMlt•msm•~-:t~t- ··--. -~/:;?;;:~:... ;,- i··~~~~~j;?. CO INCO Inventory-Fare Collection Material 25K Threshold $289.77 Captech, Inc. Inventory-Fare Collection Material 25K Threshold $147.50 {ii,~~~--JD~iffj~ilf'f;r~ ·· ••.•·• ,{:.1;;:i•;ti~~:*li£~~s~:\l':i\\>.~• ' '" "-~~~l BDF Industrial Fasteners Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $131.35 C.L Presser Company Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $14.00 Industrial Distribution Group Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $151.10 Louis P Canuso Inc. Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $40.51 United Refrigeration Inc Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $174.43 Wharton Hardware & Supply Inventory-Hardware 25K Threshold $255.75 (i(t,,il~1lil~~timff?Jf:,iiFJ:!,Pi ;;;;. -- .. ,, .: •. -. · ·;-J:'iil~;•:j;;~?:·rr";;~i!."i:"iiJ Y, • ·~;;&~r,~ Ansaldo STS USA, Inc. Inventory-Track and Signal 25K Threshold $109.45 Newark !nOne Inventory-Track and Signal 25K Threshold $4,479.41 -~~~Ji~-1!\-:t~Wi' . - -·- ... '·:.:<.::r-:~::.. ·.: -~:-;:,, :,•J ;~~:;-~~ Ansaldo STS USA, Inc. Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $845.87 Bartuk Hose & Hydraulics Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $452.84 Billows Electric Supply Co. Inc. Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $900.00 C.L Presser Company Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $190.50 Cole-Parmer Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $500.86 GKY Industries Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $215.60 Helwig Carbon Products, Inc. Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $17,031.01 lndusco, Ltd · Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $1,359.39 Ohmite Manufacturing Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $599.98 Precision Flow LLC Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $142.38 Rowland Company Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $2,040.28 Shamong Mfg. Co. Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $241.04 The Briggs Company Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $1,810.81 Vapor Stone Rail Systems Inventory-Transit Vehicle Material 25K Threshold $31.00 l""l~~~~t:W~~~f\ilq'fit ,-, · ·· ,,, 'rc;. ; . : ~-. -·, ~~~~i~ BioChem Systems Inc. Janitorial Supplies 25K Threshold $658.31 Camden Bag & Paper Company Janitorial Supplies 25K Threshold $2,303.00 INDCOinc. Janitorial Supplies 25K Threshold $312.50 Nexgen Janitorial Supplies 25K Threshold $2,011.67 ~11!t~~\IPQ1f~;t.;Y?: /'·· .. :',; '"'~·-· ',';'~~;:"; ''?!f~9iMi~ A & L Septic Services Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $600.00 Almond Glass Works Inc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,042.00 Billows Electric Supply Co. Inc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $518.20 Cintas Corp Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,304.40 Conroy's Comer Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $289.79 Franklin Electric Co. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,550.00

Page 2 ofS Port Authority Transit Corporation Monthly List Of Payments 02/01/13 through 02/28/13 Meeting Date 03/20/13

Vendor Name Item Description Resolution # Amount Grainger Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,385.33 Haddon Locksmith Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $132.00 Home Depot Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $579.38 Johnstone Supply Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $464.29 Joseph Fazzio Inc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $672.99 Nexgen Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $785.18 Prime Group Associates Inc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $3,400.00 QCinc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $679.00 SignARama Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,682.00 SimplexGrinnell LP Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $4,899.25 South Jersey Welding Supply Company Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $152.72 Stanley Security Solutions, Inc. Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $130.52 Willier Electric Company Maintenance Of Buildings and Grounds 25K Threshold $1,670.00 ~*latei'!aitcia()f ~uiJ~Ih$1$ ;ittq.c;~l.ln-s l'otal . $?1,!:!37,05 Al's Auto Parts Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles DRPA-12-038 $3,002.98 Altec Industries, Inc. Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $319.67 American Auto Glass Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $235.00 Blaese's Tire Service Inc. Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $443.00 Dejana Truck & Utility Equipment Co. Inc. Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $164.35 Echelon Ford Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $1,261.35 Elkins Chevrolet Inc Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $77.82 HA DeHart & Son Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $74.61 Hough Petroleum Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $1,429.50 Joseph Fazzio Inc. Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $359.17 Posh Car Wash & Express Lube Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $84.50 Tire Corral Maintenance Of Highway Vehicles 25K Threshold $251.17 !aYMtiin~i~~~-1f:~~~! ._ ·: '$!·~~Y{~ Pitney Bowes Inc Maintenance Of Office Equipment 25K Threshold $180.00 1~¢~-~,Hl~~~~t't~w,,••·-, .. -,--: ~.·-,::, ,· "::L~.: :~;:;;~4:3:;-~t~~:;:, 3A~1~~-~ · · , -~ · ·< :-~-t!J~~~wr Schneider Electric Maintenance of Security Equipment PATC0-12-016 $8,079.00 tt~~~~~~sii,:ii~~ft~~ - , ... . ;, ,:;o;".it?SS5;~ ;c • •· i'i~~~jl~ Schiavone Electronic Labs, Inc. Maintenance Of Shop Equipment 25K Threshold $295.00 Simco Electronics Maintenance Of Shop Equipment 25K Threshold $128.00 Superior Scale & Instrument Corporation Maintenance Of Shop Equipment 25K Threshold $1,750.00 ~ii!illli~'~''~]:~~g~~~l:~t.:-·· . ::; . ~~,:~~., ; -_· -~~~~,~,@ WORKNET Occ Med Medical-Drug and Alcohol Testing PATC0-11-003 $1,421.00 -~~~~i~~~~l!:~t~ij';!]~~( . '~1~"·"'; .$:a§~~:~Q Archer & Greiner, A Professional Corp. Professional Services - Legal DRPA-12-020 $31,331.20 KLJ Transcription Services Professional Services - Legal DRPA-12-020 $150.00 ·pf~!iW~f$:~J;V~~~:<4~jJ~["!':~taJ• -.~~t-~1~~

Page3 of 5 Port Authority Transit Corporation Monthly List Of Payments 02/01/13 through 02/28/13 Meeting Date 03/20/13

Vendor Name Item Description Resolution # Amount Brendan Gallagher Refunds 25K Threshold $80.00 Chad Sentell Refunds 25K Threshold $14.00 Joseph McElroy Refunds 25K Threshold $19.00 Joseph Porco Refunds 25K Threshold $20.00 Trena Wise Refunds 25K Threshold $20.00 Yevgeniya Yelkina Refunds 25K Threshold $17.00 Refunds Total $170.00 M.L.Ruberton Construction Co., Inc. Replace PATCO Right-of-Way Fencing PATC0-09-004 $46,089.00 Replace PATCO Right"of-Way Fencing Total $46,089.00 A & A Glove & Safety Co. Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $325.37 Airgas Safety, Inc. Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $1,048.63 Arbill Industries Inc Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $1,504.93 Eye land Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $1,080.00 Irvine Fire & Safety Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $1,835.90 Pendergast Safety Equipment Co Safety Expenses 25K Threshold $670.43 Safety Expenses Total $6;465,26 LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Inc. Security/Law Enforcement Costs 25K Threshold $338.25 Security/Law Enforcement Costs Total $338;25 Freehold Pest Control Inc. Service Contract - Pest Control 25K Threshold $385.00 Service Contract- Pest Contr!>l Total $3§5.00 Republic Services Service Contract- Trash Removal PATC0-11-015 $350.65 Waste Management of New Jersey, Inc. Service Contract- Trash Removal PATC0-12-004 $1,240.00 $er'li'ce Contract" Trash.RernovaiTotal $1,5~0.~5 Tab Inc. Service Contracts 25K Threshold $150.00 Service Chorie Expill)se5 Total $1;f3&.08 MIT Products Inc. Track _8.. Si~Jn~l Materi;al 25K Threshold $858.62 Track.lf.... $igqai·.Materia1Tota_l $&58:.~2 SEPTA Transfer Payments PATC0-95-002 $95,289.75 l"i'an¥;fer f>aY:fl'leqts T()tal $95,289.75 Albert J. Profico Sr. Travel Expenses 25K Threshold $83.86 John A. DiReigo Travel Expenses 25K Threshold $217.56 John J. Shea, Jr. Travel Expenses 25K Threshold $62.68 Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel Travel Expenses 25K Threshold $642.24 Tr~~el i;.~Peit~e$ Total $J;QQQ.34 Hugh P. Mcintyre Tuition Reimbursement 25K Threshold $1,125.00 J'uitlon·Relrnbursement·Total $1,125.00 A & A Glove & Safety Co. Uniform Purchases 25K Threshold $60.00 Keystone Uniform Cap Inc Uniform Purchases 25K Threshold $1,666.00

Page 4 ofs Port Authority Transit Corporation Monthly List Of Payments 02/01/13 through 02/28/13 Meeting Date 03/20/13

Vendor Name Item Description Resolution # Amount Uniform Purchases Total $1,726.00 UniFirst Corporation Uniform Rental & Cleaning PATC0-12-011 $3,704.67 Uniform Rental & Cleaning Total $3,704.67 CDW Government, Inc. Upgrade Power Feed for Lindenwold Yard 25K Threshold $178.00 Upgrade Powc;lrl=eed for Lindenwold Yard Total $178.00 Damon K. Lacey, Court Officer Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $545.00 Expertpay Child Support Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $10,357.71 Higher Education Student Assistance Auth. Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $388.00 Internal Revenue Service Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $192.00 Isabel C. Balboa, Trustee Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $435.72 NEW JERSEY FAMILY SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $1,200.00 Superior Court of NJ, Special Civil Part Wage Attachments 25K Threshold $443.84 Wage Attachments Total $13,562.27 Qual-Lynx Workers Compensation Costs DRPA-12-098 $122,698.25 Worke~ Coinpensldion Costs Total $122,698,25 Grand Total $3,175,476.24


A & A GLOVE & SAFETY CO. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132548 $330.00 25KTHRES A.C. RADIO SUPPLY, INC. Maint-Public Address System 132533 $270.00 25KTHRES AAF International Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132440 $103.20 25KTHRES Airgas Safety, Inc. Stores Inventory - Lindenwold 132476 $237.08 25KTHRES AJ Images Advertising 132439 $1,875.00 25KTHRES ALLIED ELECTRONICS, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132552 $98.64 25KTHRES Amerallnternationallnc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132523 $24.80 25KTHRES Ansaldo STS USA, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132449 $651.36 25KTHRES ARAMSCO Stores Inventory - Lindenwold 132462 $550.00 25KTHRES ARBILL INDUSTRIES INC Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132471 $2,175.75 25KTHRES ARB ILL INDUSTRIES INC Stores Inventory - Lindenwold 132549 $512.00 25KTHRES ARBILL INDUSTRIES INC Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132553 $501.61 25KTHRES BDF INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132538 $169.86 25KTHRES Bergen Auto Upholstery Co., Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132469 $110.00 25KTHRES BILLOWS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132542 $635.28 25KTHRES BILLOWS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. INC. Buildings-elect.-maint. 132519 $249.93 25KTHRES Brandywine Packaging Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132530 $202.80 25KTHRES BURLINGTON SAFETY LAB INC Stores Inventory - Lindenwold 83485 $1,264.00 25KTHRES Burroughs Payment Systems, Inc. Stationary Forms, Print 132459 $243.40 25KTHRES C.L. PRESSER COMPANY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132525 $387.80 25KTHRES C.L. PRESSER COMPANY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132543 $127.35 25KTHRES CHERRY VALLEY TRACTOR Snow & Ice Removal 132452 $1,065.00 25KTHRES CHESTNUT RIDGE FOAM, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132499 $919.20 25KTHRES CHICKS BLOCK CO. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold' 132485 $265.20 25KTHRES Cooper Electric Supply Co. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132541 $2,131.55 25KTHRES Cooper Electric Supply Co. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132446 $492.00 25KTHRES Criterion Laboratories, Inc. Prof. Services-safety 132535 $135.00 25KTHRES Cubic Transportation Systems Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132450 $340.50 25KTHRES Cubic Transportation Systems Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83490 $250.76 25KTHRES Cubic Transportation Systems Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83488 $140.00 25KTHRES Cubic Transportation Systems Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83494 $140.00 25KTHRES DELL MARKETING L.P. Maintenance 301203 $9,808.62 25KTHRES DENNY SEPTIC SERVICE & PORTABLE TOILETS Buildings-plumb.-maint. 132534 $250.00 25KTHRES DENNY SEPTIC SERVICE & PORTABLE TOILETS Stationary Forms, Print 132516 $125.00 25KTHRES DIGI-KEY CORP. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132500 $494.89 25KTHRES EAST COAST FLAG & BANNER COMPANY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132509 $58.80 25KTHRES ECHELON FORD Auto-materials, Oil,& Repairs 132546 $307.29 25KTHRES EHMKE MANUFACTURING CO., INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132467 $640.92 25KTHRES Electronics Connections, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132445 $735.90 25KTHRES ELECTRONICS EXCHANGE Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132491 $28.90 25KTHRES Entek Systems Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132551 $876.00 25KTHRES EVELAND SAFETY 301204 $1,000.00 25KTHRES FASTENAL COMPANY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132504 $570.93 25KTHRES Franklin Electric Co. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132532 $3,479.80 25KTHRES Franklin Electric Co. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132540 $2,800.62 25KTHRES Franklin Electric Co. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132490 $1,277.00 25KTHRES Franklin Electric Co. Buildings-elect.-maint. 132528 $129.00 25KTHRES FRANKLIN FIBRE-LAMITEX CORP. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132466 $2,211.04 25KTHRES FUSES UNLIMITED Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132515 $127.80 25KTHRES G A BLANCO & SONS INC. Stationary Forms, Print 132454 $192.00 25KTHRES G A BLANCO & SONS INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132494 $86.00 25KTHRES Grainger Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132448 $126.00 25KTHRES Grainger Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132475 $47.60 25KTHRES Graybar Electric Co. Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132531 $261.31 25KTHRES G-TEL Enterprises, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132478 $305.50 25KTHRES PATCO MONTHLY LIST OF PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACTS- FEBRUARY 2013.xlsx

HOUGH PETROLEUM Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132492 $271.20 2SKTHRES HOUGH PETROLEUM Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132442 $58.25 25KTHRES INDCO INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132536 $2,925.65 25KTHRES INDCO INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132493 $1,349.10 25KTHRES INDCO INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132483 $265.20 25KTHRES lnvensys Rail Corp. Replace Diamond Crossover in 132513 $15,597.76 25KTHRES Lindwld Yd. JAYMAR PRECISION INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132470 $1,SOO.OO 25KTHRES JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Building H.V.A.C. 132518 $769.09 25KTHRES Kaman Industrial Technologies Corp. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132495 $1,478.10 25KTHRES KEYSTONE FIRE PROTECTION CO. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132502 $124.20 25KTHRES LINDLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132444 $1,001.15 25KTHRES LOUIS P CANUSO INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132506 $68.52 25KTHRES MAC Products Inc Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132514 $576.60 25KTHRES Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. Welding Equipment 132512 $2,532.20 25KTHRES MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132545 $626.09 25KTHRES MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132526 $276.22 25KTHRES MERCHANTVILLE OVERHEAD DOOR CO., INC. Station Doors 132441 $151.00 25KTHRES Motorola Solutions, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83496 $1,848.91 25KTHRES Motorola Solutions, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132501 $666.00 25KTHRES Motorola Solutions, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132479 $21.85 25KTHRES NATIONAL BATIERY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132455 $464.00 25KTHRES NEW PENN MOTOR EXPRESS Car Overhaul (prep cars for 301205 $2,500.00 25KTHRES shipment) NEW PIG CORP Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132457 $577.61 25KTHRES OHMITE MANUFACTURING Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132482 $1,944.16 25KTHRES PAPER MART INC. Public Relations 301201 $5,000.00 25KTHRES Pemberton Electrical Supply Company Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132443 $934.68 25KTHRES Pemberton Electrical Supply Company Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132473 $788.40 25KTHRES PENDERGAST SAFETY EQUIPMENT CO Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132547 $1,033.36 25KTHRES Penn Machine Company Gear Unit Ge 7ga56b1 132453 $496.66 25KTHRES PERFECT IMAGE CARTRIDGE SOLUTIONS, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132498 $1,860.00 25KTHRES Performance Dodge Inc. Auto-materials, Oil,& Repairs 132489 $555.20 25KTHRES Peripheral Resources Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132486 $900.00 25KTHRES Philadelphia Sound Production Inc. Communications 132456 $1,000.00 25KTHRES POM, Inc. Store.s Inventory- Lindenwold 132521 $1,640.00 25KTHRES REPCO, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132505 $675.00 25KTHRES RSE INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83499 $120.00 25KTHRES S/H Technical Parts Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132464 $486.00 25KTHRES Security and Data Technologies, Inc. SAFETY 301202 $8,500.00 25KTHRES Sherwin-Williams Co., Woodbury, NJ Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132508 $143.64 25KTHRES SimplexGrinnell LP Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132461 $36.00 25KTHRES Smalley Steel Ring Company Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132522 $2,450.50 25KTHRES Smith Supply Buildings-plumb.-maint. 132474 $2,631.68 25KTHRES SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL Auto Equipment 132484 $1,547.11 25KTHRES Sosmetal Products Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132527 $1,043.88 25KTHRES SOUTH JERSEY WELDING SUPPLY COMPANY Welding Equipment 132458 $289.00 25KTHRES SOUTH JERSEY WELDING SUPPLY COMPANY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132511 $169.24 25KTHRES TAB INC. Trash Removal-contract 301200 $1,800.00 25KTHRES Team One Repair, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132468 $170.00 25KTHRES Team One Repair, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132550 $56.00 25KTHRES Tire Corral Auto- TIRES 132510 $914.50 25KTHRES Tire Corral Auto- TIRES 132472 $399.98 25KTHRES Travers Tool Co., Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132529 $57.00 25KTHRES TRECOINCORPORATED Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132460 $468.90 25KTHRES TRI- DIM FILTER CORP Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132507 $359.88 25KTHRES PATCO MONTHLY LIST OF PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACTS- FEBRUARY 2013.xlsx

TRI- DIM FILTER CORP Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132451 $92.52 25KTHRES Tri County Appliance Service Company, Inc. Building H.a.v.c. 132447 $1,120.00 25KTHRES TRI-STATE INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS OF NJ, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132537 $2,296.72 25KTHRES TRI-STATE INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS OF NJ, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132524 $847.44 25KTHRES TRI-STATE INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS OF NJ, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132544 $181.65 25KTHRES Uline Postage 132488 $68.00 25KTHRES VAN- AIR & HYDRAULICS, INC. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132477 $74.44 25KTHRES Vertical Transportation Excellence Prof. Services-safety 301206 $48,420.00 PATC0-12-032 Vossloh Track Material Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132496 $1,626.00 25KTHRES W E Timmerman Co Inc Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132497 $275.74 25KTHRES WE Timmerman Co Inc Highway Vehicles Repair & lnsp 132438 $101.73 25KTHRES Waste Management of New Jersey, Inc. Trash Removal-contract 301207 $1,872.00 25KTHRES WESTFLEET Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132503 $279.80 25KTHRES WHARTON HARDWARE & SUPPLY Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132539 $352.98 25KTHRES Wireless Electronics Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 83484 $50.00 25KTHRES Y-Pers, Inc. Stores Inventory- Lindenwold 132487 $1,717.00 25KTHRES Delaware River Port Authority Operations & Maintenance Committee Meeting Minutes March 6, 2013- 8:00a.m.


Committee Members: William Sasso, Chairman Andrew Reilly (via telephone) Joanna Cruz (via telephone) Joann Bell (via telephone) Richard Sweeney Charles Fentress E. Frank DiAntonio

Others Present: Kerstin Sundstrom (designee), NJ Governor's Authority Unit (via telephone) John Matheussen, Chief Executive Officer Michael Conallen, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Danielle McNichol, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Michael Venuto, Chief Engineer John Rink, PATCO, General Manager Elizabeth McGee, Administrative Secretary Tom Raftery, Inspector General Tim Ireland, Director, Corporate Communications Kevin Schmidt, Deputy General Counsel, Pennsylvania

Chairman Sasso called the meeting to order and asked for the roll to be called. The Corporate Secretary called the roll and stated that there was a quorum. Chairman Sasso presided and stated that there were five items relating to the March 6, 2013 meeting.

Contract No. CB-24-2012, Commodore Barry Bridge, RoofReplacements

Mr. Venuto stated the project was publically advertised and bid documents were offered to the public beginning on December 8, 2012 with a bid opening date of January 23, 2013. Eight (8) sets of documents were sold. A total of one (1) bid was received.

Mr. Venuto stated the Authority received only one bid. Other roofing companies said they could not make the bid requirements with the bond requirement.

Chairman Sasso inquired if the Authority is in a position to change the requirements for bids?

Mrs. McNichol stated affirmative. The Authority could change the requirements and then rebid the project.

Page 1 of4 Chairman Sasso inquired if the issues with the roof were serious that the repairs could not wait to rebid. Mr. Venuto stated negative. Maintenance has been repairing the roof as needed. Chairman Sasso stated if there are no objections we will move forward with rebidding the project. No vote was taken and item referred for rebid to have competition.

Contract No. PATC0-50-2012, Construction Monitoring Services, Phase I Repairs of PATCO Ventilation Vaults On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption: Contract No. PATC0-50-2012, Construction Monitoring Services, Phase I of PATCO Ventilation Vaults

Contract No. G-26-2013, Pavement Markings Replacement at the Betsy Ross, Benjamin Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption: Contract No. G-26-2013, Pavement Markings Replacement at the Betsy Ross, Benjamin Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges

PATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EV1 Upgrade Chairman Sasso inquired is this the type of card SEPTA uses? Mr. Rink replied he wasn't sure what SEPTA uses. This is an update to the PATCO Freedom Card to have industry standard protection for card protection. Chairman Sasso indicated that SEPTA has been negotiating with Xerox and it could be a positive initiative to integrate with them. On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption: PATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EV1 Upgrade

Page 2 of4 Capital Project Contract Modifications

The Authority is presently undertaking several capital projects previously approved by the Board. During the course of the project(s) Engineering has determined that conditions affecting each project require contract modification adjusting the scope of work/contract items, compensation, and/or the time to perform the contract work as set forth in the attachment.

This is to be discussed further in Executive Session.

Chairman Sasso called for a motion to go into Executive Session. He said that the decisions made in Executive Session will be made public when the issues are resolved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Committee moved into Executive Session.

After discussions in Executive Session, on motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption:

Capital Project Contract Modifications

General Discussion- Non-Voting Items Change Order/Supplement Update

Contract No. PPC-22-2012 Camden Ferry Terminal Pile Cluster Repair

Mr. Venuto stated Camden Ferry Terminal Piles replaced six (6) piles and could reuse three (3). The other three (3) piles had extensive damage and could not be reused. Mr. Venuto continued that the project is finished. The project finished in the negative ($13K).

Spending Tracking

Mr. Venuto stated at this time they do not have the figures in for the current spending and will have finished projections for the April meeting.

Quarterly Board Update - Bike Ramp Concepts

Mr. Venuto stated that there are three different types of ramps. Charts displaying the different types were presented. A meeting with stake holders and then a public hearing to weigh in on different alternatives will be held at a later date. Mr. Venuto continued by introducing Senior Engineer, Dan Cosgrove who will give an update on the progress of the Ben Franklin Bridge South Causeway.

Mr. Cosgrove stated Engineering has been moving forward with the design consultant and seven sub-consultants. We have completed the survey and concept plans. Mr. Cosgrove continued that all the structures are independent of the bridge. Design 1 and 2 are switch back ramps and design 3 is an extension of the existing walkway. Mr. Cosgrove continued that design 1 is the longest structure but has the least substructure elements. Design 2 is the lowest cost. Design 3 is a lesser grade and ends at the 5th street area. Mr. Cosgrove continued that all ramps are about 500 to 600

Page 3 of4 feet long. The cost is around $3.1 to $3.7 million dollars. Mr. Cosgrove continued that all facets are being considered and that we are moving forward with the design phase and want to complete the project by the end of the year.

Discussions included assurances of modem standards and safety with the Commissioners and staff.

It was determined that additional renderings would be done to evaluate other conditions discussed prior to moving to the public comment phase.

There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.


ITEM NO.: PATC0-13-005 SUBJECT: P ATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EV1 Upgrade

COMMITTEE: Operations and Maintenance


BOARD ACTION DATE: March 20, 2013

PROPOSAL: That the Board authorizes staff to negotiate a contract with Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. to allow the ability to read/write to the MIFARE DESFire EV1 microchip in the Automated Fare Collection (AFC) System.

Amount: $168,240

Firm: Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. San Diego, CA

PURPOSE: Contract with Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. to upgrade the current AFC system to allow the ability to read/write to the MIFARE DESFire EV1 microchip and allow backward system compatibility as to allow the current MIFARE DESFire microchip in the FREEDOM cards to be accepted concurrently with new microchip.

BACKGROUND: PATCOs Automated Fare Collection (AFC) System Card Interface Devices were originally designed to read and write to the MIFARE DESFire microchips embedded in PATCO's Freedom Cards. The MIFARE DESFire uses the Triple Data Encryption Standard with 4 KB of storage.

In 2010, NXP Semiconductor announced the discontinuation of the MIFARE DESFire chip. PATCO was able to obtain a large final order ofMIFARE DESFire chips in 2011 to allow time for PATCO's AFC system integrator to design an upgraded interface which would allow acceptance of a chip with a higher encryption standard.

The upgrade proposed by Cubic would allow the Card Interface Devices to read and write to the MIFARE DESFire EV1 chip. The EV1 chip uses Advanced Encryption Standard which supersedes the Triple Data Encryption Standard. The upgrade will support the backward compatibility of the chip and allow both types of chips to be used-in-thePATCOsystem.--The-ehip-hils 4 -KB-&f-melllOIJf-:rarunflld~I-HiSI------­ compliant with the ISOIIEC 14443.4 standard. SUMMARY STATEMENT --2- P ATCO Automated Fare Collection O&M 3/6/2013 System-EV1 Upgrade

The upgrade will include all Card Interface Devices in the AFC system (Fare Gates, Ticket Vending Machines, Parking Gates, Ticket Office Terminals) and includes the new serial number conversion function to support the manufacturer code.

Cubic Transportation Systems is the current manufacturer/integrator ofPATCO's AFC system. The software and device components are proprietary to Cubic.

SUMMARY: Amount: $168,240 Source of Funds: General Fund- Subject to Reimbursement by Future Bod proceeds Capital Project#: TE1307 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: 1 year Other Parties Involved: N/A P ATC0-13-005 PATCO Operations & Maintenance: March 6, 2013 Board Date: March 20, 2013 PATCO Automated Fare Collection System-EV1 Upgrade


RESOLVED: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes the proper officers of the Port Authority Transit Corporation (P ATCO) to negotiate a contract with Cubic Transportation Systems whereby Cubic will upgrade P ATCO's Automated Fare Collection System to allow acceptance of the MIFARE DESFire EV1 chip in the amount of $168,240 per the attached Summary Statement; and be it further

RESOLVED The Chair, Vice Chair and the President must approve and are hereby authorized to approve and execute all necessary agreements, contracts, or other documents on behalf of P ATCO. If such agreements, contracts, or other documents have been approved by the Chair, Vice Chair and President and if thereafter either the Chair of Vice Chair is absent or unavailable, the remaining Officer may execute the said document(s) on behalf of PATCO along with the President. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent or unavailable, and if it is necessary to execute the said document(s) while they are absent or unavailable, then the President shall execute such documents on behalf of P ATCO.

SUMMARY: Amount: $168,240 Source of Funds: General Fund- Subject to Reimbursement by Future Bod proceeds Capital Project#: TE1307 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: 1 year Other Parties Involved: N/A

KFI!jdr Delaware River Port Authority Finance Committee Meeting Minutes March 6, 2013 - 9:30 A.M.

Committee Members: Jeffrey Nash (Committee Chair) David Simon, Esquire (Committee Vice Chair) E. Frank DiAntonio Denise Mason Rick Taylor Christopher Craig (McCord) (via telephone) Charles Fentress Walter D' Alessio (via telephone) Joann Bell (via telephone) Charles Fentress

Others Present: John Matheussen, Chief Executive Officer Michael Conallen, Deputy Chief Executive Officer John Hanson, Chief Financial Officer Danielle McNichol, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Toni Brown, Chief Administrative Officer John Rink, P ATCO General Manager Tom Raftery, Inspector General Tim Ireland, Director of Communications James White, Director of Finance Val Bradford, Bridge Director BFB William Shanahan, Director of Government Relations Elizabeth McGee, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Nash called the meeting to order. He asked the Corporate Secretary to call the roll. It was announced by the Corporate Secretary that there was a quorum. Chairman Nash presided.

Financial Update

Mr. Hanson stated that the year to year traffic was 1.18% below 2012 traffic; revenues were up 0.56% from 2012 revenues. He stated that actuals were just under $3.7 million in traffic for January. Mr. Hanson stated that revenues are up by 1.6% and average toll is up by 1.7%. He continued that P ATCO ridership is up almost 22,000 riders and revenue is up almost $18,000 for the month. He stated that budget vs. actual tolls are over budget and P A TCO ridership is up 4.8%. Mr. Hanson continued that Operating Expenses were $2 million under for January reflective of a slow start, but that he expects we will catch up. We have $7 million in the budget vs. $5 million actual expenses. PATCO has $3.8 million in budget expenses. Authority wide $10.8 million in budget and $2.7 million spent.

Page 1 of3 Mr. Hanson stated with respect to the Capital Expenditures for 2012, the Expenditures were $102 million and balance in this account is at zero, with us now borrowing from the General Fund. The current cash balance in the General Fund is $271 million which is about $2 million less than last month. The Authority spent $4 million on capital expenses. In total $44.5 million is owed to the General Fund from the Capital Fund. Mr. Hanson continued that the Bond Debt has not changed from the last report. Mr. Hanson stated that the Letter of Credit (LOC) process is underway. Briefly, we have provided the termination letter language to our working group and are working on the replacement documentation now. It is expected that this will save us $4 million annually.

PATCO Scheduling Software -Purchase from Trapeze under State Contract

Mr. Rink stated that currently P ATCO utilizes Excel spreadsheets to perform scheduling tasks. While Excel is a good tool, it is not an efficient means for performing scheduling and is very limited in its ability. The Trapeze Scheduling Software offers P ATCO the flexibility needed to effectively plan for future modifications to service, more efficient utilization of personnel, equipment, and resources, and eventual app development for the Authority's customers. Mr. Rink continued that the scheduling software provides the first step in being able to provide apps for the Authority's customers in that it generates the required data for developers. Apps would provide real-time or static schedule and service data, service alert, etc., to the Authority's customers via smartphones or websites. Both NJ Transit and SEPTA utilize Trapeze Scheduling Software which could allow a developer to create one app that could integrate three systems. Once the first step of procuring and implementing the scheduling software is completed, we can move forward with the second step of app development.

Chairman Simon stated he has been backing this initiative. It would be a benefit to the Authority to get these apps in place to get real time information on the 1-Phone or Android of the Authority's customers for delays and schedules.

Chairman Simon inquired if the references have been researched for SHI.

Mr. Rink responded affirmative. Mr. Rink continued that Trapeze has modules we can purchase to create the apps internally.

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption:

PATCO Scheduling Software- Purchase from Trapeze under State Contract

DRPA Excess Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability Policy- Increase in Limits

Ms. Brown stated the Authority's self-insured employers purchase Excess Worker's Compensation insurance as stop-loss to protect them against catastrophic or long-term claims

Page2 of3 that eventually exceed their retentions. All Worker's Compensation claims at the Authority are self-insured up to the first $1 million. Claims that exceed $1 million are payable under the Authority's Excess Worker's Compensation and Employers' Liability insurance policy. The policy provides a specific loss limit of $5 million per occurrence above a $1 million self-insured retention. Mr. Brown continued that the Authority does have some outstanding claims and that our current excess limits are not where they need to be for current needs. One concern is that medical claims can be reopened and could lead to extensive claims. Aon suggested to the Authority to add an additional coverage layer for excess requirements. The policy would be prorated to the end of the term of 12/31/2013.

Ms. McNichol advised that excess coverage limits of $25 million are industry standard and she would recommend the additional coverage protection for the limited premium cost.

On motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was approved and is recommended to the Board for adoption:

DRPA Excess Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability Policy - Increase in Limits

Chairman Nash called for a motion to go into Executive Session. He said that the decisions made in Executive Session will be made public when the issues are resolved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Committee moved into Executive Session.

There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.


ITEM NO.: PATC0-13-006 SUBJECT: Purchase of Transit Scheduling Software



BOARD ACTION DATE: March 20, 2013

PROPOSAL: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes staff to negotiate an agreement with SHI, Inc., Somerset, NJ for the purchase of Trapeze Scheduling Software described below. The software would be purchased under NJ Software State Contract #77560.

Amount: $179,489.03*

*Includes Year 1 maintenance agreement ($16,064.29)

Vendor: SHI, Inc. 290 Davidson Avenue Somerset, NJ

PURPOSE: Scheduling software is an important tool in the transit industry. It serves many useful purposes. Some of the key components are writing more efficient train schedules, which improve throughput of the system and more efficient utilization of equipment, allocating personnel more efficiently so as to increase productivity, facilitating more efficient planning of track outages for track work, and planning for "what if'' scenarios. Software features will help reduce operating costs through more efficient resource allocation.

BACKGROUND: Currently, PATCO utilizes Excel spreadsheets to perform scheduling tasks. While Excel is a good tool, it is not an efficient means for performing scheduling and is very limited in its ability. The Trapeze Scheduling Software offers P A TCO the flexibility needed to effectively plan for future modifications to service, more efficient utilization of personnel, equipment, and resources, and eventual app development for our customers.

Scheduling software provides the first step in being able to provide apps for our customers in that it generates the required data for developers. Apps would provide real-time or static schedule and service data, service alerts, etc., to our customers via smartphones or websites. Both NJ Transit and SEPTA utilize Trapeze Scheduling Software which could allow a developer to create one app that could SUMMARY STATEMENT -2- Purchase of Transit Scheduling Finance 03/06/2013 Software

integrate all three systems. Once the first step of procuring and implementing the scheduling software is completed, we can move forward with the second step of app development.

The required funds to purchase the software are listed in the year 2013 capital budget as "Project #T13005 Scheduling Software".

SUMMARY: Amount $179,489.03 Source of Funds: General Fund Capital Project: Project #T13005 Scheduling Software Master Plan Status: N/A Operating Budget: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A P ATC0-13•006 Finance Committee: March 6, 2013 Board Date: March 20,2013 Purchase of Transit Scheduling Software


RESOLVED: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes the proper officers of Port Authority Transit Corporation to negotiate a contract to purchase Trapeze Scheduling Software through SHI, Inc., Somerset, NJ, under NJ Software State Contract #77560, for a total cost not to exceed $179,489.03; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Chair, Vice Chair and the President must approve and are hereby authorized to approve and execute all necessary agreements, contracts, or other documents on behalf of the P ATCO, after review and approval by Office of General Counsel. If such agreements, contracts, or other documents have been approved by the Chair, Vice Chair and President and if thereafter either the Chair or Vice Chair is absent or unavailable, the remaining Officer may execute the said document(s) on behalf ofPATCO. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent or unavailable, and any agreement or agreements need to be executed during their absence, then the President may execute on behalfofPATCO.

SUMMARY: Amount $179,489.03 Source of Funds: General Fund Capital Project: Project #T13005 Scheduling Software Master Plan Status: N/A Operating Budget: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A


ITEM NO.: PATC0-13-007 SUBJECT: Sole/Single Source Vendors for Replacement Parts for PATCO­ CY2013



BOARD ACTION DATE: March 20, 2013

PROPOSAL: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes staff to enter into sole or single source procurement contracts for the purchase of materials from approved vendors set forth in Exhibit A to support PATCO's critical operations.

Amount: See Attached Exhibit A

Period: Calendar Year 2013

PURPOSE: With the aging infrastructure, P ATCO is requesting approval of sole source justification for replacement parts from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Staff has recognized an opportunity to improve procurement efficiencies, streamline work processes and reduce approval redundancies through an annual sole source justification of components and parts critical to PATCO's operation. The items to be procured are indexed in the Exhibit A attachment. Based on a thorough review of these items, PATCO procurement has determined that there is only one provider for these particular parts and that they have negotiated the best possible pricing for these items. This approach is consistent with the Lean Government initiatives and philosophies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of PATCO procurement functions and increase transparency.

BACKGROUND: Currently, with the aging infrastructure utilized at PATCO, much of the equipment being maintained and serviced comes from sole or single source vendors. These sole or single source vendors generally have proprietary control over the manufacture of parts, components for PATCO equipment. PATCO's equipment is capital intensive, long-lived and if properly maintained, can operate safely for decades. However, particular rail rolling stock and equipment are manufactured by a relatively small number of industrial producers, often using proprietary designs to meet the particular performance requirements and physical environment of transit systems and railroads. In general, most parts and equipment are not mass­ produced, but manufactured to order or are only available from the SUMMARY STATEMENT -2- Sole/Single Source Vendors for Finance 03/20/2013 Replacement Parts for PATCO- CY 2013

original equipment manufacturer (OEM), or a successor company with proprietary rights to the original design. These OEM parts or components are needed to repair and maintain rolling stock and other equipment specifically designed by the OEM manufacturer, where available technical data does not assure that a part or component supplied by another vendor will adequately perform the same function it replaces.

Attached Exhibit A is the limited list of sole/single source vendors and the product list that can be ordered from each vendor at a not to exceed cost.

While Board approval is being requested to allow for sole/single source procurement on the attached list for purchases over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), there have been additional procedural checks and balances incorporated into the process. For these purchases, documentation shall be prepared by PATCO purchasing outlining the item being purchased, the cost of the purchase, and the total payment to be made by PATCO for goods provided. This document shall be reviewed and approved by PATCO General Manager and the Chief Financial Officer.

All items purchased on a sole or single source basis are subject to a cost analysis to ensure the reasonableness of the prices quoted. In order to ensure efficient and continuous provisioning ofPATCO's maintenance operation, we are seeking the Board's authorization. This process follows similar sole/single source processes of like agencies, such as SEPTA and NJ Transit.

SUMMARY: Amount See Attached Exhibit A Source of Funds: PATCO Operating and Capital Budgets Period: Calendar Year 2013 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A P ATC0-13-007 Finance Committee: March 6, 2013 Board Date: March 20, 2013 Sole/Single Source Vendors for Replacement Parts for PATCO- CY 2013


RESOLVED: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes staff to enter into sole or single source procurement for the limited purpose of acquiring those specific items outlined in Exhibit A to support PATCO's aging infrastructure and OEM needs and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Chair, Vice Chair and the President must approve and are hereby authorized to approve and execute all necessary agreements, contracts, or other documents on behalf of the P ATCO, after review and approval by Office of General Counsel. If such agreements, contracts, or other documents have been approved by the Chair, Vice Chair and President and if thereafter either the Chair or Vice Chair is absent or unavailable, the remaining Officer may execute the said document(s) on behalf of PATCO. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent or unavailable, and any agreement or agreements need to be executed during their absence, then the President may execute on behalf ofPATCO.

SUMMARY: Amount See Attached Exhibit A Source of Funds: PATCO Operating and Capital Budgets Period: Calendar Year 2013 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A


Cubic Transportation Cubic Transportation Systems is the current vendor of Systems PATCO's Automated Fare Collection System. The fare collection gates and vending machines were manufactured by Cubic with the majority of the parts unique to these types of devices. Since the TVM and gate parts are modular and in-house staff performs limited bench repairs, the modules are sent to Cubic for repair. The repair price is dependent on the severity of the issue and submitted to PATCO for approval before repairs commence.

Some of the major components submitted for repair are: • Motor Gear Assembly (fare gate) • Tri-Reader 2 (fare gate & Ticket Vending Machine) • Single Board Computer (mother board for gate and vending machine) • Coin Acceptor (vending machine) • Bill Handling Unit (vending machine) Ticket Transport (fare gate)

At times, if the parts are found to be non-repairable, a replacementpart will be ordered from Cubic for stock. UKM Transit Products UKM manufactures a number of transit car gearbox $125,000 components, including the quill, which is the hollow component that allows the bull gear to attach to the train axle. These OEM components were originally furnished by GE Transit Systems Business Division. UKM reverse engineered these components and they have proven satisfactory in service. Jamaica Bearings Inc Jamaica Bearings is the regional distributor for Tim ken $200,000 Bearings. Tim ken was the OEM supplier for journal (wheel) bearings and many of the larger bearings used in the gearbox and traction motors. A significant portion of these bearings are unique designs or have special characteristics such as tolerances than standard. ITI Enidine Inc. ITI Enidine provides shock absorbers and related $225,000 hardware for the maintenance of PATCO Transit Cars. ITI Enidine or its predecessor companies are the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM); since the transit cars were new, only ITI Enidine has supplied these parts. These shock absorbers are designed to fit a specific bolt on the bolster. We do not know of other supplier of this type of rotary hydraulic shock absorber. These shock absorbers are used to damp motion in the ,...... +t____r ____ u______c_____k ______a ______n _____ d______~9~~~~~'- ~~~ ~~~y~~~ ~~i~i~~l ~~f~~y ~

new suppliers for this OEM material...... 1 WABTEC WABTEC is the OEM supplier for all of the friction and $275,000 blended braking equipment on the PATCO transit cars. As is common in the transit industry, there is no interchangeability among manufacturers of brake equipment. As the OEM, WABTEC supplies all the rebuilt kits for valves, air brake cylinders and compressors. PATCO does the rebuilding in its shop. Due to the limited market for this material and the potential safety liabilities, j there are no alternate producers of these OEM : components. ~-~~~--~----~-~~-~~-----~·-······~·······------~--~----~~-~--~----..C...... ~. ···~--~"~~ SUMMARY STATEMENT

ITEM NO.: PATC0-13-008 SUBJECT: Approval of Purchasing Settlement Agreements



BOARD ACTION DATE: March 20, 2013

PROPOSAL: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes staff to enter into settlement agreements in order to satisfy claims arising from parts, materials and repair services supplied or otherwise delivered by the vendors set forth in Exhibit A in furtherance of PATCO's critical operations.

Amount: See Attached Exhibit A

Period: October 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013

PURPOSE: PATCO is requesting authority to enter into settlement and release agreements in order to resolve claims brought by vendors who provided parts, materials and repairs services crucial to the maintenance and operation ofPATCO rail systems and other facilities during the period between October 1, 2012, and February 28, 2013. The invoices supporting the individual settlement amounts are indexed and attached hereto as Exhibit A.

BACKGROUND: Currently, much of the equipment being maintained and serviced by PATCO comes from sole or single source vendors, and/or specific to the rail industry so that there are few vendors have the requisite experience and expertise to perform the work or services. The involved vendors performed repair services and/or parts needed to repair and maintain rolling stock and other equipment.

The settlement and release agreements are listed on Exhibit A with the understanding that the Board may be willing to consider all of these agreements at one time, but if any member of the Board wishes to remove any one or more of the agreements from the list for separate consideration, each member will have that privilege.

SUMMARY: Amount See Exhibit A Source of Funds: PATCO Operating and Capital Budgets Period: September 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A P ATC0-13-008 Finance Committee: March 6, 2013 Board Date: March 20, 2013 Approval of Purchasing Settlement Agreements


RESOLVED: That the Board of Commissioners authorizes staff to enter into settlement and release agreements with the vendors and for the amounts set forth in Exhibit A; and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Chair, Vice Chair and the President must approve and are hereby authorized to approve and execute all necessary agreements, contracts, or other documents on behalf o(the PATCO, after review and approval by Office of General Counsel. If such agreements, contracts, or other documents have been approved by the Chair, Vice Chair and President and if thereafter either the Chair or Vice Chair is absent or unavailable, the remaining Officer may execute the said document(s) on behalf of PATCO. If both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent or unavailable, and any agreement or agreements need to be executed during their absence, then the President may execute on behalf ofPATCO.

SUMMARY: Amount See Attached Exhibit A Source of Funds: PATCO Operating and Capital Budgets Period: Calendar Year 2013 Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties: N/A

JDR PATCO PATCO Payments being held as of 3/15/2013

Vendor Name 3/15 total Reason being held Everson Tesla, Inc. $34,248.85 Repairs over 25K

ITT Enidine Inc. $64,906.37 No Sole Source approval over $25K for year Perry Resources $28,413.89 Over 25K for year - Temporary Services Sherwood Electromotion Inc. $120,415.12 Over 25K for year - motor repairs Swiger Coil Systems Inc $69,406.00 Over 25K for year- motor repairs

WABTEC $110,021.70 Over 25K for year No Sole Source approval

Wabtec Global Services $30,367.37 Over 25K for year No Sole Source approval Walco Electric Co. $29,653.60 Over 25K for year - motor repairs

Total $487,432.90 SUMMARY STATEMENT

ITEM NO.: PATC0-13-009 SUBJECT: Consideration of Pending PATCO Contracts (Between $25,000 and $100,000)

COMMITTEE: New Business


BOARD ACTION DATE: March 20, 2013

PROPOSAL: That the Board consider authorizing staff to enter into contracts as shown on the Attachment to this Resolution.

PURPOSE: To permit staff to continue and maintain PATCO operations in a safe and orderly manner.

BACKGROUND: At the Meeting held August 18, 2010 the PATCO Commission adopted Resolution 10-046 providing that all PATCO contracts must be adopted at an open meeting of the P ATCO Board. The Board proposed modifications to that Resolution at its meeting of September 15, 2010; specifically that all contracts between $25,000 and $100,000 be brought to the Board for approval. The contracts are listed on the Attachment hereto with the understanding that the Board may be willing to consider all of these contracts at one time, but if any member of the Board wishes to remove any one or more items from the list for separate consideration, each member will have that privilege.

SUMMARY: Amount: N/A Source of Funds: See Attached List Capital Project #: N/A Operating Budget: N/A Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/A Other Parties Involved: N/A PATC0-13-009 New Business: March 20, 2013 Board Date: March 20, 2013 Consideration of Pending PATCO Contracts (Between $25,000 and $1 00,000)


RESOLVED: That the Board authorizes and directs that subject to approval by counsel and the Chief Executive Officer, staff proceed to negotiate and enter into the contracts listed on the Attachment hereto.

SUMMARY: Amount: N/A Source of Funds: See Attached List Capital Project#: N/A Operating Budget: N/A Master Plan Status: N/A Other Fund Sources: N/A Duration of Contract: N/ A Other Parties Involved: N/A CONSIDERATION OF PENDING PATCOCONTRACTS (BETWEEN $25,000- $100,000) MARCH 20,2013

Item# Vendor/Contractor Description Amount Procurement Method Bids Received Bid Amounts Source of Funds 1 Helwig Carbon Products Purchase rolling stock inventory of $75,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Helwig Carbon Products $75,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund Milwaukee, WI carbon brushes for DC traction Sole Source Justification Memo Milwaukee, WI motors for PATCO Operations .. marked as "Exhibit 1"

2 Bombardier Mass Transit Purchase rolling stock inventory of $40,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Bombardier Mass Transit $40,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund Plattburgh, NY suspension system components Sole Source Justification Memo Plattburgh, NY for PA TCO Operations. marked as "Exhibit 2"

3 Horne Products Purchase rolling stock inventory of $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Horne Products $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund E. Farmingdale, NY third rail fuses and fuse boxes for Sole Source Justification Memo E. Farmingdale, NY PATCO Operations. marked as "Exhibit 3"

4 Vapor Stone Rail Systems Purchase rolling stock inventory of $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Vapor Stone Rail Systems $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund St. Laurent, QU relays and control devices for Sole Source Justification Memo St. Laurent, QU train car door systems and HVAC marked as "Exhibit4" controls for PATCO Operations.

5 American Foundry Group Purchase rolling stock inventory of $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. American Foundry Group $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund Bixby, OK third rail train car shoes for Sole Source Justification Memo Bixby, OK PATCO Operations. marked as "Exhibit 5"

6 Barber Spring Company Purchase rolling stock inventory $60,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Barber Spring Company $60,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund Greensberg, PA of side bearing rubber shock Sole Source Justification Memo Greensberg, PA pads for PATCO Operations. marked as "Exhibit 6" 7 Bergen Upholstery Purchase rolling stock inventory $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) Sole Source Provider, see attached 1. Bergen Upholstery Company $30,000.00 (N.T.E.) General Fund Teterboro, NJ of seat covers for PATCO Sole Source Justification Memo Teterboro, NJ Operations. marked as "Exhibit 7" MEMORANDUM PFI I C::O PORT AUTHORilYTRANSIT CORPORATION • ofPel'lli'.i/1~11111 8i 11'-.lerst!'l

To: Jatm R:ink, -liil!nelill Mai'Eig«

AI.<'M: Jot.n Shea, O!reaorof Equlpmer~t

t;uBJu:r: Sale So1,1rlle Vendor Appnwal - tiel wig- Ca rhon ProduQli - CY 201.3 DATE: FllbrLIIUY 28, 201!J.

In conformance with ~ATCO PrDCl.lrt!tlleuL Procedures, this sole sourre approiJal will be for the pu l"(:tl~se of brushes ft~r tr;,.ction m~ors. from He-lwig C:;;~rbc n Pmd u~:ts for CV lOU- Caroo n bruslles arE!' used Dn tP,e train c:ar':s OC: hadion mDt:Drs. Brush gri!d~s i!nd manufacturers cannot be mixed withol.ll: safetv implicllltions ar1d perfutmanee lss.ue~.

These ~:omponent5 ~re storeroom loventory an t1 (lire with(( rawtt when required w m3ke " rep;~ ir- a nee the inventory a:n.mt rolilo.~hes. a minimum quantity, a re-Qrder i~ placed with the vendur and the CCI m pon !;!nh, procured.

\' This approval will be for a not-to-cKoeeil cost of $75,000.00 for CV 2019, for pureh~sc of ll ru$he:o; for tr a~;tioll rn9tor.;; from Helwig C~roon Products In order tQ maintain PAT CO's equipment. MEMORANDUM PI=ITC:C PoRT AUlHORJTYTRANSIT CORPORAnoN • CI/Petlfll!)'illtll'llll IJ.l'lf!W .lef!il!'/

Tr;~: JtJnn Rink, Getteral Manager

FllioM: John She1, Dln~ctor af Equlpmflnt

Su!BEtl': Sole Soun;e Venal or Appralfill - Bomb:.fdlef Mas~ Transit Corp.-CY 2.013

llATE: ~l!lbruary U, 2.013

In conformance with PATCO 91'(l!:ui'(!MI!!nt PI'O(edu res, this sell!' wurec approval \\1111 t11 wr the purci'U!SI! oftraln suspension components from Bombardier MIS5 TrilnJit Ccorporatlogn for CV 2013. 8ombardlertlouehtthe nghtsttl PATCO'.s Rr de!>ign frorn The Budd ~CIIll;linV arufis their 'ua::eswr ;as OEM. CQmponents: purchased ftcm Bombardier ara. elasta.tnetlc bumpers and ~nubbers for the ~:ar's su:!;pensiCin Sj'stern; they afe ctltical safMy oompDnents.

Th.ese compan~ nts are storl'room lnvel'ltory 3nd Bre vtit hd rawn when re~1.1ired t~;~ ma k~ il repair. Once the invmtofy c;o~nt read•es <1 minirnum .qua11tity, il re.-r;~rdn i:s pla~;ll!d witn the lff:Pd ci'i' and the tom~;~oneou prot:u red.

This apptD'<'al Wlll be fur a nat-ttl-exceed cost of $40,000.00 for CY lOU, for purch;se of su.:Jper.dCJI'I tomponents from Dombsroler M11;;5 Tf&n51t Corpontltm In order to rnilin1ain PATCO's equipment.


To; John Rink. General Man111er FROMl John Shea, Ditedor l1f Equipment Sul!oJEtT: Soea Source Yen !lor Apt:IJ'O\III • Ham4! ProtiLtcts- CV .201!1 DATE: Fl!brlliltJ18, 21lU

In r;Dnfi;Jnnance with PATCO Pr!)t:U reiTiel"'l Prc~;ed ures;, th 15 r;ole sgurce- iilpproval will be for the purchase ofthifcl rail fuse:~. and fu.se ba,.;e.s fro.M HOfl'le PrDdutts. Horne Prcdut:I:!O prcvrdes thrro rail fuses, fLtse bc)(CS. and ~ssoci;Jtcd hardw:~m ~lch Oil'

These components are nofetoom lrw~ntor'l' and are wi!:hd fawn when fll!! q uir-ed to make a re~:~alr. On oe the Inventorv ro unt reaches a min Imum quantity, a re-order Is plac~ wl ttl the vendf\r and the cDm peon ents proc~o~ red.

Ttlll.s approval will bt! fot il nDL-to-~i!oed a:~st uf $3o,mnoo fDr cv 2GB, fur r;>u rch~se of third roll fuse, fvse boxes at\d associated hardware from Horne Prodl.liCLsln on:lerto mairrl:ilin PhTCO'~ ~q~o~ipment.

John Shea, Dlri!cto-r of Equlpmen



"to: JDhn Rink,. Genaral Manillj!~ FIKlM: John Shii!ii, Director of Eq uiptm:not

Sulllrer; Sole burce Vo!!ndOf AI'JI'JrGwl • Vapor !itone fllilll SV!ti!R'I& - CY lOU DAn;: february 21, 20J.3

-In qmformanc~ with PATCO Procur.al'tlent Prc~;eQ'ur(ls, this sl)le S!)Urce cppmval \viii be for the pu rth:ise of rehiVS and cantr!)l devlc:es from Vapor SttJne 1\ai I Systems. 'lor f)( 2015. V01por Sm ne ~ illl Srstcms pro\lide5 re li!IYll and control deVI(!c~ fur th ~ trill n car door sy.stem\io "nd HVAC: con trals. The!ie oomptlne nts are de:iigner:l to fit Into J;pecifl~: sockets In the~e :S'fl5.tems. :;~nd there nrP.IlO alternate- 5U!J!Jiiers or &Dufces for these material~.

These ocmponents are ~Lo•vro0111lnventorv and are withdrawn whetl required to make- a repi.lllr. Once the inve11tcrv c-ount reaches a minimum ql.l

ThIs approval will be fer a not-m-PX.::eed con of :0:10,000.00 fC!-r Cr 21lH, for pu reh ase of relays 11nd oolrtrol rJevices frorn llapor stone Rall5't'St@l'n~ in order to malntillin PATCO's equ1ptnellt-

John .Shell, Dl rector of Eq!Jlpment ~__.,.."""­

Jof-ln RinK, GC11ii!ral M~naser of PAlCO

John Hanson, ORI'A/PI\TCO c:ro

~~XllDI'! 4 ?!f.... J.Hf.'.. ·t .... :~ Wll ...... <-'1 .-. JWW .... ;·re:®% W... ." .JIg M .... ··- . C 1® i@ g;g

MEMORANDUM PRIC:C PORT AUTHORITY TRANSIT CoRPORATION • aJ Pi>r.~>.t)'J...,nm .J M>~~~t )rw:-v To: John Rlnk,. Gttlaral Ma!lilger

FII.CIM: lclln Sh~a,. DIAJdor Df Equipment

Su5Jn:r: Sole 5ource Vendor •p~Jrowol - Amfilrl(lm f®ndry Group -(1120li!

DAn!; februarv U. 1013

In mQform;~m;e 'IIIith PATC:O Procurement Procedures, tl"lls.scle saurt:e approvahrsitl be fonhe purchil!.E! of third fail shce~;- from American Foundry Gro4Jp fot CV 2013. Arneri~;an F~;~1,.rndry provides thl rd rail sh [)e$ for train cars. The shge~ nre m<~de from c:a >Ut-ecll n a ptafl ri!M.ar\1' mQid/poattern, nrn O\Vl'led tty PIITCO. Th!.! third rail :sllt::~e5 01re critit:<~l :.afetr oompoonerJts oftht train car.

These co-Mponents are storeroom inventory and are withdra'Ml when requirl!d tu make a rep;;, lr. Once tile lnventDfV munt re·an:he~ a m11'1 im u m qn,; ntity, ~J rP.·order is pi aced '>VIth t~~ vem:l~.:- 41nd the wmponlilnts proc~red.

This approY<~I will be for :or not-to-e~~:ceerJ c;ost of .$30.000.00 for 0' 2013, for purchas;e afthin::l rail shot!s from American Foundry Group in orde-r ~o malrltilin PATCO's ~qulpmral'lt.

John Sheil, Directnraf Fquipment

KliH r:=nT 5 '.i



To: John Rink, Genaral Man~~pr

I=ROI\il: Jchn .Sh~, Dlrec:l:or of Equipment SUBJECT; SOle source Vendor Approwl • lloarber Sprltl,IJ Company- C"'201i

PP.TE! Fel;mtlili"f 28, 21U1

In c;ontt~rmanc:e with j)ATCO ProcLJremP.nt Procedures, this sole :sourc:~ iiiJ>prctval will be far the p1.1rr::ll;,~e cf side bearing rubber pads frGm Barber Spring Compa n'I for r:Jf 2013. Barber Sprlng supplies side bela tlng rubbl! r pad.s for the train c:ar' s truc;k. B-Rrbe r Sprl11g rever5oe-englneerecl these pads and mamlfactl.lred a replac:ernent, whh:;h has prgven tc be 51.1perior in !>E!rYit:e.

Th eie r:cmp.;~n ents are 5tareroom in vente ry and are witndraVm when re~ui red tL1 m~k-e o r~p.air. Dm:~ \hi;!' invll!(lwry oounl reaches a miolmurll quantlt'll, a re-order Is plated 'IIIIth the \l~n dor and- the components pr(l(urcd . .. This ;,p pri}Vi!1 will be fi;Jr a nl:lt-1Q-E!';IQ;~fl'd cost l1f $6D,OOO.Q(I ror Co( 2013, fDr purthaf;e- cf !ide beil!Ping rubber ~Joads: frGm &lrber Sprine company In order to m:atntaln PATCO's equlpmcrrt.

John Shea. Dk-ec:.tor g.f Equipment


PORT AUTHORITY TRANSIT CORPORATION "J Prttnspl\ll;o.,ip ~ t>lf'vt 1.-rwv

To: Jonn Rink. General Managat

F~M: Jonn 5he•. Dlret'l(ll' of Equipment

SL.IIUECn Sale S!llun::i! Vai'K:!Dr Appa-owal- Berpn Auta lJpnalrterv cam~ny -CY :ZOO:J;

DATE: FBI:trUIMY ;1!8, 101~

In confNman~:e with PATCO Procurement Procedure5, th.ls .sole source approval will be for the pu rcha!iE! of ~eilt covers: 1-l;}r tr01in Ci!-r.$ from Bergen A uta Uphr;dste ry C:omparav 1'1;!r CY :.101'3. Be'rgl! n Up ha ls.tery provides patterns fer the .smt!!ta I typ.es of seats U.sed on PATCO trail'l cats. These patuuns nelld to mal~:h Lnl!l eJCI~tll"'f. se<~t oovers to provide uniformity. B@rgcn !uppll~.r; th

Tl'le!e oCXIITipCIIlerrts are storerm:fm inventcry and ar-e withdrawn when required t~;~ mak.e a1 repair. once the Inventory- count reacl\es a minimum quantlt'l', a r>e-arder Is pla.::ed wlth the vendq[ a~nd the components rprocured.

Tbis. apprQv'l!l wi 1J b-e fg r iii !'lat;-t~:~-e~eceed CQSI: of S3D,OOO.OO for C'f 2.0 13, for purchase r:d 5eilt ~vl!rs frDm Bf!rgen Auta Uphclrt~aory Camp.al'l'!' 11'1 ordet to tnalntail\ PATCC's equipment.

john S~ea, Dir-ector of F[juipment:

John Rink, General Man01ger ~f PAT ,

John Matneu5!1ierl, PATCCl Presiden