New Jersey Courier
f>M»n Oannty 10 fch 77 EW C o u rier. DEVOTKl) TO LITKIUTUKE, AGRICULTURE. LOCAL AfiD GENERAL NEWS, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE INTERESTS OP SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. TOMS RIVER, OCEAN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1870. BUSINESS CARD8. 'I e w J r s e y C o u r i e r . SEWING MACHINES. SELECTED P0KTBY. for if they forfeit their credentials, what The Senorita. Ministerial Simplicity. tfdiN, Ctirpertlivalt’i ExcIuu ik c . “ ? If they saved their country yea* Miscellaneous. ov*r tbs ro ar oppica, A. A. BRANT, CORNELIUS FECK, Two Paths. forday and sell it to-day, away goes their Even if a Spanish woman is not pretty, Perhaps the worst aud most mischiev Paper teeth ia a new invention iu Ger Toms Krv*a, O cean C ounty. N. J. DBALMS IN ous of hobby-ridden minister*, is he who 8oic authorized Agent tor the sale of the genuine Oh, murmuring ones who frown and fret honors, and they are still compelled to which, when young, is seldom the case, many, and a number of specimens were ( c. EtUlur and FuDll*her. LUMBER, COAL, BRICKS, LIME, Upon the way your feet are set, pass for just what they are worth. she carries a charm with her wliioh never makes a hobby of some real or fancied displayed at the late paper exhibition in * la th , Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shinnies. personal trait of bis own. I knew a t*«aia.—Two Dollars a year, Un i Dollar for Doors, Mashes, Blind*, Ate., SINGER 8EWING MACHINE Know that the path ye count so bleak Bnt there are some who hardly sub- fails to assert itself.
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