Embedded Wireless Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Implant at Microwave Frequencies

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Embedded Wireless Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Implant at Microwave Frequencies Embedded Wireless Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Implant at Microwave Frequencies A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Drexel University by Usmah Kawoos in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 2009 i Dedications To my mother, who believes in me and has supported me all the way, and in loving memory of my father and grandfather (Aba), who taught me to dream. ii Acknowledgements Words will do no justice in expressing my gratitude towards my advisor and mentor, Dr. Arye Rosen. He has constantly widened the ambits of my education that I have received under his tutelage. Dr. Rosen always maintains an aura of optimism around him which has been my constant source of encouragement during my stay at Drexel. The lessons that I have learnt here will stay with me for my life. I cannot thank him enough for his mentorship. I am indebted to Dr. Mohammad Tofighi, whose expertise and enthusiasm were instrumental to the success of my project and Dr. Frank Kralick, a neurosurgeon, who created magic while implanting the ICP implants in animals, both of who have been always available for discussions, have given me priceless feedback, and have encouraged me to diversify my skills. Their invaluable suggestions have refined my work and at the same time steered it in an excellent direction. I am also grateful to Dr. Peter Herczfeld who not only introduced me to Dr. Rosen, but has also been very supportive of my work in many ways. Thank you, Dr. Herczfeld for your countless inputs during many stages, especially the final compilation, of this research work. I am thankful to Dr. Afshin Daryoush for sharing his laboratory with our project group. Dr. Daryoush has boosted my confidence at many occasions that include technical talks and exams. I am fortunate to have known Late. Dr. Samuel Neff who taught me to tackle a problem by breaking it into small parts. I thank the members of my candidacy and final examination committees, which include Dr. Kambiz Pourrezaei, Dr. Chang Chang, Dr. Ryszard Lec, Dr. Hazem Maragah, Dr. Rahamim Seliktar, and Dr. Sam Goldwasser for their advice and support. I am thankful to Dr. Wei Sun who was kind to provide his feedback, on a short notice. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Banu Onaral for her endless encouragement and support. I would also like to thank Dr. iii David Yoo and Dr. Tom Neal for believing in our research and constantly promoting its importance. The constructive criticism that I received from Dr. Zafar Khan cannot go unrecognized. I appreciate the support that I received from Dr. Richard Huneke, Janet, Andrea, and Kim, that made it easy for me to take up new challenges. Thank you, Kim for being a wonderful teacher and a friend. I am also thankful to Carlton, Craig, and Sean for helping me with the animal studies. During the course of my research work, the professional expertise and support of the following have been instrumental in attaining the desired outcomes: Dr. Moses Noh, Temi, Dr. Peter Oelkers, Dr. Allen Katz, Mike Umbro, Dr. Timothy Zhou, Andreaa Dimofti, Dr. Anthony Lowman, John, and Walter Janton. I was fortunate to have wonderful colleagues and labmates: Giri, Ruchi, Xu, Yifei, Liming, David (now Dr. Yoo), Ryan, Nikhil, Gabor, Milad, David, Nick, Ding, Rupa, Khushali, who made learning a pleasant experience. I am especially thankful to Gabor for helping me prepare for my most crucial exam- Ph.D defense. I acknowledge the inputs on my work that I received from our Star students: Kathreen, Cathreen, and John. I value the friendliness of our Biomed staff- Lisa, Danielle, Aylin, Natalia, Susan, and Frank. Life without friends would not have been easy. I am glad to have friends like Arun, Nihad, Huda, Ali, Ajarat, Priyanka, Rabi, Ruchi, Piyush, Surbhi, Manju, and Raj who have stood by me through the thick and thin. I cannot forget how Renee and Bernie have always been there for me, Thank you! Most importantly, I express my perpetual gratitude to my mother Firdos, my brother Irfan, my sister-in-law Ibtisam, and the rest of the family for having faith in me. I would not have been here if it was not for their constant support and unconditional love. I am thankful to Anwar who has always inspired me and supported me in pursuing my dreams. iv Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... VIII LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... IX ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. XIV 1. MOTIVATION AND INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 2. NEUROANATOMY IN RELATION TO INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE ........................................ 4 2.1 Ventricular system ..................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Cerebrospinal fluid .................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Meninges of brain ...................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Physiology of intracranial pressure and intracranial hypertension .......................... 10 2.4.1 Causes of ICH .................................................................................................... 12 3. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Implant features ....................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Implant materials ..................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Biological effects of microwaves ............................................................................ 23 4. INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE MONITORING IMPLANTS ....................................................... 25 4.1 Packaging concept of implant ................................................................................. 26 4.2 Various classifications of the implant ..................................................................... 27 4.2.1 Method of pressure sensing ................................................................................. 27 Capacitive sensor model ........................................................................................ 29 4.2.2 Site of pressure sensing ....................................................................................... 31 4.2.3 Size of hole drilled in the skull for implant placement ........................................ 31 4.2.4 Nature of intended study ..................................................................................... 32 4.3 Evolution of implant packaging .............................................................................. 35 v 4.4 Concept of electronic design ................................................................................... 36 4.4.1 Based on PZR ...................................................................................................... 37 4.4.2 Based on capacitive pressure transducer ............................................................. 37 4.5 Materials used in the fabrication of the implant ...................................................... 39 4.5.1 Choice of metals .................................................................................................. 39 4.5.2 Choice of sealants ................................................................................................ 39 4.5.3 Choice of superstrate for PIFA ............................................................................ 40 4.5.4 Choice of biocompatible coating ......................................................................... 42 Chemistry of parylene ................................................................................... 42 Deposition process ........................................................................................ 43 5. IN-VITRO EVALUATION OF THE IMPLANT AND ITS CHARACTERIZATION ........................ 45 5.1 Materials and Methods ............................................................................................ 45 5.1.1 Air test set-up ...................................................................................................... 45 5.1.2 Hydrostatic test set-up ......................................................................................... 47 5.1.3 Microwave transmission ...................................................................................... 48 Polyacryamide phantom ................................................................................ 49 Phantom recipe .............................................................................................. 50 Effects of ingredients on the electric properties of the phantom ................... 51 Test-set up for measuring microwave transmission through scalp phantom . 52 5.1.4 Stability of Parylene coating ............................................................................... 53 5.1.5 MRI compatibility test ......................................................................................... 53 5.2 Results ....................................................................................................................
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