
HANA 花花花

$95 ( Pairing $59)

Voice of Flowers Spring with Vinegar Gelee Mountain yam, , , cauliflower, baby turnip, tomato-fu, beets, blackberry, , lemon, , tasmania pepper 花見弁当

Bamboo Shoot Clear Soup Wakame, kuruma-fu, celery, kuro-, somen noodles, kinome 若筍煮麺

Spring Garden Sesame-tofu, , spring cabbage, leek, shishito, rikyu-fu, broccoli rabe, mustard, fiddle head fern, sakura-fu, mango, tofu, watermelon radish, tofuyo ~八寸~ 春爛漫

*********************** Seasonal Assorted Market vegetables, dried 季節の天ぷら or Grilled Kyoto Shoot ($20 supp.) sansho peppercorn 京都産筍笹蒸し焼き ***********************

Tofu and Spring , morel, black trumpet, mocha-fu, watercress, 揚げ出し豆腐と春茸の焚き合せ

*********************** English Pea Rice with Yuba or Shiso Chazuke or Kyoto Rice Pot ($25 supp.) 京都産筍釜飯 / うすい豆炊き込みご飯 / 梅しそ茶漬け ***********************

Sakura Kinton Lily bulb, azuki bean, Orange jam 夜桜きんとん

Matcha with Candy by Kyoto Kagizen-Yoshifusa 抹茶とお干菓子 京都 鍵善良房より

A 20% gratuity will be added to parties of 6 or more *Due to our style of cuisine, gluten and allergies are not to be accommodated

Executive Chef : Hiroki Odo



$55 (Sake Pairing $45)

Voice of Flower Mountain yam, heart of palm, daikon, cauliflower, baby turnip, tomato-fu, citrus miso beets, blackberry, blueberry, lemoncream-tofu, vinegar gelee, tasmania pepper berry 花見弁当

Spring Garden Sesame-tofu, wasabi, spring cabbage, leek, shishito, rikyu-fu, broccoli rabe, mustard, fiddle head fern, sakura-fu, mango, tofu, watermelon radish, tofuyo ~八寸~ 春爛漫

Tofu and Spring Mushrooms Shiitake, morel, black trumpet, mocha-fu, watercress, myoga 揚げ出し豆腐と春茸の焚き合せ

Umeboshi Shiso Chazuke Pickled plum, shiso leaf, millet, wasabi, 梅しそ茶漬け

Additional Side Dishes Aburi -Age (Fried Tofu) 炙りお揚げ $ 8 Fermented Tofu 豆腐よう $ 8

*Pickled Kelp with Sansho ( Take-out Only) 自家製山椒昆布(持ち帰り用) 120g $ 8

A 20% gratuity will be added to parties of 6 or more *Please refrain from using cell phones in the dining room