
KINOKAWA RYU 2nd junior kyu Children’s Testing Requirements (all previous techniques) 5 techniques against Shomen uchi 6th junior kyu 4th junior kyu Techniques against Side Name the founder of Aikido (all previous techniques) 1st Name the front of the dojo All Principles to unify mind and body and Freestyle (4 opponents) Forward roll (standing or kneeling) Name all of the wooden weapons 1st stripe Backward roll (standing or kneeling) Hentai Ushiro tekubi tori Sankyo 1st stripe Katatetori Shiho nage () Suwari waza (varied attacks and defenses) Name the symbol at the front of the dojo Katatetori Ikkyo (irimi & tenkan) 2nd stripe Standing forward roll : Front and Roundhouse Ushiro kata tori Sankyo Standing backward roll 1st stripe 5 techniques against Yokomen uchi Shomen uchi strike Hanshi’s Recommendations for you 5 techniques against Katate tori Front kick Big forward roll 3rd stripe 2nd stripe Breakfall Tsuki Kaiten nage Why do we bow in the dojo? Tsuki kote gaeshi 2 techniques against Kata tori and Jab 2nd stripe Techniques against Spinning Heel kick Tenkan exercise 5th junior kyu 1st junior kyu Katatetori Shiho nage (irimi & tenkan) (all previous techniques) (all previous techniques) Kicks: Side Kick Name the founder of Kinokawa Aikido Shomen uchi Kaiten nage 1st principle to unify mind and body 3rd stripe Shomen uchi Sankyo (irimi and tenkan) Shomen uchi Ikkyo (irimi) Katate tori Kokyu nage 2nd Jo Kata Tenchinage Yokomen uchi shiho nage (irimi & tenkan) Randori and Freestyle (4 opponents) Kicks: Front and Roundhouse Kokyu dosa 1st stripe 1st stripe 3rd junior kyu Ushiro tekubi tori Shiho nage 2nd principle to unify mind and body (all previous techniques) 2nd Bokken Kata Name one of the wooden weapons Shomen uchi Kokyu nage 2nd stripe Tsuki strike Shomen uchi kote gaeshi 5 techniques against Ryote mochi Ikkyo exercise Techniques against front kick 5 techniques against Jab 2nd stripe Kicks: Spinning Heel Kick 5 techniques against Uppercut 3rd principle to unify mind and body Tsuki with jo, bokken and tanto 3rd stripe Name two of the wooden weapons Randori & Freestyle (3 opponents) 5 techniques against Tekubi tori Yokomen uchi strike 1st stripe 5 techniques against Choke Katate tori Ikkyo (irimi) Shomen uchi Nikkyo (irimi & tenkan) 3rd Jo Kata 3rd stripe Shomen with jo, bokken and tanto Junior black belt 4th principle to unify mind and body 2nd stripe (all previous techniques) Name three of the wooden weapons Yokomen uchi Kotegaeshi Defense against tanto Funekogi (rowing exercise) Yokomen with jo, bokken and tanto Defense against bokken walking 3rd stripe Defense against jo Shomen uchi Ikkyo (irimi & tenkan) Techniques against Roundhouse kicks All weapons 1st Jo Kata Randori and Freestyle (4 opponents) Jan/10