www.gildemeister.com annual report 2007 WERBUNG MONTFORT technologies for tomorrow. technologies for tomorrow. for technologies gildemeister annual report 2007 report annual gildemeister gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft Gildemeisterstraße 60 d-33689 Bielefeld Local Court hrb 7144 Phone: +49 (0) 52 05/74-3001 Fax: +49 (0) 52 05/74-3081 Internet: www.gildemeister.com E-Mail:
[email protected] gildemeister group Key figures sales revenues Domestic order intake Domestic Key Figures € International € International The Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft in million in million as at 31 December 2007 were prepared in accordance with the International Financial 2001 567.9 577.5 1,145.4 2001 566.1 537.0 1,103.1 Sales Revenues Reporting Standards (ifrs) – as they have to be applied in the European Union. 2002 491.7 541.1 1,032.8 2002 455.6 525.4 981.0 Order Intake 2003 475.7 502.1 977.8 2003 457.0 524.8 981.8 ebit 2004 2004 Annual Result 502.9 548.6 1,051.5 508.8 605.1 1,113.9 Employees 2005 501.9 624.0 1,125.9 2005 520.7 650.0 1,170.7 2006 612.8 716.2 1,329.0 2006 648.7 794.2 1,442.9 gildemeister group changes 2007 2006 2007 against 2006 2007 730.4 831.7 1,562.1 2007 847.6 1,017.3 1,864.8 € million € million € million % Sales revenues Total 1,562.1 1,329.0 233.1 18 Domestic 730.4 612.8 117.6 19 International 831.7 716.2 115.5 16 quarterly results (ebit) ebit in € million in € million % International 53 54 Order intake q1 2007 16.4 2001 78.1 Total 1,864.8 1,442.9 421.9 29 q2 2007 29.3 2002 17.2 Domestic 847.5 648.7 198.8 31 q3 2007 25.4 2003 34.7 International 1,017.3 794.2 223.1 28 q4 2007 54.8 2004 41.9 % International 55 55 2005 58.8 Order backlog* 2006 82.5 Total 749.4 446.7 302.7 68 2007 125.9 Domestic 273.1 156.0 117.1 75 International 476.3 290.7 185.6 64 % International 64 65 Investments 53.1 37.2 15.9 43 Personnel costs 366.4 320.2 46.2 14 annual result number of employees Machine Tools Personnel quota in % 22.9 24.1 in € million incl.