DRAINAGE PLANS It is with great pride and satisfac- WOMAN SUFFRAGE DEFEATED^-TWO To B« Sobjert ^nl Sanml™ t MrtfcWHt (FORTNIGHTLY CLUB tion that the committee in charge of the Subscription Concerts announces Churth Dinner. BEEOBECftUNCIL that tho first concert ot this, the OTHER AUffiNDMENTS ALSO LOSE IN SUMMIT A church dinner Is to be held^ next [ OPENS SEASON 1 seventh season will bo given by Os- Thursday evening in the Parish iloas« J sip Gabrilowitch, master pianist, in Summit defeated tho Woman's Suf- women worked in relays taking turm the Beechwood Hall on November 16. of tho Summit Metbodt5t-Epi5copal!L(IIIC||gon [ Many Items of Smaller Busi< daring different hours." • T This Is a Monday evening and the at- frage Amendment on Tuesday by: a church, arrangea by the Men's Bible I State Offi- vote of 755 to 333, giving.a majority As Tuesday was the last registrar ness Disposed of After Dis- tention ot the subscribers Is called to tlon-day for_the General Election ot Study Club and the Women's.SocIeUes • cers as Guests, the First" that fact as the concerts have usually of 422.: • • : been given on Tuesday evenings. - It November 2, as well as for tho special ot the. churlch,-ReVih"ffin. I. Harcn. cussing Drainage Con-' has been the ambition of the commit-' The second amendment, providing electfon, there was a very fair regis- Event—ActiveProgfani for.more frequent'amendments to the tration list complotcd^—The- total_ D.D., Will be the toast masterl The I tee to change tho concert nights to principal speaker will be Rev. Fred ;—, ditions Tuesday Night Thursdays, as that evening seems to constitution was defeated by 667 to number registered for the three .reg- for Season Provided be kept open in Summit for lectures 463, a majority of 104. istration days lu the city was 1;£G9. Wlnslow Adams, D.D.^ pastor j>f _St__£i_ and other entertainments due, per- .*. Tho third amendment voto was 349,Last year's • registration wap 1,159, Andrew's Methodist Epts^pal churcD\~~^?^^~-~~-Z-^~~r7;: -•The'"drainage, of Summit avenue yes and G78 no,—majority 329 against which' shows there Is hn increase this opening meeting of the Fort- haps, to the fact "that the Athenaeum of New York City, and Miss Josephine, | from Edgewoqd road cast to Morris meets every second Thursday during . The total number of-votes cast hero year of.HO. The registration in Sum- L. Baldwin, one of the editors' ly Club proved a largely attended Ldb the winter/'" Monday and Tuesday was 1.135;: with a total of 34 rejected mit In 1915 was about equal to that of and thoroughly enjoyable occasion. ballots. 1913.—1,24X . In Presidential year, Sunday .'School publij The evenings.appear to be given up very -The attractive* decora I ions-of—dahlias •Springfield avenue • and, Whittredge largely to meetings of civic bodies, .The suffrago question brought out 19U\ the registry liats_totaled 1.4311 theme of the eyeninj place, was the Important topic beforc- such as the Board of Trade* Council, an unexpected nnd unusually large All those who have not personally '. !ar.d autumn .leaves' added much to flclency in the_ di lhi? lp I tho Commpp Council on Tueaday eve- School Board, etc,-and AS-'these S**b- vote for a special election. Tho num-; appeared ueioVe.ttie Boanls of Klcc- new . P asure. of the afternoon. scrlptlon. Concerts are. given for the DrD . TAt 3 inaugurating a ber of votes cast-on Tuesday com- tion In-their .reapectlvo. distrlctji; tfflcieiteynioveuient in his church t After an appropriate welcome by . l-ning.— ,-." "* public at large It-Is-desirable to In- pares very favorably with the number j cither on .last Tuesday or on tho .day 1 The question camo up through \ae terfere with as few things as possible. ic^lcnown as the St: Andrew'* Ef-'.ilie rrenhlent. Misa Pamela. Lyall, tho qf votes cast at the general elections lot the Primary Election, or on tlio.Hclency Mbvemont, covering . s*-ven. —cnifiers and their guests numbering report of Chairman White., of the In order- to secure such' famous ar- each year. • . ! first^roRistratlon day. In September, I Street Committee, upon the communl- tists as the Summit audience.has been well directed lines of community s^rr ? served^nty buffet lunch-.,- f cation,of the. Retail Committee ot the fortunate In hearing It Is necessary Both the Suffragists arid the AntlsjWIll not lie entitled to .vote nt-tlie No- ice, as Dr. Adams bellev*-*. a chun* to take them on .dates that are con- worked very hard In Summit through- venilior election^ The liRtaTof every should "denionairale Its rifiht- to *-si* liy Pay Int Morrlntawn. Mrs. | Board at Freeholders presented, at a out the campaign rlglit up to the tlme'votor foRifitered ln.oacli of the dlR- I previous meeting, requesting . the venient for them and the committee by servinvg the- commutiity. An rK's AV. Stockton, President "of the : I Council to have the gutters on the of"*t:loalng tho pftlls. . . . • trlcts in Summit-liave"lWn printed as haa' Sta »' Federation "of Women's Clubs,. l Jj:(Ostthnt 6f-a—novelty6anovelty:rrcquirprlb: rbyy law~nn"(l"^deTlvori>(l~tn7TtTelawnn(ldeTlori>ltn7Tt " f tho Work Dr. I westerly side of Springfield avenue r obtained from pact of an article qnot- ,!e Bhtldxtlie audience teith a'brlef. I near Morris avenue paved, so that tht- range for a given ulght of the week. ' Injected Into the day for the BoardB s off jConntyOlerk. wlio wtli sell copies, to t*U herewith fro' I wash from the hill would notclogg up Mr**. Gabrilowitch hqr a reputation Plcpttbn in tlie six distrlots'by having.all whoilcairo tnbm. .•.'".' recently.,* ilescri t worldwide that it almost seems women watchers for flie SiirTrbglBts on I A tnbn'Intlbn of tlic vote in Sntliniit plan: ' ship botuecn chili anil-Tt'dL'raUon^Irs^- line culvert on the county road. ' . : I Mr. White stated that It would bo an superfluous; to say. anything about hand from 6 a. m. to -7 p. m..- The by districts Is given.herewith: ,"A . new force- of : workers will V- Mac'Quoid, Fifth. District'Vice-Presl- • injustice and a hardship on the prop- him by Way of Introduction to Summit ndiled to the pastoral start. The Rev. dt-nt, spoke eutliUMlastlcally.of the de- lerty owners along Springfield avenue people. As the number of .artists be- . First . Second Third Oeorpe >:. Mayer "conies, as director ^r,, 'Ui foUIH, UDd BUHtuil, -a -alieK0 fore the public is, nowadays.-so.,large of religious education. HI* work will; f women . in -New Jersey. Several I to assess the cost of laying the gut- Amen dra't. Amcndm't.- Amendm't. Total. or Iters and maintaining them against the it is impossible to expect everv. one Yes. No. . Ycsr-Nb, Yc,s. No. • 'Rejected. Rogis'd; be to organize the church for. the Gjrj violinviolin-- solosoloss u-ery- nicely rendered by • property, because of the largo vojumo tb-bave heard of them all. Mr. Ga- First Ward: '* plan, so thut the church will' b-» ready Mr. .Ufryd (ireeiifeld of Saw York. hrllowltch Is. Russian but makes his co-operate with thepuMtc isthnul* •of water dlveried from the upper part home here for a large part of the time: First District.:. 53 JIG 77 82 99 174 185. The program for the year promises |of Springfield avenue to Iho, lower Second District. 49 liO 64. 85 . 91 195 of this st'Ctlou as boon as the Ifoard (u^tif most ati-rtictlve uild instructive afl be married an American woman. 169 of l-Mui-atJon has a'dopled. the" srs:eaiT Clara Clemens, one of Mark-Twain's Third District — 56 J26" 87 105 .195 214" "it Iscludefljiha-^pltowfns: " ' f He also stated that he believed the Second Ward: \ Meantime Mr. Mayer will orEaaire ih*' - Oa NoromWr; the meeting will ho daughters. As to his rank among children of the parish for weekly re- • city should bear the cost of paving arid pianists,—he belongs among the few First .•District...". 49 dt-voTrtl tojjie social service -depart- I maintaining the Springfield avenue at the very top of the scale. His Second District./80 ligious instruction. mnii. and on Xovemlft'r 17 ^lieO-Lcan^- I cutters and, BUEEested that the cam- equals-are such men as Josef Hoff- __Thlr« •atr~Anttrcw'a "^itii — i-wtiivTanirMr. fiiUU will i)e heard. • munlcaflon be referred to the sewer man, Harold Bauer and Godowsky. will be put under the , ronirnr<*i-»n in a concert. December1,. Ifcv. J)r. land drainage committee for further The price for a single ticket to his form of govornmentr This mraus William I. Haven of this cfty^who ro- linvestlgation and report. New York recitals usually-cost as tliere will IK--three co-operating jsui»-r- tumeil reecutly from a!,trlp tlirouRh I General Knight "said that there was much as the price asked for this Intonilonts. All tlie vouui; pe«p!o"s ifce mission ilelds, will give a tra>ej scries of three concerts and last year's work of tlm church will "be- or^ar.ii'Nl-talk. -Two wi;.«'ks later. December 15^" I no use ot-such reference unless the thmugli the Sunday school. in*:t"aJ ^-f i!rs- Kloreueo t\ XOVCH'H anHiatant and I city la prepared to put In a storm sew- subscribers will do well to respond 1 r fer on the Springfield avenue hill. at once if they desire to retain the TIIK STATE KESIXtf. ItliroUKh s-'parau urguni/atiot:» »>I *'.** 1'UpiN will riit<>rtitfn in a program same number of tickets as they had [ymmfc-people'tf socletic". rvjsa^-wf-tlanrii])?. - ^ • Both Councilman White and Gen. Tflt> Iirst J( ll| last season. The fewjracanclos in the By a majority of 3,318 out of a to- SurTragc vvus beaten In the ptate of lous. mlsHionary or otherv.-.L-t.-. Tliiij-i. '< r«' which «> «"M* is on (he iiro^nuii for January promptly filled and the fact of an^ ty, tho - an tl-sufflegists easily van- the pastor feels will tend to'givatvr "*-. Miss M- J. Qiiinn of Pratt Insti-, lent and proper drainage. Thojnatter -nouncement of Mr. Gabrilowltch__&&. 5r;,ooo. I was referred to "Hie sewerage and ilshed tho vote-far-woman advocates e'coimniy and frrirk-ucy. tu:.- uill talk on "i'Iotlu-n Uml rlieir the first, artist of the seaRfcn,- will u-the-Bpectal election. The suffrafiii \V"ltli fairly completu. returns avail- •drainage- committee for further re- able. It Is evident tliut votes for women departure will 1» th«* San- Ancvsiorsr I'mnlaim'ntiil Art anil create an unusual demand for'tickets. amendment was-downed In Elizabeth day eveii'liiKjjfrvU-e. atwliUli tin- i I Siylo: ..„.. .._, " For tho benefit of new residents of by a vote of-^103 to 4,041, and through met with a cniBhing defeat in the State January Ifi iiu< program will he de- \ . For the Sewer and nrainagR Com- |^Summit It may be necessary to Btato election. • It Is understood that tlie tor will preach from .otu* .suhi^i" 3ll the county only four of twenty towns \'i. vi(iot! to current litoralure, which will ' nittce, Councilman Knight presented that the subscription price for the stH carried but 0110 county in tho fall anil winter.' tM i:i l and cities returned a majority-In fav- the State—Ocean ' county., Kssex vemher 1. suhjet't V.»r " cli3r«eM>f .Miss K:ithariim.^U or--:r •a statement from the City Engineer series of three concerts Is only Jl.EO— or of the measure. Hn reference to the probable cost of 50 cents for each concert—and that county alone returned a majority of. presentation is. ^jTlm._Ii£)vv The other two amendments were tlie Uible. impIelgh making u- topographical survey re- no single tickets are sold with the ex- 1T.000 aghlnst"'"the conRtiintioniil of ihr Tfat-htTN ception of a limited number of truest beaten through tho county -In much amendmon.t in give w"omen..the ballot. "St. Andrew's' prograniun> ollcKe, New york, ;nrding the drainage of Essex road, In the same manner as the-^ufTrngo mea- will roinlurt o of the household siilch it was estimated that $200 tickets at $1.00 a plfice-wnich may be The proposition for a more frequeiil brought forcibly to tlie front in- NV obtajned by the subscribers fq'r^ out- sure. Tho Becopd , measure, concern- change in tho conRtitutlon nnd - the takiiic I11T" HUbJect, ' would, be tho probable cost. Upon Ing the method of .amending tho State -motion of Gen. Knight the Engineer bf"towh "Kues"ls. but -which* "may "not he" proposition on the'excess condenina- •was directed, to proeeedvwltb-the-worlc used by residents of Summit tlon-^were-both-defeated;—-^—— ^ beTrig" beateni by 2,804 votes In the rt "lay be claimed that tho politicul I As to the complaint of improper county, 7,988 for to 10.792 asafast. • nmchihes "brougHt about the-downfall I drainage on Waldron avenue. Gen. The excess condemnation' measure : I Knight stated i-that the eform sower of equal suiTrage.-ltut-ln those •centre^ tho Immediate neighborhood of C. BEIGIILEY. was ba'dfy beaten ioyerywhere., In tho of tho SUite where party fnfluencefl church through the employment of • was ample to take tho water; but it county It lost, by-a" majority or.4,419. idd d j I had been discovered by tbe Engineer. are- not -considered dominate methods! nelpljhorly, evangelEstic and Miss Caroline C. Relghley, who had An analysis of- the voto on the electorate, the anti-suffrage majori- perHonal. The church is tn-inp or- heen spending her summer seasons imcndments sliows that the sentiment I walls of the railroad had become clog-' ties remained unbroken. . ganized into grolips under compch-ni ""^ music )h,,,flrInieI1, In Summit for thirty years, passed through tlic~cmin"ty was almost gen- With tho defeat of the BUiT-rjige g gp p „,,, n,U8ic ,,,,„„,„„.„, ..^^ clnb I ged by the fact that the sheathing had away on Sunday evening at the Black- eral and tho opposition not from nny amendmentjjvnd the. talk of renewed^ campaigleaders ntor this new rortu o( charcfc %j,, , v „ , proRmm nn Mnrcl I not been properly removed by_the con- burn. Tho funeral service was held onn pcctlon or group of ecctlon3. Tho - - -- : artlntR will he -Thia had been rprnnvpfl It TJTT-WeilncsrtaT morning at 10 oViIfrCfc, nrjtvltvUpon tlio pnrt nf tfn nrtf adanie Ethel Tozier, plaiilst, and measure wns victorious in only the leaders of the oppoHltlon point out continuing throughout . th_- chu^rli lhad also been found that the entrance at the Church of ZIon and St. Tim- following places In the county: Ken- that reganllesH of what -the proponents Jfati-t'mtper, contralto. March ito the catch-basin on Waldron avtH othy, 334 West 57th street. New York, year: ' . ~ \U" HlflmrdH .-_-„„ speak Ihvorth, Roselle, Linden borough .• and of the'question may do In" tho way of "Among other plans whereby Un- •Hue, had been choked with leaves. the rector. Rev. Henry Lubeck, TUX, Mountainside. Districts, which hn I conversion froni this time forward, \ on rurretit biKtory. .TJro Town Im- I All ot the members of the Council officiating, assisted by Rev, Walker r church will attempt of Rreater ?inrnt wlll conduct- term expected to give n WR voto t^ they cannot have another similar service to Its immediate community I were present except Councilman Top- Gwynne, D.D., rector emeritus of Cal- 1 thP mOf^ng Aprill S5. amandi Aprl.April. _13_, Miss vary church.,— ^- • suffrage , came back heavily -aKninpf amendment submitted to the neople IplDg, when President Corbin called it,"and in Fanwood township the; voto for approval' or rejection "until five are the community lecture course an*! Itichanls will give nnother of the cur- •the meeting to order. n co-operation of-the charche? In tbo ren!\ history-Jalfcn, "Miss" Relghley was. the eldest daugh- was 233 against'tn CO for. In RnrJn^- vrars have elapsed. : T.hc conBtltutlon community. The first step in St. An- . \ ' ' I The clerk was directed to acknowl- ter of the late Rev.1 Charles and Caro- field there wcro'HB ngaitfst to 72 Tor. provides Tor this. : edge tho receipt of-an invitation from lin_ _e G. Relgbley. She was born In Railway went against It by 972 to, However, undaunted, by their ovcr- drew'a efficiency movement Is the mo me-authorlUes-ot-Bosello-^arfclto-at- -M^IlchJganTTbiit^lradi.ivet d most of her G02, nnd Plolnfleld by 1,890 tn' l'.OJO.Iv.liplminff defea!." HufTrage leaders of blitzing of the entire church on »*«!- : T- /Sl^_ Jybn [tend the dedication ot their new city life in and near New York, and In the at S o'clock fof .tbe r- • Named.— ~'iZ- Wcstfleld waS~G7trto~B25 nR^inst. and tlio State arc already laying plans to ('liurch Fireside." hall, October 30. South. Miss Relghley had been an Cranford was against It*'by forty-two' rarry their pause heforfl the T^Rfsla- The friends of former Consul Gen- f A comrounlcaUon from tho New Invalid for tbe past three years, ami votesr. • ; Jtiire In an effort to secure Presidential eral andvSIrs; Ti- St.- 'John 'CluifnwJV In forjhe past eleven weeks she had been 'Jersey State League of Municipalities . All thrro'amcndnicnls v.-cro dorcnt-jHurrrage~anrl will join Fhe-movo- Kicetlon 'UvUinn and Entertalamcnl Sunirair. who have followed with In- •calling attention to tho annual con- seriously ill, having suffered from a- cd.-ln Plalnflcld by an overwhelming nient-««pkinK an^jimendmenf to-the lertsl the events subsequent to tho re> Iventlon at Trenton, December 1, nntl stroke - ot paralysis. -Miss Relghley majority. Of "the eighteen districts National. Constitution granting women ut V. M. C A. ~ 1 quest by {.lie United States govern^ a host of friends in Summit where i # •requesting co-operation, was referred she had spent about slx_months of composing tlie lour wards In tiie vote, A biff program has been arrange*! ] for-3*rrSail!H»y 8 nislghation bo- ltO-tho'Law and Ordinance Committee. every "year for thirty years past. She not .a 'single suffrage majority was for Election Nfghrrat the Y. 31. C A-Jcause i«f -unncutral utterarfcea^ during The Y. MrC. "A. Gun Club was given spent her whole life in doing «ood- registered. Tho vote op the amd'nd- A_s in piiSfyears, election returns will hU consulship In .Munich, Germany, rtulssIoTOb .discharge flrearma un- for. others, Interesting herself In all mcnta.'_was:; For. suffingc,—1,058; he read ut-ii'KM'lux intervafs aad ea- j learned this week, that WiOtamH. Gale- December 31-on their grounds on kinds of charitable work, especially ngain^C 1,925; second amendment, . ..ertulnincnt features will b« inter: of Virginia. foriiierly_r LsuI-aL.Ciilflil. _- |tbe Lara'cd' property. . ' , ' yes, 1,149, no 1.4931. ^thlrd—trmend- Thc.NlRht Schopl for foreign borii Upcrsud no il^tti'kiup the ball roll&£_'Panama, but'recently of (^hristianla(^hiil , in the cases of Individuals. Her life 1 B"" A' communication from Mrs. Helms and her works will linger as a beau-. ment, yes,"9SG, no 1*578... residents of.. Summit onenerLfi'Lth'"rLfL |au OOf thc-cvoiiiag.. TlTliic fa^ious Jordau ,hail b cat". jnent In thejownrana. 670; * flft>- years did,sustained a fracture^t ; .MEETING. • that three persons had been bitten In the left leg in a fall downstairs Sep- IL " • "• ' the whole offalrwill take ('onp.-r t'ullen, of Hoohton. l>» las many days.: The communication Reriilworth carried tho miffraRo a rcnl "men B nlKhr." No ai!mi?*iotr.3ir n'illiani i HllUollanid l KllKcllcyl l son cf. tember 28, and this Is believed to have amendment vote. Forty votr* nndldalew to Kpenk nt "Smoker'* Next •was referred to the Jaw. and ordinance hastened her death. • '' • ffcnnil-B-ronllal invltatinrrirnntrTrtrrt—f,ir:Ili,r IIiayor am] Mra. -'Frank 1-. • committee. . • ' ' wrre-cast In favor of tho amendment .- Monday Erenlnff. in every man In Summit—to sp»nd K(.l]<-y,r of Chatham.. was rak'ninlzcl h Mrs. Gates was born In'Germany and and 39 against-* Jloseljo Borough, gnvr I T e T. B. Miller Company, of this n coming to this country settled first Klcctlon Nlcht as ' thp^*cui!9t of ih' ,,„•«!>'. on WVdm-silay of this nock ni • city, filed a lien against.tbo Garafano the *su*rrago onuso"^H'-maJorlty'of" five An informal smoker and entertain- YOUIIK Jlcn's Christian .Jssociaiinn. ihehtin:,. nf-thi- bride's parents. MIPI ia_Brooklyn and coming to Summit votes. The vote was 2C5 In favor of ment will be held under the auspices • Construction Company, which com- about 35 years ago.. Mrs. :Catcs. "l- » •»• m. ^ •__ <"n;V!, is a lilcci- of Sirs. Jiilm I). .MUM Ipany has ,tho contract for the Pine tho amendment and ,2C0 against. - It of tho Republican Club on •, Monday hose maiden nanie was Julia. Wag- defeated, in Roselle Park' by "3 evening, .October,.Slith at S.15 o'clock MN<| ruiillne Morf>"D Knsn^rd. •Grove avenue improvement. ner, was married to Mr. Gates In this In Odd .Fellow's Hall, cbrm-'r Huilim-- Mr. KelVy-lKj!4;railuale o.f tljo Sunini:: 1 The man employed at the city's d!s- votes. i upo^.th*' High S'c3n>ol CiUsa o't 190G. "Wlici city, November 1,1SSS. Besides her The vote . ran close In Carwood. flelt"! avemie-und Maple atrcch—The Iposal ground, and who was originally. husband she Is. survived by one son Union County Assembly candidates," ^s Mildred Curtis •"'JITVV •n-mro fnmi -tlieTF weTIiilng-*tri • •employed by the Board of Health; is to Ninety-two --votes wero cast In favor '•t!ic:nt r Mr." Mrs. Kol'lpy will make th w York City.- • To establish tho .boundary lino be- Knapp. pastor of St. Johns KnglislL ^mftndment,ond-233-aRalnsL.IL to William • Doan** -O'Cnman. Mr-. I'ulf'ic Sririfrr Inrrra'-'ML lln Lutheran church., officiating. .Burial ! • tween tho borough of Now Providence ..... _, 1. .»fl-rB)iB1. .nnMfli jjountalnsldc gave nuffrage a ma- O'Gorman van craduitP'! from S'>vr. A gain of inor." "than flye per cor.:. ras In Falrmount.Cemeterjv Chatham; jority of. 35 votes. In Fanwood bor- e >*otefi. i land this- city the borough's engineer L. II. >'ulurc Institute In 1*>11 nnd \Mvr -from. th« r. gro.qs tiislutis. fnr S*'i>ti'inber, .1915, •and City Engineer Alexander Blair ough 72 votes wero cast against the Harvard Prhoo] of. Appll*1*! S^I^nrf^?. \ew Park Houso.,-. suffrago flm«nilnientr~iin<'l 39 for It.: Nature."League... Home h • wero Instructed to. secure data aft'l Garden Sh fi'New P,rpvltlcnce wan nnd 1H tt-nimmbrr'ft Harvahl ,nc*» Ircpnrt antorWh' thfl Cn&ftion The Ru*rrago1\a.mondraentVvwa3 Oe- " "'- '"orV.'He iB'tfeVoD.b* a\f«r-"- ' hy fortv.iwo -votes ln\Crnnford. beltl on Tl Ay. OctoliVr-^4. at the S1 land the, borough authorities. publilcc ; felw '\Mrs^ . J._;W. .rromwoll -_9t Mn",'i Vltobrrt Tjnr ^VNotlccs-oHhtentlon-forfthc impi . In" Hlllsldo thp''amendment lost'^y T rliy. Mr«V Sh ^... ^ four, .votes, 142 for, and 14G\against. Mry, IlftnJ. I* Holmes Copied the ! ment of Prospect avenuo|nnd for tn' ^mmlttce ftml ^warded '(ho. •prlzvti'. flrld nmdc'li , \c nrt, Watrtron tr^^...... "ra .T-.r2vJ . • laying of curbH,gutters anq sidewalk^ clyn Batt-revived first prlzo for niio, in Summit tar njnixmbT-pf ynT.* ,Ti^.- ;r;oj(t»*p in sui • Jn^Denmari place, and .Park avenuei :hmond. itf. and Mrs.; Chan. Olrard Qgar bands- good \for 100 npkinn ami enhbagp.;- Alley Younp 1 with lior.two tlfttiRliterS'- ^on'^nf wliflra-..*p.>'ionf!s\wa» iiearl I from* D(jnmati place'to Ashwood ave- 3d: B. Ilcfcl. Dorothy Heal; votes In Pony Contest; Dollar, Cigar VteWcd Bcctfno. prjzc for'very fine po- Mlflm . . B *^aFlOrfiOC" . _-._! % W, - .tllPt[lMlll,ini.u,_ ..'•••*.— '.a'^'.. _ ^V^^'. * * '• Mr*»•-. : f.t5VPmonti.1 ../"..I ) pf-riod |nueP were ordered published. A rc- bandB-gowIfpr-EO .votes."-Aflk Dad to ...toea. 'Othnlr winners, of prizen PUIlip Drury Atwalcr. of riaalnf!-:1'!» lt>. »he pros i flutst fitora. -Mrs. • Malcolm- for Tettttetttt, NRW York. \ v . \- \ buy those brands.—Adv. .^ ' \ . \.. wore John Lushey. Arthur Peck. Nor-, but lins\' ' rrcen' t year•?s< l\'v.-il In ^>*~zir*Tly S!X»0 1 mon Woodruff,, Walter Clark, ALTrlda York City. No ilnte ha.i llflef and* glides for a gutter on\ A bartv from Hanover, took dinner 1 I Whtttredgo road, was Referred to the at the HO\IB

NEIUHB0RH0OD HOUSE NOTES. Summit School News Attire Season for the Clabi Banned 1 • .. ~ This Season. - " ' T«1UM S. OCTOBER £2, lBli. Kaaber S. The following Is a list of clubs an classes- which hare been . organized THE worst menial this week and which will continu EDITORIAL STIFF: been banded In as a theme for credit dotins the winter. i JL Fott In. the English Department. ,' Monday afternoon—Sewing, 60 glrl As Co-Executor 4. All contributions mpst be at Leaders: Miss MarJorle Crane, MIB angumhiri the' tvorld fc ~AuocU>ta Senior EaH6r_SUrr Aostta least fire hundred words In length. Contributing Editor Walter Ifnltlmr Beatrice SchalU, Miss Ruth Berge 5. Contributions must be written In Miss Elizabeth McKnlght, Miss Mar ~of Your Will Contributing Editor Herbert Sixth Ink on one aide of the paper only. JSnort story Editor—Junes Trnslim garet Benainger, Mrs: Carpenter, MI UfyitiL^provide for Pages not to be numbered. Hilda Frost, Miss Mary Austin, :MI This institution is in a Boys' AtbletlcB;^—~-~^ntonl»-Kahii 6. The Editorial Board reserves the. Agnes. Swensen, Miss Agnes Coole; •OH-ls1 Athletics : Bath Cain position"3t.'all'Xi.mes*to right to publish both of the winning Miss pUdred Hadra. r and care for those ...Mr. L. 1L Andrews papers, and any other "paper It. may Monday evening—Factory . Gir give V a 1 u a b 1 e _ and Superintendent of Schools..chools..-. see .fit to publish. [. .'. . Clinton S. Hani Club, 30 glrla. Leaders: Miss Ann economizing assistance, 7. The Editorial Board also rC- Coltoa.3!ifla_jJlHda_JFro8t,. Miss Mar to your jffiidow, or to Secretary o( Board of Education, serves the rlght-io-reject any, or all whom we love. Miss Caroline B. Illnman Jorie Gallagher. . -• rf some other individual contributions. If, in the opinion ot-lbe Tuesday afternoon—Folk Dancl Board, the papers are not of a stan- Class, 20 girls. Leader: Miss Edi whom you~may wish for -SITl'OHT OF THE ".NEWS." dard deserving of a student of the Welles. , family, or other suf- High School. Story Hour, Library, Miss. Hill. ficient reasons, to have In another column we announce th< 8. Announcement of winners, to be Tuesday, evening—Social Club, _2i as—an executor. Our .'conditions and prizes for the firsl niade In the Issue of the School News young-ladles. ppearing November 19th. ? __. _ Wednesday afternoon—Cooklni appointment ' as co- story contest in the history of ,tn< 9. The Editorial Staff, aa a body, to Class. Leader: Miss BesBlo Hood. executor -will insure for ' News." Tho nrlmarv reason fo^th' be sole Judges. Boys Gymnasium' Class, 35 boyi your estate and heirs, contest^la - to awaken Interest In tb; Leaders; Charles Forblnger^ Josep safeguards";—advantages paper, "since school began there ha: SOrilOMOHE CLASS NOTES. George.——-•• and facilities that no not been a single contribution to th« Wednesday evening—Junior Boys 'fOBBEST F. DKTDEN, Pieuku At the meeting of the' Sophomore Gymnasium Class, 35 boys. Directo individual can provide. 'Noway This la an unUBuarcondUloi Class on Monday, Qctober 38th, Ray Mr. O. J. Schultz de Brun. While you think of it and Is not ono of which the Bchoo! Howard was elected, as the represent- Thursday afternoon—Girls Gym come .in and talk it may bo proud. Let this contest IK ative .of the Sophomore Class to the nasium Class, 20 girlsi Leader: -Miss 4 the beginning of a-now interest In th. Athletic Association CotfncU. The Charlotte Brate.< over with the School News." May tho Editors hav< Initiation of tho Freshmen b>' the Armenian Women's Club; 30 womei When yoa so to San Fraflclsco visit tbo Prtidential'i Wondcrfnl Exhibit on Llfo Iniur- the loyar Bupport of the school, ant Sophomores, followed by a dance,'Is Leader: Miss Elizabeth Andrews. ' Trust Dept. anoe and Public Wtlditjn Iho Pallet-or Ulmud KmUi may this support bo shown by handin to be Friday evening, the 22nd of-Oc- Thursday evening—American Worn Prize, the hisbeit possible award, hai .been conferred npon The Prudential. Awards —In contributions. ^ tober. —-••.- en's Club. Leaders: Mrs. John Mor bavebeensraotedthls.coinpanyatlnteroaUoaalEzpoaitionsformanrrears. ' ganf Mrs. Robert LIttell, Miss.,Edi : niOIl fttHOOL CLUB. THINGS TO BE SEEN- I> Burling. : . , • -, Fidelity Trust S.IL8. Friday afternoon—Kitchen ~Gardei All those who attended the firs Class. - Leaders: '. Miss Beatrici meeting ot tlie High School Club wer uany- oaoy parade-,...... Scfaultzfa, , Miss Gertruddee Dodsworth. Company certainly well repaid. After a well : Glum looks over~"I-dbn*lTl£nows."~ "Frida" y evening—Young Aien's y cooked; hot lunch, the new vicorpres ' Lofjty Seniors. ~ . • ' naslum Class, Director. Mr, O. J Newark, N. J. Went was elected. -U6yd JUn8 ™" NbtEfcB^'Kindly1 pay .class dues at Schultz de Brun. holds this office. Following a length ' Fidgety freshmen. •. • ; The Ideal Executor Our Bid for Your Trade Is the Value We dive discussion it was, decided to continu ." , . TTia Family Looic as last year, that Is. having a speake Self-satisfied Juniors. • Tears on account of '.'Poor Report No eloqucuce of.tungue, nothing.thai vvcry week, ItiBlcad of splitting up I stands written iu any Ixwk. may three Bible-study groups, as had bee Tards.". • ••-•-- Freshmen almost as high as the the heart a^ does tha( elusive qualit •suggested^-Tho-attendance was forty- —the race murli In-a fuce. six, as compared with last^ytarls aver desks. " ' *. true less of thfc ubViuus-pbynical ago of thirty-three. Every fellow 01 . A Botanical Garden,—3rd floor. than of Its tbousumT'swret connota next week to make it the bl^pest meet- Suffragists,—beware you antls! ing on record! Seniors wearing-the most beautiful tlons AH Uiu world kno^x. tho JUai rings and pins ever seen In S. H. S. burjr III*, the Jaw Hue of tlie Bona SOUTH AMEMCA. partes. the subtler marks- of __TM1LIGHT F0QTBALL. keep their t-loquem-f for .their--own. Consciously or not, eiich family - The LyrlcTheatre Is now running _ - S. H.,-21; Sprlnjrfield, G. erica of travel pictures', even-* Tue As darkness gathered light within stands Ix-'foru these' symbols us tli, day afternoon. This IB nn tducatlona smalt ctmitiany T)f" tlie learned mlsh 218-220 Market Street series of South America., and. Is ful its folds, last Friday, the football 1 game between Springfield and Summit before soniL in^iTlptiuii on a de^c: •of Interest. Stops nre made at man ruin. Mere strokes and scratches 1 One Minute East of Broad St.,-Newark of"the large cities. Anion;; the sub- High began. The spectators, impa- 1 tient because of the long delay, roused you and me. To the few who^uiiili New Jersey's Oldest, Largest and Host Reliable jects shown iire: Ostrich farming, ere Is the key th:i't unlot-ks tli f. nuiyho si-nl of sum- Annwersary^dle lostuinos^ their scenic marvels, inter- I'stinj* spots, their peculiar animal an i spirit we do not upbo'ld. Football n^glf sn imif'tmiul us to have SL" s a sport which develops physical oar .lips :it this partlculur^ nnple, oi vegetable life. In fact, everything ol NEVER TURN AWAY The Talk of the Town . • T= ' " unusual Inli'rest. Students would <1 ttrvngth,—and not disputes and arg-u- ^Corne-antli liolihis In irurper's, will please you—nuts, fruits, flavors the team displayed . the i"pop" seen zine. ^- — i- —purity in all. Ever tasted our Lot's mice tho very dickens. In t!i(? Irvington_£ame, vre would have Chocolates yet? A-h-h-!!! Why Let's cat a if real, big.bun." been bettpr pleased. Still we know .not try_'m.torday.:_'_ _ -'.. . Fathers and Children. ; •For who." .he said'moat prettily, its^"ih"ere,i~aT.d7 when^Tieeded that it 1 Beds will display itself. "Ui tli* cyrller yenrf," says I'J — 'But. I, myst'll and liie. Oharlps E. Jefferson In tlie Won Is capable ofMnlng thliigB.—eccentrl llonit' ComjuiMlmi. "ihlUlrt'ii «u AB I. n TJO"' nf IHL'II HcproB?" BOYS' TEN^S°TOrnXAMENT. 2-inch continuous • wiien they 1 -SYMPATHY. - men and Sophomores met In the In- :<>' luite tlif condiK-t of the father. X' PASTRY ers,^riglit or satin tur-Class Tennis Tournament, held on The members of. tho HiRli Schoo i\vtt* ure Iit^'iier thiin the eyt»s of Candy Ice Cream finisV^nuartered the Urnyton School courts. In ^the fliilil. lit; sV-cs every thins the futlii wish to the.r, consolation am 1 lacquer; excellent siiiRies the Freshmen were represent- lU's. lie n^iltvts on wliut llic fatbc Pony Votes on all Purchases. slncorest Bymimthy to- several of tin ed by Flindell, the Sophomores by" members of the faculty—namely. Miss •Jifs not do. Ills lo^ic IA luoxor ••Doable Votes on Caramels. value at418; ^\ BatciieliKT. In the doubles the Fresh- lie r.r^iii':, • his way to conclusion Btinnlnger, Miss Holmea, Miss Mabe men were represented by Flindell and all next week. J- Thompson. Miss Terry, and Miss Johnsonr the "Sophs^ by Batchelder whii'h i:i:nmt If shnlceii. ••- SUMMIT Kuprecht,..upou the occasion of tlieii and Walker. •_ ~ "If hi.* futlier I1IK.'S not pray, i»my great loss and bereavement In tin A^Vii • \lV iiune<-*et>snrj*. Grown me difeaf of the Suffrage Election. >V The "Sophs" were the victors in both setB. ' * .. '-' j-'iirely know wliiTt, is needed. If ~fi $12 that If they had .gotten th f.itjjer never reads the Bible then tl vote, conditions in Summit would h n~tlie"'singles the score was G—3, 6—3. Ms book-caii l)e dispensed-with. I' so improveiTThat we would hardly be thers know what booksairc most wort ,. able to recognize our little city. • Witlir n the doubles the_score was 6—0, 6—0. ' reiiilliiK-. If he docs not go to chure! in^a year or two, the HlphSchod theii_clinrch attendance Is n past would have a beautiful new TSuiltlln The finals will be played off . the ining Room Chairs ilrst par^eLnext ^eck.._i _. _rr*-~ and not n duty, fo? men so- old «m with all modern 'conveniences and-thi Xrlse'as father. Is would ;not neglec lake Illustration _bcat-uaiulpmdnt_pQasIble,;__Many. law* for the prevention of cruelty to ani- : . FOOTBALL! -T' ; church If cburch were of value t mals and chljtlren-rwould be passed.—'• them." .•,, .i • :•«>_ • chief among^'Whiclf would" be .a -strict S. II. S. VS. ROSELLE PARK II. S. ,law abolishing all night work- in nnT -7-Today, on the Tulip street "grounds shape dr. form, one jjirdviding for.short ~HIgh7~Schoot~teinn—wilt— Hne-^op cr Bchool hours, and ~olT(Fbxtendln^Uu against the Roselle "Park football mthu.vacation to—oh. say aboul team. A good game* Is promised and elevon months or—so—Automobiles the cheering and support of the scfiool would bo furnished by the school t is desired. • Ibouse carry «tudents back and forth, morn- BEAUTY iltD 8A5ITATI0B ings and afternoons. Oh. well, wbafs GIRLS' ATHLETICS. -^ ~7T l» tojetier In ererj ap-to-dmts bath- the use of talking about It? Just be . Last Tuesday the Juniors played room. Bnnrj in mxferlsls and On*) their tennis tournament In which patient, fellow-st}idents,--»-fivc.-years 1 eSeot and sanitation . In SMnrely isn't such a very long time to wait. "~ Margaret* Holland defeated Dorothy Famous fot-Chicken— olosed traps and plumbing In slghl Young, by the score-pf 6—1. 6—4: Letu look OTW yo»r _...- Genuine Quartered Oak. ' r BAH ! RAH0! MEETING. . The Seniors, on account of tho rainy Dinners ,6 foot Extension ~ weather have riot . yet played the! Massively constructed; fully war tournament. ' „ . WILLliiTHLBRIi In preparation for laaj Friday's ranted as to quality; regular price game a Totce breaking contest was «7< IPKHTfiniLB ATI. BCTOnl, Ask-your^friends • who- havi room. Under the able leadership J —Oenuinr—leather, -quiranteed v mrnamont. but were Inteimpted by iap Miss Cacaar, Mr. IVlt. and Mr. Speth, eaten them! oak, slip seat., Reg. 4.00. Buch volunio of sound was let free the fain so It was postponed till Sat- LOUIS PEBBE?' that the.poor members of our High urday morning, when Marguerlt" Dancing' - Successor to M. Bsduloto Columbia Grafonolas, Pianos, Sewing Machines, Lace School who were ..undergoing the try- Seller defeated Ruth Ca.'n>J?y the scor Cnrtom Tailoring , ' Curtains and Portieres, Carpets and Furniture—all' re- Ing ordeal of reporting for .unpre- of€—0.6— 1 •_• • —fox— _ pared lessons were obliged -to give up duced in price during this Anniversary Sale. • In despair. This should^ be enough —" SPARKS. ' ••• j. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN to teach thoso who try to study in- Telephone Summit 1040 112 Springfield Arenne, Summit, N. X ' OAK PARLOR STOVES...... :.:..^ ..$4.98 ' stead of attending, these meetings tb . In EairiMk - PERFECTION OIL STOVES $3.50 Eire up ihat_ practlco in the future Miss Thompson: "Mr. Kahn, what Is All the latest Fall materials. Best and come cTery week .tp the. meetings. 0l-8t7le and workmanship guaranteed. Ttibal: "It Is—«r—« bird that IITCS Wilton Velvet Rugs,-rana. siz&-9xi2 PRIZE STORY CONTEST. in the water." ' • "*" •- REMODELING OP OLD BCIT8 A Th moSt be if MELVILLE Hi RUTAN SPECIALTY • ~ ?u' ul' patterns shown in Newark at the By reason of the interest and court- price. They .are made of the. best, worsted yarn, fast" cblbTsT esy of Manager-Brown, of the Lyric. 8IXTH SEA60N ' , Goodi Called lor'and belhered A rug that will giv.e life-long-sen-ke... Fine, soft, silky nap— the Editorial Board of the School N«ws VR. FREDEBICK F. DAWE8 a beautiful blending of color schemes in every rug: ree. price-. offers a prlxe of'a three-weeks' pass. $35 [-special ••, •'. .—• lor two people, to the Lyric Theater s^stant Teacher with. Mr. TV George POULTRY, GAME AND \ for the best original f»to rjr wrlttra b> Dod worth, 12 East Forty-ninth NEW, i« member of iho school:'and a sepontl -. : Street,'New^YbVk \\V/ VpriM of a tWo-woeks' pass, for'uwfc FIREPROOF l to announcoV.that ho will; p 1 I'll A^lnWrpv valueT^S. 8pecial....-..:.:L..-...ilT8.Oo\ • pdople, for Atis\second best orlrfnal ^9x12 Tap^st^ies; value S16; special.^....:,.:;., -.-Li.ll.SO'-. »tory. These IWIHBI'R may hot be transl \\.' tlnuo\hl».- \ \ -V n VVPRJIBUfiE^^ STORAGE •ferred. Tho cAndit'ltons of-lbla B?OIT Clnsws ro^-Duetar' \ \ [snaehoU Fnrnltnn. contest are: • \ ; . , • \ ' 'S1 tKW^.Siomt isd Sufi \1 All contributions must he sub- and Polite \Trabiloff \ \ mitted on" or bofore Wednesday, "the 8PBA5CE \ BATES- 15 ^i S.HJlf #Siaiaef^

_ .-~~.s. i.r,. TjgRALD. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1915

ITALU5 BED CB088. Architectural Record"," for October, some of Mr. Dow"« work Is glren Loed Canlttac Sodt K8U1 forprominence'In a review of country home, architecture in-toorEast for the put year.. Two Illustrations are PN fSVE^? ThA local coaunlttn of dtlssns who shown of a cottage at; Marqoette, ban been so racceutul is collecting Mich., which Is one of Mr. Dow'o pro- We are Experts W Moving [long or short Distances money lor the Italian Red Crow work aucts of which ho Is Justly proud. w$gmm present below the names of the con- tributors.- Over #00 was collected Floor Goverm^rrftimfture—Decoration •ill after deducting the Incidental «x- 1915 cmusrsris PBESESTS FOB pen»sk_$28Ul was sent to the Italian THEXEFEBS. Counsel to be forwarded to Italy. The HIGH-GRADE contributors were: President. V.- Pen- (Good for Christmas-time, and useful nies, *5; Secretary, A. Fagnani, 15; at all times.) Treasurer. V. VlcarJ, S5; Trustee, D. . Presents aro desired thl3 year for ^lESHe^UJGS Palermo, 13; I. Adlmarl, J5; Trustee. the* Lepers In ninety Oriental Stations F. Paplo; F. Sanione. 15: M. Errlco. or Asylums, and-for-the Inmates of The. Qualities are consutent with the higlf standards 13: F. Cangeml. 16: O. Denlgno, J3; G.thirty Homes for Untalnted^Chlldrcn .maintained by this house for almost three-quarters of a Gamblno, »5; s. Romeo, »2; F. Rug-of these Lepers. — .tentuiy—the best. glero. J5; A. Genualdl, 15; a. Fonnl- —Christmas-presents- anf'also-needod chella, IS; S. Plnnelll. 13; cash. |5; for the Lepers in two Colonies for Lcp- The Patterns possess real artistic merit, many of them J. Forte, 11; J. Vardaro, fl; G. Colom- eraMn.the United States, Ono of theso bo. $1: A. Maffel, 11; B. Schlappa. *1; Is located In Massachusetts; the' other being reproductidn^ of old Oriental masterpieces, while E. Cesar, 51; M. Omnry. SI; A. Labage, in Louisiana. The latter shelters 110 ' bthers conform to more modern principles of design. II; N. Rimlr, 11; S. Ballscb, $1; J.Lepers; some of them children. Suianl. *1.35; G. Lataglan, SI; C. Jor- Shall we help the Lepers .In the ,••• The Colorings' anrsnperior to any heretofore produced russo. *1; A. DelDuca, si; ft-Perolli, Philippine Islands to have a Christ- /n'this country: and the variety rs unlimited. U: F. Jlocerino. II; G. Forrcttl. II; mas this year? There are 3,600 In this A^Caporaso. II; A. Dontempo. II; Philippine Colony, for which the Our Prices permit of sensible economy whatever ex- 1^-C. Reeves, 11: L. c. Hideout, SI; F.Government provides only actual ne- Plcclone, II; A. Valeric, II; J. Mc-cessities. Many of the Lepers feel that penditure you make, for better.values are not obtainable Orath. II: S. I-nnyn «1; A Bnmanci. they are serving -a-se.nte.ncc, so. that Moving Packing Shipping than these: • ^~^~ —— $1; R. Procc. It; A. Fonnottl, |1; P. A: .... -may-cot-be-af- Pizzi. II; N. Comgoml, $1; C. Maffel. fllcted, *-'_•. II; G. Adamp, It; T. Mlrando. |1; V. Send anything In the line of dress, Bric-a-Brac, _Fine China, Furniture SPECIAL SALE RUGS Parlenno, SI; O. Gentile, %l; F. Capor- or articles of personal adornment, ase dl A. $Ii G. Sommo. |1; M. Plz-toys, books, pictures, dolls, etc., (or FOR SERVICE-Tdephona, Summit 31S H .... • _Sttofal2_ieeg t luto. 11; II. Garlick, $1; James W. the children. For tbc older, persons, f WILlYWf RUGS, $65, Cromwell, $25; Summit Silk Mill, $25; practically the same things that woutd MIBS Elizabeth, $10; X. Buonouato. $5; appeal to poor people of the United Rex.-P^. Kassar. $5; Lowfsor Colton, States would please the Cullon Lep- STANDARD QUALITY WILTON RUGS, o, -A 15; T. Za}pov.$i;_A.,Lepore;^f3; F. rs.. .•. •••,••' •.•'.•"; the fncreasfng uncertainty regulariy $41.50, at ...... t;,.T? Ji.50 Comerlengo, 12; D. "Masl, $2;. E. Piano., ~2;'G. CoryplU, $2; P. VentOlor..12; of delay In transportation, idue to the, European War, money to bo used In ularfy $33,«t,...... 7...... ;, 4O.UU J. E>Swab. ?2; R, J. Murphy. *2i W. |I. Ropor. 13; "R, Marchettl, 41; C purchase of suitable gifts on the fiel0c; G. DoDuca. 50c; R. D'ella. 501:; for women, small sizes; Bocks In KNOWI TO THE HOUSEWIVES AS THE CHOICEST ON SALE it wool, all shaili'H, (for "China A. Malzucca, 50c; A. Mcszacca, 50c; white is prcfernble); hard candies no- Guaranteed positirely pure. Better and more economical tbao bolter P. IannelH, 50c; C. Rillo. 50c; D. Pul-cureiy boxed or bottled, no soft can- clno dl G. 50c; F. P. Peace, 50c; L.dlt's; Small money gifts to defray cost Sold only in original full measure tins Goello, 50c; AT-i'aganettl. GOc; J. -F.of transportation- Bhoiild be sent:' McGcchan, 50c; J,-.MaollDari. 50c; V.Send preaents by pnrcel post or pre- Ciancl. 50c; D. Salvortore, 60c; A. At all first class drag, grocery and delicatessen sttros paid express- (or money gifts) to Mr. Pas^alacqua. 50c; J. F. Anderson, GOc; Fleming H. neyeli,,Treasurer IT. H. A. D. Walguarnery,. 50c; A. CaBh, 50c;lC7 hi for (res boollit containing lalubli Committee, The Mission to Lepers, 1GS B. Frank. 50c; M. Pcuchcttl. COc; " •11 has generously conacnlcd BRUNO OLIVE to"BSBemble and ^forward -ntl- pres- _... .--... OF GENOA; 25c; W. Eubcak, 25c; A. Znrton, l!5c; J. ents—repacking so that all may- be Habogln, 25c; A. Ganilorfo. 2Qc^ Ffprwarde. d by freight nt a'minimum New York Office: 426 Washington Street SamDUppo, 25c; G. iiavrino. 25c: S. • FDLIf WEICHT THIS IS THE COAL — cbiit. PleaBa mnrk all Bhlpments for that Is so popular among houiekeep- Vitelll. 25c; L. Mantellor25c; P. no-"The Mission' to_I«epers nnd address manoy 25c; P. Prococlrln. 25c; V. Is guaranteed If roo-tm^-Ice or ers. It's almost pure- carton, la frw as above, adding name and address of us. "We .aerVo all our customers' from slato and dirt and,leaves but •- Rlomo. 25c; M. Pcca, 25c; S. Ollocco, sender. ' : •. with absolute- fairness and : ON SALE IN SUMMIT BY ~ — — " - 25c; L. Bowman. 25c; 8. VHtano. COc; small realduO'Ot &sbea. H rru ban _ I. Loiardl. 71 Union Plict G. ProcacclnL 50c; A. Antonettl, 50c;. PUBE ICE npvor: used this Coal-send for » ton M. Farnge. 50c; M. Larary, GOc; T. Arthur Honii^Ftir Blind liable* at onco. Don't postpone until cold - A.'Punnetu. _ ra Summit Ave. /There will be a meeting of the Tho office will he glad to hoar weather sots In, whon the prices to DM"1. <37 Springfield Ave. Lckamerarlan, GOc; G. Thernry, COc; of any Inattention. ~~ O. Kassary. 50c; U. Ongenyr50c; A. House Committee of the Arthur- Homo up. Palermo t Sod. m Park Ave. for Blind Uabtes, tomorrow after- Quart 75c, - Pint 40c. >,' Pint 25c. •«'Pint 15c Mapan, 50c; J. 'Mapan, 60c; J. Dor- ackl, GOc; G. Boatory, 50c;- B. Fas-noon. The main object la to ascer- salacqua. 50c; V. Botto, GOc; G. Mortain the greatest needs of the tnatltu- Summit & Madison Ice ^Company tlon and form plans- - for meeting ba. GOc; V. Venezlo, 50c; V. Dello. 50c; Mc; M. YOUR OPPORTUNITY ICE CREAM BUFFET has been-installed for LMarphy.' 25c; A.. Verruslo, 25c; MMrs. . Fred Uassett, Judge and Mrs. Brown,. 25c; JL Omodeo, 25c; K^ Pe- James C. .ConooJtesJlrs. -Walter F.- AutomoBileParties. Quick Serviced - ' - trone, 25c; G. Xlogr6,.^i5c; R. D(»lllo, Cawthorne, Mr. James C. -Culvert, 25c^ M. Valento^ 25c; F. RosatI, 23c; County Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. George F.. N&a-Seaes-OpensjOctober:20th Orginal Days Ice-Cream F. Vendltto, 25c; C. Hill. 25c; P. Toblo. Fox, • Jlra. Caleb C.'- Pollard, Mrs. g •isS Charlcn SllTCTB~Mr_and Mrs. Waltc! "Of ""HU Undy. i!oc; A. liollv.a. Ho« W. UC- iratf mm MIMM mi.ut HftJ. CITY,nrNG^NDJ,OANASSO. ptrtr, 25c; Messina. 25c; C. Iamiiottf, Elizabeth, and Airs. David B." i\y place - where Hot Chocolate served- with any 25c; Gl Losplna, 25c: "O. Colrtto, -0c; MrsM . RoberRbt t K. Mills,Millr" otot MontclaTr. flavolr^Ice Cream. IT '''''*- J.-M'Tfarin, 20c; G. Collrir 20c; A. -i -i:..-:— "_:. AMBflO_SE~POWELbl Seep..;': r Scklnan, 10ci F. DeBlnst. 10c; G. A beautiful whlteTTorse and phae- Open Evcnlnfs until 10 P. M. Patrlglgn, 10c; G. Rnsatl, lOcrR^Iun- ton was a gtft-laat-wcck lo the .home ly. 25c; Yf. Swain, 25c; J. Brllnrosky, from Dr. -and Mrs. A. 6. Hutik of this 25c; F. Gorglulo, 25c; V. nuttittn. 25L-; committee. -: . - I r T TrBorchltta. eiSc. D. Dl Geso, 2. ir; II. Among "the numerous guests WAGENSEIIS ' Gtonmtti. 25c; W. DcCorsa, 20r: V.spent a day at "ESTAULISHKD. 18S0 —— Sirlan. 20c; B.. Monrtcllo. U AA. week were Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Charles Wagenseil's Kasjary, 10c;; . K. Branslem, McMund of I-os Anglffl, . E. J, MULDOWNEV^ Forrelll, O N":-Gates,N"G2- 20c0 ; A. Oan-Mra, DeMunii Is the Sunfthlnc presi- darfo.'25c; G. DDol l DDura , 550r0 ; M. AmcA -dent of that State. Ono of her mem- SUMMIT dpo. 20c; K. Pilot (a. 156+^K. Vn^siillo, bers is acting as u sunshine mother SUMMIT'S BEST MARKET - 50c: A. Mancusl. 50c:" W: A- M)los, to one of thf bahhy l TttODEL-BAKERY^^^^ ^9 5 Irom O and f'lurence y^ of :BtlAt '"' i pense. $17.94; balanci- remliicd, for one 'year. Th[^ pro- Removed to 462 Springfield Avenue vldes"for-Jwo mor:October Mrs. Fisher Anjlrew of Trenton, la a' The National Security League, Inc. "Hous^ Beautiful," byy A>inar Embury, source of groat curiosity tn the Chil- IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN:'IT:S YOU! Believing in the aims and purposes- of The National Security League, Inc. 1 IIII. In whichihh I s Rivei n . plf-nfllf! pic- dren. They, are now asking for a desire to be enrolled as a' member of this League in the class which I have tures of All Soul's Churc of Summit, velocfpede for a boy~of six, a tricycle. designed by Joy Wheeler Dow.—The Ijtle^vheel barrow, two'llttlo rock- If you want to Jive in the kind of a town .- " designated below with a cross-mark, and I enclose my check herewith for author comments on this rhtirrh an ing^EoTia a'ud _-H^X—kindergarten 1 Like the kind of a town you litre, - • . y<-- ^... .inn payment folorr dueSt ^. . follows: » - chairs. i -. • , You needn't slip your clothes in a grip — , (...ANNUAL. $1.00") "For example, the little church _of —Tbe-oldor children t»ke rare of tho (Indicate, class of AU-Soals-ln-the-Kast at Summit". New dlffernnt Deparrmenta or at least they And start on a long, long* hike. MEMBERSH!P < ...CoKttrauriNO (yearly). 55.00 \ • You'll only find what you left behind, membership desired.) Jersey, Is perfectly Batlsfactory. be- think ;they do, and every" Saturday ••• ; "-••I;,,, .tat- ....:,..$2S.ooJ cause Its architecture Is columnar, they brlngthe superintendent a report For there's nothing that's really new. supporting horizontal members. The of nrogresH,—needB.etc. • . It's a.knock at-ydursclf when you knock your arched heads oT ttfcsecQrid »tory. WI Cpn sou answer ony:of HI, arUt kawl* and addriii> ipilk\tortiev\ .".t\... ^ ItiBn*t the;t6wh—it's'ypuVrt' dows bre decoratlyelfeatufea only?t' A\ rea\ler -6t last week'n Iferaid aent ^.±11.:..: r;3 know at once tnat\tney are BO lnt< o the^Home a largo wooden, two- M. and that the bntlmng Wai built icatfld;swing for - "the. playgrourtd.'^rA \ Real towns are^not made l>y rnlen afrai< way It ahoDld be. It Js one of the fe rpecial plea In made for Thanksgiving V •. Lcist somebody else gets atited. new ch arches wplchA. has beenVcbpA donations/- _/ \ ;—, - -\ When everyone works and nobbdy shirks Bats at rue ted In the pureA colonial style, and Is one of the most satisfactory of . \ YouxailTaise.a town fronjthi dead., V them all, for It Is essentially a village : And if while you make your_persohal stake. chnrcfa, square, unpretentious Inex- Join thfr biff throng of u —I__^ Your neighbors can make one. too, :i r pensive, hat rery good to look at, tore^ It isn't the town—it's you THEJPOWN THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH TO H\TS ly In detail and restfm a'^1 religions enjoj- reading THE SCrMMTT HEB- AtD, the proffredslTO and op-to-dUe .Your town will be what you want to see. • IN IS GOOD ENOUGH TO TRADE DV g In the Conpty Hooae hamhez "The | Mwipaper of Summit. "i- —^Reprinted from Western Christian Advocate. ~~\r. : DR. H. W. HYMAN. IBB MORRIS COUSTY SA\TSGS BAM Trfc* of •> OR. K. C. VKEELAMD. Mowusroww. w. J. at any otter IHararT tnanewari Onnoctoia ore—to jicrt, OMj aaaool- THE NIPPON BAKERY DENTISTS.— • Aona nvft fiyrpfff^r Ti^t etaa. It iraa a dealer'taaattqnel not foM, tha tomantle palace of tsr WsMar lnfr n«o who wna, or profeawd to ba, KISHIRO>KANZAia CaUwr Wolff Bonding, Summit, N. J. Scott; tbe globe trottera nantrt beard 83rd SenO-Annual Dlrtd«mdNoOc» ta aearch of new quarters. Be Isapect* Cor. Springfield and Highland Ave's. Tel. 239. SUMMIT, N~J. Office Hoara: of it From t/rajwben la BeoOtot od anxolol th» county, tbe ting's local repreacntfl- new mantelpiece put in in place of the rTHECE r^-, 1 to 6.30 p. m. 'Mra. ttro. and delighted to have, tbe place Dldtonor—Tbe~Iandlora,-of- FREEfortheAsyng- multiplied orie hundred foloV.tbo beau- the Dallas (Tex.) team," sold Claudi Votes given with all cash wles. Sole tiful Thousand Island region of the St. Call JOT me quick! Agents tor Dorothy Dodd and Educa- Berry recently, "a runner on first Btnrt Hotchkiss-Jobs lAWrcnceT tho snow covered Alpsr-tbe ed to steal second. I pegged towai tor shoos "for the whole family." fiords of Norway and the volcanic an tho boso, but our pitcher—Walker—hn joUy little maocot REALTY glacial wonders of Iceland. It hus tin moved out of the box of deliverer1 sweetest flowers, the most luxuriant the ball and—walkdol right Into th and keep the "jinx" away •"• 'DEVELOFEBS OPPOKTUWTT. .' G. A. MILLIGAN vegetables, the finest grazing ana Urn- hrow. , • •: • i lots In Chatham. V ' ^~~>.-.: • Homo of Good Shoes. toev lands, the rlchestflsherlcs and min- "The ball hit Walter on top of tbu very convenient eral deposits and ajnost bealthfol ell- 10 tnlnulcs to station. r •''. ,- 8 Maplo Street Summit, N. J head, and os Walker dropped ^> th* , Trollcy-nljsirncr. mate,-with the warmth of the middl ground the. ball, bounded blgb In tli 'hone 19&-M. , ' ~ . . states In winter along southern, one air. Tho runner had reached - secon % ol original coat. — western. Alaska andthe^dry^ h Terms. ' ., - . ' by that_Ume' and, not seeing tho ball 1; cold_of tho arctic in the highest latitud play, raced for third. But our short Holt 2S, Summit. . of the territory. Extending froin our stop saw the ball, caught it as It 'cam; Pacific coast - 3.000 miles toward th down nnd whipped It to third in tliui me,(3*i in. high) 30.Church St., N. Y. and Summit A. •rieht, Alaska 1B the glittering diamond to'put out tho runner. • f America's diadem.—John A. l "The ofllelul scorer credited" three JEWELER men .with an assist. - He gave m« HJ> COMPENSATION assist because I had"roatIe"tb"e~originiiT with 5c in (tamp* for parcel poat. How Yenrt Makes Broad Rlw. throw, he gave one to the pitcher be ause his head bad deflected the ball t being given away FREE in the belief that when Mary Ann, while cutting broad, No. 4 Maple Street In the dough from-which—bread Is you ot one of soar friend* need a Boiler made therv Is a lot of sugar, which, tho shortstop, and, of course, he guv Cat her finger, with e\a.i.\rm. ontains carbon, hydrbjfcen and oxygen^ lie~to the shurtBtnp-tor making th nr Fir^tc^ yoa will think of Mary Ann went on to.bed. Summit, New Jersey t Is necessary to ferment this sugar to brow to third,"—Exchnnge. make breittl edible, andycuat is used ClalminR Compensation. Watch inspector of D., L."4 W. R. R usc ft has tbe i>owcr to Uo this. I j nv ITU/V t>w PUT It* • Thla is how Johnny -wTOto tils com Tie trademark of a booM that humad. Wi!liani~Jones, while carting coke. Is made from'a plant having tills qual GOOD Houaa Hattn and KUcheti Ranajes ity. Fermenting Hugar'ls equivalent to position In the public school class: Bruised his shin with Jubilation. urhiitfr It. iind there .are two results. "TIIQ cow Is a good animal. She ha Staet 1880 William cried: "A happy stroke, THE MOST MODERN AND Dne Is tliL' formation of carbonlcitcld two honiH and two eyes and give THATCHER FURNACE CO. milk, which Is {*oqd to drink. Sho biu Qce Year's'Co'riipcnBation." A crt'ut deal of this gas Is caughi Ut-S7Waa SU Stoet, NnrTok in tbt- duiiffh in the form of larpt o >ur U>K»-ttud cats grass and hay. Somt * If you are not Insured, go right to SANITARY METHODS f thotiv nre rod, and they havo long the telephone, call 37 and wo wil" small bubbles, and some .of-It eacnpes_ —' ARE USED BY into the air. The part tliat cannot'es- arrange to .protect you from Oil ape canscs tho ilou^h to rifo and And this Is how the teacher says-h minute. •• . "• '—— makes tbo lircutl lleht- Tho boles In miflit nrhnvc written it: ~ EUGENE C FIEBSON read nro tho ^ttlo pocketa which held 'The fenmle of the bovine genus Is a _.,'• FITTERER'S he carbonlc^ncld'pns. The effect of noUotmt ' miimmnl. Thin nimlnnnt Real Estate-Loans-Hents the bubbles is to lift tbo body of-dough iu the Juigb- S.ouie of therii chnnnatleoJlyrcorrespond A COLD BUSINESS tlesaons of rcltfilou and poetry out to tho pove.nth color of. tbo spectrum, I and Pastriesi t all proportfon- bonrnd our skin to ind Uiey endowed with caudal op- teach, and, farther, tho great bearing inctagcS^'Of exaggerated longitudinal PROPOSITION. FRESH EVERY DAY and eympntby of men 1» mdro;tru& and 7."—Pittsbnrgh rnsa. "" wisotnan tbclr speaking is wont to be. — Of course you ore going to take out A Ooep'sympatby is what Wft'teqiHre __ S«nsrtlve M«Mur«rhftnt. lot any student of. the mind, for the__Mlnute. benUInga .O|_Q uteel bantftret FIRE INSURANCE some day. Th17o 3 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE ihl^f-duTcrcnco between man and man feet long and three and one-half feet in graveyard is lull 61 men who "ore go- s a duTnrenco ^of_4mpre9slonabllity.' llnmetcr are lU'curately measured by a flfotle or Bacon or Kttnt propound ing to". Remember delays nrejdanpjer- SUMMIT, N. J. tirtoutt Imt very «?ii«ltlve duvice of the tome maxim which Is tho keynote of Untied States burtuiu of standards. otts. Take out a policy^vith us.~ Next Door to Summit Trust Co philosophy thenceforward. But I am The bur, Hiiptvorted ut each end, ha« a Has Arrived At will treat yoa right .'._•. Inore interested to know that, when at nail mirror rtxwl ut Its center, vii\< last they havo burled out their grand [tore tills Is ;i fnima holding nnnthei HICKS BROS. •word. It is only some familiar expo-' ilrror partially Hllrered. AH thelUli lcnco of every man on the street If if a sodium, buriier la rcflectoil ID end Opposite-Station, SUMMIT, N. J. t be not it will_ncver bo heard of ilrror the lower mirror shows a series Telephone' Call * J. FRANK BRENN israln.—Emerson. )f black ami yellow concentric \. very Himill weight, even thnt of u Real Estate and Insurance Harness, Blankets, Ltncoln'e) Fee*.* iln. doiiectf theTTar und caases the dr- rees' ies to expand-outivartl.... Each clp-u. nd.catoa.-u tmn'tuifnUof one hundred RaouT M. Gollin's Saddles,——I Whips, ^were-leas-than-thoBo-of-'othcr-lawyers of his-circuit JUHUee* Darts once re- hoitsunilth of iii7~inch7^the prcssiirtTor Auto and carriage 'trim- monstrated,^!^ hlm"and'lnalst«-n the young^Hiisii- iK .and talent-charged Bcvcrnr tiraoj4 oo Is "sent ri[ilnulng from- the [xmd'i E. C. HOLMES AGENCY those- nmounts.-7"The Troe Abranuin .tho-ciothcr, !>y her enonpoun lciipp Llncota" ~ ' • i iimrt^ to' It n Tnofc or lem Tertkii! 29 MAPLE STREET, aotlon." ! '••.-. .'••••. Couldnt Till. . OR INSPECTION Opposite Union Place, ™ Saturday-afternoon a woman rushed- ock^nd Wocflook. ap to one of tho (ratcrocn at tho South 'The ctnni wlTor hn» m;i4e It 'dtvnl- :k'^tnsteml catch my^tniln f I" waft for'my uusband?" ?'Xiiw; let It noiit th»L Maybe tno- ^Whero Is be?" said the gatcmau. mpo«itor WUH rltfht Ho is mafrUHl !*i don't know," she replied. d we nre two bachelors.- Wny^ubmiU ROBERT J. MURPHY "Well, neither do I," Raid tho pnte- o w?t ourselvoH jtp in Judgment ovi-i' ian. - • ,..'•" I^-T-IiOiifov-IHo Courier-Journal. .- .NEW PARK HOUSE .„. She walked away. Tbo Incident" wns SunvHaOiew Jersey _..'•' •" ;1OB«£—Boston ^Ilecord. .Good AcMo*.- : Yon state yoar cn?o rcry yreti," *nUj NOW OPEN - v A Drop. _ • emtnt'nt the ybnng man '-. UNDEITNKy; MANAGEMENT- ... . — REAkrE^ATE .In tbo ndW~"Bnttsh pharmacopoeia ft o Pousht-hlB daughtei^B hand. "Stip- Practically'New House eiTmmxa AND HEXTIHG. •Mrop' is defined as comtHffTrbjn a e yon tnlto It to the ooort of Insi The chancea are one In a* hundred tnbo of whlcti tho cxt«rnaUdlameter is wsort" . % • ' The house has been eiitirely renovated inside and •^Vhat do ypn mean by Oot, itUJT' ' AND . of Tour getting better Plumblnf work exactly thrco~mlUlmetc,rB, twenty soch outside, and many additions~and improvements made 404« 07 other hands than dura. Why drops ot water at 10 dogrccs C being "A*k tb«~fflrl, man; ask tt» giiir— bother experimenting!! We always do firrmtngham AtTO-Hcrold. during Jast three.months. -••. J;.; ^_-_ . honest, conscleatlona work, and doequivalent to ono millimeter of.criblc not charge tha mammoth prices that cnthneter. •• . ~ \ (Z~ *• Excellent Location. Cuisine unsurpassed!" tIRE INSURANCE most Plumbers do. Ftor estimating on A,Oood Imitation «f anr Unapt Plumbing or Heating, give Opmond--Oay struta • Ifte a man hi us th« nr«t opportunity. Urs. iWbciYo^in\i^fwcWy\ ite • flrst i drpsa inrtt.u. E_ T-i-i- L : LIABILnrY • • made\np. of two\cUa8aea,lmy child'; iard!y twitHh rtruja 1»V a -maMi!. W i DaughtoK-What - are\ theyAy moOier? VtocI^ of Jelly GlaL_. ui{|jar Mral CUrnbcT—Undeslrablea Vnd peo> 'pie-*• do^'t kow^ \'y Croquet Porch aijid Couch H; LOCKS, Garde why do di^cripUvo Wrltera «P«»li «> Hose, etc. Paints, Oik,CVj ihes arid HOD . *\ TffOfTIGA (\A9 Vril*aVl . ' i _ «raj>f-Uw •ngry-flaiTHwT' - . 1 \ 39 Onion Pluw Summit,,«:; J, RDST^riSl. SETTLBUENT.—Nollc^ u\ . Sommee womewomn tuts* thdr bnrt»m*rt»maa nerebjnerejr eirelt, tb««tt tbttt account ef toe tntnb*b- ^Jsu^pooe'|becaase ^be flames are Eurnishing Goods. " V rlbelber Afmlni^rjAfmlni^rjiiDi r witithh ttbbe Will annexe^dd| will longg before he diffl. Asdd tt Inft Dsoally pot oat"—BaiUmotv Amertcaa/ «nd Trutte* appointed to execute the trait kinkidd 700 pat on paper, cttbear— TaUphone 388-J created br the will of Cbarlea. B. Lothroh i eceaaed, will be audited and atated by tbe '-^ N«WB' " - — •;: inrroavte, and reported for fettlement' ta tbe Tou owo It to yoorwif." ."''•'"' OrpbanV Conrt ol the County, of Union, on Ufa wttbobV endeavor is H»« enta» Tbb HERALD has the lanrett dr- Prfdiy. tie Twenty-nlntbDay of October next 'In that case, th'ere's no bmry. 1 Dated September 24th: 1915. Ing a }ew»\ rnln* and comlnj oot «Nh nd myself a very Icolent creditor'.**—' Melrose Building, Springfield Ave. Tel. 216 MDjury TiiusT COUPAJIY. wnpty MiWI»-Japan»a» Pwrarlx rOttlsrlrto CoarierJonnut SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915..

Tahn D. Hanlnn. 6B Orr^-^ ttT»»t; lot ; and house, block 36A, lot 3 34.28 SHERIFFS SAtE-^In Ounc«y of'Kcw Jer- Jo*; FtucheUp. 3 South street, lot and sey. Between William Flemcr, lac., '«». house, block 37, lot 4 56, platnant, and Besjamin S. 1L Baker, et •!».,Jo*. Fusebettfl, John street, lot. block Tells of ImporUnoe of Security defendant*. Fi. fa. f er^ tale of mortfaied 37, lot 9 •. ; j.' League in Letter to S*crttarj. John Fbrmichello, Morris avenue, lot . By virtue of tbe above-stated writ of fieri nd bouse, block 36. Jot S. 42.& My-Dear. Mr. Bates: .—••••- *•-. *- *__=„ . g directed I ahall expose for sale . II. Baiter, 'Morris avenue, lot and Every day my sense of the import- ndne.'at the Sheriff"* office in the house, block 38, lot 6-7-8 • 592- HOOK, la the city of Elizabeth, N. J, Louisouise Menard, Park avavenuee , lot and ances ot the wbrk of the National Se- househ , blocblk 3SA3SA , ]TS' WIU. UK SOLD FOB ef North rtreet with the westerly wde line Rebecca C. Capen. Clark street, lot'and Armtes cbnnot be .called into exis- of Morris avenne," "id from Mid point of . rfat 8:.....::. tence in a day^as in the time of our becianing running thence (1) along, the south- Clara B. McKci ite, Turnpike, plot, block The first regular meeting of the forefathers, when individual marks- erly side line of. North street north fifty-six -fl, tot 19A ....„ 12.46 Business Men's Credit Association was —degrees and thirty, three minute* west one Mary E. Duffy, - 99 Springfield _ avenue, leld In their room. In tho Littell build- man, or. brave, men.-summoned.from hundred and twenty-nine and forty-eight one- lot and houfe, block. 42, lot 1 t. 41.& ing. Union place, ori Monday evening,- the plftw,xQUld__defeat:regular3. _Aa a DOWN $5 A MONTH hundredth* feet to the easterly «ide line Mary R. Do fly, 5 1Chanel street, lot and matter of fact, oven in- the -War of tho ^EoTXumTief"Sixty-eight (68) on the herein*! house, block 42, lot 2...... 24.9i a goodly number_of members beiag mentioned map; thence (2) along the caste J. "LT Duffy, 15 Chanel street, lot and present.^ J. O. Chrystal, president, Revolution, it was not until Steuben, a side line of Lot Number Sixty-eight (66) ton house, block 42. lot 4 -31i2C presided and made- a brief but en- German, disciplinarian, had turned the NO INTEREST thirty-three, degrees and twenty-seven rainnI Louise Mcnard. Middle avenue, lot,'block mob of colonial Jlghtera into an artuy vest one hundred feet to the northerly ]i 42A, lot 2 4.1 thusiastic addressr-getting furth—tho- of other land of said Ik nj am in S. II. BiV* II. S. Caidwcll, 6 Oak Ridge avenue, objects and accomplishments of the ;t Valley Forge that Washington had it being Lot'Number Forty-four (44) oh sal lot and house, block 43, lot 11 98.7 association. . He said thaTevery busi- at his command an Instrument suit- ^S OS.THE INSTItlJIK.VT nan; tiience -(ST along the said line of ht W. E. ItatlcaU, Bellevue avenue, lot, able for his purpose. Until two years, Xcniber ToTtj-tour (44). soulb. Tiity-»\x degree block 52, lot 1 20.80 ness man in the city should be a mem- THAT LNTEKESTS'TMi; «nd thirty-three minutes east- one hundw Frederick B. Scott. Edgcmont avenue, ber of the association, that the larger after the opening of thc_war his ex- and fourteen and seventy-four one-hundredth Oat and bouie, block 52. lot 7 119.5i the membership the greater the bene- traordinary military genius expended feet .%a the westerly side line of Morris W. E." Baileau, Summit avenue, lot, fit to-each. one. Among the accom- Itself elilolly In getting his men out of ' *iae,/and thence (4) along satd westerly ick 52. !ot 13 -. .,,. 1Q.4Q trouble. To-day nothing can be itu- Eiert pinna In this slock Is (runrnnlcfd by us In (he •.ante nay as • linefof Morris avenue north forty-one dei_ Elks Cluh No. 1246, 14 Maple street,151 plishments of the association.he said If ncn. (lur nrllten warranty accompanies eierj nuino oflrrcd for wilt. and home, block 57. lot 5..: 201.76 :hat the foreign and circular adver- provides In the way of preparation; «nd fifty minutes east one hundred and oi Mrs. M. Kenny, 65'Union place, lot and . \ piano piirchuscd mm will lie Taken buck In cirhaime fur a hlfc-her ! and six one-hundredth i feet to the jtoint ising schemes had "practically beon and ^thia country presents ~the~spec-~| Priced new Instrument nlthln ono y ar from date, anil all monei paid - rlace of beginning. Jleing known, numbei house, block 57, lot 11 110.24 slimlnated; that the traOTng '-tftamp tacle to the -world ' of an enormous I f snd designated as Lola numbered Si*ty-nin< Joieph H.. Cohen, Keechwood road, lot * to date allowed from Hie price of the new jilami. -Yon enn thus pur. I' (69) and Seventy (70); on a certain map en and house, block 58, lot 4 5B0.32 aulsance had been_abollshed result- mass of wealth open to anybody who I chase one of these Instruments uml hate the use of It In jimr home for thled, "Man of-Property of F; II. Allemi A. J . WattWtst Co.C . 9393- SummitSit, avenue, lol t ng in a.great-saving to the business chooses, by violation of treaty or [ one year free of chaw. ' (formerly M. J. Kenny), Summit; N. J. and house,.block 61, lot 3_..i 395.?0 nan; that tho association had been otherwise, to come and take It.' * " filed in the Union County -Her"- imiiel Katr. Summit avenue, lot and ffice. 2 house*, block 61. lot ft 295.36 uccessful in the collection. of Joint In this crisis when the National . I'ltOTlXTlON GEORGE C. OTTO, SberifT. Clta*. H. Grant, Springfield avenue, lot,' tccounts, and cited, that' in two in- Government-ought to'Be in the fore- HORART L. BENEDICT, Sol'r. Mock-61. lot 16; ..j...'; 4l:60 tances alone about. $1500 had-been front the organization of popular TiTrase of death, our contract proildes that we itlvi- the iiianu to Hilda E. Xelion, 123 Iteechwbotl road, jour fnmllrrpntTldcdTfinr-afeiiuni Is pnld to date. ThN-cosIs ion ! ©ell StM EDJ&SH Few, *17,3 - lot and house, block 70, lol 11 •>(.... J62.24 :ollectcd, which would have been Im- opinion. Is Imperative. If anything Is Mrs. J. S. Ridgeway. Ilpwjhornc place, ' possible to secure without—co-opera- to bo done It must he done'by Con-1 nothlnit.. Thus,-In IniTlne here, you prutect HIP famllr, and they are lot. Mock 71. lot 9...:..;...- .41.60 press'under the pressure of that opin- relieved of ull further* payments on the aecount. '' ELECTION NOTICE. -Mi-Remington, Summivavenue, lol, blgck V on.- 84. lot 4 s./.v, I...124.8Q He jiofrited with pride tO'the-crodit ion. .The condition in which -w« flnd ourselves Is not only perilous in-the "' K liKKMV .IMMfliKK (If W. -K. Hailroti, ' Summit avenue,- lot. v •attng card Index system-which'bad \ Jfoetlngs of Beglstry Board nn« PI Mock 84, lot 5....- .'.:...•.. 72. 80 extreme but it is,- I, believe,.respon- ] ^ VAtfKS .•-•'. BUUT- Election in* Election en Samuel Ka(7. Franklin place,. lot and >eeri in-.operation for-the past two R7-bIock 95. lot 3 , ,\ ...."'. .„'/ 62^40" refirarand-provemirgrearfnter^Brand" slbli' for the lack" of a strong, conccn Constitutional Amendments. Samuel Kali, Aubrey' street, -lot and" • alue to_ its members," and said -that trflteil"American opinion and for the house. Mock 103: lot 9...... SB.24 uueh had been accomplished .by"con- spirit of cowardlco in the country. I UPRIGHT PIANOS . NOTICE U hereby given that..In •« "rancii Mack in, . Prospect avenue, lot, ccomplished .bycon I Election District of the two Wards, of 1 Mock- 10*. lot 24 16.64 irenecs with tthh e politli e secretary of Every thoughtful: American hates f MINOT * SON'S. Medium size. • ia:i.MIAin»T. Urge-Slw.' ma- I Gty of Summit, personal registration is n ic assocl militarism! and.In my Judgment there: • •: ROSCWOIMI. Very good piano ' | quired for the General Election, - rancis Mackin, Prospect.. avenue, lot, :fatloti, Mr. .William S. Bird, hogany.yase. . Wry attractive lilock 103. lot 2f>...,...... i-...;..^ 4.16 ho was'alwaysgia*d to glvo and re-19-not the slightest fear that the mili- -for 'practising purpost-s.- ', instrument. Kxeentlonal bar- I THE THIRD AND LAST BEGISTR1 'rancis -Mackin, Morris avenue, lot", g tary spirit can: gain.ground in this I DAY will be Tuesday. October 19, 1915. fron block '104. lot 1...; „-;.... 57. coiveivec 'Informatioinformation t f h Guaranteed. ' Sale ~(Cft*i " gain. WcMLwortli consider- I I to 9 p. in..- . • ' :atc ,A,- 1;dwar<1si 55] Morris avenue, • bers. or from the mem- country; but the sense' of weakness, prlco ...:...,... ." ' $0« ation. . Guaranteed. $ - i-in .lot an'l house, block 104, lot 3...... 81.1 of Inability.'to effectively defem! our- I OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED IN Til • A_.motlon. was ailoptod urKlnn oil - -Sale prl^, ::...•.-.. I/O CITY ARE: . • ' rancts- Mnckin. Patuic avenue, lot, to'.participate •in any 8flvc3rlias maile h ffreafniany people K(HIJ,Ji: & (MMt'ItKLL.. Small -. Mayor,-Councilman-at-Large, and one.Coon- .Mock 104, -lot_.ll...!.„_...—. J. 7 unconscious -cowardB,—Last -wcok' -----ptaiib-ln-nialiOKiiiiy-caKfe.-WVlU--j-- usan Ricliel Kstate," River road, lot and circular "advertising F .mahog I fTiTTian from each. Ward, house, block 10S, lot 4...... T77T16.6' scheme, unless It has the endorsement Americans were killed on the Mexican known make." Worth considfC- any. rase; _ Full. .leop tone f OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED IN TH1 lusan Riebel Estate,1 Chatham road^plot, of the association. border on every day except one;-and "ably more. Beautiful- case, ; Good artfoti. . Uuaranteed' ' COUNTY ARE: ' • Hoek-lOS. lot 8.. 39.S. yet the prime duty of the Nntionui -Rich, Hwect tnno. Guar-,_ Sale 0ion -.Thre^ members of the General Awembly to iatc .A. Edwards. River' road, plot, Tho following preamblo and renolu- an teed. Sale . IgflC •ore for the term of one year each. - -. block 105A. lot 8....;.... lon wao IIIHGUODGU and uiuuilmonaly Government Is. to protect'tho lives nlul prlco-.-, A" Coroner. •.. C. McFa.Idcn. Morris avenue, plot adopted: property of Amorlcnns! The signifi- • price V"" •WOOST-Klt. Lnr ,r.slzf, mahog- , NOTICE ii hereby given that the. fcllowii and ffreenhoufcs, block 107, lot 24..i214.2< cant and ominous fact In the situation K & P. Dabajian. 530 Morris avenue, "Whereas. -It Is the tense of this any_ra«e. Ha»j nrtlon. Splen- I places have been designated for the Hegiitxi' moctln^llanrdi Is that nobody Is stirred up by this MAItSllAl.I, ii WEN1IKL. Small rrion Day»»nd Primaty Election, to be held on lot anil house, block 108. lot 4 -38.48 flouting of "the_nuthorlty of our Gov- size. MuhoRitny en so, Or»*iit did i-ondltlon.. .Uoautlfiil case f tic above dates: & P. Dabajian, 514-18 Morris avenue facilities are essential to the welfare mivUiK. Good AppcnrliiK i«* Sale price- |nj- [ot and (muse,Mock JOB,"lot 7...... 6*1.1; and prosperity of any community and ernment. Noboily wants war; but we [ FIRST WARD, FIRST DISTRICT: ra F. Ferris. Lafayette avenue; lot, cannot 'tolerate National cowardice. 1 Htrumt'in. Swet-t, mellow toiif, . design. Gunranteod $ - lOO I- Polling Place. Hose Company J»o. 1 qoar. .lock 108.~lonir.~. i especially such a community ns-Snm- Guaranteed. Salt' $ I Ofl I ten. Municipal .Building, Summit Avenui I*. & A. Dempscy, Lafayette avenue, mlt, and think that the National Security I-E>OX. Mahogany HIH'O. Hoau- f comer Bank Street. : ot and'house. blocC 108, lot 10..... 43.68 I^pii tinho most effective means of prUv • •'•U ilftilly do.slgiied mm'. K(ch I FIRST WARD. SECOND DISTRICT: !y-Sel Realty Co., Beekmari road, plot,. Whereas, It is the sense of this fighting tftls Habby sentiment. It 'will . niellow rune. IUMPOIIKIVU ac- I Polling -Place. Store ia Van Cise Bunding, Mock 117. lol 20.;..TT»...-. 16.6' meeting that the present amount of give ua -thersense of working tonetlu'r STKINVVAV ic SONS, ni-autinn Sale price _. inn | Springfield Avenue. ly-Sei Realty Co.. Iletkman "road, plot. illumination Is not considered nde-for the defence of the"nation; It will liiHtrumeut. Hosvwmiil. Small " Hon. Guanuileotl. j |?JU block 118, lot~57 ...... '....104.00 quato-and-might bo materially in- ' " sizt>. Fine tone., viisy ami re- I FIRST WARD. .THIRD DISTRICT: ugene Scully, Houlevanl, lot. Mock deepen 'the' National consciousness I - Polling Place, Old City Hall Building, .Sum- •119, lot 10 29.11 creased without becoming at all in- sponsive, action. Ounran- a B mit Avenue. which has grown shallow; and It will URCJie Scully, Boulevard, lot, Mock consistent with too character of Jhe put In our hearts self-respect and ' teed. Sale $ -liR piano. Hoen UH t'il by u tmist- sECONU-WARD. FIRST DISTRICT: J20, Jot 4...... ; 2i.9 City of Summit, and— -- prlcu I4U "CIJTII. T«k<*n in • Polling Place, Hook ft Ladder Building*, on lulimn Flower Co.. 5S6 Morris avenue, t'Xt'liauKu for I P»rk Avenue. - plot and - Rrecnhquies, lilock 120, - Whereas.-The present lighting con- . a new l,auier. nnd re- SECOND WARD, SECOND DISTRICT,: lot. .18 260.0 Tact Is about to . expire, nnd_n_~new Faithfully yours, 1,0 Wit IK k 11 WHS. MahuRany sponsive nriloii. Cuarmiteecr. Polling Place in the building located on the A. Walsh. 802 Sprinvfield avenue, lot contract will sopn be considered by_ HAMILTON W. MABIK. case. Sweet, tone and. easy ac- •south side of Park Avenue, at McGrath'r and house, block 131, lot 1 .- 47.S0 the Common Council, ' : tion. Splendid chance to" gel x ....::....•; ...:•;•• 210 rs. C. Rogen, 750 Springfield avenue, a serviceable instrument at. - •Kravcl pit. between Summit Avenue and Over lot and house, Mock 131, lot 10 70.72 Bo It Therefore Resolved, ThnUhe JIK.M»I.'I.SSU|1,\. o.,k . •look Road. R. Walsh, Division avenue, lot and Common Council of the City of Sum-Bntrholder nt *iond-ItoadH-l1mnTntlniii little money. ' Ouar- $ cosc •SECOND WARD. THIRD DISTRICT: .home, block 132, lot 2 54.0 mit bo ana hereby Is respectfully re- anteed. Sale price... I.nrKe size, llnth Interior and m Polling Place. Hose Company No. 2 Buila- I. 'A*. Taetich. jr.; 3r Valley View ave- A. G. BatchelTlcr. of the Boijlevaril, 155 exterior lias Wen thornuclily •tng, corner Park aad*A»hwood Avenue*. nue, -lot and house, block 132, lot 9..I06.0E quested to give Its most earnest con- uverhauleil. Cannot be told 7 chairman of. the executive conimittoe. _ ICE-iF*^* hereby-given- that- on-Tuet- 'lara-Kiog,-14-'Valla? .View-avenue,'lot-- — •Ji'tBMRnJtp .the_g.ue_stlon,.ol.provlds. of-the 'American-Automobile -Associa- .... frrmj .hrnpsl..timv^ ..Guaramaott i'day, October 19, 1915, i special Election will and house. Mock 133, lot 9 58.2- ng more adcnjiato and "appropriate I be held lor the purpose of voting upon the . & E. Writht. 6 Valley View avenue, • lighting of, tho streets and highways tion, htteniled the 19th annual session piano. ' Good tone. Guiir- Salo OIC I proposed anvndmenu to our Sute Coostitu- lot arid house, block 133. lot 12 99.8' of our city, particularly In the busi- of the Alabama Good Roads Associa- anteed. Sale '.. Price :....= £\d I tion. polls open from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. — '. IT. King-,''Blackburn road, plot, block — tion In Birmingham, Ala,,* last week. 1 Dalid September 1, 1915. 134. lot 1 .T77 : 112.32 ness. Bection. prico_ KIIAM(.|IJfc IIACH. r,,ii a,zc arrinfftan Co.,' pi vision- avenuer'plot. On Tuesday morning he was heard In 160 .Miiliopany ease: Practically . ' FREDERICK- C. KENTZ. Mock 134. lot 2 76.96 Regular meetings of this association the* principal address. * He' spoke of LENOX. Mahogany caso.—Thor- new. Han liad hut little use, i City Qe«k. . C. Winter, Division avenue, plot and' are held on the third Monday eve-good roads In all parts of tho United oliphly overlmulcil. I.ookn like 2 house*. 1 block-13V lot 14 93.60 nings ot eacirmonth and it Is tlirde- mill excellent care. Guar- . P. Holmes. Pine Grove avenue, lot • ' States and lauded the work under- ajnew Instrument. Worili--$100— anteed. Sale I slrated October 4, 1915. ent. * "There Is no question in my mind,'' he 7 It. Guaranteed. \nn'tc I. I,ot*, Patufc— avenue?—plot. said, "but what a - Salo prlco '.V. Mahogany case. RECEIVER OF TAXES OFFICE, Mock 120. lot 22 :..., tinental route will ultimately be se- 160 Lame Htylc Splendid bargain. •October 4, 1915. TS: James Murray. 8 and 10 Lafayette : I NOTICE is hereby, given that I. W. ivenue, lot and house, Mock 107, lot 2 47.84 Po. «nd t lected, .because you may safely figuro LUiHTi: & "m Large- BizeT— (Jood . JilUBlrul Instrument I SCIIULTZ, Receiver at Taxes of the taxing Murray. Jr., Pine Grove avenue.'Jot With his storten atwl -hi». crltlci»ms that the roads will be open to traffic Mahogany case.' ' HBB been Quarnnteed. Sale I - - • I dturict of Summit, County of Union. New in.l house. Mock 134. lot 12 28.04 during tho meager two years of-hl* 12-months. out-at. the year, while'In thoroughly overhauled.. Kx- - price : 260 I-Jersey. pursuant to the authority of the stat- w. sciiuvrz, conncction with Uio'magazine- Poe win other sections of the country they will ceptlonolty attractive Instru- Btnin such case made'and provided, will, on • •• . . Receiver of Taxe*. not." ' i - ' ment for the price.. Guar- ••AI'TEK. Oak case. Gooiod aaa THE TENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, Any of the aforesaid tracts or lots may be certainly ablo to redact that, ns at n< . new. DiHcontlnued stylostylo. _ — D.. nineteen > hundred and fifteen, at 10 deemed by the payment to the underslcned, timo In ber urtnious literary htitory, Mr. Batcheldor spiced his remaxki anteed. Sale .. $ Ifi'r— Giinrnntced. Sale t I o'clock in the forenoon of that day. in the Receiver of Taxes, before the sale, of the ho hail put .Richmond on the map. Hut. with bits of wit and humor and wan price ../.... ^ "DO price . .-. _, . I Municipal Building in said taxing district, ex- tint due thereon,— " . - generously applauded. This ia I pose for «ale and sell the several tract* and _iven under my hand~tMs -4th day of the letter no wrote to Antiton MILTON. Green oak case. Mod- I.AI'TKIt. .Medium «lze. 28Ma5- I parcel* of land hereinafter specified, or any :tober, 'A. D., ^915. fourth visit to^ Alabama ns a Bpeaker Ma- I pan or part* of said Una auflicient 7dr th( projecting the Stylus .won' to the good ronds association. ern denten. Tokvn In as part liouany case, lluautlful dc- —w.-scnui.Tz, flamboyant. "1 bail Joined tlk; Mir payment of n player--plaho. il de- • purpose, on which taxes for the year 1914 re- Mr. Batchcldcr spoke on "How^the BlKn. Itemed for short periodjeriod. |j=4in unpaid and In'arrears,, to such person, or Receiver of Taxe :, as you t:nowt thcn-lh Its eeeoti Guaranteed. Sale $ Guaranteed.' Hnle % Irenons aa will purchase the same for- the wks. Pr. fs.—$128.52. * •_" . Motor Vehicles Had Won ItB Place." • ahortcst term, and ray the tax Hca^thcreon, jwir, with,"700 HuttfcrlherH, nml ill He said good roads and motor ve- •.•prieb -.. ^ I65 price ' I ^rind'Tig initr**-and-aitfu.itt^a\*, or In fee hicles—were—ea eh—necossa ry—to-J4ho 290 I where no one will bid for a shorter term. ;~t]ecQUM?-:i-»4l*trraadeuert a ther. ^_ ^. PLAYER-PIANOS i act'of the legislature entttl . I tie assesKnent and collection of taxo,1 XAFFAIMifK. Small nlzo In- HI'MA.NA. Small'rflzo instru- I ved April 8, 1903. and .tfce «t» am ' ••" ' " Vet In miiU; o( thi«i . Htfumunt. Mahogany case. mcni. make. A moat - ry thereof andauppleinental-thereto. imd tho wrctdjeU taHto of-the projirle Successful Younir l't'«plp*s Confercnrr. . Taken in exchnnge for Lauter- .Hultabje.; Instrtmiont for a ' -The said land, and the names of the person Mr, which hnmperwl and e*>ntrolWd.m«> The second ahnuaLconferenceiif tho Iluninna. InTsrejlent condl--^ | xgainct^xluia—tbe said taxes' have been -as- . »mall-nlze ent, >- Liberal ; nt all points, I inc-roaHCd thu clroulatkm (V'oung People's.Societies of Morris and tion. LRicrnl supply of nmsir ' supply of mTBfr-rollafll - and'" In flftoen immUis- to H^iOO nubf*t'rllK;rs. i Orange- • Count loir were lield last P'rl- rolls and bench free. J •r hencli free. Kale $ AQK" I Joseph Paplo, 40-44 Railroad avenue, 1L annual proJIt of 910,000 whet-Uajrafternoon amrevenlng In the Cen-' Sale prlco .;...,. . 310 .. price -~ ;.. 400 I ' and 2-bouses, block 2,;toTT21-22 200.61 1 I TW Shields, 33. Chestnut av.ciuie. lot -'-• t_.left Jit. *—Algernon Tassln In trall Presb>.torlan Church^-ThoTh . afterf - AAl'TKII-Ill'MANA. FumeU oak. noon ' meeting began at four o'clock, ._cilliiiuZjiUiL^1. : Kidgeway,-46 and. at tills mentiag 'reports of tho S8. n7Jte. * Mahogiliiy-raao. 'Ah- Kirn-i! Klze. An. RUOI! as new. " , toriDd hou»c, block-8, —ZL ~_ . j • toiiinllv'.triirjting ilevlce. Iii .it.MHjlKulIyjoii.'d-Miiiio." Lib- \-fb~ IL Schlcicher. 80 Mountain avenue, , • work of tlie Hummer clopfcrences and eral 8ttpf-.Iy ot manic-rolia • J lot and liouse, block 13, lot 8..."•<••• 98.76 S. perfect-c6nilttiQQ_ibrQiiKlw\it. . LH Bli.ul • tlie-nrtWa J Liberal supply cif inuslc-rulls- - nnd deiirh free. Sale t ' G*cv. W. Campbell. Sayre. street, lot, -.'. '• •' "••'•• GiTtniclc ~VVH«»x, of price : 1 blcck'17, lot 17.. t -. 4.16 Important yellow* -•Int IiSs mtllOe miiKUIIul rt-sllres,,:: : Qrinige,' proauled n,ul Mr. Allan _and bench free. Sale T^ 39C 525 I M, CarafanoV 20-22 Sarfe street, lot and 1> price ...... : •„.;.,— UbO 1 2 house*.-block 17. lot 17A 105.00 of a tree .will.- •• Iwiro -ye low (low,.,, :A, Pot, of s;,,nmU, „„,, r,lar(.o of ,,,p I..UTKIMir.>IA.Y\. i,iLr( I Jo*ejih -Fuichetto. Bcauvoir Place, lot n-ry. laurel-llla- leuVM.: .• nn,iTin.ripen(ng niedjtntion. AddreHHcH W'.' Lnrfw for rnahoKaiiy rn«i... Out hut a oseph S.. Hyde, 4$ Beauvoir avenue, lot ' - Field • Secrrlnry of^Young -I'eople'B MahqKany.,-.(.a«i.1.. Latent SS- r -and house, block 23. lot. 25.... 42.56 try fripin \vhl('||'lt fo .Tdr't-iini 1 • feiy tjiniillia. Uh."-ral supply of D. "O'Malioney. Upper OverFook road. Is simply n prnjplltm of Cjini 'Work; and .MrH. Stephen J. llerben-. of Jiotu ino(l(>]. Taken in part minlc-.rnlls ami fceni'lrr f'rfrVeV . • lot and bouse, blocks,-lot 42 96.68 In tills far eiislorn jOrange. ' ' ' • '• •' payment of a-I^ni h . Salo .. ' CDC I Zara Forte. Park avenue,' lot audhpuse, nr't'*iiiiil«nlln. the rrw i:r,>\rn wlh nyj nlictN; The home nnd viwlllnp deleBates Almost-new, A great liarKe. illid. llie.iSUppcr was served. At 7,15 In the • and lie rich free. Rale * Qfi'i Ufa-V ' r:,!*.!. '. Ili'en tiscii at Lauu-r- . -ind house, block 26. .„. „ Freo for Uipasldn [Utunm llnls or the woo'ls? "OamiiolreT^'.'M. P. A:-ht(ll;Hnp-Bronp cmrferrrtfe" '..""Iliiinnnit '"•Ttorlinlfi'.'^rShipicrlr ! F. S. Dontrau. Pearl street, lot and Call for me qui win hrnncht I.) r,,ni,>i. liv miTc-l, 'LIIIM i *•'"<> bold. Kurt, Krcinp-repn-Kl'llts a .-_tune. KfUcient iii.-.-liaiilsni. A I houw. block 27. lot 5 45.76 t)<.. *.->«( t.m-npi id' .Tmi /.f f i».' 'Ufferont bmiich of-worl(.- Thr alf- ' LLE.WE-LI.Y.N. Maho.;any. -Had ," HpIciHlli! opimrtinilly to .s.'rury Join Doorlcy. 38 Glentlde avenue, lot slight use for di'tnoiiHtratlon and house, block 28, Jot 6....-;.;.... 2t.8O tlio f^nnl.Hi,. "eN'I 1/ o r tnI. |forent ,)mnc-llpi( lnvU]$? tho YOUIIR a I.ajlter-lljnuana at jlttlt- HtJm* & Huchc*. Gleniide avenue, lot, j Peoples IjcaRUPB, . tlif WVstniitiKlfT piirpoHOH.." AH Rood" as m.-w. . money. . Kxcf-ptlntnl ' bargain. Hock 28;. lot 10...i ..-..- fGulld, the-Sunday School Work," Hie Lflienil Hiipply of music*rnltH .I.Ili.Tal »ll|iiily nf miiBli'-roIliroIlaa ilrlmi & Iluithr*. Ilaltmrol road", plot, . •— The Height of It. }c*rimpflre Olrls. the" Unlit KcartTH and hencli free. Salo $ Q7fl Wocfc 28A. lot 1 vi 6.24 nml bench free. : ? Cflh "tim- & Huitlieff. Hughes Place, plot, Tftey-(ell tiw," flilil (In- iimfi-flwin j Lea(?UP, anil the. Young Womo.n'H So- • price....: 04u Hall, price .....,_,. .' SHU . . Mock 2RA. lot 2 2.08 ,'tbiit.Mrs. IIItrlirnlirMH a vcr.v.Tf.vmpri^ i cletieH. ilflm* & Hughes. Day street, plot, block hetlc woman." ^ •••-' ._ _, "a larg mooting wns hold WAIIEUOOMS OPES EVKMNGS Ili:itl>/1 THIN"".SAtE 29A, lot t ...rr:;.:.. •. -6.2* iBhoiild say «ho WIIH." Kiild Hark- the churchh; Wldrpimeiaildr l lpy W. P. Schell. M, Keye*. fi-8-10 Iktjrliei Place, lot ami-.... ,way. "Why, when her bUHbaml tlop-Jnno of tho nsslBtant norrelarien at the . houw,Mock i2fiAT lot 3 * 47.B* - -. . Presbyterian Rnnrd of Forelcn Ml?- AITOIIO Sayre,.-Baltu.»rol. Road, plot, d with Mrs. Gnyboy she Immediatt-ly • Mncfc 39. lot 3.....:....7...... Blons. Mr. Arthur Sherwood, prWl- AnHa" M. HandT ClensMe avenue, plot, ent Mrs. Gay boy, a telegram of con ilentof the local leaKUP, Rave the ad-; tlnek 29A. lot fi olence.**—New York Times. •• LAUTER PIANO CQ. ilreBfl of welcome. - "• . Oi»«. Hackert, Haltujrol'R6a'dtf lot, hlock '• PcJ*>Kntffi, numbering- lfif),' were 29A. lot ii ...:."-.;./.....-.;.- 1 591-593 BROAD STREET, .NEWARK r«cr O*!fri!,. RUMCII ' Place, lot and o the B«a. present frorfi tli* OrnnRifs, Mnplfwooil, i«. Mock -at. lot 10 .T~..,. 5J.0I rimthani, .Vow • ProviMenre. Madtnon n-Be^M.— Parail. Ruttell Place, lol o yoxi Illien , —.1 hrniK. Mock 31. lot 13: -v.37.44 :o the liu?y bee?- Ho isn't particularly-: Morrlntown. .Mondham. Stlrlinp. ami - J-.C. Lowe 10S Morris ayenue. lot' . j WyonilnR. Next year's ronferenee 1 bou*e. Hock 32, lot 8 .1.... 76.9'! Hut nearly every ono.he will lie enterinltied bv iheJI-'frst Pros-. »tun«.—T|l ^hytorliin 'tliurch nfrtMorrlMbwn'. \ .—\ L , \\ YOUROPi Could Handle BotH"Sldec V THE\ siranni1 ^IIERAXII.- \ yp eitue. tot »U', \ _,housf, blnclr 3<>?nt-I0\-. .-;.•;-.;...\V\33.2! Mary Connors, 57 Park avenue, lot and ' \Wtmt dolnrf" SmSORIBE NOW! • -bnutej Moa,k 34. lot M.\.J .\. 30. week nrlnps out\n TulbnWe .!<"• Nicholas Boirtempo, 55 Pant- avenue, tot- ' and hnuse/block J4. lotrl!A... :..\..,'58.20 HILh CITY^UmpiNG ANDLOAN AS, Mrs. J. McKfnnaZil Park avenue. lot - _._. »,,.» bond.mna Montlfa".U[ —A. and hou»e; block~34Mct«12J1.'... A.-i-vt49.M tocrind Summit R«»l Sute in .mount! cei^fM, "^'\ fnonthwti HH ffnt«. thrfp f• Lociano* and F. Brace. 49 (Orchird ;iortntile than the'«'ihrnents of our,month <

: . t.^^J.-i\--i&-Wva:>. .^^ THE SUMMIT HERALD. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22, IMS

cave made wine radical, fl run rial Jectlonably they'wtwld hxadle tlil» de- method* nectasary to rfttoe-nraia^ naftmeat of trwfr • hn*fn—• " Thf Conducts a General bad the Republican policy of economy HOTEL NOTES word "obJeettoBsWjr is » _ OfflcUl Paper of Cttr uA Gout* opt been put'Into effect"lait year,.- ' * cal error, mud should read T Bankhig Business The platform opposes any measure* tloaablj." la oarcuitalo lirtmrtwl that would, weaken civil service laws AND ARRIVALS to persamd* the statt-ttqaar eldbentof - Authorized to set as Eiecut- Jonx Wv Cun, .Managing Editor and Summit to trade only In stores where Summit •nd yet the Democrats when in power, . or, Administrator, Gqardiau, ---'- "—--- Proprietor. v '_ from the Governor down did all they . ... —Bteehwood Hotel. liquor Is cot sold, those who sen could to handicap the civil service. The splendid weather of last week liquor are stt least entitled to the truth, :••'.• Trustee Registrar, and Trans- _ , , FBED W. CUFT, Editor. - - J The Democrats-further adrocate aid and this has brought a number—of which to itseif sbottld be * — fer Agent. .: __ to counties and .municipalities._iar_ gguests to the Beechwobd, and thargumente . ' ' iMttd Ererr FRIDAY AFTERNOON from maintaining highways, but In' this week-enkd d * pparticularlytill y gay witihh J. ADAMS OAKES. I-,- Interest paid-on Deposit sub- the Office. 375 Springfield Avenue. county It was Impossible to get any _ unusual uiimbeb r of motot r partiesti . vr-Paator. East Summit Telephone 1100. . . money—for-joads adoring Democratic: There have also been several evening Episcopal ChorclL ject to cheque. control, because the. Stats treasury vlctrola concerts and a.few small card —-—•Interest allowed on Time De. A'Seiwiliun Newipaptr Dferoted lo the In- f-as empty or the Democratic comp- parties; The hotel bulletin board, tcreat of the City, County and State. troller refused to pay out the money bristling with both suffrage and Anti- ~pOBits at 8| per cent, per annum which was due. " Suffrage literature has been the source beginning monthly and payable The Republican platform Is con- of much political discussion, and the THE LOCAL CHURCHES • '.-- . SUBSCRIPTIONS: structive and only proposes to . do . quarterly One Year I lobby, on the night ^before the consti- Six Month* V. what the lenders have already at- tutional amendment was to be voted Three Mobthi tempted with remarkable success. In on, took on a decidedly lively aspect Ckarch '• ~SaTe~*epbsitJSoxeB to rent in Sinfle Copies ...... _ other words It Is a practical working The preacher, of . tbe glar Proof "Vault at «5.00 Entered at thv Poll Office, Summit, N. J., u proposition put up to the. people. The —Among motorists who have lunched the Summit MrlnfflHwt KpttropiT Second-Clau Matter.' _ Democratic platform shows the spirit or dined here during the past week church on Sunday at- eleven o'clock . per annum. On Sale at the Local New* SumJl and at the of the fault Under who sees no future, were: Mr. and-Mrs.-H—W. WIIHard, will be Rer. Wei Pin* Cfcea. the son —Fabrication Office. und hasn't the pep to plan one out. Mr. D. Wflllnrd and Miss' WtilUrd, of of the first ordained jtfyf*HH"<=* min- 9 100,000.00 -Storage"" Vaults foFTilver. Baltimore;. Mr. Harry Thomas and ister in the North China Conference, ware, jewelry, etc. " family, Short Hills; Mx- and Mrs. who, with other members ol his fata- 100,000.00 JEJISEY3IEX OBJECT. Hubbs, Miss-Hubbs, Brooklyn; O. F.lly Buffered martyrdom In the Boxer YOlrR ACC0UNT WOULD Ego and family, Jersey City; Mr. an,dRebel I loo. Re is a Graduate of PeUn To those who really know and love Mrs. P. Cocbran, . Miss Cochran,__TT University—Ohio. Wrtleran Cnirersity 1,700,000.00 Cochrfin, Cyrus Benson, Frederick and the BostonJu*niTenUT_School-ot BE APPRECIATED the State of New Jersey the state- Humphreys, New York City; Mr.-and Theology.^ • • • "' ] ments made by suffrage leaders in this MrsrH. Hansell RItter, MadlsonrN. J.; Frank R. Collier. Direcsor of Be- j^uuiuiiruiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiirfiHiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiir. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915. and other States on the ."corruption*' Dr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Rolfe Zim- search in the American Cnirersity. and "fraud" in our elections, cause merman and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Washington, D. C. says: "Wd Ping Newark.; Other dinner .guests have 1 'Tott* neVr:fc^Wen£g or TlBltorg lit considerable chagrin. Ever since the Chen la an accomplished Chinese who beeirCi"ter'Trteer and family, and Miss has a wonderful story to teU of his Summit: We welccinie~yoa to Sam mil election Tuesday, the suffragists in A. E. Young and C. P. Getman, Sum- beloved China. He Is frank and fair, «nd as* that you 'phone or caH'on p» N'e w—Yor k—have-been—making- mit = ; —• cuuaduua off the wtakness-aa wen a» fa regard to any qneMIon nbont our tlonB such as this: I'the wholesale of the strepgtb of his people. His frauds in New Jersey arc a calt~tir tfr, and Mrs. Fred Day, who havecomparisons are- wftiy, faricht. and been spending the summer at their the sometimes poignant, always Jost. N'ew York inon to aee that this State cottage in Quogue, L. I., will return The story of the heroic death of his Is riot disgraced by corruption;" and to Summit within the' next few weeks father during the. Boxer trouble "tho election was the rawest deal ever and. make their winter home at tho sounds as if taken from the annals of |, Remember, you can always depend i The liabtt of looking on put'over." " *—' hotel da usual. . ' .. the" Early Church- To listen to Mr. Chen is a rare priTileeie which assures These statements are absolutely un- 1 securing the best coal here, whether it the best side of. things is: Mrs. Moslck_and Mr. Herbert Meslck, one of on hoar of pathos and humor." be-r worth more than a thousand true. Practically every newspaper in who have been at Tho Mansion-House The Sunday and Wednesday erenins the State, even the most ardent, advo- in. Brooklyn, for spme time, are ex- evangelistic services contiace to grow pounds a year. cates of the "cause,'*.' have -admitted pected to return to the Beechwood, in both interest and attendance.' The and commented editorially on thoshortly. '.'."'. '* , • • '. chorus choir and the cbngreeational Samuel 'Johnson. slaging are marked features. The fairness' of" the conduct- of-Tuesdny'a Mrs. Charles R. Rivelez. will te- ppastor, Rer. Wilbar V. SUlIalieo. Is > election.—-The- - .extremes,—to -. whlch- of -4Tiri theme wfll_bje.*rrh« | coal, rich in heat procuding qualities. It | statements defaming our State, are Leap of the SouL'* —- • Thoro la no tiueation but that the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith enter- . Next Wednesday eretunj; there will ! never fails to-give entire satisfaction. Sup- | election on the Suffrage Amendment enough to malce ardent Jerscymen's tained a number of out of town guestB be held a union 'service of All Metho- — In tilts State last Tuesday was debloo- d boll with Indignation. Probably atrhmcheon on Sunday. • dists In Summit In the interest of the I pose you try it? • "• ' - § the- stories that suffragists bare Methodist Forward Movement. Th cided by an exceptionally large vote Mr. J. Warren Greeno and Miss meetin-•-g« will- be held- —, i—n th-—e Pariah for a Bpccial election nnd that iho re- brought to us from other" States whero (he amendment had been defeated,'al- Julia Greene had as guests on Sunday, House of the Summit Methodist suit was decisive. Some of the more Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Greene, of Cedar- Episcopal church._with the members so making cries of fraud, were Just as ot hf Summit chcrch in at- ardent • suffragist leaders In tills ami hurst, L. I., and Mr. Albert Pearson _\ : nuch. without foundation. Such cam- tendance. Rer. Ceo. C. VoffeL other States, have claimed fraud, hut and Mr. GreenpUBh. of New York City. paigning will never be victorious. District Superintendent, has matters ;;*COOD COAL-GOOD LUMBER . there Is absolutely no evidence to sub- Mrs. Malcolm Van,. Vechte,^.ire«n Tyson.,«„„, of "importance to present, especially ^tantiute- sudi-a-rlnliii. _in unexpect- Miss Dorwln-'and Miss Bean, who f'*r every member of the desominaUon. ed uiiiount o.f hucri'st .was BIIOWU in have l>oen In J*ew—York two weeks, RUSSELL PLACE. SUMMIT. N. J. •Kust week we' commented- on thehave returned to Jlic_hotel fo"r the ro- The.First Baptist Cfcurca. Rev. Rolla the turnip and Hie majority has been practice( beromlnB more and more of tho winter. They have as El Hunt*" pastor^ Senices as nscal af Hhnwn lo Iw very heavily ontln-nt'fia- y XI a. m. and S p. ni~ oa Su::: niRlit Mint •ack," commenting' further on this York. Mr. \V. JC Thomas. Superintendent ibjeet which we would have been Prayer and Conference cceeiinr on " Yestt'rday'B defeat of tho Huffrnge: Wednesday evening, at eifibt o'clock,- amendment was too overwhelming to lail to publish, but owing to the fact Mrs. Schopnmaker will leave to- conducted by the pastorr The meet- bo lalii;.to niiylhlnK but 11 deliberate -tl'.n.t ..the .writer of, the letter^djd iipt morrow for a wopk-ond mqtor trip to Ii^s of the New Jersey Baptist Con Kingston, New- York.- ~-^------expression of opini'im.* It is" not poB- flits or" her name, we consigned yentibn*w'IH"ber held October 23-27, ii the communication TO ttnr wusto- the Peddle Memorial Baptist Church, aib'.lo tu. 'swing JI uinjorlty of this size Mr. nnd Mrs. CWhitney nnd J6hn Newark. . by friuuf. NVlthcr him miytlilng np basket.. Surely everyone inuat know* nnd Robert Gwnltney, who_liayc been L_IH>WBpapers cannut publish., let- spending several weeks here, havoj The Right' Rer. Edwin a Unes; pearetl to indicate n riMt^onabk'.'boll£ cone to their now homo in Short Hills, that KO KiffantU- a i-oiHpIni'cy existed.'1 I'seiit to them wlthoilt the name of Bishop of.the diocese of Xerork, which Is ready for their occupancy. Tw-lhe preacher at tfce deTWi. o'clock "Even I'liilei'diiiK^to the jimxlinun Iho writer. It" Is not necessary, al- service at Calvary church on Sunday tho lniliieiirj' ot^tlii- in a rhinos," said ways, to publish the name; hut the Tim nahkora' Association of Union morning. ' . - We Nominate tho "NYws." "tho rtijiVons for'such an Miter cannot pay any attention to jr <™nt>r ?"> B1^ •» dln?or »( thirty , , rroverso , here," this ovenlnc. 'Mr J ovrrwiicliTHuE .tptnl "iftuti't ' be Bought anonymous communications. As w. .i.- - ' East Summit Choir* Xotes. .i.-ranklln Haas, the president of the OUR COAL deeper hrthoj o-moiUloned thls__niany Umes be- Summit Trust Company, Is-in-chargo The Sunday mcmiiap srabj£Ct"will be Intuitive judgment! fore It seeinH hardly necessary to of tht> nrrntiRements. Tho dinner wll "The Walls of Jericho, Then and For Your Approval. ' dividual more power Into further detail at this time. lw followed by a business meethig. Now." The Children's Sermon will be on "The Eyes tbat See Farthest." The It is coal with a blameless record ftoried argument, Mr. F. F. Dawes is conducting hia Epworth League service at ™J5 will —the best coal to bo had ot repealed tu ulimv that the ifi rtnncInK classes In the Mu8ic_Hall on be lead by W. H. Chandler. At S.OC any price. As- The. lack of Interest In the proposed y . athwnrt classes and parties, • Thursday afternoon, as has been his there j s regarding the still deeper divisions' .jvnter coiftrnct and ttie confidence .at. custom for a number of years. by the pastor'be as sermosons servicn on e"Th followee Fodr Once Our Coal-~ ^ their councilmeu's abil- - __ elgn Legion and Another Leclon." between 41bw*la nnd- conservatives.. Recent arrivals Include: Mr. and. On Wednesday eveniEg. October 2 Tho toUit vott.>; tho Interest called ity to\n^gotlate, "a satisfactory ar- * is Elected 1 ent11^!! -tlioovnter company la Mrs. Charles D. -Collins, Mr. H. C. thithis churchh is.tI o uniti e iin a prayer Turth IO~Tlval that of a Presidential Klonka, ; WIlHam Robinson meeting. with the Summit Methodist to the office of heating your election, nre sufficient, in themselves evident. CountUoian^Batoa stated in and H. S. Oilman, Utlca; Mr. and Mrs. Episcopal Church in the Summit edj. 1 tho Council night. Herbort-S. Greene; CednrhurstrL*. I.;- flee, under the leadership of the" bis homo, there will never be - art tHat^the-proposed-docuTttent-hadbeon V. Wbrthlngton nnd •F.~'P'"!"»m,' NPW other-candidate. makes for a genuine election and York "City; Mrs, TVson, Miss Dorwfn at that time, on fllo forlwo weeks Vogel. The Methodist Forward Move- truo expression or-opinion." Miss Bean and Mrs. David Morrlce ment will be the theme. Cut Your Vote To-day a«d_no one had complied with, the The Evening "Sun" n strong silk Montreal. — • -~ •"*; The Ladies^ Aid Oyster Sopper an- Council's request .that citizens exam- nounced for Thursday the SSzh.T-has. frag»-nRUvoea*te jdn- Wednesday^ said: hie it. and present any . suRgeslf been postponed to Thursday. Sovem- STEPHENS BROS. It may be said of veaterdajrig vote ber 4,-anti-the- Epworth League-Hal- they might have to Iho Council'. - 7 the- prppoaed uTnendmeiuTTTKo" con- SHKlil»SKI.V DEED, DATEa-17(M). lowe'en Spill. bas_b£$n postponed from Tel. 6 ~ Summit, N.J. stitution H>r the State across'-tho river the £9th to*MondayF the-1st of XOTC— • E. C. • Holmes recently acquired i_ •ber.'ln Nrisoa's' barn. Pearl street _ that It more-women had desired^ StanQfl, Films- nt The Lyric most Interestlhg^document,—a deed Corrected, copies of oar "Bulletin worked for tlio' franehlso the result -Kcxt Week. executed Juno. l'.^l^OO,- during "the with --a- Temperance "Ballet In" are mlgbt_lmvo been different." - _ reign of our -sovereign^. Lady Annr available for those who desire, extra Monday, October 25. B. A. Rolfe Queen of Great ,Britainr^rance and copies.—Issue of October It "Thht'-Beimis to jhe crux presents tho dlfitlnguisheu actor. Mr. Ireland." It Is on sheepsklnT&nd con- ~~"" tho whole mailer, /only a very smalt Wlllinm Favershaw (supported by veys to John Thomas of Hempstead; SL John's English Latbcran-chnrch, minority- of tUe-^women of tho State Jane Grey and a notable cast) In aLong Islamic from Robert Reader, X- W. Knapp, pastor, corner Beech- live-act screen version of the power- Jamaica, Long Island, a large tract want tlie^vote. When mote' women,— wood road and UeForest arame. Morn- ful play hud popular novel•"The-Right of land extending, fronr "Lake Mopat- in^serrSce, "Christian Wartare." Ser* a majority of, .%]\o women,—realty of Way," by Sir Gilbert Parker. This cong to EUzabethtown. The Strip Is inon Ibplc for the erenlns service, want to yoto It is hard to believe that Is \Mr. FaversUani's first appearance about eighteen miles wide, and the congIderation Is given as 200 povnda?' "The Apo^toJic Ajge.- \- . NEW JERSEY'S SAFEST PLAYHOUSE tho men will deny them tho right.. (nTihdtoplajf and.tho_pr6ductloand. tho_ n isjin every. way up to the j Head .was ono of the owners of the All. Souls* Church, corner*of Spring- •fJ Pony Contest Last Two Weeks. PONY CONTEST! set by the Metro program on which It tract, the others being Nathaniel Bon- s Church pg ne!. grea£greakgrandfather of. Jona- field and Waldron arennesT C^nal >2S0 Votes with ETery Admission. > Is releaseda . . thafraniT Davld"B6nnel""onnls city; .11 '-- TH E VA KTY W, ATFOKMS. -^~" TnesiIdyrOctobor' SC^nu ^: ~—^--^ - 800 Votes With Every Reserred Scat American Richard Townley, William NlcalL prcachf Subject: "How. to IJre.From the Paramount South Mary Brlckley, Peter Ja'ncovler, An- Center to Circnmferencei"^ Music un- Charles ;Ii, Hutemun, Editor of "Tho Travel SerieSi s wili l be shown with thony. Badgelcy; William Creed, Will- other high class pictures. der the direction of Mr. Leonard G. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25th—Masterpiece Day Unontir^Ontette" of Somorville, re- lam Urquahart. Thomas Wilson, Lan- Bender. . Lectare-Discussion .. from f cently published a verj' able contrast "Wednesday, October 27, five- newcaster Lyons, Cummlngs Nofbury and 12.15 to 12.50. All adalU welcome. *Metrp Production. • The Distincuished Actor acts ot lilgli class vaudeville, together Philip Rockby. " • . between tho phitfarms of tho Hepubll- with photo plays; Subject for discussion: The Religions -Jf& WILLIAM FAVERSHAM — "Crooky.* of. China." Sunday school at 10 can and Democratic parties. We take . The deed is In an excellent state of o'clock. * ' * Assisted by Miss Jajie Grey—In pleasure in reproducing - It herewith-;. Friday, October 29. the Inimitable preservation. The ink has held Us x Comic Opera, _.Klng Frank Daniels color well, and tho wholo document Is Tho Republican platform Is short supported by an all-star cast of Vita- legible except in three or four places. The pastor. Ret. ilinot „ , "THE RIGHT OF WAY" and to Uio point. -It proposes a con- graph players In "Crook}*.!* A comedy -where the folds come. The Indian will preach at both services on Sun- tinuation of flic legislation which It of errors In five pa£ts, written by Paul seal of three arrows Is affixed to the day. His themes will be: at 11 a. m^ —By-Sir Gilbert Parker. ' 5.. • Regular Mondafe. Prices began last winter for Uic reformation West. ... • " • . deed. Mr. Holmes has been offered "Christ's Appraisal of Greatness.** and 'Of tho State, from the effects-ot_Demo- In'"Crooky'r~Mr. Daniels has f^lrjy $500 for the sheepskin. . ' at 4.30 P..HL, "Darkness and Light." Toei, Pet. 26th, Paramoant Travel Pictures, liber features cratlc rule, Deflnlte propositions are outdone hlinself.' It has 'been""said On Wednesday, at S p. m. In the submitted for a revised financial that Mr. Daniels will rival Charles chapel, the Rerr Warren H.. Wilson, 'policy favoring a budget system; a re- DJX. of the Board of Home Missions, "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th—Vaudeville Day fhaplln, but In the estimation of many will be the speaker.. _/—-,-%— vision of tho State road "laws; ad- esteemed newspaper , writers, Mr. fhDE XOJTl Toe Sammit vancement of rural schools; equaliza- Herald, the best newspaper published 5 High Class Refilled Acts 5 Dun lei s will be the greater favorite, ; tion ot taxes and other Important re- not only because of the individual- or clreoIaUd lo Snmmlt, Subscrlp- The. Fountain Baptist chnrch has Together with i-boto-Plays PRICES—10c, 15c, 25c — " Is inalsltoili that tbWiBtnte utility—the Rood, clean, Mon price «U>0 per jeai removed to 4S7 SptingSeld avenue, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 29th—S Comedy Day. , forma, >cnd niorUWhnii Its inVkimi'. temporarilypniitil their boose shall not' ;hip ls'\repWired. Serrices . Tho tDeWocratlc p&iforni', eftw the '50TICM -\\ treaching at\ 11 a. m, and S other tiftnAlVIs a volumlnomv-Rrowl at Sunday school, s* 3 p. m.; r~ what tbo lUliubltcans iiave been qolng •1 • -Supported by an all Star SaftWday, October 30, ."Neal of the la the bulletbulletitn of the feast Sumt Endeavor' A p. m.: Wednest__ 1 or have' leltVundone. There are nUfew lurch, isBued\ pctobor 161 and wide p^m.. prayer meeting; Pastor. RCT. Blue Ribbon Feature suggestlons\'tor Impruvcmcut .which NavyU chapter \3. "Tho Failure." iher\blB features. . - \\ \ • attributed 'through Summit, in u, W; Wisher; DJ>. are amuftlng\ to thoseVfaitTttTSr"~wuh artlclo dealing I with the liquor bu«B Democratic history. For lnstanCe, «\ie A nf«s of the: Aron-Klaubcr fco.. iSS~o ChristUh n Science aerrteem are held 1: : platform \ declares ^.opposition to, a :; ,, . ' . " A Comedy of'Error* IniFlTe"P»rts . '.'. \\ .:-- :. • ~;H ••.." '".v""' .."••• •• Jcctlng to their caojpalgn ot ,U«a._ at 113'BeecaFoo3 d road, emy Sunday i Btn(e tax or a bond Issue for govcrh- G Irani Cigar bands good for 100adTcrtlsing,' appeared the statement morning at 11 o'clock.' Tb« sabject of 'OBier Comedy Featurea ' _. ._ . •/' -V''^ • Regular PHday\Price8 •^ mental expenses, when lt\was the ex- : votes In Pony Contest; DbllarHCfgar that-"the members of the firm assured the lesson-sermon for next Sunday la travagant policy of the party which bailtls good for ^0-votes. Ask Dad to he editor.of.this sheet, (the bulletinr "Probation After Death:"' • -Sunday- left tho treasury empty- and would .. those brands.—Adv. . :hat thcs'-would 'show him how oh* school Is held at 9.45 «. to. - • ' Satnnliqf;October3ttti, ,"NEAL IF TBE UW' V- THE SUMMIT HERALD. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915.

Metrnte* M. Rutan . Has purchauL Mrt Geo. M. Hubbard. of PaMale To ^t the ulangular plot adjoining his prop- avenue, l> visiting her parents In . The Equal Snffrmse Lemirue of Sum- erty on Summit avenue,' from Mrs. Plantavllle. Conn., for al week. * mit desires, at the close 6T the late Mary A. O'Rtfurko.L campaign for women's suffrase. t Hiss Marguerite Astfalk, of Summll print a few words of appreciation for I Complete Baseball, ' Bowling i A series of Illustrated Prophetic f t;. I «olf News on Page Nine:- , avenue,. returned tlila week < from help and ttrrices rrndered, anil 16 ad- Lectures will be given in Gospel Hall visit with the Misses WoodeUon at vertise a few points which its consti- j A new series of shares ot the 1 each .evening' next week by John Ferg- their horn* la Elklns Park. Pa; Ml: tuents bare a risht to know. uson, Evangel!Bt, late of Scotland. LetTis' remind you "that First National Bank I City BolldlnR & Loan Association i Oraco Woodelton Has ]nst returned To the 337 men who Toted yea on bu from' a six weeks' trip to thtt eoaa^ checks_are current New York Exchange or to I opened on Wednesday. ' ^A donkey and bean bag party'will amendment we offer.hearty •respect. i Including visits to both expositions, We know that there was no social, ~ The StimmitiBuilding & Loan Asso- bo held next Wednesday afternoon and and Yellowstone Park.. explain, Summit is within the distance on which'' evening In St. Teresa's School Hall, political, or financial reward for any ciation, will open Its 49th series n of them, and that they took the trouble no exchange is. charged by New York Ba I shares on November 11th. ' In the afternoon candy will be given Rev. Sidney s. Conger, who la pas- free to children. There will be danc to "register and vote because they tor ot the First American Church In were genuine believers in the right- Why not carry an account, with us and let There will be a meeting of the ing in the evening. . Mexico City, is duo to arrive in New eousness of ourcSMeT Equal Suffrage League, next Wednes- York on Sunday, having sailed on the day afternoon. October 27, at 4 o'clock. The J. Russel Clarke iionBc, 114 Ho- To the following persons we give every check you send otrt-^dvertise your home S. S. "Morro Castle.™ Mr. Conger will thanks for assistance on election day: bart avenues has been rented to_C. El- bo-Jolned.the>e7by his -wlfe-who-came town. Graham, of East~Orange. Mr.Ttraham nAth several -weeks ago and has been Mrs. F. R- Morse. Mra. John Darby, t A cake and candy sale will be bold will take possession about November visiting her sister, Mrs. Campbell In Mrs. F. C. Doan. Miss Esther White, I tomorrow from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., in 1st, after numerous alterations in the Mrs. Kenneth Howe. Mrs. Clifford Cooperstown, N. Y. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. Miss Lucille Spratllng, Mrs: \ Alt-Souls' Church, corner of Spring- house have been made. Conger ore well known in Summit \ field and Waldron avenues. Theodore Van Dyke. Mrs. R. C. Hull. The first fall meeting of the Pas- h they lived, for many years. Mrs. Charles Grant. Mrs. PAI fst Sfaiumal lank Neille, Mrs. Riborg Mann. Miss Louise -The-Board of Fducation did no saic Valley Chaptor-S^A. R.. -will be ;—Henry Haisey. of Prospect SUMMIT. NEW JERSEY meet last Saturday night. Miles S. held on Friday, November 5, in the street, has-Issued Invitations for the Morris, Mrs. George Tiffany; Mr. Stephen Kent. Mr. Lee Bincham. Mr. [--Sherwood being the only member who Y. M..C. A. The Bpeakere wJUbe Wm. marriage of her. daughter. Miss Caro- ' —DIRECTORS L i was present. A meeting is called for P. Tuttle, -of Madison, and John R. line Nichols McFarlan. to Gordon Romeyn Berry, Mr. Calhoun Craginr to-morrow, night. - , Weeks, of Newark, Secretary of the Bunker, of Boston, which will take Mr. Edward Twombly. Mr. G. M^Hoyt, |—CORRA-Nr>VILUA>ISr>ralj7m WILUAM DARUNC. Vlurrcildrm State Society. _ _._ ... Mrs. Henry 'Twombly. Mr^JTneodore CARROL P. BASSETT ' J. FRANKLIN HAAS EDWIN S. VOTEY Miss HcKeen, of the New Jersey place on Satnrday. the sixth of No- Van Dyke, Mr. TheodopK^Van Dyke, vcmber, at half-past three in Calvary ! Maternity Reliefs-Association, will One of the most beautiful sections Jr., Dr. OttoJKrcIbeVDr. F. C. Doan. JOHN D. HOOD, Cuhkr ' speak on the work being done along church. ..The ceremony will be follow- Mr. \VillI«ti_VaM?ise. Mr. Perry Mac- of Summit Is.knowrr as Prospect Hill, cd by a small reception at Mrs. Hal- Nclllc. Miss. Clara King, Miss Laura these lines In the war zone at Beacon and beginning with this issue the com- sey's residence, for tho bridal party, Hill, the home of Mrs. Carroll P. Bas- pany owning the property In that sec- Von Ctse,~Mrs. John Knight, Mrs. Mar- f sett on Hobart avenue, this afternoon. relatives and a few Intimate friends. garet Collins. Mrs. "Charles R. Bard, tion will have some Interesting an- Miss Dorotfiy Bard. Miss Margaret nouncements to make In each issue of Mrs. Charles' King Nichols and' Miss Howard. Miss Edna Burling, Miss, On - Friday • evening, October 29th, the Herald^- ' - Christine Nichols, of'Woodland, ave- j the Young People's League of the Rutherford'. Miss Welles. Mrs, L. G. nue, have Issued Invitations for a large Travis, Miss Gertrude Spinning. Miss I Central Presbyterian Church will bold On Wednesday afternoon Police tea, which will be Miss Nichols formal Evelyn Burke., the Misses Bensinger, j Its annual meeting lor election of of- Justice Hicks held Peter Mannion of Introduction to society, on Saturday the Misses Manley, Miss Payne; Miss I -fleers for the coming year. The meet- 304 Park.avenue, under. J30O_haII to afternoon, October thirtieth from four Frpelaml. Miss MaCarthy. Miss Box- Unquestionably the cleverest: j ing will be followed by a social hour. await the action of the grand Jury, on to six o'clock. In tho evening Mrs. heimer. Miss Stein. Mrs. Reuben Complaint of Hugh-Campbell, of Sum- Nichols will give a dance In Nippon Manley, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs: Rebecca ideas from the styles created ! About twenty members of the. nit avenue;: Campbell charged that Hall, in her daughter's honor. This Cummlngs, Miss Violet Johnson. I Orange Mountain Medical' Society diiflng an altercation over woriCMan-. Is tho first of the season's large social -by Paris.-:~ . • • I were guests - hist. Friday night of Dr. nlon struck him on the head with a functions \of this character In Summit We thank the election boards of the I David E.- English, pf'SpringOeld ave- hammer; ••,•--. •- • '. ^ • city for their uniform courtesy and iliue.' Dr. Edgar C. Soibert, of Orange; kindness to the women" watchers, • I read a ' paper on **Abdominal W. W. W. Roberts* the well-known 1 T. M. C A. Auxiliary;-Meeting' We thank Mr. Van Cise for the use I Tronbles." - of his building: for our headquarters.' Africa ; n explorer and traveller" will The opening-business meeting of the •r. Harry -Vaughan,' of Springfield gire an illustrated lecture--in All Women's Auxiliary of the Y, MCA. The expenses of-the, campaign since ...viuft gave an interesting, lantern Souls' Church sometime during No- held September. 27, was most, en- January 1, exclusive of the lectures tstide .lecture* before the Clinical So- vember. The lecture committee of the coaragfngr not only because of the' and entertainments tor which we re- I clety pit tHe^New York Post Graduate Men's Club.of. the church will, an- large attendance - but because of the ceived $75 profit, hare been under I Medical School and Hospital last Frl- nounce the exact date later. Mr. Rob- spirit of Interest and willingness to f350. Of this about $150 bas been con- rta, will give his lecture^on. "Follow- render service ahowiL by. those present tributed by menjwho were willing to tday—eveningr subject;-External ~' ing the Stanley Trail." help us. All the rest came In small leases ot the Eye. • ^^ in the work-for the men and boys sums from self-supporting 'women planned for the coming season of ac- with such salaries as. women get* and Mr. Henry Oldys, recently of the "Robert M. Cadman, of Park avenue; tivity. _: out ofHfee-savings from personal sac- 422 Springfield Avenue, Summit, I United States Biological Survey, gave left last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. It Is earnestly hoped that eVery rifices of dependent womeii I a lecture at the Summit LJbrary^on Frank WabI to attend the golden wed- member of tho Auxiliary will reserve Pony _Votes on alPTurchascB. I Monday, October 18, on Bird Life and. ding of Mrs. Cadman's parents, Mr. tho fourth Monday afternoon monthly Our vote was greater than was to I hts reproduction of tbe bird songs was and Mrs. John Loomts, in South Man- for these business meetIngB__and_wiIl be expected on the first presentation I remarkable whlch-waa greatly ap- chester, Conn. Mrs. Cadman, who bad not only lend support and encourage- of any- Single reform. We. have lo«J. [ predated by the audience. been">v4sitlng her parents for . ment by her presenco^tut also by her by thfJ-Btrusgle-nothlnir that wo pos- WHEN SNOW SHOVELING weekB, returned with tbe party_ by suggestions .on all questions that may sessed. \Vc have gained much knowl- The E. C. Holmes Agency bas rented lUtomoblle on^Monday. edge, some painful, but.all useful for arise. the future. We know what two In- TIME ARRIVES ~ I tbe house at 300 Springfield avenue, —Monday, October 25, at 3.30 p. m.. In congruous, but powerful elements In the water freezes, tho thermometer I owned by the Walter Realty Co., .to On WcdnesdayXmornlng Mayor tho ladles jjflflors of the Y. M. C. A. I Arthur D. Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Lord Francis H. Bergenr-appeared in police the community arc opposed to us. and keepB Roln^ down, and you flnil that building, the second business meeting what an» their methods. We know 'your coal bin Is empty, there's cer- ' I have recently returned from a stay of court to prosecute,GiactuHno Pizzutti, Is to be held and A larpe representation what clement is .behind us and what is I several - months in -Massachusetts. proprietor of a restaurant-on Park of our membership is desired. It's strength.' We have pained, what talnly cottHternatlon In tho" house- [ They formorly lived on Irving place. avenuo, for alleged violation otthe men Rain under conditions as nearly hold, and a hurry call la pent to tho excise laws'. Tho Mayor and Chief analogous to ours as the conditions of Twenty women from Summit expect Brown several *weeks ago, went to the coal man. Send us o C. Q. U. and It DATES TO RE3IEHBEB. freemen can be. and what we before- will ho nnsft-ored promptly; but bet- I to march-In. the great suffrage parade restaurant and found bottles of beer_ hand knew was "to-be gained: knowl- • in New York,'to-morrow!. Any suf- in the Icebox and they made complaint Monday^ jO^tober 25—-Republican edge of the heights and .depths of hu- ter still, let us fill your bins before Ifraglsts who wish to Join In this par- igalnst Pizzutti. They coujd not Club- SrnoTtcrand Rally. '.Assembly man motives;, self-control; greater tho cold arrives. ' lade, and; who have not already made irove, however, that there had been a Candidates present ~ -\±— , astuteness in the handling of affairs; •other arrangements, should notify -ioiation of the ordinance as the in* r Monday, -October 25—3,30 p. m., the uplift that comes from self-de- Muchmore & Hotchkiss Ltd [Sirs. Geo. S. Tiffany, 43 Oak Ridge ave- csti gators had seen no -liquor .BI Woman's AuxiliaTy\meeting, Y. M. votion to. a great caasor patience; nue". Jit once. and could prove no exchange of erseverance; tolerance of honest dif- Summit, B. I. Tel. SS4 money. Therefore the case-was d .A. . , \:-— • erence In opinion; charity to those Two. false alarms, of fire were ilssed. ' — • -- * Thursday, October__2S—Church Din- who seem to unwillingly mistaken or I sounded early Saturday mornlns. .The ner, at Summit Methodist Episcopal nrlRhteous in thelr_opposltion; con- r first was turned In about 3 o'clock Church. "" \; Idence irrtbe final triumph of Justice, I from the box-near the Arthur Home Tuesday, • November 2—Election, ^^ever seemingly retarded. I for Blind Babies. The firemen had Day— I hardly returned to their headquarters •ERSONAL MENTION . Thursday, November 4—Lecture by Anas.wc hereby announce to both those who have preoisionxof {.he future I-n-lien .another alarm was sounded, .Irs. A. von Ende, Public Library,' 4 TrJond andlfoe that the next campaign and wish to} take advantage of" the present I this time from Summit and. Baddau Mrs. Cadwqll B. Keenoy is In Boston ». m. • ,\ "•"•." Is begun.—Executive Committee of the I avenues. Fire Chief WITson and the •or a brief vipt. - " - Tuesday, November"' 9—Board"- • of Equal SuffrnKe"LTaKue. ' . adv. unusual opportunities, PROSPECT HILL COM- I police are investigating. rade. " * ' - Mr. antl Mrs. H. O. Wilson, of Fern- Thursday, November H—The Athen- iiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiMr: PANY is now proceeding with improvements that I - Harry J. Brown, 20 years old, of .*ood road, aro homo from a stayi-at ,eum. I Newark, suffered from a compound Iresco, Pa,- - Monday, November ' 15—First Sub- will place some of its finest Villa Plots; on the I fracture of tbe leg, sustained while icrlption Concert market, and Invites the inspection of thosk. seek- I riding a motorcycle on his way to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gaylord. of Wal- Friday, November 19—Annual Uni- \>The' Qualify qf\ I Morristown on Sunday. The accident lron avenue, returned Wednesday versal Sunshine Society Sale In Y. M. ing exceptional character'in • home location. I happened on the turnpike near River 'rom Cresco, Pa. C. A. Hall, 3 to 6 p. m. I Drugs and the J 1 road. N. B. Piersall, of Orange, drlv- The Rev. and Mrs. Mlnot C. Morgan Thursday and Friday, December 2 I ing an automobile out of River road, and 3—Chrlstmas-Baznr. Y. M. C.'A. I crashed into the motorcycle. Botlr -cturned to Summit on Tuesday from Price. I isits to Philadelphia and Atlantic Woman's Auxiliary. —• ^ I parties" blame tho accident on the. Notices for this department, from I other. No one In the nutomobllo was 3lty those having tho authority, will bo - '' "" "•' = When you need drags you need = I hurt ' . Miss Katherino Grow, daughter of gladly .received by the Herald as far In advance as possible. E tho best, and It pays to know ~= x I. This' evening" the^ monthly-meeting Mr. and Mrs. William Grow, of Wald- = what you pay tor. rt we supply H MISS^MABBL NIXON • of the West End "Association will be^ on 'avenue,'Is visiting in Scranton, = 'your drug3 and medicines you = I held. _ Two amendments to Jjie constt- FAITOUTE BEOS. 5 IM always be sure as' to qual- = CERTIFICA T&D^TEA CHER, R. LA. M. I tutlon will bo voted upon. ' One of Mrs. Wm. H. King, of Valley View Frnlt and ronJtrz-Eann. = lty. Wo take no chances—*ro = ivenuerleft-to-day-to-vlslt-her daugh- g make It our.bnstncs3 to-know = eceive a salary equal to twenty-flye" lad."™ ~Teir484: S that the drjics. we dlspenso aro H -Pupil of Signor^EsposilOr-Dublin ___ ter, Mrs. .Nathaniel M. Doten, in. Dor- Wpht WelghUEoaatlng Chickens :cnta for each member*and the other ;heslor,: Mass. — - E reliable. Wo are equally~careful = . Announcesrthat she isu/eceiving pupils for' provides • for the appointment of a ' 28c per lb. = to mako tho prices rlRhL They = Jonathan Apples, 60c per baskeL I committee to. consider the selection of Mr..iand-Mffl—Franklin DJ Peale._of- 1 ^ aro reasonable, uniform ftad z Piano, Harmons and Theory of Musi J candidates for- public office. William ammlt avenue,, who have been at -Will be ready Tor new customie^ =-«llko to alL . • •_H I H. King offered both amendments at fresco, Pa., for several weeks, return- 'or fresh cREB~airect froni our hen- 5 ' Let .«* be your druggist*. -- = . Address: -• , " 1 the' September j dthia week. . ;ry, about • December 15. •; ~' 42 Mountain-Avenue, Summit, Mrs. Amelia von Ende^ recently from Mrs- C. NTFInch and. Miss Finch, 1 f_i ROGERS' PHARMACY § ~*~ . Telephone 325-W. r France, will give a lecture under "the •ho - have* . been at -Shawnee-on-the- Ccraer Sprlngteld Avenu - = I auspices of the L. H. Nature-League In Delaworo, for some time, haveiieturn- Successorjo M. Badulato * Bt^JtHiaa* RwL _ = J the Free PubllcJLIbrary, on Novem- Custom Tallorlnrj™-—'-1—•- ed to-tho Blackburn. _•'.''..' " ~ TrlrpbODe Jfc ••'••• = |~bor 4, at.4 pvm. on the subject: "The , - _fOt_ . _;. .- 1 Great Poets of Little Belgium." Mrs. Benjamln^Day and family of the LADIES AND GENTLEMEN smraiT. . - NEW JK'BSH. = I von Endc has lectured for the Carne- Soulevard,"returned last night from 112 Springfield A Ten no, Summit, 5. J. s Pony Votes on ail Purcbasca. H Orders Taken for I gie Institute In Pittsburgh,- Mt-Hor- ke George, N. Y., where they have . Phone. 65-M. ^UUIIUUIllunillllUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUil [ yoke College^ the Columbia Woman's een for several months. . [-Club of Chicago and many- other In- Mr: And Mrs. M. Gaston Hawks, who Wo are pffeclng-a $50 Soil to be ns and women's clubs through- ven^aJiaolJitely Free. • See circular f out the East and tbe West. _/ ave.occupied the Beste house on IMPORTANT Irook' Court for the. summer, returned or particulars.; "" ,is week to New^York. ^.: ^ - A competitive examination under. REMODELINO^OF OLD SUITS A Twenty-five per cent of all |the rules of the U. S. Civil Service Dr. and Mrs. John Stewart-Rodman SPECIALTY' eaths are.of children under Hand Hemmed, High Grade Linen may (Miss .Eunice-Hihman). of Phlladcl- 1 fand carrier lit thVSummlt PostofHcb; jhia, wore the week-end gifests'orMrs: -Goods' .Cahfrd lo five-years :t>f age..- •—- -— 'also* behad on Order. -• - .... will be held on November 13. com- Russell Hlnmanuat The "Blackburn. More children die from in- Lmencing at 9 o'clock a. ,jn. Applica- tions for this cxamlnntloti must be The Rev. J. F. Butterworth, who estinal trouble than from [ made on the prescribed form,-whlph was for many years the rector of Cal- any other cause. • : '" 1 with necessary instructions, may be vary church, preached, there at the 11 Euclid Avenue ^ ' obtained from the commission's local Vesper Service. on Sunday afternoon. Children's'food is chiefly reprpsentative. Mr. William s:Uean, Samuel G. Clafksbn., who removed milk. at the Summit PostofflceV Applica- i short time ago .to Buffalo, "has ro- Dirty milk -. harmless to Telepfione 301. Summit, N. J. tions will not,, be accented unless re- urncd to Summit, and expects to' take ceived in time to arrange for exam- ip a new business proposition-Bbortly. dults-irritates and. inflames [ Inatlon.of applicants. he intestines of children. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holden. whrt have For the first timo since the open- been occupying the Franklin house on ing of the Lyric Theatre, Manager Norwood avenue tor tho season, re- GEORGE C. BAKER Buy Certified MilK Brown was compelled, to announce a turned to their homo In New York this I disappointment to an~ audience lost ! Saturday, when the films of the-Bec w«ek. _ ...i- •--/ . -.• SAYS. HARDWARE AND '"Wff^cfiapter of tho serial picture Messrs.*' Wjllam Lyall, O. B. Mer- :o come in hJk* pfcrctr-and-Bee a- few. THE NOE FARM, Inc., i "Neal prthe_ Navy," were lost by the rill, and H-X .^W.OTB-aed too din- lundrcd latest Fall Eojal Tailor Certified HUk and Cnun I Express Company In transit Arrange- icr given by the Republican Clrib In Samples. Select a suit or an orcr- HOU$EFURNISHING_ :oat Your order will arrive on sched- letr-be k< perfect at and inade after N. J. •- dimensions: Therein not. id Mri, .^w-nor worry—aridvyonr aavlnp lela surprise. 1 . \. d N. «jf; rStoVne«\. to their, Alterations stven expert attentlo Norwooft »T«n4e fe«terday.'- rO« tOt 50TCM BE J _ .\ PnVuW Rome Portrilmra hu' mmny *d- Mr.'ui Mr«. ciauncipr 9J Hlckok. Ta&uig«f brer atsdlo vorlL We excel Jod, of Summit avenue; are" recelTlng In kome work. - \ f A AH tk« aewfl of «Me* affairs* local :onSTatul»tloni__on the blrjji of a GEORGE C. . BTODIO: ' ' jtpiyihw, ud social .affairs, of loulblar.'Jean ElliAbetb^wno arrl«d 10 BEBCHWOOD BD. iM«!j ,Jf aad SHOBT.HUXS Is found Tel 707-w. MorrlMowD. EKALV last^Siioday .evening. -THE SUMMIT HERALD^ Jf»tPAy,peTOBERgJ2r 1915.


(Continued from P«go One.) The marriage of MISB Alice Estelle ~lfgtTCM>ATE READY-tp-lWEAR MERCHANDISE Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John: x Street Committee frnd Engineer. with Newton Young, ot 9 Norwood avenue,, FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN and Clare Thomas GeUnan, son of Mr. w;et- . . " ''' . and Mrs. Horatio Seymour'Oetman, of 'DAINJY DRESSES AND NOBBY BOYS' SUITS FOR TOT the water and light committee Frankfort, N, Y., was solemnized( at SCHOOL DAYS - Cwwdlinur Batttf 'reported that the high .noon Saturday In the home of tentative water contract bad been on the bride's parents. In the-presence of il .ERETTYLSWEATERS FOR COOL DAYS file two weeks and no one had aaked relatives and Intimate friends of the MECHANICAL to see * copy or the document as sug- family. Tho. house was a bower of C.\ B^' W. B., AMERICAN LADY AND NEMO C«st«d bf the committee. palms, autumn foliage and chrysan- " CORSETS Reporting on the repairs to the themums. The bride, who entered the GENIUS IN West Summit sewer. General Knight reception hall on the arm of her fath- _ - ART GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES said progress was being made. He er, was attired in a gown of .white sat- attributed the delays to the storms, 1 PLUMBING| which, he said. Interfered with the in and lace, • with -panel—trainr-^-She Compare the cheaper designs with T wort. It was hoped that the work wore a tulle veil and carried an arm tfiose we oner-^sure proof theu-"thaf . . - —*^ AGENT FOR THE " would be completed by the latter part bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the :he best Is what you want AND of the month. valley. The bride's sister, .Mrs. Ben- HOJflTIE.NTS, XARBLE WOEKS, jamin Wilson Colvln, was matron of OLDLSTATEN ISLAND DYEBW^AND aEANINQ EST. For the Finance Committee, Presi- TOMBSTONES, ETC HEATING dent Corhln stated that the report of honor. She was_ attired In a sown of , SUITS AND DRESSES DYED AND CLEANED the City Auditor of the accounts-of primrose pink satin, embroidered In Our designs show . the "fcuyer Just all the clty-orflcIalB handling the funds gold, and carried sunburst roses. The what the' effect will be—executed Jn is wortB its cost to fair mind- the best grades of marbles, granites. LIKE NEW ed people. -^ of the dty, from January first to Aug- best man was William Robinson, of ust 1st, had been received and showed New York City;^Tho Rev. William Y. Note our prices, too! TEL. 343-M! ,395 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE In talking to such, we nibs* that all of the accounts were correct. Chapman, D.D., pastor of the Rosc- positively assert that we on Upon motion of Councllman-Doro- ville Avenue Presbyterian church and 894.89* PABK ATE. 'Phone 47-M. • please you by our work. cms. a taxicab license was granted to a former pastor, and a close friend of Noble Coolc. Upon mollon of Coun- the family, was the officiating clergy- rflman-'Doremus, the Fir& Committee man. y -•' ILCBRYSTAU authorized to-expend $100 for improvement to the Bank street prop- The groom's sister, Miss Doris Get- PLUMD1SO. IIEATCTO and MetalWo«* man, who was gowned in white lace 387 Springfield Art. Summit K. J.* - erty. 935 for,supplies and $35 for toe OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLQCK Teleobone zn . installation of a light outside of the over plrik satin, played the nuptial quarters of Hose Company'No. 2. music. Mrs. Young, the bride's moth- er, was attired In a. white net and batiste gown, embroidered In delicate Neweortc's Recognized Hahne-Stdgg Gv / . : irafc&OotZ / shades of-lavender and. corn- color, There's; a rare treat In store l for whllo the groom's mother, Mrs. Get- Broad St.—Central Ape. EST. 18W.". ', PHONE MM. readers of The New York Sunday man; wore a gown of white embroider- World.- Commencing October 31there ed silk crepo. Following the cere- JAMES LONG'S SONS, will be printed in The Sunday World's .m'qny. the wedding breakfast was'sery- UPHOLSTERY AlJD Illustrated Magazine, from week to ed. After-a wedding trlp.Mr.-a'nd'Mrs. • CABINETWORK ; a series of articles about the Getman ~wit( take irp their residence nf Fnnnr Ptilio. inj.Dolgevllle, New York, WJiere Mr, OP THE BETTER hJ.ND ~ Cubh, a correspondence sclipol "de- GeUnan. Is .a prosperous' druggist ' teckatlre" . The author of, these hu- -Among the guests were, the Rev. 'and Modern and Antique Furniture morotu narratlTeB. Is no less a per- Mrs. Mlnot C. Morgan, Dr. and Mrs. sonage, than Ellis Parker Cutler, au- Roger W. Molster, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. thor of **JKOH Piga," which iriade BO MattreBses Made to Order Biitterwortb,-Mr.-anu-Mrs,.-R61>ert-J. many people laugh shortly-ago. ' Su- Matches, Miss Margaret Matches, all perbly ridiculous are these articles. of Summit; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Filch, 420 SPRINGFIELD AvtJ»L&^ Don't miss one of them. Order The Miss L. Bryant, of Madison; Miss Summit • •»-—— -*• Sunday World In advance. • • . < Jeanette Matches, ot Little Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman and Mr. John Hoffman, ot Dayton, O?i Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vrooman-and William Sunn, of PORTERS. Larchmont, N. Y.; Miss Sylvia Gest, Yreeland & Vought of New York City; Mrs. Mary Vedder, to Think of It, Their Job« Are of Albany, N: Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Not Such Eaiy One*. jamin Wilson Colvln, of Brooklyn, George or Lemuel or Alexander of N. Y.; the Rov.. Charles "Young, ot (lie FvJinuux car—whatever UK> nameLeavenworth, ; Senator and Electrical Contractors may l*-fcas no easy Job. If you do Mrs. S. W. Hopkins, of Michigan; Mr. not bellere that so upstairs some not and Mrs. Jay Harris Buell, of An. AND~JOBBERS jroxuDer night to the rear bedroom— dreWB, .N. C.-; Dr. and Mrs. Thomas IbafUttleroom ander tlU2 bluziag tin X7ooke Royal and Miss Huth Royal, THIS BED ROOM SUITE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES roof *Wdi you reserve for your rela- Now Rochelle, N. Y.; William Brosa, Uiea «TK1 make uif ti>e bed fifteen or Bablyon, L. L; Mr. and Mrs. George W. 3 Bawhwood Road Tetan-J. maty Omea, "carefully uumajilrig It Vedder and family, Mr. an3 Mrs. Ed. chosen at random for illustration from our large variety of beau?- tet»rea times and placing tho'clothca win Voorhees Vedder, of Scboharle, tiful bed room furniture typifies the vogue in artistic housefur- y a rcEUlnr position. Let your N. Y.; Edwin Voorhees Vedder, Jr., fiunOy nag at you and critlciao you Hartford, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Gail nishing. Note the gracefullines and generar"atmosphere" of refinement. during each moment of the Job,- whUe Morgan, ot BloomDeld; Mr. and Mrs. 1 somebody plays JUX obUgato 'on tbe J.-G. G. Morrow, Mr. and .Mrs. G. Lo- ekctrk ben and places >bo» and leath- vell Parker, Mr. and Mro. S. R. Flnney, This is Bed Room Week in the Hahne-Stagg Co. Furniture Shop of n Muddy ? er grip* onOerncath your feot Imag- Miss Helen Finney, Miss Mary Camp- ..Values...JWe^reJeaturing.a.number of suites representing the various £ tches and other dfti ine the hoqsa Is bumping and rocking—. bell Vedder;Dr;-and Mrs. William. Y. t from adisxdeRd &• Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. William P. and finishes most in demand. As will bs seen from the details subjoinpd; the and keep a'smUlng *aoa and a coar- Carter, Richard Carter, MiBS Anna~D, the Hood, loot; -fte teoos taujoe throughout all of It! prices are moderate; but how low they are can only be judged from actual tilate the Brer ana Baldwin, George Wade, William M, Or do this on a bitter sight io mid- Crane, Miss Katherlne Crane, Mrs. Inspection of the furniture.-' Come in and look at these suites. As the goods winter,' an,d between every . two- or Pearsall Campbell, of Newark; Mr. are all marked in plain figures, you hardly neiy* the attendance-irf a salesman. three makings of the bed In'the over- and Mrs. Frank Corbln, of New Brit- Here the visitor is neverembarrassed into feefiiig under obligation to buy. We" neaba room slip oat of a Unen coat tain, Conn.; Dr. and Mrs. V/Morrison and Into a fairly Uuu sergs one and goMr. and Mrs. Robert "L. Morrison, of want the"public to see our furniture. ' /' . and stand oubdde the door from three Jamaica, L. I.; Charles G/Vedder, Miss Co tea minutes In the soaw and cold. Marjorle Vedder, of/ Schenectady, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Vedder, of In some ways this Is one of the hard- Albany, N. Y. est parts ot George's job. Baclolly the FOUR-PIECE BED ROOM SUITES negro ls_ peculiarly sensitive to pneo- iamua.and other pulmonary diseases. O»born/-Voegtlen. -,_ (]^-rerty." Rala Mr. DoeuhJBtax, Ti ^esPman, Horaco Murray, of Orange At $150JO—A choice suife in American Walnut (the ejepensive furntture of 3D Gtspnee." '' ' ^^ A reception followed the ceremony. the future, owing to thS heavy war demands for this wood for guastoefcs). . reasons why my business is -So.- rej>llal_Mt. Orowcher. , About one handrec!=giiests were pres- bigger each year than it erty b Ut« wealth fn one "way. Theent On returning from their wedding At $195—A superb suite in Louis XVI. styierWith^iigfi-post-bedV— — amount of respect ottachod to trlb_tho. brtdo and groom will make was the year before' ~ l^ndf entirely'on bow_yoa camo their home^ln' Orange. At ,$204^S—A wonderfully J2e2utiful suite In Circassian Walnut of etriktng Some year* ago. asphalt roo6 bl rid, The suite b finished in cane panels, and the mirrors aroovaL- - Mid at high price* because the •• •— xtebuteO- Eaosptiem. ••' BrndT—Sn Wlra ihe General entered (he field be "^eoft answer turns away broke up tno hi£u piico GOfnb . Miss Julia Sullivan of 30A Glenslde LARGER WOMSUITES taking advantage ot all possible -Deal yoa-belleTo It My -wife ask avenue, and Patrick Bradyr of Hobart factoring economies thereby ed me yesterday how I liked tier bis- avenue, were married Sunday after- . flyorpiecesuiteln^brown Mahogany, with 2 chairs and a rocker; production costs to the nma cuits, and % said thcy^wero mush."— noonfn .StJTeresil.'s the as.- at the tameJime, nuking ayoa&ag pt RAlttmnp, American. '/ 1 •$137—A seven-piece suite in American Walnut, with* Toilet Chair, Rocker" ilstant rector, Rey. Richard A.' Ma- y unexcelled quaUtjv_ honey. . Miss Laura Lynch, of NeV and darf. • " . ''.•••, ". Eventually the General became~*ceoc- Follow One/Another. York, was bridesmaid and Michael $173—A ninorpiece'suite in Normandy Gray Oak, with^ twisFposts."'* Sepa- nized at the' leader of the entire fold, Tnlnsn always br)ng with them their Brady, .of Morrlstown.-cous.ln of -At and today the b«*l known antl Icryca* own i»bllo«oi»Uy—tfiat K iirudcncc. No bridegroom, was best jnan. Follow- rate Chiffpnnler Class, Rocker, Toilet Table Bench and-2 Chairs are "included in thi* used brand in |he woild is man acijnlrea prmierty without acqutr ing the' ceremony a reception waB plv- suite. me with It nls.rn llttlo arithmetic.— en nt* tho home of the brideRroom's .„ At $201—A five-piece suite in American Walnut, Tudor style. Twjn.bedsaro parents..^ 3 »•'•.- = "inclirlaf/thls poem to liip? Impccunt The marriage of Miss Helen Theresa Toilet Table Chairi 2 Chairs and Rocker.- • .";. ' ^-<= •ns One—Well. sir. boninse 1 hadn't > Brennnn, daughter of *Mr. and Mrs. At The Gein^raTtbig success bronfbtaboat Chas. J.. Brennan, of the Boulevard, $288J>0—A five-piece suite in 'Natural Circassian, with Marquetry Inlay art^ftmpftp t DylrtherttoimitateinspoEymtateisp - '.—Tendon Taller. cJe* and price*, but thcyiSAtt fcnv the and William A. Hosi, of this city, will - andcane panels. A "Otsk goes ?^gi this suite. . . General's wonderful facilities. Bar his bo solcmnlzcd-ln-thc rectory of St. superior equipment, nor his big cress* Couldn't Talk. Teresa's church next Wednesday. Oc- At $306.50—An eleven-piece Suite in Ivory Enamel, with Desk,-large-and zation, and it was an economic i Style—You Fay ilmt lorlng. pair tober 27. Miss Brennan will be at- small Table, ToilePTable Chair, Rocket-and 2 other Chairs. . -.; libilily (or thenxto equal the CettetaTs deaf mutes were silting In tbc'par. tended by her niece. Miss Mario B. - ' quality' and price. Consequently ^»r and illdu'tfarr>' tmltTvavefsatl Keppoll, and Charles J. Brennan will $476.7i>^-An eight-piece suiteJfLAmerlacgue Mahogany piroduchig tii« tho reduction ia price there waai be tho best man. They will make At •ppearance of exquisite carving. A Desk, Toilet-Table ChairrRocker and ChSir m —They eoulilu'J, for they their homo In Brooklyn. reduction in quality, and these InHdl&K hnnd* New York Pocea. todudedintnlsaet. '• r— • _ • . -.,-^.^.- •'..._ ™- quality roofing* began l» be *old — r labels that had formerly been tned Enn Virtue*. better goods. Proof J»ot!ti¥»> Irf-addltionto these and other high-grade suites, \re carry large' ~ Todir ii> In .""They're a-bnppy couple."' / Mr. X., the subeditor, wis asked to . , lin^s of irjexpensive Golden J5ak and Whtte^Enantel Bed too6ap;iBM« to Mr -What makes thorn no?" write on rfrtlclo on superstition ana lm. bodllty.. When the oiUcleJwns printed "Room furnltare Jhat'can be matched Into complete suites, ,-— .the opening sentence, wns-found to l»o _t " WlUnS if _ Op FURNITURE , clent E(typtlnn\ moral! lnK to his mn.' (uild: "If >h«n St& CENTRAL J At>oth.r Way, ; n^eti r than nny~ we bow young Dcntley -can of_her w*mewAmen friends. BhShe will bo Purchase* may be made ca a Couoentens Charge Recount dUc&rp aS his .Mils." ' . _, >> ' •. doubly boifnd to tbooirtno tlo Is sweet ~Ot doesn't; to her, -Accord her what, pleases her. tor."—Eoaurrllla Herald. She will appreciate the effort."' THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915.

CBCBCH TEAM'S BECOBO. average st .677. The team's Holding Night Club's team and the Park Boi average was .906, and the team's bat- Ing-Club, • : " • . ' Summit __ St. Teresa'i B. B. C" Players to Dltlde ting average .241. . , ; • ;There win be prises for high., team, Fond of $1«V-Sp«i«l Priie l"t w.UUJ) bbee noticed in the table, here- individual high' (core, high averag The Popiilar rfth gegivenn that only nine, flayers and^for the greatest number of spare Winning Flayers. figure In the season's record. This Is Building & Loan due to the fact that only the record Tnfr table .of averages, shoving the of players who'participated In ten or Individual work of the players com- more games is presented. The Y. M. C. A. Athk Association :~ posing SL Teresa's B. B. c. daring the ThThe playersl , hhowever, whose records has succeeded In securing permlssloi season recently closed,, as well as the are not given, and whq played in oBefrom the Common Council to dlschargi team.~*vortk k t^ decldedlycredltabldldd e or more games but less than ten con-firearms for the purpose of trap shoot showing tor the locall l playersl . tests will receive their share of the ing within theyClty limits: thus mat . The church team played twonty-stic fund set aside for the players In pro-Ing It possible for tho association tt games in Its own ball yard, and ofportion to the number of games in- promote theorganlzlngof a Qun Cluji For 49th Series these fifteen were won by_the local whlch they participated. The fund All thosfr Interested In this sport tfri talent, and eleven" lost Edward Egan.. totals $130, (6 having been.set aside earnestly requested to attend a meet a youngster, who broke Into the -game from- the receipts-of each'"of the lng^to be held In the rooms_of the Steam or Water Heating as left-nelder after the season had twenty-sli games played. —OPENED— gqtten under way, leads in the battlnir Athletic Association at the YHtfr C. A. He Boilm That MaHtCood— average, with a .per centage of .339. Pitcher BUI .Egan will recclvo from on Tuesday evonlng. October 26. at Toung Egan from the time of his do-this, fund J18.50; Thomas Conwayf p. m. It is certain that this move wl S13.6O; Charles Murphy, have the support-that-such a projeel and always do the heating . 11, 1915. ; 113.00; g.^ deserves. It Is calculated to fill t oped y g habithait,, which Edwai n, S11.S0; the oth< r> A BOOM TO STOUJ WOMEN—— Nature Prints sllvcnimlth; tho upper leaaeil to n tfhur- Artists' Supplies Tho stockholders of the Canoe Chnrcli I.impnp. ~ .slo or untlvo Hhlrt milker, wlillo on toj, 1" Frames and Pictures irook Country Club at their annual a ctip niorchunt displayed hid warw. Smart Tailored Suits $25 to $65 iccting Saturday afternoon decided to ; Books~5ffd Stationery In the llrst matches ot the Church Incotuett nro nu BUUIII that tiio lmlI Tally and Dinner Cards m&lUca the golf course to 6,300 yards. Bowling League rolled Jlonday -night, "^U'e are featuring' this 'season a Inic of suits fur our stout Kodaks, Photo Supplies The present course Is about 5,700 the East Summit Methodist team took vlJunl who owna a "hubblo bubble" water plpo hha Bwvrnl rubber tuli friends—but we desire to impress you with llie fact that they • , Waterman Fountain Pens •ards. Tho grounds will bo put In three straight from tho Y. M. C. A. five 1 Greeting Cards for all occasions :ood condition, and. It Is likely that whllo the Presbyterian team captur- .coninvteti with It, und for n "pli * ,;irc not suits particularly designed [or stout women—the: lie- Id will" be made" for som^ of the Til ed all three from Uic:XcVProvldcncc • oniy^lxteenth- of n.cent,- aHffws'imtm ; OW. SCHULTZ Durnamcnts. It was also decided to five, a new team In tho lenKue. - Tho -t* have OIIL' puff. I mention tin signer having in. mind a woman who because she is stout must* ulld Bix new tennis courts, making scores, all seemed to. bo of tho early facta tu' clvo tt~r«il f,pMni[rsu of w»ni deprive herself of all tlic little touches and fancies and designs 383 SpringlifJd ^Avenue season variety, as'follows: ' ne In all. Tuc lmproivenlent' s will he Uona, Dpsplto this, I kunvv UiLs mar- accordingly—but the, same exact-styles that we show in 34 to eguri at once, Und it Is hoped to have EAST SUMMIT. ket Is worthy of our l»*st effort**,—W bem completed by early spring. Hixon L..H6 -144- , B. AttffhlnlMiujjh In Li*riIVs; . 38 sizes—just as fancy and ju^t as pretty, and'when you are Parker WL Poneg.. William;|| EE.. F. Matthews . .124 173 fitted iii one of-these.suits you appear just the same as your loore, John D. Mills' and Allan Voegtlen T.T. 151! 1SS A. S. BMWSTERcarlck were re-electeld d ddirectors for Allen ...::....I75 100 BlackWetl't Island. friend.whom you admired so much. Here they are in sizes 3ERTAKER AND hree years anil Richard F. Docker Schfumpf 100 15G p 1 '2'/.to->2'A. . '. • "- ; ' 'aa'fldiled^to tlie"l)oa*rd.;Jn place of EMBALHER 'ranklin, H. Hovey. .. • "" . Totals ^ 731 It vrita tmzx'hitiHH} by, Xcir York rily waa_£Mi,000, tmld t" ItoN-rt Blin-kwoH, Y. M: C. A. We would suggest to every stout woman who has _ lintomoMe Serrloe When Beqnlied -the, owner, who li:i«l iniirrUil tJio Cain ....:.:.. :....123 heretofore had her suits made to measure that she Personal Attention Day and Night Gutzwiller /. 1CS 113 dnufehter of tho KncMsh rnptn.n Mini- BIG TEAM PEAT AT BALTUSROL. nlng. who In' 'lifi'A Kurrcmlcrt-il Ni-w Phone 219 fan Dyke : 109 00 see these smart models and try one.on; her de- Cheney ...'. _ 97 170 Vork city TrtHirTMik-h.-Wiii'ii tJie Members of the Baltusrol Golf Club O'Rourke 139 143 Engtbh reHtiniMl ttmtrni Mimnliif- re- light and surprise will know no bounds. I Beech wood Rd, Summit, N. J. ivlded ihemselveB Into two classes l IUju-i;«-('ll'ri lslnud, Ihcn knnwn LSt Saturday In order to compete In Totals ..=. 036 669 as Hop lrtliind. und iiftcr hLi di*»tli It team match, torty-slx members bc- NEW PROVIDENCE. tho proii-rty «>f IIIH diiiiuhte TWO STRICKtNG FALL-OFFERINGS ig on a side. The team led by Dr. D. iurnctt J43 94 109 and Bou-ln-Inw. It-was m\d lu lHJJH t t'ebb Granberry won over _tho icom- H. E. Dickinson 80 116 llj N*ew York dty utitl P1IK>O lins !w>n In Inatlon which was guided by D. L. Wall :. 105 83 SPLENDID WINTER COATS AT~$2& •Ch* ; uso for vnrlouti currprtlnnnl nml cluir- arcy by 101 points to"70rand-ai Bcbout "."".T'^."..'^.^"...... l.'..122. -114 Itoblo Jnst Itut lo wilt'the losers entertained the wln- -m- .141 Coats that arc away above the ordinary in point of style Freihlt the Greenhouses Cronk 131 icrs at dinner that night In'-tbe club- lw-BleldnBon .... •_- ~d_ 90 _and_quality and an assortment that exceeds any in^ Cut Rowers, Psrtms, Ferns, etc.; IOUSO of tho Baltusrol "Goir~Ciub7 ' ~ -•' • * Wedding Decorations and sB of tho ttir In a room onco Fact is we feature 25.00 coats; choice English.mixtures, hroad- Designs a Specialty 'pints were scored according to the TotalB -Tnrr..: 590 C78 ' 5S8 *r"twlct- a day Is nut tminclcnt. Ven number of holes up. The summary: • •"". -PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH. zibclincs and other matc- —Dr^-D.-W.- Granberry, 4; S. Van Ulatluff a room wlillo It to not-occQplctl. Stephens <^ 101. Is-not sufllcli'nt cither.. Two or thryo rials; some arq bo/ly liucdl re fiiilliii-cd ; ajcry supe- Vechtsc, 0; Oscar Woodward, 0: A. H. Beck ....;._.^...... :....126 fright, 2; H. Van Arsdsjp,-O; William i a cliwodTponr will vltiiitt- rior assortment. • MACDONALD THE FLORIST Hellqulst-^..-.: 133 tho air In It In a fe%v;nilnatcrt. Vt-iitl- Urd, Jr., S; ~W. G. McKnlght, 3; C. B. Simons. .-.....•..140 rady, 3; Dr. A. S. Morrow, O; E.EDoubl. e .*= -.138. latlon ebauld K' mmt acHro while a Telephone OnJtti Rtcchrt. loody, 8; L. P. Bayard, Jr., 10; R. R. room-la omHipkvl hj* people. ' : - FINE SAMPLE TAILORED "Prompt Attention..;—.- Iumme"ryr6;-W—W^-Pellett, 0-j-M.r-J.- )6dsworth, 0; W. S: Adams,-0; E. 8. -.' We have prepared-for special exploitation this week an Ulsom 1; E. C. S. Milllgan, 0; R. C. out'-ofthe ordinary lot-of 25.00 suits. There arc.samples, the •aber, 0;-C. C. Goldberg, 4; C. L. w^Bny Lamps, Uasonlo Lcagno Opens. wholesale price of which was as mueh-as-this selling price. 'armeliee. 4;;R.'A. Orlffln, 0; T..E. Bowlora of the Masonic Lcaguo of For Good Upholstery and Innever, 0; Victor Maples, 6| John L. lighting Fixtures, There arc reproductions or copies of excellent models that Earner, 0; W. H. Yawgor, 10; H. N. ho Ninth District Inaugurated their Cabinetwork telntosh, 0; E.-S. Low, 4;. J. A. Mc-seventh season Monday night on tho Oil Heaters sell readily in many shops at double this price; broadcloths, Elroy, 2; Robert Crabb, .0: Percy R. Alpha alleys In Orange. Tho Over- in Siupmlt and vicinity look lodgo team of Summit lost two whipcords, gabardines, velvets and corduroys. . \ Wilson, 0;*S. W. L. Fullerton, 2; John uTHAT WE MAKE. ' Ut*JOSEPH ZEIGNER J. Quill, 9; W. N. Sinclair, 0; Frank A. out of threo to Union. Wood lead tho MJUer~l«i>iiM.«nd flitom, Summit team with 223, and each one EI*ctne« Ou -»ad Oil, mro _ -furnish yon with estimates. bright, 0;-B^W.JCeen;iO;_Thomas B. ma*lm from Ue*ntlfall>««Icn*, Korr,- 5; Parker,W. Page, 0; W. R.of the other members of the team put la* OrfKt Tuintr or Bt/lc* Workmanship and satisfaction a two hundred %core In on one of tho and mn WELL mad«. / -—,— guaranteed. ^-.«-». - -•* Hill, 0; E. E. Allsopp, 2; T. A. Sparks. L. S. Plaut & Company: »; Richard Ely,7; 'STK BuBh,'0; S. P. three games. "The scores: See rMUlEI? Flxtiircs JOSEPH ZEIGNER )avidger2; Dr. John Nevln, 0; Now- UNION. If JOB •*• t»nDdln«. on E. Stout, 0; J. B. Bacon, 8. Total, 472 SPR1NOFIELD AVENUE 208—169 •THILLER" HEATERS II.. ' ' Gray Aro Fr.KrEOrI.T Un, DIOS.I1M1, TeL'aw _ ""Summit, N. J. W. L. Oarey,:0;:H. Hasbrouck, 3; AVXOatATlCAttX EXTINGCTISHBD. lanlel AdamB, Jr., 0; A. P. Bennett, 0; ANTIQUE FURNITURE. ' • ustln Colgate, 7; W. H. Ellis, 0; John Ask l>e«l«ra tor Milltr Lwnp. nod n—!•!.. r. Eggers, 0; A. D. Chandler, 0; L. H.. Dnklin, 1; W. S. Naulty, 0; E. N. Colo, ; W. Ci W. Anferinan. 0; H. A. Earlc, HARDWARE AND ; Harry Travor, 2; J. A. Gamons, B; M. IOUISE GEEEKE . M. Crencr, 0; A. R. Allen. 0; R. Tmstrong, 0; 8. N. Macdonald. 3; Halsey Homo • Portrsltoro has msny . HpUSEFURmSHING I. A. White, 0; R. C. Wilson, 0; C. E.Leach mtages over studio work. We excel JOHN R. CROW, lords, S; Walter Cary, 5; H. A. Rich- Wood a borne work. rdson, .0; Caxtpn Brown, 1; F. N. :owperthwalt. 0; F. D. Mooney, 6: H. STUDIO: ^Totsle .v.. tt iBpeedwell Are, Jlarrlstom, K, J. •. W.^Htintlne-, 0; John J. Mllton,^0; Albert Leach—of Overlook, la Vice- PLUIIIIM TsL 707^W. Xorrlstown, N. 1. MANSER'S lamuel Owen, 3; C. A. McCormlck, I; resident of the league. P Clyncs, 0; Dr. J. R. Shannon, 0; St earn 4 Hot Witer Heating F. Hanflhgton, 6; A. E. DeWoff, 6; CltPirkon 0; H.-Van Arsdale", Jr., Whartoni Green, 6; Charles H. fmlthf 0; W.'Jj, Sparks, 3: p. Emory, \\Tho Summit Bowling League on »MWarco4«. ..• \\\V • -\ —^ ganlzod reccbtly adopted Us schj C^L. Earl?Ja;' Adolptde Barry, ,2; at^a meeting! In tho Elks' Club.- Mon- lllitn F.,Morgan'y(!. Total,- 78. _ \ day -night- There are six nrc-men _M__LL \\\ teams In the league representing the ttusrpl. In the. flrst placerlt will Overlook Lodge of Masons, the Wan- ot be Jong till the semiannual com- derer'a Club, .the Wedpead&r Mght SUMMIT GARAGE Club, the Elks1 Club. Park Bowling ,\ •-—L -V • • . p ~ '^~~' i \\ '' i 'V . V \\\ - ietltlon for the Baltuirol oup -will be TourtBg Cars'hrHW." :_i-A full uoo of »upplle»~c«rried , ' ' ^—• ayed This tournament has come to Club and the Y. 21 C. A. Th* flwt w rather a btttorle affair, for tho first match will b« played Thursday night* UNION PLACE, OPPOSITE STATION V , , •ompetltlon for the trophy was held nv October 28, between the ICajwm and t [ovember. 1807. on which occasion the Elka' Club Uatti, the Wanderer* Telephone 488

(Continued from Page Otte.Xl_ Tbe marriage of Miss Alice Eitellfi READY-TO-WEAR MERCHANDISE Young,'daughter of Mr. and Mrs., John Street Committee1 And, Engineer with Newton Young, of 9 Norwood-avenue, power. - •. ' • *— and Clare Thomas Qetmdn, son of Mr.' "DAINJY DRESSES AKD NOBBY BOYS' SUITS FOR For the water and light, committee and Mrs. Horatio Seymour Oetman, of Councilman Bates reported that the Frankfort, X Y., was solemhlred at SCHOOLDAYS ; tentative water contract had been on high noon Saturday In the borne of Ale two weeks and no one had asked the bride's parents, In the presence of PRETTY SWEATERS FOR COOL DAYS to ace a copy of the document as sug- relatives and intimate friends of tbe C.X B, W. B, AMERICAN LADY AND NEMO gested by the committee. family. Tbo house was a bower of MECHANICAL Reporting on Ihe repairs to .the palms,- autumn foliage and chrysan- CORSETS V West Summit sewer. General Knight themums. The bride, who entered" tho GENIUS IN said progress was being- made. He reception hall on the arm of her fath- ART GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES attributed the delays to the storms, er, was att|red in a gown of white sat- which, he said, Interfered with the in and lace, with panel train. She 1 Compare the cheaper designs with PLUMBING work; It was hoped that the work wore a tulle veil and carried an arm :hose we offer—sqre~proof then-that T AGENT FOR THE would be completed by the latter part bouquet of bride roses and lilies-of tbe ;he best is what you want AND - of the month. valley.—The-brtde's sister,-Mrs.-Ben- M0XTHEKTS, MARBLE WORKS, For the Finance Committee,- Presi- Jamln Wilson Colvln, was -matron of OLD STATEN ISLAND DYEING AND CLEANING EST. dent Corbin- stated that the report of honor. She was attired In a" gown of TOMBSTONES, ETC. HEATING the City Auditor of the accounts of primrose pink satin, embroidered in Our designs show the buyer. Just , SUITS AND DRESSES DYED AND CLEANED r is worth its cost to falrjnlhd- all the city officials handling the funds gold, and carried sunburst roses. The what the effect will be—executed In LIKE NEW > of the city, from January first to Aug- best man was William Robinson, of tbe best' grades of marbles, granites. ed people. . . ust 1st, bad-been.received and showed New York JClty. ^tTbe_'Revy_WiIliam Yi Note our prices, too!- TEL. 343-M. 395 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE In'talkine to such, we most . that all oJT the accounts were correct' Chapman, D.D., pastor of the Rose- —positively assert that we can Upon motion of Councilman Dore- ville Avenue Presbyterian church and 2dTs96 PARK ATE. 47-2L please you by our work. mus, a t&xlcab Ucepse was granted to a former pastor,'anQ- a .cloSB~frIend-of Noble Cook. Upon motion of Coun- the family, was the officiating clergy- cilman Dofcnius, the Fire Committee man. . . - M. CHRYSTAL was authorized to expend $100 for Improvement to the Banketrect prop- Tbe groom's sister. Miss Doris Get- - Pumniso. I1EATK0 »n Mr* and Mrs. POOR PULLMAN PORTERS. Ouy Vrooman and William Dunn, of Vreeland & Vought Larchmont, N. Y.; Miss Sylvia Oest, of New York City; Mrs. Mary Vedder, ••ocuacra la WalUr Pr Coma to Think ofjV Their Job* Ar« of Albany, N, Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Not" 3uoh Easy One*. jamin Wilson Colvin, of Brooklyn, Ocorgo or Lemuel or Alexander of N. Y.; the Rov, Charles Young, of tho Pullman car—whatever tbe' name Leayenworth, Kansas; Senator and Electrical Contractors nmy i)^—has no easy job. If you do Mrs. S. W. Hopkins, of Michigan; Mr. AND JOBBERS. not believe that go upstairs some hot and Mrs. Jay Harris Buell, of An- mimmer night to tho rear bedroom— drews, N. C; Dr. and Mrs. Thomas that little room ander tbe bbizlzigttn Cooko Royal and Miss Ruth Royal, ELECTRICAL. SUPPLIES root whlcb you reserve for your rela- THIS BED ROOM SUITE New Rochelle, N. Y.; William Broas, tivea—oaf assisted by Rev. Dr. Stephen Herden —*-the-Orange-Methodiat-church. fm" At $123—An Adam suite in Ivory. EnameL < An Important Comiderattoo. ^aor -At $136.75-^A^suiteJnJyorv- Enamel, with Walnut tops. "Poverty." Balfl Mr. DaeUn Stox. "U Baldwin, of Durham, N. Y., and tbe "There are some very good best-man,—Horaeo-Mnrrayr^Sf-Orange M $150^0—$150^ftAA choicchoce suite n^metoJLJMautJC_e3q)ensiyAl reasons why my business is •No/', replied Ml. Giowchcr. -pst bed. _ was the year before." • . amount -of respect attached to U* d ponds entirely on howyoncamoby trip" the bride and groom will _make* At $20425—A wonderfully beautiful suite in Circassian Walnut of striking.. Some yeari ago asphalt 'roofing was —Washington Starf - their home lij'Ojrangev — told at high prices became the volum*- lnsrkingsXhc-eoitebfinisned-in cane panels, and themlrrbra «ro ovaL . " .. •• "Vra» small and facilities were limited,^ •_ Brady—Soil Iran. When the General entered the field he mJL soft answer turns away wrotJk1^ LARGER ROOMSUFFES broke up the high'piice combine *by ' "Don't you bcllevo it My wlfo art- Miss Julia Sullivan of 30A~Glenslde .taking advantage of all postible roariu* v^nin*, nm\ Pntr'rk ^rndy, nf lacturinff economies, thereby reducing ed mo yesterday how X Uked her. bis* avenue, were married Sunday after- ^f suite in brown Mahogany, with 2 chairs and a rockery production.casts to the minimum «nd cults, and I said-they wero mush.**— noon in St. Teresa's Church by the as- At $137—A seven^ilece suite in American Walnut, wifh Toilet Chair, Rocker at the same time making a roofing of nalttmom American, ' • < sistant rector. Rev. Richard A. Ma- r unexcelled quality. , -, . honey, ~MIss Laura Lynch, of New and Chair.. , ; . . - ,.'.;'- ' . ^ _ ' / «" Eventually the General became recog- Follow One Anothw. York, was bridesmaid and Michael At $173—A nine-piece suite in Normandy Gray Oak, with twist posts. Sepa- nized as the leader of the entire field, alwiiys bring with.them their, ~ " of "Morrlfltowh, cousin of the and today the fecit known and largest own" phiUwioph.v—that la, [irudenec. J»o Dom, was best .man.._. Follow- rate ChiffonnierGlas»i RocRer, Toilet Table Bench and 2 Chairs are included in" tSi»™ used brand in the wotld is * ' man iu«' ' Inp-with ;lt mlBo n. Uttlo aHtlimetlo.— en, at!'thq, homo of. the paronts. '• ;,At,$201—A fiverpiece suite inr.Ameneah Walnut, Tudor sty^..T^in beds ara included at this price. " : ," ".' •'. :'-.,' _!. Certain-teed Good and Suf^cient Re««on. Miss Ilrcnhan to TVed Next Wednesday. At $217^0—A choice-nine-piece suite iii Inlaid Circassian Walnut, with Des^ Editor— nut, nyr_ipK>d_fellow, why do Roofing j-ou britiR this poem to me? Impecunl- The marriage of Miss Helen Theresa ^ Toilet Tablo Chair, 2 Chairs and Rocker.. , •ns One—Well, plrri>e<-iiuse I hadn't .a Brcnnan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The General'sbig success brought about Chas. J. Brcnnan; of the Boulevard, At $288^0—A five-piece suite in Natural Circassian, with Marquetry inlay an attempt by other* to imitate his poli- *tamp, Mr.—Ix>mlon. Tatlcr. ticsand prices, but they didn't have the and William A. Rosa, of this city, will • and cane panels. A Desk goes with this suite. • • General1! wonderful facilities, nor his bo - solemnized. Jn the rectory of St. At §30650—An eleven-piece suite in Ivory Enamel, with Desk, largo and superior equipment* nqr his big organl* *' ' "Cbuldrit Talk. Teresa's church next Wednesday, Oc- cation, and it was an economic impos* 'Do Styto—Yon wiy tlint lovlnff pair tober 27. Miss BcennniLjwJll_J}e. at- small Table, Toilet-Table Chair, Rocker-and 2 other Chairs. -—.^ .- • J •ibility for them to equal the General's ut doaf mute* \\-cr\» sitting In tbe par- tended by her niece. Miss Marie B. quality and'price. Consequently with lor and didn't curry on a conversation? KeppolC and Charles J. Brennah will. At $476.75—An-eight-piece suite, in'Amerlacque Mahogany, prodticmg the the reduction in price there wa» a big Oimbusta—They . ooiiiUut, 'for tbey be tho best man. They will make their homo In Brooklyn. " tppearance of exquisite carvings A-Desk, Toilet-Table Chair, Rocker and Chair m reduction in quality, and these lower »vrv tioUliug liunJtt—New quality roofings began to bo sold under ^'. laduded la Ah set." '••-'•.. — labels that had formerly been used on better goods.. . Evan Virtuea, Proof t>o*Itiva.' In addition to these and other high-grade suites, we carry largo Today Iba nuricvt U flooded with low audit* n happy coupHx" Sir. S^ tbo subeditor, was asked to lines of Inexpensive Golden Dak and WAtte Enamel Bed too&nn.mada to M)I at cheap price* without makes tliom So?" -.Trite on t(rtlPle on flaperstldon and ini- Itgui to Iba tenrlc« they will (iTe. can fooK a dinner without j Room furniture that can be matched into complete suites, you ropljrouibutldlaiwU^i becillfy. When thcdrtlclo-waB printed , and he can eat ono wli the pttefllna wnlenco was found to be roasting I t.i-U-Ilttltlrorfrci American.' wfou^?v-...-\ -\; r \ \v r • "Thp^ Imyclllty Is not on tbe :iuie \ peiUsul 01 the following l^nes will Jim- _ yoa nlwuys'leoTW the ply dcjnoostt(Vto."--Lcnilo] wben\ I begin to'etafl tbe • • Mra. Hawlfc\ GOOD PURNITli^RE ^^p, oB to hiBji^a, wild: "If thou takest a CORBRQADSI& CENTRAL IVEJIEWK. Ano

rerage o.f .577. The team'a fielding Night Club's team and the.Park Bo' average was .SOS, and (he team's hat- ing Club. St. Xereia's B. B. C. Players to Divide ting average .241. There-Till be prlies for high team, Fond of »1Josltlon' t thousand of these popular boilers are in daily use. [Veal, Mutton, Lamb & Pork establish a mall routo fn>m Name G. E. P.O. F.A. •B.A. denev, JIa, to tho mouth of th*> Colum- Mnrphy' : 25 15 32 .862 bia river. "What,** said tho godlik Richardson & Boyriton Go.i Mfrs. Oysters, Clams^andElsb Pengltqnr ~291 12 63 .906 \271 Daniel, "do wo want with this worth ' 31 Wet 31« Siretl. New York . • . CUMB JUIB VEGETABLES ! Ed. Bgan 8 •23 .772 less area? This region of savages anO 1 .339 „ • NBW*»|L»»I DOVE».N.J. . ••.•.. . IK 8E1SOB •"'-. Conway C 9 62 .895 .87 wild benatSj; pj desert^v^pf ahlftln Reynolds ItslalUi hell flmmtm ami Ham' i-ATEv- " 2 12 .875 ,24 dV and wbWwTnAa-oLdiiatll_bf. Moboa .. 4 Phones 22M27 hern . 175 .979 .138 tua aqd prairie dofea? To what a Pony Totes on all Purchases. 10 23 .828 .176 ATadigan 3- .327 could wo ever hope to put these great Wm. Egan. .971 deserts, or, those endless mountain' .• 4 .939 .176 ranges. Impenetrable and covered t their very bo&e with eternal .snow lames Played ..."._ - ' 26 Team Batting average ,24 What cap woover'hope to do. with the lame. Wnn ' "" _J5 western-eoas£ a-coastof 3,(K)O miles, DRY GOODS SHOPPING CENTER OF NEW JERSEY fames Lost • 11 rock bound, cheerless, uninviting am 'er-ceht WAT> 577. _W. Egan, Won, 12; Lost, 9; per cent not n- harbor on It. Mr. President, 'earn Fielding' average—U——; 906 Trtll' never voto ono cent from tho pub- lic treasury to place the Pacific coa? r one inch nearer to Boston than It now For FRESH Flowers, Rl«lit CAKOE BB00E COO'TBT CLUB. There are a lot of trophies about to Is."—Exchange. Prices and Prompt Delivo be decided at Baltusrol Just now. For The 18 hole qualifying round for th< Instance." there Is tho Ringer cup, 'all Trophy was played last Saturday which in .itself is not a cup at all. On East Indian Traders. COLONIAL FLOWER SHOP it Canoe Brook. Country Club. Th the other hand it is a handsome fern The uatlvo of India 1B a teen trader 383 SPRINGFIELD AVE., lixtcen successful players, and . thi dish, hand painted by "an artist of In- none too scrupulous, nnd does buslnes mlrlngs for the first round to be play- on a small margin. It Is said that bt SUMMIT, N. ,J. ternational reputation," as the saying business Hours: [i A. M. to ti V. M. Daily, Saturdays Included . id to-morrow are as follows: W. E. F.-goes. At the present time Stephen P. retails good* BO closo that his profit 1 V. M. Sweet;- ErEr'vt ood TCashjnd ^chuylcr Van Vechten are made by selling tho packing box. N' rod A.~C. Rearlck; G. E. Gaddls andtleaTor the lead, each with a selected tlvea t>ecomo l _tho purchast. MAIL ASP PHONE OKIIERS JJECEIVE. THE BEE-HIVE I'BOMIT '. A. THacClucr; J. P. Hlgson and F. A. score of 57. The competition will end of a piano shipping cose. TulTh a woul . ._ AND CAREr-DL ATTENTION, NEWARK / _ . iteele; R. J. Cullen and E. C. Treat: on October 31. |Tlie Picture and Art Shop -.- B^-Hughes and G. T. Dunlap, W. bo divided Into two coriipartnientH b.v Games • cKlm, and F. A. Solwedol; O. A, Me- a boanl. Tho lower^. Koctlon would JWater-Colors—- - ouglilln and H. K. Downey. - ' . nowitvc. renttil for a fow cents u month to fl A BOOM TO STOUT WOMEN Nature Prints fillvt'rsiDlthr tho upper leased to u dlnir- Artists' Supplies TheT stockholders of the Canoe Chnreh Leagnc. ste or uativo shirt maker* whllu on to], -Frames and Pictures Iraok Country Club at tbeir annua a cap merchant displayed lildwiiri Smart Tailored Suits $2!5JCLJ$65 Books and Stationery leetlng Saturday afternoon decided to In the first matches of the Church Tally and Dinner Cards mgthen the^go^f coursc^o 6,300 yards. Bowling League rolled Monday night, Inconiet) nro su small tliot tho Indi Werare fcuturing this season a lmc/of suits for our stout; ""Kodaks, Photo Supplies The present "course is about 5,700 the East Summit Methodist team took vidunl who ownit a "hubblo bubble" »' UiLs-nmr ;gun at-once^and it is hoped to have EAST SUMMIT. ket 13 worthy of our tx'st effort*.—W accordingly—but the same exact styles that we 34 to em completed by early spring. Hlxon 144 151 E. AURhlntuiUffh In Leslie's. . - -. 3S~sizcs—fjust as faiicy and just as prcttjvjml when you arc Parker W. Pago, William K FT Matthews ...... 124 173_ 155 loore, John D. Mills and Allan C. Voegtlon ....'....:._ 150 •'. 18S • 14S fitted in one of these suits you appear just the same" as your |A. S. BREWSTERlearick were re-elected directors for Allen .___ .. 175 100 -.168 Blackweli'a-laland. friend whom yoti adintrctl/so much. Here they arc in sues UNDERTAKER AND reo years and RichaW F. Decker- Schrumpf .....f. 100 15G 181 [if Itlackwell'rt bilantl'whpu hom-i2'/2 to 52y.~' ' ^~•• . . _.:,, ras added to the board in place of It was purehaped by Xew York litj1 EMBALMER 'ranklin H. Hovey. totals .791 851 TTOB $oO,(KXl, paid tn ltolHTt Blaekwell. Y. M. C. A. the owner, who - hinl inarrleil - Hie We would suggest to every stout woman who has I Automobile Serrlce When Betnlred Cain : 123 137 dauphter of the Knirllsh V-ai»tnin Man heretofore had her suits made to measure that she Personal Attention Bay and Bight. BIG TEAM PlAY AT BALTKSKOt. GutzwHIer _ 10S 113 179 nlnff, _wiio In l'"l «urTt'iMli-reil New Fhone 818 Van Dyke .'. 109 90 US York city tn the see these smart models and try one oh; her de- Cheney ._. _.. 07 170 121! English resimii^l (imlrnl '.Mitmiliit; ro- Members pi the Baltusrol Golf Club OTIourke - .Tn^mMa 143, 127 Iight and surprise will know np bounds. —. iBeechwood Rd, Summit, N. J. vlded themselves Into two classes "'" " veil's (sluncl. llieii :ast Saturday in order to compete-in Totals ™ 636 659 UB nog t^laniL and after IiLs ileatli It .team match, forty-six members bc- NEW PROVIDENCE. become Uie pn>!*Tty of" UU dauchter TWO STRICKING FALL OFFERINGS ig on a side. Tho team led by Dr. D. - :.143 94 109 and .son-in-law. It was sold In JKtS to febb Granberry'won' over .the com- H. fc-Blcklnson.;.- I 116 134 New York city und plueo has IKM-II In [nation which was guided by D. L.Wall ; 105 .93 uso for various ciirrpotlonal nnd cluir- SPLENDID WINTER COATS AT $25 Glit Hewers larcy by 101 points to 79, and as a Bebout _ _.122 113 114 ltable institutions. esult the losers entertained the wln- 162 141 ___Coat/that-are away above the ordinary in point of style Freth at the Greenhouses ; eraja.Ldlnner_that.night In theLcluht. K. Tllckln ,J.. \i.- ; "CurFIbwenrPatansTFenuTStc^ ouse of tho Baltusrol Golf Clb^ Changing oftho iilr In a room once Wedding Decorations and ' 'olnts were scored according' to the Facttrris4s4 w feature 25,00 coatsjrr Knj-lisli^^"mixtures, broad- Deafens a Specialty ••• lumber of holes up. Tho summary: Totals 090 578 • ess «r twice a day la nut nufflt-lcnL "Vt*n PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Utotinar^ room "while ltfc* notoccaple*! cloths, corduroy?, velvets, plushes, zibclincs and other rhatc- Dr. D. W. Granberry, 4: 8. -YahStephens -.101 100- 'echten, 0; Oscar Woodward, 0;,A.H. Is not •sufficient*'either .Two or-thn*o rials; some are body lined aild~sonie arc lull lined :*a very supe- Beck iL'* of a ctonee-moPtincllTo b Telnhone Onleti Receive . loody, 9; L. P. Bayard, Jr. 10; R. R. ^i=-r^=a_^. room Is orcuploil by jw»i>l(v -—• V C TAILORED^SUITS;~$25 Prompt Attention lummery, 6j W. W^Pollett, 0: M. J...... 644, 650 .667 lodswortb, 0; W. S. Adams', 0; E. S. We. have prcpare~lnth_D!strlct Inaugurated their lighting Fixtures, There are reproductions or copics^of excellent models that Cabinet Work Iclhtosh, 0; E. 8. Low,'4; J. A.-4IC5-, seventh season Monday night on tho sell readily fn many shop's at double tRis^pricc; broadcloths', lroy, 2; Robert Crabh, 0; PercX-B. Alpha" alleys In Orecgc^iTne Over- Oil Heaters - In Summit and vicinity 'ilaon-,-0; S. W. L. Fullerton, 2; John look lodge team of Summit lost two whipcords, gabardines, velvets and corduroys.^ . - Let JOSEPH ZEIGNER Quill, 9; W. N. Sinclair, 0; Frank A. out of three to Colon. Wood lead tho THAT WE MAKE. - tarnish youwiui estimates. right, 0; B. W. Keen, 0; Thomaa 8. Summit team with 223, and each one of ihe~~otnerTmembera of the team put Worlunanshlp^TSnd .satisfaction , lerr, 6; Parker W. Page, 0;—W—It j : - guaranteed. . ,. - : [111, 0; KRAllsopp; 2; T.A. Sparks. si two hundred Bcore:in-,6n ©ne of the' e^uinFnx &. Company. ; Richard Ely, 7r 8. P. Bush. 0; S. P.threth e gamesme.s The scores''": JOSEPH ZEIGNER )avidsc 2; Dr.1 John Nevin, 0; New- "UNION. • „ Mm* ai» bnlldln, n E. Stout, 0; J. 6. Bacon, 8. Total, 208 169 .189 "MIIXER" HEATERS 472 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE 11. Gray. 173 1C3 LTO PERTKOtLV BATK. 8MOKK1.K8S, TeL8*J Summit, N.J. W. L. Garcy, 0; It Hasbronck. 3; 23S 153 AOTOXATICAIXX EXTINGUISHED. )anlel Adains, Jr., 0; A. P. Bennett. 0; 178 I»e'lOB«r"b0i«Bcjl0(l«alCTBaif. Baldwin 180 187 A.k De«l*rs for Millar bmpi d nj ANTIQUE FURNITURE. lustln Colgate, 7; W. H, Ellis, 0; John 209 154 224 [ Egiers"E , 00; AA. DD. ChandlerChndler. 00;; LL. HH. ud » Pack FUoe, nmt Woolwonli BalldUiK. nkttnrlVW. S. Naulty, 0; E. N. Coxe. Totala 90S .. S2C W. Crtr. Anfennan. 0: H. A- Earle, HARDWARE AND ; Harry Traver^2;J. A. Gamuus. Gt- 202 107 M. LOUISE CBEEHE , M. Crener, 0;—Ar-R. Allen.-ttf rt 140 204 Paotorrapher , HOUSEFURNISHING nnstrong, 0; 8. N. Macdonald. 3; 171 303 Home Portralturo baa manr ad- A. White, 0: K. C. Wilson, OrCX E. ISO 191 219 Lntagea over We excel . CROOT, Jorrlo, 3; Walter Cary, 6; H. A. Rich- Wood. 169 136 irdsonrorCaiton Browh.-l:—F.-N. [n'bbfiie work. " • -STUDIO:—; :owperthwalt, 0; F. D. Mopney. S:jH. Totals ..*::.-; ; 867 882 929 . W. Hunting, 0; John-J. Milton, 0; Albert Leach, of Overlook. 1« vlce- lit Speedwell Are. aTorrlitowa. H. J. SUITIRY PLUMIM imuel Owen, 3; C. A. McCqrmlck. 1;- MANSER'S T€aldent of the learao. Tel. 707-W. aforrlitown, N. J. P Clynes, 0; Dr. J. R. Shannon. 0; |Ste«^to1w»SefItotteg F, Hunttngton, 6; A. E. DeWplf. 6; filparker.O; H. Van Arsdale. Jr.. enu- Vwharton Green, 6; Charles H. UfctkLW nltn,:0;-5 It Bowling V League' : Doufilfts elton, P,on|\ . Votea on all Parehfitea. ipaw Starrett., , illy adoStedUts schedu* i • '.111 '.'\ \C I. Earle, 2; ' Iplph de Barry. 2; ot a mcelingUn tho Elks' Club, MOD Ullam F.Morgi 0 Ttl79 day night \xhere arts, six fire-met, l! ' "IV -. . _H1 J_ JL There Is a lot going on these daya at teams in the 'league representing'.the Overlook Lodge', of Masons, the Wan' illusrol. In the first place, it will derer'a Club, tho Wednesday Night •tltlon for the BaltusroJ cup will be Club, the Elks' Club, Park Bowling Tourlirg Cars to Hire. A tali lint of supplies csrried ayed. This tournament has come to Club and the T. M. C. A. The first > rather a Historic affair, for the flrrt match will be, played Thursday night, October 28.*


••:.-..:,. ,.*,—• •aa^a^atfaaatt^^^ THE SUMMIT HERALD, FKIDAY, OCTOBE1?; 22, TELEPHONE COMPANY'S WIZARD ENGINEER A tOST—October 15. sweater, between cor. of Earls! maae and '." RESIDEOT OF SHORT HILLS—SKETCH OF HIS WORK . Seccbwood road and Hobart msac JEc- ward if returned to 123 (Successor, to Weber & Co.) ' You can't tell what's In lha airof contributions to technical know- MTOB. nowadays. ."You used to could." a« ledge to telaphony. , Under-hl* direc- the small boy remarked, but not any tion was Installed there the first mul- TeL 91. '; •"" Night Tel. 1051 long43TT-tor-the engineers of the Bell tiple switchboard; and he devised the. FOUND—Small nun of maaxy b» a devised the first metallic circuit" mul- Summit. _£hrner "nay lem by ] Telephone System have found, out how ownerafaip. Address Ed. Cilroy. in Offer the following values for Friday, Saturday to talk from 2,600 to 5.0Q0 mlleg-wlth—*-Uple-flwltchboardr-»ome~ot-jifhoBe-tea?- A RELIABLE out tho aid of wires: Doesn't It make turcs ar.._..-...-6 in all of the .board s •_of. .to. - you att up mentally when you think day. Going to the Western Union FAMILY DRUG STORE that now, even while you arewalklnR Electric .Company in New York In. TANIIXH^McMonaglo anTilogers' Pure Vanilla-Extract, home from the office or from a sliop- 1887, he Improved cable manufacture; WANTED—Small , bow: 8 extra BtrcngtlvfliiQ flavor; K-ot. .trots,, 45eg 2-oz. bots .£3c and later directed" the: Installation of ^about $7S per month; coavcis S ping trip, hundreds of worda, iJorao Mar buy. Kionka, Beecfcwood I bed. —" r±\Viita Moderate Prices. short, some long, somo jagged and most of the large switchboards of that some rounded, and all strung together period. - •> • - • ' — PRIVATE TARTY wants SIWWO aaJ *4JOC Pooy Votes on all- Parchaaea,— frnit and grannlatedrngar."; Thcse-goods are o£ superior qnal- like trains of cars, may be hurtling* Mr. Cartywaa the first to demon- *t S% f.rrt mnrtitare fine Brooklyn ,„.,. .ity.' Dozen. JU85> Jar.^tw-—_™*.-.—u~—~—.-—:—=——™15o strate and laBtall common ~ battery now held by Title Co. Addr -J through the air right over your head IleraM office. """.""-- ASPABACU8—Hancock Branfl. Fancy Belectcd on tholr way to some point thousands systems for general circuits in 1888. We d WANTED— Driter for bateV'» IE ibif miles dlstantT In 1889 ho took up' for Iho Metro- Short Hills and vicinity. _: dozen, &00; tln.'SJe; Valler drfon, dozen, £&>i tin This Is (lie new state of affairs politan Telephone and Telegraph Com- Apply to FittcrerV J71 Si pany the task of modernizing all of • No extra charite. • created by the same men who electri- WANTED—Oirt for plainn=*«ra* ha tubes? — A8PABAGU8 XUESr-Pancy grade, every part tender, edi- fied the world last"\January by tele- Its technical departments, and under establishment. . 10 He«fcwo celvlng Btatlon^at Mare Island. Tliii *f Ihi« State containing a population of leas COKNMEAL—Mlnnehaha "Brand, finest granulatedyellow ing-bell systenrtor.switchboards revo- WANTED—Dr... >rmum g at generall iwefk Ear » »h*n twelrt" thousand inhabitant!, approred Is a distance of. 2.G00 miles. Then lutionized thcr_service' and won him tritli dependent family. Apply Marrli 21. 1B99, to order "and cau»e to be Corn Meal;;^inabes delicious corn bread, griddle .cakes, corn by meaaa ot thiflr new'Apparatus they honorary recognition from the Frank- Charifie*. -MS Springfield a«ei and ntaea da mired Pro»peCt "Arerme, eems,~StdlUns, etc: 3%-lb. bags v :—1L 15c have talked without wires from Ar-< _fver Soad, southerly, for a di«ance_pf lihRfbh to Pearl Harbdr. Hawaiian lin Institute of.Philadelphia. In 1907 BOY WANTED—To team tie prisfe* •POO feet, to the point where the road BICE—Extra fancy Head Rice; beat for boiled or steamed . Islands; a voice trip of 4,900 mllOB. he was appointed chief engineer of intsjne»»;; 17 yeayearn* of age*ge. C_Centra_ l KJHOOT itlMi lothe we«t; apd for -the-paving of cobble rice or r!ce_puddlnE; 1 IET0c( 3 lbs•••—: — ••-*•« tho American Telephone and Tele- cation. Apply at the SummiSi t BtnJUJd men on both sides of said .street. ~ " -••-. means! with the graph Company, immediately after Mr. £iid iniproreroents to be mode according to LAUNDRI SOAPS—Colgate's Oc(agon has great clcanBlDg Installed, you can lJ*n or (uirver prepared by the.-City En- Vail became president.- ' . . rtfcr. and now on Jilc in his office. • properties; box of 100 cakes, 4.17, with 16 cakes free; 7 cakes, : Such' person «r persons ai may object, to " !3c; Opal Borax Soap, b^sE tallow wltb borax added, excellent • tnnce of 5,000 miles and a G,000-mlle Under his direction the. longest un- rji impTOTtment -being ftiade or such, work for general use; -7 cakes ...... —: ._.__, . .2ae derground telephone cable In.the TO LET—Furniiheil toorn witi hze done arid1 performd are Tequcsted to World has.'been designed- and placed f l r*«;t ihrir objection's 'in writing at "the . EVAPORATED SHXK=Van Camp's sterillzed-e^aporated in operation, connecting Boston with ir*. of the.ti'nder»ijrne<*. City. Cleric. ir> th tv th«- City of Summit, N. J., on o. . milk, .lincolored, unsweetened; excellent, for all purposes for • The lines Wforc 8 IV m.. Wednesday. Novemlier 3. 1915. ' which freshmllk or cream* would" be- usedjjargo, tins, 8c; metropolis; Berlin is 4,385 miles dts- heat and eleic Itt FREDERICK C. KENTZ^ improved .and extended In tho develop- Addreii "Room.™ care City Clerk. : inber' 21. 19L5. —'— • nEADY-JIAID SOrPSVFranco-Amerlcan Concentrated ment of fifiTcnergotic campaign until TO I.KT—Springfield \*# me. 410, Ixtge fncet SoupB, all varieties, ready to serve for luncheon- OF dinner; sm, light and airy;, pi vate tusHj . XOTICE OF I7TTENTI0K. • tho tin ...... _' htr^i.y Ri*trt tnat-tt-t»-thf-- i Cedar avcaueL-StS per moeth. AsUvo raratioii o Common 'Council of the . Dust, large pkgs.; 18c; Star Napiha Powderj C pkgs., S5c; Zap, enue, 6 rooms Tor *li.- Inupdre; 2 Citr-of Summit, under and by.virtue of trie orrb a»enue, T.F.. Van Djle.' nns of an act entitled "Ah Act relating G.pkgs., 25c; Octngoh ScourinK Powder, 7 cano._ :^5e pnoridmir for the governfnent of citi TO L,ET—Furnished r«.ins, wilt i i. Stttc niiitaintnit a nopalation of Irt . .FJIESH CEEEAXS FOB PREAKFAST ' Loa-rd. 32 Walnur •trret- tirrlve^ thoosand inhabitants," approved = March 21. 1899, to order and came to be ~Sus le*~lad~*Kol]ed White Oats, large, clean flakes. In sani- OR. RENT—Double bouse, oort '<$ a ctrrhand gutter on the south aide-of tary packages; very nourishing, rib. 8 oz. pkgs™. 40c rooms; rent reasonable; Ashw/ood If.r, eu Aveauc from • Ash wood Avenue, to Den* the hill; get particulars froar S. At. C**T. Flare, and fcr ibe- con«ruction of a four- Attorncr, 13S Summit a*renue W c^mrtit nde-waifc from Aihwood Avenut'to It!ng't3eoige Cereal H.-O. Oatmeal .. OR-RKNT—Urge, airy fro unan. Place, except where walk •>. already for couple; four wjryjow: *34, or where permission may be granted to ^-^Vheatena .—."™ ••sy property ownerst to do any of this work Force, 2 pkgs. ... avenue... - . qr ^givate contract. . TO LET—Semt-detarflEf! hotue. near naT *ix rooms, bath, itcam"heater; £sc aasc xad nrvey prepared by the City En- Cream of Wheat — ,._ 15c' aow on file >n hit office, Pettijobn Food llar. Kent $35.00- *Address—Easj Uoax- n or persons aa may object to auch .Z.] !t*™14c mr Herald Office. «M< .. briiig made or such work being Qr'ape Nuts .^. | •Tie and peTfortneiJ 4fe requested to pre* ™...... ^^___ 1. 15c FOR RKNT—Apartments, * roocts '••"*. s rT i*irir olijeetion* in writing at the office .. .* OPAL AMMONIA ... ~ No. 25 »njJ727^CIenwoc and rroridinit for the Jtoyernment of, dtles from ttation. Atiilrew -A, K." can l !&• Sate contairiinir" a population of less 1—SALAD DBESSITfG—Howard's.-'appotlzlnK and delicious twelve thousand inhabitant!," "opprovfd for cold meats, chicken, lobster, cold vegetables and all salads. R EN T—Hotaev-22-. Grocnua mot * 4 tt roomooms and two bathbaths;; hoc watawater ; __.._ eohble gutter on"the west"»iae*"bf electrilri c lightitjfflihi . ApplAly t oW W. IX Decman .Place, from Park ATenuc'*QUtberIy SARDINES—Imported boneless, pncked-Jn-pure-olive oil. 77 Prospect itrcet. Summit. Morrii ATtnne. Said Rnprarement lo be wade according to Tasty and appetizing. Reg. 25c tlns,,23e; res. 15c tins 13c rlaa or «ur«jr prepared by the. City En- NETT VIRGINIA CORN WEAL—Pomunlcey mills, old Vir- FOB SALE neer. and now on file in hi) ftffice. . ginla jCorn 'Meal; wator ground;^requires no slftlnEI lame . Each 4>e»on or persons' aa may object to «ucb pkgs., 22c | small pkgs . .'." ....;. ...10c FOR SALE—pony, issued. mjuroTement being made or sucb work being tail andhinane, Ll>4 b^ntls. i "ioae and perfoVrned. are, requested to pfe- old, gentle, perfect driVer and xl. 7_ _ year* -*rrxt their objections .in _*riting at the ofTIce bred-and raised him: half price if food beese ef ibr tmdersiiined. City Oetlc, in~lhe City guaranteed. Also hand-made aHAar -^— n*H. in the City of Sornmitl ""N. J., on or about. E. I>. /" " " "" fcefore' 8 p. ra.. Wcttflesdais.—Xovcmber 3. IM.DWIX APPLES, windfall*. J5c io*lrt. sound onci,. 65c. bartm *J.!O ML E«i. butter, .

TWO or t to -Trt. Ilelil are NICKLV furnished room and boardL is ;CTT3 family. Addre»» *^>rti~ JOHN J i. \tir\ c nr- rsa \n \ in C\N rr^nioNE AND TELEQRAPH CO ~ — _AND A-KKMDKNT OK SHORT HILLS. N. J. FOR SALE-'-AutoroobiTe. in fntiring- 'r*r. in h vrcrp nnd^ the North Pole Is.only 3.-135 earjx In 1912-telephone co?nmunlca- pale. Ailtlresv**rto»-S8,** rare mlTea-froni N'ew )*prk. "rz: tfoU^waa-poaalblo bctwcon^Dcnver and CAS RANGE FO'R-S.VLE—G-K&-cmZzi-'".- ohn J. Carty, ftie Chief Engineer of New York, a distance of"2^00 mile KS Oak KtJcc avenue. • - Firestone pU TelephrmtrSyHtenr Is known •Not contenTTho begaa at.ohco'the^ BS. tho greatest telephone-'engineer in englncerlnR work and. investigations von SALK—ni'v ox TIIF: rsr>r lur—thc—3.4Q£~m 1 \?±X ningcontl nc!nV HOn.\RT-nn.f., \vn*:RE Vor CAS- *. thn~ wprlt^" —*t\W ncJiieveintiiit AB tin* r-jov—A—ct»«>fr—AXD—TO The Firestone ideas of_ motor- ciiEliicer_of the ibiiRest telepUwwllne line opened early~ihlQ'earrttiid~^'hEH si'Msnck Axn"~tii»r~st.snxe in the world has been closely followed this was -ijelQff accomplished, ho ani—WtA'TKR." -A-PLAT 4QOxC0O: SOUTI1ER founded on "a belief in the hla staff hnvo'been-working out the FROST ACE A X I> COMM.VXHIN- ~by nia eucccus aH headraFthe torctr^ 1 wisdom and commonsense.oi-tiie mo- men w)io~1iave.i)roui;iu ft'lrelcaa tele1" problcTiTB^Iri "'tho' way "of the-wirolcss SI'W'IRB* VIEW. . AT TWEXTYIV communication which Uas~"just been 'DOLLARS A FR^XT FOOT. phony T>»t of Ihe. sphere ot BcltJntlflc .OWXERTP. O. BOX J.4S. torist-=and_thiafaith HaiTljeen, justified;-^ ""speculutlon Into that- of ' actuality. achieved. FOR SALE—SOO loails top soil as.! C Firestone BucceSs has proven "HiJflTlBo car owner Among his men he Is/known as a Mr, Carty is President of the Amer- quire Holland's Express, I" ~ " wants safety, comfort and Most Miles per Dollar." *flzaril of thc.wlreatr.nnd to work un- ican Institute of Electrical Engineers road. . -. _, • . • '• ^ der him is considered n:. liberal scien- of which ho has been manager and' rHe-wanta-tho quality that costs less to use. tific oil urn.1 Ion. LL vice-president, a member slnca tSBQ FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCR:\XCE-Lsrw. -The Non-Skid lettering is on imprint of•- , 1 beautiful old. rejiJential'property, ce* i~> / rOi Uornlu CambrtdRt ,- Mass., on April dFllI1913Dl from Su'«n; ""CDra5£a^ Firestone Met Price* _' snfetv.-Y6u need it always—but partic- is'iti 14th, 1SCI, Mr.-Gart>- developed us « period lie had 'contributed much to country turnnmdinss with icmlera ularly nt this time of year. It toy n liking for mechanical: experi- the development of the Institute. Ho men; immediate occupancy; TRY aK^nire to Car Omen mentation. -A ROQd education was Ida pant President and life member holds the standard for endurance niId«V-Ta-iO*\*lltlnKncfls1-'t'6v^drkf™iin1(l' thfr'New York"ElcctHcal^ociety.--a ,. and..ecpnomy. Theiletter?;rjreyenj.. ./Ti... ' **' hfti^as graduated from the CaiubrldRO Fellow of 4ho American Academy of FOR SALE—New and _»ecqerf-fei=ri fs^i-a>t "spin bfs'kid.ih any'direction", they"7~'fX ~ Latin School with tho intention of Arts'nnil-Sclences and an Honorary of alt kinds, bullets; chairs, trfct* 'i-r^ w-Hir enamel fcerfj, nuttm-ur*. efcarr* radiate the heat of road friction,. entprlng, llarvanl University, when Fellow of the American Electro Ther- carpet ball racks; electric ~ato«e*. seriqiia trouble with Jils eyes prevent- apeutic Association, tq^which he waa . lidclwsr^ls-- Prices to tuit aH_ ' insure perfect traction with ed further application to books. Mr. elected In recognition of tils-valuable Auction Roony^Jj- Beeclr«ocd Bt oline economy, car-protection and Carty foun'd hininctf ottrncted to thework In the direction' of more ratiirftml maximum comfort.. Everywhere telephone VuR|nc8fi<-wblch was then In nietlipils In tho use of electrical cur- FOR SALE—Urge attract.^ rrncSeett: oeif Italianftatinti; 11 roonw.-atticroonw.attic;; aotartsD: l " experienced motorists praise tho singe of difficult "experimentntloii. rents In medicine. porch; lla w lotl ; « b bi carried o'n without text-books by a ''Spaclout," fleraltl offic $irestone performance. fltnnll band of constructive pioneers. Mr. Catty, was married .August 6, •He was -.first employed In tho old1S91, to Marlon Mount Russell' and Telephone Dispatch Company of Bos-has one.8on_nQ5vla^stiidenfc nt Prince- . Tolstoy and tho ton, In 18"*, and began there a aeries ton UnjVfrralty^~For aoveral-—ywifi the famlly'haa rxSldedin Short Hills. .Hpent his whole life.In :i c'. L.C. HIDEOUT munlon with^tbe [teasants AIR CANlK persuiideU that all ' tU*r Soinmlt, N. I dclivrrr.1. Jae I^ng* Son», Upholde have attuinctl tua Classified Advertising tr'» •ml Cafjinrtmaters, 420 Snrincfielil ave Its true meaning ;iu.l Us trce..atru. i nue. Phone 108-J., SuinmU, U. J. due but. "to this Tact. He" t peasant soul; he »i'6Lo an*t"lar-wn I- HAMILTON- llflui. V.,|r; B.A.. Ihor. STORAGK—lfollKnil'* l'ireproof — StoraEe onhlr nliicatcl . in mmlt. In .m>on> Warehou*f, only fireproof itnraRe inr Summit especially, in his ti.-ii^Uilis'aad i o>tf«>il,.


K- |v wooDRi/ir,- cm noi his tiomeUie ^ j s j-ooinj:, »«lp- treatment: lV ITORAdt: AIND jS(TVlSG-T»inrtSa W(l inMlnped wa.ehouie and aloraue bullll. inc» made up. |*hone 466 Inl-ha Sujnmlt- Movlnff by\.our eaperteneehl TUtORlNG by 'a •errice.- in1 auto yan», Summit_£«J«aaU?«v. 't' yet" know ,im_r "peasants^ ' I Kailrniu. aktnue. ' »(! rt tl( antt wander frota door lo i Ttesi. COOKS ANO OICSI-RAL WORKER.' white UKNITURq repaired and pot In fint