YEAR. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. jOCTOBER 22. 1915. •-. SUO PER YEAR. FIBST SCBSCUIPTION CONCERT. DRAINAGE PLANS It is with great pride and satisfac- WOMAN SUFFRAGE DEFEATED^-TWO To B« Sobjert ^nl Sanml™ t MrtfcWHt (FORTNIGHTLY CLUB tion that the committee in charge of the Subscription Concerts announces Churth Dinner. BEEOBECftUNCIL that tho first concert ot this, the OTHER AUffiNDMENTS ALSO LOSE IN SUMMIT A church dinner Is to be held^ next [ OPENS SEASON 1 seventh season will bo given by Os- Thursday evening in the Parish iloas« J sip Gabrilowitch, master pianist, in Summit defeated tho Woman's Suf- women worked in relays taking turm the Beechwood Hall on November 16. of tho Summit Metbodt5t-Epi5copal!L(IIIC||gon [ Many Items of Smaller Busi< daring different hours." • T This Is a Monday evening and the at- frage Amendment on Tuesday by: a church, arrangea by the Men's Bible I State Offi- vote of 755 to 333, giving.a majority As Tuesday was the last registrar ness Disposed of After Dis- tention ot the subscribers Is called to tlon-day for_the General Election ot Study Club and the Women's.SocIeUes • cers as Guests, the First" that fact as the concerts have usually of 422.: • • : been given on Tuesday evenings. - It November 2, as well as for tho special ot the. churlch,-ReVih"ffin. I. Harcn. cussing Drainage Con-' has been the ambition of the commit-' The second amendment, providing electfon, there was a very fair regis- Event—ActiveProgfani for.more frequent'amendments to the tration list complotcd^—The- total_ D.D., Will be the toast masterl The I tee to change tho concert nights to principal speaker will be Rev. Fred ;—, ditions Tuesday Night Thursdays, as that evening seems to constitution was defeated by 667 to number registered for the three .reg- for Season Provided be kept open in Summit for lectures 463, a majority of 104. istration days lu the city was 1;£G9. Wlnslow Adams, D.D.^ pastor j>f _St__£i_ and other entertainments due, per- .*. Tho third amendment voto was 349,Last year's • registration wap 1,159, Andrew's Methodist Epts^pal churcD\~~^?^^~-~~-Z-^~~r7;: -•The'"drainage, of Summit avenue yes and G78 no,—majority 329 against which' shows there Is hn increase this opening meeting of the Fort- haps, to the fact "that the Athenaeum of New York City, and Miss Josephine, | from Edgewoqd road cast to Morris meets every second Thursday during . The total number of-votes cast hero year of.HO. The registration in Sum- L. Baldwin, one of the editors' ly Club proved a largely attended Ldb the winter/'" Monday and Tuesday was 1.135;: with a total of 34 rejected mit In 1915 was about equal to that of and thoroughly enjoyable occasion. ballots. 1913.—1,24X . In Presidential year, Sunday .'School publij The evenings.appear to be given up very -The attractive* decora I ions-of—dahlias •Springfield avenue • and, Whittredge largely to meetings of civic bodies, .The suffrago question brought out 19U\ the registry liats_totaled 1.4311 theme of the eyeninj place, was the Important topic beforc- such as the Board of Trade* Council, an unexpected nnd unusually large All those who have not personally '. !ar.d autumn .leaves' added much to flclency in the_ di lhi? lp I tho Commpp Council on Tueaday eve- School Board, etc,-and AS-'these S**b- vote for a special election. Tho num-; appeared ueioVe.ttie Boanls of Klcc- new . P asure. of the afternoon. scrlptlon. Concerts are. given for the DrD . TAt 3 inaugurating a ber of votes cast-on Tuesday com- tion In-their .reapectlvo. distrlctji; tfflcieiteynioveuient in his church t After an appropriate welcome by . l-ning.— ,-." "* public at large It-Is-desirable to In- pares very favorably with the number j cither on .last Tuesday or on tho .day 1 The question camo up through \ae terfere with as few things as possible. ic^lcnown as the St: Andrew'* Ef-'.ilie rrenhlent. Misa Pamela. Lyall, tho qf votes cast at the general elections lot the Primary Election, or on tlio.Hclency Mbvemont, covering . s*-ven. —cnifiers and their guests numbering report of Chairman White., of the In order- to secure such' famous ar- each year. • . ! first^roRistratlon day. In September, I Street Committee, upon the communl- tists as the Summit audience.has been well directed lines of community s^rr ? served a.il^nty buffet lunch-.,- f cation,of the. Retail Committee ot the fortunate In hearing It Is necessary Both the Suffragists arid the AntlsjWIll not lie entitled to .vote nt-tlie No- ice, as Dr. Adams bellev*-*. a chun* to take them on .dates that are con- worked very hard In Summit through- venilior election^ The liRtaTof every should "denionairale Its rifiht- to *-si* liy Pay Int Morrlntawn. Mrs. | Board at Freeholders presented, at a out the campaign rlglit up to the tlme'votor foRifitered ln.oacli of the dlR- I previous meeting, requesting . the venient for them and the committee by servinvg the- commutiity. An rK's AV. Stockton, President "of the : I Council to have the gutters on the of"*t:loalng tho pftlls. • trlcts in Summit-liave"lWn printed as haa'ontlind.is Sta »' Federation "of Women's Clubs,. l Jj:(Ostthnt 6f-a—novelty6anovelty:rrcquirprlb: rbyy law~nn"(l"^deTlvori>(l~tn7TtTelawnn(ldeTlori>ltn7Tt " f tho Work Dr. I westerly side of Springfield avenue r obtained from pact of an article qnot- ,!e Bhtldxtlie audience teith a'brlef. I near Morris avenue paved, so that tht- range for a given ulght of the week. ' Injected Into the day for the BBoard s off jConntyOlerk. wlio wtli sell copies, to t*U herewith fro' I wash from the hill would notclogg up Mr**. Gabrilowitch hqr a reputation Plcpttbn in tlie six distrlots'by having.all whoilcairo tnbm. .•.'".' recently.,* ilescri t worldwide that it almost seems women watchers for flie SiirTrbglBts on I A tnbn'Intlbn of tlic vote in Sntliniit plan: ' ship botuecn chili anil-Tt'dL'raUon^Irs^- line culvert on the county road. ' . : I Mr. White stated that It would bo an superfluous; to say. anything about hand from 6 a. m. to -7 p. m..- The by districts Is given.herewith: ,"A . new force- of : workers will V- Mac'Quoid, Fifth. District'Vice-Presl- • injustice and a hardship on the prop- him by Way of Introduction to Summit ndiled to the pastoral start. The Rev. dt-nt, spoke eutliUMlastlcally.of the de- lerty owners along Springfield avenue people. As the number of .artists be- . First . Second Third Oeorpe >:. Mayer "conies, as director ^r,, 'Ui foUIH, UDd BUHtuil, -a -alieK0 fore the public is, nowadays.-so.,large of religious education. HI* work will; f women . in -New Jersey. Several I to assess the cost of laying the gut- Amen dra't. Amcndm't.- Amendm't. Total. or Iters and maintaining them against the it is impossible to expect everv. one Yes. No. Ycsr-Nb, Yc,s. No. • 'Rejected. Rogis'd; be to organize the church for. the Gjrj violinviolin-- solosoloss u-ery- nicely rendered by • property, because of the largo vojumo tb-bave heard of them all. Mr. Ga- First Ward: '* plan, so thut the church will' b-» ready Mr. .Ufryd (ireeiifeld of Saw York. hrllowltch Is. Russian but makes his co-operate with thepuMtc isthnul* •of water dlveried from the upper part home here for a large part of the time: First District.:. 53 JIG 77 82 99 174 185. The program for the year promises |of Springfield avenue to Iho, lower Second District. 49 liO 64. 85 . 91 195 of this st'Ctlou as boon as the Ifoard (u^tif most ati-rtictlve uild instructive afl be married an American woman. 169 of l-Mui-atJon has a'dopled. the" srs:eaiT Clara Clemens, one of Mark-Twain's Third District — 56 J26" 87 105 .195 214" "it Iscludefljiha-^pltowfns: " ' f He also stated that he believed the Second Ward: \ Meantime Mr. Mayer will orEaaire ih*' - Oa NoromWr; the meeting will ho daughters. As to his rank among children of the parish for weekly re- • city should bear the cost of paving arid pianists,—he belongs among the few First .•District...". 49 dt-voTrtl tojjie social service -depart- I maintaining the Springfield avenue at the very top of the scale. His Second District./80 ligious instruction. mnii. and on Xovemlft'r 17 ^lieO-Lcan^- I cutters and, BUEEested that the cam- equals-are such men as Josef Hoff- __Thlr« •atr~Anttrcw'a "^itii — i-wtiivTanirMr. fiiUU will i)e heard. • munlcaflon be referred to the sewer man, Harold Bauer and Godowsky. will be put under the , ronirnr<*i-»n in a concert. December1,. Ifcv. J)r. land drainage committee for further The price for a single ticket to his form of govornmentr This mraus William I. Haven of this cfty^who ro- linvestlgation and report. New York recitals usually-cost as tliere will IK--three co-operating jsui»-r- tumeil reecutly from a!,trlp tlirouRh I General Knight "said that there was much as the price asked for this Intonilonts. All tlie vouui; pe«p!o"s ifce mission ilelds, will give a tra>ej scries of three concerts and last year's work of tlm church will "be- or^ar.ii'Nl-talk. -Two wi;.«'ks later. December 15^" I no use ot-such reference unless the thmugli the Sunday school. in*:t"aJ ^-f i!rs- Kloreueo t\ XOVCH'H anHiatant and I city la prepared to put In a storm sew- subscribers will do well to respond 1 r fer on the Springfield avenue hill.
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