Police Marina Sav Ant Nt Uia Naval Air Hohwreiler, Kenneth P
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t,' ■ \ • w MONDAY, JUNE^B, 19B« >AOI >t)US1CEll » ATtrafs Daily Net Press Rss The Weather - lianrl;pist(r ISnrnitto V^ralb Far tba W eek Badad Faraaaat af V. 8. Waatbar BmeeB ■ ' • ' ' ..I_________ _ Same IS. IMO C l^ . eaal taiaigbt. LaW la aOi Linda A. Giacomlni, Joan A. Broa. haa ever houaed workem Ma. Fair Wadaraday asoialag, 127 Piano Pupil§ Schaibenpflug, Helen 1. Jette. Girls to Work there. 12,065 waim la aftamaoa, sliawrars, tSee- A bou t Tow n Maureen S. Kerr. Gail J. CoUvac- Grange Notes AccordiM to the local.odTice Sr drniteniM at lOgiM. Higti le aaM On Farms Here the State Employment Service, a Maaabar ad tbs AaSIt se*. Heard in Recital chio, David W. Bell. Donna L, Me* number of other tobacco growera Baraae ad Onmlattam Mtmehester-^A City of FlU of* Chants Mtetiw l**t J<tlm D. MUvan. aaln.'Jeanr Ann Vincent. Betty M. in the area will, in the next fCw Vlncerft. Donna U Chandler. Ed Wa'pping Orange, Nd. 30, will ton oC Mr. -Md Mrs. lUymond i . An appreciative audience of ' Some. M ^rla from Tanipa aAd .waeka. be provided With girla for HALE'S mund S. Tiaglio. Victor I. Zubrow, meet Tueaday at 8 o'clock. It pill Plant City, Fla., arrived in Mah- m m m m . B >n*d St., U now on Iparanta and friendi attended the farm work. Theae*workera will be (CSaasUlai AdvaHWag aa faga iU) « £ to H U » a nfter eompMUiis Janice C, Smith, Karen E. Wal be Mualc Night .with Evelyn cheater yeaUMay for aummer to I houaed in rwmpe on the farma. VOL. LXXV, NO. 227 ^FOURTEEN TAGB8) MANCHB8TBR. CONN., TUESDAY. JUNE 26, IIM PRjCE FIVE CENTS Snt In a aeriaa of four recitala ter#. Maxine E. Webb. Mary Aijne Foater in charge. 'The theme of tnnr wwka of tmlainc nt tli« Mn> gtvan by the piano. pupila .of bacco work on Cullman Broa. lU n Oorpn C unp Poadloton, Aronaph and Antoni N. Sadlak jlr. Jhe program will be "life'a farm ih thla area. n-adaiic ■. Werner and Paul A. Journey With Mualc.” Odie. Chetelat local inatructora. yeater* The girla, all of high achoot age, ANEW The program .will biclude inatru-. were raefutted by the State Em ShoeRepair Shop [day afternoon in the veatry of Couple Observe FUNERAL HOME A non WM bom Wodnoadny in |■Temple Beth Sholom. The room mental, vocal, aoloa, dueta and I ployment Service anti the Tobacco Ike-s Aide R u tfM d HondUl to Mr. and Mra. waa decorated with palma and quarteta. Mra. June Park, well Growera Agricultural Aaan.. after UNDER EXPERIENCED OAK ST. ENTRANCE m m u y wymnn. 1.01 Bdridgo St. Sowera. A varied program of SO 25lh Anniversary known vocaliat and member of the the employment aervice found MANAGEMENT numbera waa .preaented. grange, will aing ''End of A per-, there waa an inadequate labor aup- JOSEPH MIGILORE. Mgr. AadanMa-Sbon AuxiUory, No. Tonight another group of atu- Ml*, and Mra. Erling Laraen. 4A feet Day.” I>oiy and Gay Barber, ply in the State to fill Cullman'a DefiesCall MM6, vrw , wiU hold n kitchon denta will give a program at'S: 15 Doane St., celebrated their 2Sth paughtera of Edwin Barber, will ordera for wrorkera. • aoeUl tonlxht nt S o'clock at the a t the aame place. anniveraary yeaterday with a par aing a duet. Alao, there will be k The girla, who will work on THE JOHN F. -T Special Faf^Tuesday Only! hooM of Mra. Dorothy raulknar, Thoae wdio participated In yea* ty for alMmt 00 frienda and rela- comical veraion pf ''Scbooldaya” farma In Ellington. Wapping and To Testify ,4lS X. Oentar S t Proceeda will ha terday'a recital were . Helalne A. tivea from Mancheater, Eaat Hart- acted out by two grange membera. Silver Lane until Sept. 1, are be 'usad for the'Oancar Fund. Einbinder. Bobert H.. Nolhnick, •ford, Weat Hartford and other Thla ia. only a portion of (he pro ing''quartered in the Community TIERNEY MEN'S. LADIES' Ate ^ M ^ Nancy Parclak, Barbara L. nearby towma.. A dinner waa gram and all of it promiaed to be Y. , FUNERAL HOME ^CHILDREirS Wsfihington, June 26 (AV- Norman A. Millar, aen of Mr. Zubrow, Judith Ann Haberem. aervod on the lawn In back of their intereating and entertaining. A lot The Y haa. provided quartern for nnd Mra. CUranca A. Millar. 07 Jamaa W. Smith. Gerald C. Smith. home and they received many of work haa been |hit Into It, ao.lt out-of-atate girl tobacco workera 318 WEST CENTER ST. Wbite House aide Maxwell la hoped that membera will atr^e for a number of yeara. However, TEI-. MI 3-1323 Radgo S t, haa boon promatad to Gary B. Scovilie, Linda J. beautiful |lfU.. , [Ubb declined today to testi- Police Marina Sav ant nt Uia Naval Air Hohwreiler, Kenneth P. Ytilea. The^couple haa one -aon, Earl, to turn out for thla meeting. thla la the flrat time Cullman S h o e M ^ Yy before the Senate Investi- Tadmtaat ‘m lninr cantor, Mem* rationa subcomnriittee. Sen. *4 pMa, Tma. HoR Soles McCarthy (R-Wia) called hii Oampball Council,^ No. 57S, I WE REPAIR, REBUILD and RESTYLE refusal “inexcusably arro KaiSMa of Oolumbua, will hold ita | gant” conduct that the Sen Plots Bared A rm a s S ets h.ataHatiOB banquet thla evening. jjlLL TYPES 0F SHOES ate should punish as con-, S:0S, .nt tho BHtiah American tempt. CMb. Rabb, aecretaiy to the cabihet, O n B r a z il, Seige After A non was bom Thoraday a t | sent word "There Is nothing 1 can Hartford Hoapitat to Mr. and Mra. add"' to his denial of yesterday that ha or any of hi* staff "leaked" EMbii N a v ^ , 133 Oaepwood Dr. r e d t a g C u b a H e a d s A iiirm S tate Attention* AH Home official documbnU to author Rob The regular meeting of the An-1 ert J. Donovan. * He spid "I ihust rebpecUuUy de Sareoa-Shea Auxiliary, No. 3048, By THE ASSOeSATKD PBE88 Gusttmala. June 26 (4V- vnv. WiU ho haM at tho Peot| SPECVAU cline" to comply with gn invita' , Tht BratUian government roerna tmocrow aU7:30 p.m. Re- tion that Jie come in and make Presidqnt Carlos Castillo pqrts of tho racant Departmant I DRESSAUKERS! that statement under oath, and announced today it hid Amlsa put the Army Ib .cob* f^Bventlon win bo glvan aniT alac- also tell whether he knows who did broken up a plot to assassi trol of Gustemsls to^y after don of dalogatea to tho National une HALE'S FABRIC DEPARTMENT OFFERS ‘Girin’ Up? % Eye." give tha Information to Donovan. nate Ppeqideitt Juscelino demonatratidns in which four OodveBUott in Dallaa, Tax.. Aug. Ha looks' protty glum hart, but Jimmy Joyca, 10, aaya ha. Secret Deramrate Kubitschek and arrested «n atudenU were killed. ., 13-17, win taka ^ c e , foUowod by isn't givlag up on hia balovad Piratas. * A phoiographar who Tha autaommittce Is trying to Albanian citizen. a hraah party. ROfraahiBonta' will found Jimmy rooting for the Pirataa by hia radio in PitUburgh, team how Donovan obtained "se Col. Luna Pedrosa, head, of the The Pmaident declared a state be acrved.by Mra. Mary LoDuc and | Fifiest Quality Designer f ava Uia lad a ptetuta of Frank Tbomaa croaaing Uia p|ate after cret documents and materiala' poUtical police, identified the mah of staga^modifled form of mar-. Mha. taura Beabait. la homar June 34. Jimmy waa tba vlcUm of' a fOtil "ball at about cabinet meetlnga for a book aa Antonio Oonsullch Valentlm. Llal law. The Army, aasuming Brand Electric .'Ferbaa Flald on Juna 33. hS has written about the Eiaen' alias Guido Antonio Upertensll. ntrol, asksd^tha cooparatlbn of . Mancbaater Lodgt, No. 71, a f I hower adminlatratlon. The . colonel declined further in « peoplo to avoid furtiwr cladhas. ’ and AM, win hold a atatod oeaa-l Cotton Dress Lengths Sen. MOCIeUan lD.-ArkT, the Th* deaths cam* last night dur^" mnaleation a t tha Maaonie llampla formation. subcommittee chairman, did not Kubitachek himself said the only ing studsnt dcmbnatratlona on th* tomorrow night a t 7:30, foUowod , Immediately rule on McCarthy's capital’s Main Stifeet against a ^ a aodal hour and rofroahmonta. if V e u ? •REGULAR 99c to $1.49 Yd. action that would be taken agalnat Quarles Says U.S, demand'' that tha aubcommittee the man would be to expel him. government crackdown on Com Thla will ha tho laat achaduladi munist agitation. In addition to subpoena Rabb. He deplored publicity given tfie mooting unUl Saptombar. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED McCarthy aaid tSe aubcommittee the dead Ultra wara 17 watotdad. incident. The poitc* fired oubniacitnaguna ' should do this and itaelf "dt- Authorities.would not say what Naval Aviation Cadot Charloat termine the punishment" without and pistols into the ranks Of sav- T. MuUanoy m . aon of M ra Mary Has 1,0003-47 Jets motivated the reported plot. They inferring the case to the Justice eral hundred studento who W*r* B. Mnllanay, 134 HUUard St., te immed to attach little importance iflarching toward th* goeerantedt d^iartm ent if Rabb agtfln decHhe* to the event. fThe man ;inder ar- training in formation flying at tha to testify. V palae*. About half , the marchem Saufley Flold Naval AuxUiary Air FABRICS Washington, June 26 </P) — Secretary of the Air Force reat was held incommunicado. were girla. McOlellan aaid it la obviotui that 39 Cubaaia A nrest^ StattOB, Fanaacola.