Mccullers, Carson ''The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter''-Xx-En-Sp.P65

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Mccullers, Carson ''The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter''-Xx-En-Sp.P65 Notes McCuller’s Heart tr. de Jaime Silva The Heart is a Lonely Hunter El corazón es un cazador solitario by Carson McCullers de 5 Penguin, London, 2000 Carson McCullers tr. Jaime Silva Bruguera, Barcelona, 1981 (falata revisar escaneado) 10 To Reeves McCullers A Reeves McCullers and to y a Marguerite and Lamar Smith Marguerite y Lamar Smith 15 PART ONE Primera Parte 20 1 In the town there were two mutes, En el pueblo había dos mudos, y siem- and they were always together. Early pre estaban juntos. Cada mañana, tem- every morning they would came out prano, salían de la casa en que vivían y 25 from the house where they lived and caminaban tomados del brazo por la ca- walk arm in arm down the street to work. lle en dirección al trabajo. Ambos ami- The two friends were very different. The gos eran muy diferentes. El que encabe- one who always steered the way was an zaba la marcha era un griego obeso y obese and dreamy Greek. In the summer soñador. Durante el verano solía llevar 30 he would come out wearing a yel- una camiseta de polo amarilla o verde low or green polo shirt stuffed colgando suelta por atrás, y por delante sloppily into his trousers in front and metida de cualquier manera en los hanging loose behind. When it was colder pantalones. Cuando el tiempo era más fresco he wore over this a shapeless grey sweater. se echaba encima un deformado jersey gris. 35 His face was round and oily, with Tenía un rostro redondo y grasiento, con párpa- half-closed eyelids and lips that curved dos semicerrados, y sus labios esbozaban una in a gentle, stupid smile. The other mute sonrisa leve y estúpida. El otro mudo era de was tall. His eyes had a quick, intelligent elevada estatura. En sus ojos había una ex- expression. He was always immaculate presión vivaz e inteligente. Vestía siempre de sober adj. & n. 1 not affected by alcohol, sobrio. 2 40 and very soberly dressed. manera pulcra y muy sobria. not given to excessive drinking of alcohol. 3 moderate, well-balanced, tranquil, sedate, serio, formal, sensato, sereno. 4 not fanciful or Every morning the two friends Cada mañana los dos amigos cami- exaggerated (the sober truth, la pura verdad). 5 (of a colour etc.) quiet and inconspicuous, dis- walked silently together until they naban juntos y en silencio hasta la calle creto. — & intr. 1 (often foll. by down, up) make or reached the main street of the town. principal del pueblo. Al llegar a cierta become sober or less wild, reckless, enthusiastic, 45 Then when they came to a certain fruit tienda de fruta y caramelos se detenían visionary, serenarse, calmarse, etc. (a sobering thought). 2 Decir con seriedad and candy store they paused for a un momento en la acera. El griego, moment on the sidewalk outside. The Spiros Antonapoulos, trabajaba para su Greek, Spiros Antonapoulos, worked for primo, que era el propietario del his cousin, who owned this fruit store. establecimiento. Su trabajo consistía en 50 His job was to make candies and sweets, la confección de caramelos y confites, uncrate the fruits, and to keep the place en desembalar la fruta, y mantener el lu- clean. The thin mute, John Singer, nearly gar aseado. John Singer, el mudo delgado, always put his hand on his friend’s antes de separarse de su amigo, solía po- arm and looked for a second into sar la mano sobre su brazo y mirar un mo- 55 his face before leaving him. Then mento su rostro. Luego, después [9] de esta after this good-bye Singer crossed despedida, Singer cruzaba la calle y conti- the street and walked on alone to nuaba su camino solo hasta la joyería don- the jewellery store where he de trabajaba como grabador de objetos de worked as a silverware engraver. plata. 60 1 Notes McCuller’s Heart tr. de Jaime Silva In the late afternoon the friends A última hora de la tarde, los amigos would meet again. Singer came back to volvían a encontrarse. Singer regresaba a la the fruit store and waited until tienda de fruta, y esperaba a que Antonapoulos was ready to go home. Antonapoulos estuviera listo para regresar a 5 The Greek would be lazily unpacking casa. El griego solía hallarse desembalando a case of peaches or melons, or perhaps perezosamente alguna caja de melocotones, looking at the funny paper in the o melones, o tal vez leyendo las tiras cómicas del kitchen behind the store where he periódico, en la cocina ubicada en la trastienda, cooked. Before their departure donde cocinaba. Antes de que ambos partieran, 10 Antonapoulos always opened a paper Antonapoulos abría invariablemente un bolso de sack he kept hidden during the day on papel, que durante el día mantenía oculto en una one of the kitchen shelves. Inside were de las repisas de la cocina. Dentro de él se amon- stored various bits of food he had tonaban diversos restos de comestibles que ha- collected - a piece of fruit, samples of bía logrado reunir —alguna fruta, muestras de 15 candy, or the butt-end of a liverwurst. caramelos, o la punta de un salchichón—. Usually before leaving Antonapoulos Por lo general, antes de partir, Antonapoulos waddle v. & n. waddled gently to the glassed case X se deslizaba con el mayor sigilo hasta la vi- — v.intr. walk with short steps and a swaying motion, like a stout short-legged person or a bird with short legs set far apart in the front of the store where trina, situada en la parte delantera del local, (e.g. a duck or goose). some meats and cheeses were kept. donde se guardaban algunas carnes y quesos. — n. a waddling gait. 20 He [7] glided open the back of Abría la puerta corredera de la parte pos- the case and his fat hand terior de la vitrina y su mano regordeta groped lovingly for some particu- se movía con amor en busca de algún lar dainty inside which he had wanted. manjar especial que deseara. Sometimes his cousin who owned the Su primo, el propietario, a veces no lo 25 place did not see him. But if he noticed notaba. Pero cuando lo sorprendía, lo mira- he stared at his cousin with a warning ba con una expresión de advertencia en su in his tight, pale face. Sadly tenso y pálido rostro. Entonces, Antonapoulos Antonapoulos would shuffle the con tristeza se limitaba a cambiar morsel from one corner of the case to X el manjar de lugar. Entre- 30 the other. During these times Singer tanto, Singer permanecía inmóvil, stood very straight with his hands in his erguido, con las manos en los bol- pockets and looked in another direc- sillos y mirando en otra dirección. tion. He did not like to watch this little No le agradaba presenciar esta pe- scene between the two Greeks. For, ex- queña escena de los dos griegos. 35 cepting drinking and a certain solitary Exceptuando la bebida y cierto secret pleasure, Antonapoulos loved to placer solitario, lo que más le gus- eat more than anything else in the taba en el mundo a Antonapoulos world. era comer. 40 In the dusk the two mutes Al anochecer, los dos mudos insepa- walked slowly home together. At rables caminaban lentamente en dirección home Singer was always talking al hogar. En casa, Singer estaba siempre to Antonapoulos. His hands hablándole a Antonapoulos. Sus manos shaped the words in a swift daban forma a las palabras con una rápi- 45 series of designs. His face was da sucesión de movimientos. Su rostro re- eager and his grey-green eyes flejaba ansiedad y sus ojos de tono gris- sparkled brightly. With his thin, verde lanzaban destellos. Con sus finas, strong hands he told pero fuertes manos relataba a Antonapoulos all that had Antonapoulos todo lo que había sucedido 50 happened during the day. durante el día. [10] Antonapoulos sat back lazily Antonapoulos se arrellenaba perezo- and looked at Singer. It was seldom samente y miraba a Singer. Rara vez hacía that he ever moved his hands to algún movimiento con sus manos intentan- 55 speak at all - and then it was to say do expresarse y cuando esto ocurría, era that he wanted to eat or to sleep or sólo para decir que quería comer, dormir, to drink. These three things he o beber. Y estas tres cosas las decía siem- always said with the same vague, pre con idénticos ademanes imprecisos y fumbling signs. At night, if he were torpes. Por la noche, cuando no estaba de- 60 not too drunk, he would kneel down masiado borracho, se arrodillaba junto al 2 Notes McCuller’s Heart tr. de Jaime Silva before his bed and pray awhile. X lecho para rezar________ . En tales oca- Then his plump hands shaped the siones, sus manos regordetas daban for- words ‘Holy Jesus’, or ‘God’, or ma a las palabras «Jesús Santo, o «Dios, o ‘Darling Mary’. These were the only «Adorada María». Antonapoulos no decía 5 words Antonapoulos ever said. Singer más que esas palabras. Singer nunca supo never knew just how much his friend hasta qué punto su amigo llegaba a com- understood of all the things he told him. prender lo que él le comunicaba. Pero eso But it did not matter. no tenía importancia. 10 They shared the upstairs of a small Compartían el piso alto de una casa pe- house near the business section of the queña, junto al sector comercial de la ciu- town.
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