Summer 2007 Don’T Bug Me! If All Mankind Were to Disappear, the World Would Regenerate Back to the Rich State of Equilibrium That Existed Ten Thousand Years Ago
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Price $2.00 Because land doesn’t come with a manual. ISSN 1554-656X The Newsletter of the Ecological Landscaping Association Vol. 14, No. 2 Summer 2007 Don’t Bug Me! If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos. – E. O. Wilson THE INVAS I ON OF T HE HOME SNA T CHERS • Bruce Wenning any kinds of pests find their ate in raising their young, finding damaged. When Carpenter ants way into your home. Some you food and defending the colony. They invade a home or other wooden Mcan tolerate, others you can’t. Carpen- exhibit a caste system comprised of a structure and establish a colony ter ants and carpenter bees are insects queen, males and workers. The division with a queen, it is usually bad news. that want to move in with you. When of labor in the colony is an integral Carpenter ants can be found they invade your space, the damage condition of group living. Queens fly around the periphery of your home can be extensive and costly. to mate with males, and once mated, in moist foundation mulches, piles Ants are the most recognized in- a queen will remove her wings and of damp leaves and branches and sects on earth, with many subfamilies, remain dedicated to egg laying for the woodpiles. The best approach to genera and species worldwide. They are colony. Males have wings and die soon the carpenter ant problem is pre- in the Order Hymenoptera (bees, ants, after mating with the queen. Workers, ventive: eliminate damp habitats wasps, sawflies and parasitic wasps). as their name implies, do most of the around the exterior of your home They have three distinct body regions; colony’s work; they are sterile wingless (as well as inside). head, thorax, and abdomen, and their females. Large colonies can have over Carpenter ants are frequently antennae, which are usually elbowed 3,000 worker ants. confused with termites, which (bent), function as chemical receptors. There are many ant species found are also wood-destroying insects. Ants nest in colonies and cooper- throughout the United States. The Termites are soft-bodied and usu- contents most destructive Eastern species is ally white or cream colored; they Camponotus pennsylvanicus, the black are sometimes called, erroneously, 1 The Invasion of the Home Snatchers carpenter ant, which is common in “white ants” although they are 3 From the President New England. These ants are attracted more closely related to cockroaches 6 Better Grub and Insect Control to damp wood caused by leaking roofs, than to ants. Carpenter ants, in 8 Book Review wood in contact with soil, leaking contrast, are hard-bodied and black 9 Insect Factoids, Gleanings plumbing fixtures, insulation, blocked or dark brown in color. Termites 10 Events, Announcements gutters, poorly ventilated attics and (which are in the small order 11 Unclassifieds crawl spaces, and other wooden struc- Isoptera, meaning equal wings) 12 Discover Eco Landscaping Bulk Order Form tures (supports, walls, pillars, siding, have fore and hind wings that are 13 Discover Eco Landscaping Sample pages joists, sills) that are rotted or water- nearly equal in size and which fold — 1— at rest close to the body. Carpenter ern species, Xylocopa virginica. They can The Ecological Landscaper is pub- ants, whose fore wings are larger than cause significant damage by boring into lished by the Ecological Landscaping Association (ELA). Subscriptions are their hind wings, usually extend or hold and excavating wood year after year. You a benefit of membership in ELA. For their wings above their body at rest. may see this species flying near window- information about ELA, contact: Termites do not have a “waist” (con- sills, eaves, wooden siding, fence posts, striction between the thorax and abdo- railings, and other very dry wooden men), whereas carpenter ants do have structures. An infestation is first detect- ELA this constriction. Termites have bead- ed by finding large amounts of sawdust 1257 Worcester Rd., #262 like antennae while carpenter ants have below half-inch diameter entrance holes Framingham, MA 01701 their antennae in segments resembling a in wood. Applying linseed oil to dry (617) 436-5838 short “arm” and “elbow.” Unlike termites, wood can reduce the attractiveness of carpenter ants do not eat or digest wood, such wood to these bees. but instead excavate mostly moist and Carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and Write to us! We welcome comments, soft wood (and sometimes dry wood) termites utilize trees and other woody letters, articles, topic ideas, and opin- ions. Send to: and deposit the resulting “sawdust” plants and materials as part of their life ELA cycle. Each is important in its respective Newsletter Editor niche, but when they invade our domain 1257 Worcester Rd., #262 they become pests. Homeowners who Framingham, MA 01701 find it necessary to control or eradicate them should consult a certified pest Send all other ELA business, includ- control company and request that they ing address changes, to the Framing- ham address listed above. deal with the problem in the most envi- ronmentally benign way possible. The ELA board meets throughout the year in various locations in eastern A carpenter ant For more information see Arnold Massachusetts. All members are Photo by Clemson University USDA Mallis, Handbook of Pest Control; welcome. Contact us for specific dates Cooperative Extension Slide Series Hansen & Klotz, Carpenter Ants of the and locations. United States and Canada, and www. ELA Board of Directors outside their colony, while keeping their Bruce Wenning is a horticulturist galleries clean. Wood digesting termites, President: Dennis Collins working at Land Sakes in Newton and Vice President: Sandy Vorce on the other hand, line their galleries serves on the Board of Directors of the Treasurer: Sue Storer with moist soil. Carpenter ants are both Recording Secretary: Owen Wormser Ecological Landscaping Association. predators and scavengers, feeding on This article originally appeared in live and dead insects, plant sap of certain Members at Large The Newton TAB in 2006. plants, aphid and sap sucking insect Donald Bishop Bob Levite Joanna Campe Chris O’Brien honey dew, and various food scraps. Karen Dominguez- Cathy Rooney Another type of wood-destroying Brann Kathy Sargent- insect, sometimes mistaken for bumble Peter Hinrichs O’Neill bees, are carpenter bees, also in the order William Jewell Maureen Sundberg Andrea Knowles Bruce Wenning Hymenoptera (like carpenter ants). They EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: differ from bumble bees in their body ELA has a new Executive Administrator: Penny Lewis markings. Carpenter bees have black ab- Each author appearing herein retains domens while bumble bees have yellow mailing address . original copyright. Right to reproduce or abdominal markings. Carpenter bees tend disseminate all material herein is other- to fly and hover high up against buildings 1257 Worcester Rd, #262 wisely reserved by ELA. Please contact Framingham, MA 01701 the Editor for permission to reprint. and windowsills to excavate their galleries in dry wood. Females have a stinger but Mention of products is not intended to con- stitute endorsement. Opinions expressed in rarely sting. Males do not have a stinger Please be sure that all future this newsletter do not necessarily represent and are harmless to humans. correspondence is sent here. those of ELA’s directors, staff, or members. The US has seven species of carpen- Thanks. ter bees. The most destructive to homes ©Ecological Landscaping 2007 and other wooden structures is the East- — 2— professionals and the general public to the message than ever before. about the ecological and human health Obviously, the stakes are high. hazards of some conventional land- Development and population growth scaping practices. present some sobering statistics. The Only time will tell if I have what EPA suggests that 8 billion gallons is necessary for this job. Other than a per day (about a third of residential willingness to serve, my experience in water use) is used in residential lawn landscaping and horticulture (about 25 and garden irrigation, a figure that will years) and in another professional or- vary significantly in dry regions and ganization, the American Public Gar- during droughts. Worldwatch Insti- dens Association, make up my quali- tute, a Washington-based think tank, fications. My “real job” is with Mount estimated that our roughly 18,000 golf Auburn Cemetery, a botanical garden courses use another 4 billion gallons and cemetery founded 176 years ago of water per day for irrigation. Recent by the Massachusetts Horticultural surveys by the National Gardening Society, where we are trying to move Association and the Garden Writers towards an ecologically sustainable of America Association (2005-2007) FROM T HE PRES I DEN T : horticulture program. present an attention-grabbing picture As luck would have it, this seems for residential landscaping. First, there Checking the pulse of ELA like an interesting time for me to be are 82 million Americans who have • Dennis Collins serving in this role. This organization, at least a garden or a lawn. While and the American landscaping/garden- 78% of American homeowners claim t is an honor for me to address the ing public as well, seem to be in rather to do something in the way of work membership of ELA and readers of critical states of transition. ELA recog- in their yards, just over a third of all theI newsletter as the incoming presi- nizes that educating about the environ- households hire a professional con- dent of the ELA Board of Directors. mental costs of conventional landscap- tractor to do some sort of landscape/ I had earlier volunteered to write an ing practices, and offering alternatives lawn service.