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I I © Copyright by Luis Dfivila I 71- 17,982 DAVILA, Luis, 1938- THE ANTIPOETRY OF NICANOR PARRA. [Portions of Text in Spanish]. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1970 Language and Literature, modern Please Note: School lists name as Luis Davila, Jr. University Microfilms, A XEROX Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan © Copyright by Luis Dfivila 1971 THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED THE ANTIPOETRY OP NICANOR PARRA DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Luis D£vila, B.S., M.A. The Ohio State University 1970 Approved by kfhS/u^llcFrttJu ___________ Martha Frosch Adviser Department of Romance Languages VITA January 23, 1938 Born - San Antonio, Texas i960 ......... B.S., St, Mary's University San Antonio, Texas I964—I9 6 9 . , , Graduate Assistant, Department of Romance Languages, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 1965 ....... M,A., The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio FIELD OF STUDY Major Field* Contemporary Spanish American Literature TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Chapter I - Poetic Dynamics of the Antipoesla 12 Chapter II - The Irony of the Antipoetry kZ Chapter III - The Dialogue Between the Antipoet and his Antireader 71 Chapter IV - The Negative Quality of the Antipoetry 99 Chapter V - The Comic Seriousness of Parra*s Antipoetry 133 Appendix 165 Bibliography 171 INTRODUCTION Anti-intellectual* anti-traditional, anti-personal-- these are all labels which at one time or another have been affixed to the poetry of Nicanor Parra. They suggest an absence of poetic design, a rejection of traditional norms, and even a drastic diminishing of sentiment. Readers who have not properly understood the Chilean poet's works have often considered them trivial and even ludicrously banal. Yet Parra's antipoems appear to be carefully planned this way, for as the philosopher-poet Luis Oyarztin has remarked in discussing the genesis of the antipoetry, "Parra no hace, sino excepcionalmente, una poesla espontfinea y repentista. Sus poemas son, en gran medida elaborados. This poetic consciousness is perhapB most self-evident when we find Parra mimicking his detractors while he forewarns his readers in the antipoem, "Advertencia al lector"* Mi poesla puede perfectamente no conducir a ninguna partei "I Las risas de este libro son falsas!", argumentar£n mis detractores "Sus l£grimas, jartificiales!" "En vez de suspirar, en estas p£ginas se bosteza" "Se patalea como un nino de pecho" "El autor se da entender a estornudos" Conformei os invito a quemar vuestras naves, Como los fenicios pretendo formarme mi propio alfabeto. 2 1 And the truth is that many readers "have burnt their ships” in order to appreciate Parra's distinct poetic manner of presenting the reality that he feels truly surrounds him. For the antipoet's world is one that is at times best des­ cribed in a negative fashioni one of ironic contrasts where absurd happenings are found to be comically serious and, as such, lend themselves to an anti-lyrical presentation. This I hope to show more clearly as we proceed with this essay. When we first come to read Parra he tells us quite explicitly that, Segtfn los doctores de la ley este libro no debiera publicarsei La palabra arco iris no aparece en il en ninguna parte, Menos atin la palabra dolor, La palabra torcuato. Sillas y mesas sf que figuran a granel, iAtatfdes!, jdtiles de escritorio! Lo que me llena de orgullo Porque, a mi modo de ver, el cielo se est£ cayendo a pedazos.3 Yet, it is Parra's peculiar "modo de ver” that interests us here. And we find that as he looks around he discovers that all the erstwhile poetic heavens have indeed fallen apart. They no longer inspire or give us much solace. His anti­ poetry is one without rainbows, because Parra does not harbor much faith in the anthropocentric illusions of man's grandeur and immortality. "El mundo moderno es una gran cloaca,”^ he howls and then somewhat later on he tells us in a more somber manner that, ”S6lo una cosa es clara / Que la carne se llena de gusanos.”5 In this study we should like to examine the dynamics of that particular literary response which allows some readers to appreciate the antipoetry. How is it that a poetry so enigmatically prosaic and chaotic to some, can be an experience of aesthetic pleasure to others? Needless to say Coleridge^ has been here before us as the question we are asking is* How is it that the antipoems elicit a willing suspension of disbelief? But before proceeding with an internal study of the "antipoesla" in pursuit of some possible answers to the above question, it would be well to make a few preliminary remarks about the situation of Chilean poetry at the time of Parra's appearance. Indeed, Parra makes not one but two rather dramatic entries into Chilean letters, and both times he takes on the role of the contrarian opposed as he is to the two respective towering poetic figures of the times. In 1937r when he publishes Cancionero sin nombre. it is Lorca that he gently parodies?* in 195^» date of Poemas y anti- Q poemas. it is Neruda's turn to be challenged. 0 This, in essence, is also the contention of the young poet-critic Pedro Lastra who in a round table discussion of Parra's works says, En cuanto a nuestra generacifin. Cuando conocimos a Parra, alrededor de 1950, lo que pesaba en el 5mbito chileno era la presencia de la poesfa neru- diana. Esta ejercfa una atraccidn, incluso desper­ sonal izante, en la medida en que su lenguaje no correspondla a la necesidad de expresidn de una ge- neracidn que se estaba enfrentando al mundo con otra actitud. Es lo que parece haberles ocurrido a ustedes respeeto de Garcfa Lorca. Si bien Parra partid de 51, ya en Cancionero sin nombre aparece la ruptura bajo la especie del antilirismo, los efectos absurdos, los efectos desconcertantes. La expresidn de un mundo cadtico, la denun- cia de un cierto estado de cosas en la antipoesla, fueron para nosotros un camino de acceso a la autenticidad de nuestra expresidn. En este sen- tido, podemos decir que soraos tambidn de la gene- racidn de Parra.9 Luis Oyarzdn, a close friend of Parra's and himself a member of the generation of 1938* appears to be in close agreement with Lastra. However, he broadens even further Parra's importance as an antipoetic contrarian for he states that already in 1937 it was a question of sheer artistic survival to escape not only Lorca but also Neruda's and Valdry's over­ powering shadows. First referring to Neruda, Oyarztfn tells us, "Sus adjetivos, sus gerundios, y hasta el tono de voz de sus lecturas fueron asimilados con pasidn, hasta el punto que calmos en una especie de sonambulismo podtico, del que sdlo vino a sacarnos, bajo la influencia severa de Jorge Millas, la lucidez extrema de Valdry."1° But then after this generation of poets had embraced "la poesfa de claridad y lucidez" another danger ensued which Oyarzdn also notes, "Corrfamos el riesgo de cristalizarnos, de mirar el mundo desde el interior de un diamante, Pero nos salvaron-- provisionalmente, jnunca se salva uno en definitiva!— - Nicanor Parra, que solla venir de Chilldn, donde era profe- sor de matemdticas, y que nos miraba con cierto arrobamiento de provincia contrapesado por su inteligencia crftica, y 5 Gonzalo Rojas, . • • Nicanor nos trajo en ese entonces el Cancionero sin nombre dedicado a Millas, Omar Cerda, Carlos Pedraza, Victoriano Ciceres, Carlos Guzmfin y yo-- y Gonzalo todos los esplendores y todo el humor negro y libre del surrealismo. We cannot help but note in passing that Gonzalo Rojas's opting for the surrealistic mode does not appear, from our vantage point, to be too daringly adventuresome for his times. Rojas joined the surrealistic group Mandr£gora headed by Braulio A r e n a s - 1^ somewhat after 1938 so as to "alcanzar una altura po^tica"^ different from the poetry then in vogue. But we should point out that both Parra and Rojas had begun to write in earnest when Neruda's first two volumes of Residencia en la tierra1^ (1933-1935) had already been pub­ lished and were well known internationally. We recall that it was in the early Residencias that Neruda's hermetic quali­ ties showed themselves to be the strongest, as Amado Alonso has so eloquently shown in his famous book on Neruda.***5 Parra, as opposed to Rojas, does not take the hermetic sur­ realistic route but rather chooses a popularist one that is eventually to lead to the antinoesfa of 195^• As Jorge Elliott has observed, Parra tries to avoid "poesfa 'agi- gantadora*, o de usar una metfifora nueva. Por el contrario, se recurre a un lenguaje viviente en el cual no se rehuye, sino m£s bien se aprovecha, la cursilerfa pueblerina, que en funcidn antit£tica con expresiones de naturaleza culta y otras* de carga llrica, adquieren un sabor muy peculiar. "16 6 Though Parra goes the route of prosaic poetry, he does not fall victim to the usual rhetorical qualities associated with vernacular poetry. Nowhere have we found a better dis­ tinction made between the rhetoric of vernacular poetry and the innovative language of prosaic poetry than in Octavio Paz's Cuadrivio. It is there that the Mexican poet contrasts the prosaic language of a Ldpez Velarde to "el llamado len- guaje popular" of a Machado or a Lorcai El llamado lenguaje popular de la poesla espafiola no viene del habla del pueblo sino de la cancidn tradieionali el prosalsmo de Ldpez Velarde y de otros poetas hispanoamericanos procede de la con- versacidn, esto esf del lenguaje que efectivamente se habla en las ciudades.
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    Entrevista a Gonzalo Rojas: “Me siento un aprendiz inconcluso, algo próximo a la órbita borgeana” Así se definió el poeta chileno Gonzalo Rojas, que fue anunciado ganador del Premio Cervantes, el Nobel de las letras hispanas. Rojas tiene 85 años y vive en Chillán, a 400 kilómetros de Santiago. “Vallejo me dio el despojo y, desde ahí, el descubrimiento del tono. Huidobro, acaso el desenfado. Neruda, cierto ritmo respiratorio, que él a su vez aprendió en Whitman y en Baudelaire. Pero yo gané el mío desde la asfixia. ¿Y Borges? El rigor, l’ostinato rigore que dijo Leonardo. Y el desvelo. (...) Personalmente me reconozco uno de esos aprendices inconclusos, próximo a la órbita borgeana en una especie de metamorfosis de lo mismo.” El escritor Gonzalo Rojas definió cierta vez con esas palabras el sentimiento de pertenencia a un linaje de escritores y poetas que lo acompaña desde que tiene memoria. Digno hijo de una tierra de poetas, este chileno de 85 años reconocido como el mayor poeta vivo de su país y uno de los más importantes de la lengua española recibió ayer el Premio Cervantes, considerado el Nobel de las letras hispanas. “Estoy sorprendido, porque creo que otros colegas, como por ejemplo el gran Nicanor Parra, lo merecían más que yo. Pero me siento absolutamente honrado. Recibir un premio con ese nombre, habiendo tenido a Cervantes en el seso desde niño, es lo más extraordinario que le puede ocurrir a alguien que escribe”, declaró el autor de La miseria del hombre, Contra la muerte, Río turbio y Oscuro, visiblemente emocionado, a poco de haber recibido la noticia de boca de la ministra de Educación, Cultura y Deportes de España, Pilar de Castillo.
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