The Importance of Zen Buddhism Towards Miyamoto Musashi’S New Personality in Eiji Yoshikawa’S Musashi
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PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI THE IMPORTANCE OF ZEN BUDDHISM TOWARDS MIYAMOTO MUSASHI’S NEW PERSONALITY IN EIJI YOSHIKAWA’S MUSASHI AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By BONFILIO RENDRA SULISTIAWAN Student Number: 154214119 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY 2020 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI THE IMPORTANCE OF ZEN BUDDHISM TOWARDS MIYAMOTO MUSASHI’S NEW PERSONALITY IN EIJI YOSHIKAWA’S MUSASHI AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By BONFILIO RENDRA SULISTIAWAN Student Number: 154214119 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY 2020 ii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI This study is dedicated to both of my late fathers MY BELOVED MOTHER WHO SUPPORTS ME My older Brother viii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to dedicate my deepest gratitude to God for His blessings. In his name Jesus and Saint Mary, I can keep going through this process. Second, I would like to thank to my thesis advisor, Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji, M.Hum for guiding and helping me to conduct this research. I am so grateful that he encourages me to give my best potential and be persistent during the process of making this research. I also would like to express my gratitude to co-advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijarnaka M.Hum and examiner Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum for the revisions and suggestions that enrich my study. In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother Caecilia Sri Dharmastuti for her support in my emotional struggle and financial aid to finish my study. I also feel thankful towards my brother Amadeus Rembrandt Sulistiawan for his scolding and reminder about my purpose in study. I would also like to thank my beloved friends, Elin Eprilin, Irene Putri Laratsemi, Rischka Andjani Putri, Indiwara Pandu and Fazulrahman Adi who have helped me to go through this process. These 4 years in Sanata Dharma University have shaped me into the person I have become. I have gained lots of memories and met with so many great people here. Therefore, for all the lecturers, friends, staffs and everyone who take parts in my college life. Bonfilio Rendra Sulistiawan ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................. iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH.....v STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... vi MOTTO PAGE ....................................................................................................vii DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... x ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................xii ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................xiii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 A. Background of the Study ................................................................................1 B. Problem Formulation ......................................................................................3 C. Objectives of the Study ...................................................................................3 D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................3 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .....................................................5 A. Review of Related Studies ..............................................................................5 B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................................7 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ..................................................7 2. Personality Development ..........................................................................11 3. Zen Buddhism .......................................................................................... 14 C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...................................................................18 A. Object of the Study .......................................................................................18 B. Approach of the Study ..................................................................................19 C. Method of the Study ......................................................................................19 x PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ................................................................................21 A. Characteristic Development of Takezo to Musashi ......................................21 B. Zen Spirits appear in Musashi’s New Personality ........................................34 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ...........................................................................42 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................45 APPENDIX ...............................................................................................................47 xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT SULISTIAWAN, BONFILIO RENDRA, (2019) The Importance of Zen Buddhism Towards Miyamoto Musashi’s New Personality in Eiji Yoshikawa’s Musashi. Yogyakarta. Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Musashi is one of Eiji Yoshikawa’s literary works which are based on historical period of Japanese Civil War era. In this novel, the main character experienced a change of personality from a violent, cruel, and short tempered fighter who always obsessed with fighting for pleasure into a swordsman with a clear purpose to become the best in Japan after he learned Zen teaching. The two main objectives analyzed in this thesis are, firstly, to identify and describe what are the personality development throughout the story. Second, to examine and describe how Zen spirits appear in his attitude and thought in his new personality. This study is library research. The researcher collects data from various books and analyses them. The approach in this study using psychological approach. In this research, the psychological approach is used because it is an excellent tool to read between the lines. Theory of character of characterization by Murphy is suitable to analyze the characteristics of both of Takezo and Musashi. To analyze the character development in the main character before and after he change his name, researcher uses from Boree’s personality development theory. In order to find the spirits that appear in Musashi’s new personality, Suzuki’s Zen Buddhism and its spirits used to identify them. From the characterization, Miyamoto Musashi before learning Zen, he was known as Takezo. Takezo can be described as a violent, short-tempered and cruel. Takezo as Musashi became a considerate, determined and still violent. He undergo a significant change in his new personality. Musashi shows himself as a swordsman with total awareness of his surroundings as he mastered Zanshin. He transformed into a fighter who has immovable fighting spirit and strong will. In the peak of his ability, Musashi presented the highest form of Zen spirits which is a state of mind without mind. The change that happened in himself enabled him to defeat every opponent in any difficult situation. Keywords: Zen Buddhism, Eiji Yoshikawa, Personality Development, Takezo, Musashi. xii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK SULISTIAWAN, BONFILIO RENDRA, (2019) The Importance of Zen Buddhism Towards Miyamoto Musashi’s New Personality in Eiji Yoshikawa’s Musashi. Yogyakarta. Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Musashi merupakan salah satu karya sastra yang ditulis oleh Eiji Yoshikawa berdasarkan sejarah era perang sipil Jepang. Dalam novel ini, karakter utama mengalami suatu perubahan kepribadian dari seorang petarung ganas, kejam dan pemarah yang selalu bernafsu untuk bertarung demi kesenangannya menjadi seorang pendekar dengan tujuan yang jelas untuk menjadi yang terbaik di Jepang setelah dia mempelajari ajaran Zen. Dua permasalahan utama yang dianalisa dalam penelitian ini adalah, pertama, untuk mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan apa saja perkembangan karakteristik didalam cerita. Kedua, untuk meneliti dan menjelaskan bagaimana cara semangat Zen muncul dalam kepribadian baru yang dimiliki oleh Musashi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian