The Gazette of India
REGD. N0. D-222 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 38] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1963/BHADRA 30, 1885 PART I—SECTION 4 Notifications regarding Appointments, Promotions, Leave, etc. of Officers issued by the Ministry of Defence MINISTRY OF DEFENCE No. 2042, dated 4th Sep. 1963.—Shri Sunil Kumar Khas- MINISTRY OF DEFENCE nobis, offg. Jr. Scientific Officer, Defence Metallurgical Research New Delhi, 21st September 1963 Laboratory, Ichapur relinquished charge of his post on 6th No. 2037, dated 6th Sep. 1963.—The President is pleased July 1963 (AN.) consequent on acceptance of his resignation. to appoint Shri K. Ramanujam, IAS, Under Secy., M. of D. G. JAYARAMAN, Under Secy. as Dy. Secy, in the Ministry, w.e.f. 4th Sep. 1963 (F.N.). YATINDRA SINGH, Under Secy INDIAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES SERVICE No. 2041, dated 6th Sep. 1963.—The President is pleased DEFENCE PRODUCTION ORGANISATION to appoint the following as Assistant Manager (on probn.) No. 2038, dated 1th Sep. 1963.—The President is pleased from the dates noted against each, until further orders :— to make the following promotion : — Shri Vilapakkam Natesapillai Pattabiraman, 16th Nov. 1962. Defence Science Service Shri Sankaran Narayanaswamy, 1st Dec. 1962. Shri Prabudh Kumar Bhasker Prasad MEHTA, permit. Sr. Shri Musuvathy Hananandan Jeyachandran, 11th Dec. 1962. Scientific Asstt., Inspectorate of General Stores, West India, No. 2044, dated 5th Sep. 1963,—The President is pleased BOMBAY to be oftg. Jr. Scientific Officer, Inspectorate of to appoint Shri Laxmi Chand KALIA, offg. Foreman (permt, General Stores, Central India, KANPUR, 13th May 1963 Asstt. Foreman), as offg. Asstt.
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