105 109 90 85 96 14 20 26 82 56 sarCevi Contents 6 Copyright yvela uflebadaculia The theuse of magazine content is forbiddenwithout permissionprior the of publisher JurnalSi gamoqveynebulimasalebis gamoyenebagamomcemlisnebarTvisgareSeakrZalulia andGeorgia National the Intellectual Property Center –SAKPATENTI centris “saqpatentis” mxardaWeriT/The magazine is publishedwiththe support of the of Ministry Culture and Monument Protection of sakuTrebis erovnuli Jurnali gamodissaqarTveloskulturisadaZeglTadacvissaministros dainteleqtualuri editionnomeri daibeWdagamomcemloba“24saaTiprintSi”/The was printed the by publishing house “24SAATI PRINTI” gigolaSvili/Literature editing: Nena Gigolashvili Targmani:ninotogoniZe/Translation: Nino Togonidze foto dagrafikulidizaini:kikalastudio/Photo and graphic KIKALA STUDIO design: literaturuliredaqtireba:nena editiondemetraZe, xaTunagogiSvili/The was prepared by: Tamar Kemularia, KhatunaDemetradze, Irina Gogishvili aRmasrulebeli menejeri:giorgisalayaia/Executive Manager: Giorgi nomerze muSaobdnen: Tamar kemularia, irina Salakaia saqarTvelo, 0171Tbilisi, kostavasq.63/Kostava str. 0171Tbilisi, tel.:/Tel: +9953227887www.gca.ge [email protected] gamomcemeli: saqarTvelossaavtorouflebaTaasociacia Overview Semecneba The Main Topic mTavari Tema The Portrait portreti The Subjective Space subieqturi sivrce Problems problematika Precedents precedentebi Georgians Abroad qarTvelebi ucxoeTSi The Guest stumari Georgian Copyright Association saqarTvelos saavtorouflebaTaasociacia Debut The debiuti The Digest daijesti Copyrights inTact with Development of Technologies and Economy David Sakvarelidze, Kiknadze, Vakho Rezo Babunashvili, Anton Balanchivadz Papuna Sharikadze David Asatiani DirectorGeneral –The the of “MicrosoftGeorgia” daviT asaTiani-„Microsoft saqarTvelos“generaluridireqtori papuna SariqaZe

saavtoro uflebebiteqnologiebisadaekonomikisganviTarebis kvaldakval Vakhtang Chabukiani vaxtang Wabukiani Interview with CISAC European Affairs Director, MitkoChatalbashev interviu CISAC-is evropulsakiTxTadireqtor-mitkoCatalbaSevTan daviT sayvareliZe,rezokiknaZe,vaxobabunaSvili,antonbalanCivaZe Manana Menabde © 2012 all Rights Reserved ©2012all Nika Rurua, Morchiladze, Aka Irina Demetradze nika rurua,akamorCilaZe,irinademetraZe manana menabde TheReform ContinuesProcess /Publisher: Georgian/Publisher: Copyright Association (GCA)

reformirebis procesigrZeldeba piradad CemTvis, es albomi mainc musikosebis, qalaqis, da Tu gnebavT, mTeli epoqis erTian ganwyobaze ufroa, vidre studiaSi daWerili, Camweris sqel, yav- isfer firze datanili wamis, momentis grZnobaze - nika rurua. For me this album is more about the mood of musicians, the city, and even the whole epoch, than about the feeling of the moment, a squeezed second caught in the Studio and placed on the thick, brown tape of the recorder – Nika Ru- rua yvelaze magari sakiTxavi CemTvis iyo, fon klaistis 'mihael kolhaasi", ajanyebuli vaWris ambavi luTerisdroindel germaniaSi. am wignSi gadmocemulia ambavi, Tu ris fasac SeiZleba daujdes qveya- nas erTi rigiTi kacis usamarTlod ganawyeneba. - aka morClaZe The best for me was “Michael Kohlhaas” by Von Kleist, the story of a rebelled merchant in Germany of Lu- ther’s times. A story tells about a price that a country might pay for offending an ordinary man. – Aka Morchiladze vfiqrob araCveulebrivi gamofena Zalian axlos dgas frangul axal talRasTan, egzistencializmis aTeistur redaqciasTan da amasTanave Zalian qarTulia - irina demetraZe. I think that “An Unusual Exhibition” is quite close to the French New Wave, with the atheistic edition of existen- tialism, and, at the same time is very Georgian – Irina Demetradze xelovnebis mTavari arsi xom Wvretaa, risi Sede- gicaa swored raime yovlad Cveulebrivsa da banalurSi raRac gansakuTrebulis, araCveulebrivis, ''gaugonaris'', saswaulebrivis danaxva da am danaxulis interpretacia sxvaTaTvis dasanaxveblad. - rezo kiknaZe The core idea of art is foreseeing, the result of which is noticing something special, unordinary, “wonderful”, miracu- lous in ordinary and banal things and interpretation of the noticed for the purposes of public disclosure. – Rezo Kiknadze mxat- vari mravalmxrivi unda iyos, amas Tavad misi interesebic ganapirobebs, magram Tu arCevani dadga: artisti Tu mxatvari? me meores virCev.. - anton balanCivaZe A painter should be developed in versatile directions. It is conditioned by his/her own interests. In case if I have to choose between being an artist or a painter, I will choose the second one. – Anton Balanchivadze. ver gamovdivarT im Zveli stereoti- pebidan da sxvisi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis miTviseba qurdoba ar gvgonia. es xom igivea, rom vinmem Tqveni kuTvnili materialuri nivTi gankargos - vaxo babunaSvili. We can’t get rid of some old stereotypes, and, just, don’t consider that the appropriation of others’ intellectual property is theft. In fact, it would be exactly the same case if someone managed your own material item. – Vakho Babunashvili. Cven saqme gvaqvs msoflio musikalur saganZurTan da Sesabamisad saWiroa avtorTa da im organiza- ciaTa mxardaWera, vinc axorcielebs saavtoro uflebaTa monitorings - daviT sayvareliZe. We are talking about the world’s music treasure, and, ac- cordingly, the support from the side of authors or organization, which conduct monitoring on copyrights, is needed – David Sakvarelidze. TxuTmet weliwadze metxans me uTe- atrod, udasod davrCi da ver SevZeli Cemi SemoqmedebiTi cxovrebis arcTu ise mokle dro Cemi qveynis Semdgomi ganviTarebisTvis momexmarebina - vaxtang Wabukiani For over 15 years, I was left without a theatre and without a troupe, and, therefore, in this not-so-short period of my creative life, I was not able to contribute, to the future development of my country – Vakhtang Chabukiani. klasika ukve non- konformistuladac SeiZleba CaiTvalos, radgan klasika iseve, rogorc nonkonformizmi, uryevia da angariSs ar uwevs imas, rac mis garSemo xdeba! - manana menabde. Classic can already be regarded as non-conformist, as classic, like non- conformism, is imperturbable and does not take into consideration what is happening around! – Manana Menabde. saavtoro uflebebis dacvis gareSe ino- vacia da nebismieri qmnileba safrTxis qveS dgeba, radgan es iwvevs axali Rirebuli produqtis SeqmnisTvis da masSi investirebisTvis stimulis dakargvas - mitko CaTalbaSevi. Without Copyright protection an innovation and any kind of invention will be put under risk, since this provokes loss of stimulus for creation of a new valuable product and investment in it. – Mitko Chatalbashev. sazogadoeba mzad aris internet-mekobreobas seriozuli omi gamoucxados. Tumca, mimaCnia, rom saWiroa damatebiTi zomebis miReba da kanon- ebis gamkacreba am mimarTulebiT -– daviT asaTiani. The society is ready to declare a serious war to the Internet pirating. Though, from my point of view, additional measures should be taken in this direction and laws should become stricter. jazi Taviseburi komunikaciaa. garegnuladac cvlis adamians. papunasac aRar ainteresebs bevri ram, is sxvagvarad uyurebs da afasebs garemos, movlenebs. jazi imdenad didi siamovnebaa, rom ar giRirs sxva rameze daixarjo - zura ramiSvi- li Jazz is a kind of communication. It changes a person’s appearance. It is worth to mention that, Papuna is not interested in many things, he sees and evaluates the environment and events in a different way. Jazz is such great pleasure, that it does not worth to get spent on other things - Zura Ramishvili

6 Semecneba Overview Copyright 2012 saavtoro uflebebi teqnologiebisa da ekonomikis ganviTarebis kvaldakval

Copyright in Tact with Development of Technologies and Economy

Jurnal “Copyright”–is mkiTxveli wina nomerSi In the previous issue of the magazine “Copyright”, gaecno kacobriobis mier damwerlobis ganviTare- the reader got familiar with the stages of develop- bidan saavtoro uflebebamde ganvlil gzas. am ment of the mankind from the moment of the ap- procesebSi adamians exmareboda mudmivi teqnolo- pearance of the written language up to the creation giuri da sazogadoebrivi cvlilebebi. Zveli Sumer- of Copyrights. In this process, the ongoing, con- ebis da babilonelebis civilizaciebidan dawyebu- stant technological and social changes were of a li, me-18 saukunis mijnamde jer kidev sadavo iyo great help. Since the ancient civilizations of Sumer- avtoris da gamomcemlis uflebebis gansazRvris ians and Babylonians and by the 18th century, the koncefcia, sad unda gasuliyo zRvari..... am pro- concept of definition of author’s and publisher’s cesebSi mecnierebi da gamomgoneblebi aqtiurad rights and where the margin should be put be- ar monawileobdnen... magram... tween these two, had been disputable… Scientists and inventors did not take an active part in these 1765 wels, safrangeTis provincia Salon sur son- processes… but… Si, warmatebuli iuristis ojaxSi biWi daibada. maSin veravis warmoedgina ra kavSiri eqneboda In the year 1765, in the French commune of Chalon-sur- biWis sainJinro gatacebebs da mis karieras mamis profesiasTan. Saône, a boy was born in the family of a successful lawyer. Nobody could imagine then, how the fascination of the 1826 wels jozef nisefor nefsma pirveli foto ga- boy with the engineering and his career would be con- daiRo, axali industria imdenad male gavrcelda, nected with his father’s profession. rom ukve 1862 wels londonSi saxviTi xelovnebis saavtoro uflebebis dacvis aqti SemuSavda. masSi In 1826y., Joseph Nisafon Nefs has taken the first pho- vkiTxulobT, rom saavtoro uflebebiT ferw- eris, mxatvrobis da fotografiuli namuSevrebi tograph. The new industry spread so fast, that in 1862y., daculia avtoris sicocxlis manZilze da misi in London, the “Act on Protection of Visual Arts” was gardacvalebidan mTeli 7 wlis ganmavlobaSi. elaborated. From this act we can read that copyrights on painting, drawing and photographic works are protect- teqnologiis ganviTarebasTan erTad gaizarda ed for the duration of life span of the author and for the saavtoro uflebebis gavrcelebis sferoebic. whole 7 years after his/her perish. 1710 wels miRebuli, “anas statutiT” cnobili saavtoro uflebebis dacvis kanoni, im droisaT- vis erTaderTi da pirveli srulyofili kanoni Together with the technology development, the number gaxldaT. Tumca axlad aRiarebuli saavtoro of fields covered by copyrights was increased as well. The uflebebis dacvis aqtebi male arasakmarisad iqna law on protection of copyrights, known as “Statute of miCneuli. Anne” has been passed in 1710y., which, for those times, was the first and only complete law. Though, soon, the sami qveyana cdilobda “anas statutSi” arsebuli vadebis gazrdas. es nawilobriv gaxda SesaZle- newly recognized acts on protection of copyrights were beli da saavtoro uflebis dacvis vada gaizarda considered as insufficient. 28 wlamde. 1841 wlis 29 Tebervals ki didi bri- taneTis parlamentis wevrma, ser Jan talfordma Three countries were trying to increase the terms stipu- TemTa palataSi Seitana kanonproeqti, romelic lated in the “Statute of Anne”. This became partially pos- iTvaliswinebda saavtoro uflebis dacvis vadis sible, and, the term of copyright protection was enhanced gazrdas 60 wlamde. 45 mowinaaRmdege da 38 momxre up to 28 years. On February 29th, 1841y., the member - kenWisyris SedegebiT kanonproeqti Cavarda da of Parliament of Great Britain, Serjeant Talfourd intro- mis sawinaaRmdegod vcreli sityva warmoTqva duced a Copyright Bill in the House of Commons, which 8 parlamentis gavlenianma wevrma tomas babington Copyright 2012 makaleim. 1842 wlis martSi, lord mahonma kidev defined the increase of copyrights protection term up to erTi kanonproeqti waradgina parlamentSi, rom- 60 years. 45 members were for and 38 – against it, and, lis mixedviTac saavtoro uflebis dacvis vada accordingly, the bill failed to be passed. An influential vrceldeboda avtoris sicocxlis ganmavlobaSi Member of Parliament, Thomas Babington Macaulay, da misi gardacvalebidan 25 wlis manZilze. pro- made a long speech against it. In March, 1842y., the Lord eqtis mosmenisas, 1842 wlis 6 aprils, igive maka- Mahon introduced one more bill to the Parliament, ac- leim Tavis sityvaSi ganacxada: „me ar var SarSan- cording to which, protection of copyright was due during deli proeqtis principis winaaRmdegi, ubralod the life span of an author and for 25 years after his/her msurs, vadis gazrda sasiamovno da sasargeblo demise. On April 6th, 1842y., during the hearing on the iyos avtorebisTvis da sazogadoebisTvis“. maka- Bill, the same Macaulay mentioned in his speech: “I had leis gegmam gaimarjva parlamentSi. 1842 wels miRebuli kanonis Tanaxmad, saavtoro ufleb- no objection to the principle of the bill of last year, I just is dacvis vada gaizarda da ori formulireba wish that increase of the term brings pleasure and benefit dafiqsirda: avtoris sicocxles damatebuli 7 to authors and society.” Macaulay’s plan succeeded in the weli an nawarmoebis gamoqveynebidan 42 weli. amave Parliament. According to the bill passed in 1842y., the wels amoqmedda saavtoro uflebis daregistri- term of copyright protection was expanded according to reba, romelic gaxda saavtoro uflebis darRve- the following two formulas: for 7 years after perish of an vis SemTxvevSi sasamarTloSi saqmis aRZvris wina- author, or for 42 years after publishing a piece of work. piroba. Since the very same year, registration of copyrights has been operating, which became a basis for bringing a case amboben yvelaferi axali kargad miviwyebuli Zve- to a court when copyright is violated. liao... asec aris, dResdReobiT arsebul mekob- rul produqcias, romlis msxverplic msoflioSi asobiT cnobili brendi da avtoria, metnaklebad It’s said, that everything new is well forgotten old… It’s ebrZvis mTeli msoflio, Tumca es brZola wigneb- true, the pirated products existing nowadays, the victims is dacvis mizniT jer kidev sami aseuli wlis winaT of which are hundreds of renowned brands and authors, daiwyo. are more or less fought by the whole world, though, this battle for protection of books has started three hundred me-18 saukunis meore naxevrisaTvis damaxasi- years ago. aTebeli gaxda wignebis kontrabanduli kampa- nia mTels evropaSi da mis sazRvrebs gareT. The second half of the 18th century was followed by the wignebis kontrabanda cxovelebTan erTad xde- The second half of the 18th century was followed by the smuggling campaign of the books in the whole Europe boda. araerT inglisur romans gadaukveTavs at- smuggling campaign of the books in the whole Europe lantikis okeane da iseTi qveynebic ki gauvlia, and beyond itsits borders. The bookbook contrabandcontraband occurredoccurred to- sadac ama Tu im formiT saavtoro uflebebis togethergether with with that that of of animals. animals. AA number number of of English English nov novels- dacvis meqanizmebi arsebobda. mxolod 1790 wels, elscrossed crossed Atlantic Atlantic Ocean Ocean and and passed passed through through such such coun - mas Semdeg rac axalgazrda amerikis SeerTe- countries,tries, where where copyrights copyrights protection protection mechanisms mechanisms exexisted- bulma Statebma warmatebiT miiRo konstitucia, istedin some in some shape. shape. Only Only in 1790y.,in 1790y., when when newly newly established estab- kongresma ukve avtorebis da gamomgoneblebis lishedUnited United States States of Americaof America had had successfully successfully passed its dasacavad “anas statusis” identuri kanoni mii- itsConstitution, Constitution, the the Congress,Congress, forfor protection protection of ofauthor’s author’s Ro. and inventors rights,rights, has has passed passed an anidentical identical bill billto that to that of “Statute of Anne”. saerTaSoriso saavtoro uflebebis dacvis mima- of “Statute of Anne”. rTulebiT ramdenime moZraoba warmoiSva, magram mxolod erTi aRmoCnda yvelaze gavleniani da Several movements were established in the direction of efeqturi. international copyrights protection, but only a single one turned out to be the most influential and effective. 1878 wels mxatvrebma, gamomcemlobebma, mec- nierebma da sxva dainteresebulma mxareebma, In 1878y., painters, publishing houses, scientists and oth- romlebsac frangi avtori viqtor hiugo xelmZ- er interested parties founded “The International Asso- Rvanelobda, Camoayalibes avtorTa da xelovanTa ciation of Authors and Artists”, which was resided by the saerTaSoriso asociacia. asociacia marTavda French author Victor Hugo. The Association frequently xSir konferenciebs, sadac ga- conducted conferences, where problematic issues and nixileboda problemuri sak- possible measures in light of protection of intellectual iTxebi da inteleqtualuri property were discussed. The Association supported the sakuTrebis dacvis kuTxiT idea, that an author should have rights on his/her own gasatarebeli SesaZlo Ron- 10 isZiebebi. asociacia mxars uW- work for 100 years after its publishing. Besides, the for- Copyright 2012 erda im ideas, rom mxatvars eign and local artists should be given the same condi- tions. sakuTar namuSevarze, misi gamoqveynebidan 100 wlis manZilze unda hqonoda ufleba. amave dros Tanabar pirobebSi unda yofiliyvnen ucxoeli da By the initiative of the Association, several conferences adgilobrivi xelovanebi. were held. In the Rome Meeting of 1882y., publishers, distributors of books, members of the composers’ and asociaciis iniciativiT ramdenime konferencia music houses took part. The representative of the guild moewyo. 1882 wels gamarTul romis Sexvedraze of German publishers, Doctor Paul Schmidt attended monawileobdnen gamomcemlebi, wignis gama- the Meeting. Schmidt reviewed the ideas of all the par- vrceleblebi, kompozitorTa da musikis saxlebis ties, and according to this, the following proposal was warmomadgenlebi. Sexvedras aseve eswreboda ger- maniis gamomcemelTa gildiis warmomadgeneli elaborated: “The office of the International Association doqtori pol Smidti. Smidtma yvela mxaris mier is responsible for conduction and spread of the deep dis- mowodebuli ideebi ganixila da miRebul iqna cussions in every country by means of press”. As well, for winadadeba, rom “saerTaSoriso asociaciis ofi- creation of the Literate Property Association a special si pasuxismgebelia presis saSualebiT wamoiwyos scheme should be elaborated. A decision was made on da gaavrcelos farTo da Rrma diskusiebi yvela the same Meeting, that in the coming year, the next con- qveyanaSi“, aseve literaturuli sakuTrebis kav- ference of the Association should be conducted in Swit- Siris dasafuZneblad unda Semdgariyo special- zerland, more concretely, in Berne. uri sqema. amave Sexvedraze miRebul iqna gadawy- vetileba, rom asociaciis Semdegi konferencia unda gamarTuliyo momdevno wels SveicariaSi, On the conference conducted in Berne on the September kerZod ki bernSi. 3rd, 1883y., a convention has been drawn up, according to which a concept of national copyright was stipulated. 1883 wlis 3 seqtembers bernSi gamarTul kon- 1883 wlis 3 seqtembers bernSi gamarTul konfer- Also, a definition of literature and arts work was created ferenciazeenciaze miRebuli miRebuli iqna iqna konvencia, konvencia, romlis Tanaxmaromlis- and a notion of translation was formed in the light of Tanaxmadacdac ganimarta ganimarta erovnuli saavtoroerovnuli uflebis saavtoro cne- copyrights. uflebisba, literaturul cneba, literaturul da xelovnebis da naSroms xelovnebis mieniWa naSromsdefinicia, mieniWa amave definicia, dokumentSi amave adgili dokumentSi daeTmo Targmanis gansazRvrebas saavtoro uflebebis Elaboration of the “Berne Convention for the Protection adgiliTvalsazrisiT. daeTmo Targmanis gansazRvrebas saav- of Literature and Artistic Works” of the International toro uflebebis TvalsazrisiT. Association was finalized on the September 6th, 1886y. literaturuli da mxatvruli nawarmoebebis And, from the year 1887, Austria, Belgium, Canada, dacvis saerTaSoriso kavSiris konvenciis Se- France, Germany, Haiti, India, Italy, Liberia. Monaco, muSaveba 1886 wlis 6 seqtembers dasrulda. 1887 New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, Tunis and the United wlidan ki misi miReba daiwyes avstraliam, belgiam, Kingdom joined the Convention. Later on, the following kanadam, safrangeTma, germaniam, haitim, indoeT- countries were added to the above mentioned list: Lux- ma, italiam, liberiam, monakom, axalma zelandiam, espaneTma, Sveicariam, tunisma da gaerTianebulma emburg (June, year 1888), Japan (July, year 1889), Nor- samefom. am qveynebis sias mogvianebiT SeuerTd- way (April, year 1896), Denmark (July, year 1903) and nen luqsemburgi (ivnisi 1888), iaponia (ivlisi Sweden (August, year 1904). 1889), norvegia (aprili 1896), dania (ivlisi 1903) da SvedeTi (agvisto,1904). According to the Berne Convention, every member state should equally ensure protection of an author’s rights. bernis konvenciis Tanaxmad yvela mis wevr qveya- Though, the terms for protection of the above mentioned nas Tanabrad unda uzrunveleyo avtoris ufle- right was defined by the countries on their own discre- bebi, Tumca vadebs yvela Tavisi Sexedulebisame- br adgenda. tion. 1893 wels, inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis dacvis In the year 1893, “The International Bureau on Protec- viqtor hiugo saerTaSoriso biuro daarsda, romelsac bernis tion of Intellectual Property” was founded, which was in Victor Hugo konvenciis administrireba daevala da igi qalaq charge of administration of the Berne Convention and bernSi ganTavsda. was situated in Berne. The conditions provided by the Berne Convention were bernis konvenciis pirobebis reviewed in 1908y., which is known as the Act of Berlin. gadaxedva moxda 1908 wels, The duration of an author’s right was defined by the next rac berlinis aqtis saxel- amendment, which covered the period of an author’s life 12 wodebiTaa cnobili. momdevno Copyright 2012 SesworebaSi ki moxda saav- span and 50 years following his/her death. This amend- toro uflebis xangrZlivobis gansazRvra, ment is given in the document known as the “Act of Brus- romelic moicavda avtoris sicocxlesa da misi sels”, which was drawn up in 1948y. gardacvalebis Semdeg 50 wlis periods. es Ses- woreba mocemulia briuselis aqtis saxeliT cno- Nowadays, Berne Convention covers 60 countries. The bil dokumentSi, romelic 1948 wels iqna miRebu- U.S.A. had been restraining from joining the Convention li. until the year 1988. amJamad bernis konvencia 160 qveyanas aerTianebs. According to Berne Convention, the copyright validity 1988 wlamde mis wevrobaze Tavs ikavebda aSS. term stipulated by the “Statute of Anne”, was increased from 14 to 50 years. In the country of origin of the copy- Sesabamisad “anas statutis” mixedviT gaTval- iswinebuli saavtoro uflebis vada 14 wlidan, right law, in England, this term was accepted only by the bernis konvenciis Tanaxmad 50 wlamde gaizarda. law passed in 1911y. According to the latter, the require- Tavad saavtoro uflebis Sesaxeb kanonis mSob- ment for registration of an author’s right was abolished. liur qveyanaSi, inglisSi, es vada dafiqsirda mxolod 1911 wels miRebul kanonSi, amave doku- The mechanisms for protection of copyrights were acti- mentis mixedviT gauqmda saavtoro uflebis reg- vated, though, the economic and social demands drove istraciis moTxovna. the law makers to the different direction. The creation of the Council of Europe and of the common socio-eco- saavtoro uflebebis dacvis meqanizmebi amoqmed- nomic space created different conditions. da, Tumca ekonomikuri da socialuri moTxovnebi sxva rames karnaxobdnen samarTalSemoqmedebs. evrosabWos Camoyalibebam da saerTo socialur- Besides, already in the year 1970, “The World Intellectual ekonomikuri sivrcis Seqmnam sxva pirobebi wamo- Property Organization” was founded. ayena. In the next issue of the magazine we will learn about the challenges, which the contemporary copyrights protec- amasTan ukve 1970 wels Seiqmna msoflio inteleq- tors, as well as, author’s, themselves, have to face. tualuri sakuTrebis organizacia -WIPO

Jurnalis momdevno nomerSi gavigebT, Tu ra gamowvevebis winaSe dganan Tanamedrove saavtoro uflebebis damcvelebi da Tavad avtorebi.

jozef nisefor nefsi Joseph Nicephor Niepce mTavari Tema 14 The Main Topic Copyright 2012 interviu CISAC-is evropul sakiTxTa direqtor - mitko CatalbaSevTan Interview with CISAC European Affairs Director, Mitko Catalbashev saavtoro uflebebis dacvis gareSe inovacia da nebismieri qmnileba sa- saavtoro uflebebis dacva istoriulad umniS- Historically, protection of Copyrights played a significant frTxis qveS dgeba, radgan es iwvevs axali Rirebuli vnelovanes rols TamaSobda msoflios ekono- role in the world economy. In the modern age, its impor- produqtis SeqmnisTvis mikaSi, Tanamedrove periodSic igi ufrodaufro tance has been growing more and more. In proportion to da masSi investirebisTvis met mniSvnelobas iZens. saerTaSoriso vaWrobisa stimulis dakargvas development of the international trade and global economy, da msoflio ekonomikis ganviTarebis proporciu- Without Copyright protec- the relevance of protection of Copyrights has been increas- tion an innovation and any lad izrdeboda saavtoro uflebebis dacvis aqtu- kind of invention will be alobac. aRniSnul gamowvevas gamoexmaurnen msof- ing. Countries all over the world have responded to this put under risk, since this lios qveynebi da miiRes araerTi saerTaSoriso challenge and adopted number of international conventions provokes loss of stimulus for konvencia da SeTanxmeba, romlebsac maTi kanonm- creation of a new valuable and agreements, which hold one of the leading places in the product and investment in it. deblobis ierarqiaSi dResac erT-erTi mowinave legislation hierarchy of the latter. adgili ukavia.

garda amisa, saerTSoriso doneze Seiqmna e.w. In addition, the so-called “Umbrella Organizations” have „qolga organizaciebi “, romlebic aerTianeben been established at the international level, which unite al- saavtoro uflebaTa damcveli TiTqmis yvela qvey- most all the world Copyrights collective management soci- nis koleqtiuri marTvis organizacias da am sfer- eties and are focused on promotion of this field, such are: os ganviTarebas uwyoben xels. kerZod, avtorTa the International Confederation of Societies of Authors da kompozitorTa saerTaSoriso konfederacia - and Composers (CISAC) and Bureau International des So- CISAC-i da meqanikur uflebaTa warmomadgeneli organizacia - BIEM-i. saqarTvelos saavtoro cietes Gerant les Droits d’Enregistrement et de Reproduc- uflebaTa asociacia orive zemoaRniSnuli or- tion Mecanique (BIEM). Georgian Copyright Association ganizaciis wevria. Tu rogoria maTi TvaliT da- is a member of the both above mentioned institutions. We naxuli saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis koncefcia da spoke to CISAC European Affairs Director, Mr. Mitko Cat- perspeqtivebi msoflioSi, amasTan dakavSirebiT albashev, to find out what is the perception of concept of vesaubreT CISAC-is evropul sakiTxTa direq- protection of Copyrights and its prospective in the world for tors - mitko CatalbaSevs. aforesaid organizations. Tqveni SexedulebiT, ra mniSvneloba Tqveni SexedulebiT, ra mniSvneloba aqvs aqvsCOPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT-is koncefcias-is koncefcias qveynisTvis, qveyro-- In your opinion, what’s the Role of “Copyright nisTvis,gorc ekonomikuri,rogorc ekonomikuri, ise kulturuli ise ganvi kul-- Concept” for the Country’s economic, as well as turuliTarebis ganviTarebis TvalsazrisiT? TvalsazrisiT? cultural development?

vfiqrob, rom saavtoro uflebebis koncefcia I think, ntowadays, the concept of Authors’ Rights (Copy- dRes iseTi mniSvnelovania, rogorc arasdros. rights) is more relevant than ever. We shall not be misled ar unda Segviyvanos SecdomaSi zogierTi Tan- by the arguments of some new media and digital indus- amedrove mediisa da cifruli industriis war- try representatives, as well as self declared university pro- momadgenlis, Tu universitetis TviTgamocx- fessors, who claim that the topic of authors’ rights is out- adebuli profesorebis mosazrebebma, romlebic dated, is an obstacle for the economic development and amtkiceben, rom saavtoro uflebebis Tema moZ- velebulia da ekonomikuri ganviTarebisTvis, spread of new technologies and innovative solutions. In axali teqnologiebisa da inovaciebis gavrcel- contrary, – without Copyright protection an innovation ebisaTvis dabrkolebas warmoadgens. piriqiT and any kind of invention will be put under risk, since -saavtoro uflebebis dacvis gareSe inovacia da this provokes loss of stimulus for creation of a new valu- nebismieri qmnileba safrTxis qveS dgeba, radgan able product and investment in it. Of course, Copyright es iwvevs axali Rirebuli produqtis SeqmnisTvis should always be adapted to the new business models da masSi investirebisTvis stimulis dakargvas. and consumers’ needs. Collective management of rights Mitko Catalbashev has always been one of the most efficient mechanisms to facilitate the dissemination of works uruli, audiovizualuri, grafikuli da saxviTi Are you aware of what’s the situation in Georgia by a legally secure and economically effective licensing, plus sophisticated data processing for xelovnebis dargebidan. CISAC-is ZiriTad saqmi- in the field of Copyright protection? Which chal- further distribution of the collected royalties to the corresponding right’s holders. anobas ganekuTvneba saavtoro uflebaTa aso- ciaciebis saerTaSoriso qselis gaZliereba da lenges are overcome and what kind of problems ganviTareba, saavtoro uflebaTa asociaciebis still remain? 16 xarisxisa da efeqturobis gazrdisTvis kriteri- Copyright 2012 What is the role of CISAC in the Copyright field? umebis damtkiceba da sxva. As a representative of CISAC and BIEM I am following the Copyright developments in the country, but mainly, CISAC stands for the Interna- iseT qveynebSi, rogoric saqarTveloa, ra the situation with the collective management of rights in tional Confederation of Societies specifika arsebobs inteleqtualuri sa- Georgia. As a whole, Georgia has a good Copyright legis- of Authors and Composers and kuTrebis da kerZod COPYRIGHT-is kuTxiT? lation and nowadays the main challenge is improvement we work towards increased recog- vgulisxmob ekonomikur faqtors, xelsay- of execution mechanisms and raising social awareness. nition and protection of author’s reli sainvesticio garemos formirebasa rights all over the world. CISAC Tu sxva.. How do you assess the current policy, strategy and was founded in 1926 and is a non- ongoing reforms of the Georgian Copyright As- governmental, non-profit organi- dReisaTvis postsabWoTa damoukidebel qveynebs, sociation (GCA)? zation. Its head office is situated centralur aziaSi arsebuli ramdenime gamonak- in Paris, with regional offices in lisis garda, aqvT sakmaod kargi saavtoro ufle- In each developed country, the collective management Budapest, Santiago de Chile, Jo- baTa kanonmdebloba. ZiriTad problemad rCeba organizations play a key role for licensing, collecting and hannesburg and Singapore. By saTanado aRsrulebis meqanizmebis nakleboba, distributing the due Copyright royalties to their mem- June 2011, CISAC covered 232 xangZlivi sasamarTlo warmoeba, marTlmsaju- bers and the members of similar foreign organizations, member authors’ societies from lebis organoebSi saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis which they represent from all over the world. It should 121 countries. It indirectly repre- sakiTxebTan dakavSirebiT dabali ganswavlu- be mentioned that, in a market economy, the royalties sents, approximately, 3 million au- loba da a.S. yovelive zemoaRniSnuli ukavSird- eba savtoro uflebaTa sferoSi arsebul aram- collected by the CMO constitute an author’s salary. At thors and composers from all the yar tradiciebs, kerZod, wlebis ganmavlobaSi the same time CMO play important role for preserving spheres of authors’ rights: music, am sakiTxis saxelmwifos mier regulireba dRes and promoting cultural diversity, in particular, in small drama, literature, audio-visual, arTulebs saavtoro uflebaTa ZiriTadi nawi- countries with specific languages. For years our member graphic and visual arts. CISAC’s main activities are as ra Tqma unda, saavtoro uflebebi yovelTvis lis ganxorcielebas. am TvalsazrisiT, garkveul in Georgia (formerly SAS and now GCA) has been striv- unda ergebodes axal biznes modelebsa da momx- follows: strengthening and development of the interna- qveynebSi demokratizaciis processa da kanonis ing for a successful collective management in Georgia, marebelTa moTxovnebs. tional network of Copyright societies, adoption of crite- uzenaesobis gaumjobesebul dones unda hqondes but, unfortunately, there has been no particular result ria for quality and technical efficiency of Copyright As- dadebiTi gavlena saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis achieved, perhaps, due to totality of some subjective and uflebaTa koleqtiuri marTva yovelTvis iyo sociations. xarisxze. erT-erTi yvelaze efeqturi meqanizmi saav- objective factors. It’s noteworthy, that the new manage- toro uflebiT daculi produqtis legalurad gaqvT Tu ara informacia dResdReobiT ment of GCA has not only changed the name of the so- da ekonomikurad efeqturi, licenzirebis gziT In the countries similar to Georgia, what are ciety last summer, but, also, the approach to the subject ra situaciaa saqarTveloSi saavtoro gavrcelebisaTvis. srulyofili monacemTa bazis the specifics (eg, economic factors, profitable and, in the last months, we have witnessed fast and sig- warmoeba iZleva Segrovili honorarebis Sesa- investment environment, etc.) in terms of intel- uflebebis dacvis sferoSi? ra probleme- nificant improvement in management of the society. bamis saavtoro uflebamflobelebze ganawileb- bia daZleuli da ra lectual property and Copyrights related issues? is qmediT SesaZleblobas. aris kidev gasakeTebeli am mxriv. ra roli akisria CISAC-s saavtoro At present the independent countries that have appeared after the disintegration of the former , in uflebaTa dacvis sferoSi? rogorc CISAC-isa da BIEM-is general and with the exception of a few countries in warmomadgeneli, Tvalyurs CISAC-i avtorTa da kompozitorTa saerTaSor- Central Asia, have quite a decent Copyright legislation. vadevneb qveyanaSi saavtoro iso konfederaciaa. Cveni saqmianoba mimarTulia The main problem continues to be the lack of proper ex- uflebaTa sferoSi arsebuli msoflioSi avtorTa aRiarebisa da dacvis gaz- ecution mechanisms e.g. long-term court proceedings, mdgomareobis ganviTarebas, rdisaTvis. CISAC-i dafuZnda 1926 wels da aris lack of knowledge on Copyrights related issues within kerZod, koleqtiuri marT- arasamTavrobo, arakomerciuli organizacia. the judiciary, etc. All the above mentioned, is related to vis organizaciis saqmianobas misi saTao ofisi parizSia, aseve aqvs regionuli not very solid traditions existing in the sphere of Copy- saqarTveloSi. mTlianoba- ofisebi - budapeStSi, santiagoSi, CileSi, iohan- Si saqarTvelos aqvs kargi nesburgsa da singapurSi. 2011 wlis ivnisisTvis rights. More concretely, years of state regulation of the field made it impossible to implement the most part of kanonmdebloba da vTvli, CISAC-s hyavda 121 qveynis, 232 wevri saavtoro rom dRes ZiriTadi gamowveva authors’ rights in practice. In this sense, the process of uflebaTa sazogadoeba da igi arapirdapir war- aq aRsrulebis meqanizmebis moadgens daaxloebiT sam milion avtorsa da kom- democratization and improved rule of law in some of the gaumjobeseba da sazogadoe- pozitors saavtoro uflebaTa yvela sferodan: countries concerned should have inevitably positive ef- brivi cnobierebis amaRle- kerZod, musikaluri, dramatuli, literat fect on the quality of Copyright protection. baa. rogor afasebT saav- This applies to indicators of collection of license fees and Tavad Tu gisargebliaT odesme mekobruli produqciiT? toro uflebaTa aso- distribution of royalties and improvement of relations ciaciis mimdinare kurss, with state organs, beneficiaries and media, as well as co- am kiTvaze pasuxi damokidebulia imaze, Tu ras gulisxmobT Tqven “mekobrul produqciaSi”, rad- gan sazogadoeba darRvevad arasworad miiCnevs mxolod mekobruli CD-s Sesyidva-gayidvas. magali- strategiasa da ganxor- operation with the CISAC and BIEM to which GCA be- longs. This is, of course, very good and we should do our Tad, roca televizia an radio ar ixdis saavtoro honorars, an romelime restorans ar aqvs miRe- 18 cielebul reformebs? buli licenzia koleqtiuri marTvis organosgan, Tqvens konkretul SemTxvevaSi saavtoro uflebaTa Copyright 2012 best to contribute to the process. For the actual benefit asociaciisgan, esec saavtoro uflebis darRvevas warmoadgens. am gagebiT - diax, mec da Tqvenc sam- of the authors, we truly hope that GCA will be able to wuxarod “gvisargeblia” aralegaluri produqciiT, rac gamoixateboda aseTi programebis yurebaSi- yvela ganviTarebul qveyanaSi koleqtiuri mar- continue and finalize successfully the started process of mosmenaSi, an aseT restoranSi sadilobaSi. dameTanxmebiT, rom am mxridan yvelaferi cota sxvanairad Tvis organizacias aqvs umniSvnelovanesi roli modernization. Cans, ara? licenzirebis, honorarebis Segrovebisa da ga- nawilebis kuTxiT, rogorc qarTvel avtore- bze, ise sazRvargareT im qveynebze, romlebsac In your opinion, experience of which country can gaqvT Tu ara gansakuTrebuli hobi, an gataceba da ra, Tu saidumlo araa? isini warmoadgenen. unda aRiniSnos, rom sabazro become an example for Georgia, in terms of legis- ekonomikaSi Segrovili honorari avtoris xelfa- lation, enforcement and reforms? kargi filmis yureba, magram samwuxarod ar maqvs sakmarisi dro bolo ramdenime wlis ganmavlobaSi… sia. amave dros, koleqtiuri marTvis organizacia aseve, faqtia, rom idealuri filmebis naklebobasac ganvicdiT. unda aRiniSnos, rom arasdros dama- viwydeba qarTveli reJisorebis mier gadaRebuli filmebi, rogorebicaa, abulaZe, danelia, Sengelaia mniSvnelovan rols TamaSobs kulturuli mrav- There is really not a “one size fits all” model but, from da a.S. alferovnebis SenarCunebasa da ganviTarebaSi, my point of view, one can benefit a lot from sharing the gansakuTrebiT patara, specifikuri sasaubro en- Copyright experience of Baltic countries. ebis mqone qveynebSi. wlebis ganmavlobaSi saqarT- ras usurvebdiT qarTvel mkiTxvels? veloSi Cveni wevri organizacia (yofili avtorTa sazogadoeba da amJamad, saavtoro uflebaTa aso- Have you ever used the pirated products? qarTvel mkiTxvels vusurvebdi, rom SeinarCunos Tavisi sfecifikuroba da gaxsnili goneba. kiTxvis, ciacia) ibrZoda koleqtiuri marTvis warmatebu- mosmenisa da yurebis dros ar daiviwyos, rom yoveli wignis, simRerisa da filmis ukan konkretuli li modelis SemuSavebisTvis, magram samwuxarod It really depends what you mean by “pirated products” avtori dgas. aranairi gansakuTrebuli Sedegi ar gamokveTila, since the general public wrongly associates this solely rac albaT gamowveuli iyo garkveul subieqtur with the selling/purchasing of illegal CDs but e.g. if a da obieqtur mizezTa erTobliobiT. mniSvnelo- TV, radio station, or a restaurant does not pay Copyright vania rom asociaciis axalma xelmZRvanelobam royalties to a collective management organization such as ara mxolod organizaciis saxelwodeba Secvala GCA this is also breach of the Copyright, – then, yes, in gasul zafxuls, aramed-sakiTxisadmi midgomac, that sense, me and you, all, unfortunately, have “used” il- kerZod, gasul TveebSi Cven organizaciis marTvis Zalian swrafi da mniSvnelovani gaumjobesebis legal products by watching/listening to such programs or mowmeni gavxdiT. aRniSnuli exeba, rogorc hono- eating/drinking in the abovementioned restaurants. You rarebis Segroveba/ganawilebis maCvenebelsa da would agree that from this perspective all looks a bit dif- saxelmwifo organoebTan, mosargebleebTan da ferent, doesn’t it? mediasTan urTierTobis gaumjobesebas, aseve, CISAC-sa da BIEM-Tan TanamSromlobas, romleb- Do you have a special hobby, if it isn’t a secret? sac saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia miekuTvneba. ra Tqma unda, es Zalian sasixaruloa That’s watching a good movie, but, for the last few years, da Cven yvelaferi unda gavakeToT imisTvis, rom am process xeli SevuwyoT. namdvilad gvaqvs ime- I am afraid, I have not had enough time for this and… it’s di, rom saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia warmate- a fact that we are lacking ideal movies.. I should mention biT gaagrZelebs da daasrulebs modernizebis that I will never forget the movies shot by the Georgian process, rac realurad momgebiani da sasarge- directors, such are: Abuladze, Danelia, Shengelaia, etc. blo gaxdeba avtorebisTvis. What would you wish to the Georgian readers? romeli qveynis gamocdilebaa sagulisx- mo, Tqveni azriT, saqarTvelosTvis To the Georgian readers I would wish to keep its genu- COPYRIGHT-is sferoSi - sakanonmdeblo, ineness and open mind, and while enjoying reading, lis- saaRsrulebo Tu gamocdileba reforme- tening or watching, not to forget that behind each book, bis ganxorcielebaSi? song, or movie a concrete author stands there… am TvalsazrisiT ar arsebobs “erTi zoma ergeba yvelas” modeli, magram vfiqrob, rom balti- ispireTis qveynebis gamocdilebis gaziareba poz- itiurad waadgeba asociacias. grigol robaqiZis es vaxtang Wabukiani reformatorTa Taobis Vakhtang Chabukiani is a representative of the re- portreti sityvebi vaxtang Wabuki- warmomadgenelia. gasuli saukunis 20-iani formers generation. The 1920s were prominent by a anis mimarT ar Tqmula, ma- wlebi qarTul literaturasa Tu xelovne- number of signs in Georgian art and literature. In- baSi mravali niSnis mixedviTaa gamorCeuli. spired by the Revolution, a new paradigm was estab- The Portrait gram organulad erwymis safuZveli eyreba axal paradigmas, rac rev- 20 mis fenomens. qarTveli lished. The new reality required innovatory means Copyright 2012 oluciiTaa inspirirebuli. axali realoba of expression. The complete destruction, renovation mocekvavisa da qoreo- axali gamosaxvis saSualebebs iTxovda. Zveli grafis iubilesTan dakavS- formebisa da mxatvruli enis sruli rRve- of old forms and artistic language were expressed in avant-gardism. This process was not of local impor- qarTuli genia, rokviT ganfenili irebiT rigi RonisZiebebia va-ganaxleba avangardistuli mimarTule- tance. At that time Georgian culture was a part of dagegmili. gamocxadebu- biT gamoixata. es procesi ar iyo lokaluri mniSvnelobis. qarTuli kultura imxanad ev- European one, which was significantly reflected in lia konkursi Zeglis pro- ropuli kulturuli sivrcis nawilsac war- literature and fine arts. Europe that came out of the eqtzec. misi qoreografi- moadgenda, rac mniSvnelovanwilad aisaxa crisis caused by the First World War, opposed the uli Sedevrebi klasikur literaturasa Tu saxviT xelovnebaze. pi- authenticity and objective expression of the world sabaleto repertuarSi rveli msoflio omis krizisidan gamosuli to extreme subjectivism. Generally, the paradigm damkvidrda. mniSvnelovania evropa avTenturobas da samyaros obieqtur movements were also given rise by the processes, asaxvas ukidures subieqtivizms upirisp- which took place in science and ideology. Marx, ara mxolod am tradiciis irebs. zogadad, piradigmuli Zvrebi mecnier- Freud and Einstein – these three persons shaped the mofrTxileba da gagrZel- ebasa da ideologiaSi mimdinare procesebmac eba, aramed Wabukianis memkv- gamoiwvia. marqsma, froidma da ainSteinma - am first half of the twentieth century. In Georgia and idreobaze zrunva da misi samma pirovnebam ganapiroba XX saukunis pir- Russia, the Revolution brought serious corrections saavtoro uflebebis dac- veli naxevris saxe. saqarTvelosa da ruseTSi in terms of evolution of language of art. The ide- ology factor became a determinant. Classic styles va Cveni qveynis sazRvrebs ki revoluciam Seitana seriozuli koreq- tivebi xelovnebis enis evoluciaSi. masSi and language were considered to be protagonists of gareT, rac saqarTvelos ideologiuri faqtori gaxda ganmsazRvre- the old regime. At the level of state ideology, the saavtoro uflebaTa aso- li. klasikuri formebi da ena Zveli reJimis concept of the national identity was replaced by the ciaciis prerogativaa. protagonistad iqna miCneuli. nacionaluri international multicultural idea. identurobis cneba, oficialuri saxelmwi- It is interesting that in such circumstances, the formation These words by Grigol Robak- fo ideologiis doneze, internacionalurma, It is interesting that in such circumstances, the for- multikulturulma ideam Caanacvla. of the Georgian drama or ballet arts was still based mation of the Georgian drama or ballet arts was still idze were not said about Vakh- upon the archetypes of the national culture, for example: based upon the archetypes of the national culture, tang Chabukiani, though, they sainteresoa, rom am fonze qarTuli drama- aesthetics of the Sandro Akhmeteli Theatre. Perhaps, this for example: aesthetics of the Sandro Akhmeteli precisely describe his phenom- tuli Tu sabaleto xelovnebis formireba had not been forgiven to him, enon. A number of events are mainc nacionaluri kulturis arqetipebs Theatre. Perhaps, this had not been forgiven to him, planned to be implemented for efuZneba. magaliTad, imave sandro axmetelis because of which he was killed later on. The same Teatris esTetika. albaT, swored es ar apa- applied to Vakhtang Chabukiani who is precisely the celebration of jubilee of the ties mas da mogvianebiT fizikuradac gaanad- considered to be the founder of the Georgian bal- renowned Georgian dancer and gures. igive iTqmis vaxtang Wabukianzec, let school. His choreographic creations were based choreographer. A competition romelic samarTlianad iTvleba qarTuli upon the elements of the national folklore and folk for the best monument design sabaleto skolis fuZemdeblad. swored na- dances. At that time, in Russia, the classical bal- has been announced. His choreo- cionaluri folklorisa da xalxuri cekvis let was replaced by the new choreography and, al- elementebi udevs safuZvlad mis qoreo- graphic masterpieces took their though, it was accompanied by the brilliant music of grafiul qmnilebebs. es im dros, roca ruseT- honorable place in the repertoire Si klasikuri baleti axalma Caanacvla da Shostakovich, the new race – proletariat appeared on of the classical ballet. It is relevant SostakoviCis genialuri musikis TanxlebiT, the stage. Generally, I like reading diaries and mem- not only to keep and continue the magram scenaze proletarebi gamoCndnen, axa- oirs very much, since a detailed realistic reconstruc- tradition, but also to take care of li rasa. saerTod Zalian miyvars dRiurebis, tion of an epoch conditioned by the direct empirical Chabukiani’s heritage and to pro- memuarebis kiTxva, vinaidan uSualo empiriu- experience can be seen there. In one of the writings li gamocdilebiT ganpirobebul detalebSi tect his author’s rights beyond the of that period, where the revolutionary renewal was mTeli sicxadiT Cans epoqis rekonstruqcia. seen with the eyes of teenagers and children, I read borders of our country, which is a erT-erT am periodis CanawerebSi, romlebSic about how a child was astonished during watching prerogative of the Georgian Cop- mozardebis, bavSvebis TvaliTaa danaxuli the Soviet ballet, when he saw pioneers appearing on yright Association. revoluciuri ganaxleba, amovikiTxe, Tu ro Georgian genius, expressed in dancing the stage, instead of swans. In 2010, Vakhtang Chabukiani mayurebels am genialuri mocekvavis indi- pecially when it concerns a person engaged in the would have turned 100 years vidualobasa Tu SesaZleblobebze. arts. Probably, if not the United States and the old. The last year 2011, was an- decision taken at that time, the ‘Balanchine phe- nounced by UNESCO as the miuxedavad esoden warmatebuli karierisa, nomenon’ would not have existed in a way as it is Year of the Legendary Chore- Wabukiani tovebs kirovis Teatrs da brunde- 22 now. He would have been an entirely different Bal- Copyright 2012 ographer. Chabukiani not only ba TbilisSi. rogor warimarTeboda misi ka- anchine. Perhaps, for Chabukiani, Georgia was the created the Georgian ballet, but riera da bedi, sxvaTa msgavsad emigraciaSi place where his genius should have flourished. In rogori gaog- he himself became the both, rom wasuliyo? 1934 wels is imyofeboda sa- his interviews, for number of times, he mentioned nebulia bavSvi, epoch and history, though, un- gastrolod amerikaSi, sadac karnegi holSi rodesac ukve sab- that he did not like to leave for a long period. fortunately, he experienced all cekvavda. is iyo baletis pirveli mocekvave Wouri baletis sabWoTa kavSiridan, romelic amerikaSi Cavi- There were some cases, when after having danced the absurdity of that times, in yurebisas gedebis da. mas hqonda Sexvedrebi jorj balanCinTan on the stage of the Big Theatre, the same night, he which he happened to live and nacvlad scenaze da sxva emigrantebTan. saerTod, nebismieri returned home. pionerebs xedavs. work. adamianis biografiaSi arsebobs kanonzo- miereba, miT ufro Tu es Semoqmeds exeba. It is important that Chabukiani managed to com- 2010 wels vax- In the year 1916, in Tbilisi, balanCinis fenomeni dRes aseTi saxiT ar bine classic ballet choreography with Georgian tang Wabukians Perini opened the first cho- iarsebebda, rom ara amerika. es iqneboda sul folk dance traditions. The first Georgian ballet that dabadebidan reographic studio of classical sxva balanCini. imave WabukianisTvisac, al- Chabukiani staged in Tbilisi was Andria Balanchi- 100 weli Seus- dance and then lived in this city baT, saqarTveloSi iyo is niadagi, sadac misi ruldeboda. vadze’s “Mzechabuki” (year 1939). The same year, for the next 48 years. The stu- genia unda gabrwyinebuliyo. Tavis intervi- gasuli weli this ballet was performed, although, not in its full dents of his studio were ruling uebSi Wabukiani araerTxel aRniSnavda, rom iuneskom leg- version, within the framework of the Moscow Dec- the Georgian ballet. Vakhtang mas ar uyvarda didi xniT Tbilisis datoveba. endaruli yofila SemTxvevebic, roca ucekvia did Te- ade of Georgian Culture. It was mentioned that, Chabukiani was one of them. qoreografis atrSi da imave Rames saxlSi dabrunebula. Lavrenti Beria did not like the final scenes of the bal- wlad gamoacx- Chabukiani’s further profes- ada. sional development took place Wabukianma ara mxolod Seqmna qarTuli bal- at the Kirov State Academic Theatre of Opera and eti, aramed Tavad gaxda epoqa, istoria, Tum- Ballet in Leningrad, where he attracted the attention ca samwuxarod, man Tavis Tavze gamoscada of the legendary Agrippina Vaganova. His debut in im drois ukuRmarToba, romelSic mouwia Minkus’s ballet play of “” at the stage cxovreba da moRvaweoba. of the Kirov Theatre had been acclaimed as sensa- tional, due to the dancer’s original variation. Later 1916 wels TbilisSi perinim klasikuri cekvebis pirveli qoreografiuli studia on, Chabukiani amazed his partners and the audi- gaxsna da saqarTveloSi 48 wlis ganmavloba- ence with his own variations in a number of classical Si cxovrobda. qarTuli baletis saTaveebTan ballet performances (“La Bayadere”, “”, misi studiis aRsazrdelebi idgnen. maT So- “”). Up until now, these variations and the ris iyo vaxtang Wabukianic. Wabukianis pro- choreography of the entire dances stay in the world fesiuli daostateba ki leningrads, kirovis ballet repertoire. Unfortunately, only several record- Teatrs ukavSirdeba, sadac man legendaruli ings have been left. They are not enough to give the agripina vaganovas yuradReba miipyro. misi spectator a full notion of the individual style and ca- debiuti kirovis Teatris scenaze minkusis pabilities of this brilliant dancer. balet „don kixotSi“ sensaciad iqca, rac mocekvavis mier Seqmnilma originalurma In spite of such a successful career, Chabukiani left variaciam ganapiroba. Semdeg araerT klasi- kur dadgmaSi aocebda Wabukiani partnioreb- the Kirov Theatre and returned to Tbilisi. How sa da mayurebels sakuTari variaciebiT would his carrier and fate develop if he had emi- („baiadera“, „korsari“, „gedebis tba“). es var- grated as others did? In 1934, he was on tour in the iaciebi da mTliani cekvebi dRemde msoflio United States where he danced at Carnegie Hall. He sabaleto xelovnebis repertuarSi ganagr- was the first Soviet ballet dancer to tour the United Zobs arsebobas. samwuxarod, sul ramdenime States. There, he met and other Canaweria SemorCenili. maTi mixedviT Seu- emigrants. Generally, every person’s biography re- Zlebelia sruli warmodgena Seeqmnas flects certain conformity with the natural laws, es es piesa gaxda qarTuli dramatuli Teatris gian nature. Perhaps, this fact preconditioned the ganaxlebis macne. vgulisxmob kote mar- success of the ballet play. Chabukiani served as the janiSvilis dadgmas. espanuri temperamenti art director of the Tbilisi Theatre of Opera and Bal- da plastika organulad esadageboda qar- let for years. Virtually, he was the driving force of Tul xasiaTs. SesaZloa baletis warmateba am 24 the Tbilisi Choreographic School that now bears Copyright 2012 faqtmac ganapiroba . his name. Happily, he was spared the repressions of vaxtang Wabukiani wlebis ganmavlobaSi Tbi- the Stalin and Khrushchev eras. It’s known that the lisis operisa da baletis Teatris samxatvro great choreographer was appreciated for not having xelmZRvaneli iyo. igi, faqtobrivad, mamoZ- emigrated. I think, it was only a pleasant exception ravebeli Zala iyo qoreografiuli saswav- and not the favor of those in power, and, for sure, it leblisac, romelic amJamad misi saxelobisaa. was not about appreciation. sabednierod, vaxtang Wabukiani gadaurCa stalinisa da xruSovis xanis represiebs. am- Chabukiani experienced the shortcomings of the boben, am did xelovans daufasda, rom Tavis system and of the time later on. In 1972, when the droze ar wavida emigraciaSi. me vfiqrob, es Tbilisi Theatre of Opera and Ballet had been burnt mxolod sasiamovno gamonaklisia da ara Zli- erTa ama qveynisaTagan gaRebuli wyaloba, down, he was dismissed from the theatre. Various miT umetes dafaseba. rumors emerged about this fact. According to one of them, he, himself, even was blamed for setting the Wabukianma sistemisa Tu drois ukuRmarToba fire to the theatre. Those years were especially dif- mogvianebiT gamoscada. 1972 wels, rodesac ficult for art. Chabukiani wrote in the year 1990: Tbilisis opera daiwva, is Teatridan gauSves. “For over 15 years, I was left without a theatre and masze aTasgvari Wori gavrcelda. TiTqos without a troupe, and, therefore, in this not-so-short Teatris dawvasac abralebdnen. es wlebi gan- TxuTmet weliwadze period of my creative life, I was not able to contrib- metxans me uTeatrod, sakuTrebiT mZime iyo xelovanisTvis. ai, ras ute, to the future development of my country. And, udasod davrCi da ver werda 1990 wels Tavad Wabukiani: „TxuTmet SevZeli Cemi Semoqmedeb- a troupe is the very living force without which noth- iTi cxovrebis arcTu ise weliwadze metxans me uTeatrod, udasod ing can be created! This is not the remote past at mokle dro Cemi qveynis davrCi da ver SevZeli Cemi SemoqmedebiTi Semdgomi ganviTarebisT- all. Many people remember how the Georgian au- vis momexmarebina cxovrebis arcTu ise mokle dro Cemi qveynis For over 15 years, I was left Semdgomi ganviTarebisTvis momexmarebina. thorities of that time were deceived by some persons without a theatre and with- because of the private interests of the latter and one out a troupe, and, therefore, dasi xom is cocxali Zalaa, uromlisodac ve- in this not-so-short period rafers Seqmni! es arc ise didi xnis warsulia. day I was left almost without any work.” During that of my creative life, I was not bevrs axsovs, piradi dainteresebis gamo period, Chabukiani took part in ballet performanc- able to contribute, to the future development of my rogor Seacdines maSindeli saqarTvelos es of other Soviet theatres. He, also, received offers country xelmZRvaneloba da erT dRes TiTqmis us- from abroad. Only the door of his native theatre was

Vakhtang Chabukiani Vakhtang aqmod davrCi“. am periodSi Wabukiani sabWo- closed for him, the theatre where he had created the mTavari mainc isaa, rom Wabukianma moaxerxa Ta kavSiris sxva Teatrebis dadgmebSi iRebda Georgian classical ballet. klasikuri qoreografiisa da qarTuli xalxuri monawileobas. mas ucxoeTSic iwvevdnen. mx- olod mSobliuri Teatris kari iyo misT- sacekvao tradiciis Serwyma. pirveli qarTuli let, though, this fact did not become an obsta- The peakpeak ofof Vakhtang Vakhtang Chabukiani’s Chabukiani’s art work art is conwork- baleti, romelic Wabukianma TbilisSi dadga, iyo cle for Chabukiani, to get the Stalin Prize. Two vis daxuruli, Teatrisa, sadac man qarTuli klasikuri baleti Seqmna. sideredis considered to be “Othello” to bybe Aleksi “Othello” Machavariani. by Aleksi He andria balanCivaZis „mzeWabuki“ (1936). es bal- years later, the choreographer presented a new performedMachavariani. the role Heof Othelloperformed at the age the of role47 and, of eti imave wels moskovSi saqarTvelos kulturis version of the ballet at the Kirov Theatre. This vaxtang Wabukianis Semoqmedebis mwverval- inOthello fact, it turned at the out ageto be ofthe last47 roleand, on inthe fact, stage it dekadaze aCvenes, magram arasruli versiiT. am- time it was named “The Heart of the Moun- ad aleqsi maWavarianis „oteloa“ miCneuli. inturned his career. out toLater be on, the he last experienced role on the the cruelty stage boben, lavrenti beriam baletis finali daiwuna. tains”. The next work by Chabukiani was “Lau- Tumca am faqtma xeli ar SeuSala vaxtang Wabuki- es partia man 47 wlis asakSi Seasrula da, ofin Iagohis career. in real life. Later As we on,know, he the experienced world has black the rencia”, which was staged based upon the play faqtobrivad, misi, rogorc mocekvavis, ka- ans da igi stalinuri premiiTac dajildovda. im- andcruelty white ofcolors Iago and itin can’t real be life.fully fitted As we in eitherknow, by Lope de Vega – “Fuente Ovejuna”. It is an rieris dasasrulad iqca. mogvianebiT ukve myth of Iago or Othello. The beauty can’t save the ave baletis axali versia qoreografma ori wlis the world has black and white colors and Semdeg kirovis TeatrSi warmoadgina. amjerad interesting coincidence. At its time, it was this realur cxovrbaSi gamoscada man „iagos“ ve- world, perhaps, it is an utopia. mas „mTebis guli“ ewoda. Wabukianis Semdegi very play by de Vega that became the first one ragoba. rogorc viciT, samyaro Sav-TeTria. it can’t be fully fitted in either myth of dadgma „laurensia“ iyo, romelsac libretod to be staged by the renewed Georgian drama is mTlianad arc iagos miTSi Tavsdeba da arc Iago or Othello. The beauty can’t save the lope de vegas „cxvris wyaro“ daedo. saintereso theatre. I mean the production by Kote Mar- otelosi. samyaros silamaze ver gadaarCens world, perhaps, it is an utopia. damTxvevaa, Tavis droze swored lope de vegas janishvili. It matched perfectly with the Geor- da, albaT, es utopiaa.

subieqturi sivrce albaT yvelasTvis irina demetraZe dausvamT kiTxva: nika rurua romelia is 10 wigni, 26 The Subjective Space romelsac ukacriel Copyright 2012 aka morCilaZe kunZulze waiReb- di. amave logikiT, Nika Rurua SesaZloa vikiTxoT, nika rurua, jazTan, XX saukunis erT- Irina Demetradze romelia is 10 diski, erT yvelaze saintereso fenomenTan, Aka Morchiladze romelsac analo- inicirebis miseul versias gTavazobT. giur mdgomareobaSi inatrebdi. ufro na- jazis enciklopediuri codna, wminda piradad CemTvis, es albomi mainc musiko- kleb dramatul sit- musikaluri formis Taviseburebani da sebis, qalaqis, da Tu uaciaSi ki SemiZlia Nika Rurua offers us his own version of initiation with jazz - gnebavT, mTeli epoqis rac mTavaria emociuri aRqma am yvelaf- erTian ganwyobaze giTxraT, rom es im with one of the most interesting phenomenon of the XX century. ufroa, vidre studiaSi aucilebeli aTeu- risa iseTi sicxadiTaa gadmocemuli, rom daWerili, Camweris musikis warmosaxviTi sivrce konkretul Encyclopedic knowledge of jazz, specifics of the pure musical form sqel, yavisfer firze lis Cemi versiaa, and, what’s the most important, emotional perception of all of this, datanili wamis, momen- romliTac jazuri SegrZnebebs aRgiZravT. teqstic jazis tis grZnobaze musikis smenis daw- mTavar princips, cocxal improvizacias is so clearly passed to us, that the imaginary space of music provokes yeba, anu am saocar mogagonebT... some concrete feelings. The text, itself, will remind you about the musikalur fenomen- live improvisation… Tan iniciaciaa Sesa- Zlebeli. gaamoT.

aka morCilaZe wers, rom Tormeti- nika rurua aka morCilaZe wers, rom Tormeti- cameti wlis asakSi albaT yvelaze Aka Morchiladze writes that, perhaps, a person cameti wlis asakSi albaT yvelaze mets mets kiTxulobs adamiani. yovel Aka Morchiladze writes that, perhaps, a kiTxulobs adamiani. yovel SemTxvevaSi,reads more at the age of twelve-thirteen years. At SemTxvevaSi, CvenTvis, gutenbergis person reads more at the age of twelve-thirteen Cveni, gutenbergis epoqis adamianebisleast, this is the case for the people of our, Guten- epoqis adamianebisTvis asea. inter- years. At least, this is the case for the people of SemTxvevaSi asea. internetis Taobazeberg gad epoch.- I can’t say anything precisely about the netis Taobaze gadaWriT verafers vi- our, Gutenberg epoch. I can’t say anything pre- aWriT verafers vityvi. arsebobda kidev Probably, everybody tyvi. arsebobda kidev erTi Tavise- Internet generation.cisely about There the Internet was another generation. specificity There was – in erTi Tavisebureba - qveyanaSi, romelic has been asked: which bureba - qveyanaSi, romelic yvelaze the mostly literate and progressive country, of course, yvelaze wignieri da progresuli iyo, another specificity – in the mostly literate and are those ten books that wignieri da progresuli iyo, rasak- deriving from its ideology, the books were translated rasakvirvelia oficialuri ideologi- progressive country, of course, deriving from its you would take to an un- virvelia oficialuri ideologiidan inhabited island? With idan gamomdinare, wignebi iTargmnebodainto Russian ideology, and, rarely, the books into wereGeorgian. translated English into Ruslingual- gamomdinare, wignebi iTargmneboda the same logic we could rusulad, da iSviaTad qarTuladac.or other ing- kindssian and,of books rarely, intowere Georgian. not so Englisheasily available.lingual rusulad, da iSviaTad qarTuladac. in- pose a question, which lisurenovani an sxva wignebi arcNowadays, ise ad- or the other situation kinds of has books changed, were not but so easily I don’t avail think- glisurenovani an sxva wignebi arc are those ten discs you vilad xelmisawvdomi iyo. dRes situacia able. Nowadays, the situation has changed, but I ise advilad xelmisawvdomi iyo. dRes that we have become more literate… would wish to have in Seicvala, magram ar mgonia ufro wignier- don’t think that we have become more literate… situacia Seicvala, magram ar mgonia the same situation? In ebi gavxdiT... the less dramatic situ- ufro wignierebi gavxdiT... ation I can tell you, that this is my version of those necessary ten In Georgia, neorealism, Fellini, Almodóvar, or saqarTveloSi, masiurad, ”uyvarT” da CDs, by which it is pos- Trier are massively “loved” and “recognized” (just like ”aRiareben” neorealizms, felinis, almo- sible to start listening to it happened in painting, when Gustav Klimt works be- jazz music and, thus, to dovars Tu triers (iseve, rogorc mxatv- initiate with this amaz- robaSi gustav klimti aqcies bibliad, da came the Bible. And, I would ask: why, let’s say, Egon ing musical phenom- Tundac egon Sile mas riTi Camouvarde- Schiele is a painter of the lower caliber?). Of course, nobody has any doubts about their greatness, but the For me this album is more about enon. Enjoy them. ba?). rasakvirvelia, maT genialurobaSi the mood of musicians, the city, aravis Seaqvs eWvi, magram sainteresoa history of a film seen from another angle, offered by and even the whole epoch, than about the feeling of the moment, Nika Rurua sxva rakursiT danaxuli kinos istoria, Irina Demetradze, is interesting. a squeezed second caught in the rasac irina demetraZe gTavazobT. Studio and placed on the thick, brown tape of the recorder

As it’s said, this album is the most influential and mostly sold 28 in the world of Jazz. Firstly, the reason for this can be found in Copyright 2012 Pat Metheny - Travels the composition of the constellation participating in it: Miles es albomi, rogorc amboben, jazur samyaroSi Davis on the trumpet, John Coltrane and Julian Cannonball yvelaze “gavleniani” albomia da yvelaze didi Adderley on the saxophone, Bill Evans and Wynton Kelly on raodenobiT gayidulic. mizezi amisa, pirvel the piano, Paul Chambers on the bass-guitar and Joe Jones on rigSi, unda veZioT masSi monawile Tanavarskv- drums. lavedis SemadgenlobaSi: mails devisi sayvirze, As it’s mentioned, there is no comment necessary – neither in jon koltreini da julian “kenonbol” ederli that time, nor later, more progressive musicians have hardly saqsafonze, bil evansi da uinton keli forte- ever been seen. Every of them are soloists and composers, who pianoze, pol Cembersi basze da jo jonsi dasar- had a great impact on the history of jazz. Although, their me- tyamebze. rogorc amboben, komentarebi zedme- chanical unity was not a guarantee at all for achieving of what tia - maTze progresuli musikosebi arc maSin, they really did, the result might had been unexpected even to da savaraudod, arc mere msoflios bevri ar un- them. axavs. yoveli maTgani solisti da kompozito- First of all, it is the merit of Miles Davis, his vision, require- ria, romelsac jazis istoriaSi sakuTari, Zalian ments, and being incessantly in the process of searching. This gamorCeuli kvali aqvs datovebuli. Tumca, maTi music has something very specific, expressive, a bit noticeably meqanikuri erToba, rogorc aseTi, sruliadac melancholic, (the title of the disc indicates this too), besides, it ar iyo imis garantia, rom gamosvlodaT is, rac represents multi-structural innovation in writing and improvi- gamouvidaT. rezultati albaT moulodneli aR- sation of music, though, this is irrelevant for the listeners of moCnda maTTvisac. pirvel rigSi, es, albaT, mails our kind. The main thing is the feeling, which the audience devisis xedvis, misi moTxovnebis da ganuwyvet- gets from hearing the very first tact of this music – this is a eli Ziebis procesSi yofnis bralia. am musikas feeling of burning on low, silent fire and sadness, which, simul- aqvs raRac Zalian saxasiaTo, eqspresiuli, odnav taneously, makes you worry or glad; the feeling, that despite of SesamCnevad melanqoliuri (diskis saTauric xom mainly dark colors emanating from music, in parallel, the sun amaze mianiSnebs), garda imisa, rom warmoadgens ray, glittering with tiny dust, is flowing, which is the true sign mraval struqturul inovacias musikis werisa of peace and hope. da improvizaciis saqmeSi. magram es Cvennairi ms- After hearing the whole album, the listener approxi mately menelisTvis ararelevanturia. mTavari aq is gr- comprehends what the musicians felt prior to entering the Znobaa, romelic msmenels gauCndeba pirvelive studio and, generally, what the environment was in New York taqtidan musikis gagonebisa - esaa grZnoba dabal, in that times – New York of Miles Davis. However, in Bill Ev- pet meTinis es ordiskiani albomi laivSia Cawerili The double-disc album of Pat Metheny was live recorded Cum cecxlze wvisa da msubuqi kaeSnisa, romelic ans comments, that accompany the original plate, this music amerikis garSemo turis dros. xSirad gamigia, rom gi- during the tour around the United States. People often say taristis avkargianoba laiv-Canaweris saSualebiT Tan gawuxebs, da Tan ara; grZnoba imisa, rom miuxe- is compared to one of the styles of Japanese painting, the art that the ability of guitarists should be defined according unda dadgindes; viTomcda, studiaSi yvelanairi teqni- davad im ZiriTadad bneli ferebisa, romelic of spontaneous brush striking and by this parallel he empha- kuri pirobaa, rom cudi dakrulic raimes daamsgavso. to live recordings and it’s said as if there are such technical sizes, that, here, likewise, improvisations are spontaneous and musikidan gamosWvivis, paralelurad moedineba arasdros viziarebdi am mosazrebas - gemovnebas vera- conditions in the studio that give an opportunity to create mtvris namcecebiT gabrWyvialebuli mzis sxivi, unique. Probably, it is so, but for me this album is more about nairi teqnika da teqnologia ver Seqmnis iq, sadac is a good music even out of a bad performance. I have never romelic simSvidisa da imedis utyuari niSania. the mood of musicians, the city, and even the whole epoch, ar aris. ase rom, CemTvis cudi gitaristi studiaSic shared this opinion - equipment and technology is not able msmeneli albomis mTlianad mosmenis mere daax- than about the feeling of the moment, a squeezed second cudia da laivSic. am albomis avtori ki orive for- to change the taste of a musician, if he/she does not have it. loebiT xvdeba, Tu ras grZnobdnen musikosebi caught in the Studio and placed on the thick, brown tape of the matSi erTnairad momajadoebeli musikosia, mxolod So, a bad guitarist remains bad for me, in live as well as in studiaSi Sesvlamde, da saerTod ra garemo iyo recorder.. Let’s see what emotions it will recall in you, it might misTvis saxasiaTo bgeriT, JReradobiT, frazirebiT da the studio. The author of this album is equally attractive in gamefebuli maSindel niu-iorkSi - mailsis niu- be quite different from what I said. There are a lot of provoca- rac mTavaria, misi ganumeorebeli esTetiuri azrovne- both formats with his characteristic sound, sonority, phras- biT. pirvelad meTinis sruliad SemTxveviT gadavawydi iorkSi. Tumca, bil evansis komentarSi, romel- tions for any emotions. es and, most importantly, with his unique esthetic thinking. da im diskzec mxolod erTi, pirveli Tema momewona, ic originalur firfitas axlavs, am musikas is romelic megona damaviwydeboda, rogorc yvelaferi I discovered Metheny quite accidentally, I liked only the first iaponuri mxatvrobis erTi stilis, funjis spon- danarCeni, SemTxveviT mosmenil-nanaxi. im dRidan 30 theme in his album, which I thought I would forget as every- tanuri mosmis xelovnebas adarebs da amgvari pa- welze meti gavida da am drois ganmavlobaSi im erTma, thing else, which is heard and seen by chance. More than 30 raleliT ambobs, rom improvizaciebic aq aseTive pirvelma STabeWdilebam yvelaze metxans gastana. mTa- years have passed since then and the first impression lasted spontanuri da unikaluria. albaT, asecaa, magram vari, rac am musikosis dakrulSi gamaxsovrdeba, es for a longest time ever. The most memorable thing is not piradad CemTvis, es albomi mainc musikosebis, araa misi virtuozuli floba instrumentisa, aramed only masterful possession of an instrument but the whole- qalaqis, da Tu gnebavT, mTeli epoqis erTian gan- is erTiani, mTliani musikaluri naxati, romelsac av- some, harmonic musical performance created by the author, wyobaze ufroa, vidre studiaSi daWerili, Cam- tori qmnis; is erTi SexedviT erTmaneTis gamomricxavi at first glance, the conflicting mood, which distinguishes his ganwyoba, romelic mis musikas yvelasgan gamoarCevs - weris sqel, yavisfer firze datanili wamis, mo- music from others - a bit sad, but optimistic, shy, but very odnav sevdiani, magram optimisturi; moridebuli, ma- mentis grZnobaze. vnaxoT, ra emocias gamoiwvevs gram saocrad gambedavi. am albomze is kompoziciacaa, brave. There is one composition in the album, which helped is TqvenSi, SesaZloa sruliad sxvas.aq nebismieri romelmac es poet-musikosi mapovnina. imedia, zustad me to discover this poet-musician. I hope you will guess pre- emociisTvis uamravi provokatoria. gamoicnobT romelia is. cisely, which one it is.

es albomi albaT sauke- Tesoa “uezer reportis” SedevrTa Soris. aq Zne- lia daijero, rom am yve- 30 lafers, rasac ismen, sul Copyright 2012 xuTi musikosi qmnis: jo zavinuli, uein Sorteri, es trios jako pastoriusi, piter Canaweri Cemi erskini da robert to- azriT bil masi. TviTon albomi ki evansis sauke- musikosTa Semadgenlobas TesoTa Sorisaa Sav-TeTri, moqmedebisas, da mis pir- anu dakvrisas gadaRebu- vel, yvelaze li saocrad eqspresiuli produqtiul fotoebiT gviCvenebs. aq da inovaciur musika monstruli, erTi ansambls war- SexedviT didi, tlanqi moadgens. aq formebiTa da eqonare- masTan erTad vi fonebiT gamoirCeva, ukravs ori romelSic Cawnulia dasar- sruliad uni- tyamebis giJuri, magram kaluri musiko- Zalian mkafio ritmi da si, skot la bas-gitaris msuye, sriala faro, kontrabasze da pol motiani To my mind, the record of this trio is among the best of svingi. msmeneli elis yve- (an, pol mouSeni, rogorc xandaxan mis Bill Evans, and that’s his first, the most productive and la melodiis raRacnair, gvars warmoTqvamen xolme) dramze. TiTqmis savaraudo ganvi- skot la faro am albomis Caweridan innovative ensemble. Here, two absolutely unique mu- sicians play with him, Scott La Faro on the contrabass Tarebas, ritmis logikur umokles droSi avtokatastrofaSi svlas - sinamdvileSi ki and Paul Motian (or Paul Motion, as his surname is pro- daiRupa (is sul 25 wlis iyo), pol mo- yvelaferi sxvagvarad gr- tianma ki grZeli, produqtiuli Semo- nounced sometimes) on the drums. Scott La Faro died Zeldeba da es yvelaferi qmedebiTi cxovreba icxovra da wels, in a car accident after a short period from recording the Weather Report - Night PassageSenc sadRac, betonis caT- 80 wlis asakSi gardaicvala. esaa lir- aforesaid album (he was only 25) Paul Motian lived a This album is the best among the masterpieces of “Weather Report”. It is ambjenebs Soris, afriku- izmiT gajerebuli, filosofiiT savse, long, productive creative life and died at the age of 80. difficult to believe, that all what you are listening is created by only five li cxeli niavis TanxlebiT mSvidi musika, romelic mosmenis Sem- okeanis horizontisken musicians: Joe Zawinul, Wayne Shorter, Jaco Pastorius, Peter Erskine and deg (da mis procesSic) qmnis warmodge- It is the calm music, filled with lyrics, full of philosophy, migaqanebs. amave dros, Robert Thomas. The album itself demonstrates the music band during black- nas, rom garda garTobisa vakeTebT which after listening (and in the process of listening as raRac ukanve gabrunebs raRacas, rac kargia Cveni zogadi (da white action or with remarkably expressive photos taken at the time of play- well) creates an opinion that except for entertainment we da Sens Tvalwinve didi, ara marto musikaluri) ganaTlebisT- ing the music. Here, the music is distinguished by monster like, at first sight, do something else, which is good for our general educa- Zalian saintereso da Wre- vis. nu gageRimebaT, am trios mosmenas large, rough forms and echoic background, in which crazy, very distinctive tion (and not only the musical education). Please, don’t li bazroba iSleba, sadac zustad es efeqti aqvs. ufro swored, rhythm of drums and rich, sliding swing of bass-guitar are woven together. panamis qudebSi gamowyo- smile, this is exactly the effect of listening to this trio. So, gaiRimeT da SeirgeT. aq skot la faros bil kontrabandistebs, smile and enjoy. basi sakuTari udablesi registriTa Most likely, the listener expects development of every melody, the logical gzaabneul turistebsa da da umaRlesi, metalis simebis tkaca- movement of rhythm (in fact, everything continues differently and all of muqkanian adgilobriv ha- tkuciT, Tanmxlebi bgerebiT pol mo- Here, Scott La Faro’s bass-guitar with accompanying these take you through the concrete skyscrapers and accompany you by hot SiSiT movaWreebs Soris tianis funjebis Sari-Surs iseve har- sounds of its own lowest registry and cracking of the African breeze) takes you to the ocean horizon. SigadaSig ulamazesi ar- moniulad erwymis rogorc es mxolod highest metallic strings harmoniously merges with rus- seba gaiqrolebs xolme - am or instruments ZaluZs. aq mini- tling of Paul Motian’s brushes, as it is possible only for Tumca ver xvdebi, ra aris At the same time, something brings you back and a very interesting, colorful malizmi, am sityvis saukeTeso formi- these two instruments. Here, minimalism is presented es - adamiani, qali-Samani Taa warmodgenili. am trios musika ar market is opened to your sight, where, among smugglers, lost tourists and with the best form of this word. One never gets bored by Tu zmaneba. erTi sityviT, gbezrdeba, da yoveli mosmenisas sasia- dark-skinned local hashish traders wearing Panama hats, a very beautiful this trio’s music, and each time you listen it, you pleas- es musika erTi didi, mrav- movnod afiqsireb, rom amasobaSi, war- creature darts from time to time, though, one can’t guess what it is – a hu- antly find that, meanwhile, from the past listening up to alferovani halucina- suli mosmenidan dRemde, odnav ufro man being, woman-shaman or ghost. To say it in short, this music is one big, ciaa, romelic arasdros present, you got a bit wiser. dabrZenebulxar. diverse hallucination, which never gets outdated. Zveldeba. piriqiT. Bill Evans - Explorations

Chick Corea - My Spanish Heart This album is based on pop- Chick Corea ular tales of Chick Corea My Spanish Heart from trilogy (The Mad Hat- 32 ter, Leprechaun, My Span- Copyright 2012 ish Heart). From my point This disk of Herbie Hancock Jazz-Rock-Acoustics-Electronics-Funk– of view, the most positive Herbie HancockDisco and etc. -is amazing,Mr. and Hands if we fit all these stupid etiquettes to it, it wouldn’t be protested by any music critic, as it covers everything bit energy flows from it, how- by bit. However, genre confusion never takes place, though, formally herbi henkokis es dis- ever, the dignity of the rest, it is encountered at every step. aforesaid two discs is not di- ki jaz-rok-akustik- eleqtrik-fank-disko minished by this. Here is a da a.S. saocrebaa, da Tu This diversity turns the album into very entertaining and pleasant shift of Spanish passion and mas yvela am sulelur journey. In this music, calypso rhythm and electro guitar follows flamenco rhythm, castanets’ etikets mivusadagebT, newly invented electronics with computer sounds (the album is amas arc erTi musi- cheerful melody and the best recorded in 1980) and it seems natural, although, up until now, such kaluri kritikosi ar mixture has been deemed as anathema. traditions of European clas- gaaprotestebs, radgan am albomSi cot-cota sical music. Here, in other Here, the music is quite psychedelic and is distinguished by the times cold and icy voice of es yvelaferia. JanrTa aRrevas aq versad ipo- repetition, which is forgivable only for Hancock, - the author creates Gayle Moran, Corea’s wife vi, Tumca formalurad the entire fabric of music instead of putting emphasis on individual and singer, is joyful, and at es aq yovel nabijze solos. The energy emanating from the music is infinite and aggressive, the same time, romantic. gxvdeba. es mravalfer- although, at the same time, mystical, unknown and even timeless, just ovneba am alboms Zalian like Buddhist look of its author. gasarTob da sasiamovno If the word ‘’Duende” is mogzaurobad aqcevs. am difficult to construe by em- musikaSi eleqtrogita- ploying different synonyms, ra da kalifsos riTmi jer kidev axladgamog- here, the music gives op- onebuli kompiuteruli portunity to do this, if any- JReradobis (albomi one still pose you a ques- 1980 welsaa Cawerili) eleqtronikas mosdevs tion: “What does “Duende’’ da es bunebrivad geCven- mean?” – Turn on any (I eba, miuxedavad imisa, es albomi Cik koreas popularuli zRaprebis motivebze Seqm- mean it) composition from rom aqamde aseTi miqsi anaTemad migaCnda. musi- nili trilogiidan (The Mad Hatter, Leprechaun, My Spanish Heart), this disc and the complete ka aq sakmaod fsiqode- Cemi azriT, yvelaze pozitiur energias asxivebs, Tumca amiT answer will be provided to liuria da mxolod danarCeni, zemoT moyvanili ori diskis Rirseba namdvilad the question. The moods of henkokisTvis sapatie- ar knindeba. aq erTmaneTs cvlis espanuri cecxli, flamenkos musicians are appropriate: beli repetiulobiT riTmi, kastanedebis Jivil-xivili da evropuli klasikuri gamoirCeva - avtori aq musikis saukeTeso tradiciebi. koreas meuRlisa da momR- Chick Corea on the Key- mTlian musikalur qso- erlis, geil moranis sxva dros gamyinavi, civi xma aq mxiaruli, board and piano, Stanley vils qmnis, calkeuli da amave dros Zalian romantiulia. Tu sityva “duende” Zneli Clarke on the bass-guitar, soloebis aqcentire- asaxsnelia sxvadasxva sinonimis moSveliebiT, aq amis gakeT- Steve Gadd on the drums, bis magivrad. ener- eba am musikiT xdeba SesaZlebeli. Tu vinme mainc gkiTxavT, ra gia, romelic musikidan aris “duende” - CaurTeT nebismieri (marTla!) kompozicia am Jean-Luke Ponty on the vio- modis, usazRvro da diskidan da amomwuravi pasuxi gacemuli iqneba. musikosTa Se- lin, Gayle Moran - vocal and agresiulia, Tumca amave madgenlobac ganwyobis Sesamabisia: Cik korea - klaviSebze da plus Chamber Orchestra dros, am musikis avto- fortepianoze, stenli klarki - basze, stiv gedi - dramze, Jan- ris budisturi gamoxed- luk ponti - violinoze, geil morani - vokali, da amas plus ka- with the full composition. vasaviT mistiuri, Seuc- meruli orkestri mTeli SemadgenlobiT. ukeTesi Zneli war- It’s hard to imagine anything nobeli da SesaZloa, mosadgenia. better. maradiulic.

Keith Jarrett - My Song es kiT jaretis skandinaviuri kvartetis Canawerebidan sauke- Tesoa da yvelaze dasamaxsovrebeli. saTauridan gamomdinare musika aq uzomod mSvidi da mSvenieria. amave dros jarets meore kvarteti hyavda SeerTebul StatebSi, da iq aranak- lebi klasisa da gemovnebis musikosebi iyvnen, magram misi e.w. skandinaviuri Semadgenloba swored isaa, romelTan erTaes k

There is more sense of blues in her hoarse and Keith Jarrett - My Song tired voice, full with cigarettes, heroin and whis- Billie Holliday ky, than in the whole sinful world. Billie Holli- 34 day was called as “Lady Day” by her friends and Copyright 2012 fans. She made a choice in favor of recording al- Lady in Satin bum with accompaniment of string orchestra for the first time. She was asked by one of her album This is the best and the most am CaxleCil, sigaretiT, heroiniT da viskiT daRlil xmaSi meti bluzia, producers: “Will the final product be real jazz? memorable song of Keith vidre mTel codvil samyaroSi. “ledi Her answer was: “Everything, what Lady Day Jarrett, from the records of dei”, rogorc bili holidei saku- sings will be jazz”. And that’s what happened, Scandinavian quartet. De- Tar megobrebsa da Tayvanismcemlebs - this album turned out to be the most dazzling riving from the title of the uflebas aZlevda misTvis ewodebi- star in the difficult and unlucky life of the wom- song, music is very quiet naT, aq pirvelad akeTebs arCevans an, who was deceived many times, and suffered and beautiful. At the same simebiani orkestris akompanimentiT from prisons and hospitals. Later, Billie Holli- albomis Caweris sasargeblod. “ki, time, Jarrett worked with day became a millionaire, but Post Mortem, as another quartet in USA, magram, iqneba is jazi, rac sabolood amisgan gamova?” - ukiTxavs albomis it happens with the real geniuses, like her. Up to they were not less talented erT-erT prodiusers. “yvelaferi, present day, after 53 years from her demise, she musicians and had a good rasac ledi dei imRerebs, iqneba jazi” has been the queen of jazz, and has been carry- taste in music, but his so - iyo pasuxi. asec moxda da es albomi ing this regalia thanks to this album too. called Scandinavian group am bevrjer moty- is the one together with uebuli, cixeebiTa which the pianist managed da saavadmyofoe- to record the immortal mel- biT gatanjuli odies. The most brilliant qalis rTul, uiR- is this particular album, blo cxovrebaSi its simplicity and sincerity erT-erTi yvelaze kaSkaSa varskv- es kiT jaretis skandinaviuri kvartetis Canawer- charms you from the very lavi aRmoCnda. ebidan saukeTesoa da yvelaze dasamaxsovrebeli. first chord. Even if you are mogvianebiT bili saTauridan gamomdinare musika aq uzomod mSvidi listening to it for the first holidei milion- da mSvenieria. amave dros jarets meore kvarteti time, you might think, that eri gaxda, magram hyavda SeerTebul StatebSi, da iq aranaklebi it is well known and famil- rogorc misnairi, klasisa da gemovnebis musikosebi iyvnen, magram iar to you. After the first namdvili geni- misi e.w. skandinaviuri Semadgenloba swored isaa, listening everything is ac- osebis SemTxvevaSi romelTan erTadac pianistma ukvdavi melodiebis cumulated in your feeling xdeba xolme - Post Mortem. dRemde, Cawera SeZlo. am ciklidan yvelaze brwyinvale ki and continues its life forev- es konkretuli albomia, romelic misi simartiv- misi sikvdilidan er in the most sensitive part iTa da gulwrfelobiT pirvelive akordebidan 53 wlis merec igi of your heart. It is a hymn gatyvevebs; am dros SesaZloa gaifiqro - es xom jazis ucvleli dedicated to kindness. dedofalia da am nacnobi, axlobeli musikaa, miuxedavad imisa, rom regalias is am al- mas pirvelad usmen. mere ki, pirveli mosmenis mere, bomis wyalobiTac es yvelaferi Sens grZnobebSi ileqeba da ramdeni atarebs. droc ar unda gavides, Seni arsebis saukeTeso nawilSi agrZelebs sicocxles. esaa himni miZRvni- li sikeTisadmi. Erroll Garner - That’s My Kick John Coltrane - Crescent Erroll Garner first saw the piano at the 36 age of 20, when he was in the airport to Copyright 2012 fly to New-York. He learned to play on the church organ at a very young age, and jon koltreini rTul musikas ukravs, magram ara The music of John Col- without musical notation system. The gaugebars. maSinac ki, rodesac is avangardul for- trane is difficult, but not legend says that young Garner sat at the mats irCevs, misi smena Zalian sasiamovnoa. es incomprehensible. Even instrument, which had been delivered albomi albaT erT-erTi imaTgania, romelic mis to the airport for transportation, and fi- when the Avant-garde for- nally missed his flight as did the other SemoqmedebaSi zustad abalansebs axlis Ziebis, eqs- mat is chosen, it’s pleasant passengers, who turned into delighted perimentisken mamoZravebel impulss da ukve napovn to listen to it. This album is and bewitched listeners. Later, when he WeSmaritebebs. musika aq sakmaod muqi feriT da probably one of those, became a star, he held all concerts, with- odnav depresiuli nadebiT gamoirCeva, magram mas which make balance be- out exception, by seating on two Man- aqvs saocari simtkice da siRrme, rogorc melodiuri, tween the impetus of new hattan’s phone books. All the club and ise saundis TvalsazrisiT. aq koltreini sicocx- hall owners knew about it: “Do you want search, experiment and lis amaoebiT daRlili filosofosia, vinc miuxedavad to invite me to your club? If yes, in this amisa, uars ambobs Seguebasa da morCilebaze da already discovered truth. case, let me have two Manhattan’s phone jiutad miiwevs axali WeSmaritebis aRmoCenisken, The music is quite dark books to seat on. The music played in Tumca icis, rom is, rac mas mieca, ukve Zalian, and is characterized by a this album by Erroll Garner is extremely Zalian bevria. musikaSi aq tanjvasTan erTad didi bit depressed mood, but, cheerful and happy, similar to the author simamace da energiaa, romlis magvaric bevrgan ar- in terms of melody and of exclamation and wail, which charac- sad SegxvdebaT. es filosofiuri kvlevaa musikaluri sound, has an incred- terizes these themes as the most favorite leitmotifs. This type of music is good for instrumentebis gamoyenebiT. ible strength and depth. health of the audience. In this album, Coltrane is a philosopher, tired of life erol garnerma fortepiano pirvelad oci wlis asakSi naxa, futility. Nevertheless, he rodesac is aeroportSi moxvda niu-iorkSi gadasafrenad. dakvra refuses the sense of obe- ki saeklesio orRanze Zalian patara asakidan iswavla, Tanac sa- dience and adaptation noto sistemis gareSe. legenda amtkicebs, rom axalgazrda gar- and stubbornly moves to- neri aeroportSi gadasazidad mitanil instruments miujda da wards discovering the new sakuTar reisze daagviana sxva, aranakleb aRfrTovanebul da mo- truth, though, at the same nusxul msmenelad gadaqceul mgzavrTan erTad. SemdgomSi ki, time, he knows, that he rodesac garneri ukve didi varskvlavi gaxda, yovel koncerts is has already been given a manhetenis or satelefono cnobarze damjdari atarebda. gamo- lot. There is a great cour- naklisebis gareSe. da es yvela klubisa da darbazis mepatronem age and energy as well icoda: “gindaT TqvenTan davukra? damaxvedreT manhetenis ori as suffering, which you satelefono wigni, rom maTze Cemi sajdomi davdo”. musika, romel- can’t find elsewhere. This sac am diskze erol garneri ukravs, araadamianurad mxiaruli da is philosophical research bednieria, zustad iseTi, rogorc im Rmuilisa da SeZaxilebis avtori, romlebic am Temebs usayvarles leitmotivad gasdevs. conducted by means of aseTi musika sasargebloa msmenelTa janmrTelobisaTvis. musical instruments. Of course, I can’t give any advice to anyone. To be more sincere, when After the “Treasure Island”, certainly, I should mention “Three Musketeers”, which, nowadays, seems to be too thick and too slow, and if you’re used to reading I started thinking of this topic, the following books came to my mind. on your cell phone, you can even get irritated from it. However, it’s a completely rasakvirvelia, veravis verafers vurCev, ubralod roca magic book and free and comic style, expressed in it, is very rare, and, I think, is so necessary for us. 38 am Temaze davfiqrdi es wignebi wamomitivtivda. Copyright 2012 If you pass the world of the swards bearers and pirates, there you see “The Odys- The best for me was “Michael sey”, the prosaic translation by Zurab Kiknadze and Tamaz Chkhenkeli. It’s not Kohlhaas” by Von Kleist, the possible to understand “The Odyssey” at once. At first, the one perceives it as a story of a rebelled merchant in Germany of Luther’s magic story, but later it can be realized that this book describes a man’s life in all times. A story tells about a times. I liked Odysseus. He was quite a tricky one, but, nevertheless, books are price that a country might pay for offending an ordinary written about this kind of persons. man. Then, in one summer, when struggling with “War and Peace”, by accident, I found “Cossacks” and “Hadji Murad” in another volume of Tolstoy, and after finalizing reading, I re-read them again and again.

ganZis kunZuls, ra Tqma unda, „sami muSketeri“ unda movayolo, romel-

yvelaze magari sakiTxavi ic dRes sqeli da neli Cans da Tu telefonSi kiTxvas xar miCveuli, CemTvis iyo, fon klaistis albaT guls gagiwvrilebs. amis miuxedavad, sruliad jadosnuri wig- „mihael kolhaasi“, ajanye- nia da silaRe da komizmi, romelic misgan mogyveba, aris iSviaTi da buli vaWris ambavi luTe- mgoni aucilebeli ram. risdroindel germaniaSi. am wignSi gadmocemulia ambavi, Tu ris fasac Sei- magram am mxlosanTa da piratTa samyarodan Tu droze gaiwevi - aris Zleba daujdes qveyanas erTi odisea, zurab kiknaZisa da Tamaz Cxenkelis prozauli Targmani. maS- rigiTi kacis usamarTlod ganawyeneba. inve ki ver ugeb odiseas, ufro jadosnur ambad xedav, magram mere da mere xvdebi rom kacis cxovrebac ega yofila da yvela droSic eg iyo. odisevsi momwonda. ki waieSmakebda, magram mainc. wignebi egeT xalxze iwereba. Aka Morchiladze mere, erT zafxuls „omi da mSvidobasTan“ Widaobisas, SemTveviT tol- rasakvirelia, mxatvruli literaturis Seyvare- the last sentences of which would be as attractive and involv- stois sxva tomSi wavikiTxe „kazakebi“ da „haji murati“ da rom movrCi, ba romeliRac wignidan iwyeba da albaT maSin, ing for a teenager’s mind, as it is of “Treasure Island”. This book orive xelaxla wavikiTxe da mere isev xelaxla. roca Tormeti-cameti wlis xar. axlac, swored left colours, images and faces in me forever, and, perhaps, it am asakidan ramdenime wlis manZilze wakiTxuli even influenced me in a sense of choosing a way of telling a wignebi gamaxsenda. mgoni, im dros mets vkiTxu- story, as well as making a choice about who will be the main lobdi. ufro sworad, maSin ufro msiamovnebda. character of my story. maSin me egeTi erTi wigni mqonda, stivensonis „ganZis kunZuli“. qarTuli gamocema iyo, saTavga- dasavlo biblioTekis, „Sav isarTan“ erTad. mgo- ni dResac ase mgonia, rom msoflioSi arc erTi wignis pirveli da bolo winadadeba ar aris iseTi mimzidveli da mozardis gonebis dampyrobi, ro- goric „ganZis kunZulisa“. am wignma samudamod damitova ferebi, suraTebi da saxeebi da mgoni gavlena iqonia imaze, Tu rogor da visze unda movyve ambavs.

It’s undisputable, that falling in love with a fiction literature starts from the very first book that has touched one’s heart, and, perhaps, this happens at the age of 12-13 years. Now, as well, I remembered some books which I read in that age. I think, I was reading more then, or to be more precise, I was getting more pleasure from reading.

At that time, I had one book of such a kind – “Treasure Is- land” by Stevenson. It was a Georgian edition of an adventure library, and was published together with “The Black Arrow”. I still think that there is no other book in the world, the first and The book which made me think and even scared me a bit was “Moby-Dick” by Melville. This book, as I have been strongly influenced by several well, will be kept in my memory forever, it had a great impact on me. When I first read a story of a wale novels, among them, by completely denied and an adventurous captain Akabi, I had no clue of allegories at that time. It might be that I know noth- and destructive “Mateo Falcone” of Prosper ing about them at present too, but the sea and sea-men described in this book make a reader to realize Merimee and by extremely positive “The something eternal or even perceive infinity. I know many other books, that are thicker than “Moby- 40 Dick”, but I could not find any other one, which would be so boundless and written in such a manner. Blue Hotel” of Stephen Crane, as well as, by Copyright 2012 the novels of Faulkner. “Kalmasoba” by the prince John, which has not been published in full edi- tion yet, is my eternally favorite reading. Wandering of two Georgians Then, surprisingly, I read “Ulysses”, to be in a tiny country holding a portrait of an all times renowned Georgian more precise, I have read only its first book and an encyclopedia, will always be entertaining. It’s difficult to find any- thing so uniquely Georgian, so hilarious, and at the same time so tragic. translated by Niko Kiasashvili. I am not intellectual at all, I did not get any pleasure I enjoyed reading “Oliver Twist” too. Even at present, I use to look through from reading it, but I realized that writing some separate passages of this novel. I have read “Oliver Twist” only af- can be a great craft as well. Therefore, I read ter watching the movie and was quite astonished from its effect. The book “Ulysses”, together with its comments, in is far sadder, sad, but wonderful. I presume, Dickens needed to create the main characters only for the purposes of making up ingenious minor heros. Russian, - the translation was done not long after “Perestroyka”.

ramac Zalian damafiqra da cota ar iyos SemaSina, iyo melvilis „mobi diki“. eg wignic samudamod damamaxsovrda da Zalian imoqmeda Cemze. pirvelad rom wavikiTxe veSapis da weras atanili kapitan aqa- bis ambavi, alegoriebis araferi gamegeboda. mgoni arc axla gamegeba. magram am wignSi aRwerili zRva da zRvis kacebi mainc maradiuls, an ufro usas- rulobas Tu miaCvevs adamians. mobi dikze ufro sqeli bevri wigni minaxavs, magram ase dawerili da Cemze Zalian didi gavlena moaxdina ramdenime Tanac aseTi ukidegano, arc vici sxva rom iyos. moTxrobam. maT Soris, sruliad uaryofili da da- ioane batoniSvilis „kalmasoba“, romelic sam- mangreveli - prosper merimes „mateo falkonem“ da wuxarod jerac ar aris gamocemuli srulad, Cemi sruliad dadebiTi - stiven kreinis „cisferma sas- samudamo sayvareli sakiTxavia. ori qarTvelis xetiali erT cicqna qveyanaSi lamis yvela drois tumrom“, folkneris moTxrobebma. cnobili qarTvelis portretiT da zemodan kidev enciklopediiT, arasdros mogawyens. aseTi xali- mere, Cemda gasakvirad wavikiTxe „ulise“. ufro siani, aseTi tragikuli, aseTi qarTuli Znelad rame rom ipovo. sworad, mxolod pirveli wigni, niko yiasaSvilis Targmani. inteleqtuali namdvilad ar var, siam- oliver tvistis xSirad kiTxvac miyvarda. axlac, ovneba ar mimiRia, magram mivxvdi, rom mwerloba zogierT adgilas gadavikiTxav xolme. oliver tvisti mxolod filmis naxvis Semdeg wavikiTxe da Rrma xelobac SeiZleba iyos. amitom, “perestroi- gvarianadac gamikvirda. wigni xom bevrad pirqu- kas” moyolili rusuli ulisec, Tavisi komentar- Sia. pirquSi, magram saocari. saerTod, mgoni dik- ebianad wavikiTxe. enss mTavari gmirebi imisTvis sWirdeba, rom geni- aluri aramTavari gmirebi Seqmnas. mgoni mTel weliwads vkiTxu- lobdi. ise vkiTxulobdi Wad- rakis partias rom arCeven xol- me. mereRa mohyva sxva wignebi, magram is yvela maTgans mirCve- 42 nia dResac. Copyright 2012 mTlad bavSvi aRar viyavi, roca wavikiTxe vargas liosas „deida xulia“ da „mokalme“ da dRemde aseTi xalisiT arafers vkiTxu- lob xolme. pedro kamaCo, am wignis personaJi, CemTvis Tan- daTan Seiqmna raRacnairi Tan- amegobari, Tu raRac amgvari.

I think, I was reading it for the whole year. I was pondering over it in a way as a game of chess is being analyzed. It was followed by the other books then, but still, it’s my favorite one.

I was not a child anymore, when I read ULYSSES “Aunt Julia and The Scriptwriter” of magram yvelaze magari sak- iTxavi CemTvis iyo, fon klaistis „mihael kol- haasi“, ajanyebuli vaWris ambavi luTerisdroindel germaniaSi. am wignSi gad- mocemulia ambavi, Tu ris fasac SeiZleba daujdes qveyanas erTi rigiTi kacis usamarTlod ganawyeneba.

Though, the best for me was “Michael Kohlhaas” by Von Kleist, the story of a rebelled merchant in Germany of Aunt Julia and The Luther’s times. A story tells about a price that a country Scriptwriter might pay for offending an ordinary man. saukeTeso an aucilebeli aTeuli SeuZlebelia iyos erTi adamianis subieq- turi xedva. es ufro Cemi amJamindeli ganwyobaa, profesiul kriteriumebTan vfiqrob araCveulebrivi gamofena Zalian axlos misadagebuli. istoriac subieqturia zogadad. roca am Temaze vwerdi, aRmo- dgas frangul axal vaCine, rom 20 wlis winandeli gancdebi dResac cocxalia da Sevecade TqvenT- talRasTan, egzisten- cializmis aTeistur vis gameziarebina. redaqciasTan da amasTan- The top or the most necessary ten can’t be the subjective view of one person. This is just ave Zalian qarTulia 44 I think that “An Unusual Copyright 2012 my present mood based on the professional criteria. The history in general is subjec- Exhibition” is quite close to tive too. When I writing on this topic, I discovered that the feelings of 20 years ago are the French New Wave, with the atheistic edition of exis- still alive and with this article I tried to share them with you. tentialism, and, at the same time is very Georgian Sunrise, 1927 Director: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau

Sunrise is the first American Film of Murnau. The style of the director ex- pressed in “Faust”, “Nosferatu”, “A Symphony of Horror” is different from the German expressionism. In Ger- man movies, the metaphysics of hor- ror is reflected, the tragic intuitions are brought to life. It’s an emanation of the German spirit placed between the two wars. “Sunrise” is about the tragic nature and, at the same time, the light- ness of existence. Here, the antinomies of the human nature are determinants, the struggle of the female and male beginnings and all is expressed in vir- Sunrise 1927 tuosic mastering of space, lighting reJisori fridrix vilhelm murnau and light, itself. A Californian farmer Sunrise murnaus pirveli amerikuli filmia. reJiso- decides to kill his wife, as he is in love ris xelwera faustis, nosferatu saSinelebaTa simfo- with another, uptown woman, which is niis, germanuli eqspresionizmisgan gansxvavebulia. the beginning of a new life for the main germanul filmebSi saSinelebis metafizikaa asaxuli, character of the story. He will take his tragikuli intuiciebia gacxadebuli. or msoflio oms wife for a boat trip, but, actually, he is Soris moqceuli germanuli sulis emanaciaa. Sunrise yof- ierebis tragizmze da simsubuqezea erTdroulad. aq planning to make the wife drawn. Sud- adamianuri bunebis antinomebia ganmsazRvreli. qaluri denly, he wakes up. The feeling flour- da mamakacuri sawyisis brZola. yovelive sivrcis, Suq- ishes between them with the renewed weris, sinaTlis virtuozuli flobiTaa gadmocemuli. strength. At that moment, it starts kalifornieli fermeri colis mokvlas gadawyvets, mas storming and steals the woman away. sxva, qalaqeli qali Seuyvardeba, rac axali cxovrebis On the second day, the main charac- dasawyisia gmirisTvis. naviT gaaseirnebs cols, realu- ter finds the woman safe at the shore. rad misi daxrCoba aqvs gadawyvetili. is gons modis. gr- The film is the desert of human feel- Znoba axali simZafriT ifeTqebs maT Soris. am dros amo- ings. Here, pragmatism is opposed to vardeba qariSxali da qals gaitacebs. meore dRes gmiri the natural forces (by direct or indi- uvnebels poulobs qals sanapiroze. filmi adamianuri grZnobebis udabnoa. aq pragmatizms - stiqia upirisp- rect sense). As it’s said, later, Murnau irdeba pirdapiri da gadataniTi mniSvnelobiT. murnau died in a plane crash when having an mogvianebiT avtokatastrofaSi gardaicvala. amboben intimate relationship with a pilot of mZRolTan intimis dros. misi persona erTnairad miu- the plane. His persona was similarly Rebeli iyo, rogorc germaneli biurgerebisTvis, ise unacceptable for German Burgers and amerikis puritanuli sazogadoebisTvis. American Puritan society. Irina Demetradze It Happened One Night 1934 46 reJisori frenk kapra Director: Frank Capra Tokyo Monogatari 1953 Copyright 2012 If John Ford is associated with westerns, then, the king of the screwball com- Director: YasujiroMinimalism, Ozu ascetism and crys- edy is Frank Capra. This reJisori iasuZiro oZu tallization of the form upheld to genre is synthesis of the minimalizmi, asketizmi, genialurobamde ayvanili formis brilliantness is the signature of the French boulevard comedy kristalizacia am iaponeli reJisoris xelweraa. kuro- Japanese director. In Kurosawa’s and American lifestyle and savasTan evropuli faseulobebi, forma, eTno-kul- case, European values and a form rhythm, with a touch of turasTanaa asimilirebuli. albaT, oZu yvelaze tradi- is assimilated with the ethno cul- cionalistia iaponel kinematografistebs Soris. man eroticism. In films of clas- ture. Perhaps, Ozu is the most sic American genre, social, moaxdina gavlena evropul, amerikul kinoze da ara pi- riqiT. misi Semoqmedebac anglo-saqsoneli kritikosebis traditional one among the Japa- existential thematic is ex- wyalobiT gaxda popularuli dasavleTSi. erT-erTi maT- nese filmmakers. He influenced pressed in light forms. A gani pol Srederi iyo. asketizmi reJisoris cxovrebis wes- European, American cinema and daughter of a billionaire es- icaa. man mTeli cxovreba dedis gverdiT gaatara. iaponuri not the other way around. And capes from her father and kulturisTvis, ojaxi, erT-erTi centraluri arqetipia. his creative work became famous travels by hitchhike. The tokiuri moTxroba soflidan qalaqSi SvilebTan stumrad in the West thanks to Anglo-Sax- twig of the authors reached Camosuli moxucebuli col-qmris istoriaa. moxucebi on critics. One of them was Paul the American way of life Svilebis cxovrebis miRma darCnen. ukana gzaze deda ga- civdeba da gardaicvleba. arc es faqti iwvevs gaucxoebis Shredder. Ascetism is the way and establishment. Accord- gadalaxvas, Tundac emociur Tanamonawileobas. filmis of life of the director as well. He ing to the common practice, stilisturi sisadave oZus cnobil meTodSi aisaxeba. sta- spent his entire life together with as it’s accepted in the Amer- tikuri kadrebi, ucvleli rakursi. yovelgvari dinamika, his mother. For the Japanese cul- ican romances and films, moZraoba uaryofilia. yofiTi detalebis sizuste da ture, a family is one of the central the road story grows into erTferovneba monotonurs xdis Txrobas. monotonuria archetypes. “Tokyo Story” is about the love story. The charac- imavdroulad gmirebis yofac. es ukiduresi naturalizmi an old couple from a village visit- sxva, transcendentur samyarod gardaiqmneba. ter, Clark Gable, an unem- ing their children in a city. The old ployed journalist (here, the parents were left beyond the lives glimpse on crises is rele- of the children. On the way back Frank Capra Frank vant) becomes a companion home the mother catches cold and Tuki vesterni jon fordTan asocirdeba, screwball comedy-s mefe of the crownless princess. die. This fact does not let the alien- frenk kapraa. es Janri franguli bulvaruli komediisa da ameri- According to the laws of kuli cxovrebis stilis, riTmis sinTezia, msubuqi erotiuli ation to disappear either, or does the situational comedy, har- elferiT. klasikur amerikul Janrul filmebSi socialuri, eg- not encourage to express emotion- zistencialuri Tematika msubuqi formiTaa gadmocemuli. mil- mony comes only after the al participation. Here, the stylistic iarderis qaliSvili mamisgan garbis da avtostopiT mogzaurobs. endless arguments and rec- simplicity of the film is shown by avtorebis wkepla American way of life-s da establishment-s gadawvda. onciliations. Little by little, Ozu’s renowned method. Static Cveulebisamebr, rogorc amerikul romanebsa da filmebSia miRe- the social and gender bar- shots, unchanged angles. All kinds buli, road istoria sasiyvaruloSi gadaizrdeba. klark geiblis riers between the charac- of dynamics, motion are rejected. gmiri, umuSevari Jurnalisti (aq swored krizisze miniSnebebia ters disappear. At the end of Preciseness of everyday details aqtualuri) ugvirgvino princesas Tanamegzuri xdeba. situaci- the film, a blanket hanging uri komediis kanonebis Tanaxmad, harmonia mxolod gauTavebeli and dullness makes the narration Cxubisa da Serigebis Sedegad modis. nel-nela socialuri da between their beds, which monotonic. The existence of the sqesobrivi barieri gmirebs Soris qreba. filmis finalSi, maT sa- is the “guarantee” of purity characters is monotonic too. This wolebs Sua, fardad Camofarebuli pledi, umwikvloebis da sis- and irreproachability, falls extreme naturalism transforms petakis ”garanti”, iatakze vardeba... on the floor… into other, transcendental world.

Why is the film so distin- guished for me? It’s interest- Pierott le Fou 1965 Senso 1954 ing when in the epic story a 48 Director: Luchino Visconti fate of an individual becomes Copyright 2012 reJisori lukino viskonti important. What is more im- Director: Jean-Luc Godard portant love or obligations? reJisori Jan luk godari ratom aris CemTvis es filmi gamorCeuli? sainteresoa, roca icxovro sakuTari – Love, feeling, by all means, cxovrebiT godaris epikur istoriaSi individis bedi xdeba mniSvnelovani. ra ufro even if the price to pay is erT-erTi filmis sa- To live by ones own life is a title of one of the films of the Godard. The prostitute mniSvnelovania siyvaruli Tu movaleobebi? mainc siyvaruli, treason of the motherland… Tauria. meZavi gogona grZnoba, Tundac Ralatis fasad, samSoblos Ralatis… avstri- girl rejects givens, the rules of the game. She gets killed. Thus, here is conclusion: Venice, occupied by Austri- uars ambobs mocemu- any attempt to liberate is in vain. This is the message of Godard films shot before elebis mier okupirebuli venecia. sasiyvarulo istoriis gmirebi lobaze, TamaSis wese- italieli didgvarovani qalbatoni da avstriis armiis leiten- ans. The main characters of bze. mas klaven. ese igi, the May revolution. That’s what is called the “hangover” of the post revolution of anti arian. operaa moqmedebis adgilic da filmis stilis ganm- the love story are Italian no- nebismieri mcdeloba the 1970s, for Godard it was the prologue of the revolution. Insane Piero of the sazRvrelic. reJisors saopero, Teatraluri vnebebi realobaSi ble lady and the lieutenant of gaxde Tavisufali - uSe- Jean Paul Belmondo, is one of lighting ups of the discovery of the New Wave. gadmoaqvs da formac organulad gamoxatavs arss. saopero war- the Austrian army. The opera degoa. es godaris maisis It’s interesting, - why is the woman a modgenis dros, romelsac avstrieli samxedroebi eswrebian, is the place of action and de- revoluciamde gadaRe- catalyst of the fate of the rebelled charac- italieli meamboxeebi proklamaciebs yrian qandaridan. Teatris buli filmebis mesijia. terminant of the style. The is, rasac 70-ianebSi ters? Let’s look at the Belmondo’s character pirobiT sivrceSi, pirvelive kadrebidan realoba iWreba. avs- director brings to reality the revoluciis Semdgomi from this angle as well. A woman is an trieli lovelasi qals meamboxeebis Segrovil Tanxas gamoZa- opera and theatrical passions ”paxmelia” ewoda, ostentatious freedom, to be more precise, lavs. siyvaruli Tu movaleoba? rasakvirvelia siyvaruli gada- and the form organically ex- godarisTvis ukve rev- she is a trap. At the beginning she is the wonis. da roca mas Tvali aexileba da mixvdeba, rom is ubralod presses the essence. Dur- oluciis prologi iyo. embodiment of the existential strivings motyuebuli, uaryofili qalia, isev Teatraluri esTetikis Se- SeSlili piero Jan pol sabamisad SurisZiebac ar daayovnebs. viskonti virtuozulad ax- ing the opera performance, belmondos, axali tal- of the character. The game takes place on erxebs ukiduresad pirobiTi sivrce gaaadamianuros da marTla which is attended by the Aus- Ris aRmoCenis, kidev the edge of unreal and real existences. saopero vnebebSi sicxade Seitanos. greThenis msgavsad grafin- trian military personnel, Ital- erTi gabrwyinebaa. sain- Cinematic hints from the gangster like ia serpieris codvac gamarTlebulia. adamianis iracionaluri ian rebels throw proclama- teresoa, ratom aris films, brings emotional strength to the buneba movaleobis marwuxebSi ar Tavsdeba. tions from the gallery. From qali meamboxe gmirebis grey everyday life. At the end, the woman bedis katalizatori? the very first shots, reality en- modiT belmondos gmir- refuses to live in the world of literature and ters the relative space of the sac am rakursiT Sevxe- cinema. She’s just bored, and finds another theatre. The Austrian Love- doT. qali moCvenebiTi toy to play with, another object. The char- lace extorts from the woman Tavisuflebaa, ufro acter applies to the radical measure of the the sum gathered by the Ital- swored maxe. Tavidan protest –blows himself up. According to gmiris egzistenciuri ian rebels. Love or obliga- miswrafebebis gansx- Godard, the only possible form of freedom tion? - Of course, love wins, eulebaa. TamaSi ire- is – nonexistence. and when her eyes are wide alurisa da realuris open and she realizes that she zRvarze. kinoaaluz- has simply been deceived, iebic ganqsteruli filmebidan, emociur and rejected, again, accord- simZafres aZlevs nacr- ing to the theatrical esthet- isfer yoveldRiurobas. ics, revenge comes. Visconti, bolos mainc, qali uars in a very virtuosic way suc- ambobs icxovros lit- ceeds to transform the rela- eraturisa da kinos samyaroSi. ubralod tive space into very human mobezrdeba da sxva one and bring clarity to the saTamaSos ipovis, sxva opera passions. Like in case obieqts. gmiri pro- of Gretchen, the sin of the testis radikalur countess Serpieri is approved zomas mimarTavs - Tavs aifeTqebs. godaris too. The irrational nature of a mixedviT, Tavisuflebis human can’t be placed in the erTaderTi SesaZlo nippers of obligation. forma - aryofnaa. Senso 1954y., Director: Luchino Visconti

“An Unusual Exhibition”, 1968 Eldar Shengelaia Ma Nuit Chez Maud 1969 araCveulebrivi gamofena 1968 eldar Sengelaia Director: Éric Rohmer reJisori 50 Copyright 2012 erik romeri vfiqrob araCveulebrivi gamofena Zalian ax- I think that “An Unusual Exhibition” is quite close to filmi erik romeris didaqti- kuri trilogiis nawilia. tri- los dgas frangul axal talRasTan, egzisten- the French New Wave, with the atheistic edition of ex- cializmis aTeistur redaqciasTan da amasTa- logias, da saerTod romers istentialism, and, at the same time is very Georgian. didaqtikasTan saerTo araferi nave Zalian qarTulia. agulis omis Semdeg After the war period, Aguli has not taken part in any aqvs. romeri balzakis mimdevrad arcerT gamofenaSi ar miuRia monawileoba, is exhibition. He is considered to be deceased. The final iTvleba da SesaZloa es ciklic, mkvdari hgoniaT. filmis finali sasaflaozea. scene of the film takes place in the graveyard. Here, am mwerlis, adamianur komedias aq moewyo agulis ”personaluri” gamofena. is mogvagonebs. filmis gmiri Jan xom micvalebulebs aqandakebs. sikvdilis ni- Aguli’s personal exhibition is held. He sculptures dead lui mesaze xvdeba qals, romel- Snis qveS individis cxovrebis rekonstruq- people. Reconstruction of an individual’s life under ic erTi naxviT Seuyvardeba. cia egzistencializms enaTesaveba. WeSmariti the death sign is related to existentialism. The true Rames sxva qalTan, misi megobris yofna da garegani yofna agulis cxovrebi- existence and external existence is a life dilemma for yofil sayvarelTan erT WerqveS seuli dilemaa. TeTri marmarilo da ganuxor- Aguli. The white marble and the unrealized dream are atarebs. romeris gmirebs erTi cielebeli ocneba, WeSmariti yofnis niSnebia. uyvarT, sxvasTan flirtaoben, the signs of the true existence. He only has one desire, magram Cveulebisamebr, isev mas aqvs mxolod survili da yvela qarTveli and like all the Georgian characters, he is a dream- pirvels ubrundebian. filmis gmiris msgavsad meocnebea, araa realisti. am er, he is not a realistic person. The nonconformity of gmirebi inteleqtualebi arian gmirebis nonkonformizmi momxiblavia, rac these characters are charming, which is reflected in da maTi ritorika filosofi- TamaSSi, cxovrebisadmi ironiul-gedonistur playing, the ironic hedonistic attitude to life. Deriv- ur-literaturul citatebzea damokidebulebaSi aisaxeba. temperamenti- agebuli. aranairi moqmedeba dan gamomdinare asketizmi qarTvelebisTvis ing from the temperament, ascetics are unfamiliar ar xdeba, esaa filmi-refleq- mainc ucxoa da miuRebeli. sainteresoa, qarT- and unacceptable for Georgians. One more specificity sia, romelic mTavari gmiris velebis kidev erTi Tavisebureba - mxiaruli of Georgians grabs attention, - it’s the hilarious trag- cnobierebis nakads mihyveba. tragizmi (merab mamardaSvili), rac qarTul edy (Merab Mamardashvili), which gives some naive gmirebi Seqmnili situaciis egzistencialur dramebs naivur xasiaTs touch to the Georgian existential dramas. ganviTarebis yvela SesaZlo variants aanalizeben. sqesebs aZlevs. Soris paeqroba filosofiuri dilemebis paeqrobacaa. xuTi wlis mere, ukve daojaxebule- bi, xvdebian erTmaneTs zRvis sanapiroze. orTave ramdenime wamiT gamoeTiSeba realobas da mexsierebaSi erTad gatarebul Rames daubrundeba. cxovreba filosofiur dilemas ar gavs, yvelaferi bevrad ufro mar- tivia, magram aranakleb geni- aluri.

The film is the part of Éric Rohmer’s didactic trilogy. The trilogy, and Rohmer, in general, has nothing to do with didactics. Rohmer is considered to be the follower of Balzac and, perhaps, this cycle reminds us about the human comedy of the writer. The character of the film, Jean-Louis, meets a woman on a mass, with whom he falls in love from the first sight. He spends a night under one roof with another woman, the ex-lover of his friend. Rohmer’s characters, usually, are in love with one person, have flirt with another, but return to the first one again. The characters of the film are intellectuals and their rhetoric is built upon philosophic-literary quotations. No action takes place there. This is the film-reflection, which follows the flow of consciousness of the main character. The characters analyze all the possible options of development of the situation. The struggle between sexes is the struggle for philosophic dilemmas as well. They meet each other After 5 years, when they are already married. Both of them switch off from the reality for a mo- ment and mentally return to the night, which they spent together. Life is like a philosophic dilemma, - everything is simpler, but not less brilliant.

52 reJisori miloS formani Copyright 2012 originaluri ar viqnebi Tu vityvi, Janris Hair 1979y., Director: Miloš Forman reJisori klasikaa, kinematografSic da saerTod. mi- I won’t be original if I mention that this film is the loS formani, yvelaze amerikeli reJiso- bertran blie classics of the genre, cinematography and all. Miloš ria, postsocialisturi sivrcidan. Hair, Forman is the most American director from the post vfiqrob, formanis yvelaze amerikuli filmi 70-iani socialistic area. I think, “Hair” is the most American filmia. gugulis budeSi CexeTidan gamosu- wlebis, evropuli film of Forman. In the “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s kinos TviTre- li emigrantis kompleqsebi iCens Tavs. bevri Tvlis, rom formanis filmma daagviana. mi- Nest” the complex of the immigrant coming from fleqsiis saukeTeso Czech Republic is obvious. Many consider that the nimuSia. metic, man uziklis dadgmidan mxolod 12 wlis mere Forman’s film was late. Only after 12 years from stag- SeiTavsa 60-ianeb- SeZlo reJisorma kinoversiis gadaReba. me is gamocdileba ar veTanxmebi am azrs. originalur versiaSi ing the musical, the director managed to shoot the da gansazRvra vietnamSi iRupeba bukovski da ara bergeri. film version. I do not share this opinion. In the origi- 70-ianebis esTetika. ratom daWirda formans aqcentebis Secvla, nal version, Pukovsky dies in Vietnam, not Berger. idealebi utopiad midl klasis amerikelis nacvlad hipi moe- Why did Forman need to change the accents, why iqca. SesaZlo gzebi kla? finaluri scenac TeTri jvrebiT mofe- should he kill hippie instead of a middle class Amer- - konformizmi an nili jariskacebis saflavebze TamaSdeba. es ican? The final scene takes place in the graveyard mesiji kopolas apokalifsSi da Tundac sxva marginalizmi. Jer- of the soldiers, which is full of white crosses. This im periodis filmebSi uxvadaa. mec yvelaze ar depardie, patrik message is present in Coppola’s “Apocalypses Today” devaeri, miu miu, naklebad mainteresebs. ufro maRelvebs scena, sadac hipebis gunds cxeniT moseirne and in the other films of that period. I am, also, the Jana moro am Sesan- least interested in the scene, when the American iSnavma Tanavarskv- amerikeli aristokrati Seila xvdeba. is aristocrat Sheila, riding a horse, meets the group of lavedma mayurebeli ufro revoluciuria, roca Tvisuflebis im- moajadova. gmirebi pulsebi grZnobasTan erTad isaxeba. hippies. It’s more revolutionary, when the impulses meore gzas irCeven, of freedom appear together with the feeling. da maTi cxovrebac sxva araferia Tu ara Tavgadasav- lebis Zieba. valsi, tango figurirebs postrevoluciur evropul kinoSi. Tavisufleba sti- Beltran Blier 1974 Director Les Valseuses qiuria, SesaZloa anarqis- The film is the best example of self-reflection of European cinema of the tulic. gmirebis amboxi Tu 1970s. It combined in itself the experience of the 1960s and defined the axalgazrdobis droindeli esthetics of 1970s. The ideals turned into utopia. The possible ways are suliskveTebis, idealebis – conformism and marginality. Gerard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere, erTguleba ukve infanti- Miou-Miou, Jeanne Moreau, this amazing constellation charmed the lizmSi gadaizarda. cix- idan gamosuli Jana moros audience. The characters choose another way, and their lives are noth- gmiri moxetiale avanti- ing more than searching for adventures. Waltz and Tango dominate uristebs gadaeyreba. maT- in the post revolutionary European cinema. Freedom is spontaneous, Tan Tanacxovrebis Semdeg perhaps, even anarchistic. The rising up of the characters or dedication is Tavs iklavs. 60-ianebi- to the spirit and ideals of the youth turns into infantilism. The charac- sgan gansxvavebiT, qali as- ter of Jeanne Moreau, who came out of the prison, by accident, meets rulebs sicocxles TviTm- adventurers, and after living with the latter, she commits a suicide. In kvlelobiT da ara mamakaci, controversy to 1960s, a woman takes her life and not a man, though, Tumca is ar aris msxverpli. she is not a victim. Melancholia 2011 Director Lars von Trier 54 reJisori lars fon trieri Copyright 2012 ar vici ratom vamTavreb am apokalifsuri suraTiT. igi sulac ar Seesabameba Cems Sinagan ganwyobas. mindoda amerCia The Devil Wears Prada an Sex and the City. ubralod profesiuli kuTxiT ver gavamarTlebdi arCevans. Ta- vad filmi Melancholia Zalian momwons, msaxiobebic. vTvli, trieri Tavis saxasiaTo, eqskluziur stilTan erTad, gulwrfelicaa, iseve ro- gorc antiqristeSi. dedami- wis apokalifsis istoria trierTan vagneris musikis vizualizaciaa. bevrs werd- nen amaze. zogierTi Tvlis, rom opera kinoekranisTvis ufro organulia, vidre scenisTvis. Melancholia-s SemTxvevaSi udavod asea.

I don’t know why I am finishing my narration with this apocalyp- tic picture. It does not match my internal mood at all. I wished to choose “The Devil Wears Prada” or “Sex and the City”, but in this case, I would not approve the choice from the professional point of view. I like a lot the film “Melancholia”, as well as the actors who participate in this movie. Here, I think, Trier, with his characteristic, exclusive style, is honest, just like in “Antichrist“. In Trier’s work, the history of the apocalypses of the Earth is rep- resented in visualization of the music of Wagner. A lot has been written about this. Some consider that opera is more organic for a cinema screen, than for a stage. In regards to “Melancholia”, un- doubtedly, this is the case. Cven saqme gvaqvs msoflio musikalur problematika saganZurTan da Sesabamisad saWiroa avtorTa an im organiza- ciaTa mxardaWera, vinc axorcielebs saavtoro 56 Problems uflebaTa monitorings Copyright 2012 The copyrights and ongoing processes of saavtoro uflebebi da uaxles qar- the latest Georgian culture. The show-busi- Tul kulturaSi mimdinare procesebi. ness, visual arts, music and art education, the- Sou biznesi, saxviTi xelovneba, musika da saxelovnebo ganaTleba, Teatri da atre and drama – these are the spheres, around dramaturgia - es is sferoebia, romlis which the characters of our rubric, such are: garSemoc, Cveni rubrikis gmirebi daviT David Sakvarelidze, Rezo Kiknadze, Anton sayvareliZe, rezo kiknaZe, anton balan- Balanchivadze, Vakho Babunashvili speak… CivaZe, vaxo babunaSvili saubroben... saavtoro uflebebis dacva dramaturgiis, Teatris ganviTarebis winapirobaa Protection of Copyrights is the Precondition of saavtoroProtection of Copyrightsuflebebis is the Precondition dacva of Development of the Drama, of the Theatre dramaturgiis, Teatris ganvi- Development of the Drama, of the Theatre Tarebis winapirobaa The specifics of the musical theatres cover sev- eral different aspects of copyrights obtaining musikaluri Teatrebis specifika saavtoro and protection. The Director of Tbilisi Zakar- uflebebis mopoveba-dacvis sxvadasxva as- peqtebs moicavs. Tbilisis zaqaria faliaS- ia Paliashvili State Academic Theatre of Opera vilis saxelobis operisa da baletis sax- and Ballet, the theatre director, is the person, elmwifo akademiuri Teatris direqtori, who is well aware of legal and creative sides of reJisori daviT sayvareliZe is adamiania, the problem. romelic kargadaa gaTviTcnobierebuli problemis iuridiul Tu SemoqmedebiT mxa- Deriving from the specifics of opera and bal- reebSi. let, what kind of a policy should be imple- mented (or is being implemented) in light of operisa da baletis specifikidan gamomdi- nare, ra politikaa gasatarebeli (an tar- the protection of copyrights? deba) saavtoro uflebebis dacvis Tvalsaz- Probably, this is the sphere, where copyright is not limited risiT? only by the local market. We are talking about the world’s albaT, es is sferoa, sadac saavtoro uflebebi ar music treasure, and, accordingly, the support from the Semoifargleba adgilobrivi bazriT. Cven saqme side of authors or organization, which conduct monitor- gvaqvs msoflio musikalur saganZurTan da Se- ing on copyrights, is needed, as well as, coordination of sabamisad saWiroa avtorTa da im organizaciaTa some concrete actions and close cooperation. Thus, stag- mxardaWera, vinc axorcielebs saavtoro ufle- ing, decorations, costumes and, of course, the work, it- baTa monitorings. konkretuli qmedebebis koor- self, belongs to the sphere of copyright and intellectual dinacia da mWidro TanamSromloba. anu saavtoro property. This requires huge material expenses, but, oth- da inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis sferos ganekuT- erwise, it’s impossible to survive in the business. Also, vneba dadgmebi, mizanscenebi, kostiumebi da ra there are some professional ethics, civilized relations. If Tqma unda Tavad nawarmoebi. es sakmaod did mate- not the partnership with foreign troupes and single art- rialur danaxarjebTanaa dakavSirebuli, magram sxvagvarad ver iarsebeb am biznesSi. arsebobs ists, it would not be possible to talk about profitability We are talking about the world’s garkveuli profesiuli eTika da civilizebuli of the troupe, repertoire policy, or professional growth. music treasure, and, accord- In addition, we should mention international festivals ingly, the support from the urTierTobebi. rom ara partnioroba ucxour side of authors or organization, dasebTan Tu calkeul moRvaweebTan, SeuZlebe- and forums, where, usually, international conventions on which conduct monitoring on lia saubari dasis rentabelobaze, sarepertuaro copyrights are operating. copyrights, is needed politikasa Tu profesiul zrdaze. amas emateba Perhaps, you remember that Irzhi Kiliani’s ballets were saerTaSoriso festivalebi da forumebi, sadac, staged in our theatre with the greatest success. We have rogorc wesi arsebobs saerTaSoriso konvenciebi concluded a contract with the Irzhi Kiliani Foundation. saavtoro uflebebze. A representative of the Foundation arrived and directly took part in staging. Together with the obligation to fol- 58 gaxsovT albaT, Cvens TeatrSi didi warmatebiT 58Copyright 2012 daidga irJi kilianis baletebi. Cven gavaformeT low the requirements of the choreography, huge amounts xelSekruleba irJi kilianis fondTan, Camovi- of money should be spent. Having opera and ballet da warmomadgeneli da uSualod monawileobda troupes, at some point, is a big luxury. The fact that we, in dadgmis procesSi. garda imisa, rom xar valdebu- our repertoire, have such performances, shows the high li daicva is moTxovnebi, romelsac Tavad qoreo- professionalism of the troupe, itself, and plays a signifi- grafia giyenebs, es solidur TanxebSic aisaxeba. cant role in the tour repertoire. This is some kind of an saopero da sabaleto dasi garkveulwilad didi assize, that one has to keep. fufunebaa. esaa akademiuri kultura, tradicia, romelsac movla-mofrTxilebac sWirdeba da gan- viTarebac. is, rom Cvens repertuarSi aris aseTi Let’s talk about the drama theatre. Are the au- dadgmebi, Tavad dasis maRal profesionalizmzec thor’s rights of the Georgian and foreign dra- metyvelebs da sagastrolo repertuarSic mniS- ma writers being breached, and, how, in which vnelovan rols asrulebs. esaa garkveuli nixri, romelic valdebuli xar SeinarCuno. way, are they violated?

gadavideT dramatul Teatrze. qarTveli First of all, the theatre is accountable before the author Tu ucxoeli dramaturgebis saavtoro of the play. Thus, when we start working on some play, a uflebebi Tu irRveva da rogor? contract is signed with an author, or with the other hold- er of the author’s rights. Usually, a theatre, or a director upirvelesad, Teatri piesis avtoris winaSea an- doesn’t have rights to change the original text of the play. gariSvaldebuli. anu roca ama Tu im piesaze iwye- Accordingly, any amendment to the text should be stipu- ba muSaoba, formdeba xelSekruleba avtorTan an lated by the contract. saavtoro uflebebis mflobelTan. rogorc wesi, Teatrs, damdgel reJisors ar aqvs ufleba Secva- There is a notion of interpretation. Perhaps, directing, los pirvelwyaros teqsti. anu nebismieri zemoq- itself, is an art of reading in a new way. Any of the fea- medeba teqstze unda iyos gawerili xelSekrule- ture texts has this field of interpretation. Here, a direc- baSi. tor’s vision and understanding should not contradict to the possible interpretation field of the play. The one arsebobs aseTi cneba - interpretacia. albaT reJisura interpretaciis, axleburi wakiTxvis shouldn’t apply anything which is not organic or, merely, xelovnebaa. nebismier mxatvrul teqsts aqvs es is not natural for a concrete play. This is the creative part interpretaciis veli. am SemTxvevaSi reJisoris of the issue. xedva-gaazreba ar unda ewinaaRmdegebodes piesis As for the text, ignoring its original source, rough ma- SesaZlo interpretaciis vels. nawarmoebs Tavs nipulation, unfortunately, quite often take place. What ar unda moaxvio is, rac misTvis araa organuli da can we say about the foreign authors, when the Georgian ubralod arakanonzomieria. es sakiTxis Semoqme- drama writers, in number of times, ended up in, mod- debiTi mxarea. estly to say, some misunderstanding? rac Seexeba teqstis, pirvelwyaros ugulebe- I will mention one case, when I and Lasha Bughadze lyofas, uxeS manipulirebas misiT - samwuxarod msgavsi faqtebi Zalian xSiria. ra unda vTqvaT were in Rustaveli theatre on a premier of the perfor- ucxoel avtorebze, roca qarTveli dramaturge- mance staged by his play. Lasha was astonished about the bi araerTxel aRmoCenilan, rbilad rom vTqvaT, fact how the director distorted the original source and gaugebrobaSi. moviyvan erT magaliTs. me da laSa changed not only the accents, but, also, the text, which buRaZe viyaviT rusTavis TeatrSi misi piesis was chopped, broken into pieces in such a way that the mixedviT dadgmuli speqtaklis premieraze. laSa director left nothing from the author, and, the most im- gaognebuli darCa, Tu ramdenad daamaxinja re- portant is that the director, willfully, used his own text, Jisorma pirvelwyaro, Secvala ara marto aqcen- and not the original. tebi, Tavad teqsti imgvarad daCexa-daaqucmaca, rom araferi datova avtoriseuli, da rac mTa- Here, I am not talking about loyalty to the text, I mean varia TviTneburad, mis mier dawerili teqsti David Sakvarelidze gamoiyena da ara originali.- correctness, which a theatre and a director should ex- me ar vsaubrob teqstis erT- press toward an author. Why should a name of an author gulebaze, me vsaubrob koreq- of a play be mentioned on the playbill, when, actually, he inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis miTviseba qurdoba da yaCaRobaa.. tulobaze, romelic Teatrma has nothing common with the conducted performance? da da reJisorma unda gamoiCi- Appropriation of an intellectual property is theft and non avtoris mimarT. piesis av- In your opinion, what are the ways of devel- robbery… 60 toris gvari ratom unda iyos Copyright 2012 miniSnebuli afiSaze, roca opment of the Georgian theatre? I mean, in- realurad mas araferi saerTo ar aqvs ganxor- volvement in European processes and experi- cielebul dadgmasTan? mental searches, as in drama, so in directing. Does psycho-drama, which is so relevant in rogor gesaxebaT qarTuli Teatris gan- What difficul- viTarebis gzebi? vgulisxmob evropul Georgia, or a transforming acting technique, ties does a non- procesebSi CarTulobas, eqsperimentul seem a bit archaic to you? commercial mu- Ziebebs, rogorc dramaturgiaSi, aseve re- sic face today in I would stress one thing: If monitoring on copyright re- JisuraSi. fsiqodrama, esoden aqtualuri Georgia? saqarTveloSi, cota arqaulad xom ar lated issues is really implemented in theatres, and if they have to pay the price for staging a foreign drama, this will geCvenebaT? an gardasaxvaze orientire- “Noncommercial” buli samsaxiobo ostatoba? reduce the number of average level of foreign plays on the Georgian stage, which will become a stimulus for de- – what a strange epithets for a field me erT rameze gavamaxvilebdi yuradRebas. Tuki velopment of the Georgian drama. Demand will be cre- of Art!.. Especially realurad TeatrebSi ganxorcieldeba monitor- ated, there will be orders, theatres will actively cooperate ingi saavtoro uflebebze da isini valdebulni with the authors and this will grow into mutual creative today, when art has iqnebian ucxouri dramaturgiis dadgmaze gadaix- process. Perhaps, this could become a precondition of been branched in adon Sesabamisi safasuri, es Seamcirebs ucxouri Renaissance of the Georgian theatre, and not solely the such a painful way saSualo donis piesebis ricxvs qarTul scenaze, innovation of stylistic tendencies itself. from one side in a rac stimuli gaxdeba qarTuli dramaturgiis gan- sphere, which has viTarebisTvis. gaCndeba moTxovna, dakveTa, Te- lots of consumers atrebi avtorebTan aqtiurad iTanamSromleben At present, you are staging a renowned musi- (so an unattractive da es gadaizrdeba ormxriv SemoqmedebiT proces- cal “Oliver”. Please, tell us, what kind of works word from the point Si. iqneb swored es gaxdes renesansis momaswavebe- have you implemented for gaining the rights of view of “an user” li qarTul TeatrSi da ara mxolod stilisturi of a piece of art!), tendenciebis ganaxleba. for staging? Do other theatres apply to these methods as well? which is a profitable arena for marketing Tqven amJamad dgamT cnobil miuzikls and prerequisite of ”oliveri “. gagviziareT Tu ra samuSaoe- In our case, everything was done in a legal way. We have paid a huge amount of money to the British organiza- commercial welfare, bi CaatareT dadgmis uflebis mosapove- as it does not require blad. sxva Teatrebi saqarTveloSi Tu tion, which holds copyrights for staging the musical, and up to present day, we fulfill all those norms, which are neither esthetic, nor mimarTaven am gzas? imposed on us by the contract. I wish to say, that, for the intellectual efforts, Georgian reality, this is more an exception than a rule. and directly reaches Cvens SemTxvevaSi yovelive kanonierad moxda. a heart/brain of a Cven Zalian soliduri Tanxa gadavuxadeT bri- Everybody is well informed about those foreign musicals, “consumer”, who is tanul organizacias, romelic flobs am miuzik- which have been staged for the last few years in different lis dadgmis saavtoro uflebebs da dRemde vas- theatres. I would like to mention, that the representatives oriented on comfort rulebT yvela im normas, romelic xelSekrulebiT of the management of the theatres have not bothered and pleasure and gvekisreba. minda giTxraT, rom qarTuli realob- themselves by taking care of copyrights. ra sirTuleebis winaSe dgas dRes saqarT- therefore the peace of art is being thersuccessfully sold in isTvis es ufro gamonaklisia, vidre wesi. yvelam veloSi arakomerciuli musika? millions of circulated copies through different media kargad icis is ucxouri miuziklebi, romelic means. From the other side, the sphere, which is in a mu- idgmeba bolo wlebSi sxvadasxva TeatrebSi. minda „arakomerciuli“ - ra ucnauri epiTetia xelovnebis seal (noncommercial part of the classic music that has dargisTvis!... gansakuTrebiT dRes, roca ase mtkivneu- giTxraT, rom am Teatrebis mesveurebs sulac ar not been very popular, authentic practice of performing SeuwuxebiaT Tavi saavtoro uflebebze zrunviT. lad ganitota xelovneba: erTi mxriv sferod, romelsac hyavs bevri konsumenti (esec ra uSno sityvaa xelovneb- of the classic music) or catacomb (avant-garde and ex- is nawarmoebis „moxmarebis“ TvalsazrisiT!), romelic perimental art of all fields) situation, as it requires some marketingis sarfiani asparezia da komerciuli keTil- kind of readiness of an audience for something more than dReobis sawindari, radganac ar iTxovs arc esTetikur, arc inteleqtualur Zalisxmevas, pirdapir midis kom- looking for a superficial pleasure and comfort through fortze da siamovnebaze orientirebuli „momxmareb- perceiving and feeling the composition, but to feel its lis“ gulamde/tvinamde da, Sesabamisad warmatebiT essence, to try to realize a motive of the composer with „saRdeba“, milionobiT tira- the tolerant interest and to understand the reasons why xelovnebis mTavari arsi Jirebuli sxvadasxva mediaSi. me- xom Wvretaa, risi Sedegi- the artist is trying to show us the concept through this caa swored raime yovlad ore mxriv ki sferod, romelic Cveulebrivsa da banalurSi an muzealur (klasikuri musikis concrete form and language. The core idea of art is fore- raRac gansakuTrebulis, arakomeciuli, ker kidev „gaubaz- seeing, the result of which is noticing something special, araCveulebrivis, „gaug- onaris“, saswaulebrivis rebeli“ nawili, tradiciuli unordinary, “wonderful”, miraculous in ordinary and ba- danaxva da am danaxulis 62 musikis avTenturi saSemsrule- interpretacia sxvaTaTvis Copyright 2012 nal things and interpretation of the noticed for the pur- dasanaxveblad. blo praqtika) an katakombur poses of public disclosure. Often, getting pleasure from a (yvela dargis avangarduli da eqsperimentuli xelovneba) situaciaSi imyofeba, radgan msmenelisgan piece of work is the outcome of the foreseeing and, usu- garkveul mzadyofnas moiTxovs, zedapiruli siamovne- ally, it can’t be diminished from an expressive, and rude ba da komforti ki ar eZebos am nawarmoebis aRqmisa da means of expression that can be considered even ugly, or gancdis dros, aramed Cawvdes mis arss, tolerantuli from extravagant and eccentric ways, some of which have interesiT Seecados Cawvdes Semoqmedis saTqmels da caused distrust, shock and insult in unprepared, “user” imasac, Tu am formiT da am eniT ratom cdilobs xelo- vani dagvanaxos is, rac TviTon dainaxa. xelovnebis oriented consumer, who has got on the event by accident. mTavari arsi xom Wvretaa, risi Sedegicaa swored raime yovlad Cveulebrivsa da banalurSi raRac gansakuTre- The difficulties, that noncommercial music faces is the bulis, araCveulebrivis, „gaugonaris“, saswaulebrivis logical outcome of this ‘’division’’, that did not happen danaxva da am danaxulis interpretacia sxvaTaTvis dasanaxveblad. nawarmoebiT siamovneba da tkboba am at once in the European music: Perhaps, it started in the SemTvevaSi xSirad swored am Wvretis Sedegia xolme second part of the 19th century with step by step compli- da, rogorc wesi, ar knindeba arc eqspresiuli, xan- cation of the musical language, in such a way it separated daxan siuSnovemde uxeSi gamomsaxvelobis saSualebiT from the broad audience and ‘’from the classic situation da arc eqstravagantuli, anda eqscentruli xerxebiT, of Vienna’’ (to say it figuratively, when a baker, cabman romelTagan zogs undobloba, Soki da Seuracxyofac ki gamouwvevia moumzadebel, „moxmarebaze“ orientire- and shoe-maker were looking forward to the new quar- bul da am tipis RonisZiebaze SemTxveviT moxvedril tette by Haydn, to buy the music sheet, then, go home konsumentSi. and spend the weekend in feasts and playing the music) up to date, when, obviously, there exist two types of musi- sirTuleebi, romelTa winaSec „arakomerciuli“ musika dgas logikuri Sedegia swored am „ganyofisa“, romelic cal demand and respective music: erTi xelis dakvriT ar momxdara evropul musikaSi al- First, – low-grade, common-everyday, by which mass baT me-19 saukunis meore naxevarSi daiwyo musikaluri media is overwhelmed and the yellow press is mottled enis TandaTanobiT garTulebiT, ase nel-nela daSorda with its representatives, the second one – elite kind-cata- farTo msmenels da „venis klasikis situaciidan“ (roca, comb-museal, that has a few audience, sometimes, even, figuralurad rom vTqvaT, xabazi, meetle da mewaRe mouTmenlad elodebian, rodis gamovidoda haidnis split in two parts, when classic expert and amateur proud axali kvarteti, rom notebi eyidaT, wasuliyvnen Sin da music lover resentfully protest why they should listen to SabaT-kviris dasveneba amgvar muzicirebasa da qeifSi this disharmonious and unintelligent abomination, that gaetarebinaT) dRemde, roca aSkarad ori tipis musi- is called modern music and that is anything, but music. I kaluri moTxovnileba da Sesabamisi sazrdo arsebobs: erTi - mdare, sayovelTao-sayoveldReo, romliTac ga- don’t need the music, the language and expressive means davsebulia masobrivi media da romelTa warmomadgen- of which are alien to me, annoy me and leave me sleep- lebiTac aWrelebulia yviTeli presa, meore ki - eli- less. At this time you will not even ask yourself why the talur-muzealur-katakomburi, romelsac kantikunti contemporary artist is thinking this concrete way and not msmeneli hyavs, xandaxan isic gaxleCili, roca klasikis another and why he prefers to stick to his esthetic be- mcodne da moyvaruli Tavmomwone melomani aRSfoT- buli aprotestebs, ratom unda vusmino im arakeTilx- lief, instead of plunging into the whirlpool of art of the movan da gaugebar sazizRrobas, Tanamedrove musika ‘’market’’(or puddle) and, thus, keep the family and sat- rom darqmevia da musikis garda yvelaferi romaao; rad isfy own ambition. minda musika da xelovneba, romlis gamomsaxvelobiTi saSualebebi da ena araTu ar mesmis, aramed nervebs miS- lis da Zilsac gamifrTxobs, Rame rom momelandoso. am And yet, why do the artists desire to think like this, the dros, SesaZloa, erTxelac ar daekiTxos Tavs, ratom artists, who lack neither skill nor intellect and practical azrovnebs misi Tanamedrove xelovani swored ase da mind, in order to make a certain compromise and please ratom urCvenia Tavis esTetikur mrwamssze darCena the part of the audience, - those who are acknowledged nacvlad imisa, rom gadaeSvas „sabazro“ xelovnebis as more intellectual and cultural segment of the society? morevSi (Tu wumpeSi) da ojaxic arCinos da popularo- bis pativmoyvareobac daikmayofilos. What are impulses and mechanisms, that motivate the missionary, who distances himself from that recognized da mainc, ratom undaT ase azrovneba xelovanT, rom- “good’’, as remaining within its stylistic framework would lebsac arc ostatoba akliaT, arc Wkua da praqtikuli not be considered as a pursuit of self interest or trading Rezo Kiknadze goneba, rom garkveuli kompromisi mainc dauSvan da with low-quality goods and prostitution? Does saying “I imaT mainc aamon, vinc sazoga- am standing here, and I can’t act otherwise” bring any li sazogadoebis aucilebeli atributi, rogorc imaze ing that the oppression and discouragement with exces- doebis ufro kulturul da in- satisfaction? zrunva, rom am lozungiT ar moxdes mcire, finansurad sive taxation and uneasy formalities of small, financially teleqtualur nawiladaa aRiare- susti kulturuli ujrdebis „Cagvra“ da Seviwroeba buli? ra impulsebi da meqanizmebi uzomo begariT da Semawuxebeli formalobebiT, ra- weak, cultural cells, that can entail catastrophic result on amoZravebs misioners, romelic All cultural and intellectual countries are concerned with mac katastrofuli Sedegi SeiZleba gamoiRos mcire the activity and a normal life of small concert-halls, cafes, im ukve establirebul da aRiare- this question ( at least, they should be concerned), be- sakoncerto scenebis, kafeebis, klubebis da Tqven clubs and, if you can imagine, even art institutions, does 64 bul „kargsac“ emijneba, romlis warmoidgineT saxelovnebo saswavleblebis aqtivoba- Copyright 2012 cause this is the problem not only for post Soviet Geor- not take place with this slogan. stilistul farglebSi darCena gia, marginal European, ancient country burdened with sa da normalur cxovrebaze. germaniis erTi dasanani magaliTi gamaxsenda, roca 90-iani wlebis SuaSi ucbad I can remember one regrettable example of Germany, sul ar CaeTvleboda angarebad, mdare „saqonliT“ vaW- its own cultural tradition and willing to join European robad da prostituciad? ra kmayofileba moaqvs imas, panta-puntiT daiketa mcire klubebi da kafeebi, sadac when in the middle of 1990s, suddenly, the small clubs rom „aqa vdgavar da sxvagvarad ar ZalmiZs“? actuality, - the same problem is posed in the heart of Eu- jazs ukravdnen; es klubebi, zogi marTlac Zalian pat- and cafes, where jazz was played, were getting closed rope, in the cultural center (the present) of Europe, when ara, qalaqis kulturuli cxovrebis umniSvnelovanesi down one by one. Some of these clubs were really very es kiTxva yvela kulturul da inteleqtualur qveya- the talk relates to the conflict of market and elite art, and, erTeulebi iyvnen, mcire, faqtobrivad nulovani Se- small, but very significant units of the city life, with little, mosavliT da mxolod individualuri enTuziazmisa da nas aRelvebs (yovel SemTxvevaSi, unda aRelvebdes), in that context, the difficulties of liberal-capitalist society. in fact, zero income and as a result of only individual en- radgan es problema marto evropis ganapira, uZvele- Tavdadebis Sedegad axerxebdnen Tavis rCenas. ucbad si, sakuTari kulturuli tradiciebis mtvirTvel da The difference from Georgia is conditioned in two main ki GEMA-m, saavtoro uflebebis dacvis germanulma thusiasm and devotion managed to maintain themselves. evropuli aqtualobisTvis fexis ayolebis mowadine aspects, that in some sense are mutually stipulated: from organizaciam, iseTi maRali minimaluri nixri dau- Suddenly, GEMA, German organization for Copyright postsabWoTa saqarTvelos ar tkiva; evropis gulSi, one side, the state cultural institutions (the ministry, the- wesa gadasaxdelad yvela kafes, sadac cocxali musika protection, imposed such a high minimal rate (worked evropuli kulturis (dRevandelis) centrSic ig- atres, higher educational institutions) permanently en- ikvreboda, rom ukidures gaWirvebaSi Caagdo patara klubebi, romlebic cota xalxs itevdnen da xandaxan out absolutely idiotically with counting tables and space) ive problema dgas, roca „sabazro“ da „elitaruli“ sure, that this part of culture, which, naturally, will never xelovnebis konfliqtze da am konteqstSi liberalur- honorarsac ki ver uxdidnen iq gamosul musikosebs. tax for all cafes, where the live music was played, that kapitalisturi sazogadoebis siZneleebze Camovarde- have sufficiently large demand, is not suppressed and organizacia, romelic uamrav finansebs krebs Tavisi small clubs were stranded, they could place very few peo- ba xolme saubari. saqarTvelosgan gasxvaveba or Ziri- drowned in the ‘’underground’’ of penury and catacomb, wevrebisgan, romlebSic popularuli da „komerciuli“ ple and, sometimes, were unable to pay fee for the musi- Tad da, garkveuli azriT, urTierTganmapirobebel from another side – the society itself is more interested mimdinareobebis warmomadgenlebma bolo dros masi- cians who performed in the clubs. Organization, which urad daibudes da xelmZRvanel poziciebze moxvedriT aspeqtSi mdgomareobs: erTi mxriv, saxelmwifos kul- and, in some sense, is a participator in the resonance sur- allocates numerous financial resources from its members, turuli instituciebi (saministro, Teatrebi, umaRle- mTlianad Tavis Tavze moirges organizaciis wesdeba da si saswavleblebi) permanentulad zrunaven imaze, rom rounding the Avant-garde art; finansuri ganawilebis meqanizmi, sul ufro idiozuri and in which the representatives of commercial, popu- kulturis es nawili, romelzec moTxovna bunebrivad gaxda da bevrma seriozulma kompozitorma datova misi lar trends had strengthened their positions and adjusted verasodes iqneba sakmarisad didi, ar daijabnos da ar Even in case of absence of acceptability and approval, one rigebi. the statute of an organization, as well as, mechanisms for daixrCos usaxsrobisa da katakomburobis „Underground” attends such events with interest and actively expresses sxva problemaa, ra Tqma unda, sadac inteleqtu- distribution of finances to their own need, became more -Si, meore mxriv ki - sa- an opinion and partici- zogadoeba TviTonaa The core idea of art is foreseeing, the result of which aluri sakuTrebis masobrivi gamoyeneba, gamravleba and more odious, and many serious composers left the ufro dainteresebuli is noticing something special, unordinary, “wonderful”, pates in discussions. Now- da miTviseba xdeba. postsabWoTa sivrce gansakuTre- membership. da, garkveuli azriT, miraculous in ordinary and banal things and interpreta- adays, likewise in the year biT yaCaRuria am TvalsazrisiT da saqarTveloc araa monawile am aJiotaJisa tion of the noticed for the purposes of public disclosure. 1914, in Milan, during the gamonaklisi arc erT sferoSi, musika iqneba, filmebi The other problem concerns the coun- Tu kompiuteruli programebi. saavtoro uflebebis The other problem concerns the countries avangarduli xelovnebis concert of futurists, or in tries wherein the massive/widespread irgvliv; miuReblobisa da uaryofis SemTxvevaSic ki dacvis „cudi“ mxaris gamo, xandaxan es robinhudul wherein the massive/widespread use of in- Vienna, in the year 1922, after performing the Webern use of intellectual property, mul- interesiT eswreba amgvar movlenebs da ar ezareba Ta- da don kixotur ukureaqciadac rom movnaTloT da, tellectual property, multiplication and garkveulwilad, gavamarTloT kidec, rogorc pasuxi tiplication and appropriation take visi poziciis gamoTqma da diskusiaSi monawileoba. quartette, people do not argue with fists about esthetic appropriation take place. The post So- dRes, rogorc milanSi futuristebis koncertis dros gasuli aTwleulebis zogierTi Software-veSapis mo- place. The post Soviet space is upmost positions. It is difficult to forget, that, once, when I played viet space is upmost hooligan in this re- 1914 wels, anda vebernis kvartetis Sesrulebis Semdeg in the modern Japanese-German ballet Troupe and in the nopolistur da uzurpatorul laSqrobaze, - mainc hooligan in this regard, and Georgia ver gaveqceviT im azrs rom inteleqtualuri sakuTre- gard, and Georgia is not an exception in 1922 wels venaSi, maincdamainc muSti-kriviT ar kama- light of common applauses and approval, one man was is not an exception in either field Toben xolme esTetikur poziciebze, magram ar damavi- bis miTviseba da ukanonod mopoveba qurdoba da yaC- either field of music, film or computer of music, film or computer programs. wydeba, roca erTxel berlinSi Tanamedrove iaponur- booing and whistling, then, later, he came up to us and aRobaa... programs. Due to the insufficient pro- Due to the insufficient protection of germanul dasSi vukravdi, rogor gaisma saerTo taSis talked while we were sitting at the bar, he listed his notes tection of Copyrights, sometimes, con- da mowonebis fonze erTi kacis „buuus“ Zaxili da stve- without aggression and hatred, and we spent a half an erTi gamosavali, marTlac keTilSobiluri da mo- Copyrights, sometimes, considered as a qalaqeobrivi, aris inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis gan- sidered as a counter reaction of “Robin na; mere iqve barTan jdomisas gamogvelaparaka, me vi- hour in drinking beer and chatting. counter reaction of “Robin Hood” and Tavisufleba Copyright-isgan da misi licenzireba ise, Hood” and “Don Quixote”, and in certain yavio; yovelgvari agresiisa da siZulvilis gareSe “Don Quixote”, and in certain cases, Camogvikakla Tavisi pretenziebi da ase ludis smasa da rom arakomerciulad yvelasTvis misawvdomi iyos da cases, even substantiated as a respond SezRudva hqondes mxolod komerciul konteqstSi mis even substantiated as a respond to diskusia-saubarSi gavatareT saaTnaxevari... Indifference and disinterest of the society, which, from to the monopolistic and usurper attacks moxmarebas. kompiuteruli programebis industriaSi the monopolistic and usurper attacks my point of view, is the main obstacle that ‘’noncom- of a number of last decades’ software sazogadoebis uinteresoba da indifertuloba, - ai, mercial’’ art faces, and the improvement of which is fea- ukve didi xania warmatebiT funqcionirebs am tipis of a number of last decades’ software licenziebi rogoricaa, magaliTad GNU General Public “whales”, we can’t avoid understanding mgoni is mTavari sirTule, romlis winaSec dgas „ara- sible prospect with the help of the artists with missionary “whales”, we can’t avoid understanding komerciuli“ xelovneba da romlis gamosworebac mis- License. am licenziiT gamoqveynebulia ara marto pro- of misuse of intellectual property as of misuse of intellectual property as ionerobiT da uwyebaTa mxriv subsidirebiT savsebiT work and with the assistance of the Ministry, through gramebi, aramed operatiuli sistemebic, rogoricaa, violation of laws. perspeqtiulad mesaxeba. subsidies. magaliTad Linux-i, romlis proprietarul sivrceSi violation of laws. What role can improvement of Copy- gadayvanis yvela mcdeloba ganwirulia, imdeni Tavisu- fali da sajaro licenziiTaa daculi. maxvilgonivru- ra roli SeiZleba Seasrulos saavtoro rightWhat roleprotection can improvement play ofin Copyright modern protec music- li sityvis TamaSze agebuli termini moeZebna am tipis One possible option to overcome the problem, rather no- uflebebis dacvis mxriv situaciis gaum- andtion playeducational in modern music processes? and educational pro- daculobas - Copyleft-i, rogorc antonimi saavtoro ble and civil, is to get/become the intellectual property jobesebam Tanamedrove musikalur Tu cesses? Copyright-isa. dasavleTSi sazogadoebis didi nawili fee for Copyright and to license it in a way, which makes Segnebulad aridebs Tavs komeciuli programebiT noncommercial use of it affordable for everybody, and saswavlo procesebSi? sargeblobas, muSaobs Linux-iT, nacvlad Windows-isa da The protection of intellectual property represents the nec- Macintosh-isa, saofise programad Microsoft Office-is nacv- has restrictions only for a commercial use. Such licenses inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis dacva isevea kulturu- essary attribute of the cultural society, as well as ensur- lad Openoffice-s xmarobs da a.S. umaRlesi saswavlebleb- have been successfully adopted in the computer industry, is nawilic uerTdeba am moZraobas da saswavlo procesis dagegmvasa da ganx- like the GNU General Public License. Not only the programs, rules and methods of learning, the more probability of making orcielebas am suliskeTebiT mistakes we face. As denial of everything is a mistake, so de- cdilobs. yvela specialobasa da but also operational systems are operating with this license. All attempts of using, for example, Linux for a commercial use are fense of every single thing becomes an obstacle for bringing up sferoSi es mainc Zneli gansax- active, competitive, smart, human and cultural citizens in the orcielebelia, radgan komer- simply failed due to the extent of public and independent li- educational institution. Art schools have to exclusively share ciul programebs mainc didi upi- censes with which the program is protected. Smart definition 66 ratesoba aqvT „TavisufalTan“ this opinion. Conservatory (by the way, initially, orphanages Copyright 2012 for expressing this protection is “Copyleft”, which has been SedarebiT, Tundac imaSi, rom am used opposed to Copyright for many years already. Significant in Italy were called by the term “Conservatorio”, where mu- programebze daxarjuli saxsrebi, Sroma da Sedegad ratio of the society deliberately avoids usage of the commer- sicians were hired to teach music to the children), the main xarisxi da efeqturoba Seudareblad metia, enTuzi- cial programs, works in Linux, instead of Windows and Mac- institution of preparing the human resources for orchestras, azmze dafuZnebul da „Tavisufal dros“ ganviTarebul nowadays, can’t maintain the same track: tendencies of weak- produqciasTan SedarebiT. intosh, uses Open Office as an alternative of Microsoft Office, etc. A number of higher educational institutions also join this ening of orchestras, maintaining only A class orchestras have become evident in Europe long time ago. Believe me, that if we am „or cecxls Sua“ mixdeba yofna, magaliTad, ilias tendency, and try to apply the planning and development of do not pay sufficient attention to this problem, we will train universitetSi: saswavlo procesis efeqturobisTvis educational process with this aspiration. However, it is diffi- gverds ver vuvli iseT komerciul programas, rogori- cult to implement this approach in each single subject or field, the most of our students for unemployment, and they will not caa Max/MSP/Jitter-i, romelic universitetma SeiZina as commercial programs have the advantage in terms of the have opportunity to develop their solo careers. Many will work eleqtroakustikuri klasisTvis; Tumca arsebobs misi financial resources and labor input. Consequently, the quality in the field of pedagogy, disregarding their own will. It is obvi- „Public Domain”-alternativa Pure Data, magram am uka- and efficiency of commercial programs are much higher than ous, that in this situation, studying in Conservatory might be nasknelis SedarebiT ufro „Seuxedavi“ dizaini da met- of the programs developed on the basis of enthusiasm. I have considered as less prospective, and despite of the great talent ismetad „hakeruli“ zedapiri garkveul dabrkolebebs in music and their desire to follow it, students prefer to master qmnis aqauri studentisTvis, romelic mcire droSi bev- been struggling between these lines at Ilia University, when, for the efficiency of the training process, I have to use/con- in “prosaic”, but more useful professions. It is regrettable, if we rs unda daeuflos da aranair motivacias ar grZnobs, consider that, by minor reforms a positive change can be made Cemi zogierTi germaneli studentiviT, xumrobiT „veg- sider the commercial programs as Max/MSP/Jitter, which are and representatives of the young generation might be given a etarianel linuqs-iuzerebs“ rom veZaxdi, Tavisufali officially purchased by the University for an electric-acoustic daesaxa mowafisTvis da saSualeba mieca, garkveul- programebis devnasa da swavlaSi xarjos Zvirfasi dro. class. However, public domain alternative of it – “Pure Data” chance to learn whatever they like and to have an ability to wilad TviTon daegegma momavali wlebis saswavlo sustain their families with the gained knowledge. aseTi studenti universitetSi legalurad muSaobs exists, but the latter has an “ugly“ design and the hacker sur- procesi, Tavisi prognozis da arCevanis mixedviT. es SeZenili komerciuli programiT, Sin ki- misi arCevania, face, which creates certain obstacles for the students, who have ki imas niSnavs, rom rac ufro daJinebiT vagrZelebT ra gzas mimarTavs; saqarTvelos situaciaSi ki es arCe- to learn much in a limited time frame and have zero motiva- saswavleblis aqamde arsebuli wesebis da meTodebis If playing of chamber music is paid sufficient attention, and if vani winaswaraa gadawyvetili „krekis“ sasargeblod, tion to seek for the free programs, like my German students, dacvas, miT meti Secdoma SeiZleba davuSvaT. rogorc we give an opportunity to a student to use this practice in his/ ramdenic ar unda viqadago sawinaaRmdego... whom I call “vegetarian users of Linux”. At the university, these yvelafris uaryofaa Secdoma, iseve yvelafris xmalam- her concert life (which, accordingly, will raise the cultural level students work with the legally purchased programs, and it is up oRebuli dacva gaxdeba xolme udidesi muxruWi saswav- of the society, as well as, increase the demand), if we offer them imedi maqvs, rom dadgeba dro, roca aqauri studentic lebelSi saqmis mkeTebeli, konkurentunariani, Wkviani, such extra subjects as the technology of music, audio-engi- SeZlebs legalurad isargeblos komerciuli pro- to them which program to use at home. In case of Georgia, this humanuri da kulturuli moqalaqis aRsazrdelad. sax- neering, media art, music journalism, music management and gramebiT, rogorc dasavleTis universitetebis um- decision is predetermined in favor of “crack”, even if I preach elovnebo saswavlebeli, SeiZleba, gansakuTrebiT unda ravlesobaSi: sanam studenti xar, sargeblob aTasgvari against it… many more, then, diametrically different perspective is opened gaiazrebdes amas. konservatoria, aswleulebis man- in front of the student: He/she will see himself/herself what a studenturi fasdaklebiT, gaqvs wvdoma yvela sauni- Zilze orkestrebisTvis kadrebis gamozrdis dawese- professional with a broad knowledge may he/she become and versiteto programul uzrunvelyofaze da es uflebe- I hope that the time will come when Georgian students have buleba (sxvaTa Soris, Tavdapirvelad “Conservatorio” bi nawilobriv saswavleblis damTavrebis merec ginar- possibility to use the commercial programs legally, as it is ap- erqva upatrono bavSvTa TavSesafar saqvelmoqmedo will not be afraid of a labour market later on, as he/she will Cundeba. mTavari problema aq isev finansebia. rogorc plied in the majority of the Western Universities: students ben- saxlebs italiaSi, sadac qalaqis maSindel musiko- be well prepared as for music performing and pedagogical, so siduxWire ubiZgebs xolme xandaxan kacs aralegaluri sebs qiraobdnen am bavSvebisTvis musikis saswavle- numerous technological and management activities. qmedebisken, ise finansuri Tanadgoma da uzrunvelyo- efit with various student discounts, have access to all the soft- ware, and these privileges are, somehow, kept after graduation blad...). dResac imaves ucvlelad ver gaagrZelebs: fa aRmoCndeba xolme gadamwyveti faqtori legaluri orkestrebis daxurvis da gauqmebis, mxolod A-klasis These are the professions, the need for which exists in Geor- da sindisdamSvidebuli swavlisTvis. from the University. Here, the main problem is the financial orkestrebis darCenisa da sxva orkestrebis naxevrad part again: financial support is the main factor for legal and gian society, as well as, the labor market already for a long time, samoyvarulo, naxevrad dotaciur reJimze gadasvlis and because of the lack of human resources, the vacancies ei- ras gvetyviT swavlebis meTodologiaze da honest learning. tendencia karga xania aSkaraa mTels evropaSi. amisTvis ther are filled in by unprofessional staff, or remain vacant. zogadad Tanamedrove kulturul garemoSi angariSis gauwevloba niSnavs - umuSevrebad gavwvrT- What can you say about the teaching methodology and the naT Cveni studentebis umravlesoba, romelTa umetesi musikosis mimikriaze? mimicry of musicians in the modern cultural environment? nawili verc solistur-varskvlavur karieras ver gai- keTebs, damerwmuneT. bevri pedagogobas mihyofs xels, aamaRlebs da moTxovnas gazrdis), Tu SevTavazeT iseTi damatebiTi sagnebi, rogoricaa musikis teqnologia, swavlac da swavlebac, Cemi azriT, SemoqmedebiTi pro- In my opinion, both learning and teaching are creative pro- ganurCevlad imisa, unda Tu ara. am situaciaSi, romel- cesia, SeiZleba cotaTi ufro sapasuxismgeblo, vidre audioinJineria, mediis xelovneba, musikis Jurnalis- cesses, and, carry even greater responsibility than the indi- ic bevri axalgazrdisTvis intuitiur doneze maincaa individualuri Semoqmedis, romelsac meti siTamamis cxadi, gasagebia, rom bevrma araperspeqtiulad CaT- tika, musikis menejmenti da mravali amgvari ram, - ma- ufleba aqvs. asea Tu ise-mgonia, rom swavlebac iseve vidual creators, who can afford to be more free and easy. valos konservatoriaSi swavla, musikis didi niWic da Sin diametrulad gansxvavebuli perspeqtiva iSleba eqsperimentuli, cvladi da xSirad kontrastuli unda Nevertheless, I think that the teaching approach has to survilic rom hqondes, urCevnia romelime „prozaul“, studentis win: is TviTonve dainaxavs, ramdenad farTo iyos, rogorc Semoqmedeba da cxovrebac, mTeli Tavisi be experimental, changeable and contrasting, as the process of magram perspeqtiul profesias daeuflos. dasanani horizontis profesionali SeiZleba gaxdes da aRar ambivalenturobiTa da winaaRmdegobriobiT. xandaxan creation itself and as life with all its ambivalence and resist- perspeqtivaa, Tu davfiqrdebiT, rom romelime martivi SeuSindeba studentobis Semdgom samuSao bazars, rad- im azris daSveba, rom Semdgomi Taobis axalgazrda stu- ance. Sometimes, better understanding by students (than their reformiT SeiZleba situaciis Semobruneba da axal- ganac yovelmxriv mzad iqneba rogorc saSemsruleblo da pedagogiuri, ise aTasgvari teqnologiuri da same- denti Tavis winamorbed profesorze ufro ukeT da gam- professors) of the set of “demanded” (I do not like this word) gazrdisTvis Sansis micema, iswavlos is, ras uyvars da Wriaxad SeiZleba xedavdes imas, Tu ra unari da xeloba nejmento saqmianobisTvis. es is profesiebia, romelTa skills on the marker by the time of their graduation, enables am naswavliT mere ojaxic arCinos. Tu kameruli muz- iqneba saWiro da „moTxovnadi“ (ver vitan am sityvas!) im icirebis praqtikas didi yuradReba mieqca, studento- saWiroeba ukve didi xania dgas qarTul sazogadoebasa droisaTvis, roca is saswavlebels daamTavrebs da sa- them to consider variety of opportunities and, in liaison with bisave periodSi am praqtikis sakoncerto cxovrebaSi da Sromis bazarze da kadrebis uqonlobis gamo es va- muSaos saZebrad gadaeSveba cxovrebis oromtrialSi, their choices, to independently plan the learning process. This, gamoyenebis saSualeba SevuqmeniT students (rac sa- kansiebi an araprofesionali muSaxeliT ivseba, an va- Zalian daexmareboda TviT maswavlebels, mravalgvari primarily, implies that the more we “defend” the existing zogadoebis kulturul donesac Sesabamisad kansiebadve rCeba. in these, - and the same applies to jazz. I can speak about rock, pop Sou biznesze da ara mxolod... and electronic music. I’ll start from the initial stage - from the problem On show-business and many more… of lacking rehearsal space. There 68 are a lot of motivated and clever Copyright 2012 young people in Georgia. Actually, this is true. And this is not academ- prodiusingi, promouSeni, safestivalo Producing, promotion work, festival activity, ic music, where only single persons saqmianoba, Soubiznesis yvela rgoli ukav- - all the spheres of show–business are related are introduced. This is the far more Sirdeba Tqvens saxels da Tqven mier, megob- to your name and the company ‘Alter Vision democratic phenomenon. These rebTan erTad daarsebul kompanias Altervision Group’, established by you and your friends. talented people gather at houses Group-i. es savsebiT kanonzomieria da zoga- It’s absolutely natural, and, in general, is dic- and play. The house can’t be used dad Tanamedrove kulturuli situaciiTaa tated by modern cultural situation. Tell us as a perfect rehearsal space. Imag- nakarnaxevi, gviambeT Tqvens gamocdilebaze, ine, for instance, in what condition ra situaciaa dRes meinstrimSi, msubuq about your experience. What is the situation in the mainstream, in the field of light music? the neighbors will be. As for the musikaSi drums: you see, here, in our stu- marTalia, Sou biznesi sxvadasxva elementebi- It is true, that show-business is the chain and each dio, it is placed in a separate room. sagan Semdgari erTiani jaWvia. am jaWvis Ti- link of the chain conditions the valuable functioning Where will you place this instru- Toeuli rgoli, mTlianad am sqemis srulfaso- of the whole scheme. This scheme is flexible and well ment in your house? By the way, van funqcionirebas ganapirobebs. ganviTarebul tuned in the developed countries. There is the tra- many romantic stories are con- qveynebSi es sqema moqnilia da awyobili. arsebobs nected with this problem. For in- tradicia, gamocdileba, igive Tavad kulturiTa dition, experience, there is the quality stipulated by da socialuri doniT ganpirobebuli xarisxi. rac culture or by the social level. Most importantly, this stance, the drummer of our group, mTavaria esaa didi biznesi, Tavisi ideologiuri is the big business, with its ideological and economic “Soft Eject”, (Nodar Manchkhash- Tu ekonomikuri berketebiT. Cvens qveyanaSi, iciT, tools. You know that, in general, in our country, the vili) studied playing on the instru- rom saerTod Tavisufali bazris cneba ar arse- notion of a free market did not exist at all. Show- ment, which was constructed out bobda. Sou biznesic saxelmwifos mier imarTebo- da, iyo sxvadasxva biurokratiuli struqturebi business was conducted by the state. There were dif- - filarmonia, saqkoncerti. arsebobda erTi xmis ferent bureaucratic structures – the “Philharmonic Zalian bevri motivirebuli da ni- Camweri studia „melodia“. ase, rom ara mxolod Society”, “Sakkontserti”, and only one voice record- Wieri axalgazrdaa dRes saqarT- ideologizaciasTan, saqme Cveulebriv monopo- ing studio – “Melodrama”. So, we dealt not only with veloSi. es realurad asea. es araa liasTan gvqonda. igive rok jgufebi, romlebic ideology, but with monopoly. Activities of the rock akademiuri musika, sadac princip- sabWoTa kavSirSi 70-ian wlebSi gaCnda, umete- Si erTeulebi mkvidrdebian. bev- sad „aralegalurad“ moRvaweobdnen. oficialur groups created in the Soviet Union in 1970s, mostly, rad ufro demokratiuli fenom- koncertebSi isini naklebad monawileobdnen. es were ‘’illegal’’. They participated less in the official enia. es niWieri xalxi saxlebSi iyo Tavisebuli alternatiuli kultura da maTi concerts. This was peculiar, alternative culture and ikribeba da ukravs.saxli sruly- msmenelTan urTierTobac Sou biznesis kanonebze their relation with the audience was not conform- ofil sarepeticio sivrced ver ar iyo awyobili. anda igive sabWoTa estradis able with the laws of show-business. The Soviet pop gamodgeba. warmoidgineT, Tun- moRerlebi Tu jgufebi, TavianTi sakoncerto da dac mezoblebis mdgomareoba. an sagastrolo moRvaweobidan mxolod mcire anaz- singers or groups were given small fees for their igive drami aviRoT. xedavT, aq Raurebas iRebdnen, danarCeni saxelmwifos rCe- concerts or tours, the rest of the amount collected Cvens studiaSi, mas calke oTaxi boda. mokled bunebrivia, rom Cven dRes menej- through the above mentioned activities of the musi- aqvs daTmobili. saxlSi sad gana- mentis problemebs vawydebiT, es garkveulwilad cians, remained at the possession of the state. Thus, TavsebT am instruments? sxvaTa im Zveli mentalitetiTac aris ganpirobebuli. it is natural, that we face the management problems Soris, am problemas bevri ro- marTalia bolo wlebSi, am mxrivac didi cvlile- mantiuli istoria ukavSirdeba. bebia, magram kmayofilebis sababi jer ar gvaqvs. today. This is partially due to the old mentality. Al- though, in recent years, there have been great chang- magaliTad, Cveni jgufis, “S o ft Eject”-is drameri (nodar manCxaS- CemTvis dRes es biznesi ase vTqvaT, „Signidanaa“ es ongoing, but we should not be completely happy vili), Tavis droze wignebisgan cnobili. vgulisxmob e.w. meinstrims. is, Tu ra with the present situation. awyobil „instumentze“ swav- situaciaa klasikuri musikisa da folkloris lobda dakvras da pirvelad mx- sferoSi, aq eqpertad namdvilad ver gamovdgebi. olod live koncertze mouwia mas igive jazSic. me SemiZlia visaubro rokze, pop da For me, this business is well known”from the inside”. namdvil instumentze dakvra. es eleqtronul musikaze. daviwyeb sawyisi etapidan Here I mean so called mainstream. As for the situ- ise gadaxvevaa, Torem realurad - sarepeticio sivrcis uqonlobis problemidan. ation in classical or folk music, - I am not an expert es marTlac problemaa. saqarT- vaxo babunaSvili veloSi sagrZnobia dramerebis nakleboba. mok- of books, and for the first time he had to play on a „gasaRebis bazari“ dRes, ar aris Semofargluli and wish to overcome the shortcomings. To explain led bevri ram mxolod enTu- real instrument on the live concert. I just wanted to saqarTveloTi. magaliTad, internetiT SegiZlia briefly, this is some kind of a whim and is more as- ziamze dgas, da rasakvirvelia briefly mention this, but, actually, it is the real prob- gayido musika, internetiTve SegiZlia ipovno verasodes gaxdeba „norma“. SenTvis saintereso da saWiro xalxi, musikosebi sociated with a musician’s romantic belief, than a sanam axalgazrda xar gaqvs lem. In Georgia, there is a lack of drummers. There da ase Semdeg. ZiriTadad es maT exeba, vinc muSa- businessman’s pragmatism. Though, I can’t share 70 enTuziazmic, magram dgeba are a lot of things, which are done solely on enthu- obs eleqtronul musikaSi, vinaidan bevri „leib- the opinion that show business does not exist in Copyright 2012 dro, roca sakuTari Sromiss siasm, and, certainly, it will never become a stand- lia“ eleqtronuli musikiT dainteresebuli. Georgia. I would say, it exists, it is in the developing Tanac Tavad SemoqmedebiTi procesic individu- Sedegic unda dainaxo da rac mTavaria am yofi- ard. While you are young you have a passion, but the phase, but has not reached the level of the developed aluria. Sen faqtobrivad xar erTpirovnuli av- Ti problemebis gamo, igive profesiul musikaSi time comes, when you should see the outcomes of tori. jgufis SemTxvevaSi sxvadasxvagvaria. and experienced countries, which is quite natural. TviTdamkvidrebis procesi Wianurdeba. saWiroa your work. And most importantly, due to these eve- Seiqmnas komerciuli darbazebis infrastruqtu- ryday problems in professional music, self-determi- garda Tqveni jgufisa, sxva jgufebis Nowadays, “the sales market” is not limited by the ra da es problemac moixsneba. garda Tqveni jgufisa, sxva jgufebis pro- nation process is delayed. It is necessary to establish promouSensacmouSensac akeTebT. akeTebT. gviambeT gviambeT amaze amaze territory of Georgia. For example, you can sell your Semdgomi etapi jgufis organizeba da misi saqmi- an infrastructure of halls for commercial rehearsals, music and find interesting and useful people, musi- anobis dagegmareba-warmarTvaa. am rgols „lei- and in such a way, this problem will be solved. diax Cveni muSaobis calke mimarTulebaa sain- cians, etc. online. This mainly applies to those who bls“ uwodeben. CvenTan esec axali xilia. bev- tereso, axali jgufebis moZieba da maTi saqmi- work on the electronic music, because a lot of “la- anobis menejmenti. ukve mesame welia vawyobT rs hqonda mcdeloba, magram ar gaumarTla. es The next stage is organization of a group, as well bels” are interested in electronic music, and, also, the komerciis sferoa. gansxvavebiT folklorisagan, yovelwliur festival-konkurss Newcomers Alter- romlis subsidirebac xdeba saxelmwifos mier, as, management and guidance of its activities. vision-i, sadac ukve 300-ze metma (!) jgufma miiRo creative process tends to be individual. Actually, you meinstrimma sakuTari Tavi unda Seinaxos. prob- These units are called “Labels”. This is a novelty monawileoba. maTgan bevri dRes ukve sakmaod are a sole author. In case of a group, it is regulated lema ki isaa, rom Cveni bazris Tu igive mentaluri for us. Many persons have had attempts to imple- popularulia. maT ukve kargad icnoben garkveul differently. damokidebulebidan gamomdinare, razec zemoT ment this, but have not succeeded so far. This is the wreebSi. ukraven klubebSi. ra Tqma unda es Zalian cotaa, magram Cven xom viwyebT, Cven xom gzis da- vsaubrobdi, saqarTveloSi Sou biznesi, rogorc sphere of commerce. In contrast to folklore, which Do you make promotion of the other groups as aseTi srulfasovan bizness ar warmoadgens. ase sawyisSi varT mxolod... vTqvaT erTaderTi „qarTveli“, romelmac war- is subsidized by the state, the mainstream should well, in addition to your own group? Please, tell us matebul biznesad aqcia Tavisi Semoqmedeba, qeTi maintain itself. The problem is that, proceeding ra problemebs awydebiT uSualod saav- about them… meluaa. isic, kargad mogexsenebaT ara saqarT- from our market and the mental attitude, which we toro uflebebis monitoringis Tvalsaz- veloSi. an Tundac nino qaTamaZe, da isic ara adg- mentioned above, in Georgia, show-business is not risiT? Yes I do, the specificity of our work is very interest- ilobriv bazarze. mokled, saqarTvelo patara a fully fledged business. The only Georgian is Katie ing - searching for new groups and managing their qveyanaa. Sesabamisad msmenelic raodenobrivad Semoqmedeba da menejmenti erT mTlianobas war- cotaa. yvelaze ukeTes SemTxvevaSi mosaxloebis Melua, who turned her creativity into the success- activities. Already for the last three years, we have moadgens. saavtoro da momijnave uflebebic erT- 10%. isinic gadaxdisunarianebi unda iyvnen da ful business, and, it is, also, well known, that this been organizing annual festival-competition “New- erTi kontrolis meqanizmia. Sesabamisi kanon- maTi raodenoba am SemTxvevaSi kidev ufro mcird- did not take place in Georgia. Another example is mdebloba da Semdgom saaRsruleblo sistema, comers Alter Vision”. More than 300 groups have eba. potenciuri auditoriis asakobriv zRvars Nino Katamadze, but not on a local market, as well. musikosisTvis Semosavlis mniSvnelovani wyaroa. taken part in this festival. Many of them are popular Tu gaviTvaliswinebT, mozardebsa da axalgaz- Accordingly, a number of listeners is too small. In ufro sworad - unda gaxdes, Tuki es sistema gamar- now. They are well known in certain circles of the rdebs da Sesabamisad maT „Semosavlebs“, saerTo Tuli iqneba. bolo erTi wlis manZilze samTavro- suraTi naTeli xdeba. studiisa da profesionali the best case, it is 10 percent of the population, and society. They play in clubs. Of course, this is a small bo seqtori da saavtoro uflebebis damcvelebi musikis ganviTareba Tu zrda garkveul TanxebT- they should be able to pay, as well. In this regard, number, but we’ve just started, and are at the begin- gaaqtiurdnen da situaciac darwmunebuli var anaa dakavSirebuli, saWiroa instumentebis, pro- their number is even more reduced. If we consider gaumjobesdeba. isedac komerciulad araxelsay- ning of the road. gramebis ganaxleba, axali kontaqtebi, gasvlebi the age limit of the potential audience, adults and rel garemoSi, aralicenzirebuli produqcia da ase Semdeg. ase, rom komerciuli nawili uSual- What are the problems you en- young people and, in accordance, their income, the da saavtoro uflebebis dacvis araefeqturoba, What are the problems you encounter in terms of od SemoqmedebiT mxareze aisaxeba. Tu gadaxedavT, Zalian arTulebs jgufebis, calkeuli muskoseb- counter in terms of Copyrights naxavT, rom dRes am sferoSi moRvawe adamianebi picture will become clearer. Development or growth Copyrights monitoring? is da am sferoSi momuSave TiToeuli individis promouterebi Tu sxva, arian Tavad muskosebi da of the studio and professional musicians is related to monitoring? mdgomareobas. kargia, rom gvardeba licenzire- ara menejerebi. sinamdvileSi es menejerebis kom- certain amounts of money. It is necessary to update bis sakiTxi mediasa da restornebSi, avtori saku- Creativity and management are inseparable from petenciaa. me da Cemi megobrebic upirveles yov- software, tools, make new contacts, have tours and Tari nawarmoebis gamoyenebisa da Sesrulebi- each other. The Copyright and other neighboring lisa musikosebi varT da Cvens mier wamowyebuli so on. Thus, the commercial part directly affects the sagan iRebs kuTvnil anazRaurebas. roca tardeba rights are one of the control mechanisms. The rel- es saorganizacio Tu komerciuli saqmianoba festivalebi, iqac mkafiodaa gansazRvruli saav- gamowveulia im garemoebiT, rom Cven viciT Tu ra creative side of the process. If you have a look, you evant legislation and its enforcement system ensure toro uflebebis sakiTxi, magram es ar niSnavs, gvaklia da gvinda es xarvezebi davZlioT. mokled will see that, today, people working in this field, who the source of income for a musician. To be more pre- rom problema mogvarebulia. arsebobs sferoebi, es raRaciT Jins waagavs da ufro musikosis ro- are promoters or engaged in other management ac- sadac monitoringi sustia. Zalian mniSvnelovania cise, they will guarantee this, when the system oper- mantiul rwmenas ukavSirdeba, vidre biznesmenis tivities, are musicians and not managers. In fact, it is distribuciis problema. faqtobrivad es nawili ates properly. The government sector and Copyright pragmatizms. Tumca me ver gaviziareb im azrs, rom manager’s competence. First of all, I and my friends ukontrolod rCeba. ver gamovdivarT im Zveli protectors have been intensively working on these Sou biznesi saqarTveloSi ar arsebobs. me vityo- stereotipebidan da sxvisi inteleqtualuri sa- di arsebobs am saxiT, am stadiaSi da ara ise, ro- are musicians and these organizational or commer- problems since the last one year, and I am sure, the kuTrebis miTviseba qurdoba ar gvgonia. es xom gorc es ganviTarebul, didi gamocdilebis mqone cial activates, undertaken by us, are conditioned by situation will be improved soon. The unlicensed igivea, rom vinmem Tqveni kuTvnili materialuri qveynebSia. rac bunebrivicaa. the circumstances, and we know what we are lacking nivTi gankargos. aralicenzirebuli namuSevre- products and ineffectiveness of Copyrights protec- ver gamovdivarT im Zveli stereotipebidan da sxvisi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis tion in the commercially disadvantageous terms com- miTviseba qurdoba ar gvgonia. es xom ig- ivea, rom vinmem Tqveni kuTvnili materi- plicate the condition of groups, individual musicians, as aluri nivTi gankargos well as, any other person, who works in this very sphere. We can’t get rid of some old stereotypes, and, just, don’t consider that the appropriation of It’s good that licensing issues are being solved in restau- 72 others’ intellectual property is theft. In fact, Copyright72 2012 rants and media, and an author receives royalties from it would be exactly the same case if someone managed your own material item. usage and performance of his/her works. When holding bis Taobaze saubari gvqonda mTav- robaSic da saavtoro uflebebis festivals, the Copyrights issues are clearly defined there damcvelebTanac. maT aqvT konk- too, but this does not mean that the problem is solved. retuli samoqmedo strategia da In some fields the monitoring is still weak. The prob- vimedovnebT situacia gaumjobes- lem of distribution is very important. Actually, this issue deba. remains uncontrolled. We can’t get rid of some old ste- arsebobs meore mxarec, Tavad av- reotypes, and, just, don’t consider that the appropriation torebma ar ician sakuTari ufle- of others’ intellectual property is theft. In fact, it would bebi, arc is Tu rogor daicvan be exactly the same case if someone managed your own isini. mokled gaTvicnobierebu- material item. We had a meeting with the government lobis xarisxi jer arasaTana- and Copyright protectors on the topic of unlicensed doa. am mimarTulebiTac saWiroa muSaoba. arsebobs sicariele, e.w. products. They have an action plan and strategy and we TeTri laqebi. darwmunebuli var hope that situation will improve. esec gamoswordeba. es vakuumic Seivseba. problemebis mogvareba On the other hand, the authors are not aware of their Tavad avtorebmac unda moindomon own rights, or have no information on how to protect da gaaqtiurdnen am mimarTulebiT. their interests. The awareness is not on the appropriate dRes da adrec qarTuli roki level. The work has to be done here. There is a vacuum, da popi xSirad inglisuren- a so-called “black hole”. I am sure this problem will be ovania. Tvlian rom qarTuli tackled. In order to solve these issues, the authors, them- ena gamonaklisebis garda, ar selves, need to make greater effort and work more inten- „uxdeba“ am mimarTulebebs. sively in this direction. Tqven rogor fiqrobT? In the past, as well as nowadays, the Georgian rock ena, iseve rogorc forma, instru- and pop, frequently, have English lyrics. It is consid- mentaluri Sesruleba da ase ered that, in most of the cases, Georgian language Semdeg SemoqmedebiTi procesis does not match these styles. What is your opinion on nawilia. es avtoris individua- luri, SesaZloa spontanuri arCe- this? vania, mxolod misTvis gasagebi logika. SesaZloa inglisureno- A language as well as a form, instrumental performance vani simRera ufro „gayidvadic“ and so on, are parts of the creation process. This is an in- iyos. nebismier SemTvevaSi es mx- dividual and spontaneous choice of an author, which is olod avtoris arCevania. mokled, teqsts gaaCnia, ase vTqvaT avtor- understandable solely for him/her. The song with Eng- is „saTqmels“. magaliTad - Carkvi- lish lyrics might be easier to sell. In any case, it is an ani, niazic da robi kuxianiZec . . . author’s choice and depends on lyrics, or in other words, erTi sityviT, poeti, niWieri ada- depends on what an author is trying to say with the miani Tavis saTqmelis gamoxatvas concrete song, for example, Charkviani, Niaz and Robi qarTul enazec iseve moaxerxebs, rogorc inglisurad. igive irak- Kukhianidze… Poets and gifted persons can express lim, rogorc gela Carkviani Tavis themselves in any language, in English or in Georgian. esseSi wers „ara qarTulenovani Gela Charkviani mentioned in his essay: “Irakli created roki, aramed qarTuli roki Seqm- Georgian rock, not rock with Georgian lyrics.” We talked na“. Cven bevri visaubreT proble- a lot about problems, complications, and I hope this in- mebze, sirTuleebze da imedi maqvs es interviuc am sakiTxebis mog- terview will foster the process of handling the issues. varebaSi Tavis saqmes gaakeTebs anton balanCivaZis yofiTobisgan Tavisu- fali samyaro 74 Anton Balanchivadze’s world free from objective reality Copyright 2012 My father, Jarji Balanchivadze recalled that, Bal- mama, jarji balanCivaZe ixsenebda, rom anchine in each thing had seen the form of an ani- balanCini TiToeul nivTSi xSirad ama Tu mal, bird or insect. This is called figural thinking. im cxovelis, frinvelis Tu mweris for- Anton Balanchivadze is a painter, and, for him, mas xedavda. amas saxier azrovnebas eZax- plastic and music are realized in color and form. ian. anton balanCivaZe fermweria, misT- He recalls his first ‘’professional’’ contact with vis plastika da musika, feriT da formiT music with usual irony. He was invited to youth realizdeba. musikasTan ”profesiul” zi- rock group as a guitarist. Apparently, at that time, arebas Cveuli ironiiT ixsenebs. adre ax- he was not even good at playing a guitar. In the algazrdul rok jgufSi miipatiJes gita- opinion of others, as the grandchild of Andria ristad, Turme maSin dakvrac ar scodnia Balanchivadze, he could write good songs. He wesierad gitaraze. andria balanCivaZis continued writing songs after that, however he SviliSvils, maTi azriT, kargi simRere- considers this more as his infatuation, than a se- bi unda daewera. merec werda simRerebs, rious activity. Maybe, it is his usual modesty. He Tumca amas ufro gatacebad Tvlis, vidre did not try to popularize his grandfather’s music seriozul saqmianobad. iqneb esec misTvis among friends, thinking this would be deemed as Cveuli Tavmdablobaa. babuis musikasac arrogance. Now he understands that it was not a ar uwevda aqamde popularizacias samego- correct behavior. From Andria’s works, he espe- broSi, fiqrobda, ampartavnobad aravis cially loves the symphonic picture ‘’The Sea’’, ‘’The CaeTvala. Tavadac xvdeba, rom es ar iyo Lake Ritsa’’ and “The First Symphony’’, as well as swori saqcieli. andrias nawarmoebebidan the song ‘’Zestafono’’ from a film”The Lost Para- simfoniuri suraTi ”zRva”, ”riwis tba” da dise’’. pirveli simfonia uyvars gamorCeulad.. aseve simRera „zestafono “ kinofilmidan The dynasty of the Balanchivadzes family from ”dakarguli samoTxe “... Anton’s viewpoint balanCivaZeebis ojaxuri dinastia an- I will start with a question, which, probably, has tonis TvaliT been posed to you thousands of times. Meliton, Andria, George, Jargi Balanchivadzes are your ukve albaT SenTvis aTasjer dasmuli closest relatives. You are the lucky exception, when kiTxviT viwyeb. meliton, andria, jorj, the nature takes no rest on children. Please, tell us jarji balanCivaZeebi Seni uaxloesi na- about your family… Tesavebi arian. Sen is bednieri gamonakli- si xar, roca buneba Svilebze ar isvenebs. In Georgia, and in the Caucasus in general, it is not gvimabe Sens ojaxze.. known, that there exists a kind of creative fire, tempera- ment, which is spontaneous and, often, if not properly saqarTveloSi, zogadad kavkasiaSi, aravisTvis controlled, may become devastating. By my idea, the araa ucxo, rom arsebobs erTgvari bunebrivi myth of Amirani can be employed as the symbol of it. SemoqmedebiTi cecxli, temperamenti, romelic This supernatural power is divine and is bestowed by stiqiuria da xSirad TviTdinebaze miSvebuli, Sei- God. A person should use this natural power in right and Zleba damangrevelic gaxdes. Cemi azriT, amiranis beneficial direction. This is the most significant mission mxatvari mravalmxrivi unda miTic nawilobriv amis simbolod gamodgeba. es of this region. If we drew a parallel with music, then, iyos, amas Tavad misi intere- zebunebrivi Zala, RvTaebrivia da gangebis mieraa sebic ganapirobebs, magram Tu naboZebi. adamianma ki es stiqiuri Zala swori mima- with professional, classical, academic music, from the arCevani dadga: artisti Tu rTulebiT, sasikeTod unda m moixmaros. oixm point of view of musical form - whether it is opera or mxatvari? me meores virCev esaa am regionis albaT erT- symphony, this flowing natural energy, national crea- da rogori iyo andria, rogorc babua, erTi mniSvnelovani misia. tive potential, becomes comprehensive and acceptable in Cveulebriv yofaSi? Tuki musikasTan, am SemTxveva- international, universal language. My great grandfather Si profesiul, klasikur, aka- was lucky in this regard. He was a student of Rimsky- babua iyo Zalian stumarTmoyvare adamiani, iu- demiur musikasTan gavavlebT Korsakov. He went through a good school in Russia. The moriT savse. Cvens ojaxSi yovelTvis xalxmrav- 76 paralels - musikalur forma- loba iyo. ara marto qarTvelebi. maxsovs, rogor Copyright 2012 Si, - iqneba es opera Tu simfo- first Georgian opera written by him, as well as establish- ment of the musical society and the musical school, is a gvestumra mamakaci Sua aziidan da SemosasvlelSi nia, moqceulili es stiqiuri andria xelSi aitaca, aRmosavluri xalaTi Se- result of the synthesis of the education received in Russia, energia, erovnuli SemoqmedebiTi potenciali, moacva da Tavisi qudi daaxura. is yvelasTan erT- saerTaSoriso, universalur enaze xdeba gasage- Georgian musical culture, professional education and the nairad megobruli iyo - did da ganTqmul xelo- bi da misaRebi. melitons, Cems did babuas, am national identity. Andria and George grew up in a musi- vanebTan, Tu ubralo adamianebTan. mxriv marTlac gaumarTla. is rimski-korsakovis cal family, in this atmosphere. Musical environment be- mowafe iyo. kargi skola gaiara ruseTSi. swored came organic for them and, thanks to this, the realization quTaisSi Zalian uyvardaT. maxsovs, erTxel am am skolisa da qarTuli musikaluri kulturis, of their potential occurred in this concrete direction. qalaqSi viyaviT. manqanaSi andria dainaxes gamv- profesiuli ganaTlebisa da erovnuli TviTmyo- lelebma da umalve uamravma adamianma moiyara fadobis sinTezis Sedegia mis mier dawerili pir- Unfortunately, recently, in Georgia the interest has been Tavi. ixutebdnen da kocnidnen mas, ase gamoxata- veli qarTuli opera, musikaluri sazogadoebisa more frequently directed towards Balanchine. Unques- vdnen TavianT siyvaruls. es yvelaferi ra Tqma da skolis Camoyalibeba. andria da jorji ukve tionably, he was a genius, and very important fact is that unda qeifiT damTavrda da swored maSin davlie musikalur ojaxSi, am atmosferoSi izrdebodnen. Rvino pirvelad. Zalian momewona, patara viyavi. musikaluri garemo gaxda maTTvis organuli da the convergence of his talent and the opportunity of its maTi potencialis realizaciac am mimarTulebiT realization, given to him by America, spontaneously took saqarTvelos farglebs gareT ufro xSir- moxda. place. He escaped from the new regime by running to ad sruldeba andrias nawarmoebebi, ZiriTa- France. The regime always saw in him an image of an en- dad ruseTSi. Tumca CvenTanac xSirad uCven- samwuxarod am bolo dros saqarTveloSi, ufro emy. There were many attempts to make him return to eben filmebs, sadac andrias musikaa. andrias xSirad balanCiniT interesdebian. is udavod Soviet Union only for one purpose - to physically retali- nawarmoebebis Sesrulebaze, aq Tu sazRvargareT geniosi iyo da rac Zalian mniSvnelovania - moxda ate to him. Often there was pressure on Andria to per- monitorings saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis aso- niWisa da misi realizebis SesaZleblobis Tanx- suade George to come back. Balanchine and Andria were ciacia axorcielebs. vimedovneb, rom axal xelmZ- vedra, rac mas amerikam misca. man axal reJims sa- member when a man visited us from the Middle East, the people, for whom the creative process was the core RvanelobaSi aris mzaoba, dainergos saerTaSori- frangeTSi gaqceviT daaRwia Tavi. reJimi masSi and at the entrance he lifted up Andria, attired him in an aim and not the way towards some purpose, let’s say, to- so standartebi am mimarTulebiT. yovelTvis mters xedavda. araerTi mcdeloba Eastern dressing gown and capped him with his hat. He wards popularity or anything else. hqonda sabWoeTSi daebrunebinaT erTi mizniT - rac Seexeba mis operebs, zogierTi opera dRemde was friendly with everybody – with great and outstand- fizikurad gasworebodnen. andriazec xSirad iyo ar dadgmula. bolo opera, indoeTis Tematikas ing artists or with ordinary people. zewola, daerwmunebina jorji - dabrunebuliyo. And what was Andria like as grandfather in an or- - konkretulad gandis dinastias miuZRvna. imog- dinary life? zaura kidec specialurad indoeTSi. am operaSi He was loved in Kutaisi very much. I remember once we balanCini da andria is adamianebi iyvnen, visT- erTi didi nawili, mamaCems, jarjis SeukveTa an- were in this city. The passer-bys saw Andria in the car visac Tavad Semoqmedeba iyo TviTmizani da ara He was a very hospitable person, full of humor. Our fam- driam, kargadac gadauxada Semdeg honorari. and, instantly, a lot of people gathered around. They em- gza miznisken, vTqvaT popularobisken an raime ily hosted lots of guests, and not only Georgians. I re- braced and kissed him and in such a way expressed their sxva. mamaCemi, jarji balanCivaZe, raoden araTavm- love. All of these ended up with a feast and it was then, dablobaSic unda CamiTvalon, gacilebiT ufro didi musikosi da mxatvari iyo, vidre axla Sei- when I drank wine for the first time. I liked it very much, Zleba es warmoidginon. misi mniSvneloba da roli I was very young. saqarTvelosTvis darwmunebuli var droTa sv- lasTan erTad ufro da ufro gamoikveTeba. Andria’s creations are more frequently performed out- side Georgia, mainly in Russia. Though, in our coun- antonis saxelosnoSi dro Cerdeba. Tavs Zala try, the movies, which contain Andria’s music, are often unda daatano, rom maspinZlis stumarTmoyvareo- shown on TV. Georgian Copyright Association carries biT borotad ar isargeblo. Weri naxevrad moxat- out monitoring in Georgia or abroad on performing of ulia, jer araa dasrulebuli. Zveli nivTebi - Andria’s creations. I hope that there is readiness from the Savi pianino, Cems bavSobaSi, sololakSi, moxuc side of the new administration to inculcate international naTesavebTan minaxavs bolos. moxatuli Zvelmo- duri xis skamebi. am nivTebs sakuTari aura aqvT. standards in this direction. saxelosnos qaosi am auraSia gazavebuli. iqve avtoportretia - gabrazebuli antoni. studento- Concerning his operas, some of them have not been bisdroindeli tiloebi. zogierTi axali tiloc. staged yet. The last one was dedicated to Indian themes, naivur, sibrtyiseul, abstraqtul figurebSi ufro more specifically to Gandhi dynasty. He even travelled xedavs antoni sakuTar Tavs, vidre avtoportret- to India for this purpose. Andria ordered one big part of Si. es interieric mTeli samyaroa, ara marto this opera to my father, Jarji, and then gave him a good maspinZlis Sinagani sivrcis proecireba. da kidev honorarium for the implemented work. My father, Jarji Balanchivadze, no matter if telling you maxasiaTebeli aqvs, Sinagani kanoni. feri sakuTar with your activity, whether you want to be an artist or TavSi ukve moicavs formas, an Tvisebas. sityvaze, a painter. The starting point for a painter is color. Con- this will be considered as immodesty from my side, was aviRoT lurji feri. lurjs gamonaTeba esaWi- much greater musician and painter than it can be imag- sequently, color dictates form. The contour, stroke and roeba, raTa iyos cocxali. mwvane - formas iTxovs, line are more important for an artist than color. The line ined now. I am sure, with time, his importance and the mdgradia. iasamnisferi piriqiT, RrubeliviTaa. is intellectual base and as a rule its correctness depends 78 role he played for Georgia will be much more obvious. iseve, rogorc bunebaSi - iasamnis yvavili patara Copyright 2012 nawilakebisgan Semdgari, - erTobliobaSi fum- more on an artist, than on any objective law. Each color In Anton’s Studio time stops. One should make fulaa, RrubeliviTaa.. feris kanonzomierebis has its own characteristics, the internal law, and it covers form and property itself. For example: blue color requires an effort not to abuse his hospitality. The ceiling ugulebelyofa, darRveva Tavad ganaxebs amis gaumarTleblobas. ca xom lurjia da ara mwvane. light to be lively, green color demands a form, it is a sta- is half-painted. It has not been completed yet. Old mwvane ca kanonzomierebas arRvevs. ca, rom ar ble color. On the contrary, lilac looks like a cloud. The things, a black piano, - I had seen the latter for yofiliyo lurji, mTeli cisqveSeTic gansxvave- lilac flower consisting of many small blossoms, in total is the last time at my old relatives’ place in Sololaki. buli iqneboda. sul sxvagvari cxovreba iqneboda very aerial, like a cloud. The disregard of color regulari- There are painted, old-fashioned, wooden chairs. maSin. ties demonstrates its injustice. The sky is blue, not green. FIRE ART namuSevrebma miiqcia yuradReba. These things have their own aura, and chaos of The green sky destroys an order in the nature. The world the workshop is mixed with this aura. Nearby, is ”me var mxatvari “ da ara artisti... would be different if the sky was not blue. The life would realizmi mokvda be very different from what it is now. placed a self-portrait – an angry Anton. There are vfiqrob, rom dasavleTSi, xelovnebaSi dRes- Paintings from his studentship period and some dReobiT seriozuli krizisia. me ar vgulisxmob ar minda sxvadasxva ”izmebiT “ da Sedar- new ones too. He sees himself more in abstract sabazro koniuqturasa Tu prestiJuli galer- I am a painter, not an artist... ebebiT mogabezro Tavi. rogor daaxasi- and flat figures than in a self-portrait. This inte- eebis interesebs. es galereebic, Tavis mxriv, aTebdi Sens xelweras? rior is the whole world, not only the author’s in- xels uwyoben am krizisis gaRrmavebas da Tavadve kargad acnobiereben amas. saerTo jamSi axalma ner space projection. And, in addition, FIRE ART mimdinareobebma CixSi Seiyvana xelovneba, sazog- realizmis saWiroeba faqtobrivad fotografiis works attracted my attention. gaCenis Semdeg damTavrda. Tuki adamiani axlac adoeba mTlianad. SemoqmedebiTi - dasavleTSi aR- daisaxavs amocanas, rom gadmosces vaSli maqsi- araa Tavisufali yofiTobisgan, bazrisgan, aRarc malurad zustad, is xelobas irCevs. es ukve te- Realism is dead survili Cans didad amis. imis magivrad, rom xelo- qnikis da drois ambavia da ara SemoqmedebiTi vanma sazogadoebas gamosavali uCvenos - is mas amocana. mxolod problemebis konstatacias sTavazobs. I do not want to bother you with different kinds rogorc ori adamiani, romelic ormoSi Cavarda of”isms’’ and comparisons. How would you de- me-19 saukuneSic, rodesac inglisSi ganTqmuli da imis magivrad, rom zemoT amosvlaSi miexmaron prerafaelitebis ordeni Camoyalibda, romelT- scribe your style? erTmaneTs, erTi meores ormoSi Cavardnil Tavis ac renesansuli idealebis, silamazis da misi Tavs uxatavs, gana esaa mxatvris misia? gamosava- aqtualurobis dabruneba undodaT xelovnebaSi, The necessity of realism is virtually completed after in- li ki ukve firosmanma moifiqra Zalian kargi, Tan ukve Canda, rom realisturi xerxebiT amis gakeT- vention of photography. If a person decides to paint an rodis, mis ganTqmul ”samovris irgvlis Sekre- eba ufro da ufro Zneli xdeboda. apple with maximal exactness, it means he chooses a basa da saubars“ vgulisxmob. ra Tqma unda aseTi craft. This is the matter of time and technique and not a SekrebiT, seriozuli interesiT, xalisiT dawye- buli erToblivi saqme, SemoqmedebiTi cecxli ar raindi, TanamedroveobaSic unda arsebobdes da creative challenge. imedia arsebobs kidec... magram ara im formiT Caqreba da bunebis kanonzomierebis axal-axal, mxolod, rogorc es adre iyo. Tuki Tanamedro- aqamde ucnob aRmoCenebs Seuwyobs xels. adamian- Even in the 19th century, when prominent Pre-Raph- veobaSi raindi SubiT ibrZolebs, ra Tqma unda es Ta SekrebiT, romelTa mizanic, viwro yofiT saWi- araadekvaturi saqcieli iqneba. anu axali formaa aelite Order was founded in England, which strived for roebasa da fiqrebs scildeba da raime Semoqme- saWiro. Zvelis kopireba da ganmeoreba ki, ara mar- bringing back Renaissance ideals, beauty and its actuality debiT mizans emsaxureba, Zalian didi ram emateba to imTaviTve usafuZvloa, rac mTavaria, im war- to art, it was apparent, that implementing this with real- qveyanasa da sazogadoebas. sulsac afermkrTalebs, azrs da Sinaarss ukar- istic ways was more and more difficult. gavs.. sakmaod saintereso azrs iZens aq gamoTqma mgonia feris mniSvneloba dResdReobiT ufro da ufro aqtualuri unda gaxdes, misi mravali ”yvelaferi axali kargad daviwyebuli Zvelia”. There should be a knight in modern life and I hope he Tviseba unda iqnas sworad gamoyenebuli. exists, but not with that form as it was in the past. If in dResdReobiT xatvisas unda gaakeTo arCevani, vin modern world the knight fought with a spear, certainly dRes, rodesac gamomsaxvelobiTi saSualebebis xar? mxatvari Tu fermweri? ra Tqma unda gamom- it would be inadequate behavior. Similarly, the new form uzarmazari arCevania, misi gamouyenebloba lamis dinare iqidan, ras akeTeb. fermwerisTvis amosav- is necessary. Copying and repetition of the old is not danaSaulis tolfasia, mxatvari mravalmxrivi ali wertili - feria. Sesabamisad, feri karnaxobs unda iyos, amas Tavad misi interesebic gana- From my point of view, there is a serious crisis in art in formas. mxatvrisTvis ki konturia, Strixi, xazia only groundless, but as well it pales the past into insig- pirobebs, magram Tu arCevani dadga: artisti Tu the Western countries. I don’t mean the market situation ufro mniSvnelovani. xazi imTaviTve inteleq- nificance, loses its meaning and content. The expression mxatvari? me meores virCev.. tualuri (racionaluri) sawyisia da rogorc assumes a very interesting idea here ‘’everything new is and interests of prestigious galleries. Those galleries, on wesi Tavad mxatvarzea ufro damokidebuli misi well forgotten old’’. SeiZleba ampartavnobad mogeCvenoT an xmamaRal their side, contribute to the crises deepening process, and gamarTlebuloba ama Tu im adgilas, vidre raime naTqvamad, magram me minda davrCe istoriaSi, da they themselves realize this quite well. Finally, the new obieqtur kanonebze. TiToeul fers ki Tavisi When you draw, you have to make a choice in accordance mjera rom es gamova. trends promote to reach an impasse in art and in other fields antonma Cemze romantikosis STabeWdileba dato- of life as well. Everyday problems affect creative work in the West- A painter should be developed in versatile directions. va. is ar cxovrobs spilos Zvlisgan agebul ko- ern countries. Creative process is dependent on the market, there It is conditioned by his/her own interests. In case if I SkSi da arc sakuTari cnobierebiT SemosazRvrul is even no will to liberate it. The artist offers the community only the statements of problems, instead of showing the way out. Like- realobaSia gamoketili. is raRac doziT realis- have to choose between being an artist or a painter, I wise, two persons, who fell into the hole and instead of helping each 80 will choose tia, misi damokidebuleba, aRqma realobisa adek- other, they started to describe their emotions. Is this a mission of Copyright 2012 the second one. vaturia, rac sulac ar niSnavs, rom is iRebs yve- a painter? Pirosmani found a very good way, I mean his famous lafers ise, rogorc aris miRebuli an misaRebi picture: “Meeting and talking around the samovar”. sxvaTaTvis. roca Tanamedrove don kihotze sau- brobda, is gulisxmobda, rom sakuTari Tavi unda The joint action with such serious interests and enthusiasm has a future, creative fire won’t be suppressed and it will foster new un- ipovo am cxovrebaSi, gaakeTo arCevani da Sedge, known findings of regularities of nature. The meetings, objective of rogorc pirovneba, mxatvari. kanonic piradad Seni which goes beyond narrow everyday needs and serves as a creative moraluri imperativia, vinaidan, Sen mxatvars purpose, will be beneficial for the country and the society. SegiZlia dainaxo is, rac sxvisTvis SeumCnevelia. ara marto dainaxo, emociurad ganazogado kidec. I think, the importance of color should become more relevant and misTvis qaluri silamazis aRqmac erTob araordi- all its properties must be applied in a correct way. Today, when there is a huge choice of expressive means, non-usage of them naluria. es araa calkeuli nakvTebi Tu formebi, equals to crime. A painter should be developed in versatile direc- esaa mdgomareoba. qalis silamaze moZraobaSia, tions. It is conditioned by his/her own interests. In case if I have to imaSia, Tu Tavad rogor aRiqvams sakuTar Tavs... choose between being an artist or a painter, I will choose the second magaliTad, roca quCaSi modian lamazad Cacmuli, one. You may consider it as my arrogance, or a high ambition, but momxibvleli gogonebi, maTi TviTkmayofileba I want to become a part of the history, and I believe, that my wish da imwuTieri gancda sakuTari gamorCeulobisa.. will come true. marTebuli gansazRvrebaa.. mxatvrobaSi jer ver Anton made an impression of a romantic person on me. He lives miaRwia imas, rom iyos bolomde gaxsnili.. albaT neither in the ivory tower, nor locked in his reality, enclosed by sulier striptizs gulisxmobda... misi naxatebi his own consciousness. He is somehow a realist. His attitude to- xSirad ifineba sazRvargareT. sul axlaxans lon- ward perception of the reality is adequate, which doesn’t mean donidan dabrunda. Cems SekiTxvaze, Tu rogor ax- at all, that he takes everything, as it is generally accepted or is acceptable for others. When he was talking about modern Don orcielebs Tavisi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis Quixote, he always mentioned, you have to find yourself in your dacvas, mipasuxa, rom aqamde ver moaba amas Tavi, life, you have to make choice and become a person, a painter. magram araerTxel damdgara faqtis winaSe Tu ro- The law is your moral imperative, as you (as a painter) can see gor iyeneben mis naxatebs komerciuli mizniT av- things which are invisible for others, not only spot them out, but also make their generalization. His perception of female beauty is toris daukiTxavad da miaCnia, rom sakuTari saav- out of the ordinary, - this is not about separate parts and forms, toro uflebebis mowesrigeba sulac ar iqneba but a condition. The female beauty lies in motion, and in a way urigo.. in which a female entity perceives herself. For example, nicely dressed, charming girls, walking on the street, having a sense of antonma miTxra, rom ukve bavSvobidan erTi azri complacency and momentary sense of being distinguished… it is a proper definition…. He failed to achieve a full openness in aekviata da akvirdeba, surs dainaxos fanjaraSi painting …. Perhaps he meant the spiritual striptease…. His paint- mdgari Tundac erTi gogona, romelic ise iyu- ings are exhibited abroad very often. He has just returned from reba gareT, rom arc telefoniT saubrobs, arc London. On my question, ”how do you carry out protection of sigarets eweva, arc aravis elodeba, ubralod yve- intellectual property?”, - he said that he couldn’t implement it yet, but repeatedly faced the facts of how his pictures are employed lanairi saWiroebis gareSe akeTebs amas da aseT for commercial purposes without the author’s consent and con- rames versad gadaawyda. me gamaxsenda, rom mTeli siders, that problems related to copyrights regulating should be cxovreba Citebis WikWiki maRviZebda diliT. al- solved…. baT Citebi dResac arian Cemi aivnis qveS, ubral- Anton told me about the idea, which he has thought of obses- od me maTi gagonebis unari aRar maqvs, iseve ro- sively since his childhood: I want to see even one girl at the win- gorc ubralod fanjaraSi yurebis.. dow, who is looking outside and do it without any need, she is not talking on the phone, not smoking a cigarette, not waiting for anyone, but just glancing out of the window. I remembered, each morning I woke up by the birds twittering. Birds are probably still under my balcony, I just do not have the capacity to listen to them anymore, as well as ability to merely look out of the window. Anton Balanchivadze da da 1968 wels gordon jerkinsis sasargeblod Biggest BitTorrent Downloading Case in U.S. His- precedentebi 100 aTasi marka iqna gadaxdili. tory Targets 23,000 Defendants aSS-is istoriaSi udidesi torent provaideris At least 23,000 file sharers soon will likely get notified they are PRECEDENTS sasamarTlo da 23 000 mopasuxe 82 being sued for downloading the Expendables in what has be- Copyright 2012 aSS-is istoriaSi udidesi aralegaluri torent pro- come the single largest illegal-BitTorrent-downloading case in vaideris sasamarTlo procesi daiwyo, romlis mixedvi- U.S. history. j.q. roulingi stiv vander J.K. Rowling versus Steve Vander Ark Tac mis 23 000 momxmarebels miuva sasamarTlo uwyeba, rogorc mopasuxes saqme exeba filmis The Expendables- The case was started on the illegal download of the film “The arkis winaaRmdeg J.K. Rowling, the author of the renowned “Harry Potter” book se- is aralegalur CamotvirTvas, romlis mTavari gmiri Expendables”, the main character of which is played by the ries, sued Steve Vander Ark, who tried to publish a “Harry Potter” amerikeli msaxiobi silvester stalonea. savaraudod American actor Sylvester Stallone. The number of defendants j.q.roulingma, cnobili “hari poteris” wignebis encyclopedia in book form. The name of the encyclopedia should sasamarTloSi mopasuxeTa ricxvi gaizrdeba, iqidan is likely to dramatically increase as the mechanism for discov- seriebis avtorma, sasamarTloSi uCivla stiv be “Harry Potter Lexicon”, which was the collection of works on gamomdinare, rom axal-axali „qurdebis“ gamovlenis ering new “thefts” has been launched. Besides, the subscribers vander arks, romelic cdilobda “hari poteris” “Harry Potter”, though, it did not have any comments included meqanizmi amoqmedda. amasTanave, avtomaturad xdeba of the defendants are automatically switched off by the Copy- enciklopediis wignis saxiT gamocemas. enciklo- from the side of its creator. As Rowling says, the step that she took internet abonentis gamorTva saavtoro uflebebis right Group. pediis saxelwodeba unda yofiliyo „hari pot- was not directed only against this type of publications, but, in gen- dacvis jgufis mier. eris leqsikoni“, romelic gaxldaT “hari poter eral, it aimed to form a precedent of protecting the original work. am gaxmaurebul saqmes advokatebis mier saavtoro Many lawyers are mimicking the Copyright Group’s legal ze” Seqmnili nawarmoebebis krebuli, Tumca mas By the court decision, Ark had to pay the compensation of 6750 jgufis legaluri strategiis mimbaZvelobis tenden- strategy, according to which the lawyers are trying to use the arcerTi komentari ar erToda Tavad Semdgenel- USD in favor of Rowling and publication of the collection of works cia emateba, romlis mixedviTac advokatebi cdiloben considered fine of 3,000 USD per copyright infringement in isagan. rogorc roulingi acxadebs, mis mier ga- was prohibited, which should be published by the publishing house gaTvaliswinebuli jarimis - 3 000 aSS dolari - TiTo favor of their clients. The litigation is so lucrative, that already dadgmuli nabiji ar iyo mimarTuli mxolod am RDR Books. The court trial started in 2007y. and finished in 2008y., saavtoro uflebis darRvevaze - TavianTi klientebis two companies have brought a case to a court on ownership of tipis publikaciis winaaRmdeg, aramed saerTod which partially satisfied the claim of Rowling. Though, publish- sasargeblod gamoyenebas. saqme imdenad momgebiania, some Bit Torrent file. originaluri nawarmoebis dacvis precedentis ing of the book was not prohibited, but was allowed to issue the rom Bit Torrent failis mflobelobaze ukve orma kompa- Seqmnas isaxavda miznad. adopted version, which was explained by the fact that it was not a niam Seitana sarCeli. scientific work, but the additional explanatory manual to the Rowl- Not all federal judges are agreeing to allow a massive number of subpoenas in a single case, but many are. The main issue is to mosamarTlis mier miRebuli gadawyvetilebiT, ing’s original piece of work. mosamarTleebis azric orad aris gayofili, nawili eTanxmeba didi raodenobiT mopasuxeebis erTad das- define an amount of the fine. U.S. Copyright Act allows dam- zaralis anazRaurebis safasuris 6750 aSS dola- wrebas sasamarTlo procesze, zogi Tvlis, rom saqme ages of up to $150,000 per infringement. ris gadaxda daekisra arks roulingis sasarge- Johnny Cash versus Gordon Jenkins cal-calke unda iqnas ganxiluli. mTavaria jarimis blod da aseve aikrZala Tavad krebulis gamocema, gansazRvra - kanonis mixedviT TiTo darRveva iTval- The IP addresses of the alleged copyright scofflaws are easily romelic RDR Books-is gamomcemlobas unda gamoe- This particular case hit the courts, but was settled out of iswinebs jarimas 150 000 dolaris odenobiT. discoverable. Film companies pay BitTorrent sites for spying. ca. 2007 wels dawyebuli sasamrTlo procesi 2008 court. The original song in question was recorded on a con- wels nawilobriv roulingis sasargeblod das- cept album called Seven Dreams, the song in question was filmis aralegaluri momxmareblebis IP misamarTebis Thomas Dunlap, who heads the Copyright Group in Washing- rulda, Tumca wignis gamocema bolomde ver ai- part of the ‘Second Dream: The Conductor”. The lyrics of the dadgena, Tavad filmis kompaniasac SeuZlia martivad, ton, D.C., has obtained 23,332 IP addresses that have allegedly krZala. 2009 wels RDR Books-is gamomcemlobaSi song are taken from Gordon Jenkin’s song “kissing Cousins”. vinaidan swored eseni uxdian torentebis provaider- infringed the Expendables. In February this number was only gamoica wignis adaptirebuli varianti, rac imiT The difference was only in finer performance and changing ebs jaSuSobisTvis Tanxas. 6,500. aixsna, rom es ar iyo mecnieruli naSromi, aramed of few words. It took fifteen years from the release date of tomas dunlapis cnobiT, romelic vaSingtonSi saav- iyo roulingis originaluri nawarmoebisTvis Johnny Cash’s version, for Gordon Jenkins to bring a law toro uflebebis dacvis jgufis xelmZRvanelia, mas A photographer Akaki Pkhakadze against “MariGold” ganmartebiTi damxmare saxelmZRvanelo. suit to a court. Finally, the case was settled out of a court, in mopovebuli aqvs film Expendables-is aralegaluri 1968y., according to which a hundred thousand marks were momxmareblis 23 332 IP misamarTi, jer kidev Teberv- Georgian Copyright Association is operatively reacting on each paid in favor of Gordon Jenkins. lis TveSi es ricxvi 6 500-s Seadgenda. joni qeSi gordon jenkinsis winaaRmdeg case of copyright infringement. One of the last and most sensa- tional cases concerns the dispute existing between a Georgian es konkretuli dava sasamarTloSi daiwyo, xolo misi verdiqti ki ukve mis gareT iqna miRebuli. saqme joni qeSis konceptualuri albomis „Svidi Zilis“ erTerTi simReris - „meore Zilis diri- Joris“ meore nawils exeboda. simReris teqsti TiTqmis ucvlelad iyo aRebuli gordon jenkin- sis simReridan “Kissing Cousins”-i. gansxvaveba iyo mxolod ufro daxvewil Sesrulebasa da ramden- ime sityvis cvlilebaSi. gordon jenkinss, orig- inaluri simReris avtors, joni qeSis mier Ses- rulebuli sadavo simReris gamosvlidan 15 weli dasWirda, rom sasamarTlos dava warmoebaSi mi- eRo, sabolood saqme sasamarTlos gareT mogvar- photographer and a publishing house “MariGold”. qarTvelebi ucxoeTSi

In 2011 “MariGold” published two cata- logues of “Wedding Dresses” (“A Big Cata- Tavisufleba akrZalvaSia Georgians abroad 84 logue” and “A Small Catalogue”), where, as 85 Copyright 2012 Freedom is in Prohibition Copyright 2012 A.Pkhakadze explains, the photos taken by ar gagitacos wamierma siamovnebam, Seinar- him are used (reproduced) without his per- Cune Seni xma. Seicani sakuTri Tavi da Sen mission or payment of the copyright royalty. Don’t let momentary pleasure carry you away, mier gancdili cxovreba aqcie xelovne- Besides, without the prior consent of the au- keep your voice. Get to know yourself and make a thor, “MariGold” used A.Pkhakadze’s photo- bad. iyavi Sinaganad Tavisufali da ara piece of art out of the life you live. Be free in your- graphic work in the shape of a label, which Zalad “evropeli “ an “amerikeli “ var- self without being forcibly “European” or “Ameri- became the inseparable part of the trade- skvlavobasa da pirvelobaze fiqri araa fotografi can.” One should not worry about being a star and mark of this company, and this was done by sawuxari, mTavaria, icxovro da Seqmna. akaki fxakaZe means of infringing copyrights. leader. More important is to live and create. We gvesaubreba manana menabde. „marigoldis“ have spoken to Manana Menabde. winaaRmdeg Without permission and payment of the copyright royalty to the author, the photo- Tqven xarT Semoqmedi, romelic klasi- You are the artist who combines classical forms saavtoro uflebebis darRvevis SemTxvevebze reagireba saavtoro graphic work of A.Pkhakadze is reproduced kur formebsa da nonkonformizms erTman- and non-conformism. How do you manage this? uflebebis asociaciis mxridan aqtiurad xorcieldeba. erT-erTi by the defendant in the form of a calendar, eTTan aTavsebs. rogor aRwevT amas? yvelaze bolo da gaxmaurebuli SemTxveva exeba qarTvel fotografsa business card and banners. da sagamomcemlo saxl „marigolds“ Soris arsebul davas. “MariGold” LLC has violated not only the klasika, rogorc cnobilia, sanimuSos niSnavs. It is known that the term “Classics” means a masterpiece. intellectual property rights of the author, aseve, klasikad aRiarebuli literaturuli Tu Also, a literary or other work, which is recognised as one 2011 wels “marigoldma” gamosca “saqorwino samoselis” ori katalogi but also, personal non-property rights, more sxva saxis nawarmoebi iTvleba gardauval da mud- of the classics, is considered to carry inevitable and per- (“didi katalogi” da “patara katalogi”), sadac a.fxakaZis ganmartebiT, concretely: nebarTvisa da saavtoro honoraris gadaxdis gareSe gamoyenebulia miv faseulobad, romelic arasdros ar Seicv- manent value, which will never change! (reproducirebulia) mis mier gadaRebuli fotoebi. amasTan, avto- leba! ris Tanxmobis gareSe, “marigoldis” mier, fotografiuli nawarmoebi The authorship right – the full name of the author of the photographic work was not Non-conformism means delivery or an opposite action gamoyenebuli iqna etiketis saxiT (leibli), rac saavtoro uflebebis nonkonformizmis mniSvnelobaa mowodeba an saw- defined in the catalogues, calendars, on the and not taking something into one’s account. I stress the darRveviT gaxda am kompaniis savaWro niSnis Semadgeneli nawili. inaaRmdego qceva da angariSis gauwevloba. am business cards, banners and the label. meaning of these words in order to clearly see the essen- sityvebis mniSvnelobas me xazs vusvam, raTa Tval- a.fxakaZis fotografiuli nawarmoebi aseve nebarTvisa da saavtoro tial similarity of these two directions. For example, Bach, naTliv davinaxoT am ori mimarTulebis Sinaar- honoraris gadaxdis gareSe mopasuxis mier reproducirebulia kalen- The right to inviolability of the work – dur- Shota Rustaveli, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Dante, Vazha, dris, savizito baraTisa da baneris saxiT. ing its reproduction on the label, banners Ilia, Akaki – these are the classical examples and they are and calendars, the background of the photo- Sps „marigoldis“ mxridan darRveuli iqna avtoris ara marto qonebri- renowned. This is an axiom and nothing can change it. vi, aramed piradi araqonebrivi uflebebic kerZod: graphic work was changed without the prior That’s why classic can already be regarded as non-con- permission of the author. formist, as classic, like non-conformism, is imperturb- avtorobis ufleba - katalogebSi, kalendrebze, savizito baraTze, ba- able and does not take into consideration what is hap- nerze da aseve etiketze ar iqna miTiTebuli fotografiuli nawarmoe- The right to respect of reputation – through bebis avtoris saxeli. changing the background of the photo- pening around! graphic work of the author and using low nawarmoebis xelSeuxeblobis ufleba - avtorTan SeuTanxmeblad, quality copies, the photographic work of the Thanks to fate, I was born in the family of the Ishkhneli Secvales fotografiuli nawarmoebebis foni etiketze, banersa da well renowned author was distorted. sisters. This was a perfect world for a child. Fortunately, kalendrebze misi reproducirebisas. I became familiar with such inevitable truths as Georgian reputaciis pativiscemis ufleba - avtoris fotografiul nawarmoebze The right to inclusion – without the prior folk music—song, specifically— a Georgian word and fonis Secvlisa da uxarisxo aslis gamoyenebis Sedegad, farTo wrisaT- permission of the author, the photographic human belief. If you become familiar or, to be more pre- vis cnobili avtoris fotografiuli nawarmoebi damaxinjda. works of A.Pkhakadze were included in the cise, are being familiarised with all these things truly and catalogue among the other works. not superficially in your early childhood, you will never CarTvis ufleba - avtoris Tanxmobis gareSe sxva nawarmoebebTan erTad be able to betray them. And, the real examples automati- katalogSi CarTes a.fxakaZis fotografiuli nawarmoebebic, rac ar iyo According to the law suit that was brought nebadarTuli uSualod avtoris mier. to a court, the plaintiff demands from “Mari- cally exclude épatage. A person, who was raised in such a Gold” reimbursement of damages by paying world would never think of being a star and bother him- sasamarTloSi aRZruli sarCelis mixedviT, “marigoldis“ mxridan, the fine of 44,500 GEL. self about being the first. He just lives modestly, and cre- dazaralebuli mxare, zaralis anazRaurebis saxiT 44 500 lars moiTxovs. ates. Though, this does not exclude that a real artist is not sasamarTlo procesi jer ar dasrulebula, Copyright-is mkiTxveli au- The litigation process has not been finalized aware of his destiny. cileblad iqneba informirebuli Sedegis Sesaxeb, Jurnalis ukve mom- yet. In the next issue of the magazine, the devno nomerSi. readers of “Copyright”, by all means, will be The real artist is always alienated from the environment. notified about the final outcome of the court Let’s take a look at the past where this is clearly visible – case. Visotski, Okudjava. Generally, society prefers a dead genius to a living one. I have a book of fables. The main idea of one of the fables here is that a oficialuri sabWoTa kulturis CarCoebSi Tqven, visited…, Mamardashvili concludes: “This pleasure is man only has to die to become a genius. rogorc pirovneba da Semoqmedi, ar ewerebodiT. only the shadow of truth. However, let us reverse the rogori iyo araoficialuri sabWoTa kultura? phrase: everything that is true brings about pleasure, You did not fit into the frames of the official Soviet culture as a person and as an artist. What igive roki an bardebis poezia da simRerebi. which can’t be proven by any specific means. This pleas- was unofficial Soviet culture like? Was that the same rock or poetry and songs of bards? ure is not the result of eating a cake and killing hunger... 86 kulturas ver davyof “oficialurad“ da „arao- Copyright 2012 I can’t divide culture into “official” and “unoffi- ficialurad“, miuxedavad imisa, rom, ra Tqma unda, This is the pleasure of your condition which is the mani- cial” despite the fact that, naturally, some would viRac breJnevisTvis mReroda, viRac ki, rogorc festation of your freedom, but has been originated from sing for Brezhnev and some, like me, would al- me, amaze uars ambobda. magram isic unda vTqvaT, your own life. It means that, truth comes when your life, ways refuse that. Though, it should be mentioned rom maT Soris, vinc breJnevisaTvis asrulebda the life you personally lived, returns to you, in a pure and that there were some talented people amongst da arc erT partiul zeims ar akldeboda, iyvnen bright form.” those who performed for Brezhnev and never niWieri adamianebic. mokled, minda giTxraT, rom yvela erT qvabSi vixarSebodiT, magram TiToeuli As for freedom: from this point of view we are in a bad missed the Party holidays. In short, I would Cvengani irCevda im gzas, romelsac Tavisi sindisi like to say that we were all in the same situation. position as almost everything is permitted, everything is karnaxobda. ase iyo yovelTvis, ase aris da iqneba! allowed. We have freedom and, at the same time, we de- Though, each of us chose the road dictated by our zogi alRos ver uRebs politikur viTarebas da pend upon everything – politics, money, taxes, clothes, own conscience. It was, is and always will be so! CixSi emwyvdeva, zogic nebayoflobiT irCevs aseT Some fail to keep up with the political situation gzas. dResac igive suraTi gvaqvs. ara mgonia, ada- our appearance, etc. And concurrently, we think that and find themselves in a deadlock, some volun- miani ver acnobierebdes, ras akeTebs. magram saqme freedom means that “I will do anything I want!” It may tarily choose such a road. The situation is the isaa, rom zogs wamieri itacebs, zogi ki maradiso- sound paradoxical, but freedom can be found only in same today. I do not think that a person does not bis nakadSi xvdeba. wamieri siamovneba yovelTvis prohibition. When I had discovered and perceived this, understand what he is up to. The point is that tkbili, mimzidveli da momgebiania. many things became easier and I managed to answer some are interested in the moment and some pre- many questions. I can give you a simple example: When rusi filosofosi Caadaevi Tavis kritikul wer- you quit smoking, you become independent from ciga- fer to become a part of the eternity. A momentary ilebSi aRniSnavs, rom janmrTeloba ratomRac ar pleasure is always sweet, attractive and profitable. rettes. Everything has a very simple scheme: the main vrceldeba, avadmyofoba da epidemia ki wamSi moe- thing is a man to have a desire! In short, I can conclude deba qveyanaso. gavixsenoT Tundac brZeni seneka sobrivi msgavseba. mag.: baxi, SoTa rusTaveli, Se- The Russian philosopher, Chaadaev, in his critical letters that, you should do your best to achieve everything. qspiri, servantesi, dante, vaJa, ilia, akaki -eseni da misi mowafe neroni - unebisyofo, garyvnili, says that, for some reason, healthiness is not contagious, sastiki mmarTveli, romelmac saxelmwifo daqce- Again, I will refer to Mamardashvili: “It is a great tragedy is klasikuri magaliTebia, romlebic aRiarebul- whilst illness and epidemics cover the world in a second. when a man does not know who he truly is, or where he ni arian, es aqsiomaa da amas veRaraferi Searyevs. vamde miiyvana. arada, is leqsebs werda, ganaTleba I would like to remind you of Seneca and his pupil, Nero, is at the moment.” zustad amitomac klasika ukve nonkonformistu- senekasgan miiRo da saerTod, senekas gazrdili ladac SeiZleba CaiTvalos, radgan klasika iseve, the weak-willed, licentious, cruel governor, who brought gaxldaT. es Zalian naTeli magaliTia imisa, rom rogorc nonkonformizmi, uryevia da angariSs ar his country to destruction. Nevertheless, he was a poet, saqme is ki ar aris, vin aris Seni maswavlebeli, ar- You have been living in Germany for a long time now. uwevs imas, rac mis garSemo xdeba! was given education and brought up by Seneca. This is a amed mTavaria, vin xar Sen! German culture and mentality is very different from good example that it does not matter who your teacher is Georgian. I will just mention the “German complex” bedma marguna, davbadebuliyavi debi iSxnelebis but, rather, who you are! erT-erT interviuSi Tqven ambobT, rom Tavisufa- which is very thoroughly and interestingly realized in lit- ojaxSi. mozardisTvis es idealuri garemo iyo. li SeiZleba iyo yvelgan, Tundac patimrobisas. erature and art. What is your image of Germany? ra aris TqvenTvis Tavisufleba? religia, tradi- me, sabednierod, Cems ojaxSi im gardauval WeS- In one of your interviews, you say that one can be free Of course, from one side, the complex of guilt, which maritebas veziare, rogoricaa qarTuli xalxuri cia an moraluri imperativebi zogadad zRudavs everywhere, even in prison. What is freedom for you? am Tavisuflebas Tu, piriqiT? Germans have is good, but on the other hand this feeling musika, kerZod simRera, qarTuli sityva da ada- Do religion, tradition or moral imperatives generally is so intense, that it becomes undesirable for them. Too mianuri mrwamsi. Tu am yvelafers bavSvobidanve restrict this freedom, or, the other way around, do they ara zedapirulad, aramed WeSmaritad eziare, Cven saerTod Semogvexarja gonebrivi resursi, ufro sworad, gaziares, ukve veRarasdros ver make it flourish? radgan aTeuli wlebis ganmavlobaSi gadagvaCvies uRalateb, xolo aseTi WeSmariti magaliTebi azrovnebas. arc siyvaruli, arc sikeTe ar aris TavisTavad gamoricxavs epataJs. aseTi garemodan We have fully exhausted our mental resources, as for dec- zogadi cnebebi. yvelaferSi individualuri gamosul adamians, azradac ar mosdis, Tavi var- ades we were being disaccustomed to think. Neither love, midgomaa saWiro, raTa Tavad gaiazro da ganica- skvlavad warmoidginos da pirvelobaze fiqriT nor kindness is a generic concept. Everything needs an do yovelive, rac garSemo xdeba. Cven ki “sazoga- Tavi Seiwuxos. igi ubralod cxovrobs da qmnis. individual approach in order to personally understand do keTildReobas”, koleqtiur cnobierebas, men- talitets gvinergavdnen. sjobs adamiani Tavis magram es ar gamoricxavs imas, rom namdvil xelo- and feel everything that is happening around. We were vans gaazrebuli ar aqvs Tavisi daniSnuleba. Tavs CauRrmavdes da sakuTri Tavi Seicnos. is, inspired with “public welfare”, collective thinking and vinc verafers gvatyobinebs Tavis Tavze, ver iqne- mentality. An individual better delve deeply into one’s WeSmariti xelovani yovelTvis gaucxoebulia ba faseuli da Rirebuli. Tavis leqciaSi prustis own self to get to know his own personality. The one, garemosTan. gadavxedoT warsuls, romelSic es Sesaxeb mamardaSvili gangvimartavs, Tu ratom cxadad Cans- visocki, okujava. saerTod, garemos who can’t tell us anything about himself can’t be valuable iwvevs marselSi sixaruls orcxobila „madleni“, mkvdari geniosi urCevnia cocxals. me maqvs igav- and important. In his lecture about Proust, Mamardash- rodesac igi am orcxobilas Cais WiqaSi awobs. mar- arakebis wigni, romlis erT-erT igavSi zustad is vili explains why Madeleine cake makes Marcel happy sels am orcxobilas gemo axsenebs bavSvobas, im azria Caqsovili, rom adamians geniosobamde mx- when he dips it into a cup of tea. The taste of this cake adgilebs, sadac is odesRac yofila... mamardaS- olod sikvdiliRa darCenoda. reminds Marcel of his childhood, the places he had ever vili askvnis: „es sixaruli mxolod WeSmaritebis much Khachapuri is also not good for you, – it’s just like da luTeris namoqmedarma sxva gzaze daayena germaniis suliereba, romelic tion, either in their eyes or that. In my opinion, Luther did more harm than good dRes didi kiTxvis niSnis qveSaa... me, ra Tqma unda, masaze vambob, magram Tev- in their soul. I feel embar- to Germany not by translating the New Testament into zi ayrolebas Tavidan iwyebs, ase ar aris? Tumca me saCivleli ara maqvs ra, rassed when our singers German language, but, rather, by daring to make per- radgan germaniaSi saukeTeso megobrebi myavs, romlebic Rirseuli warmo- sing English songs, are madgenlebi arian TavianTi erisa! arafers axalsa da gamorCeuls ar vityvi, sonal changes and comments to it. It is said that a bad well-dressed, look fashion- 88 Tu pirvel adgilze goeTes „fausts“ davasaxeleb. mas aqvs erTi saocari Copyright 2012 truth is always better than a good lie and Luther’s efforts naSromi ferTa filosofiaze. Zalian vafaseb da miyvars Tomas mani, hese, able and everything seems drove Germany’s spirituality into quite another direction, avstriel-germaneli mwerali Snicleri, genrix bioli, brexti, maqs friSi perfect in this light. Their aCrdilia. magram modiT Cven SevabrunoT fraza: which, at present, is put under great doubt… Of course, da misi meuRle, mniSvnelovani figura germanul literaturasa da poezia- English pronunciation is is, rac WeSmaritia, sixaruls iwvevs, rasac konk- I mean the masses of people. A fish always rots from its Si, ingeborg baxmani. Tanamedroveebidan didi mweralebi arian grasi da xan- quite fine, but it is still ap- retulad verafriT ver daasabuTeb. es sixaruli head down, doesn’t it? However, I have nothing to com- dke. germania ar uCivis musikas, literaturasa da azrovnebas. mas mravlad parent that the performer imis Sedegi ki ar aris, rom Sen orcxobila SeWame da plain about, as I have the best friends in Germany, who hyavs didi poetebic, mwerlebica da filosofosebic, romlebic msoflio is neither American, nor amiT SimSili moikali... es Seni mdgomareobis six- are worthy representatives of the German nation! I will magaliTebad iqcnen. European. There is only arulia, romelic Sens Tavisufal mdgomareobas say nothing new or particular if, first of all, I mention Tqven SeadgineT sasiyvarulo istoriebis fotoilustaciebi rusuli one reason for this – the gamoxatavs, magram igi warmoiSva Senive sakuTari Goethe’s Faust. He, also, has one wonderful work on Tqven SeadgineT sasiyvarulo istoriebis fotoilustaciebi rusuli lit- Americans and Europeans literaturidan.eraturidan. esaa esaa disonansuri disonansuri ilustraciebi,ilustraciebi, is, is, Tu Tu ra ra transformacia transfor- cxovrebidan, ese igi, WeSmariteba gestumreba ma- the philosophy of colours. I appreciate and love Thomas are free inside, and we are macia ganicadaganicada qalisqalis saxem saxem dRevandel dRevandel realobasa realobasa da yofaSi. da yofaSi. rogor asaxavdiT rogor Sin, rodesac Seni, danamdvilebiT Sen mier gancdi- Mann, Hesse, the Austrian-German writer Schnitzler, just playing this freedom. li cxovreba, ase vTqvaT, amotivtivdeba SenSi, gan- asaxavdiTqarTveli qarTveli qalis saxesqalis literaturul saxes literaturul arqetipebTan arqetipebTan dakavSirebiT? dakavS Tumca,- Heinrich Böll, Brecht, Max Frisch and his wife. Ingeborg I mean, we want to be free wmendili da naTeli “. irebiT?Cemi Tumca, azriT, Cemi qarTuli azriT, literaturis qarTuli gmirebs literaturis ufro samSoblo gmirebs an sarwmunoebaufro sam- Bachman is an important figure in German literature and and they are free! Freedom SoblouyvarT... an sarwmunoeba uyvarT... xolo rac Seexeba Tavisuflebas, Cven am mxriv poetry. Amongst modern great writers, I should men- ar vici, Tqven ra konteqstSi ambobT imas, rom: „qarTuli literaturis can’t be attained in 20 years cud dReSi varT Cavardnili, radganac TiTqos tion Grass and Handke. Germany does not lack music, gmirebs, ufro samSoblo an sarwmunoeba uyvarT“... ras debT amaSi, ironias despite of the fact that the yvelaferi nebadarTulia, yvelaferi SeiZleba. literature and thinking. It has many great poets, writers Tu wuxils? ar vici, magram me amaSi verafers ironiulsa da verc Sesawux- new generation does not Cven gvaqvs Tavisufleba da am dros yvelafer- and philosophers, who became global models. ebels ver vxedav. mTavari xom isaa, rogori xerxebiTaa esa Tu is xelovnebis know who Mzhavanadze, ze varT damokidebuli – politikaze, fulze, nawarmoebi Seqmnili da rogor aris yovelive es Sesrulebuli mxatvruli Brezhnev and, perhaps, gadasaxadebze, Cacmulobaze, rogor gamoviyu- You made photo-illustrations of love stories from Russian TvalsazrisiT. even Shevardnadze, were… rebiT da a.S. da amis paralelurad gvgonia, rom literature. These are the dissonant illustrations of how a freedom should be attained. gansakuTrebiT 1917 wlis revoluciis Semdeg iwyo qalma degradireba da Tavisuflebaa, roca: „rasac minda, imas movimo- woman’s character changed in modern reality and life. And this takes time! I just qmedeb!“ rac ar unda paradoqsad mogeCvenoT, maxinji forma miiRo ukve dRes, rodesac qali mamakacs gauTanabrda. qalma How would you portray an image of a Georgian woman wish to stress that freedom Tavisufleba mxolod da mxolod akrZalvaSia. ar icis kacTan moqceva, arc kacma icis qalTan moqceva da yvelaferi ise air rodesac es CemTvis aRmovaCine da gavacnobiere, in relation to literary archetypes? However, in my mind, -dairia, rom kaci qals daemsgavsa, qali kacs da urTierTobebma silamaze I have already spoken of has da sinatife dakarga. me vxvdebi, ratom gexamuSebaT, rodesac qarTuli aman bevri ram gamiadvila da bevr rames gaveci the characters of Georgian literature, on the first place, different implication and literaturis gmirebs samSoblo da sarwmunoeba uyvarT, radgan dRes es im- pasuxi. ubralo magaliTs mogiyvanT – rode- love their motherland or religion… origins! This one is mate- denad yuriT moTreul Temad iqca, rom xelovnurad gamoiyureba litera- sac sigaretis mowevas Tavs anebeb, sigaretisgan rial and that one is spiritual! turaSic da simReris teqstSic. mec aseve mexamuSeba, rodesac Tanamedrove damoukidebeli xdebi. yvelafers erTi ubralo I can’t feel the context of your phrase “the characters of momRerlebi mRerian siyvarulze an samSobloze, xolo maT TvalebSi da sqema aqvs, mTavaria, adamianma moindomos! mok- Georgian literature, on the first place, love their mother- sulSi arc tkivili, arc siRrme da arc aranairi gancda ar aris aRbeWdili. How is your author’s right led, aqedan is daskvna gamomaqvs, rom yvelafers land or religion”. What do you mean, - irony or regret? I mexamuSeba, rodesac Cveni momRerlebi inglisur simRerebs mRerian, kar- protected? What is your Seni konkretuli ZalisxmeviT unda miaRwio. isev don’t know, but I can’t see anything ironical or regretful gad arian Cacmulni, bolo modaze da yvelaferi rigzea am mxriv, inglisuri experience in this light in mamardaSvils movixmob: „didi tragediaa, roca in this. The most important is how a concrete piece of art gamoTqmac mSvenieri aqvT, magram mainc Cans, rom Semsrulebeli ar aris arc Germany? adamianma ar icis, vin aris da sad aris“. is created and how well it’s done from the artistic point amerikeli da arc evropeli. amas mxolod erTi mizezi aqvs -amerikeli da of view. evropeli Tavisufalia Sinaganad, xolo Cven ki am Tavisuflebas vTamaSobT, From this point of view, eve- Tqven didi xania cxovrobT germaniaSi. germanu- anu Cven gvinda, rom viyoT Tavisuflebi, xolo isini ki Tavisufalni arian! li kultura da mentaloba Zalian gansxvavdeba Tavisufleba 20 weliwadSi ar miiRweva, miuxedavad imisa, rom axalma Taobam rything is fine in Germany. qarTulisgan. davasaxeleb Tundac „germanul A woman has been degrading with particular intensity arc ki icis, vin iyvnen mJavanaZe, breJnevi da SeiZleba, ukve SevardnaZec ki... Though, as I am a careless kompleqss“, romelic Zalian siRrmiseulad, since the Revolution of the year 1917, and this degra- Tavisuflebas mopoveba sWirdeba. amisaTvis droa saWiro! oRond minda xazi person, this right was not sainteresod aris gaazrebuli literaturasa da dation has become shocking today, - when a woman is gavusva imas, rom im Tavisuflebas, romelzedac me zemoT visaubre, sul protected some time ago. I xelovnebaSi. rogoria TqvenTvis germaniis xati? equalised to a man. A woman does not know how to sxva datvirTva da Ziri aqvs! es yofiTia, is ki sulieri! started taking care of the is- behave in the society of a man, and a man does not know sue just few years ago, and, ra Tqma unda, danaSaulis kompleqsi, romelic how to act in the society of a woman. Everything is so Tqveni saavtoro uflebebi ramdenadaa daculi? ra gamocdilebaa am mxriv now, I will try to be more germanelebs aqvT, erTis mxriv, kargia, magram, mixed up that a man is like a woman and a woman is germaniaSi? attentive! I hope that the meore mxriv, ise mozRvavebulad aris maTSi, rom like a man. Relationships lost their beauty and fineness. situation will also change maTTvisve arasasurvelisaken ixreba. zedmeti germaniaSi mSvenivradaa yvelaferi am mxriv. xolo imdenad, ramdenadac me xaWapuris Wamac ar vargao, rom ityvian, is aris. I understand why you feel embarrassed when the char- daudevari adamiani var, es uflebebi daculi ar mqonda. amaze zrunva me mx- in Georgia. This is a kind Cemi azriT, luTerma daTvuri samsaxuri gauwia acters of Georgian literature love their motherland and olod ramdenime wlis win daviwye da axla Sevecdebi, kidev ukeT mivxedo! of a culture to take care of germanias ara imitom, rom axali aRTqma germanu- religion, as this topic has become so far-fetched today, maqvs imedi, rom am mxriv saqarTveloSic Seicvleba situacia. es erTgvari what you have created and lad Targmna, aramed ufleba misca Tavis Tavs, that it sounds artificial, both in literature and song lyr- kulturaa, izruno imaze, rac Sen Seqmeni da Sen gekuTvnis. amaSia swored what belongs to you. This piradi Sesworebebi da komentarebi Seetana masSi. ics. I, also, feel ashamed when modern singers sing about adamianis kultura - misi (adamianis) damokidebuleba Tavisi kulturis is a human culture – his (a karg tyuils cudi marTali sjobso, – naTqvamia love and motherland and there is no pain, depth or emo- mimarT. person’s) attitude towards his culture. done in this direction, but the most important is that the stumari process has been launched. licenzirebuli simSvide The Guest What are the big projects that have been realized 90 with the support of “Microsoft”, or are ongoing at Copyright 2012 the moment in Georgia? Licensed Quietness “Microsoft Georgia” implements several projects to- gether with the Ministry of Education and Science of ‘‘mxolod civilizebuli bazris da saxelmwi- “Only by means of civilized market and guaran- Georgia. For instance, last year, every pupil of the first fos mxardaWeriT, inteleqtualuri sakuTre- teed protection of the intellectual property, grade was granted a computer with the licensed software, bis garantirebuli dacvis xarjze SeZleben supported by the state, people will be able to - with “Windows” and “Office”. Within the framework adamianebi Seqmnan produqcia, im warmatebisT- create products with the criterion necessary of the project, every year, 60000 first grade pupils are vis aucilebeli kriteriumebiT, romelic maT for the success, which will condition demand given personal computers. It’s important, that the new bazarze moTxovnas da momxmareblis interess and interests of an user”, - says our guest, generation uses the licensed software programs, that will ganapirobebs,“ – miiCnevs Cveni stumari, daviT David Asatiani, the General Director of the contribute to building of a social culture in them, result asaTiani, „Microsoft saqarTvelos“ generaluri “Microsoft Georgia”. in arousing the respect towards other’s intellectual prop- direqtori. erty, and, hopefully, have an outcome expressed in pro- tection of the last mentioned. The first anniversary of opening of the official repre- Microsoft-is oficialuri warmomadgenlobis sentation of “Microsoft” in Georgia was celebrated in For the first time in history, Georgia takes part in the in- saqarTveloSi gaxsnis pirveli wlisTavi ivnisSi June. For this period, how successful was the work of ternational competition on information technology con- aRiniSna. ramdenad warmatebuli iyo kompaniis the company? ducted by “Microsoft” -“Imagine Cup”. A winner team saqmianoba am drois ganmavlobaSi? will go to Australia on the world final. The topic of the First of all, I should mention that “Microsoft” is the only competition is the world, where the information tech- pirvel rigSi unda vTqvaT, rom Microsoft-i erTader- legally registered IT company in Georgia. Opening of nology is involved in the process of solving the relevant Ti kanonierad registrirebuli IT kompaniaa saqarT- representation office in Tbilisi makes clear the wish of global problems. veloSi. TbilisSi warmomadgenlobis gaxsna cxadyofs “Microsoft” to invest in and cooperate with our country. Microsoft-is survils, ganaxorcielos investicia da Last year, we made localization of the Windows 7 and iTanamSromlos Cvens qveyanasTan. gasul wels ganvax- The winners of the competition on innovative projects orcieleT Windows 7-isa da Office 2010-is lokalizacia Office 2010 software programs in Georgian language. “Partners in Learning Georgian Forum 2012”, organized qarTul enaze. amgvarad, „Microsoft saqarTvelo“ erTad- Thus, “Microsoft Georgia” is the only representative of by the “Microsoft Georgia” company and the erTi globaluri kompaniis warmomadgenelia, romel- the global company, which translated its product into mac Tavisi produqti qarTul enaze gadaTargmna, rac Georgian language, and this fact, once again, proves Mi- kidev erTxel amtkicebs Microsoft-is gadawyvetilebas crosoft’s decision on long-term cooperation with Geor- Cvens qveyanasTan grZelvadiani TanamSromlobis Sesax- platform of the “Microsoft” international standard. The eb. Cveni kompaniis Semosvla qarTul bazarze, garda gia. Together with commercial meaning, entering of our National Centre for Professional Development of Peda- komerciulisa, strategiul xasiaTsac atarebs. ga- company into the Georgian market carries strategic im- gogues, were granted awards. formda SeTanxmebebi da daiwyo Microsoft-is licenzire- portance. Agreements have been signed and the process buli softis transferi samTavrobo struqturebSi. of transfering licensed Microsoft software programs into Besides, we implement large-scale works, the aim of kerZod, ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministroSi, governmental structures, more concretely: in the Minis- janmrTelobis saministroSi, monacemTa gacvlis saa- which is transferring the computer park of the signifi- gentoSi, samoqalaqo reestrSi, inteleqtualuri sa- try of Education and Science, Ministry of Labour, Health cant players of the banking sector on licensed software kuTrebis erovnul centrSi (saqpatenti). garda amisa, and Social Affairs, Data Exchange Agency, Civil Registry program. Only on the platform of the legal software pro- vawarmoebT molaparakebebs sxva saministroebTan da Agency, National Intellectual Property Centre (“Sakpat- gram, it’s possible to educate and train staff members saxelmwifo organizaciebTan . enti”) has been launched. Besides, negotiations with the according to the service standards of the international other Ministries and public organizations are ongoing. dabejiTebiT SemiZlia giTxraT, aralegaluris licen- level. zirebuli programuli uzrunvelyofiT Canacvleba iqneba win gadadgmuli nabiji saqarTvelos sainforma- I can convincingly say that replacement of the illegal soft- The fact that, usage of illegal software in banks puts un- cio teqnologiuri bazris ganviTarebisTvis. amJamad ware programs with the licensed ones will be a step for- der risk the issue of keeping of personal information of es aris Microsoft-is korporaciis prioriteti Cvens qvey- ward for development of the Georgian IT market. Nowa- users confidential and safe, makes the importance of this anaSi. sasiamovnoa, roca vxedavT interess da mxardaW- days, this is the priority of “Microsoft” in our country. eras saqarTvelos mTavrobis mxridan iseTi inovaciuri project clear. We offer the platform of the “Microsoft” proeqtebisadmi, romlebic qmnian axal samuSao adg- It’s pleasant to see the interest and support of Georgian international standard. leading companies of different ilebs, aseve xels uwyoben saqarTveloSi investiciebis government in regards to such innovative projects, which sectors are more and more actively cooperating with us, mozidvas. am mxriv kidev bevria gasakeTebeli, magram contribute to creation of the new work places, and attrac- such are: “Bank of Georgia”, “VTB Bank”, “Geocell”, “Pro- mTavari isaa, rom procesi daiwyo. tion of investments in Georgia. Much more should be Credit Bank” and “Magticom”. kompania “Microsoft saqarTvelosa” da maswavlebelTa partners’ demands. This program gives them stimulus to profesiuli ganviTarebis erovnuli centris mier or- become the specialists of the higher class. The manage- What does “Microsoft” offer ganizebul inovaciuri proeqtebis konkursSi “saqarT- velos forumi _ partniorebi ganaTlebaSi 2012” gamar- ment of “Microsoft” is convinced that permanent pro- jvebulebi dajildovdnen. fessional and multilateral trainings are required to be to a user in Georgia? conducted for the staff. If a company is determined to 92 garda amisa, vawarmoebT masStabur samuSaos, romlis Copyright 2012 popularize some product, for instance, “Microsoft Share mizania sabanko seqtoris mniSvnelovan moTamaSeTa Point”, then, it’s aware that it should train its own staff kompiuteruli parkis licenzirebul softze gaday- It’s enough to buy the legal software program only once. vana. mxolod legaluri programuli uzrunvelyofis members in this direction. This gives us a chance, to in- Thanks to legal purchase, guarantee and automatic up- platformazea SesaZlebeli saTanado doneze person- volve our partners in such projects, which are dedicated dating, your computer is permanently protected. The alis ganaTleba da gadamzadeba, rac saerTaSoriso to presenting the Corporation’s concrete product. Thus, holders of the legal software of “Microsoft” are offered donis momsaxurebis standartebs Seesabameba. our motivation is absolutely transparent. The partners several products for free, for instance, anti-virus (which igive is faqti, rom bankSi aralegaluri programuli are, also, well aware of the directions in which they should is vital for safety). In addition, you can get our product uzrunvelyofiT sargebloba momxmareblis piradi in- develop and the technologies, which they should learn. in Georgian language. Finally, a user saves finances and formaciis konfidencialurad da usafrTxod Senaxvis The fact that we already have several partners, which are time. At the end of the last year, we have been making sakiTxs safrTxis qveS ayenebs, naTels xdis am proeqtis certified according to modern standards, the provided mniSvnelobas. Cven vTavazobT Microsoft-is korporaciu- services of which are oriented to different directions, is special discounts for small and medium businesses. The li standartis platformas. sxvadasxva seqtoris wamy- special offers cover W7, Office 2010 and Server products vani kompaniebi sul ufro aqtiurad TanamSromloben quite pleasing. for companies, which have parks for the personal com- CvenTan. iseTebi, rogoricaa: saqarTvelos banki, VTB puters for 5-10 years. banki, jeoseli, prokredit banki da magTikomi. Falsification of copyrights is one of the indicators of the level of intellec- What is the success level of partnership programs ras sTavazobs Microsoft-i momxmarebels tual property protection. On the other saqarTveloSi? realized on the territory of Georgia? hand, protection of the intellectual legaluri programuli uzrunvelyofis SeZena sak- property plays significant role in at- Realization of partnership programs is one of the priority marisia mxolod erTxel. kanonieri nasyidobis, gar- traction of investment in the field of issues in terms of development of “Microsoft Corpora- antiis da avtomaturi ganaxlebebis wyalobiT Tqveni information technologies and the busi- tion” in our region. “Microsoft” is effectively cooperating kompiuteri mudmivad daculia. Microsoft-i legaluri ness sector. How would you estimate softis mflobelebs sruliad ufasod ramdenime sax- and will continue such cooperation with the local part- is produqts sTavazobs, magaliTad anti-virusi (usa- the existing situation in this sphere ners, with the help of which, one is able to purchase the frTxoebisTvis sasicocxlod mniSvnelovani). garda in present Georgia? licensed software program. Microsoft partners are divid- amisa, Tqven SegiZliaT miiRoT Cveni produqti qarTul ed into several categories: partners, which hold rights to enaze. saboloo jamSi, momxmarebeli zogavs finansebs da dros Nowadays, Georgia holds one of the leading positions offer our products to big organizations; than, the next are in terms of Internet pirating. This is the deploring fact, those, which cooperate with the small and medium busi- gasuli wlis bolos daviwyeT specialuri fasdakleba which we are trying to change. At present, it’s too early to nesses and distributors, which directly cooperate with mcire da saSualo biznesebisTvis. specialuri SemoTa- talk about such serious shifts, which have occurred in the vazebebi moicavs W7-s, Office 2010-sa da Server produq- partners. For instance, the Georgian company UGT has consciousness of our neighboring Azeri business lead- Microsoft-is CarTulobiT ra didi pro- the status of the “Large Account Reseller” (LAR), with cias kompaniebisTvis, romelTac 5-10 welia aqvT per- sonaluri kompiuterebis parki. ers and ordinary users, but, it’s essential to mention that eqtebi ganxorcielda da xorcieldeba am- which only very few partners were granted. Nowadays, the government has already started taking measures and Jamad saqarTveloSi? there are over 80 registered companies working on the ramdenad warmatebulad aris realizebuli will elaborate such legal basis, which will be oriented to territory of Georgia. Among the most important ones are: partnioruli programebi saqarTvelos ter- maximal decrease of illegal usage of intellectual property. „Microsoft saqarTvelo“ ganaTlebis saministrosTan er- “Softline”, “Orient-Logic”, “Delta Systems”, “DPA”, “BIT”, Tad axorcielebs ramdenime proeqts. magaliTad, gasul itoriaze? On the other hand, existence of mandatory legal basis wels TiToeul pirvel klasels gadaeca kompiuteri “Unity”, “Singular” etc., which hold the status of official will contribute to the local companies in creation of their licenzirebuli softiT, Windows-iTa da Office-iT. pro- distributors of “MONT Georgia” and “Deline Microsoft” partnioruli programebis realizeba erT-erTi pri- own computer software programs and in bringing them eqtis farglebSi yovelwliurad 60000 pirvel klasels products. I should mention that success of our partners oritetuli sakiTxia Cvens regionSi Microsoft-is korpo- gadaecema piradi kompiuteri. mniSvnelovania, rom ax- to the world market. Without the interest of the state it’s means not only the corporate success, but, also, the crea- raciis ganviTarebisTvis. Microsoft-i efeqturad Tanam- ali Taoba imTaviTve licenzirebul softs moixmars, impossible to create the highly developed and intellectual Sromlobs da samomavlodac gaagrZelebs urTierTobas rac maT im socialur kulturas gamoumuSavebs, romel- tion of additional work places for Georgian specialists. program market, where people will have an opportunity adgilobliv partniorebTan, romelTa saSualebiTac ic samomavlod sxvisi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis Tqven licenzirebuli softis SeZena SegiZliaT. Mi- and desire to show their potential. pativiscemasa da imedia, dacvaSic aisaxeba. Around a year ago, “Microsoft” presented a new crosoft –is partniorebi ramdenime kategoriad iyofian: partnership program. Is this program distributed partniorebi, romelTac ufleba aqvT did organiza- saqarTvelo pirvelad iRebs monawileobas Microsoft-is Only through the civilized market and with the support ciebs SesTavazon Cveni produqti; partniorebi, rom- sainformacio teqnologiebis saerTaSoriso konkurs- in Georgia too? of the state, by means of the guaranteed protection of the lebic mcire da saSualo biznesebTan TanamSromloben Si ”Imagine Cup”-i. konkursSi gamarjvebuli gundi avs- da distributorebi, romlebic pirdapir TanamSrom- intellectual property, the people will be able to create a traliaSi msoflio finalze gaemgzavreba. konkursis Yes, of course! The new partnership program significant- loben partniorebTan. magaliTad, qarTul kompania product with the criteria of the success, which will condi- Temaa samyaro, sadac teqnologia CarTulia msoflios UGT-s aqvs Large Account Reseller (LAR)-is statusi, romel- aqtualuri problemebis mogvarebis procesSi. ly differs from the previous one, as in case of the above tion demand and user interests on their market. mentioned program, the company concentrates more on ic Zalian cota partniorebs xvdaT wilad. amJamad 80- We have many thriving examples similar to this. With its ze meti kompaniaa registrirebuli, romelic saqarT

velos teritoriaze muSaobs. situation, the Georgian software market can be compared SeuZlebelia SevqmnaT maRalganviTarebuli da in- The fact that the public sector is re-arming by the licensed soft- yvelaze aqtualurebs Soris ar- to that of Czech Republic. This country is quite similar teleqtualuri programuli bazari, sadac xalxs Ta- ware programs is, already, a positive sign. This means, that the ian: Softline, Orient-Logic, Delta Sys- visi potencialis warmoCenis saSualeba da survili to Georgia with its area, and, it was a part of the former society is ready to declare a serious war to the Internet pirating. tems, DPA, BIT, Unity, Singular da a. S. eqneba. mxolod civilizebuli bazris da saxelmwi- Though, from my point of view, additional measures should be MONT Georgia da Deline Microsoft-i Soviet Union too. Around 1000 computer programming fos mxardaWeriT, inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis gar- taken in this direction and laws should become stricter. For fur- produqciis oficialuri dis- companies are working on the Czech IT market. What antirebuli dacvis xarjze SeZleben adamianebi Seqmnan 94 tributorebis statuss floben. produqcia, im warmatebisTvis aucilebeli kriteri- ther development and strengthening of the laws on protection Copyright 2012 does this mean, 1000 companies working on the market of copyrights and intellectual property the legal space should be unda aRvniSno, rom Cveni partni- of one modern country? - Of course, this means that lots umebiT, romelic maT bazarze moTxovnas da momxmareb- orebis warmateba moaswavebs ara mxolod korporaciis lis interess ganapirobebs. formed. This will be good for coordination of our work and rais- warmatebas, aramed qarTveli specialistebisTvis da- of computer software products, as for the internal, so ing the awareness of the society. The further development and matebiTi samuSao adgilebis Seqmnas. for the users of the foreign market are there. This means msgavsi SemTxvevebis Zalian bevri warmatebuli magal- strengthening of the laws on protection of copyrights and intel- massive creation of work places, which attracts the best iTi gvaqvs. qarTuli programuli bazari monaceme- lectual property will make the future work. daaxloebiT erTi wlis win Microsoft–ma axali specialists, which, on the other hand, contributes to de- biT CexeTisas SegviZlia SevadaroT. es qveyana Zalian partnioruli programa warmoadgina. vrceldeba hgavs saqarTvelos Tavisi farTobiT, amasTanave, isic velopment and professional growth of the society in this yofil sabWoTa kavSirSi Sedioda. daaxloebiT 1000 Tu ara es programa saqarTveloSic? direction. What do you think, how many similar compa- kompiuteruli programirebis kompania moRvaweobs amJamad CexeTis IT bazarze. ras niSnavs 1000 kompania diax, ra Tqma unda! axali partnioruli programa mniS- nies exist in Georgia nowadays? – Not more than 10. erTi Tanamedrove qveynis programul bazarze? ra Tqma vnelovnad gansxvavdeba winamorbedisgan, vinaidan ze- unda, uamrav kompiuterul programul produqts, ro- moTxsenebuli programis SemTxvevaSi kompania part- There is very interesting statistical data of “Microsoft”, gorc Sida, aseve ucxouri bazris momxmareblebisTvis. niorebis moTxovnebze met koncentracias axdens. es according to which, per 1 USD earned by the company, es aris samuSao adgilebis masobrivad gaCena, romlebic programa stimuls aZlevs maT ufro maRali klasis there are 7 USD earned by its partners. These statistics saukeTeso specialistebs izidavs, rac, Tavis mxriv, specialistebad Camoyalibdnen. Microsoft–is xelmZ- am mimarTulebiT sazogadoebis ganviTarebas da pro- Rvaneloba darwmunebulia, rom saWiroa personalisT- are relevant for developed countries, which prove that, fesiul zrdas uwyobs xels. rogor fiqrobT, ramdeni vis mudmivi profesionaluri da mravalmxrivi trei- demand on the computer software programs is huge. The msgavsi kompania arsebobs dResdReobiT saqarTvelo- ningebi. Tu kompanias gansazRvruli aqvs, romelime sum, which is earned by the developers through realiza- Si? ara umetes 10-isa. produqtis, magaliTad Microsoft Share Point–is popular- tion, is far greater than that spent for purchase of licenses izacia, maSin man icis, rom misi personali am kuTxiT arsebobs Microsoft-is Zalian saintereso statisti- unda gadaamzados. es saSualebas gvaZlevs Cveni part- directly from the Corporation. Georgia has not reached kuri monacemebi, romlis Tanaxmad korporaciis mier niorebi iseT proeqtebSi CavrToT, romelic korpo- this level yet, but, I hope, that in the future there won’t gamomuSavebul TiToeul dolarze 7 dolari modis, raciis garkveuli produqtis prezentacias eZRvneba. be any obstacles on the way to achieving it. There is an- romelsac misi partniorebi gamoimuSaveben. es statis- amgvarad, Cveni motivacia, absoluturad gamWvirvalea. other important detail there: when a country has such a tika aqtualuria ganviTarebuli qveynebisTvis, rac partniorebsac naTlad esmiT, ra mimarTulebiT ganvi- high indicator of Internet pirating, the foreign investors, imas mowmobs, rom moTxovna kompiuterul programebze Tardnen da romel teqnologias daeuflon. misasalme- didia. Tanxa, romelsac developerebi produqtis re- belia, rom saqarTveloSi ukve gvyavs ramdenime Tan- usually, doubt whether it’s worth investing the capital in alizaciisas gamoimuSaveben, sagrZnoblad aRemateba amedrove standartebis Sesabamisad serTificirebuli development of intellectual property and information pirdapir korporaciisgan licenziebis SesyidvisTvis partniori, romelTa servisi sxvadasxva mimarTulebi- technologies in such a country. gaweul xarjebs. saqarTvelom aseT dones jerjero- Taa orientirebuli. biT ver miaRwia, magram vimedovneb, rom momavalSi From your point of view, how big is the percep- amis xelisSemSleli faqtorebi aRar iqneba. arsebobs saavtoro uflebebis gayalbeba qveyanaSi inteleq- kidev erTi mniSvnelovani niuansi. rodesac qveyanas tualuri sakuTrebis daculobis donis erT–erTi tion of necessity of legal software programs in the internetmekobreobis aseTi maRali maCvenebeli aqvs, indikatoria. Tavis mxriv inteleqtualuri sa- public sector? ucxoeli investorebi eWvoben, Rirs Tu ara am qveya- kuTrebis daculoba mniSvnelovan rols TamaSobs naSi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis da sainformacio sainformacio teqnologiebisa da biznes seqtorSi The state not only ensures transfer of the public sector teqnologiuri ganviTarebisTvis kapitalis dabandeba. investiciebis mozidvaSi. rogor SeafasebdiT am into the licensed platform of “Microsoft”, but tries to as- sferoSi arsebul viTarebas dRevandel saqarT- sist the computer programming companies in creation of Tqveni azriT, ramdenad didia saxelmwifo seq- veloSi? torSi legaluri programuli urunvelyofis au- their own products and realization of the latter on the rogor fiqrobT, ramdenad warmatebulia inter- cileblobis aRqma? dResdReobiT saqarTvelo erT-erTi lideria inter- international market. net mekobreobis winaaRmdeg mimarTuli kampania net mekobreobis kuTxiT. es savalalo monacemebia, saqarTveloSi? romlis Secvlasac vcdilobT. jerjerobiT iseT se- On the other hand, the state is seriously interested in de- saxelmwifo aramarto uzrunvelyofs sajaro seqto- ris Microsoft-is licenzirebul platformaze trans- riozul cvlilebebze saubari naadrevia, rogoric faqti, rom sajaro seqtori licenzirebul softze ga- veloping the Government Gateway, which, in principle, fers, aramed cdilobs xeli Seuwyos kompiuteruli mezobel azerbaijanSi biznes liderebisa da Cveu- daiaraRebas axdens, ukve pozitiuri signalia. es niSnavs, has been already formed: What does Government Gate- programirebis kompaniebs, Seqmnan sakuTari produqti lebrivi momxmareblebis azrovnebaSi moxda. magram rom sazogadoeba mzad aris internet-mekobreobas se- da saerTaSoriso bazarze gayidon. mniSvnelovania aRiniSnos, rom mTavrobam ukve daiwyo way mean? – First of all, these are electronic services, riozuli omi gamoucxados. Tumca, mimaCnia, rom saWiroa zomebis miReba da SeimuSavebs iseT sakanonmdeblo which governmental structures offer to the population, damatebiTi zomebis miReba da kanonebis gamkacreba am amasTanave, saxelmwifo seriozuladaa dainteresebu- bazas, romelic orientirebuli iqneba saqarTveloSi and which simplify relations between the state and the mimarTulebiT. saWiroa Seiqmnas samarTlebrivi sivrce li ganaviTaros Government Gateway, romelic principSi inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis aralegaluri moxmareba saavtoro uflebebisa da inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis society, as well as reduce bureaucracy, increase transpar- ukve Camoyalibebulia: ras niSnavs Government Gate- minimumamde Seamciros. savaldebulo sakanonmdeblo damcavi kanonebis Semdgomi ganviTarebisa da gamyarebi- ency, etc. way? pirvel rigSi es aris is eleqtronuli servisebi, bazis arseboba Tavis mxriv xels Seuwyobs IT bazarze sTvis. es waadgeba Cveni saqmianobis koordinaciasa da sa- romelsac saxelmwifo struqturebi mosaxleobas sTa- seriozuli naxtomis ganxorcielebas. saxelmwifo zogadoebis gaTviTcnobierebis saqmes. xolo saavtoro vazoben da romelic saxelmwifosa da sazogadoebis cdilobs xeli Seuwyos adgilobriv kompaniebs Seqm- In your opinion, how successful is the uflebebisa da inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis damcavi urTierTobas amartivebs, amcirebs biurokratias, nan sakuTari kompiuteruli programebi da msoflio campaign directed against the internet pi- kanonebis Semdgomi ganviTareba da gamyareba IT kompanieb- zrdis gamWvirvalobas da a.S. bazarze gaitanon. saxelmwifos dainteresebis gareSe rating in Georgia? is saqmianobasac ufro efeqturs gaxdis samomavlod. saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPY- reformirebis procesi grZeldeba... THE REFORM PROCESS CONTINUES... RIGHT ASSOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT AS- Jurnal COPYRIGHT-is pirvel nomerSi, Cven moga- The first issue of the “Copyright” magazine was dedicat- wodeT informacia asociaciis Seqmnisa da misi is- SOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia Georgian Copyright Association ed to the provision of information on establishment of toriis Sesaxeb. aseve mokled SevexeT asociaciaSi the Georgian Copyright Association and its history. In the 96 ganxorcielebul cvlilebebs da samomavlo gegmebs. meantime, we briefly discussed the changes within the Copyright 2012 amjerad, gvaqvs survili ufro detalurad ganvix- saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia Association and its future plans. In this edition we would GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION Georgian Copy- iloT asociaciaSi mimdinare reformirebis pro- cesi da amiT Cveni saqmianobis Sesaxeb erTgvari like to describe in more details the reforming process and angariSi CavabaroT aramarto asociaciis wevrebs, to deliver the information on the GCA activities not only right Association saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN aramed farTo sazogadoebasac. to its members, but to the entire society. COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION struqturuli reorganizacia Structural Reorganization saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPY- asociaciis axlad arCeulma gamgeobam, pirvel yovli- The newly elected board of the Association, first of all, started sa, muSaoba asociaciis wesdebaSi Sesatani cvlilebebis RIGHT ASSOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT AS- working on the project of amendments to be made to the stat- proeqtze daiwyo, romelic saerTo krebis mier imave ute of the organization, which was approved by the General wlis ivlisSi damtkicda. wesdebaSi ramdenime mniS- Assembly already in July of the same year (year 2011). vnelovani cvlileba ganxorcielda. axali wesdebiT SOCIATION Georgian Copyright Association saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia gamgeobis wevrebi airCevian ara aTi wliT, rogorc es manamde iyo, aramed - oTxi wliT. Seicvala gamgeobis A number of relevant changes have been made to the statute, kompetencia, ramac organizaciis swrafi da efeqturi such are: board members are elected for 10 years instead of saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION Georgian Copy- marTva ganapiroba. asociaciis regulirebis sferos 4 years, as it was previously stated; competences of the board daemata momijnave uflebaTa marTvis funqciac. wes- have been alerted, providing more operative and effective man- debis mixedviT asociaciaSi Seiqmna avtorTa da Sem- agement of the organization. The function of administering the right Association saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEOR- srulebelTa sabWo, romelic kompleqtdeba paritetu- related rights has been added to the competencies of the Board. li principiT, SemoqmedebiTi saqmianobis yvela sferos In line with the statute, the Council of Authors and Performers GIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro warmomadgenlisagan. has been created, which, according to the parity principle, has been formed by the representatives of all the fields of the create Seicvala asociaciis struqtura. TanamSromlebi activity. uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION SeirCnen konkursis wesiT. asociacia dakompleqtda ax- ali kvalificiuri kadrebiT, romelTa Soris funqcie- bi mkveTrad gaimijna da gadanawilda. regularulad The structure of the Association has, also, significantly changed. saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro mimdinareobs TanamSromlebis gadamzadeba rogorc Staff members have been selected on the basis of fair competi- saqarTveloSi, aseve sazRvargareT. tion. The Association has been staffed by new, qualified pro- fessionals, whose functions have been strictly demarcated and uflebaTa asociacia Georgian Copyright Association saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEOR- informaciis sistematizacia shared. The staff members have been trained on regular basis as in Georgia, so abroad. GIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION Georgian Copyright Association saqarTve- asociaciis wevrebisa da maTi nawarmoebebis, aseve, mo- sargebleebis Sesaxeb srulyofili informaciis arse- Systematization of Information boba mniSvnelovania rogorc organizaciis gamarTuli los saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION funqcionirebisTvis, aseve efeqturi saerTaSoriso TanamSromlobisTvis. For the Association’s proper functioning and effective involve- saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPY- ment within international cooperation, it is essential to have saavtoro uflebaTa sferoSi moqmedi saerTaSoriso thorough information on its members and registered works of bazebis damamzadeblebisTvis asociaciis wevrebisa the latter, as well as, to possess the data on the users. RIGHT ASSOCIATION saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT da maTi nawarmoebebis Sesaxeb informaciis miwodeba swored saavtoro uflebaTa asociaciis valdebule- It is the duty of the Association to provide all the informa- baa. ucxoeTis koleqtiuri marTvis organizaciebi ASSOCIATION Georgian Copyright As- tion regarding authors and their works for the international saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia TavianT qveynebSi Segrovebul honorarebs am bazebis saSualebiT anawileben. araswori da arasruli infor- Copyright databases. In their countries, the foreign collective maciis miwodebiT asociaciis wevrebi sazRvargareT Se- management organizations receive license fees and distribute sociation saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION grovebul honorarebs dakargaven. analogiuri prob- royalties to the authors according to these data-bases. If the lema SesaZloa qveynis SegniTac gaCndes. above mentioned delivered information is not complete or is incorrect, the Association members will lose the royalties from sargeblobis bazris swrafi da efeqturi aTvisebisaT- collected license fees, which were received from abroad. The Georgian Copyright Association saqarTvelos saavtoro ufle- vis metad mniSvnelovania mosargebleTa miznobrivi same problem can occur within a native country of an Associa- segmentis gansazRvra da maT Sesaxeb arsebuli infor- tion member. maciis sistematizacia, rac 2011 wlis 11 maisamde ar ar- baTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIA- sebobda. swored es iyo gacemuli licenziebis simciris erT-erTi mTavari mizezi. For operative and effective covering of the copyright usage market, it is essential to define the target user segments, and to TION saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia GEORGIAN COPYRIGHT ASSOCIATION aRniSnulis gaTvaliswinebiT, asociaciis erT-erTi systemize the information on them, which has not been done saqarTvelos saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia Georgian Copyright Association

prioriteti am informaciis da- before May 11th, 201. This was one of the main reasons of the igive pirobebi vrceldeba. similar users and the same conditions defined by the law apply zusteba da sistematizacia iyo. 11 lack of issued licenses. to them. maisis Semdgom dazustda infor- ganxorcielebuli cvlilebebis Sedegad, erTi mxriv macia asociaciis wevrebisa da In light of the aforesaid issues, one of the biggest goals of the mniSvnelovnad moimata salicenzio SeTanxmebebis As a result of the implemented changes, from one side, maTi nawarmoebebis Sesaxeb, aRir- ricxvma, xolo meore mxriv moxda sargeblobis bazris the number of license agreements has increased and, icxa specialur kompiuterul Association was to create a complete database with precise and TiTqmis yvela segmentis aTviseba, rac dRemde aqti- from the other side, almost all the segments of the user 100 programaSi da Seiqmna srulyofi- systemized information. After May 11th, 2011, by means of a urad mimdinareobs. 2011 wlis 11 maisis mdgomareobiT, Copyright 2012 li monacemTa baza, romelic saer- special software, all the members of the Association and their TiTqmis 12 wlis ganmavlobaSi, gacemuli licenziebis market have been covered up to present day. By the TaSoriso bazebSi integrirda. respective works have been entered into a systemized database, ricxvi Seadgenda 438-s, rac weliwadSi daaxloebiT 36 situation of the May 11th, 2011, the amount of issued analogiuri principiT dazustda informacia arse- and a complete database has been created, which has been inte- licenziaa, aqedan mxolod mcire nawili, 100 licenzia licenses for the preceding 12 years was 438, which is buli da potenciuri mosargebleebis Sesaxeb da gan- grated into the international databases. According to the same moqmedebda, xolo 11 maisis Semdgom, erTi wlis ganmav- around 36 licenses per year. Only a small part of this Tavsda specialurad amisTvis Seqmnil eleqtronul principle, the information on existing and potential users has lobaSi, gaica 425 licenzia, rac TveSi saSualod 35 li- number - 100 licenses were really operating. And, from monacemTa bazaSi. been clarified and placed in the electronic database created for cenziaa da dReis mdgomareobiT moqmedi licenziebis May 11th, 2011, during the last one year, 425 licenses ricxvi 470-s aRemateba (zusti ricxvis mowodeba arc this specific purpose. have been issued, which is approximately, 35 licenses xelSekrulebebi am SemTxvevaSi iqneba marTebuli, vinaidan licenziebis per month. By the present information, the number of li- raodenoba yoveldRiurad icvleba) Contracts censes in force is more than 470 (in this case as well, it 2011 wlis 11 maisis Semdgom asociaciis axalma gamgeo- won’t be correct to show an exact number, as the amount honorarebis Segroveba/ganawileba bam SeimuSava rogorc gawevrianebis moqnili proce- of licenses increases on a daily basis). dura da saTanado xelSekrulebebis formebi, aseve After May 11th, 2011 the new Board of the Association mosargebleebTan gasaformebeli salicenzio Se- has elaborated flexible membership procedures and ap- honorarebis Segroveba/ganawilebis erTiani sistemis Tanxmebebis axali pirobebi. 11 maisamde arsebuli propriate templates of contracts, as well as, new condi- ararseboba asociaciis saqmianobis ZiriTadi Semafer- Collection of License Fees / Distribution of xelSekrulebebisa da SeTanxmebebis pirobebi Zalian tions for the license agreements to be concluded with xebeli faqtori iyo. procesi sakmaod bundovnad mim- Royalties bundovani da orazrovani iyo, rac xSirad mxareebs So- the users. The contracts and conditions of agreements, dinareobda. rogorc mosargebleebi, aseve wevrebi ris gaugebrobis da davis safuZvels qmnida. kerZod, which existed before May 11th, were very vague and ver axerxebdnen honorarebis Segroveba/ganawilebis gawevrianebis xelSekruleba warmodgenili iyo erTi procesis Sesaxeb sruli informaciis miRebas, rac maTi Non-existence of unified system of collection of license fees/ ambiguous, therefore, frequently, they created basis for zogadi formiT, romelic ar ergeboda SemoqmedebiTi mxridan asociaciasTan urTierTobaze uaris Tqmis distribution of royalties was the main delaying factor of the As- misunderstanding and conflict between the parties. More saqmianobis yvela sferos, aseve, ar arsebobda salicen- safuZveli xdeboda. sociation’s work. The ongoing process was quite vague. The us- concretely, a membership contract was represented by zio SeTanxmebebis formebi segmentebis mixedviT, rac ers as well as members couldn’t receive complete information one general form, which did not match all the spheres iyo erT-erTi mizezi imisa, rom ramdenime konkretuli am kuTxiT dainerga honorarebis Segroveba/ganawileb- on collection of license fees/distribution of royalties, which, tipis mosargebles arasdros hqonia urTierToba aso- of creative activity. As well, there were no templates by is Tanamedrove standartebze morgebuli meqanizme- resulted in refusal from their side to have any relations with ciaciasTan da pirvelad 11 maisis Semdeg SeiZina saav- segments for license agreements, that became one of bi, kerZod: yvela mosargeblisaTvis honorarebis toro uflebebiT sargeblobis licenzia. cvlilebebis the Association. the reasons, why several concrete users never had any gadaxdis da maTi ganawilebis Sesaxeb informacia gamW- Sedegad, erTi mxriv, ganaxlda asociaciis arsebul relations with the Association, and only after May 11th virvale da xelmisawvdomi gaxda. SemuSavda ganawilebis In order to tackle this issue, the Association has developed wevrebTan xelSekrulebebi, xolo, meore mxriv, daiwyo they have bought the Copyright license. As a result of the asociaciaSi rogorc saavtoro, aseve momijnave ufle- (distribuciis) Tanamedrove wesebi, Seiqmna special- modern and transparent mechanisms for collection of license implemented changes, on the one hand, contracts have baTa mflobelebis gawevrianeba, ramac wevrTa raode- uri kompiuteruli programa, romlis meSveobiTac fees/distribution of royalties. New distribution rules have been been renewed with the existing members of the Associa- nobis zrda gamoiwvia. 2011 wlis 11 maisamde asocia- personaluri kodebis safuZvelze, avtorebs miecaT introduced. The specialized computer software has been cre- tion, and on the another hand – registration of owners of cias hyavda 418 wevri, xolo dReis mdgomareobiT maTi sakuTari honorarebis Segroveba/ganawilebis proce- ated, which has given all the authors an opportunity to track Copyrights, as well as related rights has started, which ricxvi 600-s aRemateba. (zusti informaciis mowodeba sis onlainreJimSi kontrolis SesaZlebloba. dainerga their license fees and royalties through personalized/unique Segnebulad ar xdeba, radgan gawevrianebis procesi yo- increased the number of members. Before May 11th, honorarebis ganawilebis sabaraTe sistema. avtorebs online codes. Each author has been granted a bank card free veldRiur reJimSi mimdinareobs da wevrTa raodenoba 2011, the Association had 418 members, and according usasyidlod gadaecaT personaluri sabanko baraTebi, of charge, on the account of which his/her royalties are being yoveldRiurad icvleba) to the present situation, their amount goes beyond 600. romlebzec ericxebaT honorarebi. gatarebuli Ron- transferred. All these positive changes have resulted in increase (The precise number has not been shown on purpose, as isZiebebis Sedegad moimata Segrovebuli da gadaxdili of collected license fees and distributed royalties. Only after licenzireba/tarifebi registration of new members is conducted regularly and honorarebis raodenobam. mxolod 2011 wlis 11 maisis May, 2011 the amount of royalties distributed to the member the number changes on daily basis). Semdgom asociaciis wevrebisTvis gadaxdilma hono- asociaciis saqmianobis ZiriTadi sisuste saavtoro authors has achieved over 200 000 GEL, which 8 times exceeds rarebma Seadgina 200 000 larze meti, rac daaxloebiT uflebebiT sargeblobis araswori da araTanmim- the average indicator of distribution for the previous years. 8-jer aRemateba wina wlebis saSualo maCvenebels. devruli satarifo politika iyo, rac xSir SemTxvevaSi Licensing/Tariffs mosargebleebTan individualuri SeTanxmebebis ar- sajarooba/gamWvirvaloba Publicity/Transparency sebobas da ormagi standartebis danergvas iwvevda. The main weakness of the Association’s work was wrong and problebis dasaZlevad Sesrulda kolosaluri sa- inconsistent tariff policy, which, frequently, resulted in con- muSao, kerZod, detalurad iqna Seswavlili saer- „saavtoro da momijnave uflebebis Sesaxeb“ saqarT- According to the “Georgian Law on Copyright and Related TaSoriso gamocdileba da adgilobrivi bazari, rom- clusion of individual agreements and establishment of double velos kanonis Sesabamisad koleqtiuri marTvis or- Rights”, the Association’s activities should be based on the prin- lis safuZvelzec mosargebleTa yvela segmentisaTvis standards with the users. Colossal work has been implemented ganizaciis saqmianoba unda efuZnebodes sajaroobisa ciples of publicity and transparency. For many years this cru- cal-calke ganisazRvra saavtoro uflebebiT sarge- for solving the problem. More concretely, international expe- da gamWvirvalobis principebs. mravali wlis ganmav- cial principles were neglected even though it is a foundation of blobis erTiani satarifo politika. yvela kategoriis rience and the local market have been studied carefully, ac- lobaSi kanonis am moTxovnis ugulebelyofa xdeboda, modern Western type of management. mosargebleTa jgufTan gaimarTa 50-ze meti individu- cording to which, unified tariff policy has been drawn up for maSin, rodesac Tanamedrove dasavluri tipis marTvis aluri Sexvedra, romlebzec wardgenil da ganxilul each segment of Copyrights users separately. More than 50 in- erT-erTi kriteriumi swored am principebis dacvaa. The activities of the new management of GCA have been firm- iqna cvlilebebi da mosargebleTa monawileobiT Se- dividual meetings per category of users have been conducted, ly based upon the principle of publicity and transparency. All muSavda sargeblobis axali ganakveTebi. cvlilebebi where the new changes have been presented and discussed and saavtoro uflebaTa asociaciis axali xelmZRvanelo- bis saqmianoba daefuZna sruli gamWvirvalobisa da the information on the Association’s activities became readily exeba rogorc ganakveTebis Tanxobriv odenobas, aseve new user tariffs have been elaborated. The changes concerned maTi gamoangariSebis wess. axali tarifebi, wina wleb- sajaroobis principebs. dainerga asociaciis saqmi- available for larger public and interested individuals. isgan gansxvavebiT, erTnairia erTi da imave tipis mo- sums, as well as the rules for their calculation. In comparison anobis Sesaxeb informaciis mopovebis Tanamedrove, sargebleTaTvis da maTze kanoniT dadgenili erTi da to the past years’ experience, the new tariffs are the same for martivi saSualebebi, Sedegad informacia xelmisawv Involvement of the Association members in the management domi gaxda yvela dainteresebu- process has significantly increased. Member based specialized damrRvevTa mimarT gasatarebeli RonisZiebebi. aso- tive involvement of GCA, 2 biggest Georgian companies are li pirisaTvis. committees organize regular meetings to resolve existing prob- ciacia warmodgenilia saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis uw- planning to launch the 100% legal music web portal, where lematic issues and provide competent recommendations. Be- yebaTSoris sakoordinacio sabWoSi, aseve, CarTulia Georgian, as well as, foreign music files will be allocated, and gaizarda asociaciis marTvis sides, establishment of the Council of Authors and Performers saavtoro uflebaTa dacvis strategiis ganxorciel- its purchase will be affordable for any user. procesSi wevrTa CarTulobis is one of the guarantees for publicity and transparency. ebasa da darRvevaTa efeqturi aRkveTis mizniT gasa- maCvenebeli. problemuri sak- tarebeli sakanonmdeblo cvlilebebis SemuSavebis With the support of international organizations, the employees 102 iTxebis gadasawyvetad wevrTa procesSi. of services responsible for enforcement, such are: Revenue Ser- Copyright 2012 Semadgenlobidan regularulad To ensure total transparency, the Association’s work is largely vice, Boarder Protection Department and other relevant bod- iqmneba miznobrivi, specialuri komisiebi, romlebic covered by the media, also, the information is distributed by xangrZlivi molaparakebis Semdeg, asociaciis CarTu- ies have been trained. The main goal of the abovementioned ganixilaven sadavo sakiTxebs da iZlevian kompetentur means of the web page of the Association, through Facebook lobiT, ori msxvili qarTuli kompaniis mier uaxloes activities is to eliminate pirated CD/DVD within the Georgian daskvnebs. garda amisa, avtorTa da SemsrulebelTa and other sources. momavalSi Seiqmneba pirveli 100%-iT legaluri musi- market. Implementation of policy on revealing and eliminating sabWos arseboba obieqturobisa da miukerZoeblobis kaluri produqciis vebgverdi, masze ganTavsdeba ro- the pirated production is in an active phase. kidev erTi damatebiTi garantiaa. Public Awareness gorc qarTuli, aseve ucxouri musika da SesaZlebeli In order to reveal the facts of Copyright infrigements, effective iqneba misi SeZena yvelasTvis xelmisawvdom fasad. mechanisms in the shape of a hot line and sms system have sajaroobis mizniT asociaciaSi mimdinare yvela mniS- been established. A monitoring team has been created within vnelovani movlena Suqdeba mediasaSualebebiT, aseve, In order to raise public awareness on Copyrights related issues sacalo bazarze arsebuli mekobruli CD/DVD informacia vrceldeba asociaciis vebgverdis, Face- and to increase the culture of legal usage of IPR in the country, produqciis aRmosafxvrelad saerTaSoriso or- the GCA, which systematically conducts the monitoring and is book-isa da sxva wyaroebis meSveobiT. the Association has implemented significant measures. ganizaciebis mxardaWeriT momzaddnen aRsrulebaze focused on identifying the cases of infringement. pasuxismgebeli organoebis TanamSromlebi. aqtiurad sazogadoebrivi cnobiereba The GCA has upgraded its webpage where all the members of daiwyo mekobruli produqciis gamovlenisa da masze Several high level meetings have been organized, where, be- society can learn more about Copyrights and related rights, as reagirebis RonisZiebebis gatarebis politika. sides the GCA, representatives of other state and governmen- saavtoro da momijnave uflebebis Sesaxeb sazogadoe- well as about all the changes that are ongoing in this field. The tal bodies and international organizations have taken part. brivi cnobierebis amaRlebisa da inteleqtualuri sa- dainerga darRvevebis Sesaxeb informaciis mopovebis The main topics of the meetings have been the challenges and web page (www.gca.ge) is bilingual, operated in Georgian and qmediTi saSualebebi, satelefono da eleqtronuli kuTrebis legaluri moxmarebis kulturis damkvidre- English languages. problems in the field of Copyrights, and possible ways for their bis mizniT asociaciam intensiuri nabijebi gadadga. Setyobinebis formiT. asociaciis SemadgenlobaSi The Association has started a large scale campaign called “Do Seiqmna monitoringis jgufi, romlis meSveobiTac solution. Not Infringe Copyright”. Within the framework of the cam- Seicvala asociaciis vebgverdi, romlis saSualebiTac mimdinareobs sistematuri kontroli da darRvevaTa yvela dainteresebul pirs mieca SesaZlebloba mii- paign, GCA has organized concerts and different kinds of pub- aqtiuri gamovlena. Court Cases Ros srulyofili informacia saavtoro da momijnave lic events and gatherings. The campaign has been promoted uflebebis ganxorcielebis sferoSi mimdinare pro- through printed materials, social video-reel and music album, Sedga ramdenime maRali donis samuSao Sexvedra, rom- lebSic asociaciis garda, monawileobas iRebdnen ro- By May 11, 2011 the number of court disputes regarding the li- cesebis Sesaxeb. vebgverdi (www.gca.ge) orenovania: qar- as well as, “Copyright” magazine, that is the first of a kind in censing and payment of royalties had been exceptionally inap- Tuli da inglisuri. the history of Georgia, which addresses current issues in the gorc saxelmwifo, ise arasamTavrobo da saerTaSoriso organizaciebis warmomadgenlebi. Sexvedrebze ganxi- propriate, which made obvious the tough relationship between field of Copyrights and related rights and its primary goal is to lul iqna saavtoro da momijnave uflebaTa sferoSi the Association and the users. This situation created a threat asociaciis mier daiwyo farTomasStabiani kampania raise public awareness on this concrete issue. saxelwodebiT, “nu daarRvev saavtoro uflebas!” kam- arsebuli gamowvevebi, problemebi da maTi gadaWris not only for the future constructive cooperation with users, but paniis farglebSi Catarda araerTi aqcia, koncerti da gzebi. also for the process of licensing. It caused the ineffective usage Association’s work has been largely covered by the media sxva masobrivi RonisZieba. gavrcelda beWduri masa- of human and monetary resources. Thus, changing the nega- la, damzadda sainformacio-socialuri videorgoli, throughout Georgia. Many high rank TV shows have been sasamarTlo warmoeba tive climate existing in communication with users became one gamoica musikaluri albomi da saavtoro uflebebis dedicated to this topic. of the priority issues for the Association. With this purpose, Sesaxeb saqarTvelos istoriaSi pirveli regularuli 11 maisis mdgomareobiT, asociaciis mier salicen- every single case has been discussed individually and negoti- Jurnali „COPYRIGHT-i“, romlis pirdapiri mizani am By the support of international donor organizations, different zio SeTanxmebebis gaformebisa da Tanxis gadaxdis ated with the users. sferoSi sazogadoebrivi cnobierebis amaRlebaa. workshops and seminars have been conducted with the par- moTxovniT warmoebul sasamarTlo davaTa ricxvi Seu- ticipation of invited foreign experts and other counterparts. sabamod maRali iyo, rac mosargebleebTan asociaciis saavtoro uflebebis Sesaxeb mniSvnelovani sakiTxebis daZabul urTierTobas cxadyofda. es situacia sa- As a result, most of the court cases have been ended with the ganxilvas mieZRvna araerTi reitinguli satelevizio frTxes uqmnida SemdgomSi maTTan konstruqciul Tan- acts of settlement, and, accordingly, the relevant mutual agree- gadacema. asociaciis saqmianoba aqtiurad Suqdeba me- Prevention of Infringements amSromlobas da licenzirebis process, aseve, iwvevda ments on payment of license fees have been reached. By May diasaSualebebiT mTeli qveynis masStabiT. organizaciis rogorc adamianuri, aseve finansuri 11th, 54 court cases had been ongoing, at present only 8 court After May 11, 2011 significant measures have been taken for resursis araefeqtianad xarjvas. swored amitom pri- cases are pending. saerTaSoriso donori organizaciebis mxardaWer- elimination and prevention of infringements in Copyright oritetul sakiTxTa ricxvs mosargebleebTan urTi- iT, saqarTveloSi mowveuli ucxoeli eqspertebis field. erTobisas arsebuli uaryofiTi klimatis Secvlac monawileobiT Sedga samuSao Sexvedrebi da seminarebi, daemata. am mizniT yvela sasamarTlo davasTan dakav- International Cooperation romlebSic monawileobas iRebda yvela dainteresebu- SirebiT gaimarTa individualuri molaparakebebi, ris li mxare. Negotiations have been held with the state-administrative bod- Sedegadac mimdinare sasamarTlo davebis umravlesoba Within the territory of Georgia, Georgian Copyright Associa- ies and memorandums of cooperation have been established. damTavrda morigebiT da Sedga SeTanxmebebi saavtoro tion protects rights not only of Georgian, but those of foreign darRvevaTa profilaqtika In cooperation with the National Intellectual Property Center honorarebis gadaxdis Sesaxeb. 11 maisis mdgomareobiT authors as well. This mandate is granted to GCA on the basis “SAKPATENTI” and other state bodies, the action plan on asociaciis mier mimdinareobda 54 sasamarTlo dava, of the reciprocal representation agreements established with measures addressed against the Copyrights infringers has been xolo dReis mdgomareobiT mimdinareobs 8 dava. 11 maisis Semdgom saavtoro da momijnave uflebaTa similar societies abroad. sferoSi arsebuli darRvevebis aRkveTisa da maTi elaborated. The GCA, which is represented at the Inter-Agency prevenciis mizniT mniSvnelovani nabijebi gadaidga. Coordination Council for Copyright Protection, at the same saerTaSoriso TanamSromloba The cooperation with the aforesaid societies is very important, gaimarTa molaparakebebi saxelmwifo-administraciul time, is actively involved in the process of implementation of as on the one hand, it gives a possibility to receive the license organoebTan da gaformda urTierTTanamSromlobis Copyright protection strategy, and in drafting the legal amend- saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia icavs ara mxolod fees and distribute royalties to Georgian authors and on the memorandumebi. saqarTvelos inteleqtualuri sa- qarTvelebis, aramed ucxoeli avtorebis uflebebsac ments aiming effective elimination of the infringements. other hand - to share the information and experience on im- kuTrebis erovnul centr “saqpatentTan” da sxva sax- saqarTvelos teritoriaze. am funqcias mas sazRvar- portant Copyright issues. elmwifo organoebTan erTad SemuSavda da daigegma In the nearest future, after the long-term negotiations and ac- gareTis qveynebis msgavsi tipis organizaciebTan ga formebuli urTierTwarmomadgenlobis xelSekrulebebi aniWebs. dasaxelebul organizaciebTan mWidro TanamSromloba metad mniSvnelovania, radgan maT- On the way to Berkeley The Debut gan xdeba rogorc asociaciis wevrebisTvis Segrovebuli honorarebis miReba, aseve saav- toro uflebaTa sferoSi arsebul mniSvnelovan sakiTxebze informaciisa da gamocdilebis gaziareba. debiuti 104 gzad berklisken 105 Copyright 2012 Copyright 2012 asociaciis axalma xelmZRvanelobam ganaaxla urTierTobebi da gaaforma ramdenime axali xelSekruleba, romelTa safuZvelzec dResdReobiT The new management of the association has established asociacia warmoadgens da icavs 150-ze meti qveynisa Cemi Tanamosaubreebi batoni zura ramiSvili (peda- My Interlocutors are Mr. Zura Ramishvili (a several new agreements and renewed the relationships pedagogue and jazz pianist) and the young da teritoriis sam milionze met avtors msoflios gogi da jazpianisti) da axalgazrda virtuozi papuna with the existing parties, on the basis of which, currently, SariqaZe (momRerali, jazpianisti) arian. me maT Tbi- virtuoso Papuna Sharikadze (a singer and jazz masStabiT da axorcielebs saqarTvelos teritoriaze pianist). I met up with them in Tbilisi Jazz lab- maTi uflebebis marTvas. GCA represents and, within the territory of Georgia, pro- lisur jazlaboratoriaSi, berZeniSvilis quCaze mde- bare klub Jazz Unlimited-Si Sevxvdi. merab (bebe) lorT- oratory, the club “Jazz Unlimited”, situated tects more than 3 million authors from 150 countries and on the Berdzenishvili Street. Unintentionally, qifaniZe, adamiani, romelmac ukve gza gaukvala niWier partniori organizaciebis garda asociaciam mWidro terittories worldwide. Merab (Bebe) Lortkipanidze, a person, who, urTierToba daamyara saerTaSoriso donor organi- musikosebs, uneblieT Cveni Sexvedris iniciatori aR- already, has paved the way for many talented moCnda. dRes Cveni gmiri papunaa, Zalian TavdaWerili musicians, became the initiator of our meet- zaciebTan, rogorebicaa: evrokavSiris delegacia Besides the partner organizations, GCA has established the saqarTveloSi, amerikis komerciuli samarTlis gan- da aRzrdili biWi. imdenad gawonasworebuli, araafeq- ing. Today, the main character of our story close cooperation with the International donor organizations, turi da dinji, rom Tu ara misi bavSvuri iersaxe, is rom is Papuna, a very preserved and polite boy. He viTarebis proeqti (CLDP), saqarTvelos ekonomikuri such are: the European Union Delegation to Georgia, US Com- mxolod 14 wlisaa, cota rTuli dasajerebelia. is so balanced, quiet and earnest, that if not keTildReobis iniciativa (EPI, USAID) da sxva. mercial Law Development Program (CLDP), Economic Pros- his childish appearance, it would be hard to believe that he is only 14 years old. evrokavSiris finansuri mxardaWeriT saqarTveloSi perity Initiative (EIP, USAID), and many more. baCa mZinariSvili, giorgi miqaZe, beqa goCiaSvili, imyofeboda estoneTis avtorTa sazogadoebis direq- giorgi beriSvili piano, saqsofonis ganxriT eufle- bian jazs juliardisa da berklis samusiko skolebSi. Bacha Mdzinarashvili, Giorgi Mikadze, Beka Gochiashvili, Giorgi tori, romelmac qarTvel kolegebs saavtoro ufle- By the financial support of the EU Delegation to Georgia, the Berishvili are studying jazz by the specialties of piano and saxophone bebis ganviTarebis sferoSi estoneTis gamocdileba Estonian Copyright Society Director visited GCA. He shared is, rom polifonia, improvizacia qarTvelebis maxa- siaTebelia, araa sakmarisi. Tu dRes axalgazrdebi in the music schools of Julliard and Berkeley. The fact that polyphony gauziara. evrokavSiris dafinansebiTve, 2012 wlis the Estonian experience and best practices on Copyrights re- and improvisation are characteristic to Georgians is not enough. To- TebervalSi asociaciis xelmZRvaneloba samuSao vizi- am urTules gzas irCeven, uwinaresad im xelSewyobis lated issues. By the EU financial support, in February, 2012 the gamoxatulebaa, rasac kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis day, when the young people choose this very difficult path, it’s the tiT imyofeboda daniaSi, sadac moxda am sferoSi skan- management of the Association held a study visit in Denmark, result of the contribution of the Ministry of Culture and Monument dinaviis qveynebis praqtikis detalurad gacnoba, aseve saministro axorcielebs. ar aqvs mniSvneloba qarT- where the Scandinavian practices on Copyrights protection veli xar Tu sxva romelime erovnebis. am xelovnebas Protection of Georgia. It does not matter whether one is Georgian, amerikis mTavrobis dafinansebiT, 2012 wlis martSi, or of the other nationality, he/she should master this art in Mecca of asociaciis TanamSromlebi imyofebodnen amerikis was explored. In March, 2012, for the purposes of raising quali- jazis meqaSi unda daeuflo. papunac berklis jazis fication and gaining more experience in IPR field, which later skolisTvis emzadeba, darwmunebuli var misi es sur- jazz. So, Papuna is preparing for the Berkeley Jazz School, I am sure, SeerTebul StatebSi, rogorc zogadad inteleqtu- this dream of his will come true. Perhaps, there were talented persons aluri sakuTrebis sakiTxebis, aseve saavtoro ufleba- would be adopted in Georgia, the Association members visited vili realobad iqceva. albaT maTze ufros TaobebSic iyvnen niWieri adamianebi, ubralod maT gamovlenaze, in the elder generations too, but nobody was thinking of discovering Ta sferoSi gamocdilebis gaziarebisa da codnis gaR- the USA on a study tour. them, or sending them to America for studies. rmavebis mizniT. miT ufro amerikaSi swavlaze, maSin aravin fiqrobda. GCA published the first issue of the magazine “Copyright” I am not talking about the period when the government was refusing evrokavSiris dafinansebiT asociaciis mier gamoica ar vexebi im periods, roca qarTvel jazmusikosebs by the financial assistance of the EU. xelisufleba uars eubneboda ucxoeTSi gasvlaze. Tum- to let the jazz musicians go abroad. Though, the fact that in the whole regularuli Jurnali - „COPYRIGHT“-i. ca imas, rom sabWoTa kavSirSi Tbilisi aris erTaderTi Soviet Union, Tbilisi was the only place where jazz was loved and un- adgili ‘‘sadac esmiT da uyvarT jazi’’, jer kidev 1962 derstood was mentioned by the “Life” magazine, already, in 1962y. At saerTaSoriso donor organizaciebTan nayofieri Tan- Cooperation with the donor organizations are progressing present, we have our own stars. Gela Charkviani told me, that there amSromloba dRemde aqtiurad grZeldeba. fruitfully. wels Jurnali ”Life”-i werda. dRes ki, ukve Cveni varskv- lavebi gvyavs. da kidev erTi ram, gela Carkviani meubne- was a lack of instrumentalists in the Georgian jazz, for instance, in boda, rom qarTul jazSi instrumentalistebis nakle- comparison to Azerbaijan and Armenia. We had more distinguished Sejameba Conclusion boba SeimCneoda, Tundac azerbaijanisa da somxeTisgan vocalists, jazz quartettes, or single performers. Nowadays, this stereo- gansxvavebiT. Cven gvyavda ufro metad gamorCeuli type is broken, which is really pleasing. 2011 wlis 11 maisis Semdgom ganxorcielebuli cvlile- vokalistebi, jazkvartetebi, Tu calkeuli Semsrule- After the reforms implemented in May, 2011, the effective- Papuna was brought to Zura Ramishvili by his father a year ago. He bebis Sedegad gaizarda rogorc saavtoro uflebaTa ness of work of the Association has been increased and series blebi. dRes es stereotipi Secvlilia, rac marTla gasaxaria. already had some basic knowledge, but, let’s say, it was more about asociaciis saqmianobis efeqtianoba, aseve daZleul of problems have been solved. The latter has been positively iqna arsebuli problematikis mniSvnelovani nawili, his talent and commitment to learn. By communicating with him, I reflected by the indicator of protection of the rights of Copy- rac pozitiurad aisaxa qveyanaSi saavtoro da momij- papuna erTi wlis win zura ramiSvilTan mamam miiyvana. noticed that his life, at least, nowadays, is completely absorbed by jazz. nave uflebebis dacvisa da ganxorcielebis maCveneb- rights and related rights holders in the country. The existing raRac safuZveli ukve hqonda, magram bevrad ufro meti He communicates with the outside world, or people that are close to elze. aRniSnul kurss saavtoro uflebaTa asociacia reforming policy will be followed by the GCA in the year 2012 niWi da mondomeba. masTan urTierTobisas davinaxe, rom him through this language. At the beginning, he learnt about jazz from 2012 wlis ganmavlobaSi ufro aqtiurad gaagrZelebs. as well. misi cxovreba, yovel SemTxvevaSi dRes, mTlianad jazi- his father. The latter is a singer. Papuna was singing as well, and he is Taa moculi. is am enaze axorcielebs kontaqts garesa- a laureate of numerous child competitions, such are: music contest miuxedavad amisa, jer kidev bevria problemuri sakiTxi, Despite of all the above mentioned, some problematic myarosTan, axloblebTan. Tavidan jazs mamam aziara, after Nani Bregvadze, competition after Gogi Dolidze, Ana-Bana etc. romelic dRes am sferoSi dgas. problemebis srulyo- issues in this field still remain unsolved. The complete mama momReralia. papunac mReroda da bevri sabavSvo He passed the selection stage of the “New Wave Junior” in Ukraine, but, that year Russian-Georgian armed conflict occurred and this fact filad aRmofxvra sakmaod did finansur, adamianur Tu elimination of the problems requires significant finan- konkursis laureatia - nani bregvaZis, gogi doliZis droiT resurss moiTxovs, gamomdinare aqedan, gvaqvs saxelobis, ana-banas da sxva.. “sabavSvo axali tal- destroyed his plans. Now, he is passing through his adolescence years, cial, human and time resources. Accordingly, we hope for and therefore, temporarily, does not sing. At present, he studies in the sazogadoebis TiToeuli wevris mxardaWeris da Tan- the support of every citizen and strongly believe that, Ris” SesarCev turSic gavida ukrainaSi, magram im wels adgomis imedi da vimedovnebT, rom erToblivi ZalebiT ruseT-saqarTvelos SeiaraRebuli konfliqti moxda famous “Ten Year Music School for Talented Children”, in the class of through joint efforts, we will be able to create the effec- SevZlebT saqarTveloSi saavtoro da momijnave ufle- da xeli SeeSala. axla gardatexis asakSia da droebiT Zura Ramishvili. Though, for the future, he does not exclude an idea baTa ganxorcielebis qmediTi modelis Camoyalibebas, tive model of implementation of the Intellectual Property ar mReris. dRes is cnobil ”niWierTa aTwledSi” swav- of having the career of a jazz performer and a singer at once. romelic uzrunvelyofs uflebaTa efeqtur dacvas Rights, which will contribute to the successful protection lobs, zura ramiSvilis klasSi. Tumca momavalSi erT- da inteleqtualuri sakuTrebis legaluri moxmarebis and establishment of the culture of legal usage of the droulad jazSemsruleblisa da momRerlis karieras I often remember a popular quotation – “a good father can have a kulturis danergvas. intellectual property in the country. ar gamoricxavs. bad child, but a bad father will never have a good child”. Certainly,

Jazz is a kind of communication. It changes this can’t be scientifically proven, or is not completely correct from This is acceptable, but, first of all, one should learn well a person’s appearance. It is worth to men- a human point of view, but for me it’s still acceptable and verified in the music language, which should become an organic tion that, Papuna is not interested in number of times. The father of Papuna, as well as, his whole family, part of a musician, and, then, the latter can experiment many things, he sees and evaluates the once again proves this saying. His elder brother, Saba, also plays jazz if he/she wishes so.” (Zura Ramishvili). environment and events in a different way. on an amateur level. If Saba chose music as his main profession, he Jazz is such great pleasure, that it does would succeed more than me, says Papuna. He studies in the “Free not worth to get spent on other things - Papuna says that sometimes, friends can’t understand 106 University” and is the future physicist. Nowadays, it’s so rare that a Copyright 2012 him. Only the environment where people think in a way Zura Ramishvili young person chooses such a difficult path, and I am so glad, when I learn about these exceptional cases. I think, to follow an easy path is he thinks, or, to say it in other words, where others love xSirad mitrialebs TavSi erTi moaruli gamoTqma - not acceptable, it’s, merely, uninteresting and lacks passion. And, what and live with jazz too, is interesting and acceptable for karg mamas SeiZleba cudi Svili hyavdes, magram cuds is the most important, only very few persons choose the difficult path. him. The study process is a part of life itself. He practices kargi arasdros eyolebao. rasakvirvelia, es albaT arc for 6 hours a day, plus he plays classical music for addi- mecnierulad dasturdeba da arc bolomde koreqtu- For Papuna, his musical father is his pedagogue – Zura Ramishvili. tional 2 or 3 hours, - here, his pedagogue is Nellie Man- lia wminda adamianuri TvalsazrisiT. CemTvis ki mainc By his opinion, a father in music is the person, who made the founda- jgaladze. Besides, everywhere he goes, he always thinks misaRebia da araerTxel aprobirebulic. papunas mama tion and let the talent develop. And, for Papuna such person is Zura. of jazz. His mind is engaged only with the themes and da ojaxic amas adasturebs. ufrosi Zma, sabac ukravs “Not only from the point of view of music, but by all definitions, he compositions. He does not play football, and which is jazs samoyvarulo doneze. sabas musika rom aerCia is my father. Generally speaking, jazz is such a phenomenon, which very interesting, he does not spend time and energy in profesiad Cemze met warmatebas miaRwevdao, ambobs contributes to development of relations. I do not address elder per- roaming in a virtual reality. From sports, most of all, he papuna. is Tavisufal universitetSi swavlobs, moma- sons in an informal language, but I am informal with Zura, somehow, vali fizikosia. ra iSviaTia dRes axalgazrda adamiani likes swimming. I prefer it to be just the way it is. At the same time, I control myself, aseT rTul gzas irCevdes, da rogor mixaria roca amas vawydebi xolme. ise, ioli gzebiT siaruli ra misaRebia, not to overdo, and not to let the margin between a student and Jazz has formed his lifestyle, way of thinking, his vision. ubralod uinteresoa da azarts moklebuli. kidev, rac a pedagogue disappear”, – says Papuna. I can see that Zura is For him, the most relevant is the aim and the way of mTavaria, rTuls swored erTeulebi irCeven. pleased by the words of Papuna. And, besides, Papuna’s hon- achieving it. And, that what carries extreme importance esty can’t be put under any doubt, for, usually, he is very natural for others, is, perhaps, ephemeral for Papuna. “Once, in papunasTvis musikaluri mama misi pedagogi - zura ram- and frank. “Papuna is brought up so well, that there is no way Vienna, I saw a man in an underground, he was an Afro- iSvilia. misi azriT musikaSi mama isaa vinc safuZveli that he makes any mistake. We are very close, we are friends American, I got an idea that he could be a jazzman. In mogca da Camogayaliba. aseTi adamiani ki misTvis zuraa. and, thus, the informal way of communication is natural too”, several days I saw him in a jazz club “Porgy and Bess”, he ”da ara marto musikaluri, yovelmxriv mamaa CemTvis. – explains Zura. really was a musician, a trumpet player. Jazz is a kind of zogadad jazi iseTi fenomenia, rom xels giwyobs ur- communication. It changes a person’s appearance. It is TierTobaSi. me ar mivmarTav Cemze ufros adamianebs “It’s very important that we have a jazz club. Together with the clas- worth to mention that, Papuna is not interested in many SenobiT, zuras ki SenobiT velaparakebi, ase mirCevnia sical education, the so called live concerts, interaction with the other things, he sees and evaluates the environment and events ratomRac. Tan Cems Tavs vakontroleb, rom zedmeti ar musicians and a band are vital for a jazz player. On Saturdays, Papuna in a different way. Jazz is such great pleasure, that it does momivides. maswavlebelsa da moswavles Soris zRvari plays with a band instead of me, together with Rezo Kiknadze, Pavle not worth to get spent on other things”, - says Zura. ar waiSalos” - ambobs papuna. zuras vatyob, siamovnebs Kvachadze, Zaza Tsertsvadze, Levan Kemularia. During a week he papunas sityvebi. Tanac papunas gulwrfelobaSi eWvs learns something new. Here, they give him estimation and, in some I noticed that popularity does not bother Papuna. De- ver Seitan, is saerTod Zalian bunebrivi da uSualoa. sense, bring him up. This is the unique chance for him. Jazz is the spite of his little age, he already knows that, still, he has ”papuna iseTi aRzrdilia, rom gamoricxulia raime improvisational art. Every great musician plays in a club. This is a per- SeeSalos. Cven Zalian axlos varT, vmegobrobT da ”Se- to gain everything in life. I think, he is a realist, but in manent process. I hope, that we will maintain this profile, this is so es- nobiT” urTierTobis formac bunebrivia” - ganmarta no case, he is pragmatist. When one mentions entertain- sential, just like any other academic or professional school, or college”, zuram. ment, hobbies, and relationships with girls, Papuna does (Zura Ramishvili). not show much interest and does not speak on these top- ”is, rom jaz klubi gvaqvs Zalian mniSvnelovania. garda ics. On the other hand, he talks with the great enthusi- If 20 years ago, on the street of my childhood, on Berdzenishvili Street, klasikuri ganaTlebisa jazmusikosisTvis aucilebe- asm about Bill Evans, Zura Ramishvili, Bebe… This is instead of “Family and Marriage” (there was such a medical institu- lia e.w. koncertebi. urTierToba sxva musikosebT- his world. By the way, he does not day dream a lot. For live tion on this place, with the renowned doctor) there existed a jazz club, an, bendTan. papuna SabaTobiT Cems magivrad ukravs him, a dream is the reality, - in other words, - working perhaps, we would be different. I mean, we would be better, freer, or, bendTan. rezo kiknaZesTan, pavle kvaWaZesTan, zaza maybe, we would not speak about many of our friends in the past on oneself and becoming the great musician. On this cercvaZesTn, levan kemulariasTan erTad. erTi kviris tense. It’s great, that among the population of Vake district, where stage, the main issue is to continue studies in America, manZilze is raRac axals swavlobs, aq mas erTgvarad Se- people are infected by elitarism, a jazz club does not provoke any ag- in Berkeley. And, of course, we can’t call it a dream, - as, fasebas aZleven da zrdian Taviseburad. es unikaluri gression, in contrary to the other signs of the new time… this is the way, the means for achieving the goal. Sansia misTvis. jazi improvizaciuli xelovnebaa. yvela didi musikosi ukravs klubSi. es permanentuli proce- Papuna’s idol is Bill Evans. Papuna was sent on Dianne Reeves’s con- Papuna says, that he is lucky, and it’s true, he is, as in sia. imedi gvaqvs SevinarCunebT am profils, es iseTive cert together with the other students of the “Ten Year School”. He re- Papuna Sharikadze his life there are parents, Zura Ramishvili, Bebe and aucilebelia, rogorc sxva nebismieri akademiuri Tu members well this concert. I spotted him on the concert of Fred Wes- papunas kumiri bil evansia. kulturis saministrom daiana rivzis other people, who support him, and manage his studies profesiuli skola, saswavlebeli” (zura ramiSvili) ley too… Merab (Bebe) Lortkipanidze has negotiations in the Baltic koncertze gauSva sxva aTwledelebTan erTad, es koncertic and career. Talent, itself, is luck, but the more luck is to countries on participation of Papuna in the festival. daamaxsovrda. fred ueslis koncertzec movkari Tvali... merab manifest this talent. At least, this is what I think. Papuna Cemi bavSvobis quCaze, berZeniSvilze, 20 wlis winac (bebe) lorTqifaniZe awarmoebs molaparakebebs baltiispireTSi, jazklubi rom yofiliyo da ara ”ojaxi da qorwineba” started speaking by expressing respect and gratitude to- “A talent on its own can’t give anything. The most important is work. papunas festivalze monawileobis Taobaze. (aseTi samedicino dawesebuleba iyo am adgilas, erTi wards Zura Ramishvili and finished his speech with the One should work out many things. Today, in contrary to the classical, TbilisSi ”gajazebuli” eqimiT), iqneb Cven ufro sx- same respect and gratitude: “My teacher gives me the traditional jazz, this music has become the way too complicated. It’s ”mxolod niWi arafris momcemia. mTavari Sromaa. unda gamoi- vanairebi vyofiliyaviT. vgulisxmob ukeTesebi, ukom- greatest stimulus. He tells me, that I will have the full even difficult to listen to and perceive it, and because of this it requires muSavo bevri ram. klasikuri, tradiciuli jazisgan gansxvave- pleqsoebi, an sulac warsulSi ar vilaparakebdiT bevr supports and go to Berkeley to continue my studies. He some kind of preparation and culture. The same is demanded from a biT dRes Zalian garTulda es musika. mosasmenad, aRsaqmeladac Cvens megobarze. kargia, rom elitarizmiT daavadebul requests only one thing from me, saying: “Just do what performer. In parallel to this, Papuna masters in classics. It’s necessary Znelia ukve, garkveul momzadebas, kulturas moiTxovs. igive vakelebSi, jazklubi agresias ar iwvevs, sxva danarCeni you have to do”. And, what to do after these words, if not in jazz. It’s good that he knows it too and consciously approaches the moeTxoveba Semsrulebelsac. papuna paralelurad klasikasac axali drois niSnebisgan gansxvavebiT... overload myself with studies? “ work. Sometimes, elements of ethnic music are compound with jazz. eufleba. es aucilebelia jazSi. kargia, rom Tavadac xvdeba jazi Taviseburi komunikaciaa. gar- amas da Segnebulad ekideba saqmes. zogjer eTno- egnuladac cvlis adamians. papunasac musikis elementebs azaveben jazTan. es misaRebia, aRar ainteresebs bevri ram, is sxvag- magram jer es musikaluri ena unda aiTviso saTana- daijesti varad uyurebs da afasebs garemos, dod da organulad Semovides SenSi. Semdeg Tu movlenebs. jazi imdenad didi sia- geqneba survili eqsperimentsac mimarTav.” (zura 108 movnebaa, rom ar giRirs sxva rameze ramiSvili) The Digest 109 Copyright 2012 daixarjo - zura ramiSvili Copyright 2012 papuna ambobs, rom zogjer megobrebi mas ver uge- ben. misTvis mxolod is garemoa saintereso da misaRebi, sadac massaviT azrovneben, anu uyvarT jazi, cxovroben jaziT. mecadineobis procesi TavisTavad cxovrebis nawilia. dReSi 6 saaTi meca- dineobs, plus amas klasikas ukravs 2 an 3 saaTi. aq misi pedagogi neli manjgalaZea. garda amisa yvel- 30 years on stage gan da yovelTvis jazze fiqrobs, TavSi mxolod es Temebi da kompoziciebi utrialebs. arc fexburTs TamaSobs da rac Zalian sainteresoa, arc virtu- alur realobaSi xetials andomebs dros, energias. sportis saxeobebidan ufro curva uyvars.

jazma mas ukve cxovrebis stili Camouyaliba, az- rovneba, xedva. misTvis mTavaria mizani da am miznis miRwevis gza. Tanac is, rac yvelasTvis mniSvnelo- vania, papunasTvis albaT efemerulicaa. “erTxel venaSi metroSi davinaxe mamakaci, afroamerikeli, azrma gamielva jazmeni iqneboda. ramdenime dReSi jazklub ”porgi da besSi” vnaxe, marTlac musikosi iyo, mesayvire. jazi Taviseburi komunikaciaa. gar- egnuladac cvlis adamians. papunasac aRar ainter- esebs bevri ram, is sxvagvarad uyurebs da afasebs garemos, movlenebs. jazi imdenad didi siamovne- baa, rom ar giRirs sxva rameze daixarjo” - ambobs zura. 30 weli scenaze

SevniSne, rom arc popularoba aRelvebs didad papunas. icis, miuxedavad patara asakisa, rom At his own time, George Balanchine established yvelaferi jer mosapovebeli aqvs cxovrebaSi. an American Ballet. The present Georgian ballet vfiqrob realistia, magram araviTar SemTxvevaSi art style is directly related to Nino Ananiashvili’s ar aris pragmatuli. garTobas, hobis, gogonebTan name. If, today, we are talking about the progress urTierTobas rom uxseneb, didad ar iCens inter- Tavis droze jorj balanCinma amerikul balets and professionalism in contemporary Georgian ess da ar gesaubreba am Temaze. samagierod enTu- Cauyara safuZveli. dRevandeli qarTuli sabale- culture, we, first of all, mention the troupe of ziazmiT saubrobs bil evansze, zura ramiSvilze, to xelovnebis saxe uSualod nino ananiaSvilis bebeze… esaa misi samyaro. sxvaTa Soris arc oc- Nino Ananiashvili. And behind this stands 30- saxels ukavSirdeba. Tu dResdReobiT Tanamed- nebaze ar aRtkinebula didad. misTvis ocneba re- year stage activity of prima ballerina, the best rove qarTul kulturaSi progresze da profe- alobaa, is rom imuSaos sakuTar Tavze da gaxdes stages and troupes of the world. didi musikosi. am etapze mTavari mainc amerikaSi, sionalizmze vsaubrobT, uwinares yovlisa nino berkliSi swavlis gagrZelebaa. da ra Tqma unda ananiaSvilis dass vaxsenebT. amis miRma ki prima amas ocnebas ver daarqmev, es aris gza, saSualeba - balerinas 30 wliani sasceno moRvaweobaa, msof- Days of Jubilee was celebrated on March 14th- miznis misaRwevad. lios saukeTeso scenebi da dasebi. 17th, dedicated to 30-year anniversary of Prima ballet-dancer’s stage activity. The exhibition of papuna ambobs, rom iRbliania. marTalia, iRbliania, 14-17 marts prima-balerinas sasceno moRvaweo- theatrical costumes and accessories of the star vinaidan mis cxovrebaSi arseboben mSoblebi, zura bis 30 wlisTavisadmi miZRvnili saiubileo dRee- ramiSvili, bebe, sxva adamianebi vinc mas xels uw- was arranged in the national Library of the Par- yoben da warmarTaven mis swavlebas, karieras. bi Catarda. parlamentis erovnul biblioTekaSi liament of Georgia. The exposition with video- niWi TavisTavad iRbalia, magram kidev ufro meti varskvlavis sasceno kostumebisa da aqsesuare- installation was created by Nino Chubinishvili, bis gamofena moewyo. eqspozicia video instala- iRbalia am niWis gamovlena, me ase vfiqrob. papu- Dato Giorgadze and Tamuna Qarumidze. nam saubari zura ramiSvilisadmi pativiscemiT da ciebiT nino CubiniSvilma, daTo giorgaZem da Ta- madlierebiT daiwyo da aseve daasrula kidec: muna qarumiZem Seqmnes. ”Zalian bevr stimuls maZlevs Cemi maswavlebeli. In the framework of Jubilee days, the presenta- meubneba, rom yvelanaiari xelSewyoba meqneba saiubileo dReebis farglebSi moewyo fotoal- tion of a photo album was organized, as well as da waval swavlis gasagrZeleblad berkliSi. da bomis prezentacia, erTmoqmedebiani baletis the premier of one-act ballet “Tempopo” (chore- mxolod erT rames moiTxovs Cemgan, ubralod „Tempopo”-s premiera (qoreografi teet kaski, ographer Teet Kaski, costumes designed by Nino Sen Seni gasakeTebeli gaakeTeo. rogor ginda am sityvebis mere Tavi ar ”daakla” swavlas?” kostiumebis mxatvari nino CubiniSvili) da msof- Chubinishvili) and gala-concert of the world lio baletis varskvlavebis gala - koncerti. ballet stars.



„bolo gaseirneba“ - ukve mesame filmia tril- ‘’A last trip’’ – is already the third film of the trilogy – jaz seriebi grZeldeba ogiisa - „gaseirneba yarabaRSi“ da „konfliqtis ‘’A trip to Karabakh’’ and ‘’Conflict Zone’’. In a new film zona.“ aka morCilaZis sakulto romanis gmirebi of Zaza Urushadze, the heroes of cult novel by Aka zaza uruSaZis axal filmSi, avtoris gareSe ga- 19 Tebervals “Tbilisi ivenT holSi” joSua Morchiladze continue their own screen life without the nagrZoben sakuTar ekranul cxovrebas. gogliko, redmanis triom jaz-seriebis farglebSi Jazz series continue qarizmatuli msaxiobis miSa mesxis SesrulebiT, author. The role of Gogliko performed by charismatic ac- pirveli koncerti gamarTa. joSua redmani udavod axlobeli iqneba mayureblisTvis. 16 tor Misha Meskhi, unquestionably, should be familiar to cnobili saqsofonistis duvi redmanis vaJia. On February 19th, in “Tbilisi Event Hall”, the first concert wlis mere cixidan gamosuli „kai biWi“ rTulad the audience. Leaving prison after 16 years, “a cool guy’’ Tavisi karieris manZilze is TanamSromlobda in the framework of Jazz series was held by the trio of egueba axali cxovrebis wesebs. misi Sejaxeba re- adopts rules of the new life with difficulty. Facing the re- araerT legendarul musikosTan. maT Soris Joshua Redman. Joshua Redman is the son of the promi- alobasTan zogjer paradoqsulia, zogjer komi- ality is sometimes paradoxical, in other times comic, and, arian Cik korea, herbi henkoki, bred meldau, nent saxophonist Duve Redman. During his career he kuri; bolos ki mainc tragikuli aRmoCndeba. eventually, it turns out to be tragic. markus mileri, makkoi taineri, daiana rivzi... cooperated with many legendary musicians, including musikosi orjer iyo nominirebuli ”gremize”. mTavari ki mainc isaa, rom sikeTe da megobroba Chick Corea, Herbie Hencock, Brad Mehldau, Marcus Yet, the core idea is that, kindness and friendship remains is aseve wers kinomusikas (lui malis ”Vania on Miller, McCoy Tyner, Dianne Reeves… The musician yvela droSi da asakSi ucvlelia. gardacvlili unchanged at all times and in all ages. Luka (the actor gios 16 wlis Svili, luka (msaxiobi Tazo cxakaia), 42nd Street” 1994, robert oltmenis ”Cansas City” was twice nominated for ‘’Grammy award’’. Also, he Tazo Tskhakaia)-16-year old son of deceased Gio, at first Tavidan gaucxovebulia gogliko „naTliasTan“. 1995). qarizmatulad aRiarebulma saqsofon- writes soundtracks for films. (”Vania on the 42nd Street” Semdeg ki isini faqtobrivad erTarsni xdebian - feels alienated from his ‘’godfather’’ Gogliko. Later, they istma dramer greg haCinsonTan da basist year 1994, by Louis Miles, ”Cansas City”, year 1995, by ori Taoba, ori gansxvavebuli mentaliteti, mso- became inseparable – two generations, two divergent ruber rojersTan erTad qarTvel msmenels Robert Altman). The musician, acclaimed charismatic flmxedveloba erTmaneTs avsebs da drois jaWvic mentalities and worldviews complement each other and, dauviwyari saRamo aCuqa. saxophonist, with the drummer - Greg Hutchinson and ikvreba. virtually, time chain is bound. bassist-Rubber Rodgers presented an unforgettable even- jazseriebi 20 marts jon picarelis kon- ing to the Georgian audience. filmis scenaris avtorebi arian levan korinTe- The screept writers of the film are: Levan Korinteli, Irakli certiT gagrZelda. cnobilma gitaristma li, irakli solomonaSvili da uta beria. opera- Solomonashvili and Uta Beria. The cameraman is Mindia da misma kvartetma ganebivrebuli qarTveli Jazz-series continued with the concert held by John Piz- tori mindia esaZe. musika dawera niaz diasamiZem. Esadze. Soundtrack was written by Niaz Diasamidze. The filmi gadaRebulia studia „sangukos“ mier. msmeneli Tavisi erTob retro stiliTa da zarelli on March 20th. The famous guitarist and his quar- film was produced by the studio ‘’Sanguko’’. klasikuri bluziT moxibla. musikosma bisze tette attracted cosseted Georgian audience with his Ret- kidev ramdenime kompozicia Seasrula. ro-Style and Classical-Blues. The musician played several compositions on encore. kompania ”isTern promouSensi” da “Tbilisi ivenT holi” kidev or musikoss umaspinZlebs The company ‘’Eastern Promotion’’ and “Tbilisi Event jazseriebis farglebSi. eseni arian fred Hall” will host two more musicians in the framework of uesli da The New JB Horns da Robert Glasper Ex- jazz series, these are: Fred Wesley and The New JB Horns, periment-i. and Robert Glasper Experiment.

jazseriebis sezons Tibisi bankis TBC STA- Jazz series season is presented by TBC STATUS of TBC TUS-i warmoadgens. Bank. oleg timCenkos axali proeqti The new project of Oleg Timchenko Tanamedrove qarTuli literatura laifcigSi 29 Tebervals „axalma galeream“ oleg timCenkos Cotemporary Georgian Literature in Leipzig axal proeqts „Hop Gallerists” umaspinZla. mxatvar- On February 29th, “New Gallery’’ hosted the new project 112 ma Tbiliseli galeristebis lika mamacaSvilis, of Oleg Timchenko named “Hop Gallerists”. The painter Copyright 2012 dedika bulias, qeTi korZaxias, arCil darCias, xa- presented half-naked bodies of Tbilisi gallerists: Lika Tuna meliqiSvilis, nino metrevelis, zaira bre- Mamatsashvili, Dedika Bulia, Keti Kordzakhia, Archil liZis, rusiko oatis, baia wiqoriZis naxevradSiS- Darchia, Khatuna Melikishvili, Nino Metreveli, Zaira veli sxeulebi warmoadgina. Brelidze, Rusiko Oati, Baia Tsikoridze. cnobili galeristebi naturis ampluaSi da Tan- ac msubuq erotiul maneraSi warmoCenili, er- The prominent gallerists in the role of naturists, repre- Tob damaintrigebeli iyo. amas xeli ar SeuSlia sented in slight erotic manner, performed a rather in- proeqtis mxatvruli RirebulebisTvis. araor- triguing show. This did not impede the project’s artis- dinaluri individebis pirovnuli me, maTsave se- tic value. The personal ego of extraordinary individuals, qsualobasTan Serwymuli emociur zemoqmedebas merging with their sexuality, has an emotional impact on axdens mayurebelze. SesaZloa, es proeqti stere- the spectator. This project might be considered as break- This year, Georgia participated in Leipzig Book Fair for otipebis erTgvar msxvrevadac miviCnioT. age of stereotypes. the first time. The delegation was supervised by the Min- ister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, mxatvari cnobil saxeebs intimur garemoSi aqce- The painter puts famous faces in intimate environment, Nika Rurua. Within the framework of the festival, official vs, riTac maT socialur statuss, qaluri mimzid- by which he replaces their social status with attractive- meetings were conducted, among them was a meeting velobiTa Tu xorcieli silamaziT anacvlebs. wels laifcigis wignis bazrobaze pirve- ness of a woman or a beauty of a flesh. Here, a spirit and with the Director of the Book Fair Oliver Zille. suli da sxeuli aq erT mTlianobaSia moqceuli, lad monawileobda saqarTvelo. delegacias riTac antikuri xelovnebis maxasiaTebel kalaka- body are expressed as whole, which reminds us of “Ka- saqarTvelos kulturisa da ZeglTa dacvis lokagatia”, characteristic for the Antique art. However On the festival, the modern Georgian literature was rep- gaTias gvagonebs. Tumca timCenkos akademizmTan ministri, nika rurua xelmZRvanelobda. fes- Timchenko has nothing to do with academism. This pro- resented by the following publishing houses: “Siesta”, araferi aqvs saerTo. es proeqtic Taviseburi re- tivalis farglebSi gaimarTa oficialuri fleqsiaa sqesze, kulturaze, qalze da imavdrou- ject is some kind of peculiar reflex on gender, culture, a “Logos Press”, “Karchkhadze Publishing House”, “Palitra Sexvedrebi, maT Soris laifcigis wignis baz- lad Tavad avtoris eqshibicionizmi cnobil sax- woman and, at the same time, it’s the author’s exhibition- L”, “Diogene”, and by such writers as Zura Lezhava, Ana robis direqtor, oliver cilesTan. eebTan erTad. ism with the outstanding faces. Kordzaia-Samadashvili and Tamta Melashvili. Tanamedrove qarTuli literatura festi- Tamta Melashvili’s novel “Count Out Rhyme”, which valze gamomcemlobebma ”siestam”, ”logos was presented in Leipzig, had been translated into Ger- presma”, ”qarCxaZis gamomcemlobam”, ”pa- man by the Swiss publishing house “Unionsverlag”. Here, litra l”-ma, ”diogenem” da mwerlebma zura the conflict and the renown events of the year 2008 are leJavam, ana korZaia-samadaSvilma, TamTa me- described within the frames of lives of several teen-age laSvilma waradgines. girls. The book tells about the experience of women, of the girls, their lives and feelings. In the novel (the author TamTa melaSvilis romani ”gaTvla”, rom- prefers to call it an extensive story), generalization occurs lis prezentaciac gaimarTa laifcigSi, through a form, and, at the same time, it does not lack an germanul enaze Sveicariulma gamomcemlo- emotional intensity. bam Unionsverlag-ma Targmna. nawarmoebSi 2008 wlis SeiaraRebuli konfliqti da cnobili More and more actively the Georgian intellectual landing movlenebi mozardi gogonebis cxovrebis party is entering the world Book Fair, and, hopefully, this prizmaSia asaxuli. wigni qalebis, gogonebis process will carry on in the future too. gamocdilebazea, maT cxovrebaze, grZnobe- bze. romanSi (avtori mas vrcel moTxrobas uwodebs) ganzogadeba formis xarjze xdeba da amavdroulad emociur simZafresac araa moklebuli. qarTuli inteleqtualuri desanti sul ufro aqtiurad iWreba msoflio wignis bazarze da imedia es procesi samomav- lod gaRrmavdeba. 114 Copyright 2012

xita quTaTelaZis gamofena erovnul muzeumSi

5-22 aprils Salva amiranaSvilis saxelobis xelovnebis muzeumma guram (xita) quTaTe- laZis retrospeqtul gamofenas umaspin- Zla. eqspoziciaze mxatvris bolo periodis (60-70-iani wlebi) namuSevrebi iyo gamofe- nili, rogorc xelovnebis muzeumis, aseve kerZo koleqciebidan.

cnobili qarTveli mxatvris, apolon qu- TaTelaZis vaJi, didi daviT kakabaZis mowa- fe iyo. nacionaluri skolis da kerZod daviT kakabaZis gamocdilebam saintereso transformacia ganicada mis SemoqmedebaSi. kakabaZiseul xedvas (figurativizms) fran- guli impresionizmisTvis saxasiaTo sensu- alizmi daemata.

erovnuli muzeumis direqtoris, daviT Khita Kutateladze’s exhibition at the lorTqifaniZis TqmiT, guram (xita) quTaTe- National Museum laZis Semoqmedeba, qarTuli xelovnebis da cnobierebis im rTul periods emTxveva, From April 5th until April 22nd the Shalva Amiranash- roca socrealizmis esTetika iyo dominan- vili Art Museum hosted retrospective exhibition of Gu- turi. miuxedavad amisa, mxatvari is iSviaTi ram (Khita) Kutateladeze. The last period works (of the gamonaklisia, romelic sruliad uaryofs years1960-1970) of the artist (as from the art museum, am fsevdoxelovnebis dogmebs. aqedan gamom- so from the private collections) were displayed at the ex- dinare, gamofena kidev erTxel gvaxsenebs, Tu rogor SeiZleba reJimis pirobebSic position. Semoqmedi darCes Tavisufali da uswrebdes dros. The son of the prominent Georgian painter, Apolon Ku- tateladze was the student of the great Davit Kakabadze. The experience of the national school, namely, of Davit Kakabadze has been interestingly transformed in his works. Sensualism, that is characteristic for French Im- pressionism, was added to the vision typical for Davit Kakabadze (Figurativism).

As the director of the National Museum Davit Lortki- panidze said, the works of Guram (Khita) Kutateladze coincide with the difficult period of Georgian art and consciousness, with the time when Soviet realism was dominant. However the painter is the rare exception who totally rejects the dogmas of this pseudo art. According to the abovementioned, the exhibition, once again, re- minds us about the ability of an artist to outrun the time and maintain freedom even at the regime conditions. 116 Copyright 2012