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www.georgiatodaygeorgiatodayy.ge.ge IssueIssue nono:: 831831 • APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 • PUPUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

UK Foreign Secretary In this week’s issue... Calls Russia First Georgian National Receives Honorary Member of Main Threat to the Order of the British Empire International Peace NEWS PAGE 2 Spy Chief Says Fewer Georgian Citizens Joining FOCUS ISIS ON ’S EUROPEAN FUTURE UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond demands that Moscow begin POLITICS PAGE 6 cooperating with the West and playing a more constructive and responsible role in the world Georgia’s PAGE 2 Healthcare and Medical Staff EPP President Comes under Fire for Need Continuous Development Dampening Hopes for Visa Liberalization SOCIETY PAGE 14 Manana Menabde, an

BY TAMAR SVANIDZE Organic Artist Serving Multiple Muses he President of the European People’s Party (EPP) CULTURE PAGE 17 Joseph Daul this week visited Georgia’s capital . On arrival he met with members of the United National Movement (UNM) opposition party, which has been a member of the ENP since 2008, and later held meet- Chilly Start Tings with Speaker of Parliament, David Usupashvili and leaders of the Free Democrats opposition party. for Georgia’s Members of the Left Alliance opposition party held a rally at the airport in protest of Daul’s statement in which he said that the EPP Weiss in More would only support Georgia’s visa free regime with the European Union if Georgia holds fair and independent parliamentary elec- Ways than One tions in October. Continued on page 2 SPORTS PAGE 19 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 UK Foreign Secretary Calls Russia Main Threat to International Peace

British Ambassador Alexandra Hall Hall, Right Honourable Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State for BY NICHOLAS WALLER Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Marina Tsitsishvili, President of the Georgian Branch of the English Speaking Union who was awarded an honorary Member of the Order of British Empire (MBE)

K Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond on Wednesday called Russia the greatest threat to global peace due First Georgian National to its blatant disregard for interna- tional legal and ethical norms. U“Russia ignores the norms of accepted conduct and breaks the rules of the international system. Receives Honorary Member of That represents a challenge and a threat to all of us,” Hammond said when asked whether Russia under its increasingly autocratic President Vladimir Putin remains a threat to the global community. the Order of the British Empire Hammond demanded that Moscow begin coop- erating with the West in good faith and play a more li’s 850th anniversary and the UK marks 400 years BY KATIE RUTH DAVIES constructive role in the world “under the same territorial integrity, which he said reiterated the since Shakespeare’s death.” international norms that responsible countries close alliance forged between London and Tbilisi The award is a recognition of Marina’s work to operate from.” immediately after the ’s collapse. promote English culture and language in Georgia, Russia remains a major threat to the Baltic nations In his comments to the press, Kvirikashvili said arina Tsitsishvili, President of the including through establishing and becoming of , and Lithuania, as well as Georgia the current security situation in Georgia is similar Georgian Branch of the English President of the Georgian Branch of the English and Ukraine, as Moscow’s attempts to stir anti- to problems facing Ukraine, as both countries suf- Speaking Union was awarded an Speaking Union; organizing an annual English lan- Western sentiments and foment pro-Russian sep- fer from Russia’s support for heavily armed pro- honorary Member of the Order guage Public Speaking Competition; founding a aratist movements in the former republics of the Russian separatist movements. of British Empire (MBE) in the non-profi t International Center for Cultural and Soviet Union. “Georgia and Ukraine have the same problem… Queen’sM New Year Honors List for services to UK- Business Relations to facilitate exchanges of stu- Putin’s hyper-reactive use of force and asym- Russia violates our sovereignty. It will be continue Georgian cultural and educational relations. She dents, statesmen and journalists between the UK metrical methods of undermining the authority of to be a signifi cant security challenge for Georgia is the fi rst ever Georgian recipient of a British hon- and Georgia; supporting medical exchanges; and sovereign governments on its immediate borders if Russia refuses to recognize the territorial integ- orary award. last year opening a school, performing arts center constitutes a clear and present danger to interna- rity and free will of our people,” Kvirikashvili said. MBEs are given in recognition of exceptional and cafe in in Vake Park, Tbilisi (The British Cor- tional security, Hammond said. Russia continues to support Georgia’s breakaway achievement and service in the promotion of friend- ner) to promote the English language, British cul- Hammond was in Tbilisi to meet with Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia with mas- ship and understanding between the UK and for- ture and cuisine. Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikasvili to discuss secu- sive military personnel and substantial state sub- eign countries. The commemorative certifi cate, coming in lieu rity issues in the Caucasus region and to visit the sidies. Like the current confl ict in Ukraine’s eastern British Ambassador Alexandra Hall Hall hosted of the offi cial insignia, which will be sent over in South Caucasus Pipeline, operated by British energy Donbass region, Moscow and its local proxies an event at the Embassy on Wednesday to com- the summer, was awarded to Marina by the Right giant BP. fought bloody separatist wars against federal memorate the award in the presence of the Right Honourable Philip Hammond. “Let me present you Kvirikasvili was quick to thank Hammond for the authorities in an attempt to install pro-Russian Honourable Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of with this certifi cate and thank you for everything UK government’s continued support for Georgia’s governments in the rebel regions. State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. you have done to further Georgian and British “I am delighted to be able to congratulate Marina relationships. Culture is a vitally important part of on this honor given by Her Majesty the Queen,” building relationships between two countries- and Ambassador Hall Hall said. “It is people like Marina not the only part, as economic links, politics and who lay foundations for friendships between coun- sports also play an important role. But culture is tries. She is a real role model of dedication and an area we take very seriously. I hope the work you loyalty to both our countries. It is particularly fi t- have done will deepen and strengthen the links ting that this award for strengthening cultural and between our countries and that we’ll be seeing educational relations between the UK and Georgia, many more young Georgian s visiting the UK and comes in the year when Georgia celebrates Rustave- many more Brits visiting Georgia.”

EPP President Comes under Fire for Dampening Hopes for Visa Liberalization

Continued from page 1 ence, I know that people who are waiting for some- thing can sometimes be disappointed. People should “This person is corrupt, and we call on him not be prepared for any decision,” he said. to damage the future of Georgia,” said Zurab Daul emphasized that there are a number of on- Dokhadze, participant of the rally. going procedures in the process of visa liberaliza- “I want to tell Georgians – you will have visa lib- tion which made it hard to confi rm whether visa eralization, but it can be delayed,” Daul announced liberalization would be granted on the anticipated following a visit to UNM members Vano Mera- 15 June or at the end of the year. bishvili, Bacho Akhalaia and Gigi Ugulava, all cur- “The European Commission made a decision on rently serving sentences in the “Matrosov” prison. the visa issue, but the Council and the European “I have always considered Georgia to be a coun- Parliament have yet to make their decisions,” Daul try that has the right and the obligation to join the reminded Georgians. European Union. I would be the fi rst to support He added that Georgia should continue to fi ght the idea, if possible, to allow for visa liberalization, against corruption and strengthen the rule of law but I do not want to raise false hope. In my experi- and judicial independence. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 NEWS 3 Georgian-born Sakvarelidze Sacked by Ukraine’s Disgraced Prosecutor General

killing of more than 100 Maidan protes- funds donated by Western lenders and endemically corrupt offi ce. BY NICHOLAS WALLER tors by Yanukovych’s Berkut riot police earmarked for the implementation of “I’m not going to run to the (Odessa) in January-February 2014. reformist policies and privatization pro- prosecutor’s offi ce, as it is staffed by During a December 2015 visit to Kyiv, jects. people from the old Yanukovych system kraine’s Georgian-born US Vice President Joe Biden said cor- In one high profi le case, huge sums of who have no intention of going anywhere Deputy Prosecutor Gen- ruption emanating from the prosecutor cash and a trove of diamonds were found and who are protected by vested inter- eral David Sakvarelidze general’s office was eating away at alongside personal documents with ests. There’s no point to go back an was suddenly relieved of Ukraine’s key reform attempts “like a Shokin’s signature in the homes of two engage in further self-deception,” Sakvare- his duties on Tuesday by cancer.” of his top lieutenants, indicating that lidze said. Uhis superior, Viktor Shokin, just hours Foreign creditors have long complained they had taken bribes with Shokin’s before Shokin was himself voted out of about high-level corruption in the pros- blessing. YOUNG REFORMER offi ce by Ukraine’s parliament, the Verk- ecutor’s offi ce, a Soviet relic that provides When a prosecutor in Shokin’s offi ce Sakvarelidze, 34, made a name for him- hovna Rada. unprecedented power to one individual attempted to bring the case to trial, mem- self as one of the leading young reform- Shokin’s decision to dismiss Sakvare- over the country’s court and prosecution bers of the staff with either fi red or forced ers in former Georgian President Mikheil lidze has been widely panned by the system. to resign. Saakashvili’s administration as first Ukrainian media and the country’s International Monetary Fund (IMF) deputy prosecutor general from 2008- Western-leaning reformist politicians. Director Christine Lagarde reiterated COMMITTED REFORMIST VS 2012 and later as an opposition member who accuse Shokin of political grand- their frustrations in February when she SOVIET-STYLE FUNCTIONARY David Sakvarelidze, Ukraine’s Georgian- of parliament from 2012-2015. born ex-Deputy Prosecutor General standing at a time when his much- said that the lack of progress in fi ghting The outgoing Sakvarelidze, with whom The Tbilisi native fi rst appeared on maligned tenure as the country’s chief government corruption in Ukraine meant Shokin frequently feuded, said he was ment from Ukrainian President Petro Ukraine’s political scene during the law enforcement offi cial appeared to be that the IMF might be forced to halt the relived of his duties after calling into Poroshenko that he would personally height of the Maidan Revolution; one of at an end. support program that has kept the coun- question the loyalties of certain members ask Sakvarelidze to remain as the coun- the hundreds of Georgians who came International observers - including top try afl oat for the last two years of the prosecutor general’s offi ce, whose try’s deputy prosecutor general, his future out in support of the movement’s attempt US and European offi cials - have sharply staff is mainly made up of offi cials tied in the current Ukrainian administration to break free from a corrupt, Russian criticized the decision, saying the move HIGH-LEVEL CORRUPTION to the former Yanukovych government remains in question. dominated political system. is a major blow to the clean government The corrosive infl uence Shokin exerted and Russia’s intelligence services. Just hours after being relieved of his Poroshenko’s presidential administra- reforms that Kyiv has struggled to imple- on Ukraine’s judicial process has been Sakvarelidze also claimed that Shokin duties as deputy prosecutor general, the tion later invited Sakvarelidze to join the ment since the 2013-14 Maidan Revolu- blamed by top Ukrainian offi cials, includ- refused to comply with Ukraine’s post- Odessa Region’s legislature voted to new reformist government, granting him tion ousted former pro-Russian President ing Sakvarelidze and former Georgian Maidan Revolution lustration law that dismiss Sakvarelidze as its chief prosecu- Ukrainian citizenship in the process. Viktor Yanukovych. President-turned Odessa Governor requires all Yanukovych-era offi cials to tor. His former patron and close ally, Mikheil Saakashvili, as having played a be dismissed from government positions. The region’s pro-Russian Yanukovych- Saakashvili, appointed Sakvarelidze as FRUSTRATION FROM KEY ALLIES major role in derailing the government’s Shokin, for his part, justifi ed his deci- era lawmakers failed to provide a justi- Odessa’s top law enforcement offi cial in The sharper tone from Shokin’s critics reform efforts; most of which have been sion to sack Sakvarelidze after he accused fi cation for their decision other than to September 2015. comes amid a growing chorus of frustra- hobbled by bureaucratic infi ghting and the latter of breaking with professional state “general displeasure” with Sakvarelidze’s fi rebrand rule-of-law tion from Ukrainian and European offi - blatant power grabs by Ukraine’s Mos- protocol when he attended a recent rally Sakvareldze’s job performance. policies quickly found favor with many cials who have in recent months accused cow-backed oligarchs, whose business that called for Shokin’s resignation. In a statement to the Ukrainian media of Kyiv’s leading pro-Western activists, Shokin of intentionally sabotaging anti- interests are closely tied to Shokin’s. on 31 March, Sakvarelidze said he had but consistently clashed with the rem- graft investigations and the prosecution Shokin’s own subordinates have been SAKVARELIDZE’S FUTURE no intention of returning to Odessa to nants of the old guard in Ukraine’s noto- of those responsible for the deliberate linked to several cases involving stolen Despite Shokin’s dismissal and a state- serve as the prosecutor general of an riously combative body politic. GEORGIA TODAY 4 POLITICS APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Tbilisi State Tragicomic? Georgian - University Rector Vladimer Armenian Relations Papava Resigns Nalbandian are talking about the centu- during Mikheil Janelidze’s speech was ries-long friendship between the two really quite bad – with a strong Georgian countries and about deepening relations, accent and showing awful knowledge of they do not say the reasons why the rela- Armenian, therefore leaving some parts tions between these neighboring countries open for interpretation by journalists. has not deepened thus far.” How long the policy of dragging time In light of all this it really does seem in Georgian-Armenian relations will last quite comical that the Ambassador of is unknown. But after the relations Armenia to Georgia is not a diplomat by between Ankara and Moscow have turned profession at all... and the Armenian into an almost military tension, settling media does nothing to hide this fact: clear-cut relations between Tbilisi and “Armenia is in a blockade from the Turk- Yerevan has acquired primary impor- ish and Azerbaijani sides, therefore rela- tance, especially in light of the news that tions with Georgia as well as Iran have the Russian Duma has started talking the foremost importance now... And in about rethinking the Karsi Agreement a country of such strategic signifi cance of 1921, according to which the modern Armenia has appointed an Ambassador, borders of Georgia as well as Armenia Rector of (TSU), Georgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Davit Janelidze Vladimer Papava who, though part of our national sport- are defi ned. Moscow has been extending sia, who are almost at war, this evalua- ing heritage, knows nothing about diplo- this agreement every 25 years. Notably, ector of Tbilisi State Uni- OP-ED BY ZAZA JGARKAVA tion needs more attention from Tbilisi. macy...” this 25-year term expires exactly in 2016. versity (TSU), Vladimer Especially with the MFA visiting Yerevan As for the other evaluations of the visit, Papava has resigned. only after a meeting with the Turkish these where connected more with lin- The Academic Council eorgian politics has been and Azerbaijani colleagues in Tbilisi. guistics than politics, which was prob- approved the request for rushing towards autumn It should be noted that the minister’s ably the reason behind the evaluation of Rresignation Wednesday. at such pace that almost visit began quite unusually: despite the our relations as tragic. Papava will offi cially leave his position nobody has time for our information about the bomb on the Yere- “Yes, Armenians and Georgians have on May 1st. Until then an acting Rector foreign affairs policy. This van-Moscow fl ight, he did not postpone been living as neighbors for thousands will be selected. Gcould be the reason behind the fact that his visit, instead driving to the capital to of years, they are friends, but this is just The First Building of the Tbilisi State Georgian media did not pay enough meet with President Serzh Sargsyan, words. In reality, we do not have any University (TSU) was occupied and split attention to the recent visit of the Min- Prime Minister Ovik Abraamyan and his deep political relations, there are very by two opposing groups of students ister of Foreign Affairs Davit Janelidze counterpart Minister Edward Nalbandian. few scientifi c studies in this fi eld. Over- throughout March. One group- the uni- to Yerevan. Quite unlike Armenian press What message Janelidze brought from all, Georgian studies are poorly devel- versity’s Self Government students - who evaluated this visit, and Georgian- Tbilisi to Yerevan remains a secret. Nei- oped in Armenia. Obviously, it is hard demanded the resignation of TSU rector Armenian relations in general, as tragi- ther Nalbandian nor Janelidze said any- to even fi nd an average translator who, Lado Papava, while the other group of comic. However, what exactly makes the thing about the goals and objectives of if not able to translate the words of Geor- protesters, named Auditorium 115 (accord- relations between the two neighboring the visit at the press conference held after gian political fi gures, would at least not ing to the number of the lecture hall they states tragic or comic has not been spec- the meeting. And exactly this press con- hinder the development of our mutual are based in) asked for reforms inside ifi ed. Although this evaluation might be ference was named tragicomic by Arme- relations,” wrote First News after the the self-government system and exaggerated, in light of the situation nian journalists. The publication ‘First press conference. demanded an investigation into the pres- between our neighbors Turkey and Rus- News’ wrote: “Although Janelidze and It should be noted that the translation Armenian Minister Edward Nalbandian ence of intelligence agents at TSU. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 POLITICS 5 2015 Annual Report on the Execution of ECHR Judgments – Notes on GEORGIA

the positive trend that had emerged over Turkey (1,591), Russia (1,549), Ukraine Fair trial: The adversarial principle PREPARED BY VAZHA TAVBERIDZE MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS recent years was confi rmed in 2015: 1,285 (1,052) and Romania (652). AND REFORMS IN has been introduced in all criminal new cases came before the Committee - Georgia has paid just satisfaction GEORGIA SINCE 1998 proceedings and the necessity of of Ministers in 2015 (a decrease com- (compensation) on time in 12 cases, after Medical care in prison: Extensive motivating court decisions has been ACKGROUND pared to 2014); a record number of cases the deadline in 2 cases, and in 5 cases reforms of the prison system were under- stressed through amendments in 2006 - The Council of Europe’s Com- were closed in 2015 (1,537), especially the confirmation of payment was taken in 2010-2014 in order to improve and 2007 to the Criminal Procedure mittee of Ministers, a political old complex cases, and there was a fur- expected. the medical care system and a new Prison Code. The 2010 revision developed body bringing together repre- ther promising decrease in the number - It took Georgia 2.9 years on average Code was adopted, notably including and improved the right to be exempted sentatives of the 47 member of pending cases (10,652); of those, 1,555 to implement leading cases – this is lower the right to health in line with European from court fees where necessary to Bstates, is responsible for overseeing the (15%) were leading cases raising new than the average among the Council of Prison Rules. preserve the right of access to court. implementation of judgments from the issues. Europe member states of 4.5 years. Detention: Introduction of new rules Freedom of expression: The law European Court of Human Rights - The results achieved at national level - Just satisfaction awarded (how much to ensure speedy judicial control of on defamation has been changed to - The Committee of Ministers holds indicate that domestic execution has Georgia had to pay out following the detention, also after the prosecutor’s distinguish facts and value judgments regular meetings to assess the progress become more effi cient. Court’s judgments of 2015): EUR 184,652- transfer of the case-file to the trial and journalists and others are no which is being made on implementing - Two major challenges remain: a slight increase on 2014 court – codified in the 2010 Code of longer required to prove the truth of outstanding cases and to adopt decisions o Continued increase of cases pending - Main pending cases for Georgia: The Criminal Procedure. the information communicated. A accordingly; cases are closed when the for more than fi ve years (20% by end- list includes cases related to degrading Enforcement of judicial decisions: new law on freedom of expression committee considers them to have been 2011, and 55% by end-2015); treatment because of the detention con- Enforcement of judicial decisions has from 2004 also provides that it is for properly implemented o “Pockets of resistance” (linked to ditions in prisons, ineffective investiga- been improved, including through a private claimants to prove that state- - The Committee produces an annual social prejudices towards Roma and tions into excessive use of force by the special budget in 2007 to ensure the ments challenged are false, and that report showing the number of cases other minorities, to political considera- police, and lack of protection against honouring by the State of old judg- officials must prove that the state- which are pending (yet to be imple- tions, “frozen confl icts”) increasingly homophobic attacks during a demon- ment debt. A new enforcement organ- ments were published with knowledge mented), the countries/issues concerned impede the execution of judgments. stration (Identoba et al. v. Georgia). ization was set up – the National that they were false. Good faith about and the proportion of “leading” cases - Cases closed by fi nal resolution dur- Bureau of Enforcement. Enforcement the truth is also introduced as a gen- which raise new issues in relation to STATISTICS, WITH A ing 2015: Defi cient legal framework grant- was further improved in 2010, notably eral defence. “repetitive” cases, highlighting already FOCUS ON GEORGIA ing compensation to nationals who sus- as regards judgment debt owed by Compensation to victims of Soviet existing problems - Georgia had 38 pending (not executed) tained various forms of political the State or public law entities, includ- era repression: Legislative amend- cases, compared to 29 in 2014. The coun- persecution and oppression in the former ing the creation of a government fund ments were adopted in 2011 and 2014 KEY POINTS tries with the highest number of pending Soviet Union between 1921 and 1990 to honor such debt and the payment in order to grant compensation to the - Globally “very encouraging results”: cases at the end of 2015 were Italy (2,421), (Klaus and Yuri Kiladze v. Georgia) of damages for losses caused. victims of Soviet era repression. GEORGIA TODAY 6 POLITICS APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Spy Chief Says Fewer Georgian Citizens Joining ISIS

gence agencies. BY NICHOLAS WALLER “Cooperation with our foreign partners has been decisive. As a result of our substantial information sharing, we’ve he number of Georgian been able to compile a long list of people citizens volunteering to who present a potential terrorist threat fi ght for ISIS in Syria and to both Georgia and the international Iraq has significantly community,” Izoria said. dropped in recent months, He later claimed that 1,014 people have Taccording to State Security Services been banned entry into Georgia over the Deputy Director Levan Izoria. last year due to their suspected affi lia- Citing a 29-page report covering the tion with the Islamic State. second half of 2015, Izoria said the num- Georgia’s intelligence services estimate ber of Georgian citizens detained while that around 50 of its citizens are cur- crossing the border into Turkey and rently fi ghting with ISIS and its allies in suspected of trying to link up with ISIS Syria. The overwhelming number of or other militant Islamist groups in recruits originates from Georgia’s sub- neighboring Syria had declined to nearly stantial Muslim minority, who account zero compared to the same period in for roughly 14 per cent of the country’s 2014 when dozens of cases were reported. population of just fewer than 4 million. “Due to our preventive measures, in Georgia’s Muslim population consists the period stated, unlike the previous mainly of Sunni Chechens, Adjarians period, there has been almost no outfl ow and small groups of ethnic Abkhaz, as of Georgian citizens trying to cross the well as Shi’a Azeris. border into Turkey with the intent of Tarkhan Batirashvili, known by his joining ISIS,” Izoria said. Arabic nom de guerre - Abu Omar al- RUSSIA NAMED MAIN THREAT by members of parliament, several key Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi. Several legislative amendments passed Shishani, a Chechen from Georgia’s In his report, Izoria was quick to name law makers from the opposition and the Using both Russian and Georgian speak- by the Georgian parliament in 2015 aim Pankisi Gorge, made a name for himself Russia as Georgia’s main security threat ruling coalition sharply ing correspondents, the networks broadcast to prevent the country’s citizens from as ISIS’ top fi eld commander and min- due to Moscow’s continued support for criticized the intelligence services for a relentless barrage of programs aimed at illegally crossing international borders ister of war before he was mortally the breakaway Abkhazia and South Osse- failing to mention Moscow’s increasing fueling anti-Western sentiment in Georgia. to engage in terrorist activities or join wounded in a massive US drone-strike tia regions. use of soft power in Georgia through Russian President Vladimir Putin has unsanctioned armed militant groups. in early March. “Russia’s huge military occupation Kremlin-controlled media outlets and long hoped to steer public opinion in According to Izoria, the new measures Izoria reiterated that Georgia remains contingent, including modern heavy disinformation campaigns carried out Georgia away from its goal of joining have prevented at least 40 Georgian a low-risk country in terms of terrorism, weapons with offensive capabilities in by Russia’s FSB intelligence services, the both the European Union and NATO. citizens from leaving the country to link but warned of the rising number of young both the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South successor agency to the Soviet-era KGB. Putin wants to bring Georgia back up with ISIS recruiters on the Turkish- Muslims who are being radicalized by Ossetia) regions represent an extreme Russia has poured signifi cant resources within Russia’s orbit by capitalizing on Syrian border. ISIS propaganda obtained online and existential threat to the Georgian state,” into Georgia’s media landscape, with growing discontent in the country as the The report also hailed the security the growing number of extremist Salafi Izoria quoted the report as saying. local branches of the Kremlin-controlled economy falters and a signifi cant rise in service’s cooperation with the US’ CIA, mullahs who have appeared in Pankisi Though the report’s conclusion regard- LifeNews, Sputnik and RT (formerly Soviet nostalgia takes hold amongst UK’s MI6 and Germany’s BND intelli- in recent years. ing threats from Russia was welcomed Russia Today) opening fi eld offi ces in Georgia’s working class. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 POLITICS 7 Former US Ambassador to Georgia Richard Miles on Saakashvili, Russia and the August 2008 War

point quite bluntly to President Saakashvili in my presence twice – once privately and once in a group with his cabinet members present – that it would be an incredible political and strategic mistake for something like what happened in August 2004 to be repeated and that doing so would certainly risk Russian intervention and Georgia would be in no position to resist the might of the Russian military. Heidi Tagliavini wrote a wonderful, thorough report and I stand behind it 100%. I have the high- est respect for her. And I think anyone who still questions what happened exactly should read that report. It puts blame on both sides – on the Rus- sian side, on the Georgian side, and a little bit on the Ossetian side. Former US Ambassador to Georgia Richard Miles WHEN THE GEORGIAN DREAM sense has been worse than it is at present. The GOVERNMENT CAME TO POWER, ONE present government has made some effort to try OF THEIR PROMISES WAS TO SOFTEN to improve the relationship with Russia and it RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA. HOW CAN should. GEORGIA MAINTAIN BOTH ITS WESTERN ASPIRATIONS AND TIES WITH RUSSIA SOME WOULD SAY THE GIVEN TWO OF ITS REGIONS REMAIN WESTERN REACTION IN 2008 UNDER RUSSIAN OCCUPATION? EMBOLDENED RUSSIA TO INVADE That’s more diffi cult now than it would have been CRIMEA. DO YOU AGREE? before 2008. It can be done, there is no reason why I’m sure the majority of Georgian people and the Georgia with its geographic position cannot have Georgian government might have preferred us to When then-President Bush came out in May 2005, he made the point quite bluntly to President Saakashvili a good relationship, especially an economic rela- take stronger measures, but that was never on the that it would be an incredible political and strategic mistake for something like what happened in August tionship, with Russia. In some ways there has been cards. 2004 to be repeated and that doing so would certainly risk Russian intervention a continuation of economic cooperation: Russian go off and become governor of a province, no mat- natural gas still goes through Georgia down to BY NANA SAJAIA, VOICE OF For the full interview in Georgian, go to: http://www. ter how important it might be –Odessa is an impor- Armenia; Georgian products are still sold in the AMERICA’S GEORGIAN SERVICE amerikiskhma.com/a/interview-richard-miles/3247669. tant place, I just fi nd it really peculiar. I know Russian Federation. The situation in an economic html president Saakashvili speaks Ukrainian, I know he had an education in Ukraine, there are certain rea- enior US diplomat Richard Miles is one sons why he is there, but I do fi nd that odd. of those who over the years has garnered what can only be described as a wealth HOW REALISTIC DO YOU THINK IT of experience and insight on political IS TO COPY-PASTE THE GEORGIAN matters about countries in the post-Soviet ANTI-CORRUPTION MODEL FROM Sspace and particularly the South Caucasus region. GEORGIA TO UKRAINE? Having served as Ambassador of the United States I’m not sure there’s any comparison. Ukraine has to Georgia in the penultimate years of the Rose quite impressive industrial assets, assets of natural Revolution, he knows more than most what this resources, so there are extremely large sums of country is about and is just the person to ask what money involved in the volume of trade transactions Georgia should expect from the major political which take place in interaction with the govern- scenarios currently unfolding in the region. Voice ment on a much higher level than anything in of America’s Nana Sajaia did just that and we are Georgia. So I don’t think you can actually compare pleased to offer an extract of this exclusive inter- the two situations. view to GEORGIA TODAY’s readers. SOME OF THE MOST VOCAL CRITICS OF TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE SAAKASHVILI HAVE SAID HIS ACTIONS RUSSIA’S INVASION OF CRIMEA. PROVOKED RUSSIA IN 2008. SIX WHERE IS UKRAINE TODAY? YEARS LATER, RUSSIA IS OCCUPYING They are having diffi culties- because of the intru- CRIMEA. HAS THAT SOFTENED sion of the mercenaries, because of their continu- CRITICISM TOWARDS SAAKASHVILI? ing activities. Despite the Minsk Agreement, the I think the war in 2008 could have been avoided. diffi culties can still be seen in rather large numbers. In August 2004, the Georgian Armed Forces, under Ukraine itself has internal diffi culties. With the President Saakashvili’s leadership, attempted to elections coming up, it’s going to be quite interest- intervene in South Ossetia. It did not go well and ing to watch, and you can be sure we are keeping they very quickly withdrew, but not without some a careful eye on it. deaths on both sides. When then-President Bush came out in May 2005, one of the major purposes WITH THE MAIDAN REVOLUTION, was to try to discourage President Saakashvili from INVASION OF CRIMEA AND any future adventures of that sort. He made the NOW SAVCHENKO’S TRIAL IN RUSSIA, UKRAINE HAS BEEN IN THE INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT. WHAT HAS IT ACHIEVED? Ukraine has a very long history, in some ways inex- tricably linked with Russian history, but it has enjoyed its current independence only a relatively short period of time. In many such countries, which The situation in an achieved independence within the last 25-30 years, people try to work out their own political, economic economic sense has and social development and at the same time try to deal with the burden of their past. And, frankly, been worse than it is to deal with the diffi culties posed by the Russian Federation. So, there is no easy answer to the ques- at present- the present tion what has been achieved or what has not been achieved in each of these countries. They are try- government has made ing, for one. some effort to try to ARE YOU FOLLOWING PRESIDENT SAAKASHVILI’S ACTIVITIES IN UKRAINE? improve the Yes but, to be honest, more for amusement than anything else. I fi nd it particularly odd that a pres- relationship with Russia ident of an independent sovereign country would and it should GEORGIA TODAY 8 POLITICS APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Preserving Democracy: the On-Going Fight between the Court and the Government

stitutional Court as a chairman of the Conference BY MERI TALIASHVILI of European Constitutional Courts in 2012. So, the Constitutional Court, and I, as a chairman of the Constitutional Court, represent all European Con- he relationship between the Consti- stitutional Courts and their equivalent bodies for tutional Court and the Government a 4-year term. became strained after the 2013 case Prior to the 2012 election, a lot of important cases concerning the Broadcasting Law were heard in the court and many members of when the Constitutional Court nulli- today’s majority participated and cases often ended Tfi ed the norm, according to which the Broadcasting with the victory of the applicant. There were three Board would automatically change with the change cases concerning illicit listening and internet sur- in the adoption of the law. The situation turned veillance. Others included rallies and demon- into a physical confrontation and reached its cul- strations legislation, when a 20 meter limita- mination in September 2015, after the Gigi Ugulava tion around state buildings was canceled, (former Mayor of Tbilisi) case when the court important provision to ensure freedom of limited 9-months pre-trial detention. From then to expression, and the abolition of the obliga- date the two bodies have been rivals. GEORGIA tion of a license for cable TV. TODAY spoke to the President of the Constitu- The same tendency continued after, how- tional Court, George Papuashvili, on that relation- ever, in this case politicians were actively ship and the perspectives of future collaboration involved from all sides and the court under- between the two. went a political turmoil. Unfortunately, this was followed by various attacks that I would call ‘hybrid President of the Constitutional Court, George Papuashvili WHEN DID THE RELATIONSHIP WORSEN attack’ on the Court - directly or indirectly the majority members’ criticism, the fi rst physical con- If you create a proper, unbiased commission, you BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTIONAL government carries out attacks against the Court. frontation occurred in Batumi when a small gath- should not put government representatives but COURT AND THE GOVERNMENT? The fi rst dissatisfaction of the government came ered group attempted to block a Court vehicle and experts in the fi eld. There were many procedural The Constitutional Court, which has been func- in 2013 regarding the Public Broadcasting Law threw various items at the building. We made a infringements; all candidate biographical data and tioning for 20 years, is recognized by Georgian and when the Constitutional Court nullifi ed the norm. statement, which unfortunately was not responded interview results should be public but they pub- international experts, governmental and non- The Constitutional Court said that regardless of to by law enforcement and government. As the lished only my results. Confl ict of interest provi- authoritative organizations as an impartial, highly changes of government, if there is no radical change incident was small, we didn’t follow up on it. But sions were not taken into account; there are no trusted body which stands out in the region. Unlike in broadcast structure, the pre-time removal of the situation became extremely tense when the results appeal mechanisms. other institutions, you can fi nd no independent members of the board shall not be allowed. The Court’s restricted 9-month pre-trial detention after I was disliked due to a political mark as being qualifi ed opinion that would question the author- change of every government coming with a change the so-called ‘Ugulava Case’ in September, 2015. unacceptable for the government. The President ity and neutrality of the Constitutional Court. A in Public broadcasting board affects the broadcast- Rallies, shooting of various subjects, and threat- of the Conditional Court should not be on the list. perfect example of this is election of Georgia Con- ing policy, which is not correct. In addition to the ening statements were made in front of various They would have troubles regarding criticizing judges’ houses in Batumi and Tbilisi. Law enforce- my competence. Apart from my previous activities ment offi cers did not react. In reality, the govern- in the legal fi eld and current academic work, I have ment did not prevent unlawful activities and to been the President of the Constitutional Court for fulfi ll its obligations to provide the Constitutional 10 years. I had been member of the Venice Com- Court and its members with security – they even mittee for 8 years, and still remain a visiting expert. contributed to the attacks. Some members of par- At the same time I was elected as the Chairman of liament tried to legitimize the law breaking by the Conference of European Constitutional Courts. labeling the incidents ‘freedom of speech.’ Though, Therefore, there was a high probability that the many international and non-governmental organ- European Council would elect me if I was one of izations reacted, and the situation was relatively the candidates- something which would be cate- neutralized. gorically unacceptable for the government, so instead of valuing the competence I have, they YOU STATED THAT BEFORE THE UGULAVA decided that I was unsuitable in terms of moral CASE, MINISTER OF JUSTICE TEA criteria. TSULUKIANI OFFERED COOPERATION When I publicly criticized the work of the Com- WITH THE GOVERNMENT. WHAT mission and published relevant documents in WAS THAT COOPERATION? response to the moral criticism, the Minister of In September 2015, Ms Tsulukiani told me that if Justice of the time insisted on unoffi cially publish- the entire Constitutional Court and I would col- ing photo-video material of me swearing in order laborate closely with the government, she would with the aim of revealing my ‘immoral’ character. help me on behalf of the Government for the term As I know, the publicizing of such recordings was extension at the Venice Commission and would met with resistance within the government circle solve other life problems. I refused her offer and and after I revealed this publicly, I hope it won’t decided not to make it public then as it would fur- be released- if it is, the source will be clear. ther complicate our relations with the government and encourage the political games. WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS FOR FUTURE RELATIONS BETWEEN WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THE THE COURT THE GOVERNMENT? PLANNED LEGISLATIVE CHANGES I say again that a hybrid attack is being launched PERTAINING TO THE COURT? against the Court by the government’s curtain After the Rustavi2 case, the Minister of Justice bodies and representatives and we are facing stated that the Court is biased and the legislative complete inaction to counter it, particularly from changes for Court reforms should begin. This hap- the law-enforcement side. Additionally, there is pened in December and they have only recently an attempt to defame the Court and its members. published the draft which until now was secret. A new tactical attack began with the adoption The project has been seen by neither Georgian of legislative changes in order to restrict the experts nor the Venice Commission and now they Court from functioning effectively. The worst want to adopt it urgently in Parliament. The draft thing is that it damages not only the constitu- basically aims to restrict the powers of the Court. tional Court but the prestige of the country, too. The President of the Venice Commission has YOU ARE PROTESTING THE already made a statement about ours and the COMMISSION CREATED TO SEND A government’s relationship. The same Commis- CANDIDATE TO STRASBOURG, WHY? sion again made recently a statement on behalf A so-called Commission was created which will of the whole Commission. Council of Europe choose 5 candidates here, three of whom will be Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks elected and sent to Strasbourg Court of Human also made a statement. Then, in the European Rights to represent the government- and there one Parliament’s resolution of this January, inadmis- will be selected. That Commission is composed sibility of pressure on the Constitutional Court mostly of government representatives. The presi- was mentioned. dent of the Commission is the Minister of Justice This situation threatens our country’s democ- and members are the Government Parliamentary racy- the Constitutional Court is a vital and pow- Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister, and Deputy erful institution in all countries even if politicians Chief Prosecutor, majority members of parliament don’t like it. When three judges and I end our terms and, in addition, several non-governmental organ- in six months’ time, we want to leave a legacy that izations and academia representatives for the will ensure that this body is recognized, respected, entourage. and untouched by the government. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 POLITICS 9 Philip Hammond Emphasizes A No-Show! Georgian Regional Importance at Parliament Calls off Session Young Politicians Forum for State Security Report


n the framework of his visit to Georgia, the United Kingdom (UK) Foreign Secretary parliament session scheduled for Philip Hammond attended the Young Politi- Wednesday with the aim of having cians Forum which annually brings together lawmakers hear a report from the future leaders from the South Caucasus Head of the State Security Service Iregion. Vakhtang Gomelauri was called off In his welcoming speech the Secretary stressed Adue to lack of attendees. the importance of the diversity and regional loca- Member of Parliament (MP) from the United tion of Georgia. National Movement (UNM) opposition party, Irma “The opportunities for different people of this Nadirashvili, accused the Georgian Dream (GD) diverse region to mix and to understand one another ruling coalition of purposely boycotting the ses- should be growing not decreasing. There is an sion to prevent the expected grilling of the Security economic cost to unresolved confl icts, particularly Chief by MPs. when closed borders prevent the regional trade Gomelauri, who served as Head of the Security that is such an effective engine of economic growth. Service of Georgia’s billionaire There is also real human cost to consider, too,” Mr UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond before becoming Deputy Interior Minister in spring Hammond said. “I know the cost of confl icts from Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy. 2013, and later Minister of Internal Affairs, said that my time as Secretary of Defense of the UK. Twenty- “It was very important that participants from Arme- it is not his fault that quorum was not reached. Head of the State Security Service Vakhtang fi ve years on from the collapse of the Soviet Union, nia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and The Netherlands “I came here to deliver my report and answer all Gomelauri thousands of refugees and internally displaced heard the message from the leaders of those coun- the questions. The failing is on the side of the MPs two surveillance videos uploaded onto Youtube persons in this region remain unable to return to tries which play a key role in shaping the world who chose not to come to the hearing,” Gomelauri depicting the intimate sex lives of prominent pub- their homes, including many here in Georgia. Work- order. Also, I’m delighted at the consensus of the said. lic fi gures and working journalists. ing together is the key to unlocking the true poten- participants on issues such as security, democracy Gomelauri proceeded to comment on the latest The sender threatened to release more videos if tial of this region- a region which is located on the and ensuring of individual freedom,” Tsutskiridze hot topic in the area of security, the so-called ‘sex those in the video refused to publicly resign from crossroad of Europe and Asia, a traditional cross- said. tapes.’ their respective duties by 31st March. ing place between East and West and North and During his visit, the UK Foreign Secretary also Regarding the private videos that were expected At a meeting of three parliamentary committees South; a region that could become a signifi cant link met the Georgian Prime Minister, members of the to be disseminated on March 31, he said, “We hope on Monday, Deputy Head of the State Security in a new Silk Road.” Georgian government and the Speaker of the Geor- that no more videos will be published, though we Service, Levan Izoria, hinted that, although he did The Young Politicians Forum, which aims to gian Parliament. He also laid a wreath at the Heroes cannot say with 100% certainty they won’t be. not rule out any theory, Russia could be behind the develop the ability of youth and to build a bridge Memorial in Tbilisi and visited the construction Investigation is in progress through the Prosecu- leaked surveillance videos recently used to threaten of trust among them, was held this year for the site of BP’s South Caucasus pipeline expansion tor’s Offi ce and we are also providing assistance.” government members. fourth time, with the support of Georgia, The Neth- which, along with the Shah Deniz 2 project, is He announced that a special group has been Izoria said that videos were uploaded from Ukraine, erlands and Great Britain. bringing a signifi cant investment of £20bn to the established to assist the investigation which includes Sweden and Lithuania and pointed out that the GEORGIA TODAY spoke to Levan Tsutskiridze, region. the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Security Ser- tapes, which were recorded during Mikheil Saakash- vice of Georgia, and special agencies from the vili’s presidency, were taken and kept out the coun- United States and Great Britain. try following the UNM loss at the October 2012 Georgian society was recently shocked by the election. Russia Boycotts International Nuclear Security Summit

“All they’re doing is isolating themselves by not participating, as they have in the past,” Ben Rhodes, a top offi cial on the White House National Security Council, told reporters in a conference call Wednes- day. “Their decision to boycott the summit is a serious concern,” he added. Zakharova’s comments are the latest in a series of provocative measures taken by Putin’s Kremlin as it de-couples from most international nuclear watch organizations. In early 2015, Russia formally ended a two decade- BY NICHOLAS WALLER old, U.S.-funded program to scrap obsolete nuclear weapon systems and secure facilities where Soviet- era radiological material was stored. ussia has opted to boycott an upcom- Since Putin’s February 2014 invasion of Ukraine’s ing nuclear security summit to discuss Crimea Peninsula, however, Russia has repeatedly measures aimed at preventing terror- threatened to redeploy tactical and intern-conti- ist groups from obtaining weapons- nental ballistic missiles to its Kaliningrad exclave grade radioactive materials. on the Polish border and the since-annexed Crimea RMoscow’s decision to snub the summit has been in effort to deter the West from expanding the widely panned by the other participants, who see NATO deeper into the republics that once made Russia’s absence as a major blow to the interna- up the Soviet Union. tional community’s efforts to better coordinate the Despite Moscow refusing to attend the summit arms control measures of the world’s main nuclear and as relations between Russia and the West con- powers. tinue to deteriorate to their lowest point since the Russia overwhelmingly has the world’s largest Cold War, Russia has thus far continued to imple- nuclear weapons arsenal, with nearly 5,000 active ment the New START treaty signed by US Presi- warheads at its disposal. In recent years the Krem- dent Barack Obama and then-Russian President lin has overtly blocked any cooperation with organ- Dmitry Medvedev in 2010. izations headed by Western powers, specifi cally The treaty calls for both nuclear powers to cut those from the US and UK, after Russian President their number of strategic nuclear missile launchers Vladimir Putin accused both governments of try- by half. ing to dictate nuclear arms reduction terms. Georgia’s President Giorgi Margvelashvili and Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine will also Zahkarova reiterated Putin’s comments when she attend the summit. Both hope to discuss security announced in late January that Moscow had no guarantees from the other participants amid grow- intention of attending the 31 March-1 April summit, ing concerns in each country that Moscow-backed saying the meeting only took into consideration separatist movements in Georgia’s breakaway Abk- “the opinions of a specifi c group of states.” hazia and South Ossetia regions and Ukraine’s Her comment was widely seen at the time as a Donbass could try and procure or sell nuclear thinly veiled reference to the summit’s NATO material. members, whom Russia considers its main foes. A recent incident in the impoverished former This year’s gathering marks the fourth security Soviet republic of Moldova that involvied the smug- summit held in as many years. Russia had sent del- gling of radioactive materials by members of Rus- egates to the fi rst three meetings, which led to the sia’s FSB security services with ties to Russian elimination of weapons-grade uranium from 12 organized crime has deeply alarmed Kyiv and Tbi- Contact: www.edelbrand.ge countries that were deemed susceptible to terrorist lisi, both of whom fear similar incidents within Phone: 599 461908 activities, including the theft of nuclear materials. their own borders. GEORGIA TODAY 10 SOCIETY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Government Builds Residences for IDPs from Abkhazia

experienced by many citizens in the suggested a proposal to take an additional BY ZVIAD ADZINBAIA country, the government believes that loan, whether domestic or foreign, to providing the adequate reaction to some- provide all IDPs with housing. This was thing that can be fatal for future genera- projected to be one of the best solutions he Ministry of Internally tions is of utmost importance. “Restor- in terms of future economic and social Displaced Persons from the ing Georgia’s territorial integrity is growth. However, the Georgian Consti- Occupied Territories, irreversible, as the events in the world tution does not allow a loan received Accommodation and Refu- develop in a quick manner. We need to from foreign fi nancial institutions. to be gees of Georgia is continu- be prepared in many respects. I believe increased. “My project needs over one Ting to provide residences for socially the IDPs who receive apartments from billion Lari, which will make it much vulnerable people from Abkhazia. The the government will defi nitely remain easier for the country in a long-term Ministry is about to fi nish construction the same in their mentality and aspire view. As it stands, we will continue our of apartments in - near Abkha- towards a unifi cation process,” Minister efforts to ease diffi culties among the zia - that will satisfy some 150 families. Subari said. IDPs as much as possible,” Minister Sub- The project is fi nancially supported by Notably, last year, when the apartments ari concluded. the Ministry itself. were distributed in Zugdidi, there were Over the last 22 years, the problems of Manuchar Chilachava, the IDP Minis- accusations that some people who Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia try representative in Samegrelo Zemo- received apartments should not have have been one of the most painful issues Svaneti region (Western Georgia) told while thousands others were left in need. for the country. The Russian occupation GEORGIA TODAY that all IDPs are Minister Subari told GEORGIA TODAY of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region (for- eligible to apply for a residence if they that in response to those allegations they merly South Ossetia) and subsequently Construction process of the six-fl oor residence for IDPs in Zugdidi, Western Georgia. meet certain set criteria. The main focus Photo: Zviad Adzinbaia had made the process transparent and the Russo-Georgian war in 2008, led to for the Ministry seems to be on those opened a hotline and other means of the mass displacement of over half a most socially vulnerable, war veterans explained the priorities of his Offi ce, the Subari explained. direct communication with the Ministry million people from their own homes. and their families, citizens with disabil- key aspect of which is to be human- Subari also underscored his Ministry’s to avoid misunderstandings. The Min- Russia and Georgia have fought a grave ities, as well as large families. oriented, meaning giving more freedom budget which tripled in the past three ister said the United National Movement war for Abkhazia which has been a sov- The Ministry is committed to complet- to IDPs living legally or illegally in dif- years. He said that it allows the Georgian sent several leaders to organize protest ereign part of Georgia for centuries. ing construction of the Zugdidi accom- ferent spots throughout the country. Dream, the party of his membership, to actions in Zugdidi. “However, we tried After the Russo-Georgian war of 2008, modation by November 2016. Chilachava “There were no instances of forcibly implement much needed projects. Nota- our best to be just and provide for the Russia recognized Abkhazia and Tskh- recalls last year when his Offi ce and the removing IDPs from their temporary bly, the current government has clearly neediest people. There might have been invali Region as independent states. The Ministry built over 320 apartments for shelters, e.g. to places with no infrastruc- advertised that they are focused more some failures in the process and single recognition seriously hinders the process IDPs. It is projected that within the next ture and other facilities. What I person- on social aspects of Georgian society - personalities could have taken bribes, of peaceful settlement of the confl icts. few years, almost all IDPs will have their ally have changed is my attempt to make such as health protection - than on other though, we have opened various means The international community strongly own residences. the system fl exible and transparent, infrastructural projects, as the ex-gov- of communication with the citizens to supports the notion that Abkhazia, as In an interview with GEORGIA TODAY including developing and activating ernment was. get information in a direct way.” well as South Ossetia, are inseparable last year, the IDP Minister Sozar Subari diverse programs for IDPs,” Minister Being aware of the extreme diffi culties Interestingly, Subari’s Ministry strongly parts of Georgia. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 SOCIETY 11 Spotlight on Food Security Issues in Georgian grow potatoes while other agricultural said that they prefer to buy low quality crops are available to less than 50 per- products at a more affordable price. cent of the population. The researchers argue that the moun- Mountain Villages Based on this, it appears that the major- tain regions of Georgia should be given ity of basic consumer products, includ- special attention, particularly in the ing vegetables, eggs, breads, cereals, fi sh context of the increasing interest of tour- tunities for development, there are alarm- tion, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. and poultry need to be imported from ists to travel to such areas and the desire BY EKA KARSAULIDZE ing problems regarding food security. Researchers focused particularly on vil- other regions of the country, despite of the energy sector to develop infra- “The objective of the study was to lages located to the west and east of the there being an obvious issue in the moun- structure there. In particular, the research- explore the current situation regarding Greater Caucasus range and in the Lower tain regions regarding logistics, transport ers proposed the establishment of a n March 25, 2016, Oxfam food security and nutrition in the high Caucasus Mountains. and infrastructure. There are consistent special program for mountain regions Georgia and the Rural and mountainous regions of Georgia and to A number of important issues were risks of landslides, avalanches, fl oods to eliminate the problem of food and Agricultural Policy and evaluate climate change risks regarding spotlighted, including food security and other natural disasters in the moun- access to products with the aim of pav- Development Institute food production and accessibility to conditions, access to products, and tains and, as such, the price of products ing the way for development of such (RAPDI) presented the food,” said representatives of Oxfam availability and quality. Results show imported from other regions of Georgia regions. researchO fi ndings of the fi rst nationwide Georgia. “The key component of the the level of food security is much lower is often very high. The studies were conducted based on study on food security and nutrition in study was also to identify the gender than in other regions of Georgia. The About half the studied population an analysis of existing data. In addition, the Greater and Lower Caucasus Moun- dynamics in food production and con- residents of mountain regions are admitted that they have only enough interviews with local residents were tains in Georgia. The research shows sumption practices.” restricted to engaging only in cattle- income for food and transport, while for carried out through various formats- that despite the mountainous regions of The study covered three regions of breeding and potato-growing. Accord- 13 percent it was not enough even for surveys, questionnaires, face-to-face Georgia demanding and having all oppor- Georgia bordering the Russian Federa- ing to statistics, 94 percent of locals food. In addition, 41 percent of locals interviews and focus groups. 111 Year Who’s Afraid of the Big Anniversary of Bad Wolf? We Are! Funicular Cableway OP-ED BY NUGZAR B. RUHADZE and unique video footage from the 1950s. BY EKA KARSAULIDZE All materials were provided by the National Archives of Georgia. he world has obviously “The Funicular gained great popularity become a scarier place to he 500 meter Tbilisi Funic- among tourists. People quite often come live in and enjoy than it ular was built according to here just to ride up in the tram car and once was – scarier than a project by Belgium archi- enjoy the views from the observation during World Wars One tects in 1905. It had the very platform,” said Gela Digmalashvili, Direc- andT Two, or in the chilling times of the important function of con- tor of Mtatsminda Park. “The Tbilisi most destructive earthquakes Man has Tnecting the Old Town with the new city Funicular is unique and there is nothing ever known. With international terror- area Mtatsminda Hills. The Funicular like it anywhere else in the world,” he ism out of control – alarmingly rampant remains a recognized symbol of Tbilisi said. and spreading fast – human life on Earth and attracts large numbers of tourists. Like many leading tourist heritage sites, in general and our attitudes in particu- To celebrate the 111th anniversary of the Funicular comes with a history. From lar are starting to alter noticeably, for- the opening of the Funicular, on 27th the date of opening to 1938 it remained feiting one set of values and acquiring March an exhibition was held in Mtats- unchanged, at which time its upper and another. minda Park presenting 30 photos and lower stations were replaced with new It is so much easier to go to war and videos that recalled the history and the buildings. They were replaced again in defend yourself when things are clear not usually wire their bodies and load because there are tens of millions, if process of construction of the rails and 1968. However, after the cable broke in and open between the warring parties: themselves with killing gear aiming to not hundreds of millions, of wonderful, stations. Also on display were the orig- 2000, the funicular was closed for many you know who the enemy is, you plan eventually explode themselves in the hard-working, peace-loving, kind- inal plans of the facility and stations that years. A major reconstruction was car- your strategy and you defy violence as most densely populated public areas of hearted, honest and intelligent Muslims serviced the cable cars and passengers ried on its facilities in 2007 and the new classic war logic dictates. Incidentally, what we call the Western World. in the world who hate the fact of ter- travelling to the top of Mtatsminda Hill line resumed full operation in 2013. wars have always contained their part It is a purely Muslim invention and rorism. They often fi nd themselves of parity and honesty, so to speak. This tool for defeating the adversary, even alongside other innocents in the crowd is no longer the case in our bizarre times though the adversary is not really an of good victims of a suicide bomber of ambushed animosity when the enemy adversary. Adversary in the case of the attack. is invisible and armed to the teeth to suicide bombing is only a deliberately Some bright authors might qualify the kill you and your loved ones. targeted symbol in order to send a mes- dreadful cul-de-sac as a clash of civili- I have an educated sense of justice sage. But this cruel message has a sav- zations, and interpret masterfully its and ample evaluation acumen to know age proclivity of taking hundreds of reasons and consequences, but this is that it is politically incorrect to say innocent lives at a time, thousands in no help. The only way out has to be there is something wrong going on actual aggregate and millions as pos- traced somewhere else, in an absolutely between the Islamic and Judeo-Chris- sibility. unknown place called reconciliation, tian cultural routines presently – just I am verbally and philosophically which can materialize only if we take as it was in the past – but as the famous sweating over this strange phenomenon entire Mankind’s wealth and every sin- adage has it, facts are sacred. Only the of terror-mongering in an attempt to gle source of human happiness and comments are not very free now! Ter- somehow make head or tail of it, and redistribute it so that all of the six plus ror has overwhelmed the planet, leav- the conclusion I arrive at is that it can- billion people around the globe feel ing it trembling in fear. Innocent civil- not be helped even if the West achieves blessed and satisfi ed. ians are losing their lives in this weird a certain amount of temporary success Is this at all possible? Most of us would war just because somebody wants to in subduing the infuriated monster. The say no. In which case we can forget murder them for some uncertain rea- monster has countless growing heads, about quenching terrorism and relaxing son full of exacerbated odium and an arms and feet, and an indomitable soul a little. On a totally different count, it unconscionable sense of revenge. And into the bargain, which claims immor- is us- the terror fi ghters -who call them they are doing this with an old but tality. There is no stopping the power- terrorists. They think differently of renovated unconventional weapon ful blood-thirsty giant, named terrorism, themselves – the heroes struggling for called suicide. unless some counter-power ends its justice and freedom. Meanwhile, the Suicide bombing has nothing to do rage with some calculated determina- big bad wolves are right here in our with Christianity or Judaism. As a mat- tion and practically usable sophistica- backyards, and no matter how coura- ter of fact, suicidal termination of life tion. geously we try to defy the onslaught, is reckoned as one of the heaviest sins And even if this is achievable, it will we are still scared to death – not because in our faith. Christians and Jews, or any not be the best solution to the dilemma. we are natural cowards, but because we other believers, except the Muham- There may be no win-win situation here. are just humans and want to live rather madan – putting this respectfully – do It is a double-edged sword of a kind, than die. GEORGIA TODAY 12 SOCIETY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Hilton Hotel Batumi: Batumi Suffering from Lack of Flights

Volunteers Protest Parking Violations on Tbilisi’s Pavements injured in the last year due to traffi c related acci- BY TAMAR SVANIDZE dents in Tbilisi. In an effort to stem the number of lethal inci- dents, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched a group of volunteers held a rally late public service campaign in 2015 to increase aware- last week to protest the rampant ness about road safety. parking and road violations that occur The event was organized by numerous non-profi t on the pavements of the Georgian organizations that hope to improve Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. notoriously poor traffi c conditions, AThe protestors demanded that the police enforce The organizers included the Alliance for Safety Stewart Nelson, General Manager of Hilton Hotel Batumi the existing laws on pedestrian rights and issue Roads, Partnership Fund for Safe Roads, Geor- fi nes to those who violate the regulations. They gian Automobile Federation, Georgian Red Cross sometimes canceled on the day of departure, has BY MERI TALIASHVILI later took to Tbilisi’s streets and proceeded to tag Society, Georgian Sports Cars Federation, Trans- seen trust in the service rapidly deteriorate. illegally parked cars with stickers demanding that parency International Georgia, Go on Foot, This can be reversed by great marketing, attrac- the vehicle be moved. Association of Roads and Transport and Kia tive offers, pricing management, maybe even a At least 90 people have died and another 3,834 Motors. ilton is a world renowned brand and limited government subsidy and a determination when you mention ‘Hilton’, the usual to deliver consistent, affordable seats on regular response is “Hotel!” just as “Hoover” fl ights. This would allow not only Georgian com- is synonymous with vacuum clean- panies but international companies to come to ers and “Coke” is known as a fi zzy Adjara to hold their conferences. drink.H The Hilton hotel has made Batumi one of All of us in tourism in Batumi need to lobby hard the main tourist and business destinations. For to have this situation reversed and I trust that with Hilton, the past year has been a success but recently coordinated determination, we’ll achieve this it has begun to face challenges in terms of business together. conference cancellations. The problem has arisen due to the lack of fl ights to Batumi and the fact that HAVE YOU TURNED TO ANY Batumi is far from Tbilisi, doubling expenditure ORGANIZATIONS OR THE for tourists. GEORGIA TODAY spoke to Stewart GEORGIAN GOVERNMENT ITSELF Nelson, General Manager of Hilton Hotel Batumi, TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM? to discuss the current challenges the hotel faces We’ve asked the Government for assistance and and how he envisions the way out. this indeed has been our message over the last year. We also have other travel industry partners keen MR. NELSON, WHAT IS THE GENERAL to promote this safe and visa free destination. PICTURE OF FLIGHTS TO BATUMI? The proof of all this work will be presented as We’ve had some really positive responses from increased fl ights, not only Charters but regular holiday tour operators and charter fl ight operators fl ights from Tbilisi and other destinations, and an who are currently promoting Hilton within the increased promotion of the region. Great steps Israeli market, and we hope to have other destina- have been made so far and I’m sure this will con- tions fl ying into Batumi from the Gulf regions and tinue. It has to as we all need to see real tourism beyond in the near future. This initial work has numbers grow and not just border crossings being resulted in other operators coming to the market counted. and benefi ting other hotels within the city so we There needs to be a visible plan that all govern- started offering the same competitive prices- they ment has for tourism that will plug into the inter- really do increase interest in the destination, a real national hotel brands plans. As such, Georgia will bonus for the city and for Georgia during this lat- be helped by all the brands within their regions est Low season. and internationally. We’re seeing fl ights arrive from March to Decem- ber and will look to see the market grow to a year- DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ACTION round fl ight in 2017. This is sure to be a great boost PLAN TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION? to all tourism destinations, and the local economy All of our plans within the hotel are co-ordinated as a whole. to improve visitor numbers, revenues, and provide What’s more, it’s really encouraging to see other great service within Hilton Batumi. independent travelers, like those from Iran, ben- We’ll continue to lobby and press for action and efi ting from a visa free status set up by the Geor- trust that our efforts, along with all those of the gian Government. We hope that all these efforts local hotels, restaurants and visitor attractions, will will continue to result in a busier Batumi. create a voice that cannot be ignored by airlines or government, both local and national. THE HILTON HOTEL HAS HAD Further to these strategic plans, we’re looking to TROUBLES IN ATTRACTING buying local produce and help to guide all quality BUSINESS RECENTLY. WHY? and consistency so we can support local produc- We’ve had real challenges attracting conferences ers. We’re seeking out farmers to grow for us and from Tbilisi, our prime market. All of the compa- have formed great partnerships with the likes of nies we have spoken to are unwilling to ask their Merci Corp to help us do just this. employees to make a 12 hour return trip by road We in Hilton have a strong local social conscience, or train, (if a ticket can be purchased at all) to so we’re fundraising for local children’s charities Batumi. to help with their needs and dreams. We’re com- There have been no fl ights since January and mitted to the local area and will do all we can to none are for sale online for the rest of this year. see it grow and develop. Batumi is an island, cut off by the lack of fl ights This goes along with our commitment to improve, since Georgian Airlines, the nation’s fl ag carrier, grow and develop the infrastructure for tourism decided to stop fl ying. The inconsistency of fl ights, within this wonderful destination. GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 SOCIETY 13 Adam’s Arsenal and Georgian Outrage: Ogden on ‘Love’

both, now that I think about it). No, this ers believe it warns against it. I interpret OP-ED BY TIM OGDEN fi lm sucks (if you’ll pardon the pun) it as a warning to fi lmmakers: hiring because of the dreadful script, the cringe- models with no acting experience des- worthy acting, and the cliched whispery perate enough to do anything to get on f all the things I love in my voiceovers. Its vain attempts at self- the screen makes for an all-round bad life, my wife comes fi rst, referential humour fl op faster than...no, movie. closely followed by my I won’t write that. If I wrote everything I felt about ‘Love’ 42-inch television. I never I had a supporting role in a Georgian then the police would probably get imagined that anything in soap opera last year (you haven’t seen involved and arrest me for deviance. For thisO world would make me want to attack it; it seems not many people did apart my money, as a fi lm it’s not good enough it with an axe and set fi re to the remains from elderly women), and while I’d never to get upset about, or half as bad as the until I saw Gaspar Noe’s ‘Love’. call myself an actor, I did at least learn things that are widely available on the With Russian soldiers to the north and to appreciate when someone is very Internet these days. Besides which, Geor- Islamic militants to the south, you’d have aware that they are on camera. One of gia’s repression of all things sex has only thought that Georgian chat shows might people playing two-backed beastie), or diffi cult to please. Give me a car chase, my biggest problems with this fi lm is the made the taboo more attractive. have thought of something more impor- apparently oblivious to the fact that many a gun fi ght, some hand-to-hand combat fact that the cast seem about as comfort- I’ve been in Georgia for six years, and tant to argue about than a fi lm. However, Georgians regularly watch the kind of and a scene when Kevin Spacey looks able as a serial killer in a police interview I’ve been a Georgian citizen for three, Noe’s movie caused a storm last week, thing that would be banned in Babylon. at the camera and talks like a teacher still wearing his last victim’s skin. and I’m beginning to share the Georgian with some branding it pornographic and Normally I’d now lay into Georgian explaining something to the class idiot, With regards to the controversial sex love of being outraged for the sake of an inappropriate abomination due to the hypocrisy, and I will, briefl y; porn sites and I’m as happy as can be. I like dino- scenes themselves, it was diffi cult for being outraged. My anger, however, is explicit sex scenes, especially as they are the most visited websites in the saurs, too. me personally to be aroused by anything directed at the slow delivery of dialogue depict group sex, lesbian sex and sex country, and seventeen year olds getting So understand me when I say that I in the fi lm since the male character to show the viewer just how serious the with a seventeen year old girl. They married, while uncommon, is not unheard didn’t take offence at this fi lm for quite looked so much like the protagonist from characters are, and the hackneyed lines contended that it does not, in fact, deserve of: I recently met someone who married the same reasons as the Georgian con- Kenneth Grahame’s ‘The Wind in the themselves, along with the total lack of to be called a fi lm. when she was fi fteen, poor lass. Yet for servatives. While staring at Adam’s Willows’ and one of the female leads plot. In addition, despite the fi lm’s alleged The people on the show demanded once I agree with the ultra-conservative Arsenal isn’t my idea of the perfect Sat- had fewer teeth than Mike Tyson. realism, not once does anyone go to the that the government block the fi lm online Georgians: this fi lm is a crime against urday evening, I’m partial to the female The fi lm is being interpreted differ- toilet. Hopefully, the next Jason Bourne (the government having recently shown humanity. form, and nudity in fi lm only bothers ently, as you might expect. Some people movie will restore my faith in the fi lm how good they are at blocking videos of Not that I’m a prude, you understand, hypocrites and the overly religious (or think it encourages a liberal sex life, oth- industry. Sink or Swim? Court to Judge Sulfur Bath-GWP Case

ment, they paid for GWP services at a Kikalishvili, the Head of the Operating BY EKA KARSAULIDZE fi xed feed-in tariff. After the management System of GWP. changing in February 2015, GWP decided Totogashvili suggests that the Sulfur to introduce a new tariff, according to Baths is a specifi c business which should he management of the leg- which the new price exceeds the previ- be offered reduced rates. In addition, the endary Sulfur Baths of Tbi- ous one by about 15 times. Baths are a cultural monument and need lisi continues to refuse to “We used to pay about 10 Tetri per constant updating and high fi nancial pay for the Georgian Water cubic meter,” stated Nodar Totogashvili, expenditure. and Power (GWP) com- the Director of Naricala Company. “To Kikalishvili claims he does not under- Tpany’s services at the new infl ated rates date, GWP has been asking 90 Tetri per stand the reason for there being an issue. and is now threatening to close the cul- cubic meter of water. In other words, “Debt is nothing unusual. It just needs tural monument. A protest was held to where we once paid 700 GEL, we are to be paid,” he said. Moreover, GWP this aim on 24 March and resulted in the now expected to pay 10.000 GEL.” confi rmed that they do recognize the closure of the Baths during the day. Rep- GWP claim that the debt is for sewage importance of the Sulfur Baths as an resentatives of GWP believe that the services. “In the past there was no mech- important cultural and tourist attraction of Tbilisi, Davit Narmania, announced Economy and Sustainable Development Baths should not have preferential rates anism to measure [them]. After we and feel that, although the Bath business the willingness of the city authorities to of Georgia, Dmitry Kumsishvili, said that and insist they must receive payment of installed meters a year ago, we introduced is profi table enough, they have not applied be involved in the negotiation process since the dispute is between two private the debt to the amount of 200,000 GEL. to the Sulfur Baths the same rates as all particularly radical measures and pointed if deemed necessary. “However, on the companies, this case should be resolved The case is currently pending before the non-household customers in the capital out that they have never ceased service basis of the legislation and regulations, in the Court, as it is set to be. Court. have, including health care and educa- provision. the local government role in this regard Representatives of the Sulfur Baths Representatives of the Baths stated that tion, as well as other budgetary and non- Representatives of the Government of will not be active,” said Narmania. claim they plan further protests and for seven years, based on an oral agree- budgetary organizations,” said Mamuka Georgia also reacted to the issue. Mayor Adding to this sentiment, Minister of closures in future. GEORGIA TODAY 14 SOCIETY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Georgia’s Healthcare and Medical Staff Need Continuous Development

panies in Georgia that own both phar- will be also reduced. BY KETI DIDEBULIDZE maceutical companies and clinics whose No owner or manager will tell a doctor doctors frequently prescribe medica- to prescribe inappropriate medication tions manufactured by the same com- to a patient that does not fi t the protocol. ccording to recent studies pany. We spoke to Rusudan Jashi, Head We should assist doctors by supplying of the Georgian healthcare of the Association for Development of more literature to them and by involv- sector, there are a number Clinic Pharmacology and Rational Phar- ing them in the professional education of shortcomings in the pri- macotherapy, about these issues. system. mary healthcare fi eld and theirA eradication is one of the main chal- HOW DOES THE RISK OF THE GEORGIAN HEALTH lenges facing the Georgian Health Min- POLYPRAGMASY INCREASE MINISTRY PLANS TO CARRY istry. IN THE ABOVE CASES? OUT REFORMS IN THE PRIMARY ‘The Health Field Barometer- 6th Wave,’ This problem does not exist only in HEALTHCARE CHAIN. DO a study by the Curatio foundation, reads Georgia. Many countries face the same YOU COOPERATE WITH THE that the quality of health services and issues. When talking about clinic man- MINISTRY AND DO YOU HAVE problems with continuous education agement, we should also remember ANY RECOMMENDATIONS programs are considered one of the main that it is not created here. Our asso- TO ELIMINATE THE problems in the Health System. ciations take samples from Europe POLYPRAGMASY PROBLEM? Representatives of the medical sector and those practices are tailored to the Research shows that the primary health- and doctors agree that doctors should Georgian reality. Doctors follow the care chain contains a number of prob- not be motivated to or interested in clinic management protocols regard- lems. Polypragmasy is met in the hos- prescribing inappropriate or excessive less of who owns the clinic. When this pital sector, too, but protocols and medications to patients. There are com- practice is established, polypragmasy guidelines regulate these issues somehow. In this respect the role of clinical phar- macology is decisive. Regretfully, these days clinical pharmacology is not taught at medical institutions here. I taught clinical pharmacology at the medical institution from 1987 but over the course of time, the academic hours decreased and, fi nally, the subject was fully removed. Therefore, this problem is of a failing in Rusudan Jashi, Head of the Association for Development of Clinic Pharmacology and the education system. It is easier to teach Rational Pharmacotherapy students than to make a doctor give up Autonomous Republic. Therefore, I We have also lived through the period habits. have to frequently visit highland dis- of Coupons. Despite these factors, we tricts of Adjara. I would not say urban have never prescribed medications for WHAT IS THE INTERNATIONAL doctors have more information than personal benefi t. This is an issue of eth- PRACTICE IN THIS RESPECT? doctors elsewhere. When pharmaceuti- ics and it derives from the human mind- In most countries clinics cannot cal companies want to spread informa- set. I think a lack of information is one receive licenses if they do not tion about their own medications, they of the main causes of this problem. have clinical pharmacologists. In some often bring doctors in minibuses in cases patients may have more than one order to inform them about their prod- HOW CAN THIS PROBLEM illness. A patient may be ill through dia- ucts. In this way they manage to cover BE RESOLVED? WHAT CAN betes plus cardiovascular disease and almost all regions of Georgia as it is in THE HEALTH MINISTRY DO so on. This signifi es, under the protocol, their own interest to do so. However, TO PROTECT DOCTORS that medication should be prescribed this does not signify the information is FROM ACCUSATIONS? for each illness and fi nally, the doctor suffi cient. The authorities should develop a con- may end up prescribing more than 10 tinuous medical education program. The medications. In this case, clinics need WE OFTEN HEAR THAT Union of Medical Associations has clinical pharmacologists to control the DOCTORS HAVE CERTAIN recently proposed the issue of undertak- whole process. MOTIVATION TO PRESCRIBE ing such a program. The Association of THIS OR THAT MEDICATION. Clinical Pharmacology is ready to join WHAT IS HAPPENING SHOULD WE CONSIDER LOW this process to upgrade the existing IN THE REGIONS AND SALARIES THE MAIN REASON knowledge in the clinical pharmacology MOUNTAIN VILLAGES? FOR THIS PRACTICE? fi eld. We expect the program details and Right now I’m working in Batumi as When working in the Pediatric Institute, the participant parties to be released in the Chief Pediatrician of the Adjara my salary was frozen for several years. early May.

Tel: (995 32) 2 45 08 08 10 Galaktion Street E-mail: [email protected] GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 SOCIETY 15 The Beauty of Japanese and Georgian Ballet Combined

The Georgian and Japanese dancers with before the show

ers to the exquisite perfection of ballet dancers BY KATIE RUTH DAVIES who have been under the strict direction of the teachers, and Nina Ananiashvili herself, for some ten years. othing is impossible except the Sleeping Beauty was played by Ann Ksovreli and impossible, said Valentin Bartes, Megumi Higuchi, with the prince who saves her President of Arte Italia and chore- played by Italian guest soloist of the State Ballet of ographer on the conclusion of a joint Georgia, Diego Buttiglione. Not a slipper was put charity gala which featured up-and- wrong as they glided across the stage, earning well- Ncoming young ballet dancers of the prestigious deserved applause time and again. ‘Passion du Ballet a Kyoto’ (PBK) Competition, It was a pleasure to attend the gala performance dancers of the State Ballet of Georgia, and students and bear witness to the developing talents of the of the Tbilisi V. Chabukiani Ballet School. “The young dancers of Japan and Georgia, working work of the Japanese and Georgian dancers is together to both entertain and build cultural bridges. something to be proud of; it is something we must And it was a pleasure, too, to contribute to the pro- do again!” fessional growth of Georgia’s young talent in addi- The event was organized by The Friends of the tion to that support provided by the kind and Georgian Ballet together with Arte Italia and PBK enthusiastic folk at The Friends of the Georgian Ballet Competition and supported by Prima Bal- Ballet organization. lerina and Artistic Director Nina Ananiashvili at About The Friends of the Georgian Ballet: The the Rustaveli Drama Theater. All proceeds from Friends have a special relationship with the Geor- ticket sales went to supporting aspiring young gian Ballet – they receive information on the Com- Georgian artists at the Tbilisi Vakhtang Chabukiani pany’s news, upcoming performances and other Ballet School. events on a regular basis, invitations to special The fi rst Act featured a variety of mini-dances celebrations (e.g. the season opening reception and performed by soloists and small groups of both scholarship awarding ceremony, Opera House tour, nationalities, incomparable in their talents on the book presentation) where they can meet and inter- stage. act with Nina and the Ballet Company’s soloists in The second Act saw the re-telling of Sleeping person and get to know more about the life of the Beauty and the bringing together of the full cast Georgian Ballet. For more information or to join, Svaneti, This and school pupils: from the youngest ballet danc- contact: [email protected]. has Gone Far Enough

Soundtrack BY TONY HANMER Step, Wash, Repeat: Svan Tardiness as a Function of Shoe Worship “Woman, Food, Now,” and other Essential Phrases n the face of unremitting winter (more accu- for the Cultured Svan Male rately, several-times-departing-and-returning Why All Wooden Floors in Svaneti are Painted winter), some more future article titles for the Same Hue and Shade of Brown you to consider, dear Reader. The Dog as Surrogate Warrior in Modern Svaneti Killing my Killer: the Gilt-on-Chased-Silver “I Just had my Rabies Shot” and other Best Excuses IIconic Svan Version of Emperor Diocletian being for Not Drinking killed by St George, whom he Martyred Puliani, Gviani, Dze-Shviliani, Bakuriani, Khista- How the Svans Showed the Mongols such a Fab- viani and other Lost Svan Surnames ulously Good Time that they Stayed for (Only) a Svan: Language or Dialect? (Hint: Ask this Ques- (Whole) Year tion in Svan and see Who can Understand it) Why the Svans are Proud to have been Called Svan Fashion: Black is not only the New Black, Dirty and Smelly by Strabo but the Only Color Heard but Seldom Seen, or Seen but Seldom “Neither does English have its Own Alphabet” Heard: Avalanches Vs. Glaciers—Your Preference and other Useful Additions to the “X is not a Writ- (Poll) ten language” Debate How and Why Cows Lose their Bells: A Confes- Cold Spaghetti on the Wall, and Other Possible sion Ways that M. Mashtots may have Invented every Origin of the Svan Word for What, ma, in a Calf’s Existing Alphabet in World History First Utterance If you Think our Bark is Worse, Just Try our Bite: Before Oppenheim’s 1936 Fur-Covered Bowl: the The Dogs Speak Out Inverted Svan Hat as Drinking Vessel The Joke was on Jason: Ancient Svan Humor and The Real Reason why That Sculpture of Tamar the Golden Fleece Gag Mepe Ended Up in the Center of Mestia “Medea was Such a Witch” and other Excised How to Feed Your Pet Termite for Quickest Breeding Text Fragments Rediscovered in the Svan Manu- How a Bull Defeats a Barbed-Wire Fence (and scripts of the Argonautica Why) Multi-Purpose Building: Mestia Hospital Doubles Move, Rebuild, Destroy, Replace: former Georgian as Town Freezer President’s Secret Agenda for Mestia Museum Grading the Soviet Political Classics as Toilet Tony Hanmer runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook Paper: a Hardness Scale group, now with over 1300 members, at “Chornie Glaza”, selected works by A. Pugacheva www.facebook.com/groups/SvanetiRenaissance/ and Blue System, and other Rediscovered Master- He and his wife also run their own guest house in Etseri: pieces of the Essential Long-Distance Marshroutka www.facebook.com/hanmer.house.svaneti GEORGIA TODAY 16 CULTURE APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 Google’s Cultural Website to Showcase Georgian Art

ing high quality photographs of its many exponents BY ANA AKHALAIA As Wonderful as Art Can onto the webpage - paintings, unique pieces of applied art, cinema and theater costumes, manu- scripts, porcelain, archeological artifacts and metal n an agreement signed between Google and works which viewers will be able to see in the Be: Abramishvili’s Paradises, Art Palace (the Georgian State Museum of smallest detail by using the online zoom feature. Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography), “We are very excited and honored to be able to the Art Palace of Georgia will now be able present the wonderful exponents we house at Art to showcase many of its unique exhibits on Palace to an international audience through the Panthers and More Ia special website named the Google Cultural Insti- Google Cultural Institute,” said Giorgi Kalandia, tute. Director of the Art Palace. “Once the initial photos to him by his father, Guram Abramishvili, an expert BY MAKA LOMADZE Launched in 2011, Google Cultural Institute is “an are uploaded, we plan to make and upload a virtual in Georgian medieval art at the Art Museum of effort to make important cultural material available journey through the museum and 3D displays of Georgia. Impressed by the medieval frescoes from and accessible to everyone and to digitally preserve chosen pieces of art.” the Ateni Sioni Church, the artist adopted the gesso it to educate and inspire future generations.” The Art Palace was recently awarded a Special s beautiful as art can be – these are technique to create the texture of a mural in his Tbilisi’s Art Palace treasures will become a part Mention of the jury of Europa Nostra in recogni- the fi rst words that come to my mind easel painting. Due to his unique visual language of a virtual family where the works of Michelan- tion of its outstanding contribution to the conser- when I look at these magnifi cent and aesthetics, Abramishvili emerged as one of the gelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Van vation of historic paintings, furniture and other works by Merab Abralishvili. People leading Georgian artists to go beyond the estab- Gogh and others are showcased. elements. in general are inclined to either eas- lished Soviet-era clichés. In the period of post- Art Palace is the fi rst organization in Georgia to If you are lucky enough to live in Georgia, you Aily worship or easily criticize, and we, Georgians, Soviet political instability, Abramishvili became become a member of the Cultural Institute. The can see the Art Palace treasures live at Kargareteli people of extremities, are specially characterized preoccupied with mystical imagery. His works are museum has already started the process of upload- Str. 6, Tbilisi. by this feature. However, without any exaggera- displayed as part of solo and group exhibitions in tion, this stunning world will show you that some- both Georgia and abroad and are treasured by the times even epithets are not enough. The Zurab Art Museum of Georgia and National Gallery of Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) invites Art in Tbilisi as well as Museum Ludwig Cologne, all who have even the slightest feel for perceiving and private collections in Finland and the United beauty. This is an exposition that nobody should States. miss, that all Georgians and foreigners should see The current exposition features the paintings to get acquainted with the large scale of diversity created from 1985 to 2006, the year the painter died, that Georgian fi ne art possesses. Incomparable and includes private collections from Georgia and canvases performed in fresco technique have been overseas. There are negotiations to display this displayed since March 9, and were to be taken exhibition in foreign countries which will undoubt- down on April 3. However, due to the audience’s edly play a great role in the popularization of Geor- artistic appetite and good resonance, it will hap- gian modern art. The very peculiar panthers and pily last until April 17. peacocks and interpretations on the motifs of The late Merab Abramishvili was a distinguished paradise are captivating, as are the fl owers adorned representative of modern Georgian art. His style with half-surrealistic colors, giving the observer represents an original transformation of Geor- space to perceive and contemplate. gian cultural heritage, namely, Georgian frescoes, Apart from the catalogue, various products made and is perceived as an extraordinary occasion according to Merab Abramishvili’s works are for not only against a background of Georgian art, sale in the museum shop, including reproductions but in the modern world art space as well. “We’ve on silk, postcards, notebooks, glasses and bags. exhibited his paintings regularly since 1992, when Following the exposition, the catalogue will be my gallery fi rst opened,” Baia Tsikoridze, cura- available at Baia Gallery and various bookshops tor of the exhibition, told GEORGIA TODAY. “In and museums. 2013, I represented him at the London Sotheby Auction’s exhibitions ‘On the Crossroads 1 – Mid- dle Asian and Caucasian Modern Art’ and ‘On the Crossroads 2 - From Istanbul to Kabul’. Abramishvili’s works were sold with success. The new catalogue is the most comprehensive that has been released so far, comprising around 400 paintings and this exhibition is the largest among those held in Georgia to date. I can tell you that 40% of his paintings are a total surprise – coming from private collections. This is an on- going process. Since opening this exhibition, new paintings have emerged.” Levan Abramishvili, the renowned painter’s son, is a painter himself. He is very grateful to the organ- izers for completing such a tremendous task. “There are much more resources abroad in terms of exhi- bition space and a number of eager spectators. I can say that the maximum has been done consid- ering the limited capacities of Georgia. Everything has been fulfi lled to the highest level. Some of the paintings are from our family collection, whilst more than a half come from private collections. There were plenty of surprises for me and some works I had never seen before. I like my dad’s style very much, but I want to paint the way I want. My technique implies two pictures in one,” he told GEORGIA TODAY. Merab Abramishvili graduated from the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts in 1981. His future aesthet- ics were infl uenced by medieval Georgian frescoes and Orientalist miniatures which were introduced GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 CULTURE 17

Manana Menabde, an Organic Artist Serving Multiple Muses

various series on different motifs: ‘Ghosts feels. This photo-exhibition is also a BY MAKA LOMADZE of Tango,’ ‘Mannequin and Life,’ ‘Graphic demonstration of her feelings and she Photos,’ ‘Painting Photos,’ ‘Watercolor,’ wishes to transmit these naked sensa- ‘Pastel,’ and ‘Light and Shadow’. Each tions to the audience.” t Tbilisi History Museum reveals the author’s multicolored pho- There is a saying that it is impossible (commonly known as tographic style and an expression pecu- to serve two muses. However, there are Karvasla) under the Geor- liar to her. a very few who manage to serve several. gian National Museum, the Menabde can also be found decorating Manana Menabde is among them, a per- photo-exhibition of distin- ceramics, releasing musical albums son who is totally saturated with creative Aguished artist Manana Menabde is on. (‘Dreams of Georgia’ and ‘Bulat Okujava’s energy. Titled ‘Illusions,’ it opened last Thursday, songs performed by Manana Menabde’), The exhibition is distinguished with March 24. and publishing her fables and short sto- story-telling through the texts which She is acknowledged as an artist who ries in German which add to a literary accompany each photograph, texts that will never be identifi ed with any of the collection which also includes her auto- reveal the artist’s wisdom and ironic fashionable or epoch-making trends. biographical novel ‘Wednesday - the Day sense of humor: “The man kept silent She is always associated with some- of the Flight.’ In 1992, Manana Menabde and everyone thought him to be very thing independent, original and har- was awarded a literary scholarship by clever,” or “The man lacked only his monious. the Heinrich Boll Foundation. Art critics death to be acclaimed a genius.” The Menabde is fi rst and foremost a well- say that in all spheres, she manages to windy and snowy Moscow and Saint- FOR SALE known musician and singer. Alongside be an organic artist. Petersburg views are contrasted by that she is a painter, photographer, fi lm Interestingly enough, the majority of azure skies and sunny Batumi beaches, 9,8 ha non-agricultural, privately owned parcel for industrial use director and writer. Her extremely musi- these photos are taken with an amateur which modify in color according to the cal family still evokes great interest: SONY camera or an iPhone; only a few time of day. The original shots from the (cadaster code # Manana Menabde was only four years have been taken with a professional train, which makes a natural effect, as old when the Magazine ‘Ogonyok’ pub- camera. For Manana herself it is more if the photos have frames, are worthy located next to Tbilisi Airport lished an article about the famous Ishkh- important how she captures the photo- of note. neli Sisters (Menabde’s grandmother graphs – what intensity of illumination, Manana Menabde mentions that she (It is possible to divide it into several parts) and great aunts) and mentioned the lit- which context and, of course, what she never touches up her works and never tle girl who could perform their whole wants to say through them. “I always like uses Photoshop. Therefore, it is quite Address: Airport settlement, Samgori district, Tbilisi repertoire. “My house was a sort of to tell the unvarnished truth,” she says, diffi cult to guess how everything is blue music-box,” Manana said, “I was fortu- “that is why I avoid using effects. My in the series of “blue” apart from the Tel: +995 599 529 529 nate to be part of an everlasting festivity photos are quite raw. The art of photog- sky… one snapshot from the ‘Light and of music.” raphy is a way of showing the truth, Shadow’ series is also something special: [email protected] She worked in painting, graphic art and which does not always look as beautiful white sheets, white book and white fan, collage together with the new genera- as we would like it to be.” partly lit by a sun beam. tion of the 1980s. From 1991 she lived and Hannelore Umbreit, Leipzig University “Perhaps it’s time to break down all worked in Berlin holding concerts, exhi- professor, translator and specialist in the walls, remove the barriers and wipe bitions, and participating in various Slavic Languages, says, “The extraordi- clean all the borders with an eraser; fl y projects and performances in Germany, nary talent of Menabde is always revealed up into the sky and feel its height, greed- Russia and Georgia. in her ability to keep tradition, while at ily breathe in the smell of streets wet Manana Menabde became interested the same time breaking it.” from the rain; fl oat with the wind from in photography back in the 1970s and in Lika Mamatsashvili, Curator of the branch to branch, from sky to sky, from 2013, she was offered the chance to design National Museum of Georgia, told GEOR- star to star… Maybe, it’s high time to do a friend’s book ‘Declaration of Love in GIA TODAY: “Manana Menabde is a something really crazy,” said the ageless Russian,’ which includes around 100 of real artist, which implies enjoying talents artist. Menabde’s photo-works. in almost all arts. First and foremost, she Manana Menabde’s exhibition ‘Illu- The exhibition ‘Illusions’ showcases is a singer. She sings exactly how she sions’ will run until April 15. GEORGIA TODAY 18 CULTURE APRIL 1 - 4, 2016

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATRE CINEMA 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE March 9 – April 3 April 3 Directed by Dan Trachtenberg EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY ARTIST LEVAN SAMNASHVILI Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery MERAB ABRAMISHVILI GRIBOEDOVI THEATRE AMIRANI CINEMA AND Cast: John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Apart from the catalogue, the Address: 36 Kostava St. WRITER EKA KEVANISHVILI Address: 2 Rustaveli Ave. Winstead, John Gallagher Jr. exhibition will also present for Telephone: 2 99 99 55 JOINT EXHIBITION Telephone: 2 93 43 36 Language: Russian sale various items with prints of www.kinoafi sha.ge I AM YOU Start time: 22:15 Abramishvili’s paintings, including Music: Rezo Kiknadze April 1 Ticket price: 13-14 Lari mugs, cards, posters, note pads, Every Wednesday ticket price: 5 Lari Opening: 19:00 ENGLISH DETECTIVE MUSEUM bags and silkware which can be Directed by Vakhtang Nikolava purchased at the museum gift shop. Entry: free April 1-7 Small Stage GEORGIAN NATIONAL Exhibition curator: Baia Tsikoridze Language: Russian ART AREA GALLERY BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN MUSEUM GALLERY Start time: 18:00 OF JUSTICE SIMON JANASHIA MUSEUM Address: 10 D. Abashidze Str. Ticket price: 5 Lari Directed by Zack Snyder Address: 4 Rustaveli Ave. Telephone: 595 29 88 55 Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Telephone: 2 99 80 22, 2 93 48 21 THE NATIONAL GALLERY April 2 Cast: Ben Affl eck, Henry Cavill, www.museum.ge Address: 11 Rustaveli Ave. April 1-3 www.museum.ge FROZEN IMAGES Amy Adams ART BOOK TRAVELLING THE TRAVELING MUSEUM OF Kristian Smeds Language: English EXHIBITION/SALE THE CAUCASUS PERMANENT EXHIBITION Directed by Jari Juutinen Start time: 19:10 The project takes place once a Language: Russian Niko Pirosmanashvili, David Language: Russian THE PERMANENT EXHIBITION month in different locations. The Start time: 19:00, 22:15 Kakabadze, and Start time: 18:00 NUMISMATIC TREASURY books from Motto Distribution Ticket price: 13-14 Lari sculptor Iakob Nikoladze Ticket price: From 5 Lari and experimental publications, March 24 – April 15 LONDON HAS FALLEN March 25 – April 14 notebooks and postcards made by MOVEMENT THEATRE PHOTO EXHIBITION Directed by Babak Najafi Jubilee exhibition of Georgian Georgian artists will be exhibited at Address: 182, Aghmashenebeli Ave., “ILLUSIONS” BY MANANA Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller prominent Temo Gotsadze the event. Mushthaid park MENABDE Cast: Gerard Butler, Morgan The exposition showcases the FROM BLUE STALLIONS TO Telephone: 599 555 260 Freeman, Charlotte Riley artist’s photo series created on ABSTRACTION GAMREKELI GALLERY Language: Russian different photo motives from The exposition showcases 140 Address: 14 Ingorokva Str. April 3 paintings by the artist, among them Start time: 12:00 the 1990s to the present: Tango Telephone: 2 99 57 23 RECITATIVE IN THE CITY Ticket price: 8-9 Lari Shadows, Mannequin and the Life, monumental abstractions which Participants: Kakha Graphic Photos, Watercolor, Pastel, will be exhibited for the fi rst time. April 4-10 Bakuradze,Sandro Nikoladze, STRANGERLAND Light and Shadows. Also on display is the graphic series IRAKLI JGENTI Ana Kordzaia-Samadasvili, Directed by Kim Farrant of “The Knight in the Panther’s PERSONAL EXHIBITION Irakli Menagarishvili Genre: Drama, Thriller ZURAB TSERETELI MUSEUM Skin” created in 2015. Cast: Nicole Kidman, Joseph OF MODERN ART Start time: 21:00 MUSIC Fiennes, Hugo Weaving Address: 27 Rustaveli Ave. TBC GALLERY Telephone: 2 14 84 11, 2 98 60 04 Address: 7 Marjanishvili Str. ROYAL DISTRICT THEATRE Language: Russian www.momatbilisi.ge Telephone: 2 27 27 27 Address: 10 Abesadze St. Start time: 22:00 TBILISI CONCERT HALL Ticket price: 13-14 Lari Telephone: 2 99 61 71 March 9 – April 3 Address: 1 Melikishvili St. March 30 – April 9 EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY Telephone: 2 99 00 99 COLONIA MERAB ABRAMISHVILI KONSTANTINE MINDADZE April 2 Directed by Florian Gallenberger LIFEFORMS Exhibition curator: Baia Tsikoridze April 7 WOMEN OF TROY Genre: Drama, History, Romance (CHAPTER TWO) Directed by Data Tavadze TEMUR TATARASHVILI Cast: Emma Watson, Daniel Brühl, DEVIATION CONCERT Genre: Documentary Michael Nyqvist MUSEUM OF ART English Subtitles (on request) Language: Russian Address: 1 Lado Gudiashvili St. NOVELLA 50 YEARS ANNIVERSARY Start time: 20:00 Start time: 14:15, 19:30 Telephone: 2 99 99 09 Address: 46 Chavchavadze Ave. Start time: 20:00 Ticket price: 7, 10, 15 Lari Ticket price: 9-14 Lari www.museum.ge Telephone: 2 24 06 06 Ticket price: From 25 Lari GEORGIA TODAY APRIL 1 - 4, 2016 SPORTS 19 Chilly Start for Georgia’s Weiss in More Ways than One

despite some delicate exchanges between BY ALASTAIR WATT attacking midfi elders Vako Qazaishvili, Jano Ananidze, Giorgi Chanturia and Okriashvili, Georgia only forced one save crowd of little more than from Kazakh goalkeeper David Loria in 5,000 braved an unseason- the opening half hour, with the Georgian- ably freezing night at Tbi- named stopper denying Kazaishvili at lisi’s Dinamo Arena to his near post in the 13th minute. watch a scarcely memora- An emphasis on patient, passing foot- Able 1-1 friendly draw between Georgia ball was vivid from Weiss’s Georgia in and Kazakhstan in Vladimir Weiss’s fi rst the early stages but despite dominating match in charge of the national team. possession, the Kazakhs hit the hosts on It was never likely to be a glorious the counter in the 36th minute. coronation for the Slovakian debutant The highly impressive Serikzhan who refl ected with limited satisfaction Muzhikov cut the ball back for Nurgaliev on a typically fragmented non-compet- to side-foot past Nukri Revishvili who, itive encounter where Azat Nurgaliev’s though not at fault for the goal, endured opener for the Kazakhs was swiftly can- a thoroughly unconvincing evening, fre- celled out by Georgia’s Tornike Okriash- quently requiring two or more attempts vili toward the end of the fi rst-half. to make routine catches. “I am very dissatisfi ed with the result. Georgia’s reply was instant though as As for the players, I am satisfi ed with captain Jaba Kankava fed right-back Ucha for a penalty as substitute Nika Kacha- Kenia’s excellent through ball, only to them down, something Weiss will want some of them and others disappointed Lobjanidze whose cross was so woefully rava appeared to be brought down in the shoot feebly at the feet of replacement to address and resolve in the triple header me. Kazakhstan played well but I think struck that it deceived the Kazakh defence penalty area but referee Clayton Pisani goalkeeper Vladimir Plotnikov in the of late spring friendlies against Slovakia, we must beat such team,” stated Weiss and, following a dummy from Chanturia, of Malta thought otherwise. 78th minute. Romania and Spain before the serious after the match. Okriashvili crisply levelled from the edge The 22-year-old Kacharava then ought Georgia merited victory but a familiar business of World Cup qualifying begins For a game between the world’s 122nd of the penalty area. to have scored, latching on to Levan lack of conviction in the fi nal third let against Austria in September. and 125th ranked teams, and with Geor- Weiss picked out winger Okriashvili, gian support for the national football now of Turkish side Eskisehirspor, as team ever-dwindling, it was no surprise Georgia’s best player on the night, but to see vast swathes of empty seats inside also reserved special praise for 21-year- a stadium that one and a half weeks ear- old debutant Giorgi Aburjania who lier had been bursting at the seams for performed admirably in central mid- the Georgian rugby team’s vanquishing fi eld. of Romania. A customary fl urry of second-half sub- That cold and popular indifference stitutions ensued but Georgia did fi nd towards Georgian football will be a chal- time to forge three noteworthy openings. lenging hurdle for Weiss to overcome, First, Ananidze, who had another unin- but there were glimpses of attractive spiring game in a Georgia shirt, found football from a Georgian side which Solomon Kverkvelia with a corner kick started the night without a recognized in the 68th minute but the central defend- striker. er’s diving header crept narrowly over This dearth up-front led to a predict- the bar. able lack of potency in front of goal as, The Georgians then had fi erce claims

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