

I. PRIVATE PAPERS BALFOUR MSS., British Museum. BERT 1 E MSS., Public Record Office. B RuG ERE MSS., in the possession of Mme. Raymond Brugere. AusTEN CHAMBERLAIN MSS., Birmingham University Library. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN MSS., Birmingham University Library. DELCAss:E MSS., Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. ETIENNE MSS., Bibliotheque Nationale (n.a. fr. 24327). FAURE MSS., in the possession ofM. Fran~ois Berge. HAN o TAu x MSS., Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. HARDINGE MSS., Cambridge University Library. LANSDOWNE MSS., Public Record Office. MILLERAND MSS., in the possession ofM. Jacques Millerand. NoRDHEIM MSS., in the possession ofM. Rupert Nordheim. SALISBURY MSS., Christ Church, Oxford. SANDERSON MSS., Public Record Office. TERRIER MSS., Bibliotheque de l'Institut. W ALDECK-RoussEAU MSS., Bibliotheque de l'Institut. The Delcasse MSS. now contain copies of a number of letters from Delcasse to Barrere, Stephen Pichon, and Waldeck-Rousseau found by the author in other manuscript collections. 2. OFFICIAL PAPERS Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres: Volumes in the 'Nouvelle Serie Reliee' for years r 898 to I 905. Archives du Ministere de Ia Guerre: Attache reports and proces-verbaux of the Conseil Superieur de Ia Guerre for the years 1898 to 1905. Archives de Ia Marine: Attache reports and dossiers on the Conseil Superieur de Ia Marine and JIO Bibliography

Franco-Russian naval relations for the years I 898 to I 905. Archives Nationales: Section d'Outre-Mer: The dossiers in these archives relating to the origins of the F ashoda expedition have already been exhaustively studied by previous authors. The material on the other two main issues during Delcasse's terms as under-secretary and minister of colonies - Siam and West African expan­ sion- is, for the purposes of this study, of less value than documents in the Delcasse and Terrier MSS. Other manuscript material referred to in footnotes is unfortunately not yet generally available.


The following list does not claim to be comprehensive. It is intended to serve as a guide to those works mentioned in footnotes and to others which are particularly relevant to a study ofDelcasse's foreign policy.

I. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire for the years I 898 to I905. British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914. Ed. G. P. Gooch and H. Temperley. London, 1926-38. Die grosse Politik der europaischen Kabinette, 18:71-1914. Ed. J. Lepsius, A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and F. Thimme. Berlin, I922-7. Documents diplomatiques franyais, z8:71-1914. , I929-62. I documenti diplomatici italiani. Jrd series. Rome, I95 2-. Journal Officiel de la Republique Franyaise. Krasnyi Arkhiv.

2. MEMOIRS AND CORRESPONDENCE ANDRE, General L. Cinq ans de ministere. Paris, I907. BARATIER, A.-E.-A. Souvenirs de Ia mission Marchand. 3 vols. Paris, I9I4-4I· BARCLAY, Sir T. Thirty Years: Anglo-French Reminiscences. London, I9I4· BARRERE, C. 'Le prelude de I' offensive allemande de I9o5'. Revue des Deux Mondes, I February I9J2, 634-41. --'La chute de Delcasse'. Revue des Deux Mondes, I Aug. I9J2, 6o2-I8; I Jan. I9J3, I23-33· --'Lettres aDelcasse'. Revue de Paris, 15 April I937, 72I-63. BARYIATINSKAYA, Princess A. My Russian Life. London, I923· BENOIST, C. Souvenirs. Vol. III. Paris, 1934· BoMPARD, M. Man ambassade en Russie 190,3-8. Paris, I937· BRAIBANT, c. (ed.). Felix Faure a!'Elysee: Souvenirs de Louis Le Gall. Paris, I963. Bibliography JII BuCHANAN, M. Amlxzssador's Daughter. London, 1958. BucxLE, G. E. (ed.). The Letters ofQueen Victoria. 3rd ser., vol. III. London, 1932· BuLow, Furst B. von. Denlcwiirdiglceiten. 4 vols. Berlin, 193o-1. CAILLAUX, J. Mes memoires. 3 vols. Paris, 1942-'7. --Agadir: ma politique exterieure. Paris, 1919. CAMBON, P. Correspondance z87o-1924. Ed. H. Cambon. 3 vols. Paris, 194o-6. --'Lettres de Paul Cambon a Felix Faure'. Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, LXVIII (1954), 185)-201. CARTON DE WIART, Comte E. Leopold II: souvenirs des dernieres annees, zgoz-g. Brussels, 1944· CHAMBRUN, Comte C. de. Traditions et souvenirs. Paris, 1952.· CHARLEs-Roux, F. Souvenirs diplomatiques d'un dge revolu. Paris, I9)6. CL.ARETIE, J. '28 ansa la Comedie-Fran<;aise.' Serialised in seventeen instal- ments in Revue des Deux Mondes between I Dec. 1948 and I April I95 I. CoMBARIEU, A. Sept ansa rElysee avec le President Emile Louhet: de raffaire Dreyfus a Ia conflrence d'Algesiras, z8gg-zgo6. Paris, I 932· CoMBES, E. Mon ministere, 1902-S. Paris, I956. CO MITE DES AMis DE DELCASSE. A Ia memoire de Delcasse. Paris, I 93 5. DELCASSE, T. Alerte! Ou allons-nous? Paris, I882. EcKARDSTEIN, Baron von. Ten Years at the Court ofSt. James, z8g5-zgo5. Translated and edited by G. Young. London, I92I. ETIENNE, E. Son ceuvre coloniale, algerienne, et politique. Discours et ecrits divers, z88z-zgo6. 2 vols. Paris, I907. FAuRE, F. 'Fachoda (I898)'. Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, LXIX (19S5), 2 9-39· FERRY,A.Lescarnetssecrets, l9l4-Z8.Paris, I957· G:ERARD, A. Memoires d'Auguste Gerard. Paris, I928. GRAMONT, E. de. Memoires. Les maronniers enfleurs. Paris, I929. GREY OF FALLODON, Viscount. Twenty-Five Years, z8g2-zgz6. 2 vols. London, I925. HALDANE, Viscount. Rickard Burdon Haldane: an Autobiography. London, I929· HAMMANN, 0. Deutsche Weltpolitilc, z8go-zgz2. Berlin, I92). HANOTAUX, G. 'Carnets.' Ed. G.-L. Jaray. Revue des Deux Mondes, I April I949. 385-40J; I 5 April I949. 573-88. HANSEN, J. Les coulisses de fa diplomatie: z5 ansa l'ltranger, z864-Z879· Paris, I88o. --L'ambassade a Paris du Baron de Mokrenkeim, z884-g8. Paris, I9

J• SECONDARY WORKS ALBERTINI, L. The Origins of the War of 1914. Vol. I. Translated by I. M. Massey. London, 1952. AMERY, J. The Life ofJoseph Chamberlain. Vol. 4· London, 1951. ANDERSON, E. N. The First Moroccan Crisis 19o.r6. Chicago, 1930. ANDERSON, M.S. The Eastern Question. London, 1966. ANDREW, C. M. 'German World Policy and the Reshaping of the Dual Alliance'. Journal ofContemporary History, I (1966), no. 3, 137-5 I. --'France and the Making of the '. Historical Journal, x (I967), 89-105. AssoCIATION FRAN

GANIAGE, J. L'expamion coloniale et les rivalitls internationales de 1871 ci 1914. Cyclostyled lecture course. Paris, 1964. GIFFEN, M. B. Fashoda: the Incident and its Diplomatic Setting. Chicago, I930. GILES, F. A Prince ofJournalists: The Life and Times ofHenri Stefan Opper de Blowitt. London, 1962. GIRARDET, R. La sociltl militaire dans la France contemporaine, 181S-1939. Paris, I953· --Le nationalismefranfais, 1871-1914. Paris, 1966. GIRAULT, R. 'Aspects financiers de !'alliance franco-russe'. Revue d'Histoire M oderne et Contemporaine, VIII ( 196 I), 67-76. GoGUEL, F. La politique des partis sous !a Troisieme Rlpuhlique. 2 vols. Paris, I946. GoLDBERG, H. The Life ofJean Jaures. Madison, I962. GoocH, G. P. Before the War. Studies in Diplomacy. 2 vols. London, I936. GRENVILLE, J. A. S. Lord Salishury and Foreign Policy. London, 1964. GuiLLEN, P. 'Les milieux d'affaires fran'--97· --Le X/Xe siecle. 2 vols. Paris, 1954-5. -- 'Les relations franco-russes a la fin du XIXe et au debut du XXe siecle: bilan des recherches'. Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviltique, I (1959), 128-47· --La politique exterieure de Thlophile Delcassl, 1898-190S. Cyclostyled lecture course. Paris, 1962. REYNALD, G. La diploma tie fran;aise: !'oeuvre de M. Delcassl. Paris, 19 I 5. RICH, N. Friedrich von Holstein. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1965. Rn-rnR, G. The Schlieffen Plan. Critique ofa Myth. Translated by A. and E. Wilson. London, 1958. RoBERTS, S. H. History ofFrench Colonial Policy 187o-192S. London, 1929. RoBINSON, R., and GALLAGHER, J. Africa and the Victorians. London, 1961. --'The Partition of Africa', in The New Camhridge Modern History, XI, 593-640. RoPP, T. 'The Development of a Modern Navy: French Naval Policy, I871-1904'· Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Harvard, 1937. SAINT-CYR, C. de. Pourquoi !'ltalie est notre allile. Paris, 1915. SANDERSON, G. N. England, Europe, and the Upper Nile, 1882-1899· Edinburgh, 1965. SARKISSIAN, A. (ed.). Studies in Diplomatic History and Historiography. London, 1961. JI8 Bihlwgraphy ScHuMAN, F. L. War and Diplomacy in the French Repuhlic. London, 193 I. SERRA, E. Camille Ba"ere e l'intesa italo-francese. Milan, I950. --L'intesa mediterranea delzgo2: una fase risolutiva nei rapporti italo- inglesi. Milan, I957· SKINNER, C. 0. Elegant Wits and Grand Horqontals. London, I963. STEINBERG, J. Yesterday's Deterrent. London, I965. STEINER, Z. 'The Last Years of the Old Foreign Office'. Historical Journal, VI (I963), 59-90. STENGERS, J. 'Aux origines de Fachoda: !'expedition Monteil'. Revue Beige de Philologie et d'Histoire, XXXVI ( I958), 436-5o; xxxvm ( I96o ), 366-404, I04o-65. SWART, K. W. The Sense of Decadence in Nineteenth Century France. The Hague, I964. T ABOUIS, G. jules Cambon. Translated by C. F. Atkinson. London, 1938. TARDIEU, A. 'France et Espagne I902-I9I2'. Revue des Deux Mondes, I December I912, 633-62. TAYLOR, A. J. P. 'Prelude to Fashoda: the Question of the Upper Nile, I 894-5'. English Historical Review, LXV ( I950 ), p-80. -- 'British Policy in Morocco, I886-I902'. English Historical Review, LXVI (1951), 342-74• --The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-zgzS. Oxford, I954· TEMPERLEY, H. 'British Secret Diplomacy from Canning to Grey'. Cam­ bridgeHistorical]ournal, VI (I938), I-32. -- and PENSON, L. Foundations of British Foreign Policy from Pitt to Salisbury. Cambridge, I938. TheHistoryofThe Times. Vol. 3· London, I947· TREVELYAN, G. M. GreyofFallodon. London, I937· TRUHos, P.M. Delcasse et sa politique. Paris, I9IO. V AILLE, E. Le cabinet noir. Paris, I950. VILLOT, R. Eugene Etienne. Oran, I95 I. WALTERS, E. 'Franco-Russian Discussions on the Partition of Austria­ Hungary'. Slavonic and East European Review, XXVIII ( I949-50), I84--97· WRIGHT, G. France in Modem Times. London, I962.

4· NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS The following newspapers contain signed articles by Delcasse: La Petite Republique, I5 April I883-3 Jan. I886. La Republique Fra.Tifaise, 7 July I886-5 Jan. I888. Le Paris, 7 Aug. I886-29 June I889. (Some ofDelcasse's articles are written under the pseudonym 'Pierre Dechene'.) Le jour, I Oct. I89o-27 May I89I. Le National, 4 March I892-I7 Jan. I893· Bihliograplty The other newspapers and periodicals most frequently consulted were the following: Bulletin du Comize de I'Afrique Fra11faise. La Depeche Colonia/e. La Depeche de Toulouse (articles by Jezierski under the pseudonym 'Jean F rontiere'). Figaro (only later known as Le Figaro). Le Journal des Dehats. LeMatin. La Quin{aine Colonia/e. LeTemps. The Times. Index

Aharzuza, Buenaventura, 193 Austria-Hungary, speculation on Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Morocco, dissolution of, 127-3 5 passim; 156-7, I85-7,I94,264-5 and Germany, 2o-1, 129, 303; Adowa, battle of, 82 and Serbia, 244-5 Agadir crisis (I 9 II), 70, I 52, 28 5 Alexander, King of Serbia, 245 Baghdad railway, 134, 234-6, 244, Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 220 300,302 Algeciras, Anglo-Spanish dispute Bahr-el-Ghazal, 42, Ioo-z, 106, 114 over fortifications at (1898), 146- Bainville, Jacques, 59 147; conference at (I9o6), 242, Balasy-Belvata, Jules de, 73-4, 195- 285,303 196,250 , 39, 88, I53-5, 209, 2I4, Balfour, Arthur James, 125, 146-7, 256,26o-3 199· 211, 302 Alis, Harry, 34-5, 42 n. Banque de France, 84 Alsace-Lorraine, 6, 19, 22, 50, 12I, Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, IJ4-5, 162, I72-3, 253; proposals 244 n., 264-5 for exchange with French colony, Barclay, Sir Thomas, 202, 203 n. 49, 2 55 Barrc~~re, Camille, 11 5, 120 n., I )I, Alvensleben, Count von, 74 I p, 167; friendship with Delcasse, Amadu,38 4, zo n., 75-6, 82, 299; and Andre, General, 268 Gambetta, 4, 55; and Hanotaux, Anglo-Congolese convention (I 894), 76; and Jezierski, 68; and Luz­ 42-3 zatti, 117; on Visconti-Venosta, Anglo-French conventions: on West 145; and Franco-Italian com­ Mrica (I 890 ), 3 5; on Sudan mercial accord (I898), 83; and frontier (I899), 114 Franco-Italian exchange of letters Anglo-German agreements: on (I9oo), 139-45; (1902), 188-90; Africa (189o), 34-5; on Portu­ and First Moroccan crisis, 278, guese colonies (1898), 97-8; on 287-8, 294, 299; and England, China(z9oo), I77 117,189---90 Anglo-Japanese alliance (I902), Barthou, Louis, ro 178 Bazeries, Etienne, 72-3 Archinard, Colonel (later General), Beau, Paul, 143, 188, 199, 256--8, J8-9 200,271 Arenberg, Prince Auguste d', 34-5, Belgium, 69, 252-4,265, 284-5 41 Benoist, Charles, I27-8, 3o6 Ariege, I,~. 82 Berard, Alexandre, 290 J20 Index J21 Berthelot, Marcelin, I 58 first Moroccan crisis, 268--9, 274- Bertie, Sir Francis, 9, 230, 234, 247, 276, 292-3, 296-7, 299, 302-3; 274, 28I, 285-6, 300, 302; charac­ and Russia, 129, I77; and Russo­ ter, 285 Japanese War, 268, 292-3, 296-7, Betzold, 29I 2 99 Bihourd, Georges, 255, 269, 27I-3, 275,277,279 cahinet de presse, 67-8, I68, 274 n. Billy, Robert de, 67,274 n. cahinet du ministre, 65-74 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 2, cahinet noir, French, 69-74, 98, I3-I4, I6-I7, 20 n., 232, 249 99 n., I88--9, 290,295, 297, 3oo-I Bismarck, Herbert von, I95 cahinet noir, Russian, 74,233 Bjorko, I29,23I,242 Caillaux, Joseph, 64-5, 243, 30I, 311 Blanc, Louis, 54 Caisse de la Dette, 207 Blowitz, Henri de, 50, Ioon., III, Caix de Saint-Aymour, vicomte I69,206 Robert de, I05, I09-10, 137, I97, Boer War, and Anglo-French rela­ 213 n., 271 tions, I36, 20I-2, 2I5; and Cam Ranh, 247 Delcasse's Moroccan policy, ch. 7 Cambon, Jules, I71, I72, 193, I98 n.; passim; and schemes for continen­ character, 216; and Hanotaux, tal intervention, ch. 8 passim; 76, I8o; and Delcasse, 75-6; and effect on British opinion, 203 Algeria, 155, 216; and French Boeufve, Eugene, I9 religious protectorates, 6 I; and Bompard, Maurice, 2I7, 2I9, 228, negotiations with Spain (I903-4), 23o-I,24I ch. I I passim Bonapartists, 28 Cambon, Paul, 108, 1 p, 169, I98 n., Bonin, Charles, 2 58 2I5, 229, 252; character, I8o-I; Borgnis-Desbordes, General, 39 and Hanotaux, 76, I8I; confidence Borgu,39 in Delcasse, 75-6, I8I; influence BouAhmed, I56 on Delcasse, I96-7, 222; disagrees Bou Hamara, I94-5 with Delcasse, I75, I81, I94, 270; Boulanger, General, 58 and Egypt, 22; and Russia, 236, Bourde, Paul, I04, I99, 2I3, 222-3, 249; and Spain, I93-4, I96; 255; influence on Delcasse and ambassador to Turkey, 56, 72n., parti colonial, 106-9 84-5, 97, I8o-1; early months as Boxer rebellion, I77, 236, 249, 259 ambassador to Great Britain, Brazza, Pierre Savorgnan de, 53 (1898-9), II2-I5; and Boer War, Breteuil, marquis de, 286 I7I-2, I75, 203; belief in Anglo­ Brisson, Henri, 56, 63, 85, 89,299 German understanding (I9oo-I), Brugere, General, 6on., I32, I65-6, I77; attempts to open talks on I9I-2,2I0,252-3,287,290 'liquidation' of Morocco (I90I), Bugeaud, Marshal, 26o I8I-2; (1902), I82-5; (I903), Bulgaria, I 5, 244, 307 206-7; and Entente negotiations Bulow, Prince Bernhard von, 74, (I903-4), 2I2-I3; and first Moroc­ 153, I6I, I95, 252; and Munster can crisis, 278--9, 285, 287-8 note, 97; and Italy, 83, 146; and Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, Boer War, I62-4, I66, I69, I74-5; 116 and Entente Cordiale, 266-8; and Canalejas, Jose, I9I J22 Index Canevaro, Admiral, I38 Congo,42-3,I5I-2,302 Caran d' Ache, 89 Conseil Superieur de Ia Guerre, I I4, Camot, President Sadi, 4I I7I,289 Castillo, Le6n y, 149-50, I9I-2, Courcel, Baron Alphonse de, 75, 223-6,25I IOO, 102 n., I 59 Chad, Lake, 35, I 55 Crete, 86n. Chailley-Bert, Joseph, 32, I04, I06-- Crispi, Francesco, 20, 82 107, 109, 210, 269; and Delcasse, Cromer, 1st Earl of, I66, 207, 2I 3 32 Crowe, Sir Eyre, 308 Challemel-Lacour, Paul-Armand, 4 Curzon, 1st Baron, 101, II5 Chamber of Deputies, 26, 28, 29, Cuverville, Cavalier de, 102-3, 30, 40, 123; and foreign affairs, I JI-12 43, n-5, 198, 205, 257, 276--7, 303-5; Delcasse's speeches to, Dahomey, 35-9,152 9-10, I3, IS, 35, 56, 85, 90, 9I, Decadence, French fear of, 139 Io2, 126, 275-7, 304; Delcasse Delavaud, Louis, q8 grows out of touch with, 2I2, 276 Delcasse, Mme., 9; letters from Chamberlain, Austen, 254 Delcasse cited passim Chamberlain, Joseph, I63, I8I; and Depeche Coloniale, La, 208, 210; France, 116--I7, I85 n., I95-6, eulogy of Delcasse, 30; becomes I99, 20I-2, 209-11, 228; and Etienne's mouthpiece, 199 Germany, I79, I86, 209; and Depeche de Toulouse, La, and South Africa, 47, 20I Delcasse, 67-8; Jezierski's articles Chantaboun, 34,257-8 in, 68, 125, 140 n., 174-5, 291 Chaumie, Jacques, 297-8 Deroulede, Paul, 58 Claretie, Jules, I8, 98 n., 99 n. Develle, Jules, 33-4,41-2 Clemenceau, Georges, 3, 7, IO Devonshire, 8th Duke of, IOI Cogordan, Georges, 66, 94, III, Diego-Suarez, 247 I59n., I67-8, I69n., 258 Dilke, Sir Charles, 25, I 16--17 Colomb-Bechar, 262 Direction des Affaires Commerciales, Combarieu, Abel, 58, 131, 163, I86, 65,75-7 237,258,270,298 Direction des Affaires Politiques, Combes, Emile, 62, 255, 26I-2; and 74-7,84,95, IIO, IJ9, 148, 188n., Delcasse, 64, 299-300 194, 232, 258, 270; organization, Comedie-Fran~aise, 3, I8, 76,240 65-6 Comite d'action pour les riformes Disraeli, Benjamin, 21 parlementaires, 55 Dogger Bank incident, 247-8, 25 1-2 Comite de !'Afrique Fra!Zfaise, 137; Doumer, Paul, 256--7 foundation, 34-5; and parti colo­ Dreyfus affair, 58-62,71, 89, 93, 253 nial, 30; and Comite du Maroc, Drumont, Edouard, 59 n., 242 103-4; and French expansion in Dual Alliance, formation of (x891- West Africa, 35-6; and Fashoda 1894), 14; modifications of ( 1899 ), expedition, 41, 45-8, 5<>-2, 93, 126--35; (190I), 124-6; Delcasse's 95; and Egypt-Morocco barter enthusiasm for, q-I5, II9, 23I-2, proposal, 5<>-2, I03-10. 248; and French public opinion, Comite du Maroc, 104-5,213,263 15-16, 12<>-2, 231-2, 242-3, 245- Compagnie Marocaine, 264-5 248. See also Russia Index J.2J Duche, Paul, 7 colonial, 54, I98; and Comite du Duclerc, Eugene, 4-6 Maroc, I04-IO, 2I3; and Delcasse, Duelling, 6---7 I07-8, I98--9, 2I3, 27I; advocates Dufferin and Ava, I st Marquess of, Egypt-Morocco barter, I03-10, 43 136---7, I79, I8I1 I97-200; On Dumangin, Louis, 76 French expansion in Morocco, Duponchel, Adolphe, I 55 54, 105, 262, 265; and economic Dupuy, Charles, 29 n., 56, 63, 299 expansion, 3I, I05; and Germany, Dupuy, Jean, 279 2IJ, 27I; and Spain, I97-8; and Trans saharien, I 55-6 Eckardstein, Baron Hermann von, 286 Euan Smith, Charles, I 86 Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 211; confidence in Delcasse, 232, Fashoda, French expedition to, 4I­ 248, 28o-I, 305; and Dilke, 116; p; crisis, ch. 5 passim, I2I-4, I 56 and French cartoonists, IJ6; and Faure, President Felix, 56, 86; and W. B. Harris, I86; and Muraviev, Delcasse, 63, 88--9; and Hano­ I76; and William II, 209, 278; taux, 62-3, 79, 82, 96, I8I; and favours understanding with F ranee Montebello, 120; and Noailles, (I902-3), I95-6, 209; visits Paris 165; and Fashoda crisis, IOI, 103, (I903), 208-9, 242; (I905), 28o-I, I23; and Russia, 119, I22, IJ4-S; 286; favours , and Spanish-American War, 79,8I 209, 228, 230; and first Moroccan Ferdinand, Prince of Bulgaria; 244 n. crisis, 278, 28o-I, 286 Fernando Po, 226 Egypt, origins of French influence Ferry, Jules, 26-8, 53, 87, IO), 258 in, 2I; British occupation of, 21; Figaro, 67,238 attempts to end occupation by Fisher, Admiral Sir John, 283, 286 negotiation, 22-5; Fashoda ex­ Flourens, Emile, 8 pedition intended as challenge to France, Anatole, 64 occupation, 25, 42 ff.; Fashoda F rands-Joseph, Emperor of Austria crisis, ch. 5 passim; proposals for and King of Hungary, 127, I35 Franco- Russo-German initiative Franco-Congoleseagreement(I894), to end occupation (I896), 158-6I; 43 (I89s>-I9oo), ch. 8 passim; army Franco-Italian agreements: com- mutiny (I900), I66; and negotia­ mercial agreement (I898), 82-3; tions for Entente Cordiale, 207- exchange of letters (I900), IJ8- 208, 211-I3 I46; (I902), I87--9I Egypt-Morocco barter, origins of Franco-Prussian War, 2-3, 6, I), idea, 48-p, 103-Io; Delcasse IS, 89, I90 converted to, ch. 9 passim; press Franco-Spanish agreements: on discussion of (I903), 205-8; African frontiers (I9oo), I49; on Cromer's support for, 207, 213; Morocco(I9o4),22I-7 basis of Entente Cordiale, 2I I-I4 F ran~ois, Auguste, 256-7 England, see Great Britain Frankfurt, treaty of {I87I), IJ4-), Ethiopia, 44-5, 82, I02 n. I72-),269 Etienne, Eugene, 28 n., 95 n., I 54 n., Frederick III, Emperor of Germany, 265, 288; acknowledged leader of I7-I8 parti colonial, 30; and groupe Freycinet, Charles de, 8, I24, I6o Index Fullerton, Morton, 206-7 Goluchowsky, Count Agenor, I95, 245 Gaboon, 32 Goncourt, Edmond de, 7 Gallieni, General Joseph, 36, 53, 261 Great Britain, occupies Egypt, 2I-2; Galliffet, General de, 114 and negotiations on end to oc­ Gamhetta, Leon, 13, 29, 56, n6, cupation, 22-5; opposes French 16o; influence on Delcasse, 3-5, presence on Upper Nile, 42-4; 22, 27, 55, 6o, 90 and Anglo-Congolese convention Gambia, 49,212 (I894), 42-3; and Fashoda crisis, Garvin, J. L., 283 ch. 5 passim; and Boer War, ch. 7 gauche radicale, 55 and ch. 8 passim, 20I-J, 2I 5; and Gerard, Auguste, 55 n. Morocco, 185-7, 194-5;refusesto Germany, strength of, 15-16, 248-9; consider 'liquidation' of Morocco and Weltpolitik, 46, 95, 126-7, (I90I), J8I-2; (1902), I82-5; 134, 204; and Austria-Hungary, (I903), 206-7; agreements with 2o-1, 129, 303; and China, 47, France on West Africa (I89o), 126, 127, 177, 249-50, 259; and 3 5; on Sudan frontier (I 899 ), Egypt, 46-8, 50, 93-8 passim, II4; Entente Cordiale, 2II-IJ; 158-6o, 166-75 passim; overtures supports F ranee in first Moroccan to France (1896), 158-9; (I898), crisis, 279-89, 297; and Delcasse's 95-7; (I899), I62-3; Delcasse's resignation, 302; agreements with early policy towards, I6-I9; Germany on Mrica (I 890 ), 34-5; Delcasse favours cooperation with, on Portuguese colonies (I898), 19, 2J, 112, II8, IJ8, 151-2, 97-8; on China (1900), 177; seeks I59-75 passim; growth of Del­ alliance with Germany (I90I), casse's hostility towards, I72-5, I78; growth of hostility to Ger­ 21o-n, 248-54, 269-7o; and Inany, 178-9,203-5, 279-8o; and agreements with Great Britain on Italy, 20, I45, 188-9o; alliance Mrica (I89o), 34-5; on Portu­ with Japan (I902), 178, 229; seeks guese colonies (I898), 97-8; on to improve relations with Russia, China (I9oo), I77; and Boer War, 125, 211, 229-30; and Dogger ch. 8 passim; rejects alliance with Bank incident (I904), 247-8; Great Britain (I90I), I78; growth agreement with Russia (1907), of British hostility towards, 178-9, 303-4; and Spain, I46-9, 193-4, 203-5, 279-8o; and Italy, 83, 216-17, 227. See also Edward 146, I9o; and Morocco, 2ID-I I, VII, Lansdowne, Salisbury 219-20, 227; and first Moroccan Greigueuil, vicomte de, 239, 24I crisis, ch. I4 passim, 302-3; and Grey, Sir Edward, 44,94 n., I97, 203, Russia, I4, I7, 47, 126, 129, IJJ-4, 28I-2,JOJ-4 I 59, I6J-7Jpassim, 228, 2JI, 233, Grierson, General Sir J. M., 254, 25o-2; fear of French mediation in 284-6 Russo-Japanese War, 292-3, 296- Grodet, 40 299; and Schlieffen plan, 252-4; groupe colonial, 28, JO, 50, 53-4, and Turkey, 85-6, 97, 128, 134, 198-200 233-5. See also Billow, William II Giornale d' ltalia, II, 68, I p-3 Hague peace conference ( 1899 ), Gladstone, William Ewart, 22,24-5 I2I-2, IJ4 Index Haillot, Dr., 3 n., 7, 12 I87-9I; and Great Britain, 20, Haldane, Richard Burdon, 281-2 I4o, I88-9; and Germany and Hamilton, Lord George, 179 Triple Alliance, 20, 83, 140, 143-6, Hammann, Otto, 274 187,190,304 Hanotaux, Gabriel, and Barrere, 76; Ivory Coast, 32, 35, 39, 256 and Cambon brothers, 76, 84, 97, 18o-1; and Faure, 62-3, 79, 86, Jameson raid, 47, I 58 96, I81; and Muraviev, 19I; and Janssen, Camille, 42 n. La Republique Fran;aise, 4; and Jaures, Jean, IOn., 54, 276, 303-4 Egypt, 43-4. 49. 93-7. I58-61, Jeune Ecole, 88, 103 I67n; and Germany, 93-7, I58- Jezierski, 68, 125, 140 n., 174-5, I6I, I67n.; and Great Britain, 29I 43, 49, 93-6; and Italy, 82, I39; J onina, Mme., 70 n. and Russia, 119, I22, I59, I6I, Jonnart, Charles, 261-2 240; and Spanish-American War, Jour, Le, 8 n., I3 n., 20, 27n. 79, I 6o n.; and Turkey, 84-5, 97 Journal des Debars, Le, 67, I09, 304 Hanoteau, General, I 55 Hansen, Jules, I3I, I5~I, 169, Kiao-Chow, 126, I27 246n. Kiderlen-Wachter, Alfred von, 70 n. Hardinge, Sir Charles, 208,234,246 Kitchener, General Sir Herbert, 44, Harris, Walter B., I84, I86 48,92-3,97-8 Hatzfeldt, Count von, 97, I 59 Komura, Japanese foreign Ininister, Hedemann, Jules, 274 2 95 Heligoland, 75 Kong,39-40 Henry,Major,6o Kronstadt, I4 Henrys, Colonel, 263 Kruger, President, 47-8, I36, I 58 Herbette, Jules, I 58 Kuhlmann, Richard von, 273 Hesse, General, 238--9, 24I Hicks-Beach, Sir Michael, IOI Laferriere, Julien, I 53, I 54 n. Hohenlohe, Prince, zu, I75 Lamsdorff, Count, 125, 2I9, 229-30, Holstein, Friedrich von, I95, 2p-2, 234-5,293-6,298 268-9,292,302 Langenieux, Cardinal, 86 Romberg, Octave, 7I Lansdowne, 5th Marquess of, 186, Houx, Henry des, 67-8, I 24 204, 234, 240, 276; correspondence Huhn,Arthurvon, II2, I6I intercepted, 69, I89; confidence in Humanite, L', 246 Delcasse, 2I 5, 306; compared with Delcasse, 307; proposes alliance Indo-China, 26, 49, 88, I7I, 247, with Germany (I90I), I78; signs 255-8,26o-I alliance with Japan (I902), I78; In Salah, I 53 talks with Cambon (I90I), I8I-2; Isly, battle of, 26o (I902), I82-5; (Jan.-Feb., I903), Italy, unification of, 2; develops I96, 205--7; and rebellion in imperial ambitions, 20; tariff war Morocco (I902-3), I94-6; talks with F ranee, 82; commercial with Delcasse (July I903), I99, agreement with France (I898), 2Io-II; and Entente negotiations 82-3; exchange of letters with (I903-4), 211-q; and Franco­ France (I90o), I38-46; (I902), Spanish negotiations (I904), 222, J2.6 Index 227; and first Moroccan crisis, Marchand, Jean Baptiste, 44-6, 53, 278-82, 287-9, 300, 302; and 9I-3,9),98,Ioo-2 Russia, 2I I, 229,248 Maria Christina, Queen of Spain, Lascelles, Sir Frank, I75-6, 278 22o-I,226 Laurent, Charles, 6, I7 n., 67 Marschall von Bieberstein, Baron, Laurier, Eugene, 67 I)8 Lauzanne, Stephane, 68 n., I69, 283, Martiniere, I 37 284n. Massip, Hugues, 8-9 Lavino, William, 20I, 205 Matin, Le, 124, I62, 283, 304; Lebon, Andre, 30,45 Delcasse's use of, 67-8, I)~, Lefaivre, Paul, 216 I68-9,274 Leo XIII, Pope, 6I-2 Maxse, Admiral, 24, I I 7 Leopold II, King of the Belgians, Meline, Jules, 27, 56, 63,82 42-3 Menelik II, Negus of Ethiopia, 44-5, Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 2 I, 23 82 Leve, Captain, I 54 Metternich, Count von, I9), 205,248 Leygues, Georges, 240 Millerand, Alexandre, IO Lihre Parole, La, IOn., 59, 242 Miquel, Hans von, 296 Liotard, Victor, 44 Mitylene, 233-4 Lobanov-Rostowsky, Prince Alexis, Monson, Sir Edmund, I68 n., 2o6, I 59 226, 240, 268; on Paul Camhon, Lockroy,Edouard, I02-3, III-I2 I82n., I83-5; on Delcasse, 76, Loubet, President Emile, 22I, 248; 9I, 116, I69n., 2I), 276; and and Delcasse, 57-8, 63-4, 237; Fashoda crisis, 98-Ioi, 11 I-I3, sent important dispatches, I62, 123-4, I6I; approves French I96; talks with Muraviev (I899), policy during Boer War, I69n., I63; with Edward VII (I903), 209; I76; and royal visit to France (I905), 28o; visits St. Petersburg (I903), 208,232 ( I902), 238, 24I-2;London (I903), Montebello, marquis Lannes de, 7'5, 209, 242; and proposed interven­ 12), IJo-I, IJ3, I48, I6'j, I69, tion in Boer War, I65, I7o-I, I72-3, ch. I2 passim; assessment I73; suspicious of German policy, of, 119-20 IJI, I73, 269; and first Moroccan Montebello, marquise de, uo, 241 crisis, 269, 288, 300 Monteil, Paul-Louis, 4o-3 Louis, Georges, 66, 275, 303 Monts, Count von, 278 Luzzatti, Luigi, 82-3, 117, q8-4o, Moret, Segismundo, 19I 278,287 Moroccan Association (German), Lyautey, General (later Marshal), 2IQ-II, 220 26I-3 Morocco, growth of European influ­ ence in, I 56-7; rebellion in (I 902- McKinley, President, 78-9 I903), 194-5; motives for French Maclean, 'Caid', I86 expansion in, 86-8, I04-7; Del­ Madagascar, 88, I I4, q6, 255-6, 26I casse distinguishes 'international Madrid conference (I88o), I76 question' from 'Franco-Moroccan Mallet, Sir Louis, 278,285 question', 138, 259; Franco-Italian Manchuria, I77-8, 229, 236--7, 259, negotiations on, q8-46, I87-9I; 293 Franco-Spanish negotiations on, Index

149-51, 191-4, 216, ch. 11 passim; Russo-Japanese War, 229, ~93, Anglo-French negotiations on, 297; and Spain, 14S 181-5, 196, 206-7, 211-13; Del­ Nicolson, Sir Arthur, IS6, 194-5, casse's early caution on 'Franco­ I96n. Moroccan question', 259-65; Niger, river, 35-S, 41 Algerian army and, 26o-3; French Nisard, Armand, 79, 270 economic penetration of, 263-5; Noailles, marquis de, 75, 129, 162-3, Delcasse begins forward policy in I70, I72-4, I77; assessment of, (1904), 265-7; and first Moroccan I65 crisis, ch. 14 passim. See also Nordheim, Louis, I6, I9, 57 Egypt-Morocco barter, Germany, Novoie Vremya, I6I Great Britain, Tuat Motono, 293-5 Opera, Is, 76 Moulin, Colonel (later General), Opportunists, 6, s, 55-6 124,I27-S,214 Orenburg-Tashkent railway, I24-5, Mukden, battle of, 246 I 56, 211, 2I4, 243 Mulai Hassan, Sultan of Morocco, Ottoman Empire, see Turkey 156-7 Munster, Count zu, 95-7, 250 n. Paleologue, Maurice, 66, 24S-53, Muraviev, M. N., 57, 121, 23S; and 277,279,2S5-6 Delcasse, 119; and Hanotaux, Palmerston, 3rd Viscount, 49 119; and Fashoda crisis, 100, I22- Pamiers, I-2 I23, I6I; and Franco-Russian Panama scandal, 2S, I63 exchange of letters (IS99), I30-I, Pan-German League, I27-9, IJ2, I 33-5; considers intervention in 2IO Boer War, I4S--9, I63-7, I72, Panizzardi, 7I 176; and Baghdad railway, 234-5 Paris, Le, Delcasse's assoctatton Muscat, II5 with, 6-S; Delcasse's articles for, 13-24,passim, 55, 6o, 67, 12S Napoleon III, Emperor, 49, I I9 parti colonial, 30, So-I, I 52, 2 I o, 222, National, Le, S n., IJ n., 25, 27, 259; see also Comite de !'Afrique ssn. Fran;aise, Comitl du Maroc, Nationalists, 5S-9, 242 groupe colonial, Union Coloniale Nelidov, Alexander, I6I, 23o-I, Pashich, Nikola, 245 247-S,293-6,29S Patenotre, I47-51, 216 Neton, Alberic, I4o, I9S-9 Pauncefote, Sir Julian, So Newfoundland, II4-I5, ISI-2, IS4 Pendezec, General, 253, 2S9-90 Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, I76; and Percher, Hippolyte, see Alis, Harry Delcasse, 119, 229, 237; and Persia, 303 Montebello, 120; and William II, Peter I, King of Serbia, 24 5 I29, I34, I64, 176, 23I, 239, Petite Rlpublique, La, Delcasse's 25o-2, 297; and Baghdad railway, association with, 3, 6; Delcasse's 234-7; and China, 237, 249; and articles for, I4, 22, 26, 6o Dual Alliance, 14, 232; visits Phipps, Sir Eric, 43 France (IS96), 119, 23S, 240; Pichon, Stephen, 120 n. (I90I), I3o, 23S-42; and Hague Pius IX, Pope, 62 conference (IS99), I21, I34; and Pius X, Pope, 62 p8 Index Poincare, Raymond, I, Io Alliance, I4; and modification of Portugal, 97-8, 209 Dual Alliance (I899), 126-35; Prinetti, I45, I88-9o (1901), I24-6; and Egypt (1896- Proust, Marcel, 24I n. I897), 94, I59, I6I; and Fashoda crisis, IOo, 102-3, 122-4, 161; Rachkowsky, I30-I, 239, 24I seeks French loans, 14, 242-6; Radicals, 8-9, 55-7,68,242 seeks French mediation with Radolin, Prince von, I95, 226, 251, Japan (1905), 291--9; and Baghdad 274-5,297 railway, 134, 234-6; contemplates Radowitz, Joseph von (the younger), intervention in Boer War, 163--73; 220,226 and Bulgaria, 15, 244; and China, Raffalovich, A. G., 246 177-8, 229, 236-7, 259, 293; and Raindre, Gaston, 66, IJO, I 70 proposals for Russo-German al­ Ranc, Arthur, 6 liance, 129, 231, 25o-2; hostility Reinach, Joseph, 6, I 3 to Great Britain, 228-31, 247-8; Reinsurance Treaty (I887), I4 agreement with Great Britain Repuhlique Fran;aise, La, 22; Del- (1907), 303-4; and Hague con­ casse's association with, 4-6, )2; ference (1899), I2I-2; and war Delcasse's articles for, I5-I6, 24 with Japan (I904-5), 229-31, Rev oil, Paul, I 04, I 37, I 49-5 o, I 54, 237, 245-8, 268, 29I-9; and I86,26o-I,27o Orenburg-Tashkent railway, I24- Rhodes, Cecil, 47 125, I56, 214, 243; and Serbia, Ribot, Alexandre, 28, 29 n. 244-5; and Turkey, 126, IJ4, Rio Muni, I49 233-6. See also Lamsdorff, Mura­ Rio de Oro, 149 viev, Nicholas II, Triple Entente Robertson, Colonel (later Field- Russo-Japanese War, see Russia Marshal), 28I-2, 284-5 Rodd, Sir J. Rennell, I66 Sagasta, Praxides, I9I-2 Roman, 3, 5-6 Saint-Aulaire, comte de, 108-9, 25 5 Roosevelt, President Theodore, 79, Salisbury, 3rd Marquess of, 91, 96, 293,297-8 97, I 12, 120, 125; criticized by Rossia, 117 Delcasse, 24-5; and Egypt and the Rothschild, Lord Alfred, 294 Sudan, 4I, 45, 49; and Fashoda Rouvier, Maurice, and Delcasse, 64, crisis, IOO-I, I23; attitude towards 3oo; and Baghdad railway, 236, France, 116, I96, 2I4-I5, 28o; 300, 302; and first Moroccan talks with Cambon (I898-9), crisis, 27I, 277, 286-92, 296-303; I I3-I6; and Germany, I76-8, and Russia, 245-7 28o; and Spain, 146-7 Rozhdestvensky, 296 Samory, 38-40,43 Rudini, Marquis di, I I7 Sanderson, Sir Thomas, 66, 8o, Rudolph, Crown Prince of Austria­ 246,282 Hungary, 2I Schlieffen plan, 254 Rumania, 244 Schnaebele affair, I7, I90 Russia, distrusts French government, Schneider, Eugene, 263-5 I4, 23I-2, 242; confidence in Selves, Justin de, 194, 30I Delcasse, 119, 23I-2, 248, 298, Senden-Bribram, Admiral von, I62 305; and formation of Dual Senegal, 38,256 Index Serbia, 244-5 Tonkin, 26 Shanghai, 115,259 Tomielli, Count, 82, I 39-40, 14 5, Shimonoseki, treaty of (1895), 47 I69 Siam, 32-4, 4o-1, 87, 9I, I36, I83, Toutain, Augustin, I23 I98-200,2)7-8 Trans saharien, I 55-5, 260 Silvela, Francisco, I46-)I, I64, Trieste, alleged German designs on, I92-3,2I6-I9 87, I28, 132-3,210 Socialists, 28, 53-4, 247, 276 Triple Alliance, 2o-I, 46, 83, 140, Solei!, Le, 122 143-6,I87,190,304 Sorel, Albert, 127 Triple Entente, desired by Delcasse, soudanais, 36-9 24, 91, 228-3I, 305; desired by Soveral, Marquis de, 209 Edward VII, 209, 230; concluded Spain, and war with United States, 303-4 78-8I, 88, 193; Algeciras dispute Tripolitania, Italian designs on, with Great Britain (I898), I46-7; 138-46,1)2,I87-90 seeks association with Dual Al­ Trouillot, Georges, 9I-2 liance (I899), 147-9; (I903), Tsushima, battle of, 296 2I6-I9; seeks agreement with T uat oases, I 53-5, 26o England and France (1903), 2I9- Tunisia, 20, 27, 108, 139, 2I4, 256 221; and Franco-Spanish frontier Turkey, and France, 6I, 84-6, 97, convention in Africa (I9oo), 149; 128, 233-7; and Germany, 8;-6, negotiations with F ranee on Mor­ 97, 128, IJ4, 233-5; and Russia, occo (I90o-1), 149-)I; (I902-3), 126, 134, 233-6; and United I91-4, 216; agreement with France States, 8I on Morocco (I904), 22I-7; Ger­ maninfluencein,2I9-2I,226-7 Union Coloniale, 30, 32, 109 Spanish-American War, see Spain United States of America, war with Spectator, The, 204, 207n., 215 Spain, 78-81, 88, 193; alleged Spuller, Eugene, 4 Mediterranean ambitions of, 8o-1, Stemburg, Baron von, 292 87, 307-8. See also Roosevelt Sudan,48,92, III, II4-I5 Urussov, Prince, 121, I63-4, I66, Sudan,French,35-40 I70,239,259 Suez canal, 2I, 23, 46-7, 94-5, 159, I6I,I69 Venezuela, 205-6 Sydenham, Lord, 28I-2 Vengeur affair, 252-4 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, Taillandier, Saint-Rene, I86-7, 26I, 113, 134, IJ6, 176 266-7,273 Visconti-Venosta, Marquis, 82-3, Tallichet, Professor, 49 138-45,1)3, I69, 176 Temps, Le, 67, 108 Viviani, Rene, 305 Terrier, Auguste, 263 Voulet, Lieut., 38 n. Thiers, Adolphe, 49 Timbuctu, I 5 5 Wagner, Richard, 18-I9 Times, The, ;o, IOI, I84, 20I, 205-6, Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre, 6I-2, 2I), 246, 258, 28o-I, 306; reputa­ 64n., I)J-5, I66, 17o-I, 241, 257; tion in France, 209-Io and Delcasse, 63, I6), 19o-I, Tirpitz, Admiral von, 204 239-40,299 330 Index Waldersee, Field-Marshal, 195, 249- visits Tangier (1905), 273-4; and 250 schemes for intervention in Boer Walter, John, 210 War, 163-77 passim; and Great Walter, Mrs., 210 Britain, 47-8, 50, 97, 162-4, 16~, Washington Post, 8o 172, 175-7, 204, 279; and Russia, Weltpolitik, see Germany 14, 164, 172, 177, 228, 25o-2; and William I, Emperor of Germany, 17 Weltpolitik, 126, 270 William II, Emperor of Germany, Witte, Count Sergei, 124, 235 and Delcasse, 18, 252, 298; and Edward VII, 209; and Kruger, 47; and Nicholas II, 129, 134, 164, 176, 231, 239, 25o-2, 297; visits Near East (1898), 50, 85-6, 134; Zanzibar, 35