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Bibliography Bibliography A. MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS I. PRIVATE PAPERS BALFOUR MSS., British Museum. BERT 1 E MSS., Public Record Office. B RuG ERE MSS., in the possession of Mme. Raymond Brugere. AusTEN CHAMBERLAIN MSS., Birmingham University Library. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN MSS., Birmingham University Library. DELCAss:E MSS., Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. ETIENNE MSS., Bibliotheque Nationale (n.a. fr. 24327). FAURE MSS., in the possession ofM. Fran~ois Berge. HAN o TAu x MSS., Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. HARDINGE MSS., Cambridge University Library. LANSDOWNE MSS., Public Record Office. MILLERAND MSS., in the possession ofM. Jacques Millerand. NoRDHEIM MSS., in the possession ofM. Rupert Nordheim. SALISBURY MSS., Christ Church, Oxford. SANDERSON MSS., Public Record Office. TERRIER MSS., Bibliotheque de l'Institut. W ALDECK-RoussEAU MSS., Bibliotheque de l'Institut. The Delcasse MSS. now contain copies of a number of letters from Delcasse to Barrere, Stephen Pichon, and Waldeck-Rousseau found by the author in other manuscript collections. 2. OFFICIAL PAPERS Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres: Volumes in the 'Nouvelle Serie Reliee' for years r 898 to I 905. Archives du Ministere de Ia Guerre: Attache reports and proces-verbaux of the Conseil Superieur de Ia Guerre for the years 1898 to 1905. Archives de Ia Marine: Attache reports and dossiers on the Conseil Superieur de Ia Marine and JIO Bibliography Franco-Russian naval relations for the years I 898 to I 905. Archives Nationales: Section d'Outre-Mer: The dossiers in these archives relating to the origins of the F ashoda expedition have already been exhaustively studied by previous authors. The material on the other two main issues during Delcasse's terms as under-secretary and minister of colonies - Siam and West African expan­ sion- is, for the purposes of this study, of less value than documents in the Delcasse and Terrier MSS. Other manuscript material referred to in footnotes is unfortunately not yet generally available. B. PRINTED SOURCES The following list does not claim to be comprehensive. It is intended to serve as a guide to those works mentioned in footnotes and to others which are particularly relevant to a study ofDelcasse's foreign policy. I. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Annuaire diplomatique et consulaire for the years I 898 to I905. British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914. Ed. G. P. Gooch and H. Temperley. London, 1926-38. Die grosse Politik der europaischen Kabinette, 18:71-1914. Ed. J. Lepsius, A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and F. Thimme. Berlin, I922-7. Documents diplomatiques franyais, z8:71-1914. Paris, I929-62. I documenti diplomatici italiani. 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Alerte! Ou allons-nous? Paris, I882. EcKARDSTEIN, Baron von. Ten Years at the Court ofSt. James, z8g5-zgo5. Translated and edited by G. Young. London, I92I. ETIENNE, E. Son ceuvre coloniale, algerienne, et politique. Discours et ecrits divers, z88z-zgo6. 2 vols. Paris, I907. FAuRE, F. 'Fachoda (I898)'. Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, LXIX (19S5), 2 9-39· FERRY,A.Lescarnetssecrets, l9l4-Z8.Paris, I957· G:ERARD, A. Memoires d'Auguste Gerard. Paris, I928. GRAMONT, E. de. Memoires. Les maronniers enfleurs. Paris, I929. GREY OF FALLODON, Viscount. Twenty-Five Years, z8g2-zgz6. 2 vols. London, I925. HALDANE, Viscount. Rickard Burdon Haldane: an Autobiography. London, I929· HAMMANN, 0. Deutsche Weltpolitilc, z8go-zgz2. Berlin, I92). HANOTAUX, G. 'Carnets.' Ed. G.-L. Jaray. Revue des Deux Mondes, I April I949. 385-40J; I 5 April I949. 573-88. HANSEN, J. Les coulisses de fa diplomatie: z5 ansa l'ltranger, z864-Z879· Paris, I88o. --L'ambassade a Paris du Baron de Mokrenkeim, z884-g8. 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