VADE-WALPOLE, Thomas Henry Bourke; Archibald B
UPINGTON WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 : Edinburgh. Publications many profes- UTTERTON, Venerable Frank Ernest ; Arch- sional papers in various journals. Recrea- deacon of Surrey and Canon Residentiary : : tions rowing, golf, fishing. Address 8 of Winchester from 1906 ; Vicar of Leather- Coates Crescent, Edinburgh. head, Surrey, 1876-1907 ; Hon. Canon of [Died 24 Apr. 1908. Winchester, 1889-1906; s. of John Sutton Sir cr. UPINGTON, Thomas, K.C.M.G.; 1887 ; Utterton, Bishop of Guildford, Archdeacon b. of 1844 ; ra. Mary, d, John Guerin, 1872. of Surrey, Canon of Winchester, and Rector Educ. : Trin. Coll. Dublin 1865 M.A. of and Eleanor Storr of (B.A. ; Farnham, Norwood ; 1870). Barr. Dublin, 1867 ; Premier (1884- m. 1871, Eveline Sophy Jane, e. d. of John 1886) and Attorney- General (1878-92) of Cape Maunoir Sumner, Rector of Buriton, Hants, Lieut.-Col. 1st e. Colony ; Comm. Cape Ad- s. of Chas. Richd. Sumner, Bishop of ministrative Regt. Address : Wynbei Winchester. Educ. : Private School, under Capetown, S. Africa. [Died 10 Dec. 18 Arthur Bradley of Southampton, C. E. Eric Edward e. of UPTON, Hon. Montagu John, Steward Shoreham, etc. ; New College, s. of 4th Viscount b. Templetown ; 8 March Oxford (B.A. 1866, M.A. 1870). Deacon, 1885. Educ. : Eton 1867 1868 of ; Royal Military College, ; Priest, ; Curate Farnham, Sandhurst. Lieut, and Adjutant, 2nd Batt. 1867-70; Curate-in-charge of Frensham. : K.R.R.C. Club Marlborough. 1870-74 ; Rector of Scale, 1874-76 ; R\iral 13 [Died May 1915. Dean of Leatherhead, 1897 ; Hon. Sec. of URMSON, George Harold, Commissioner in Spiritual Aid Branch of Winchester Diocesan b.
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