“For the sake of peace and justice, let us move toward a world in which all people are at last free to determine their own destiny.” —Ronald Reagan “Like so many other things, democracy has to be nurtured. It has to be cultivated and people have to be given the opportunity to see that it is in their best interests. And so we have come to the conclusion after a long struggle that there must be ways other than with the use of military power, economic tools, and other diplomatic resources, to encourage people to help themselves to the fruits of freedom. This is what the National Endowment for Democracy is all about.” —Dante Fascell 1025 F Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20004 202.378.9700 | www.NED.org |
[email protected] www.ned.org/fellowships/reagan-fascell-democracy-fellows-program 10years 2 | Leading Testimonials 4 | Programmatic Highlights 37 | Behind the Scenes Democrats at Risk | 20 Fellowship Experience | 6 The Reagan-Fascell Democ- Learning, networking, and international solidarity racy Fellows Program is an international exchange visitor program based at the National Fall 2003 Endowment for Democracy Shahin Abbasov (Azerbaijan) Zainab Bangura (Sierra Leone) (NED), a private, nonprofit Anahit Bayandur (Armenia) Anne Mugisha (Uganda) foundation dedicated to the Albino Okeny (Sudan) growth and strengthening of Tomás Pojar (Czech Republic) Aqil Shah (Pakistan) democratic institutions around Vladimir Tismaneanu (U.S.) 2003 2004 Francisco Villagrán (Guatemala) the world. Each year, NED makes more than 1,000 grants Fall 2004 Ilyas Akhmadov (Russia) to support the projects of non- Dragan Djuric (Montenegro) Abiodun Kolawole (Nigeria) governmental groups abroad Chingiz Mammadov (Azerbaijan) who are working for demo- James Ng’ombe (Malawi) Akintola Olaniyan (Nigeria) cratic goals in more than 90 Yulia Savchenko (Kyrgyzstan) Vitali Silitski (Belarus) countries.