The Bulletin BERNARD LINDER, 1918-2017
ERA BULLETIN — FEBRUARY, 2018 The Bulletin Electric Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated Vol. 61, No. 2 February, 2018 The Bulletin BERNARD LINDER, 1918-2017 Published by the Electric by Alexander Ivanoff Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated, PO Box Longtime ERA Bulletin Editor-in-Chief Ber- Despite having worked for New York City 3323, New York, New nard Linder (ERA #2668) passed away on Transit and having been a railfan, Bernie did York 10163-3323. the evening of December 12, 2017 at the age not hear about ERA until a chance encounter of 99, after a brief illness. Born on March 31, with the late Martin Schachne (ERA #1137). For general inquiries, or 1918, Bernie grew up in in the Bronx and He became a member in 1961 and since Bulletin submissions, became interested in electric traction through 1963, Bernie had been involved in some ca- contact us at bulletin@ ERA’s his parents. His father pacity with what started website is was a newsstand ven- out as the New York Divi- dor in the subway and sion Bulletin (now simply he would go with his the Bulletin). He was Editorial Staff: mother to help out. asked by Arthur Lonto to Editor-in-Chief: Jeffrey Erlitz From an early age become the Bulletin Edi- Tri-State News and Bernie collected news tor in 1980, and since Commuter Rail Editor: stories on transit and then his name had been Ronald Yee traction events, as far on well over 400 monthly North American and World as collecting car ros- issues, and until his News Editor: Alexander Ivanoff ters at the age of 13.
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