Schizophrenia Research 67 (2004) 3–277 Abstracts Oral Presentations connectivity and are supporting the notion of functional disconnec- tion in schizophrenia. Oral Presentations I References What is disconnected and where? Schlo¨sser, R., et al., 2003. Altered effective connectivity during working memory performance in schizophrenia: a study with ASSESSING THE DISCONNECTION fMRI and structural equation modeling. Neuroimage 19, SYNDROME IN SCHIZOPHRENIA: MODEL 751–763. BASED PATH ANALYSIS OF fMRI DATASETS Schlo¨sser, R., et al., in press. Altered effective connectivity in drug free schizophrenic patients. Neuroreport. R. Schlo¨sser, H. Sauer Department of Psychiatry, University of Jena A DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING STUDY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA presenting author contact:
[email protected] Philosophenweg 3, Jena, Germany R. A. A. Kanaan1, P. K. McGuire1, G. J. Barker1, X. Chitnis1, D. K. Jones1,2, S. S. Shergill1 Background: Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia have been associated with ‘‘cognitive dysmetria’’ related to a disruption of 1 large-scale information processing networks. The present se- Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK 2NICHD, Bethesda, USA quence of fMRI studies examined the hypothesis of altered effective connectivity within a defined cortical–subcortical–cer- ebellar network subserving working memory functions. presenting author contact:
[email protected] Methods: Twelve schizophrenic patients treated with either Institute of Psychiatry, Section of Neuroimaging, P067, typical or atypical antipsychotics and six drug-free schizophrenic De’Crespigny Park, London, United Kingdom patients were studied with fMRI and compared to normal controls. Tel.: +44-20-7848-0514; fax: +44-20-7848-0976. All subjects performed a 2-back working memory task.