Russia and the European Far Right

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Russia and the European Far Right University College London Russia and the European Far Right by Anton Shekhovtsov A thesis submitted to University College London for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School of Slavonic and East European Studies University College London 2018 1 Declaration of Authorship I, Anton Shekhovtsov, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. 2 Abstract This thesis explores contemporary relations between various Russian actors and European far right ideologues, movements, organisations and parties. The thesis demonstrates that each side of this relationship is driven by evolving and, at times, circumstantial political and pragmatic considerations that involve, on the one hand, the need to attain or restore declining or deficient domestic or international legitimacy and, on the other hand, the ambition to reshape the apparently hostile domestic or international environments in accordance with one’s own interests. Introduction discusses the research background of the thesis, and outlines its conceptual framework, methodology and structure. Chapter 1 discusses pro-Russian elements of the European far right milieu before the Second World War. Chapter 2 looks at the active cooperation between Russian and Western far right politicians after the fall of the Soviet Union. Chapter 3 examines the right-wing authoritarian evolution of Vladimir Putin’s regime – an evolution that facilitated the deepening of the relations between Russian pro-Kremlin actors and the European far right. Chapters 4 and 5 consider two areas of dynamic cooperation between various Russian actors and European far right politicians and organisations aimed at supporting and consolidating alternative institutions that aim at challenging and undermining liberal- democratic practices and traditions: electoral monitoring and the media. Chapter 6 looks at openly pro-Russian activities that Austrian, French and Italian far right parties have carried out in their national contexts, and identifies several types of operators who furthered cooperation between them and Russian actors. Chapter 7 explores the performance of European far right politicians on high-profile discussion platforms in Moscow and at sessions of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels, and analyses the narratives that they promote within these settings. Conclusion presents main findings of this research. 3 Table of Contents Declaration of Authorship 2 Abstract 3 Table of Contents 4 Abbreviations 7 Introduction 12 0.1 Research background 13 0.2 Conceptual framework 16 0.3 Methodology 35 0.4 Structure of the thesis 40 Chapter 1: The European Far Right and Soviet Russia: Ideology, Collaboration, Active Measures 42 1.1 Introduction 42 1.2 National Bolshevism in Interwar Germany 44 1.3 Far-right neutralism in West Germany and Austria 46 1.4 Francis Parker Yockey and Jean Thiriart: Towards the European-Soviet Empire 56 1.5 Conclusion 62 Chapter 2. Russia’s Opening to the European Far Right 65 2.1 Introduction 65 2.2 Aleksandr Dugin and the “red-brown” alliance 65 2.3 Vladimir Zhirinovsky and money politics 69 2.4 “The Patriotic International”: lobbying for Iraq and Russia 72 2.5 Conclusion 77 Chapter 3. Putin’s Russia, an Authoritarian Kleptocracy with a Twist 79 3.1 Introduction 79 3.2 “The Potemkin state” 82 3.3 The revival of anti-Westernism 87 3.4 The twist 92 3.5 Conclusion 100 Chapter 4. Far-right Election Observers in the Service of the Kremlin’s Domestic and Foreign Policies 103 4.1 Introduction 103 4.2 CIS-EMO 105 4.3 Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections 113 4.4 European Centre for Geopolitical Analysis 116 4.5 Cooperation with Civic Control 121 4 4.6 Conclusion 124 Chapter 5. Undermining the West through Mass Media 126 5.1 Introduction 126 5.2 Failing soft power 128 5.3 Bringing the rebels 132 5.4 Pro-Kremlin “Re-information” Efforts and Structural Media Relations 142 5.5 Conclusion 154 Chapter 6. Far-right Structures in Europe as Pro-Moscow Front Organisations 157 6.1 Introduction 157 6.2 Austria 159 6.3 Italy 174 6.4 France 188 6.5 Conclusion 205 Chapter 7. The Moscow-Strasbourg-Brussels Axis 209 7.1 Introduction 209 7.2 “Collective counselling” in Moscow 211 7.3 The parliamentary battlefield in Strasbourg and Brussels 218 7.4 Conclusion 233 Conclusion 236 Bibliography 245 5 List of Tables Table 7.1. Far-right MEPs’ votes on the European Parliament resolutions “The state of EU-Russia relations” (Vote 1) and “The strategic military situation in the Black Sea Basin following the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia” (Vote 2) 6 Abbreviations AAFER Association Alliance France-Europe Russie France (Association France-Europe-Russia Alliance) ACLR Associazione Culturale Lombardia Russia Italy (Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association) ADFR Association Dialogue Franco-Russe France (French-Russian Dialogue Association) AfD Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany Germany) ALDE/ADLE Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for European Union Europe Group BIB Bundesinstitut für internationalen Bildungs- Austria und Technologietransfer (Federal Institute for International Education and Technology Transfer) BNP British National Party United Kingdom BZÖ Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Austria Future of Austria) CEDADE Circulo Espanol de Amigos de Europa Spain (Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe) CEO Chief executive officer International CFR Collectif France-Russie (France-Russia France Collective) CIA Central Intelligence Agency United States of America CIS Commonwealth of the Independent States International CIS-EMO Commonwealth of the Independent States – Russia Election Monitoring Organisation CPE Coordinamento Progetto Eurasia (Eurasia Italy Coordination Project) DF Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People’s Party) Denmark DNR “Donetsk People’s Republic” Ukraine DVU Deutsche Volksunion (German People’s Germany Union) 7 ECAG Europejskie Centrum Analiz Poland Geopolitycznych (European Centre of Geopolitical Analysis) ECR European Conservatives and Reformists European Union EEU Eurasian Economic Union International EFD Europe of Freedom and Democracy European Union EFDD Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy European Union ELF European Liberation Front United Kingdom, international ENR European New Right Europe EODE Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Belgium Elections EPP European People’s Party European Union ESM Evraziyskiy soyuz molodezhi (Eurasian Russia Youth Union) EU European Union International FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation United States of America FCRB First Czech-Russian Bank Russia FeS Führungsring ehemaliger Soldaten East Germany (Leadership Committee for Former Soldiers) FN Front National (National Front) France FPÖ Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (Freedom Austria Party of Austria) FRM Fond “Russkiy Mir” (Russian World Russia Foundation) FSB Federal’naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Russia (Federal Security Service) GRECE Groupement de recherche et d’études pour France la civilisation européenne (Research and Study Group for European Civilisation) Greens/EFA The Greens – European Free Alliance European Union GRU Glavnoe Razvedyvatel’noe Upravleniye Russia (Main Intelligence Directorate) GSN Gruppe Sozialrevolutionärer Nationalisten German Empire (Group of Social Revolutionary Nationalists) 8 GUD Groupe Union Défense (Defence Union France Group) GUE-NGL United Left/Nordic Green Left European Union IDC Institute of Democracy and Cooperation Russia IPA CIS Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Russia Member Nations IsAG Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Italy Ausiliarie (Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences) JAfD Junge Alternative für Deutschland (Young Germany Alternative for Germany) KGB Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti Soviet Union (Committee for State Security) KPÖ Kommunistische Partei Österreichs Austria (Communist Party of Austria) KPRF Kommunisticheskaya partiya Rossiyskoy Russia Federatsii (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) LAOS Laikós Orthódoxos Synagermós (Popular Greece Orthodox Rally) LDPR Liberal’no-demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii Russia (Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia) LN Lega Nord (Northern League) Italy LNR “Luhansk People’s Republic” Ukraine LPR Liga Polskich Rodzin (League of Polish Poland Families) MED Mezhdunarodnoe evraziyskoe dvizhenie Russia (International Eurasianist Movement) MEP Member of the European Parliament European Union MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs International MNA Magyar Nemzeti Arcvonal (Hungarian Hungary National Front) MP Member of Parliament International NA Nacionālā apvienība (National Alliance) Latvia NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation International NBP Natsional-bol’shevistskaya partiya Russia (National-Bolshevik Party) 9 NDI National Democratic Institute United States of America NDPD Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands East Germany (National-Democratic Party of Germany) NDV Nationaldemokratischen Verband (National Austria Democratic Union) NI Non-Inscrits (independent MEPs) European Union NL Nationale Liga (National League) Austria NPD Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands West (National-Democratic Party of Germany) Germany/Germany NSDAP Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Third Reich Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) ODIHR Office for Democratic Institutions and International Human Rights ORFG Österreichisch-Russische Austria Freundschaftsgesellschaft (Society of Austrian-Russian Friendship) OSCE Organisation
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