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Threats in North Africa.Pdf Threats in North Africa and in Sahel and Global Security in Europe REPORT OF THE SYMPOSIUM Under the supervision of Jacques Frémeaux Philippe Evanno Aymeric Chauprade Centre Roland Mousnier U.M.R. 8596 Université Paris IV Sorbonne CNRS 1, rue Victor Cousin – 75230 Paris cedex 05 En Sorbonne, escalier G 1er étage et demi tél : +33 (0)1 40 46 47 34 / Fax : 33 (0)1 40 46 31 92 Biographies of Participants (In alphabetical order) Moussa Ag Assarid, born somewhere in the Sahara desert between Timbuktu and Gao, is a Malian Tuareg writer. He followed management studies at the University of Angers and at the University of Montpellier I (ISEM) and studies in communication at the IRCOM at Ponts-de-Çé, near Angers. In March 2006, he publishes "Y a pas d'embouteillage dans le désert! (No traffic jam in the desert!), which sold forty thousand copies in French, 10,000 copies in Korean and thousands of Spanish and Italian copies. In March 2008, he publishes "Enfants des sables" (Children of the sands), written in cooperation with his brother Ibrahim, and co-writes "Ya pas que du sable dans le désert" (There is more than just sand in the desert") with Nathalie Valera Gi. He was an actor in several films, TV films and short movies. Moussa Ag Assarid is also a freelance journalist for RFI and France Culture. He is the spokesperson for Europe of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (NMLA). Sophie Aubert is an Adviser for Foreign Affairs (Orient), holder of a Master in Advanced Mediterranean Studies and of a BA in Arabic; she graduated from the IEP of Lyon in Modern and Contemporary Arabic. After beginning her career in the Near East she became First Adviser at the French embassy in Conakry from 2009 to 2012, where she managed the crisis that followed the death of President Lansana Conté in the absence of the French Ambassador. She has been coordinating the Interdepartmental Task Force for the civilian-military management of external crisis at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since January. Pierre Boilley is a teacher at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Director at CEMAf-CNRS, centre for the study of the African worlds. He works on the contemporary history of Africa, the colonial and post-colonial history, the states in Africa, the transmission of the colonial state, power and spaces in Africa, Sahel, Sahara, Western Africa, the Tuareg and Moors people, minorities, identities, rebellions, post-colonial conflicts, late colonial state and African frontiers. His publications include: Les Touaregs Kel Adagh. Dépendances et révoltes : du Soudan français au Mali contemporain, (The Tuareg people, dependencies and revolts: from Sudan to contemporary Mali) Paris, Karthala, coll. Hommes et sociétés, 1999, 644 p. Histoire et sociétés maures, (History and the Moors societies) dir. Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. L’Ouest saharien, Cahiers d’études pluridisciplinaires, vol. 2, 2000, 269 p. Aymeric Chauprade is a Doctor in Political Sciences at the University of Paris V René Descartes and a graduate from the IEP in International Law and Mathematics. He was a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland (History of Political Ideas), is currently a lecturer in Geopolitics at the Royal College of Superior Military Training of the Kingdom of Morocco and at the IHEDN. He is Director of the Revue Française de géopolitique and manages several collections at Ellipses in Paris. He has been teaching at the Ecole de Guerre since 1999, where he directed the course on Geopolitics from 2002 to 2009. In 2010, he created and has since then directed a website: www. realpolitik. tv His publications include: Dictionnaire de géopolitique (Dictionary of Geopolitics), Paris, Ellipses, with François Thual, 1997, 1999. Géopolitique, Constantes et changements dans l’histoire (Geopolitics, Constants and changes in History), Ellipses, 2001, 2003, 2007. Chronique du choc des civilisations (Chronicle of the shock between civilisations), Paris, Ellipses, 2008, a successful geopolitical atlas with a fourth edition under preparation for 2013. Tiebilé Dramé a Malian politician trained at the ENS in Bamako and at the University of Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne, where he got MAS on the History of Africa. He was a Member of Parliament and several times a Minister, notably Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mali. As of 2009, he was the main mediator of the UN during the Madagascan crisis. Rachid El Houdaigui holds a chair at the Faculty of Law in Tangier, Morocco. He is a Doctor in Political Science from the University of Social Sciences in Toulouse 1 (IEP) and taught in France (Universities of Toulon and Paris-Sud) and in Spain (University of Cadiz). He was an auditor at the third Euro-Mediterranean Conference held at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2004. He is Director of the publication Paix et sécurité internationales (Peace and international security), and heads the research and information team on the Straits of Gibraltar (Equipe de recherche et d'information sur le détroit de Gibraltar - ERIDG). His publications include: La politique étrangère du Maroc sous le règne de Hassan II : Acteurs, enjeux et processus décisionnels (The foreign Policy of Morocco Under Hassan II: Actors, challenges and decisional processes), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2003. « Le monde arabe en quête d’une réforme politique », (The Arab world searching for a political reform) Paix et sécurité internationales, Tanger, Maroc. « Les processus démocratiques au Maghreb entre les pressions internationales et la demande nationale » (The democratic processes in Maghreb, between international tensions and national demand), Tangis, Faculté de droit de Tanger. Philip Evanno Doctor in History, researcher at the Centre Roland Mousnier at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, host of two symposiums on the History of Africa under the direction of Jacques Frémeaux: Béhanzin, roi du Dahomey, face à l’expansion coloniale (Behanzin, King of Dahomey, confronted with colonial expansion), in 2006, and Colonisation – Évangélisation: les relations entre les pouvoirs locaux, les pouvoirs coloniaux et les missions des Grandes Découvertes à la décolonisation (Evangelisation: the relationship between local powers, colonial powers and the Great Discoveries missions during decolonisation), in 2007. He presides the Institute of African Prospective since 2004 and is the Editor of African Prospective – The Newsletter. Olivier Forcade is a University Professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, specialising in Contemporary History of the Twentieth Century, in International Relations and in Political History. One of his topics is "Intelligence and Public Policies on Security in International Relations from 1945 to our days". He is both a Director at Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne and a Director of Maison de la Recherche. He is currently developing the Institute of the History of Defence and of National Security (Institut d'histoire de la défense et de la sécurité nationale MARS) at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, in cooperation with Jacques Frémeaux. His publications include: Militaires en République (1870-1962) : les officiers, le pouvoir et la vie publique en France (Officers, power and public life in France), minutes of the international symposium held at Palais du Luxembourg and at the Sorbonne on April 4th, 5th and 6th, 1996, Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, PUPS, 1999, 734 p. , (codir. with Eric Duhamel and Philippe Vial). Secrets d’État : pouvoirs et renseignement dans le monde contemporain (Secrets of State: Powers and Intelligence in the contemporary world), Paris, A. Colin, 2005, 234 p. (in cooperation with S. Laurent). Le secret et la puissance. Les services spéciaux et le renseignement aux XIXème et XXème siècles (Secrets and Power, Special Services and Intelligence during the nineteenth and twentieth century), Amiens, Encrage, 2007, 155 p. , (direction). Jacques Frémeaux is a University Professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne in Contemporary History, specialising in Colonial History. He is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France and of the Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. His publications include: Le Monde arabe et la sécurité de la France (1958-1991) (The Arab World and the Security of France from 1958 to 1991), Paris, PUF, coll. Politique d’aujourd’hui, 1995. Les Empires coloniaux dans le processus de mondialisation (Colonial Empires in the Globalisation Process), Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 2002. De quoi fut fait l’empire – Les guerres coloniales au XIXème siècle (What was the Empire made of? – Colonial Wars in the Nineteenth Century), Paris, CNRS, 2010, Prix du livre d’histoire de l’Europe, 2011. Le Sahara et la France (Sahara and France), [Saint-Cloud], Soteca, 2010. Erik Jensen a British national and a diplomat, he was a Special Representative of the General UN Secretary and Head of the United Nations Mission on the Referendum in Western Sahara (Mission des Nations Unies chargé de l'organisation d'un referendum au Sahara occidental - MINURSO) from August 1995 to February 1998. In 2004, he publishes Western Sahara : anatomy of a stalemate, published in French as Sahara, anatomie d’une impasse. (Reedited in 2012) Edgar Kpatindé holds an MAS in Notary Law and one on Defence and International Relations. He is a Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Benin, Boni Yayi, and formerly was an advisor to President Mathieu Kérékou and to several other African heads of state. He is a discreet mediator in the conflicts between countries of French speaking Africa and notably took part in the border conflicts between Benin and Burkina Faso and between Cameroon and Nigeria. Very active in the field of access to health care and of the quality of medicinal products in Africa, he assists Professor Marc Gentilini as a member of the scientific committee of the Fondation Chirac. Charles Onana is a French and Cameroonian essay writer and journalist. He headed the Pan-African Organisation of Independent Journalists.
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