Evolution of the vitamin C biosynthetic pathway and transport mechanism: from the global perspective to a Drosophila melanogaster case study Pedro Miguel Barros Duque Cell and Molecular Biology Master’s Degree Science Department, FCUP 2018 Supervisor Jorge Manuel de Sousa Basto Vieira Main researcher at IBMC
[email protected] Co-supervisor Cristina Alexandra Gonçalves Paula Vieira Auxiliary researcher at IBMC
[email protected] Institute Address IBMC – Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular I3s building – Rua Alfredo Allen nº 208 4200-135 Porto, Portugal Todas as correções determinadas pelo júri, e só essas, foram efetuadas. O Presidente do Júri, Porto, ______/______/_________ Declaração de não-plágio Eu, Pedro Miguel Barros Duque, aluno com o número 201004984, inscrito no mestrado de Biologia Celular e Molecular no presente ano letivo de 2017/2018, declaro por minha honra que sou o autor da totalidade do texto apresentado, não apresento texto plagiado, e tomei conhecimento das consequências de uma situação de plágio. Porto, 30 de Setembro de 2018 Acknowledgements This work was performed in the Phenotypic Evolution group at the I3s facilities, as part of the dissertation thesis of the Cellular and Molecular Biology Master´s degree that belongs to the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. My sincere and great thanks to all the colleagues I had the chance to work with, but especially to Sílvia, Sara, Hugo, Pedro, José, Joel, Rodrigo and Vanessa for the knowledge and friendship provided. Also my thanks to FCUP, I3s and IBMC for allowing the opportunity to perform this work. I also would like to say a special thank you to Jorge and Cristina Vieira for their patience, great advisement and teaching along this proficuous experience.