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Mod En Ny Tid? Mod en ny tid? Studier over det aalborgensiske rådsaristokratis økonomiske, politiske, sociale og kulturelle udvikling 1600-1660 Jakob Ørnbjerg Ph.D.-afhandling Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier Aalborg Universitet Juni 2011 Jakob Ørnbjerg Ph.D. afhandling indleveret til bedømmelse ved Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Aalborg Universitet Juni 2011. Vejleder: Professor dr. phil Helge Gamrath Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier. Forsideillustration: Aalborgs borgmester Christen van Ginchel ca. 1650 (Aalborg Historiske Museum). 2 Mod en ny tid? Studier over det aalborgensiske rådsaristokratis økonomiske, politiske, sociale og kulturelle udvikling 1600-1660 Jakob Ørnbjerg Ph.D.-afhandling Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier Aalborg Universitet Juni 2011 3 Forord................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 1. Indledning ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Kort Vending ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 En gåtur i Aalborgs centrum .................................................................................................................................... 13 2. Problemstilling............................................................................................................................................................ 17 En økonomisk og social referenceramme ................................................................................................................ 17 Patriciere eller rådsaristokrater? ............................................................................................................................. 18 Tiden ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Fire temaer ................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Handelsforetagender og indtægtskilder ................................................................................................................... 23 Bykonger og bureaukrater ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Velstående købmænd eller fattige borgere .............................................................................................................. 26 Borgerkultur .............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Nye tider ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 3. Metode og kildemateriale........................................................................................................................................... 30 Prosopografien ........................................................................................................................................................... 30 Lokalhistorien ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 Fortællingen ............................................................................................................................................................... 36 Opbygningen .............................................................................................................................................................. 39 Kildematerialet .......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Skifteprotokoller og tingbøger .................................................................................................................................. 41 Lensregnskaber og kæmnerregnskaber .................................................................................................................. 43 Skat og Aalborgkompagni ......................................................................................................................................... 45 Mønter ........................................................................................................................................................................ 45 4.” Så stor forandring er der sket i tidernes løb ”............................................................................................................. 47 Rådsaristokratiet i lokalhistorien ............................................................................................................................. 48 Jens Bang. Kjøbmand i Aalborg 1605-1644 (1885-1886) ..................................................................................... 48 Aalborg Købmænd gennem 500 Aar 1431-1931 (1931) ....................................................................................... 49 Aalborg Bys Historie 1-3 (1931-1933) ................................................................................................................... 50 Aalborg. Historie og Hverdag (1942) .................................................................................................................... 52 Fra Povl Pop til Poul Pagh (1972) ........................................................................................................................ 54 Aalborg under krise og højkonjunktur 1534-1680 (1988) ................................................................................. 55 - Om at bygge og bo i Aalborg på Christian 4.s tid (1988-2007) .......................................................................... 58 Opsummering ............................................................................................................................................................. 59 Rådsaristokratiet i Danmarkshistorien ................................................................................................................... 59 Det københavnske patriciat og staten ved det 17. aarhundredes midte (1957) .................................................... 60 Studier over det fynske rådsaristokrati i det 17de Aarhundrede (1965) ............................................................... 61 Rig og fattig i Ribe (1981) ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Opsummering ............................................................................................................................................................. 69 5. Mændene og magten................................................................................................................................................... 70 4 Mændene .................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Borgmestrene ........................................................................................................................................................ 70 Rådmændene ......................................................................................................................................................... 73 Magten ........................................................................................................................................................................ 75 Tre nye rådmænd .................................................................................................................................................. 75 ”Hører I Dommere, som bo paa Jorden ” .............................................................................................................. 75 Magistratsvedtægterne ......................................................................................................................................... 77 Politiforanstaltninger og næringsvæsen .............................................................................................................. 79 Borgerlige ombudsmænd og lønnede funktionærer ........................................................................................... 80 Rådstueretten ........................................................................................................................................................ 82 6. oktober 1615. ..................................................................................................................................................... 83 2. april 1630 ........................................................................................................................................................... 85 ”De andre Borgmestre og Raad var til Mauritii” ................................................................................................. 88 Fremmøde .............................................................................................................................................................
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