Music Chapel What’s up ? January to March 2014 28.01 Gala Concert - BOZAR Main Sponsors Co-sponsor Music Chapel 2013 - 2014

47 young artists in residence 20 different nationalities

2 6 masters in residence

Artemis Quartet, Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano José van Dam, voice Chair: granted by an anonymous donor , Chair: granted by InBev-Baillet Latour Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano Chair: granted by Fondation Futur21

3 Sous la Présidence d’Honneur de S.M. la Reine Paola Onder het Erevoorzitterschap van H.M. Koningin Paola Under the Honorary Chairmanship of H.M. Queen Paola

Music and the training of young people mean a lot to me, and I am delighted to see them here at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. My dearest wish is that the level of excellence of the Music Chapel will help young talents to give their best and to create an international musical elite, beyond borders and cultures.

Bon anniversaire !

L’année 2014 est un grand cru pour la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth : elle fête son 75ème anniversaire !

75 ans d’histoire d’un projet imaginé par la Reine Elisabeth et Eugène Isaye, 75 ans pendant lesquels de si nombreux jeunes musiciens ont vécu, travaillé et partagé des émotions fortes au sein de ce merveil- leux site de la Chapelle Musicale à Waterloo. 75 ans aussi pendant lesquels les fondateurs, les responsables et les équipes se sont suc- cédés pour aider au développement de l’institution. 75 ans enfin pendant lesquels les partenaires et les amis de la Chapelle Musicale ont toujours été là dans les moments heureux et pour affronter les grands défis.

Cet anniversaire, c’est leur anniversaire à toutes et à tous !

Cet anniversaire sera marqué à la fois par une année faste en terme de productions et programmes de concerts et aussi par la concréti- sation d’un projet de développement des infrastructures sur le site classé de la Chapelle Musicale à Waterloo :

2014 et les festivités du 75ème anniversaire. Nombreux seront les moments intenses d’émotion musicale à par- tager avec les jeunes solistes de la Chapelle Musicale et certains de leurs maîtres, grâce à un réseau de partenaires culturels intense et fidèle : salles de concerts, maisons d’opéra, orchestres et festivals. Parmi ces projets de diffusion, mentionnons plus particulièrement pour le premier trimestre 2014 : A la Monnaie : Les Mamelles de Tirésias de Francis Poulenc du 15 au 19 janvier 2014. Le concert de Gala du « 75ème » le 28 janvier 2014 à Bozar (Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Dumay, Hoffman, Pires et solistes de la Chapelle Musicale). Un concert Mozart dans le cadre des « Flagey Piano Days » le 19 février 2014 à Flagey. Et enfin

6 le Prelude Concert du 11 mars 2014 à Bozar, concert mêlant la troupe de chanteurs et leur maître, José van Dam (Orchestre National de Belgique et Patrick Fournillier)

La Chapelle poursuit son essor ! Depuis le mois de septembre 2013, le chantier du New Building est en effervescence et les nouvelles infrastructures devraient être en- core inaugurées avant la fin de l’année 2014. Ces aménagements et extension permettront de poursuivre la nouvelle dynamique lancée par la Chapelle Musicale depuis 2004 qui, au terme de la construc- tion, pourra offrir à l’ensemble des jeunes musiciens et de leurs pro- fesseurs une résidence adaptée au nouveau projet et à notre époque (20 studios de logement complémentaires, 3 nouvelles salles de musiques, de répétition et d’enregistrement indispensables à son activité, de nouveaux lieux de vie qui permettent de faire évoluer ces artistes dans un véritable laboratoire musical permanent).

La Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth souhaite profiter de cette célé- bration pour remercier la Famille Royale pour l’intérêt qu’elle a tou- jours porté à son égard. Nous saluons tout particulièrement l’enga- gement et la passion avec lesquels notre Présidente d’Honneur, Sa Majesté La Reine Paola, se consacre à la Chapelle Musicale depuis de nombreuses années.

Bernard de Launoit Executive President

7 Gelukkige verjaardag!

2014 wordt een topjaar voor de Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth, want ze viert haar 75ste verjaardag!

75 jaar geschiedenis van een project dat Koningin Elisabeth en Eugène Isaÿe samen op de sporen zetten. 75 jaar dat zoveel jonge musici leefden, werkten en sterke emoties deelden in dit prachtige kader van de Muziekkapel in Waterloo. 75 jaar ook dat de oprichters, de verantwoordelijken en de teams elkaar opvolgden om hun steentje bij te dragen tot de uitbouw van de instelling. 75 jaar tot slot dat de partners en vrienden van de Muziekkapel er altijd waren, zowel in de gelukkige momenten als om de grote uitdagingen aan te gaan.

Die verjaardag is dus hun verjaardag, de verjaardag van iedereen!

Deze verjaardag zal gepaard gaan met een jaar vol producties en con- certprogramma’s, maar ook met de concrete vormgeving van een project voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de infrastructuren op de beschermde site van de Muziekkapel in Waterloo:

2014 en de feestelijkheden van de 75ste verjaardag. Er staan talloze momenten van intense muzikale emotie op het menu, om samen te beleven met de jonge solisten van de Muziekkapel en een aantal meesters, dankzij een uitgebreid en trouw netwerk van culturele partners: concertzalen, operahuizen, orkesten en festivals. Uitschieters in het eerste trimester van 2014 zijn onder meer: In de Munt: Les Mamelles de Tirésias van Francis Poulenc van 15 tot 19 januari 2014. Het galaconcert van de ‘75ste’ op 28 januari 2014 in de Bozar (Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Dumay, Hoffman, Pires en solisten van de Muziekkapel). Een Mozart-concert in het kader van de ‘Flagey Piano Days’ op 19 februari 2014 in het Flagey. En tot slot het Prelude Concert van 11 maart 2014 in de Bo- zar, een concert dat de groep zangers en hun meester José van Dam samen brengen (Nationaal Orkest van België en Patrick Fournillier).

8 De Muziekkapel zet haar hoge vlucht verder! Sinds september 2013 zijn de bouwwerken voor de New Building in volle gang. De nieuwe infrastructuren zouden nog in 2014 moeten ingehuldigd worden. Deze herinrichting en uitbreiding zullen moge- lijk maken om de hele nieuwe dynamiek die de Muziekkapel vanaf 2004 lanceerde, voort te zetten. Zo zullen na de bouwwerken alle jonge musici en hun docenten een verblijfsruimte hebben die vol- ledig aansluit op het nieuwe project en op onze tijd (20 bijkomende woonstudio’s, 3 nieuwe muziek-, repetitie- en opnamezalen die on- misbaar zijn voor de activiteit van de Muziekkapel, nieuwe leefruim- tes, om deze artiesten een heus vast muzikaal laboratorium te bieden om volop te evolueren).

De Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth wil van deze viering gebruik ma- ken om de koninklijke familie te danken voor haar nooit aflatende belangstelling. Wij waarderen vooral de inzet en de passie waarmee onze Erevoorzitster, Hare Majesteit Koningin Paola, zich al vele jaren aan de Muziekkapel wijdt.

Bernard de Launoit Executive President

9 Happy birthday!

2014 is a vintage year for the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, which will be celebrating its 75th anniversary!

75 years of history for a project conceived by Queen Elisabeth and Eugène Isaye. 75 years during which so many young musicians have lived, worked and shared strong emotions in this marvelous site of the Music Chapel in Waterloo. 75 years also during which the foun- ders, officials and teams have succeeded one another to help the institution develop. Finally, 75 years during which the partners and friends of the Music Chapel have always been there in happy times and to take on major challenges.

So this anniversary belongs to all!

It will be marked by a remarkable year in terms of productions and programs of concerts, and also by the implementation of a project to develop the facilities on the listed site of the Music Chapel in Waterloo:

2014 and 75th anniversary festivities. There will be many intense moments of musical emotion to be sha- red with the young soloists of the Music Chapel and some of their masters in residence, thanks to an intensive and loyal network of cul- tural partners: concert halls, opera houses, orchestras and festivals. These projects will include in particular for the first quarter of 2014: At the Monnaie: Les Mamelles de Tiresias by Francis Poulenc from 15 to 19 January 2014. The 75th Anniversary Gala Concert on 28 January 2014 at Bozar the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Dumay, Hoffman, Pires and soloists from the Music Chapel). A Mozart con- cert as part of the “Flagey Piano Days” on 17 February in Flagey. And finally, the Prelude Concert of 11 March 2014 at Bozar, which will feature the troupe of singers and their master in residence, José van Dam (National Orchestra of Belgium and Patrick Fournillier).

10 The Chapel continues to grow! The construction site for the New Building has been buzzing since September 2013, and the new facilities are expected to be inaugura- ted by the end of 2014. These alterations and extension will make it possible to continue the new impetus initiated by the Music Chapel in 2004 which, in terms of construction, could offer all young musi- cians and their masters in residence new residential premises adapted to the new project and to our times (20 additional residential studios, 3 new music, rehearsal or recording rooms that are indispensable for the institution’s activities, new living premises that will enable these artists to develop in a real permanent musical laboratory).

The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel wishes to take advantage of this celebration to thank the Royal Family for the interest it has always shown. We commend in particularly the commitment and passion with which our Honorary President, Her Majesty Queen Paola, has devoted herself to the Music Chapel for many years.

Bernard de Launoit Executive President

11 Music Chapel Six Axes e p.16 tag s A Unique place n O l

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This is not a school. It’s an experience! Music Chapel Six Axes A Unique place

The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel consists in developing an artistic pro- ject set out to train young musical talents, and represents the only music institution to advance along those six axes: 1. High-level training: Six masters, in five categories: piano, violin, cello, chamber music and voice. 2. On stage: Gives students the opportunity to perform with 250 concerts per year: - Collaborations with Orchestras - Collaboration with Festivals - Collaboration with Concerts halls - Productions & coproductions 3. Career development: Helps them make a name for themselves. - Promotion: CD collection - Media & social sharing - European networking - Student assistance - Instruments loan 4. Personal development: Takes the shaping of the musicians’ artistic personality into consideration - Artists Village: focusing on the students and their everyday - lives, highlighting the psychological part of the residency. - Students logistic & social support - Library 5. Residency: Welcomes 47 young artists in 2013-2014, from 20 different nationalities. 6. Equinox, asbl: Social & artistic project under the leadership of Maria João Pires

14 Grâce à la bourse de leurs parrains, ces jeunes talents deviendront les grandes stars de demain… Devenez « Ami », « Patron », « Parrain » et soutenez nos jeunes artistes !

Membership & Funding Department [email protected] - +32 (0)2 352 01 16

Dès 40€, vos dons sont déductibles fiscalement. Chapelle Musicale, fondation d’utilité publique IBAN : BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC : BBRUBEBB

15 © G. Grimonster Music Chapel On Stage January to March 2014

Join the stage. Let your art grow. Break the limits! Music Chapel Festival Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Frank Braley, conductor Elina Buksha, violin Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Flagey - November 2013


E.R. Peter ¦ V.U. de Caluwe – Photo ¦ Foto © Vincent Beaume LA MONNAIE DE MUNT

Coproduction ¦ Coproductie Aldeburgh Music, Académie européenne de musique du Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth ¦ Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth / Coprésentation ¦ Copresentatie La Monnaie ¦ De Munt & Chapelle MusicaleReine Elisabeth ¦ Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth / 18 Avec le soutien de ¦ Met de steun van enoa (European network of opera academies) - enoa reçoit le soutien de la ¦ wordt gesteund door de European Commission

Annonce Mamelles3.indd 1 30/10/13 16:34 Music Chapel Studio Production LES MAMELLES Les Mamelles de Tirésias DE TIRESIAS 75th Anniversary FRANCIS POULENC / BENJAMIN BRITTEN 16 to 19.01.2014 ROGER VIGNOLES / TED HUFFMAN ¦ Les Mamelles de Tirésias 16, 17, 18 & 19 JANVIER JANUARI 2014 F. Poulenc, arr. by Britten for 2 pianos E.R. Peter ¦ V.U. de Caluwe – Photo ¦ Foto © Vincent Beaume LA MONNAIE DE MUNT Roger Vignoles, musical director Ted Huffman, director Zack Winokur, choreography Samal Blak, set and costumes Marcus Doshi, lights Roger Vignoles - Philippe Riga, piano

13 enoa singers Thérèse: Julie Mossay*/ Aoife Miskelly La dame élégante: Aoife Miskelly / Julie Mossay* Le mari: Jean-Jacques L’Anthoën / Timothy McDevitt La marchande de journaux: Sarah Laulan* La grosse dame: Eva Ganizate* Lacouf: Romain Pascal Presto: Ronan Debois Le directeur du théâtre: Mathieu Gardon Le gendarme: Guillaume Paire Le journaliste: Samy Camps Le fils: Benjamin Alunni Une dame: Caroline Jestaedt *Soloists of Music Chapel

Coproduction ¦ Coproductie Aldeburgh Music, Académie européenne de musique du Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth ¦ Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth / Coprésentation ¦ Copresentatie La Monnaie ¦ De Munt & Chapelle MusicaleReine Elisabeth ¦ Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth / Avec le soutien de ¦ Met de steun van enoa (European network of opera academies) - enoa reçoit le soutien de la ¦ wordt gesteund door de European Commission 19 © S. Zezza

Annonce Mamelles3.indd 1 30/10/13 16:34 In 1958, Benjamin Britten programmed an opera by his friend Francis Poulenc for that year’s Aldeburgh Festival. His festival had a tradition of performing new opera - not just by Britten - and over twenty years, an established team of singers, directors and designers had produced many works for the first time in the atmospheric little Jubilee Hall in Aldeburgh. Due to the space limitations Britten decided to arrang the orchestral score of Les Mamelles de Tirésias into a version for 2 pianos which he and Poulenc would play. Peter Pears took the role of the husband (transposed up for tenor) and there was also a new translation of the libretto made by himself, Britten and the singer/ designer Colin Graham.

Coproduction: Aldeburgh Music/Académie européenne de musique du Festival d’Aix-en-Provence/musicchapel

Co-presentation: La Monnaie/musicchapel

With the support of enoa (European network of opera academies)

With the support of

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

La Monnaie/De Munt, Salle Malibran Place de la Monnaie - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)70 23 39 39 - Tickets: 60€ - 40€ - 25€ - 12€

20 25 JAN-- 02 FEB 2014 BRUSSELS


21 Music Chapel Gala concert 75th Anniversary

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Maria João Pires, piano - Gary Hoffman, cello Soloists of Music Chapel 28.01.2014 - 20:00 Bozar, Salle Henry le Boeuf

Info: +32(0) 2 507 82 00 - 22 Music Chapel Gala Concert 75th Anniversary

28.01.2014 - 20:00

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor

Gary Hoffman, cello Julie Sevilla-Fraysse, cello A. Vivaldi Concerto in G minor, for 2 cellos & orchestra, RV 531 Allegro Largo Allegro

Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Julien Brocal, piano W.A. Mozart “Ch’io mi scordi di te“, in A flat major, for soprano, piano & orchestra, KV. 505

Maria João Pires, piano Julien Libeer, piano W. A. Mozart Concerto in E flat major, for 2 pianos, KV. 365 Allegro Andante Rondo allegro

23 Liya Petrova, violin Hrachya Avanesyan, violin E. Ysaÿe Poem “Amitié“ for 2 & orchestra, op. 26

Deborah Pae, cello P. Tchaïkovski Variations Rococco, op. 33 Moderato assai quasi Andante Tempo della Thema Tempo della Thema Andante sostenuto Andante grazioso Allegro moderato Andante Allegro vivo

Esther Yoo, violin Franz Waxmann Carmen fantaisie

Capture & broadcast by Musiq3

Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 50€ - 35€ - 20€ - 10€

24 The Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel celebrates its 75th Anniversary!

Opened in 1939, the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, younger than ever, celebrates its 75th birthday throughout 2014!

The visionary dream of Queen Elisabeth and Eugène Ysaye is now in full bloom. The Music Chapel thrives on the enthusiasm of the young people who live there, in what unites them and distinguishes them from each other, all different and yet inspired by the same passion, music. At the Music Chapel, young people and teachers constantly reinvent themselves, while preserving the values that make this insti- tution a genuine laboratory for life and creativity.

In Belgium, a number of major events in the most important concert halls - from La Monnaie to Flagey, and including Bozar, les Musicales de Beloeil and deSingel - punctuate this anniversary year. It begins with Les Mamelles de Tirésias, the first opera of Francis Poulenc, co- produced with La Monnaie, with a musical arrangement provided by Emily Hindrichs based on the outlines of the adaptation for two pianos by Benjamin Britten. This anniversary then offers a series of major concerts by the teachers and soloists in residence at the Music Chapel, accompanied by in particular the Orchestre National de Bel- gique, the Liège Royal Philharmonic, the Orchestre Royal de Cham- bre de Wallonie, the Brussels Philharmonic, deFilharmonie, the Vlaams Radio Koor and the Orchestre National de Lille. At the begin- ning of December, it will be Flagey’s turn to host the now-traditional Music Chapel Festival, devoted this year to Beethoven.

The first stone was laid at the construction site for the Music Chapel’s New Building extension in September 2013: a brand-new building in harmony with the current property, fulfilling the needs of the cons- tantly-growing activity in this laboratory for life and musical creati vity, unique in Europe. Quite naturally, the opening of the New Building will close this great anniversary year.

25 Music Chapel On stage 75th Anniversary - 2014

Music Chapel 16 > 19.01.2014 Studio Production @ La Monnaie Les Mamelles de Tiresias

Les Mamelles de Tiresias F. Poulenc, arr. by Britten for 2 pianos

Coproduction: Aldeburgh Music, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence & Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel With the support of enoa

Music Chapel 28.01.2014 Gala Concert @ BOZAR

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Maria João Pires, piano - Gary Hoffman, cello Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

26 Music Chapel 19.02.2014 Flagey Piano Days @ Flagey

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Franck Braley, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Music Chapel 11.03.2014 Prelude Concert @ BOZAR

Orchestra National de Belgique Patrick Fournillier, conductor José van Dam, baritone Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Music Chapel 06.09.2014 On tour @ Beloeil Les Musicales de Beloeil

Orchestre National de Belgique Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

27 Music Chapel 18 > 19.09.2014 On tour @ Antwerp, Brussels & Gent deFilharmonie Nn, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Music Chapel 03 > 09.11.2014 On tour @ Liège & Brussels Liège Royal Philharmonic Christian Arming, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

28 Music Chapel Festival 02 > 06.12.2014 Beethoven @ Flagey

Liège Royal Philharmonic Christian Arming, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Franck Braley, conductor Augustin Dumay, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Orchestre Phiharmonique de Lille Jean-Claude Casadesus, conductor Maria João Pires, piano Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel

Brussel Philharmonic Vlaams Radio Koor Octupus Michel Tabachnick, conductor Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 29 On peut investir en bourse comme on peut investir dans la formation d’un jeune…

En s’associant à, la Chapelle Musicale vous invite à lui léguer une partie de vos biens ou à effectuer un don pour permettre à un jeune talent de recevoir une formation de qualité.

Chapelle Musicale, fondation d’utilité publique

Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind : [email protected]

30 © G. Grimonster Concert Vivat Mozart!

01.02.2014 - 20:00

Orfeo Kamerorkest Rik Ghesquière, conductor Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Yu Shao, tenor W. A. Mozart Sonata in D major for piano four hands, KV. 381 Die Zauberflöte “Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden!”, KV. 620 Die Zauberflöte (Tamino) “Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön”, KV. 620 Die Zauberflöte (Pamina-Tamino) “Tamino mein, o welch ein Glück!”, KV. 620 Serenade in G major, “Petite musique de nuit”, for string quintet, KV. 525 Concerto No. 4 in D major, for violin, KV. 218 Oboe concerto in D major, KV. 314 Don Giovanni (Don Ottavio) “Il mio tesoro”, KV. 527 Don Giovanni (Don Ottavio) “Dalla sua Pace”, KV. 527

Zaal Elcklerlyc Frankrijklei 85/87 - 2000 Antwerp - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)3 233 64 18 Booking: [email protected] Tickets: 34€ - 28€ (members)


02.02.2014 - 11:00

Eva Ganizate, soprano Joona Pulkkinen, cello Polina Bogdanova, piano Philippe Riga, piano S. Prokofiev Sonata in C major, for cello & piano, op. 119 G. Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor (Lucia) “Regnava nel silencio” F. Poulenc Huit chansons polonaises, FP69 G. Bizet Les Pêcheurs de perles (Leila) “Me voilà seule dans la nuit”

Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 10€

32 Festival Stavelot Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale

02.02.2014 - 17:00

Elina Buksha, violin Francisco Vila, cello Ashot Khachatourian, piano S. Rachmaninov Sonata in G minor, for cello & piano, op. 19 S. Rachmaninov “Vocalise” No. 14 in C sharp minor, op. 34 S. Rachmaninov Musical moments, op. 16 S. Rachmaninov “Trio élégiaque” No. 1 in G minor, for piano, violin & cello, op. 9

Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - Tickets: 12€ - 6€

33 Jean-Frédéric Neuburger Jean-Philippe Collard FRANK BRALEY

Partner Studio 4

Met de steun van de

piano_days_whats_up_110x170.indd 1 20/12/13 15:17 Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary

19.02.2014 - 20:15

Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Frank Braley, conductor Julien Brocal, piano Elina Buksha, violin F. Schubert Symphony No. 5 in B flat major, D. 485 Allegro Andante con moto Menuetto, allegro molto Allegro vivace W. A. Mozart Concerto No. 21 in C major, for piano, KV. 467 Allegro Andante Allegro vivace assai W. A. Mozart Concerto in D major, for violin & piano, KV Anh. 56 Coproduction: Flagey/musicchapel

Flagey, Studio 4 Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 30€ - 25€ - 20€ - 5€

35 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Master class Piano section

20.02.2014 - 14:30

Abdel Rahman El Bacha, Master in residence Soloists of the Music Chapel

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Master class Cello section

21.02.2014 - 14:30

Gary Hoffman, Master in residence Soloists of the Music Chapel

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel)

36 Concert Bibliothèque royale de Belgique Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Concert de Midi/Middagconcert

21.02.2014 - 12:30

Duo Jatekok E. Grieg Danse norvégienne, op. 35 n° 2 C. Debussy Petite suite En bateau Cortège Menuet Ballet A. Borodine Danses polovtsiennes from Prince Igor

Bibliothèque royale de Belgique Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België Auditorium Arthur De Greef Monts des Arts - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 519 57 51 [email protected] - 37 Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary

21.02.2014 - 18:00

Zala Kravos, piano Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Samson Tsoy, piano F. Chopin Impromptu No. 1, in A flat major, op. 29 F. Chopin Impromptu No. 2, in F sharp minor, op. 36 S. Rachmaninov Suite No. 1 “Fantaisie-tableux”, op. 5 Barcarolle La nuit... L’Amour.. Les Larmes Pâques S. Rachmaninov Suite No. 2 for two pianos, op. 17 Introduction Valse Romance Tarentelle

Coproduction: Flagey/musicchapel

Flagey, Studio 1 Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 15€ - 10€

38 Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary

22.02.2014 - 11:00

Duo Jatekok S. Barber Souvenirs, suite for piano 4 hands, op. 28 Waltz Schottische Pas de deux Two-step Hesitation Tango Galop J. Corigliano Gazebo dances Ouverture Waltz Adagio Tarantella M. Ravel Rapsodie espagnole Prélude à la nuit Malagueña Habanera Feria Coproduction: Flagey/musicchapel Capture & broadcast by VRT Klara

Flagey, Studio 1 Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 15€ - 10€

39 Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary

22.02.2014 - 15:30

Elina Buksha, violin Francisco Vila, cello Ashot Khachatourian, piano S. Rachmaninov Sonata in G minor, for cello & piano, op. 19 Largo - Allegro moderato Allegro scherzando Andante Allegro mosso S. Rachmaninov Vocalise in C sharp minor, op. 34 No. 14 S. Rachmaninov Musical moments, op. 16 Andante cantabile Presto S. Rachmaninov Trio élégiaque No. 1 in G minor, for violin, cello & piano, op. 9 Lento lugubre

Coproduction: Flagey/musicchapel Capture & broadcast by VRT Klara

Flagey, Studio 1 Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 15€ - 10€

40 Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary

23.02.2014 - 20:15

Vlaams Radio Koor Bart Van Reyn, conductor Julien Libeer, piano M. Ravel Tombeau de Couperin Prélude Fugue Forlane Rigaudon Menuet Toccata

Coproduction: Flagey/musicchapel

Flagey, Studio 1 Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig Kruisplein 1050 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 - Tickets: 15€ - 10€

41 Concert Musical Instrument Museum Concert de Midi/Middagconcert

27.02.2014 - 12:30

Trio Arensky Samson Tsoy, piano F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Strings trio No. 1 in D minor, for piano, violin & cello, op. 49 M. Petrovich Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition

Musical Instrument Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - Tickets: free entrance

42 Festival Les sommets du classique

28.02.2014 - 20:00

Elina Buksha, violin Joona Pulkkinen, cello Pavel Kolesnikov, piano C. Franck Sonata in A major, for violin & piano

L’église du Sacré-Coeur 3963 Crans-Montana 1 - CP 322 - Switzerland Info: +41 (0)27 485 04 04 Tickets: Cat 1: CHF 50.00 - Cat 2: CHF 30.00

43 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Master class Voice section

28.02.2014 - 14:30

José van Dam, Master in residence Hélène Lucas, coach Philippe Riga, piano Soloists of the Music Chapel

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel)


02.03.2014 - 11:00

Maria Milstein, violin Alexsandra Orlowska, soprano Polina Bogdanova, piano S. Prokofiev Sonata No 1 in F minor, op. 80 Andante assai Allegro brusco Andante Allegrissomo R. Leoncavallo La Bohème (Musette) “Mimi Pinson la biondinetta” F. X. Süssmayr Der Spiegel Von Arkadien A. Schoenberg Gigerlette F. Lehár Der Graf von Luxemburg (Angele) “Heut’ noch werd’ ich Ehefrau” W. Bolcom George

Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - Tickets: 10€

45 Festival Stavelot Les Rendez-Vous de la Chapelle Musicale

09.03.2014 - 17:00

Yu Shao, tenor Lidy Blijdorp, cello Nadezda Pisareva, piano Polina Bogdanova, piano C. Debussy Préludes, Livre I Voiles Ce qu’a vu le vent d’ouest F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Fantasie in F sharp minor, op. 28 L. Boccherini Cello Sonata No. 7 in B flat major G8 F. J. Haydn Die Schöpfung, Mit Würd und Hoheit angetan R. Schumann Sehnsucht nach der Waldgegend, op. 35 n° 5 R. Schumann Stille Tränen, op. 35 n° 10 E. Lalo Le Roi d’Ys (Mylio) “Vainement ma bien aimée”

Abbaye de Stavelot, Réfectoire des Moines BP 52 - 4970 Stavelot - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)80 88 05 20 - Tickets: 12€

46 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Master class Violin section

10.03.2014 - 14:30

Augustin Dumay, Master in residence Soloists of the Music Chapel

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Reservation required: [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free entrance (friends of musicchapel)

47 Music Chapel Prelude Concert

Orchestre National de Belgique/Nationaal Orkest van België Patrick Fournillier, conductor José van Dam, baritone Soloists of Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Mozart - Donizetti - Puccini 11.03.2014 Bozar, Salle Henry le Boeuf

Info: +32(0) 2 507 82 00 -

48 © G. Grimonster Music Chapel Prelude concert

11.03.2014 - 20:00

National Orchestra of Belgium Patrick Fournillier, conductor Marie-Eve Signeyrole, director José van Dam, baritone Amalia Avilán, soprano Eva Ganizate, soprano Diana Gouglina, soprano Aleksandra Orlowska, soprano Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano Yu Shao, tenor Charles Dekeyser, bass Bellini - Berlioz - Bizet - Debussy - Gounod Leoncavallo - Mahler - Mozart - Puccini - Purcell Ravel - Strauss - Tchaikovsky - Wagner

Special night for young public

Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 -

49 Music Chapel Center for excellence

Beyond the simple teacher student relationship, our goal is to build a true companionship based on trust and shared values that will lead to un- precedented excellence. Music Chapel Festival Tatiana Samouil, violin Gérard Caussé, Gary Hoffman, cello Nathanael Gouin, piano Flagey - November 2013

51 © G. Grimonster Center of excellence For high-level training

The Music Chapel represents a center of excellence for high-level training, that is based on three concepts:

1. Shaping the musician’s artistic personality 2. Improving his or her instrumental or voice technique 3. Launching a professional career through a particularly extensive program of concerts and recitals

Because every student is different, we believe it is important to establish an individually-tailored instruction, and take students’ profiles into con- sideration.

The presence of masters in residence, who pursue a very intensive pro- fessional career, and their role in guiding young musical talents, consti- tute the corner stone of our educational project. By collaborating with a mentor, it creates a genuine companionship feeling. But in addition to the six masters in residence, the Music Chapel also welcomes visiting art- ists. Regularly, leading classical artists are giving master classes, work- shops, chamber music coaching, and performances side-by-side with our young soloists.

52 Masters: transmission

Artistic director Arie Van Lysebeth

Masters in Residence Artemis Quartet, chamber music Vineta Sareika, violin Gregor Sigl, violin Friedemann Weigle, viola Eckart Runge, cello José van Dam, voice Augustin Dumay, violin Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano

Guest Masters Gérard Caussé, viola Helmut Deutsch, lied

Professors Violin Department Tatiana Samouil, violin Dana Protopopescu, piano coach Christia Hudziy, piano accompanist Luc Devos, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist

Piano Department Dimitris Saroglou, piano Sylvia Thereza, piano Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano concertos

53 Cello Department Jeroen Reuling, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano coach Christia Hudziy, piano accompanist Luc Devos, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist

Voice Department Jocelyne Dienst, main opera coach Alain Garichot, stage director Agnès Chauvot, vocal technique Hélène Lucas, coaching Paola Larini, (Italian) coach Peter Tomek, (German) coach Philippe Riga, piano coach (Lied & melodie) Nikolaas Kende, piano accompanist Adriaan Jacobs, piano accompanist Polina Bogdanova, piano accompanist Darren Ross, dance workshop

54 High level training On stage Career development Personal development Residency Equinox

Music Chapel Auditions Session 2014-2015 - Belgium

Artemis Quartet, chamber music Augustin Dumay, violin Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano

Deadline for application Send your DVD before February 21st 2014

Info: [email protected] -

55 © G. Grimonster Music Chapel Personal development

Beyond the music, there are people, different and inspiring, beautiful in what brings them to- gether and keeps them apart. The Chapel is the perfect play-ground for all of us to improve our- selves, develop our skills and always try to break imposed limits. That’s why we’re here for. Artists Village, Academic year opening Elina Buksha, violin Pau Codina Masferrer, cello Wojciech Fudala, cello Joona Pulkkinen, cello Music Chapel - October 2013 57 Personal development Artists Village

In cooperation with the Fondation Benoit, all the artists, and the team, we created a new department: the Artists Village. The focus is put on the students and their everyday lives, highlighting the psychological part of the residency.

This new « mood » and dynamic, based on a more human aspect, help students managing their lives better and creating a genuine companion- ship feeling. Therefore, the Artists Village promotes five factors to reach a coherence between the philosophy of instruction & the quality of the environment : A more dynamic residency A quality cooking A balance between the physical and psychological state Artists Village activities The new students’ logistic and social support

Cooperating with many artists and professionals, we hope to invigorate the residency and welcome all artists in a friendly and warm manner.

Next events

28.01.14 Artists Village Music Chapel Gala Concert

11.03.14 Artists Village Music Chapel Prelude Concert

58 Personal well being Patrick Bottin, physical training Fiona Crossley, yoga Bernard Dewamme, mental training with the support of Mentally Fit Anne Schütt, physiotherapist Magda Thielemans, physical development

Equinox Departement Maria João Pires, artistic director Joana Noeth, coordination Tica Cabral, consultant Lami Tchabebou, assistant

Music theory analysis Laurent Beeckmans

Artists Village Conferences Frédéric Sounac, writer & musical theater Erna Metdepenninghen, journalist Luc Van Hove, composer & musical analyst D. Bertrand, therapist Sidney Foux, technique for pianists

59 Music Chapel Career development

As true professionals advice and do, shaping a career starts with a network supporting your talent. The Chapel is the first most important step to greatness. Let us get you there! Christmas Concert Orchestre Symphonique de la Monnaie Ludovic Morlot, conductor Yu Shao, tenor Royal Palace - December 2013 61 Dankzij de beurs van een peter/meter, kan een jong talent een topster van morgen worden… Word «Vriend», «Patron» of «Peter» en steun onze jonge artiesten!

Membership & Funding Department [email protected] - +32 (0)2 352 01 16

Giften zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar vanaf 40€. Muziekkapel, stichting van openbaar nut IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB

62 © G. Grimonster Career development

The Music Chapel bolsters the importance to support its young artists through the beginning of their career, helping them make a name for themselves. We take their professional background into consideration, highlight their strengths to project the best image of themselves to the public, and support them plan their career path in the long term. The career development relies on two concepts:

1. Promotion

The Music Chapel promotes its young musicians and their art, to help them gain exposure. We collaborate with the music label Outher (Fuga Libera/Zig Zag Territoires : Music Chapel CD Collection), to release one CD per year.

2. Student assistance

The Music Chapel also supports students by increasing their promotional value using different communication channels. For this to happen, we help them: elaborate their resume, press pack, and demo recordings develop an international press campaign through press releases and news conferences encourage European networking, thanks to the Impresario’s days that we organise in Belgium, and soon in London promote students through the internet, with social sharing

63 NEWS from enoa - European Project enoa is a network of European opera academies which counts eleven full members and five associated partners from 12 different European countries. Thanks to the support from the European Commission Culture Programme, enoa is able to offer an ambitious five-year-programme, in- cluding workshops, co-productions, co-commissions and its own mobility scheme. enoa’s activities are designed to offer young opera profession- als the best possible conditions to start a career in a globalised context; enoa’s goal is also to foster a common reflection on the future of opera and to encourage the creation, promotion and dissemination of new op- era works in Europe.

Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, coordinator Académie européenne de musique, Aix-en-Provence, France

Partners: De Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam, Netherlands Aldeburgh Music Aldeburgh, UK Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon, Portugal Bayerische Theaterakademie Munich, Germany Latvian National Opera Riga, Lativa LOD Ghent, Belgium Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Waterloo, Belgium Fundación Albéniz / Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía Madrid, Spain Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera Warsaw, Poland

64 Verona Opera Academy Verona Opera Academy, Verona, Italy

6 new associated partners joined ! enoa now has 11 associated partners: Athens and Epidaurus festival, Bolshoi Theatre Young Artists Programme, Den Norske opera & Ballet Oslo, Edinburgh International festival, Escola Superior de Musica, Artes e Espectaculo Porto, Escola Superior de Mu- sica de Lisboa, Fondazione Arena di Verona, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, Théâtre de la Monnaie Brussels, Teatro La Fenice in Venice, and VOCAALAB Zaandam Netherlands.


Feed back on the work Shop on Lied we organized in November with Helmut Deutsch: Mr Deutsch is an authority in what refers to German song, it is amazing and very important to learn from the specialist, for that thank you to Enoa and the European Union to promoting this opportunities to spread his knowledge.

New workshops:

24-28/02: Brussels, Music Chapel enoa workshop on French opera and melody with José Van Dam, world famous singer, happy to share a lifelong stage and concert experience. Work sessions with coach Hélène Lucas and pianist Philippe Riga beside the master classes. Participants: 6 singers from enoa partners will join the Music Chapel and its singers for one week Public Master class on February 28th at 14:30

04-11/03: Warsaw enoa workshop with Eytan Pessen who has worked as a coach and pianist for the Young Artist’s Program of big opera houses as the MET, Frankfurt, Bologna, Münich and San Francisco. The workshop is open to singers and pianists, the latter having the opportunity both watch Eytan Pes- sen working with the singers, serve as accompanying pianists and try to 65 coach the singers themselves. Participants: Kinga Borowska, Yu Shao tbc A staged concert is planned at the end of the workshop at the Chamber Hall the Polish National Opera.

10-22/03: Amsterdam enoa workshop on Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor resulting in a public presentation of a few scenes. Participants visit the final rehearsals of the Lucia di Lammermoor production on the main stage of DNO. They will work with two young stage directors, supervised by Monique Wagema- kers, stage director of the ongoing production on the main stage. Participant: Eva Ganizate as Lucia Public presentation of the scenes at the end of the workshop on March 22 from 1pm til 3pm. Locatie: Muziektheater Amsterdam, publieke foyer voorgebouw. Free entrance

News from La Monnaie Two CMRE singers are asked for covering roles in the production of Au Monde by Philippe Boesmans at la Monnaie in March: Kinga Borowska, mezzo soprano for the role of “la fille ainée” Nabil Suliman, bass baritone and CMRE alumni, for the role of “le fils ainé” Another CMRE alumni singer, the soprano Dorine Mortelmans is asked by La Monnaie as a rehearsal cover for the role of “Jano” in Jenufa by Leos Janacek in December and January.

For all information: see the website

With the support of

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

66 U kunt investeren op de beurs maar ook in de opleiding van een jong talent…

Via een schenking of een legaat draagt u bij aan de oplei- ding van uitmuntende jongeren. De Muziekkapel werkt samen met

Muziekkapel, stichting van openbaar nut Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind: [email protected]

67 © G. Grimonster Music Chapel CD Collection Saint-Saens Complete Works for Violin & orchestra - Cello & orchestra

Camille Saint-Saëns Complete Works for Violin & Orchestra, Cello & Orchestra Soloists of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Violin: Elina Buksha, Jolente De Maeyer, Harriet Langley, Maria Milstein, Liya Petrova, Tatiana Samouil ; Cello: Pau Codina, Wojciech Fudala, Adam Krzeszowiec, Deborah Pae, Noëlle Weidmann Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège Christian Arming Coproduction: Outhere/OPRL/musicchapel

This ambitious project consists of a recording of the complete music for violin and orchestra and cello and orchestra by Saint-Saëns. It marks the beginning of an intensive collaboration between Zig-Zag Territories and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. This institution based in Brussels is an internationally renowned centre for artistic training, reserved for top- level young musical talents. Each year, new musicians prepare for their solo career at the Music Chapel, helped by great performers such as the violinist Augustin Dumay, the cellist Gary Hoffman, and the pianist Ma- ria João Pires. Accompanied by the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège under the direction of the Viennese conductor Christian Arming, the young violinists and cellists of the Music Chapel present not just the most frequently performed concertos of Saint-Saëns, but also a chance to disco- ver such little-known works as the First and Second violin concertos and the Second Cello Concerto.

Diapason Mai Caecilia Prize 2010 68 Diapason Mai Released in November 2013 under the label Zig-Zag Territoires Order from: + 32 (0)2 352 01 10 - [email protected]

Diapason d’Or 2009 - Choc classica Diapason d’Or 2007 Le Monde69 - Les clefs Res Musica Joker Scherzo - Tia classica Follow the Music Chapel

On Facebook: ChapelleMusicale

On Twitter: MusicChapel

Last Tweets

MusicChapel: 2 times top quality: Nomination golden label: Saint Saëns #MusicChapel CD Collection. More on: MusicChapel presents: Musiq3 PH. Dewolf: Paulus au festival the Romantics: lumineux. With @Eva Ganizate, @Sarah Laulan, @Shao Yu and @Charles Dekeyser. MusicChapel: very proud @ Eva Ganizate & @Nathanaël Gouin! 1st prize at the Concours de mélodie française Toulouse #ChapelStars

70 Visit our NEW g WEBSITE!

71 Music Chapel Equinox

One truly enriching experience wrapped in the most unexpected gift of all: the children,- get ting stronger, learning to love themselves and the others through-out music. A heart within a heart Music Chapel Festival Equinox Chorale Maria João Pires, artistic director Flagey - November 2013

73 © G. AMS Equinox

Chorale d’enfants

Le projet Equinox, sous la direction artistique de Maria João Pires, se consacre à la création et au développement de chorales d’enfants. L’ob- jectif, simple, est de partager l’excellence artistique de la Chapelle Mu- sicale Reine Elisabeth, due à ses maîtres et à ses jeunes musiciens, avec des publics qui n’y ont pas naturellement accès, comme par exemple les enfants de quartiers défavorisés. Il s’agit d’un travail de fond, dans la durée, qui tend à «enraciner» la pratique musicale dans des milieux où les conditions ne sont a priori pas réunies pour qu’elle s’épanouisse. Si l’on considère que la musique est une valeur contribuant à un certain bien-vivre, alors on ne peut que souhaiter qu’elle soit accessible à tous et toutes.

Children’s choir

Equinox project dedicates to the creation and the development of chil- dren’s choirs under the artistic direction of Maria João Pires. Its goal is simple: to share the artistic excellence of the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth through the auspices of its teachers and young musicians with members of society that would not normally have access to it, for ex- ample children from deprived neighbourhoods. The work is profound and continuous. Its aim is to implant the practice of music in areas which until now have been completely barren. If we consider that mu- sic enhances our sense of well-being, then surely we must wish to make it accessible to all.

Equinox Chorale d’enfants / Children’s choir Chaussée de Tervuren, 447, 1410 Waterloo +32 (0)495 790 542 - [email protected] - IBAN: BE93 3101 4872 8267 - SWIFT: BBRUBEBB100

74 Equinox team: Maria João Pires Zeno Popoescu Milos Popovic Pau Baiges Julien Libeer Joana Nöth Lami Tchabebou

Partners: Maison d’Enfants Reine Marie Henriette Athénée Royal Victor Horta Les Amis du Grain de Sel SOS Villages d’Enfants en Belgique SOS Villages d’Enfants au Burundi La Petite Maison TAG City Gallery Orchestra Mozart - Progetti Tamino e Papageno

With the support of: Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel Fondation Futur 21 Fonds InBev-Baillet Latour Fondation Reine Paola Fondation Lippens

75 Music Chapel Artists in residence 2013-2014

You’re always on the run, catch a plain, do a con- cert, get lonely in some hotel room, drag your luggage around… We know everything about it, the rush, the constraints, the noise… Take a break from the world and come home. Music Chapel Festival Pau Codina Masferrer, cello Lilit Grigoryan, piano Flagey - November 2013

77 © G. Grimonster Artemis Quartet, Chamber Music

« Guider l’approche du questionnement et des réponses qui en découlent jusqu’à l’indépendance artistique. » Eckart Runge

Duo Jatekok Scholarship by Belgacom Naïri Badal 1984 France piano Adélaïde Panaget 1985 France piano

Quatuor Hermes Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Omer Bouchez 1989 France violin Elise Liu 1987 France violin Yung-Hsin Chang 1985 Taiwan viola Anthony Kondo 1985 France cello

Arensky Trio Claire Dassesse 1989 Belgium violin Aurore Dassesse 1991 Belgium cello Stephanie Proot 1987 Belgium piano

78 Augustin Dumay, violin Chair: granted by InBev-Baillet Latour

Elina Buksha 1990 Latvia Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Michael Guttman Maria Milstein 1985 France Woo Hyung Kim 1991 South Korea Harriet Langley 1992 Australia Scholarship by the Fund Baron Jean-Charles Velge & an anonymous donor Liya Petrova 1990 Bulgaria Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Esther Yoo 1994 USA

Young artists Alexandra Cooreman 2003 Belgium Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Ludo Van Thillo

79 Abdel Rahman El Bacha, piano

« Favoriser la sincérité et la noblesse de l’expression musicale. » Abdel Rahman El Bacha

Polina Bogdanova 1986 Russia Madoka Fukami 1988 Japan Nadezda Pisareva 1987 Russia

Young artists Mertol Demirelli 1996 Turkey Scholarship granted by Mr. Bernard & Mrs Valerie Van Hool Valentine Liégeois 2002 Belgium Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Samuel Van de Velde 1998 Belgium

Maria João Pires, piano Chair: granted by Fondation Futur21

Julien Brocal 1987 France Marcin Fleszar 1987 France Nathanael Gouin 1988 France Lilit Grigoryan 1985 Armenia Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Ashot Khachatourian 1984 Armenia Pavel Kolesnikov 1989 Russia Julien Libeer 1987 Belgium Samson Tsoy 1988 Russia

80 Young artists Milena Cuk 2002 Poland Zala Kravos 2002 Slovenia

Gary Hoffman, cello

« Aider et soutenir les jeunes musiciens à maximiser leur potentiel tout en respectant l’intégrité, l’humilité, et les bonnes valeurs dans la musique ainsi que la vie. » Gary Hoffman

The cello departement received a scholarship granted by Mr. & Ms Eric Le Jeune

Lidy Blijdorp 1986 Netherlands Pau Codina Masferrer 1988 Spain Wojciech Fudala 1988 Poland Deborah Pae 1988 USA-Korea Joona Pulkkinen 1990 Finland Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Julie Sevilla-Fraysse 1988 France Scholarship by Belgacom Francisco Vila 1987 Equator-Spain Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Guy Reyniers

81 José van Dam, voice Chair: granted by an anonymous donor

« Créer l’instrument unique que représente chaque élève grâce à la technique vocale qui lui est enseignée » José van Dam

Amalia Avilán Castillo, soprano 1986 Columbia Kinga Borowska, mezzo-soprano 1986 Poland Scholarship by Futur21 Charles Dekeyser, bass 1986 Belgium Scholarship by Schelstraete & Desmedt nv Eva Ganizate, soprano 1986 France Scholarship by an anonymous donor Diana Gouglina, soprano 1990 Bulgaria Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano 1985 France Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs Michel Peterbroeck Aleksandra Orlowska-Jablonska, soprano 1986 Poland Scholarship by InBev-Baillet Latour Yu Shao, tenor 1986 China Scholarship by Belgacom

47 artists in residence

8 Belgians - 39 students from all over the world aged from 10 years old. 20 different nationalities (Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Columbia, Equator, Finland, France, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA).

82 Music Chapel Auditions Session 2014-2015 - Belgium Member of , european network of opera academies

José van Dam, master in residence Deadline for application Send your DVD before February 21st 2014 High level training On stage Career development Personal development Residency Equinox

Info: [email protected] -

83 © G. Grimonster Music Chapel Maecenas Christmas Concert Orchestre Symphonique de la Monnaie Ludovic Morlot, conductor Joona Pulkkinen, cello Royal Palace - December 2013 85 « Mécène - Ami » de la Chapelle Musicale dès 125€/an*

Devenez « Ami » de la Chapelle Musicale » et soutenez nos jeunes artistes. Vous permettez ainsi à l’institution d’assurer, dans les meilleures condi- tions, un programme artistique de haute qualité pour les jeunes talents.

Vos avantages : • concert des Amis • master class gratuites • examens publics gratuits • votre nom est repris dans les programmes de concert • votre nom est repris sur notre site Internet • déductibilité fiscale pour votre don

*dont un montant, non exonéré fiscalement, de 12,50€/personne

« Mécène - Patron » de la Chapelle Musicale dès 1.250€/an*

Devenez « Patron » de la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth et associez- vous à notre projet ; parce que vous êtes convaincus de la nécessité de soutenir le rayonnement de la vie musicale belge et de nos artistes de demain.

Vos avantages : Formule Ami + • vous bénéficiez également d’une priorité sur l’organisation de «nocturnes» à la Chapelle Musicale. • nous prévoyons à votre attention des places lors du : - concert des Mécènes (ouverture de la saison) - concert de Gala - concert « Prélude » - de la Garden Party • déductibilité fiscale pour votre don

*dont un montant, non exonéré fiscalement, de 100€/personne

86 « Mécène - Parrain » de la Chapelle Musicale • bourse 12.500€/an* (privé) • full bourse 25.000€/an** (société)

Devenez « Parrain » d’un jeune talent et soyez partenaire de la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth ; parce que vous souhaitez vous impliquer directement dans la vie de notre institution et suivre, pas à pas, pendant une saison artistique, l’évolution de l’un de nos jeunes artistes.

Vos avantages : Formule Patron + • certaines invitations spéciales • possibilité d’assister au cours de votre filleul en privé • votre parrainage est repris dans la biographie du jeune artiste • dès 12.500€ : une soirée spéciale vous est réservée : un concert privé, pour vous et vos amis, par « votre » jeune artiste • dès 25.000€ : un concert privé + une soirée privée à la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth (hors réception) • déductibilité fiscale pour votre don

*dont un montant, non exonéré fiscalement, de 2.500€ **dont un montant, non exonéré fiscalement, de 2.500€

Imaginer un soutien « sur-mesure » : don, legs ou mécénat de compétence ? C’est possible ! Soutenez et accompagnez ces jeunes talents dans leurs rêves et ensemble aidons-les à construire leur avenir et leur carrière.

Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind - Christine Reyntjens - Johanna Filée [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] Tel.: +32 (0)2 352 01 13 - +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24

Les dons (déductibles àpd 40€) peuvent être versés sur le compte bancaire de la Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth, fondation d’utilité publique IBAN : BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC : BBRUBEBB

87 « Vriend » van de Muziekkapel vanaf € 125/jaar*

Word « Vriend » van de Muziekkapel en steun onze jonge artiesten! U helpt onze instelling om in de beste omstandigheden een kwaliteitsvol artistiek programma te verzekeren voor jonge talenten.

Uw return: • concert van de Vrienden • gratis toegang tot Master class • gratis toegang tot publieke examens • uw naam wordt vermeld in al onze concertprogramma’s • uw naam wordt vermeld op onze website • fiscale aftrekbaarheid van uw gift

*waarvan een bedrag van € 12,50/persoon niet fiscaal aftrekbaar is

« Patron » van de Muziekkapel vanaf € 1.250/jaar*

Word « Beschermheer/vrouw » van de Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth en zet u in voor ons project. U ziet de noodzaak in om de uitstraling van het Belgische muzikale leven en de artiesten van morgen te steunen.

Uw return: Formule Vriend + • u krijgt voorrang indien u een « muzikale avond » wil organiseren in de Muziekkapel • u krijgt plaatsen voor: - het openingsconcert van het seizoen - het Gala concert - het concert “Prelude” - de Garden Party • fiscale aftrekbaarheid van uw gift

*waarvan een bedrag van € 100/persoon niet fiscaal aftrekbaar is

88 « Peterschap » van de Muziekkapel • beurs € 12.500/jaar* (voor privé) • full beurs € 25.000/jaar** (voor ondernemingen)

Word « Peter » van een jong talent en partner van de Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth. Omdat u actief wil deelnemen aan het leven van de Muziekkapel en gedurende een artistiek seizoen, stap voor stap, de evo- lutie van één van onze jonge talenten wil volgen.

Uw return: Formule Patron + • uitnodigingen voor speciale concerten • mogelijkheid tot het bijwonen van lessen van uw “petekind” • uw peterschap wordt in de biografie van de jonge artiest vermeld • vanaf € 12.500: een privé-concert voor u en uw vrienden met een optreden van « uw » jonge artiest • vanaf € 25.000: een privé-concert + een privé-avond in de Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth (receptie niet inbegrepen) • fiscale aftrekbaarheid van uw gift

*waarvan een bedrag van € 2.500 niet fiscaal aftrekbaar is **waarvan een bedrag van € 2.500 niet fiscal aftrekbaar is

Indien u echter de voorkeur geeft aan een op maat gemaakte steun (in de vorm van een gift, legaat of deskundig mecenaat), contacteer ons! Help en begeleid deze jonge talenten in hun opleiding en toekomstige carrière!

Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind - Christine Reyntjens - Johanna Filée [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] Tel.: + 32 (0)2 352 01 13 - + 32 (0)2 352 01 16 - Fax: + 32 (0)2 351 10 24

Giften kunnen gestort worden op het rekeningnummer vanMuziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth, stichting van openbaar nut (giften vanaf € 40 zijn fiscaal aftrekbaar) IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB

89 Comité Exécutif/Uitvoerend Comité

Bernard de Launoit, Executive President Géry Daeninck, Executive Director Julien De Wilde


Sophie Gosselin, General Secretary

Cultural and Communication Department Sophie Gosselin, coordination Bénédicte Bruynseels, project manager & Artists Village mediator Sophie van der Stegen, project manager & MYchapel coordinator Auriane de Fauconval, publications & press relations Muriel Anslot, publications & social media coordinator Miruna Ursache, trainee Danielle Verhulst, trainee Anastassiya Zabuskina, trainee Marie-Emilie Dugardyn, trainee Paul Borschette, library

Artistic Department Muriel Vanderbauwhede, artistic coordination (voice) & enoa contact Anne-Lise Parotte, artistic coordination (piano, violin, cello, chamber music) Tomoko Taguchi, artistic coordination (piano, violin, cello, chamber music) int.

Equinox, Solidarity Music Department Joana Noeth, coordination Tica Cabral, consultant Lami Tchabebou, assistant

90 Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind, coordination Christine Reyntjens, public relations Johanna Filée, assistant Marie-Louise Welcker, volunteer Monique De Ridder, volunteer

Finance & Administration Quentin Bogaerts Johanna Filée, student & mediation support

Logistics Department Karine Vilain Alain Canivet Lami Tchabebou

91 Design: The New Building COMING SOON for our young talents Thanks to YOU !

December 2014

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation

Membership & Funding Department [email protected] - +32 (0)2 352 01 16 IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB 92 93 © M. Cooreman Your Music Agenda: JANUARY TO march 2014

JANUARY 16.01 > 19.01 Les Mamelles de Tirésias - Brussels P.18-20 28.01 Gala Concert - Brussels P.22-24

FEBRUARY 01.02 Vivat Mozart ! - Antwerp P.31 02.02 Serie - BOZAR MUSIC - Brussels P.32 02.02 Festival - Stavelot P.33 19.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels P.35 20.02 Master class Piano section - Waterloo P.36 21.02 Master class Cello section - Waterloo P.36 21.02 Concert de Midi - Brussels P.37 21.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels P.38 22.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels P.39-40 23.02 Flagey Piano Days - Brussels P.41 27.02 Concert de Midi - Brussels P.42 28.02 Les sommets du classique - Switzerland P.43 28.02 Master class Voice section - Waterloo P.44

MARCH 02.03 Serie - BOZAR MUSIC - Brussels P.45 09.03 Festival - Stavelot P.46 10.03 Master class Violin section - Waterloo P.47 11.03 Prelude Concert - Brussels P.49

94 Special program for the Mæcenas Special program for the Mæcenas [email protected] Friends [email protected]

Special program for young lovers Equinox, Musique Solidaire of classical music under 35 [email protected] [email protected] European network of opera academies Special activities for kids [email protected]

Special program to develop an active residency 95 Music Chapel Gala concert 75th Anniversary

20 places à gagner! 20 plaatsen te winnen!

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Email: Tél/tel:

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Correspondence: Chaussée de Tervuren 445 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 352 01 17 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 [email protected] - With the support of

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Highlights

Music Chapel Gala Concert 75th Anniversary Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Augustin Dumay, conductor Gary Hoffman, cello - Maria João Pires, piano 28.01.2014 - BOZAR

Music Chapel Flagey Piano Days 75th Anniversary Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Frank Braley, conductor 19.02.2014 - Flagey

Music Chapel Prelude Concert 75th Anniversary National Orchestra of Belgium Patrick Fournillier, conductor - José van Dam, baritone 11.03.2014 - BOZAR

Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Correspondence: Chaussée de Tervuren 445 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Corporate address: Rue Brederode 14, B-1000 Bruxelles - BCE 459 245 906 Tel: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 [email protected] - Publisher : B. de Launoit – Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel – Chaussée de Tervuren, 445 – 1410 Waterloo – Belgium 445 – 1410 Waterloo Music Chapel – Chaussée de Tervuren, Publisher : B. de Launoit – Queen Elisabeth