Neuroanatomy of NCS
Neuroanatomy of NCS Jerry Morris, CNCT, MS, R.NCS.T. William S. David, MD, PhD presenting for Kevin Scott, MD, MA Kimberley B. Butler, CNCT, R.NCS.T, R.EPT, CNIM Zachary Simmons, MD AANEM 59th Annual Meeting Orlando, Florida Copyright © September 2012 American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine 2621 Superior Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901 Printed by Johnson’s Printing Company, Inc. 1 Please be aware that some of the medical devices or pharmaceuticals discussed in this handout may not be cleared by the FDA or cleared by the FDA for the specific use described by the authors and are “off-label” (i.e., a use not described on the product’s label). “Off-label” devices or pharmaceuticals may be used if, in the judgment of the treating physician, such use is medically indicated to treat a patient’s condition. Information regarding the FDA clearance status of a particular device or pharmaceutical may be obtained by reading the product’s package labeling, by contacting a sales representative or legal counsel of the manufacturer of the device or pharmaceutical, or by contacting the FDA at 1-800-638-2041. 2 Neuroanatomy of NCS Table of Contents Course Committees & Course Objectives 4 Faculty 5 Median and Facial Nerves—Anatomy, Techniques, and Applications 7 Jerry Morris, CNCT, MS, R.NCS.T. Ulnar and Radial Nerves 17 William S. David, MD, PhD presenting for Kevin Scott, MD, MA The Tibial & the Common Peroneal Nerves 25 Kimberley B. Butler, CNCT, R.NCS.T, R.EPT, CNIM The Spinal Accessory Nerve and the Less Commonly Studied Nerves of the Limbs 29 Zachary Simmons, MD CME Questions 41 No one involved in the planning of this CME activity had nay relevant financial relationships to disclose.
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