Single Issue: $1.00 Publication Mail Agreement No. 40030139 CATHOLIC JOURNAL Vol. 95 No. 8 July 5, 2017 Summer schedule ‘The country belongs to all of us’ The Prairie Messenger publishes By myron Rogal Saskatoon to recognize the begin - become a practice among many tionships that most Canadians are every second ning of a week marking National Christian churches. part of. week in July SASKATOON — On a hot and Aboriginal Day. Bishop David Irving of the The core of the event focused and takes a muggy Father’s Day many people The event included the unveil - Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon on praying for National Abo - three-week from different communities came ing of a plaque recognizing the opened the time of prayer, which riginal Day, which brought vacation in August. together in prayer at St. John’s place of the cathedral on Treaty 6 was then led by Walter and Maria together a host of elders, Chris - Summer issues of the Anglican Cathedral in downtown land; such recognition has Linklater, who shared sacred tians, multifaith, community and paper will be dated July 19, teachings about the creation of political leaders. As each offered Aug. 2, and Aug. 30. the world, the uniqueness of men greetings, a common thread was Ecumenism and women, as well as the gift the recognition of past harms, the and responsibility of children. current enthusiasm around the The Prairie Centre for A climactic moment came as changing culture, and a willing - Ecumenism presented its Bluejay Linklater, a young man, ness to work on the mission of annual Program in Ecumeni - drummed the “Opening Song.” building relationships. cal Studies and Formation Simultaneously, a storm broke Harry Lafond, executive direc - over four days in June in out, bringing a fresh breeze into tor of the Office of the Treaty Saska toon. International the worship space, with the thun - Commissioner, reminded partici - der adding to the sacred song. pants that “it is the Creator who scholars, including Rev. The simultaneous experiences created diversity”: “We are called Thomas were a reminder of the holy to acknowledge his role in each Ryan, CSP, ground beneath the feet of the and Natasha participants and the treaty rela - — TREATIES , page 15 Klukach, were Unity with Orthodox is a brought in to lead participants prophetic sign of differences Sarah Donnelly through the inner workings of the PRAyER SERVICE — Lyndon Linklater was one of the speakers at an ecumenical and interfaith prayer service held June 18 to open a By Junno Arocho Esteves the Ecumenical Patriarchate of dialogical process. week that included National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21. Constantinople. — pages 3 and 6 Linklater declared that “the country belongs to all of us,” and VATICAN CITY (CNS) — “That experience is a neces - Religion poll applauded the diversity of religious traditions that are awakening to The dream of restoring full unity sary point of reference and a the harms caused by residential schools and working to reconnect between Catholics and Orthodox source of inspiration for our A new poll suggests more indigenous peoples with their roots. can be a prophetic sign of legiti - efforts to restore full communion Canadians than ever believe mate differences coexisting rather in our own day, a communion that religion does more harm CCCB to publish new sexual than just simply agreeing on must not be a bland uniformity,” than good, but even the poll - everything, said. he said. sters disagree on what the Both churches must strive to The delegation was in abuse prevention guidelines return to their roots where they for the celebration June 29 of the numbers mean for the once “shared in the same feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the future of faith in the country. By Deborah Gyapong updating, but this new document eucharistic table, preserving Vatican’s patron saints. — page 4 will replace it, Laprise said. together the same truths of faith Since 1969, the patriarchs have School blessed OTTAWA (CCN) — The Like “From Pain to Hope,” the while cultivating a variety of the - sent delegations to the Vatican Canadian Conference of Catholic new document “is a guide,” he ological, spiritual and canonical each year on the feast of the Vati- Regina Donald Bishops (CCCB) is on track to stressed. That means when it is traditions,” the pope said June 27 Bolen blessed and officially publish a new document on protec - published, it does not mean every as he welcomed a delegation from — TwO mARTyRS , page 15 opened Sacred Heart School tion of minors later this year. bishop has “to apply everything in on June 23, the Feast of the Meanwhile, dioceses across it.” Sacred Heart. Bolen said the Canada have already come up with Many dioceses already have school, situated in the heart extensive protocols to prevent sex - their own guidelines posted on their of Regina’s North Central ual abuse, harassment and other websites, Laprise said. “The new area, was going to be “a inappropriate behaviour by clergy, guide by the CCCB will not be like beautiful example and sym - staff and volunteers. throwing away everything they bol of the kind of world we The CCCB document was have already. They could take it as want to build and live in.” approved in principle at the last a base to improve their own guide - — page 6 bishops’ plenary in September lines, or to have a few checks.” 2016 and slated for publication “The CCCB will not comment Catholic literary later this year, said CCCB commu - on what a particular diocese is imagination nications director Rene Laprise. doing, or making comparisons That deadline has to be post - among dioceses,” Laprise said. How to re-energize a poned because of its comprehen - “Each bishop in his own diocese, Catholic arts culture in this sive nature. The document is in the with their resources and their reali - secular society was the final stages of translation into ty, will put in place their own poli - focus of a recent conference French and English and proofread - cies, if not already done, or titled “Trying to Say ‘God’: ing of both texts, he said. improve them if necessary.” Re-enchanting the Catholic With a working title of News of the CCCB document Literary Imagination.” “Moving Towards Healing and comes on the heels of reports in — page 8 Renewal — the Canadian the mainstream news media about Experience,” the new document a program in the Montreal Rosary: up to speed updates and replaces the 1992 doc - archdiocese that will expand from ument “From Pain to Hope.” 10 churches to the rest of the arch - “Newfies eat fast, walk fast, Twenty-three years ago the diocese’s 194 parishes by 2020. talk fast — and we pray CCCB was a pioneer in responding The pilot program requires digital fast,” writes Ellen (Whelan) to the clerical sexual abuse crisis, fingerprints, and background CNS/Paul Haring Nesdoly. She shares her but since 1992 much has changed, checks for priests and pastoral staff POPE GREETS ORTHODOX DELEGATION — Pope Francis greets colourful childhood memo - Laprise said. “In 1992, we didn’t who work with children, minors Orthodox Archbishop Job of Telmessos and his delegation at the con - ries of praying the family have guidelines on the Vatican and vulnerable adults. Even those clusion of a mass marking the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul in St. Peter’s rosary. website, which now we have.” who pass the checks are not Square at the Vatican June 29. As is customary an Orthodox delega - — page 12 Over the years, “From Pain to tion from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople attended the Hope” has undergone revision and — DIOCESES , page 5 feast day mass. 2 Prairie Messenger INTERNATIONAL NEWS July 5, 2017 Pope tells new cardinals to tackle sins of world

By Carol Glatz The Gospel reading at the con - sistory was St. Mark’s account of “has not VATICAN CITY (CNS) — James’ and John’s pride and called you Cardinals are not called to be ambition to have a position of to become “princes” of the church, but to power and be honoured, and how ‘princes’ of serve the people of God and tack - the other disciples reacted with the church, le the sins of the world, Pope angry jealousy (Mk 10:32-45). to ‘sit at his Francis told five new cardinals. Jesus corrects his disciples, right or at Jesus “calls you to serve like explaining that pagan leaders are his left,’ ’’ him and with him, to serve the the ones who lord their authority the pope father and your brothers and sis - over their people, and “it shall not told the ters,” the pope said as he created be so among you.” The pope said new cardi - five new cardinals from five the cardinals, as leaders like nals. “He nations June 28. Christ, are there to be slaves and calls you to The new cardinals created dur - serve others. serve like ing the prayer service in St. The Gospel reading, he said, him and Peter’s Basilica were: Cardinals shows how Jesus asked his disci - with him.” of Bamako, Mali, 73; ples to “look at reality, not let At the Juan Jose Omella of Barcelona, yourselves be distracted by other end of the , 71; of interests or prospects.” consistory, Stockholm, 67; Louis-Marie Ling The reality is always the cross, the College Mangkhanekhoun, apostolic vicar he said, and the sins the cardinals of Cardi - of Pakse, Laos, 73; and Gregorio must face today include: “the nals had Chavez, 74, auxiliary bish - innocent who suffer and die as 225 mem - op of San Salvador, El Salvador. victims of war and terrorism; the bers, 121 of After reciting the Creed and forms of enslavement that contin - whom are taking an oath of fidelity to Pope ue to violate human dignity even under the Francis and his successors, each in the age of human rights; the age of 80 CNS/ L’Osservatore Romano cardinal — in his new red robes refugee camps, which at times and eligible NEw CARDINALS AT VATICAN — Pope Francis and five new cardinals visit with Pope — went up to Pope Francis and seem more like a hell than a pur - to vote in a Emeritus Benedict XVI at the retired pope’s residence after a consistory at the Vatican June knelt before him. The pope gave gatory; the systematic discarding conclave to 28. Pictured from left are Cardinal Louis-marie Ling mangkhanekhoun of Pakse, Laos; them each a cardinal’s ring, a red of all that is no longer useful, elect a Anders Arborelius of Stockholm; Gregorio Rosa Chavez of San Salvador, El Salvador; Juan skullcap and a red three-cornered people included.” pope. Jose Omella of Barcelona, Spain; and Jean Zerbo of Bamako, mali. red hat. The crimson hue the car - dinals wear is a reminder that they must be courageous and Christians fight evil with love, never with violence faithful to Christ, his church and the pope to the point of shedding By Carol Glatz said June 28 during his weekly ence hall that he was about to of my name.” blood, if necessary. general audience. head outside to a “Turkish bath.” “Christians love, but they are They also received a scroll VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In fact, “Christians find repug - In his weekly catechesis, the not always loved,” the pope said. attesting to their appointment as Christians are called to detach nant the idea that suicide attackers pope continued his series on Because the world is marked cardinals and containing the name themselves from power, reject might be called ‘martyrs’ because Christian hope by focusing on by sin, selfishness, injustice and of their “” in Rome. violence and sacrifice themselves there is nothing in their purpose what gives Christians strength and hostility, he said, it is “normal” The assignment of a church is a for God and others out of love, that can come close to the behav - perseverance in the face of oppo - that Christians are expected to go sign they now are members of the Pope Francis said. iour of children of God,” who are sition, hatred and persecution. against the current and live the clergy of the pope’s diocese. Christians must live the way called always to act out of love, Jesus dispelled all “mirages of way Christ lived and taught. After the consistory, Pope Christ chose to: not as “persecu - he told the estimated 12,000 pil - easy success,” the pope said, and The Christian lifestyle must be Francis and the new cardinals visit - tors, but persecuted; not arrogant, grims in St. Peter’s Square. he warned his disciples that pro - marked by “poverty,” he said, not - ed retired Pope Benedict XVI in but meek; not as snake-oil sales - High temperatures and scat - claiming the kingdom of God ing how Jesus talks to his disciples the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, his men, but subservient to the truth; tered sprinkles prompted the pope would come at a high price as more about “stripping” themselves residence in the Vatican gardens. not impostors, but honest,” he to tell guests in the Vatican audi - “you will be hated by all because than about “getting dressed.” “Indeed, a Christian who is not humble and poor, detached from Students on mission trip get lesson in joy from homeless wealth and power and, above all, detached from him- or herself, By Aprille Hanson touched her heart in a special way. his father at 15 years old. When he Tingquist, director of the Little does not resemble Jesus,” he said. The man, now in his 50s, was went to his father’s house for shel - Rock Diocese’s Catholic Youth Christians journey forth into LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CNS) — put on a bus at age eight when his ter, he had a gun pointed at him. Ministry Office, said of the May the world with the bare essentials, While on a mission trip at a com - mother’s fiance gave her an ulti - He had always lived on the 15 - 19 diocese-sponsored trip except their heart, which should be munity in Texas that gives perma - matum — it was him or the child. streets until he found Christ, and Last year was the first dioce - overflowing with love, he added. nent residence to the homeless, The young boy wandered the Community First! Village in san mission trip, working in In the Gospel of Matthew Arkansas State University student streets, was taken in and raised by Austin. Appala chia. (10:16-22), Jesus warned his dis - Clare Doss met a resident who a prostitute, who helped him find “He was such a motivator. “I wanted the young people ciples that he was sending them He’d say, ‘Keep going, you all who are kind of the movers and “like sheep in the midst of are doing such awesome work, shakers for us in the future to see wolves.” They could be shrewd we love y’all,’ ’’ Doss, 21, told something worthwhile and life and prudent, the pope said, but the Arkansas Catholic, newspaper changing can be done in their never violent because evil can of the Diocese of Little Rock. “I own communities,” she said. never be defeated with evil. thought you know he was crushed The village, established in De - That is why Jesus sent his people down by the world kind of like cember 2015, is a community with into the world like himself, as sheep Christ was and he has so much 240 low-rent homes, a mix of RVs, — without sharp teeth, without joy all the time. I think it just micro-homes and canvas cottages, claws, without weapons — Pope helped me to look at life differ - with more than 100 residents. The Francis said. In fact, “true defeat” ently and the fact that the only ministry is part of Mobile Loaves for a Christian is to succumb to the place you’re going to find joy is and Fishes, which has given more temptation of responding to the when you find Christ.” than four million meals to the world’s resistance and hatred with This was just one of many life homeless across four states. violence, revenge and evil. changing experiences that 30 stu - The village includes chapels, a The only weapons Christians dents from four state colleges medical facility and several possess are the Gospel and the experienced during a spring mis - ameni ties, from an outdoor movie hopeful assurance that God is sion trip and volunteering at the theatre to a bed and breakfast for always by their side, especially in 27-acre community, part of the visitors, according to its website, the worst of times. Mobile Loaves and Fishes non- It Persecution, then, doesn’t con - profit. has several enterprises that in - tradict the Gospel, it is part of its The mission trip was funded clude catering and metal crafts - very nature, because if the Lord through $29,000 in grants from man work to train residents in was hated and persecuted, the pope CNS/Arkansas Catholic the Daughters of Charity Founda - new skills. The bus line also stops said, “how can we ever hope that STUDENTS HELP HOmELESS IN TEXAS — Students from tion in St. Louis and Our Sunday by the community for those with we should be spared this battle?” Arkansas colleges help out may 16 at a community in Austin, Texas, Visitor Institute in Indiana. jobs outside of the village. Yet, “in the great midst of the that offers permanent residence to homeless people. The visit to “It was an opportunity to make The community is Christian- maelstrom, Christians must not Community First! Village came during a mission trip organized by the a major difference in the lives of based, but no one is ever pres - lose hope, believing they have Diocese of Little Rock, Ark. formerly homeless people,” Liz sured to convert. been abandoned,” he said. July 5, 2017 CANADIAN NEWS Prairie Messenger 3 Ecumenism an organic part of church’s life

By Kate O’Gorman cal On Commitment for Ecu me - explained. “The essential mes - community. A community of per - is, is the biblical notion of koinon - nism writes: “It is abso lutely clear sage of the Gospel is that we are sons made up of diverse gifts and ia , which is the Greek word refer - SASKATOON — Rev. Thomas that ecumenism, the movement reconciled with God and with one missions, all of whom love, hon - ring to our deep communion with Ryan, CSP, a member of the promoting Christian unity, is not another through the life, death our and respect one another.” one another in the trinitarian life.” Paulist Fathers, gave a public lec - just some sort of ‘appendix’ which and resurrection of Jesus Christ Ryan highlighted the impor - The church is called to be a ture during the Program in Ecu- is added to the Church’s tradition - and the primary mission of the tance of recognizing the diversity communion of communions, “and menical Studies and Formation al activity. Rather, ecumenism is church is to carry that message to that exists within the unity the ultimate goal of the move - (PESF) banquet June 22, which an organic part of her life and the world.” If our Christian mis - Christians seek: “God’s own life ment for Christian reconciliation was hosted by the Prairie Centre work, and consequently must per - sion is not unified, the Gospel in community is a model for our is the establishment of full, visi - for Ecumenism (PCE). Ryan spoke vade all that she is and does.” message we proclaim loses its life in the community of the ble unity among all the baptized, about the importance and necessity Ryan explained further that credibility. “Evangelism and ecu - church, and the overarching char - so that the churches may truly of ecumenical work. “concern for restoring unity per - menism are two sides of one coin. acteristic of God’s trinitarian life become a sign of that full com - tains to the whole church, faithful We can’t effectively promote the is unity in diversity.” This diversi - munion in the one, holy and apos - and clergy alike. It extends to Good News when we are divided ty “is a dimension of the church’s tolic church of Jesus Christ.” everyone according to the ability among ourselves.” catholicity, its universality.” We must be ambassadors for of each. Christ calls everyone to A fourth reason for remaining Finally, Ryan outlined the voca - Christian reconciliation, Ryan renew their commitment to work engaged in ecumenism, according tion of the church as the fifth moti - concluded. “The reception of a for full and visible communion of to Ryan, is the Trinity. A way of vation for staying faithful to the common life among Christians is Jesus’ followers.” understanding the triune God is to work of ecumenism: “A key con - at the very heart of God’s plan for The second reason that keeps “conceive of the Trinity as life in cept of what the church essentially the church and the world.” Ryan engaged in the work of ecu - menism is the teaching of the apostles. “The theme of Jesus’ prayer for the unity of his followers is picked up by his associates and is expressed in a variety of images in their writings and teachings. In the Letters to the Ephesians and to the Corinthians, Paul places emphasis on ‘one.’ ’’ Ryan offered 1 Corinthians 12 PM file as a scriptural reference for this Rev. Thomas Ryan, CSP emphasis, which speaks of the one Body of Christ with its many He began by expressing his members. “Faithful to the biblical pleasure at being part of this mandate,” he explained, “the year’s PESF: “I want to affirm World Council of Churches states the work of the Prairie Centre for that the goal of the ecumenical Ecumenism and all that it is doing movement is ‘to call one another to to bring Christians together.” visible unity in one faith and in one The PCE opened in 1984 and, eucharistic fellowship expressed in as Ryan said, “much has been worship and in common life in achieved over the last few dec - Christ, through witness and service ades. Separated Christians no to the world, and to advance longer regard one another as towards that unity in order that the Art Babych strangers, competitors or even world may believe.’ ’’ CANADA CELEBRATES — Soggy weather could not stop thousands of people from attending Canada enemies but as brothers and sis - A third motivation is what Day in the country’s capital. The crowd on Parliament Hill topped 25,000 by about 1:45 p.m. on July 1, or ters in Christ.” Ryan called the “credibility of the about 80 per cent of capacity, according to officials. The lines waiting for security clearance got longer as “Nevertheless,” he continued, Gospel.” the day progressed, with long wait times to get through the airport- gates, reported the Ottawa Citizen. “in the last decade it seems Christian lack of unity pre - People from across Canada gathered in Ottawa to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, including a family Christians are expressing a sense sents a great obstacle for the from Birch Hills, Sask., who, in addition to their red Canada Day caps, sported Rider green ponchos to of tiredness, or disillusionment proclamation of the Gospel, he keep them dry. Fireworks that lasted more than 20 minutes ended the memorable day. and stagnation in Christian unity efforts. The dialogues and meet - ings continue, but one asks, Reviews are mixed as Liberals near halfway point where is the forward movement? Situations and movements seem By Deborah Gyapong City Policy prohibits foreign aid rates actually increased in sub- in the fall. “We really need to see to have changed: it is pragma - from the U.S. to be given to any Saharan Africa after the rule was some action there,” he said. tism, not unity, that is the prime OTTAWA (CCN) — As the non-governmental organization reinstated in 2001 by Gunn said he assumes the value today. Yet, the fact remains summer barbecue season begins, [NGO] abroad that discusses abor - George W. Bush, likely owing to Liberals’ “flagship program,” the that Christians still have work to the Liberal government is getting tion as a family-planning option. the fact that women no longer had Child Tax Benefit, has helped. do, and we need to keep advanc - mixed reviews as it nears the mid - The rule has gone back and forth the same access to contraceptives.) Though statistical analysis of its ing our own unity.” way point of its electoral mandate. The Trudeau government has impact will wait until later this For the past 37 years, Ryan Since the Trudeau government also announced its foreign policy year, there are indications families has served as an ambassador for was elected in 2015, it has legalized will take a feminist tack, and with children have benefited, he Christian unity in Canada and the euthanasia and assisted suicide; assess whether any funded pro - said. For example, churches that United States. “In order to stay added gender expression and iden - grams adequately address the supported Syrian refugees with a inspired over that length of time, tity to the Canadian Human Rights needs of women and girls. couple of kids received benefits in working for a cause where visible Act and Criminal Code; expanded “I think there’s been a thin the range of $4,000 a year. results are slow in coming, one a childcare benefit for lower- and gruel of achievements in 2017 so The benefit does not help those needs some substantive motivat - middle-income families; promised far,” said Joe Gunn, executive below the poverty line who do not ing reasons,” he said, offering $120 billion in infrastructure; and director of Citizens for Public have children, he said, or many five fundamental reasons why ballooned the deficit to nearly $30 Justice (CPJ), a Christian social indigenous people living in pover - unity is worthy of our time, ener - billion this past year, after doubling justice think-tank. “On the issues ty. “Aboriginal poverty is a huge gy and resources. the promised deficit the first year. that we are concerned with, we problem,” he said. “Since many Number one is Jesus Christ, he It brought in 25,000 Syrian would have hoped for a little Aboriginal people do not file taxes, said. “In Jesus’ final hours with refugees; it has touted its commit - more movement forward.” the government does not know his disciples at the Last Supper, ment to action on climate change Gunn pointed out much of the based on the filings of the previous the message he leaves with them and got most of the provinces on - infrastructure spending is “inten - year how to pay out the benefit.” has the character of a last will and board with some form of carbon tional” and not coming into effect “The government was suggest - testament. In John 17, he says, pricing; and it has introduced leg - until after the next election and ing hundreds of thousands of ‘Father, I pray for those who islation to legalize the recreation - CCN/D. Gyapong beyond. Though there was a families would be taken off the believe in me. May they all be al use of marijuana. Joe Gunn “great announcement of $11 bil - poverty rolls,” Gunn said. “That one as you Father are in me and I The Liberal government com - lion for affordable housing, it’s might have been a stretch.” in you, may they be one in us so mitted $650 million to women’s between administrations since it not clear how this will roll out in “In the Child Tax Benefit, (the that the world may believe.’ health initiatives overseas, which was first introduced in 1984 at the any quick way,” he said. Liberals) have kept to their prom- There’s no doubting the centrality includes abortion funding, to join U.N. International Conference on The government is wrapping ise and we are pleased with that,” in Jesus’ priorities and values for other countries in filling the gap Population held in Mexico City. up a consultation on a federal said Andrea Mrozek, director of his followers.” left by the United States after As reported by Time magazine, a poverty reduction strategy, and Cardus Family. Cardus is a think- Ryan continued, quoting Pope President Trump re-imposed the 2011 report from the World Health Gunn hopes as a the Lib- John Paul II, who in the encycli - Mexico City Policy. (The Mexico Organization found that abortion erals will have a strategy in place — CHILD , page 4

4 Prairie Messenger CANADIAN NEWS July 5, 2017 Latest poll says religion does more harm than good

By Jean Ko Din the pollsters disagree on what the ing away from formal religions. naire that was conducted in 2011. “By our standards, in terms of The Catholic Register numbers mean for the future of About 51 per cent of Cana - “A couple of points of shift is sociology of religion, all I’m saying faith in the country. dians polled by Ipsos Public not a big deal because that’s all in is Ipsos has very loose items,” he TORONTO (CCN) — A new Ipsos Public Affairs surveyed Affairs agreed that “religion does margin of error, but when we said. “That item about religion poll suggests more Canadians 1,001 Canadians online from more harm in the world than have changes of seven points in doing more harm than good . . . our than ever believe religion does March 20 to 23 and the results good.” That’s a seven-point in- six years . . . that’s a significant figure was 51 per cent positive on more harm than good, but even suggest more Canadians are mov - crease from a similar question - shift,” said Sean Simpson, vice- that, so virtually the same figure.” president of Ipsos Public Affairs. Bibby explains that 51 per cent Simpson told The Catholic in either direction should be Register that in a technological largely understood as a 50/50 age where information is so easi - split and Canadians have been ly accessed, Canadians have a split on this particular statement “higher sensitivity” to news of for many years. religious radicals committing acts Bibby’s data comes from of violence and terrorism. research for a book he published He also attributed this shift in in April called Resilient Gods . public perception to the growing In his research of data dating secularization of western culture. back to 1975, he found that a “solid “If you go further along in the core” of 30 per cent view religion study, only 22 per cent feel that as a central part of their lives. it’s important to their political Another 30 per cent reject religion, thinking,” said Simpson. “And while the remaining 40 per cent are it’s only 29 per cent among Cath - somewhere in the middle. olics, which means that seven in Bibby said that depending on 10 Catholics say it’s not impor - any number of social and cultural tant to their political thinking. factors, these groups would shift They are likely not supporting slightly over the years. However, political parties based on those he believes religion is here to traditional values.” stay. With a steady increase in However, Reginald Bibby, a immigration, Bibby said the “pro- sociologist at the University of religious core” in Canada is Leth bridge who studies religion assured for the foreseeable future. trends with the Angus Reid Insti - “Frankly, we’ve been asking tute, says Canadians are much these same questions for years,” more complex than the survey said Bibby. “It’s one of the frustrat - reveals. ing things as an academic when you’re doing research on stuff like this, you have to meet all kinds of Child Tax Benefit is still good policy: Mrozek standards, and it’s slow and there’s a review board. . . . but then you Continued from page 3 Even putting aside the issue of whether Canada’s greenhouse gas “one cent of increase,” he said. come along and see a few poll Canada’s interfering in the poli - emissions will actually have fall - “If the government is sincere items and the media jump all over tank based on 2,000 years of cies and cultures of foreign coun - en.” about consultation on poverty it like it’s some big finding.” Christian social thought. “Since tries, Canada is “exporting the Gunn said he is not concerned reduction, there’s no question it’s Bibby said that comparing their first federal budget, they’ve very worst of Canadian culture about deficit spending depending going to cost us some money,” he data from 2011 to 2017 is much held the line and money to par - today,” Mrozek said. on how the money is invested. said. “If we’re already in a deficit too short a time frame to fully ents is a good thing,” she said. “This notion abortion is a boon Though governments are under position, I’m not sure what is in understand the direction in which Though there could be “tweaks to women everywhere is deeply pressure from the Trump adminis - the cupboard for a robust poverty Canadian perception on religion around the edges on how that troubling,” she said. tration to raise defence spending reduction plan.” is going. money gets directed, it’s still As for the Liberal record on to two per cent of GDP, Gunn Gunn also expressed concerns “If you had asked that question good policy.” the environment, Gunn gives does not think that’s “the most about cutbacks to the numbers of in 2001, you know what you’d be On the “childcare framework, mixed reviews. On one hand, CPJ admirable way to build ourselves government-assisted refugees, as expecting, especially after 9/11,” I am forced to take a posture of is pleased almost all the provinces into a deficit situation.” well as the cap on the number of said Bibby. “Had they done the vigilant watching,” she said. are on-board with a carbon tax or The international development private refugee sponsorships survey in 2001, now that would “Right now it’s fine — a targeted cap and trade system to price car - assistance budget has not seen available. be noteworthy. plan to help disadvantaged, low- bon. income families and a distinct Their environmental plan has PRAIRIE MESSENGER PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY plan for indigenous people.” “contradictory elements,” Gunn Mrozek said she has reserva - said. On one hand, it calls for the MCKERCHER LLP BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS tions when Jean-Yves Duclos, phasing out of coal-fired electrici - KAPOOR, SELNES, & of Families, Children ty plants, but gives provinces like KLIMM and Social Development, talks Nova Scotia until 2020 to do that. SASKATOON: John Schachtel Barristers & Solicitors (306) 653-2000 about “getting to a universal It calls for a crude oil tanker W. Selnes, B.A., LL.B.; L.J.(Dick) Batten, QC 1201 - 8th St. East plan.” moratorium in Northern B.C. but G. Klimm, B.A., LL.B.; Michel G. Thibault Saskatoon, Sask. “We don’t want to get too uni - if the Kinder Morgan pipeline David M.A. Stack,QC (306) 978-5200 Phone (306) 752-5777, P.O. Box 2200 Curtis J. Onishenko versal,” she said. “That would be goes through, doubling the capac - Melfort, Saskatchewan S0E 1A0 Galen R. Richardson     a decidedly negative turn for fam - ity of an existing pipeline, that Phone (306) 873-4535, P.O. Box 760 Tisdale, Saskatchewan S0E 1T0 REGINA:     ilies; it doesn’t help the vast would increase tanker traffic 306.565.6500 majority of children.” along the B.C. coast, he said. The David E. Thera, QC      Cardus’ research shows insti - government has also approved WEBER Committed to serving the legal    tutional daycare is not the first, Liquid Natural Gas projects for      Barristers& GASPER & Solicitors needs of Religious Organizations second or third choice of most further up the B.C. coast. for the past 90 years. fami lies, she said. But any “All of these expand fossil fuel Russel Weber (B.A., LL.B.) MALINOSKI & DANYLUIK (B.A., LL.B.) changes are unlikely to happen projects, at the same time they Tabbetha M. 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Fax: 306-682-5285 GST Filing, Fine Quality Printing Maurice Soulodre, B.A., B.Ed., M.Arch., SAA, MRAIC [email protected] FRAME Reports Ph. 306-682-1772 Fax 306-682-5285 1815C Lorne Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7H 1Y5 ACCOUNTING SERVICES Tel: (306) 955-0333 Fax: (306) 955-0549 Place your professional ad here Specializing in parishes and parishes with schools. email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Call 306-682-1772 Mira Salter ~ [email protected] July 5, 2017 CANADIAN NEWS Prairie Messenger 5 Catholic processions bring faith out into the open

By Evan Boudreau nized pilgrimages in association The Catholic Register with a milestone anniversary of their ,” MacCarthy added. TORONTO (CCN) — Catholic But processions aren’t just for communities around the world marking milestones. In fact, they have been publicly proclaiming serve a much more important role their faith with processions for in the ongoing life of the Catholic centuries, but this year in the Church, said MacCarthy. Archdiocese of Toronto they are “Processions are an important proving particularly popular. part of both our liturgical and spir - The archdiocese’s Spiritual itual journey,” he said. “They Affairs Office has helped process unify our community in prayer 56 permits with municipalities for and are a public expression of our church processions on city streets commitment to our faith, gratitude this year, which already exceeds for our many blessings and illus - the permit requests for all of 2016. trate the joy that faith brings to our On June 18 alone, about 20 parish - lives.” es in the archdiocese held proces - Sheila Dunn, a parishioner of sions marking the feast day of St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Corpus Christi. That, of course, Church in Brampton, Ont., always doesn’t include the processions looks forward to her parish’s feast parishes hold on their own proper - day procession. In the past the pro - ty where permits are not required. cession had been held on the “There is a particular interest in Sunday closest to the St. Anne’s processions this year as the faith - Feast Day, July 26, but this year ful commemorate” and celebrate the hour-and-a-half event will take David Chen the anniversaries, said Neil place on Oct. 1. PROCESSIONS POPULAR — Processions publicly proclaiming the faith have always been an integral MacCarthy, a spokesperson for the “It has been changed to try to part of the worldwide. Above, parishioners from Our Lady of mount Carmel in Toronto archdiocese. include more children and families hold a procession to celebrate mary mother of God in 2016. Processions are most popular that are away in the summer around the Easter season and months,” she said, noting that pre - umphant entry to Jerusalem, to streets surrounding the parish on “It is mostly ethnic parishes Corpus Christi, but this year, how - vious years attracted about 150 today’s annual marches commem - Mother’s Day in the name of Mary that organize processions,” said ever, there are noteworthy mile - participants from the parish. “It is orating church figures and pivotal and “in honour of our mother in Dunn. “It is a celebration of both stones, which include the 100th still in the planning stage, but will moments. the order of grace.” faith and culture, especially when anniversary of the Marian appari - be a bit smaller than in previous “The purpose of having a reli - The annual tradition, which the culture is strongly influenced tion of Fatima celebrated on May years. Most likely there will be gious procession is to give public takes about 45 minutes, brings by faith traditions.” 13, the 175th year of the singing and praying because (this witness to our faith,” Dunn said. together not only the faithful At her multicultural parish, Archdiocese of Toronto and July year) there will be no band includ - “The first few years had specific parishioners but also members of those from the Portuguese com - 1, Canada’s 150th birthday. Over ed.” prayer stops along the way . . . the surrounding community. munity have taken the lead on the the past decade the archdiocese’s But that doesn’t take away (and) we had very colourful cos - “There are many people who annual procession. Spiritual Affairs Office has helped from the importance of the proces - tumes (of) saints and angels, flags, come out on their balconies to “Given the propensity of the process between 50 and 70 per - sion, which has a history from the a huge banner and a large statue of watch us,” he said. “All sorts of Portuguese community for proces - mits a year for church processions. Old Testament processions of the St. Anne . . . carried by four men. people take pictures (and) some - sions, they were asked to take the “Some parishes have also orga - Ark of the Covenant, to Jesus’ tri - Each ministry within our parish times bystanders join the proces - lead,” she said. was represented by a smaller ban - sion. So it is also a tool of evange - At Cristo Rei Parish in Dioceses across Canada ner and parishioners from that lization.” Mississauga, the ethnically diverse ministry walking together.” This year members of the De la demographic in the pews has gen - Rev. Martin Hilbert, pastor of Salle High School Marching Band erated a monthly procession have extensive protocols the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in joined the procession, about 400 schedule from Easter through Toronto’s Parkdale neighbour - strong, adding an extra musical November. Continued from page 1 acceptable at any time,” it stressed. hood, agreed with Dunn about the punch to the public profession of “We do organize a lot of pro - “Additional examples of inap - importance of processions, not just faith. cessions in our church,” said Rev. allowed to be alone with children. propriate touch: kissing a partici - for the parish, but for the commu - “We pray the rosary and sing Carlos Macatangga, pastor of For example, a priest hearing a pant or coaxing him or her into nity. hymns,” said Hilbert. “In the past both Cristo Rei and Ss. Salvador child’s confession will be in a kissing you; lengthy hugs or force - “The procession is an important we had a van with a keyboard in the do Mundo Parish in Mississauga. place where they are visible to ful frontal hugs; cuddling; tickling; public display of our faith,” he back and speakers on the roof.” “We have processions here another adult. piggy-back rides; lap-sitting; said. “And it gets parishioners a Not only do processions serve almost every month.” The Toronto archdiocese has wrestling; stroking a participant’s chance to get to know one another as a means of celebrating the faith, Along with having a strong posted similar comprehensive hair; touching buttocks or genital better.” saints and ministries, they are also Portuguese population in pews, guidelines for its staff and volun - area.” Since 1987, parishioners of the a means of celebrating one’s eth - teers. It also includes a section on The Edmonton archdiocese’s Oratory have processed into the nic origins or cultural background. — PROCESSIONS , page 7 the use of social media. “Called to Protect” program focus - “The Archdiocese of Toronto es on screening volunteers and will not tolerate clergy, staff or staff; training them how to define Pax Christi plans new peace initiative volunteers posting obscene, acceptable interactions between harassing, offensive, derogatory, adults and children and recognize By Evan Boudreau gians and peace practitioners” theme of non-violence,” which defamatory or otherwise potential - when “a child may be at risk for The Catholic Register will be invited to take part in each kicked off this January. ly harmful comments, links or abuse or is already being abused”; conversation and contribute to the “We created a slogan that images, including sexually explicit monitoring “high-risk building TORONTO (CCN) — Pax creation of a document outlining played off the popular slogan, or material deemed inappropriate, locations, activities and interac - Christi International is stepping their conclusions, said Coode, ‘this is what democracy looks which discredits or harms the repu - tions”; training to ensure safe envi - up its efforts to position the who presented the plan June 23 at like,’ ” he said. “We took that tag tation of the Archdiocese of ronments; and responding to suspi - Catholic Church as a leader in Toronto’s Mary Ward Centre. line and we changed it a little bit Toronto,” says its guidelines. cions of abuse in ways that follow promoting non-violence. “They are (going to be) multi - into ‘this is what non-violence It also requires a police back - the law while respecting individual The peace group’s aim is to national and gender balanced,” she looks like.’ Then we were going ground check for volunteers who rights. initiate a global conversation and said. “We are just finalizing the list to use images around this to show work with youth, as does Van cou- The Ottawa archdiocese also “promote practices and strategies and then they are going to start people engaged in the broadness, ver. has an extensive Code of Pastoral for non-violent peacemaking,” working together. They will work the diversity, of non-violence.” “Physical contact shall be Conduct online. said Judy Coode, Pax Christi’s together for about 18 months and Zokovitch said everyone is appropriate to the situation and age Among its requirements: co-ordinator for the Catholic our plan is . . . to present a draft invited to share their image of non- of the participant and only permis - “Clergy, staff, and volunteers shall Non-Violence Initiative. document to the Vatican that might violence on social media using the sible if: i) it does not cause dispro - provide a professional work envi - Pax Christi International is lead to a new official teaching on hashtag #thisisnon-violence. portionate or unnecessary stress or ronment that is free from physical, preparing to hold five online- non-violence and just peace.” “We decided that we would anxiety to the participant; and ii) it sexual, psychological, written, or roundtable discussions to explore Johnny Zokovitch, senior com - raise the profile of Gospel non-vio - is entirely and unambiguously verbal intimidation or harass - separate themes: foundational munications officer for Pax lence within our own movement non-sexual,” Vancouver’s exten - ment,” the code says. “Clergy, of non-violence; biblical Christi International, said that but also within the larger context sive guidelines say. staff, and volunteers assume the foundations of Jesus’ non-vio - while Pax Christi’s top theolo - of the church and specially the “Some examples of appropriate full burden of responsibility for lence; non-violence and just gians and peace practitioners general public as well,” he added. touch: shaking a participant’s hand establishing and maintaining clear, peace — a new moral framework, focus on the literature, all 120 Coode said that while the cre - in greeting; holding hands in a appropriate boundaries in all pas - integrating non-violence into the Pax Christi member organiza - ation of the document is impor - prayer or song; short hugs; high toral relationships, including coun - life of the church, and the power tions, spread across 50 countries, tant, having everyone talking five.” selling and counselling-related of active non-violence. are being asked to take part in an about non-violence is critical to “Corporal punishment is not ministerial relationships.” Between 10 and 15 “theolo - “awareness campaign around the bringing about the desired change. 6 Prairie Messenger LOCAL NEWS July 5, 2017 Unity statement requires much from the church

By Kate O’Gorman Council of Churches — presented ing — vision, process, people, would be limited to more academ - so important as the unity of the a public lecture June 20 at St. and mutual accountability — as ic settings. We wanted it to be the - church.” SASKATOON — Over four Stephen’s Anglican Church on the reflected in the dialogical process ologically sound, scripturally The most difficult part of the days in June, the Prairie Centre for process of building consensus behind the unity statement adopt - based, not too long and very read - ecumenical process is working Ecumenism (PCE) once again pre - through ecumenical dialogue. ed by the WCC in 2013. able. We wanted it to be as applic - through content disagreements in sented their annual Program in Specifically, she spoke about the Regarding vision, the state - able to the life of the church as to a spirit of mutual accountability, Ecumenical Studies and Formation process leading to the adoption of ment had some fundamental the life of an individual reader. explained Klukach: “Pushing the in Saskatoon. a unity statement in Busan, Re - objectives for its message, which Developing a common under - ecumenical movement forward public of Korea, by the World were common to its predecessors, standing of a vision drew the means difficult conversations. The Council of Churches (WCC), enti - she said. “The document needed group together. It solidified our question becomes, how do you tled “God’s Gift and Call to Unity to say something about present commitment to the task. It rooted cultivate the ecumenical attitude and Our Commitment.” realities, identify the resources of us to reality and to what was fea - so that it can withstand disagree - “Our ecumenical life is in - our common heritage as Chris - sible, but it also let us dream big ment and facilitate consensus?” formed, inspired and enriched by tians and as ecumenists, and and imagine what could be possi - The conflict that emerges in statements and texts that show name how the call to unity is and ble with our words.” the ecumenical dialogical process agreement between churches on can be manifest today. It was also The members of the dialogue leads to a more sensitive and con- important theological doctrines important for the statement, as a team had a timeline of approxi - and issues. These kinds of docu - kind of milestone in the ecumeni - mately 20 months to complete the — CONSENSUS , page 8 ments emerge after years, even cal movement, to draw inspira - dialogical decades of dialogue, study and tion from the 10th assembly of process writing,” Klukach said. The dia - the WCC’s theme — God of Life, “from blank logue process must demonstrate Lead Us to Justice and Peace — page to an attitude of openness and humil - and to contribute something to floor of the ity and dedicate itself to really lis - that spirit of prayer.” assembly, tening to the other. It means being Klukach noted that the vision - where the Kate O’Gorman gracious and generous where ing stage requires more than just statement Natasha Klukach there is still disagreement, and knowing the theological focus of would have finding ways to express it. the dialogue. “Knowing that you to be adopt - The three-year accredited pro - Each dialogue process and have come together in dialogue to ed through gram offers clergy and lay people each text “begins with a blank ultimately say something pro - consensus,” from every Christian tradition an page and a group of people with found demands that you identify she said, opportunity to increase in knowl - lots of ideas. Behind the final together what other qualities explaining edge about the ecumenical move - product are a lot of lessons,” she should be present and what you that “get - ment. As in former years, the explained. “The best of these hope to accomplish.” This is the ting pro cess PCE brought in international texts opens our eyes to what God heart of reception, she explained: right is one scholars to lead participants is accomplishing in those who are anticipating how you envision of the most through the inner workings of the different from ourselves and how your work being received by oth - im portant ecumenical dialogical process. openness to God’s gift of unity ers and the kind of impact you components CWL One of those scholars, Natasha can bridge divisions and heal hope to achieve. in try ing to CwL ANNIVERSARy — Rev. Cosmas Epifano, OSB, Klukach — a lay theologian of the what is broken.” “We wanted (the unity state - find con - stands with Betty welter, president of the Bruno CwL, Anglican Church of Canada and Klukach identified four essen - ment) to be read broadly and not sensus on on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Catholic program executive of the World tial elements of consensus build - be so complicated that its appeal something women’s League of Canada in Bruno, Sask., June 15. Sacred Heart School blessed and opened Many attend pilgrimage in honour of St. Theresa By Frank Flegel

REGINA — June 23 was an By mary Nagy Ramell Macapalla, Phin Do and appropriate day for the blessing Colin Roy. Fourth degree Knights and official opening of Sacred WAKAW, Sask. — A mosaic of Columbus Joe Habetler and Joe Heart School, as it was the Feast blend of multicultural pilgrims unit - MacLeod stood honour guard. of the Sacred Heart, a solemn cel - ed in a day of worship in honour of Emcee Allan Burynuik welcomed ebration held on a Friday 19 days St. Theresa at Wakaw Roman all present and directed the after - after Pentecost. Catholic Church on June 11. noon program. Regina Archbishop Donald The hospitality table was set Those at the mass were blessed Bolen, in his remarks before he up at the entrance of the church. to witness three young confir - blessed the school, talked about the Committee members greeted the mands —Allison Frie, Tanner meaning of the Sacred Heart as a pilgrims and outlined the day’s Fiddler and Preston Gaudet — symbol of God’s love: “It’s a beau - agenda. The Way of the Cross receive the sacrament of confir - tiful thing to have that name for a outdoor procession set the tone mation. school. It is the heart of this com - for the day. An impressive procession of munity and it’s in the heart of the A talk presented by Rev. roses — symbolic of a love offer - city, so it’s going to be a beautiful Millan Sajonas focused on disci - ing in gratitude to St. Theresa, for example and symbol of the kind of Frank Flegel pleship. He was followed by her example to the world — made world we want to build and live in.” The Grade 3 choir at Sacred Heart School in Regina. Prince Albert Bishop Albert its way to the altar. The partici - Sacred Heart School is in the Thévenot, M.Afr., who held a red pants in the procession were city’s North Central neighbour - use early in 2019. Principal Dave troupe 31, who regularly partici - rose and spoke of how it reflects seven Filipino pilgrims from the hood, which has a reputation for Magnusson described the school pate in the school’s reading pro - the symbol of love. The bishop Prince Albert Diocese who faith - high levels of poverty and crime. as a state-of-the art facility. gram, were also in attendance. ended his talk describing his re - fully return each year. The archbishop took the occa - The school received blessings RCMP officers attended in their cent visit to Rome and his visit Following the mass, pilgrims sion to announce that, come in two languages: Bolen’s bless - red serge uniforms. with Pope Francis. came forward to receive healing September when classes resume, ing was followed by elders May The service opened with a Following the presentations, a prayers and a blessing from the he intends to move to the area: Desnomie, who offered a prayer video of the “passing of the torch” buffet luncheon was enjoyed by bishop and priests. There were “God willing, I will be nearby so in Cree, and Noel Starblanket, from the old building to the new, all in the downstairs hall. Some some in wheelchairs and walkers we will be neighbours. I will who lit a smudge bowl which was which had taken place in April. enjoyed fellowship while others and others in need of healing. come and visit and get to know carried from the gathering area to The same torch was processed browsed in the religious article Love, peace and joy permeated you better.” the school’s main offices. into the new school at the end of store. Others had the opportunity the atmosphere as younger family Bolen thanked everyone who The importance of the school the video and placed at the for the sacrament of reconcilia - members assisted the elderly to was involved in the design and to the neighbourhood was empha - entrance to the gathering area. A tion, while still others continued go forward to receive the prayers. construction of Sacred Heart. sized by the number of dignitaries wood carving of the Risen Christ their private devotions. This was followed by the exposi - With that he moved around the in attendance, including Regina — one of four donated by carver More pilgrims from outlying tion of the Blessed Sacrament and gathering area where guests and Mayor Michael Fougere, Deputy Maurille Hammond of Shaunavon parishes arrived in time to partici - then a line of procession of pil - students were seated, blessing Premier and Education Minister — was also processed into the pate in the afternoon celebrations. grims back into the church for them and the school with holy Don Morgan, Deputy Education gathering area and placed on the The crowd gathered at the outdoor adoration. water. He also visited the class - Minister Rob Currie, RCMP altar. Each carving was formed Altar on the Mound, where Pilgrims were invited to partake rooms and other areas, blessing Commander of Depot Division from a single piece of wood. singing birds harmoniously blend - of refreshments in the auditorium, them as he went. Brenda Lucki, local MLA Warren The program was opened by ed with the choir. where more fellowship concluded The new school is a rebuild, McCall, and chair of the Regina the Grade 3 choir led by teacher The eucharist was celebrated by the day. The feast day of St. replacing the old school on the Catholic School Board Donna Lindsay Shaw, and they closed Thévenot, who concelebrated with Theresa will be held on Oct. 1, and same site. A gymnasium is under Ziegler. the celebration by singing parish priest Rev. Phong Tran and next year’s pilgrimage — the 94th construction and will be ready for Members of RCMP cadet Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” visiting priests Maurice Fiolleau, — will be held on June 10, 2018. July 5, 2017 NEWS FEATURE Prairie Messenger 7 Controversial case turns spotlight onto pope’s record

By Josephine mcKenna record on clerical abuse. Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, Casteix in a statement. questioning about the fraudulent “Whether Pell specifically who was accused of sex crimes In the past, the Vatican, as a bankruptcy of a private Italian bank. VATICAN CITY (RNS) — As asked for a leave from his Vatican against minors in the Dominican sovereign state in the heart of And Cardinal Bernard Law of the Vatican reeled from news that duties to return for the trial, or Republic. Wesolowski died in Rome, offered officials immunity Boston escaped potential prose - one of its top officials was taking whether the pope ordered him to 2015 before he was tried for child from prosecution. cution when he moved to Rome a leave to fight historical sex do so, the effect is the same. And pornography. In the early 1980s, it refused an after the sex abuse scandal erupt - abuse charges in Australia, the it is a development from the “On the other hand, sex abuse Italian request to hand over ed in his diocese in 2002. spotlight quickly turned to Pope past,” Mickens said, when the survivors and lobbyists argue that Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, an Pell, it appears, was not Francis, with his critics slamming church would have defended Francis has been shamefully irre - American who was wanted for offered that option. him for failing to do enough to Vatican churchmen. sponsible in defending Chilean tackle the vexing issue. But Mickens said Francis has Bishop Juan Barros,” said Cardinal , the most never made the church’s sexual Agnew. senior figure in church history to abuse crisis a priority of his Barros has been accused of face child sex abuse charges, is administration. covering up clerical abuse in the Vatican’s financial czar and a “It took him more than a year Chile in the 1980s and 1990s. trusted adviser to the pope. after his election as bishop of There is no doubt there has Pell, 76, is facing “multiple Rome before he even mentioned been some change under Francis. charges in respect of historic sex - it,” said Mickens, a longtime He has spoken out many times ual offences,” said police in the Vatican commentator. “I think a against clerical sexual abuse and Australian state of Victoria. major reason for that is his expe - late last year he urged bishops “I am looking forward to my rience as a bishop in Latin around the world to adopt a “zero day in court,” Pell told a packed America, where the issue has not tolerance” policy. media conference June 29. “I am been dealt with openly or effec - “I would like us to renew our innocent of these charges. They tively.” complete commitment to ensur - are false.” (See story, page 16.) After his election, Francis ing that these atrocities will no His controversial case has established a Vatican panel for longer take place in our midst,” unleashed a wave of criticism the protection of minors to he said in a letter to them. from survivor groups and com - change church practices and This month, the pope mentators who say the pope has increase awareness about abuse defrocked an Italian priest, Mauro CNS/Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters not done enough to root out and education in the church. Inzoli, who was convicted of mIXED REVIEwS — Irish commentator Paddy Agnew, who has fol - predators and protect children. But survivor Peter Saunders child sex crimes by an Italian lowed the Vatican for 30 years, said Pope Francis’ record on rooting “There is a deep disconnect was forced to take a leave of court a year ago. out predators is mixed. between the pope’s words and his absence from the panel after But Francis’ predecessor, actions,” said Anne Barrett scathing criticism of Pell. Irish Benedict XVI, had initially Processions becoming popular Doyle, co-director of the advoca - survivor Marie Collins resigned defrocked Inzoli in 2012 after he cy group Bishop Accountability. in disgust in March over what she was first accused of abusing Barrett Doyle was critical of called “shameful” obstruction minors. Francis reversed that Continued from page 5 cultures,” said Macatangga, a the pope for keeping Pell in his within the Vatican. decision in 2014, ordering the priest of The Society of the Divine post until now, despite knowledge The charges against one of his priest to stay away from children Macatangga’s parishioners in - Word. “It is our way of celebrating of the allegations against him. closest advisers and the architect before finally coming to the con - clude members of the Indian, the popular religiosity of the peo - “The pope is not a reformer of his economic and administra - clusion that the priest could no Filipino and Sri Lankan commu - ple. But more important we orga - when it comes to the crisis,” she tive reforms of the Holy See is longer continue in his duties. nities, each of which is represent - nize these processions to gather said. “He apologizes often and not only embarrassing for the The U.S.-based Survivors ed by an annual feast day proces - together our people coming from uses buzz phrases like ‘zero toler - pope but brings the church abuse Network of those Abused by sion. different ethnic communities.” ance.’ But underneath he remains scandal to his door. Priests has urged the pope to send In places such as Asia and Since taking over as pastor of the minimizer and the defender of Paddy Agnew, an Irish com - Pell home as soon as possible and Europe, processions have a long both parishes seven years ago, the accused priests.” mentator who has followed the hoped the Australian investiga - history. For decades the Palm fruits of these efforts have Robert Mickens, an American Vatican for 30 years, said Francis’ tion would inspire other countries Sunday procession in Rome, become visible within the parish editor for the French Catholic record on rooting out predators is to do more. which ends at the Vatican and community, he said. magazine La Croix, said it was mixed. “Sexual abuse thrives when it began centuries ago, has attracted “I have seen the results of our significant that Pell had stepped Agnew said Francis acted is allowed to flourish in secrecy,” tens of thousands of parishioners celebrations in the lives of our aside but he criticized the pope’s quickly to remove Polish said SNAP spokesperson Joelle from around the world. parishioners,” he said. “In any Although lesser in size, the given procession you will see processions held at Macatangga’s Portuguese-speaking people min - The Catholic Women’s League of Canada two parishes also serve as a gling and praying with English- th means of bringing people together speaking parishioners. Sometimes 97 Annual National Convention from around the world. they could not even understand “We need to recognize that pop - each other because of language, ular devotions have a special place but they always reach out to one in the lives of our people who another because they have come from different countries and become familiar to each other.”

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8 Prairie Messenger ARTS & CULTURE July 5, 2017 How to re-energize Catholic literary imagination

By Ann Carey lisher and editor of Image, a quar - terly literary journal. NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS) Saxton observed that Catholic — An effort to re-energize a publishers are in a state of flux Catholic arts culture in this secu - and trying to decide where to go lar society attracted over 200 next, which explains why many established and aspiring writers, authors have trouble getting a artists, musicians and vocalists to foot in the door. Thus, she said, the University of Notre Dame for “we need to learn new tricks,” a June 22 - 24 conference. new ways of communicating and The inaugural conference was “fresh voices of new authors.” titled “Trying to Say ‘God’: Re- Boudway sounded a similar enchanting the Catholic Literary note, saying that “fresh realities” Imagination.” The gathering need to be described and offered support and encourage - expressed and old traditions pre - ment to attendees, as well as the sented in current language for opportunity to share interests and today’s readers. ideas about how to express the Wolfe wants to see a change in faith in new ways that will speak Catholic publishing, saying most to a modern culture that often is is “moralistic, pietistic or politi - hostile to the faith. cal,” modalities that he said are Bishop Daniel E. Flores of “obsolete.” He prefers works that Brownsville, Texas, set the tone reflect a sense of “felt life,” for he with his opening address, saying believes those works can help that “the whole Christian life is a renewal of society and the participation in the expressive - church. ness of the Word. That the church Durepos, however, was opti - by grace both engenders and CNS/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters mistic about the future of needs artisans of words, painters, CATHOLIC ARTS CULTURE — A man sleeps on a sculpture titled “Homeless Jesus” by Canadian sculp - Catholic publishing because the sculptors, musicians and other tor Timothy Schmalz in front of the offices of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of washington. A Catholic Church is vibrant and sub-creators is akin to an evident recent conference at the University of Notre Dame included presentations and performances on how artists growing. He told attendees that truth that flows from revelation.” and writers bring God into their works to reach believers as well as non-believers. they are the future of Catholic The conference program fea - publishing, which faces chal - tured a striking variety of nearly A prevalent topic of discussion nate publishing decisions. Both he and Oakes suggested that lenges, but new things keep hap - 50 diverse presentations and per - that bubbled up inside and out - “Our culture has lost cultural book clubs are a good way to get pening so writers should remain formances on how artists and side the conference sessions was imagination, and the way to readers excited about books. hopeful. writers bring God into their the problem of how Catholic recover that is through literature,” Ampleman, a poet and writer, “I’m looking for the next works to reach believers as well writers and artists can get their but most Catholic publications as well as managing editor of bright star, the next terrific author as non-believers. Topics ranged works published or performed at tend to focus on current events The Cincinnati Review , said that I’ve never heard of before,” from writing contemporary crime a time when patronage of the arts like politics and abortion, said poetry is a place where people Durepos said. fiction to writing on science, and is non-existent, many publica - Boyagoda. He is a novelist and a can have a “conversation about The conference was planned from writing fantasy to writing tions no longer accept poetry or vice-president at St. Michael’s the sacred,” but Catholic media and organized by published writ - devotional works. fiction, and print media are strug - College at the University of do not pay much attention to ers Kenneth Garcia, associate For the fine arts, iconographer gling or disappearing in this digi - Toronto, where he also teaches in contemporary literature and director of Notre Dame’s Institute Joseph Malham discussed redis - tal age. the “Christianity and Culture” poetry. for Scholarship in the Liberal covery of the ancient art of icons, One frequent lament was that program. Representatives of four Catho - Arts; David Griffith, director of Catholic poet Mary Karr present - writers’ works are “not Catholic Oakes, author of four books lic publishers responded to many creative writing at the Interlochen ed on “Poetry and Prayer,” and enough” to be accepted by and lecturer in the College of these issues at the “Future of centre for the Arts in Michigan; songwriter Jason Harrod per - Catholic publishers, but “too Writing Program at the University Catholic Publishing” session that Sam Rocha, assistant professor of formed in an evening concert. Catholic” to appeal to a secular of California in , said featured Heidi Saxton, acquisi - philosophy of education at the outlets. This common issue that Catholic demographics are tions editor at Ave Maria Press; University of British Columbia; Text adopted attracted many conference partic - quite different now than in the Matthew Boudway, senior editor and Jessica Mesman Griffith and ipants to sessions on “The Future past. Thus, today’s writers have at Commonweal magazine; Jonathan Ryan, both of the blog by consensus of Catholic Literature in a Secular to rediscover their audiences and Joseph Durepos, trade books Sick Pilgrim. Age” and “The Future of Catholic find new markets in a world of acquisitions editor for Loyola The group plans biennial gath - Publishing.” fewer Catholic editors and pub - Press; and Gregory Wolfe, a erings, with the June 2019 event Continued from page 6 In the session on Catholic lit - lishers. senior fellow at Seattle Uni - to take place at St. Michael’s erature, published writers Kaya Hren, a writer and assistant versity’s Institute for Catholic College in Toronto, and the 2021 structive effort to acknowledge Oakes, Joshua Hren, Lisa professor of English at Belmont Thought and Culture, and pub - event returning to Notre Dame. our places of division and hurt, Ampleman and Randy Boyagoda Abbey College in North Carolina, said Klukach. In reference to discussed their own experiences. said that when he worked as an seeking consensus on the unity All acknowledged that magazine editor, he saw accomplished statement in Busan, she said, “We and book publishers have to make Catholic writers who could not Self Adhesive Personal knew we could not satisfy every - money to stay afloat, so commer - find a market for their work, so one but knowing that we were cial — rather than cultural and he started Wiseblood Books to Address Labels Order from: accountable for our actions, we artistic — interests usually domi - publish good Catholic writing. DESIGNER LABELS listened, we prayed, we redrafted St. Peter’s Press 180 for $11.95 (colour) Box 190, Muenster, SK S0K 2Y0 and we asked for the trust of the Phone: 306-682-1770 assembly that we had honestly Fax: 306-682-5285 email: [email protected] done the best we could. The mod - 95th annual K 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Cheque/Money order enclosed erator steered through the con - K VISA/MasterCard flicts one by one, affirming to Card No: ______everyone that they had been Expiry date: ______heard, but ultimately asked if they Mount Carmel 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 Signature: ______All label orders are sold in sheets Label order form: could consent to the final text. that fold for easy storage. Size 2 5/8 x 1”. Please send ______Style # ______labels @______Finally, the assembly adopted Pilgrimage Choose from a variety of pictures. Add $3.00 for postage and handling ______(two miles north of Carmel, Sask.) 1011 1012 All pictures are in colour on the label. the text by consensus. In that Add 5% GST (on materials and postage) ______moment, 800 people representing Sask. residents add 5% PST (on labels only) ______348 member churches — that’s STANDARD LABELS Total ______(Please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery) 600 million Christians around the Sunday, July 16 180 for $9.95 (black & white) Please print information to appear on labels world from every corner of the Maximum of 5 lines of 24 letters and spaces per line. earth — came together to speak of W their passionate desire for God’s 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 church to live in unity. Program: 12:00 An hour with our diocesan family “All of us involved with this text 9:30 An hour with Mary Marian hymns, rosary, Lunch & quiet time with the were changed in the making of it. It Blessed Sacrament 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 Daytime phone# ______is an assertive ecclesiological state - Sacrament of reconciliation 1:30 An hour with the Lord *Style for monograms only (#1203). ment that demands much from the 10:45 An hour with God's family Hymns Monograms and stock logos are available on the standard label only. church in repentance for the pain of Sunday eucharist ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Blessing of fields Stations of the Cross Style A - disunity and in its commitment to Blessing with the Style B - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Blessing of the sick Style C - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ be a pro phetic sign to the life God Blessed Sacrament ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ intends for all,” Klukach said. Style D - July 5, 2017 ARTS & CULTURE Prairie Messenger 9 Of caminos and climbs: embracing the path

Gransden. In 1916 an intrepid group reached the summit on July section and later rappel from the Austrian mountain guide, Conrad 14, 2016, although they had to pinnacle down a sheer cliff edge. Kain, made an historic solo ascent abandon the hobnail boots on the There’s nothing quite like the Screenings of Bugaboo Spire in B.C., then most dangerous sections. panoramic view from a mountain - considered the toughest climb in Remarkably Gransden had no top to stir the senses. & Meanings Canada. He did it wearing heavy previous climbing experience. It The film is a worthy tribute to hobnail boots and using hemp brought me back to my own first Kain’s exploits and gives the ropes, primitive outfitting by con - real climb in the same mountains viewer a vicarious feel for what it Gerald Schmitz temporary standards, and without in August 2000, arranged thanks was like. Supported by the Royal knowing how to descend, which is to a friend, Kim Laker, who then Canadian Geographical Society, Big summer movies tend to unique (read more about it at: often the most perilous part. To worked for Canadian Mountain among others, it’s been shown at offer more escape than enlighten - mark the centennial of that leg - Holidays. I didn’t tackle Bugaboo festivals (winning a prize in ment. But there are some winners. Johansen takes the popular endary mountaineering feat, a team Spire, but a nearby peak, also over Moscow last year) and special I’ve already praised The Big Sick, “camino francès” route, starting in assembled to replicate the ascent 3,000 metres, named Pigeon Spire. screenings. The plan is to put it one of the sharpest comedies in St. Jean Pied de Port, crossing the using 1916 gear. Along with It’s considered less challenging online. years. Another South By Pyrenees into Spain then eventu - Robert Le Blanc, Gary Reiss and but was first climbed only in 1930 Updates and a trailer can be Southwest festival hit is Baby ally to the great cathedral of Natalia Danalachi, was Ottawa and, believe me, was thrilling found on the Facebook page: Driver , which I’ll review next Santiago de Compostella and photographer and alpinist Ivan enough even under ideal condi - - time. Other notable releases arrive beyond to Fisterra on the rugged Petrov who assisted in filming the tions with expert guides, especial - nailsandhemp/ in the coming weeks. Here, how - Atlantic coast. I did the same in adventure. On a second attempt the ly having to traverse a knife-edge Safe summer travels everyone. ever, I want to focus on several 2013 and so recognized many of much smaller films about remark - the locations along with the daily able summertime journeys. rituals of going on foot. What ele - Tristan Cook’s poignant docu - vates his camino out of the ordi -

Strangers on the Earth (U.S./Spain 2016) Hobnails and Hemp Rope (Canada 2016) mentary Strangers on Earth (the nary, in addition to its musical title is from a biblical verse) fol - grace, are the diverse encounters lows a 2014 walk along the he has with fellow pilgrims that Camino de Santiago (Way of St. reveal its deeper meaning for James) by American professional many. Walking the camino is cellist Dane Johansen, who carries about more than getting to some the instrument on his back the hallowed destination. Really entire 965 kilometres. Along the experiencing it mirrors the jour - way he stops to give free concerts ney of life — with challenges, in 36 historic churches playing struggles and hardships, but also compositions by J.S. Bach. Some epiphanies and joys. The film of the stages are arduous, but does a wonderful job of evoking Johansen perseveres to perform how the camino touches body, under difficult conditions, sharing mind and soul. EmBRACING THE PATH — The documentary Strangers on Earth (the title is from a biblical verse) fol - the gift of sublime music with all A much less travelled path is lows a 2014 walk along the Camino de Santiago (way of St. James) by American professional cellist Dane on the path. As the film’s tagline the subject of the excellent 23- Johansen, who carries the instrument on his back the entire 965 kilometres. puts it, “every pilgrim goes their minute short film Hobnails and own way.” Johansen’s is certainly Hemp Rope directed by Greg A call to resist compulsive consumerism

tians are called to an activist Readings awareness of critical issues such as rising greenhouse gas emis - & Meanings sions and other threats to water and food resources, leading to scarcities that can be factors in Gerald Schmitz conflicts and forced migrations. This means moving to clean ener - Several weeks ago I reviewed a surely sadden the Creator.” gy alternatives and changing our series of documentaries posing Culverwell begins with a reali - habits. It doesn’t mean buy noth - challenging questions about ty check that takes in the total ing; rather “we can rethink what human impacts on the planet. This costs of extravagant and wasteful we buy, how we buy, from whom slim volume by a British educator consumer lifestyles. In order to we buy, and most significantly adds a valuable Christian perspec - constantly have more stuff, goods the amount that we buy. . . . we tive. The foreword by Andy need to be cheaper and more might just start looking at what Atkins, a former CEO of Friends abundant. That pressure often we truly need, rather than just of the Earth, notes that Jesus results in the exploitation of considering what we want.” If we urged his followers to be the “salt labour and natural resources with are to contain our expanding and light” in society. For author negative social and environmental global footprint we need to imag - Gerald Schmitz Culverwell this means taking on effects. Therein lies the funda - ine an economic system that FILm RECEPTION — Filmmaker Greg Gransden and Ottawa pho - rampant consumerism in which mental injustice in a throwaway doesn’t depend on buying more tographer Ivan Petrov attend the Russian Embassy reception for success is defined in terms of pos - culture addicted to accelerating new stuff. Hobnails and Hemp Ropes may 25, 2017. sessive accumulation and seeking consumption to drive growth. We Culverwell cites a cautionary favourite saying: “These days we Marcus Culverwell, Would God Go Shopping? seem to value the things we can measure, instead of measuring the (Shield Crest Publishing, ©2016, 80 pages) things we value.” Christians should be in the forefront of a dif - positive sustainable alternatives to are seeing the global ecological ferent vision from that of “having destructive ideologies and sys - effects in the degradation of nat - it all,” one that resists the adver - HOLY LAND tems. ural systems, pollution and cli - tising propaganda creating insa - Christians need to open their mate change, deforestation, and tiable wants, that purchases and PILGRIMAGE eyes to be the change because, as species extinctions. In response invests with ethical responsibility, Nov. 21 - Dec. 3, 2017, with Fr. Pius Schroh he puts it: “Our simple shopping the author puts forward a that cuts down on waste and Visiting: Jerusalem, Mt. of Olives, Bethlehem, Church of Nativity, Dead Sea, habits, which have developed Christian duty to “ethical con - reduces impacts on nature. boat ride, Cana, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, over decades through an eco - sumption” (referencing the web - The author concludes with a Masada, daily mass & more . . . nomic system dependent on con - site number of practical suggestions stant consumption and endless that also demands action from for mindful Christians to follow CALL: GOSPA TOURS growth, rob the poor to pay the governments and corporations to in curbing harmful appetites. RR 5, Site 502, Box 9, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J8 " rich, cause irrevocable damage enforce codes of conduct on com - Because the time is now to read Ph: 306-384-0169 Fax: 306-384-0565 to the natural systems which we mercial activities. the signs of the times and act Email: [email protected] depend upon . . . and it must Culverwell argues that Chris - accordingly. 10 Prairie Messenger DEEPENING OUR FAITH July 5, 2017 Story of tragic events becomes a witness to joy

son have any value, even if she same well from which your They prayed Maria would be cannot do or produce anything, laughter rises was oftentimes born alive so they could hold her and might actually cost the rest of filled with your tears. and have her baptized. Maybe us? Here, the questions were not “And how else can it be? The Maria shared that desire. She Questioning abstract, but enfleshed in the deeper that sorrow carves into lived half an hour after birth. young lives of Chiara Petrillo and your being, the more joy you can Faith her husband, Enrico. contain.” Why should their story, which Chiara and Enrico, the story Mary Marrocco could be labelled tragic, be tells, by the time they were mar - claimed as a witness to joy? ried, already were learning the It wasn’t a trick, giving a joy - dance of sorrow and joy. Then, One day my brother put a story into the big, tough questions ful title to a book about some - when Chiara conceived, shadows book in my hand. The book, a of life. By then it was too late to thing else entirely. Rather, the quickly threaded their way biography, appealed to me. I read put the book down. title, A Witness to Joy , gave a key, through the light. An ultrasound it into the small hours of that Attracted by the people in the alerting the reader to the tension revealed the child was anen - same night. story, I accompanied them into between joy and suffering — the cephalic, and would be unable to Have you ever found it easier those questions. There was Job’s tension on which human living live after birth. Chiara feared her to accept sorrow than joy? This question: Why do good people happens. “Your joy is your sor - young husband, who couldn’t time, seduced by the word “joy” suffer? There was the question of row unmasked,” wrote poet attend the ultrasound, wouldn’t in the title, I was drawn by the our day: Does the suffering per - Kahlil Gibran. “And the self- agree with her instantaneous deci - sion to bring the child to birth, against physicians’ advice and far outside the medical comfort zone. A joyful and unitive encounter resulted; Enrico unhesitatingly reacted precisely as his wife had. This early question-and-answer wITNESS TO JOy — In between them strengthened them A Witness to Joy, Chiara Petrillo as a couple. and her husband, Enrico, tell Another source of strength and their tragic story, which becomes joy came from deep within. In the a “witness to joy.” various kinds of distress sur - rounding them over those next Maria’s birth and death helped months, Chiara found sustenance shape the lives of her parents, her from Maria, the child she was siblings yet unborn, the hospital carrying. She and Enrico with - staff, and many more. Who would stood much pressure to have an have guessed that they would be abortion. Little Maria helped and asked again to carry a child who carried her, even as she was car - couldn’t live after birth. The nat - rying little Maria. How did ural fear during the second preg - Chiara know to turn within, and nancy — anencephaly — wasn’t draw from the life within her? fulfilled. Inexplicable to medical How did this mother and daugh - wisdom, the second child, ter discover and nourish each Davide, had a different condition other? but the same prognosis of death at Anne Wicks It’s difficult, in times of dis - birth. The sorrowful joy of SORROw AND JOy — “your joy is your sorrow unmasked,” wrote poet Kahlil Gibran. “And the self- tress, or in ordinary times, to look Maria’s brief life accompanied same well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The within. We’re the lost son of them through Davide’s. A third deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” Jesus’ parable (Luke 15:11-32), child, Francesco, came to birth who ran away from home, seek - healthy and well, but again God ing outside what was waiting for surprised them. Chiara was diag - Online community fills spiritual need him inside. Even in our worst, nosed with oral cancer during the most lost places, there is a “whol - third pregnancy, but delayed verse from Psalm 91:11: “For he ly intimate instruction from with - treatment till after Francesco’s will order his angels to protect in,” as St. Augustine put it, wait - birth. About a year after his birth, you wherever you go.” The sec - ing for us to turn, listen, receive, he and his father bid the final Confessions of a ond quote is a paraphrase of become. farewell to Chiara, who died June Hebrews 6:15: “And so it was . . . In receiving that “wholly inti - 13, 2012. Night Owl that she, having waited long and mate instruction,” Enrico and We may find ourselves unable endured patiently, realized and Chiara were joined more deeply. to receive as this young couple obtained what God had Maria, the littlest and most vul - did. We may fail to give life when Alisha Pomazon promised.” The third quote is nerable one, the disabled and the opportunity comes. We may another paraphrase: “Tears are weak one, helped them receive it reject or scorn the vulnerable — prayers too. They travel to God — and rejoice in it. Rather than the vulnerable other, or the vul - Confession: I have a serious years ago. Inspirational quotes when we can’t speak” (Psalm 56). being a burden that damaged nerable parts of ourselves. Let us addiction to Pinterest can be found set against beautiful The final is my most pinned them, Maria was a source of not allow such decisions to make For those who don’t know, backgrounds, like drawings, pho - quote: Isaiah 43:2: “When you go strength that guided them through us bitter, or prevent us from Pinterest can be described as an tos, and interesting designs. The through the waters, I will be with criticism, opposition and grief, accepting forgiveness and heal - online dream or inspiration board. biblical scholar in me was fasci - you; and when you pass through helping them witness joy amidst ing. It would be false to their joy - Just as when you used to go nated. I started researching the the rivers, they will not sweep suffering. ful witness if we used it to vilify through the Sears Wishbook and quotations I found. Sometimes over you.” those who aren’t able to with - cut out or mark all the things you the verse was complete, other My spiritual journey in these stand the pressure to have abor - wanted, Pinterest helps you col - times, a paraphrase. Sometimes last few years has been linked to Marrocco is a marriage and tions, or conclude that holiness lect these images from across the the quotation was incorrectly my cancer, and my need for family therapist, teacher of theol - means being dour and lifeless. Internet. cited and other times I couldn’t God’s protection. My prayers are ogy, and writer, and co-ordinates What if a “wholly intimate Pinterest can be useful to find find it at all. linked to the spiritual fears of oth - St. Mary of Egypt Refuge. She can instruction from within” invites recipes, hairstyles, comics, gar - Slowly, curiosity gave way to ers, and others’ need for comfort be reached at marrocco7@sym - us to receive mercy, and joy? dening tips, design inspiration, spiritual needs. I no longer and protection during their time Would we say yes? etc., and the pins (the things you searched for the backgrounds of need. save) are organized on “boards.” behind the verses. Instead, I start - When others share quotations One board in particular provides ed using these quotations to shape by pinning, it creates an online inspiration for me. My biblical my prayers. Some days the quota - community. These people are my PAlearsee let uys oknouw am monoth vin aidnvagnce? . tions brought a surprising twist to quotations board has become part angels, protecting me, welcom - Write to: Prairie Messenger of my prayer life. a problem I was having. Some ing me, loving me, suffering Circulation Dept. Box 190, I noted a trend toward biblical days they brought a smile, and with me, being comforted with Muenster, Sask. S0K 2Y0 quotations on Pinterest about four my prayers of gratitude and me. They are strangers, but they e-mail: [email protected] thanksgiving were easy and joy - are part of my prayers. They Undeliverable papers cost twice as much to return. ful. Some days they made me reveal the presence of God Pomazon is assistant professor angry. But on most days the quo - among us, and show me every in the Department of Religion and tations were uplifting. day that God sends us messages Culture at St. Thomas More Some of the most meaningful through the eyes and actions of College in Saskatoon. quotations for me include the first other people. July 5, 2017 DEEPENING OUR FAITH Prairie Messenger 11 In many ways, we are both seed and sower

work and a host of gardening talks are among the efforts couple of years ago here in Whitehorse a group of continuing to build interest in gardening and local food young folk made “seed bombs.” Their recipe combined production. of three handfuls of packable soil and clay with five Liturgy Not all of the coalition’s projects have faired so well. handfuls of a rich compost and one handful of seed. Efforts to get succeeding territorial and Life governments to implement an anti- poverty strategy remain a struggle. Universal basic income security pro - Michael Dougherty grams still seem like far-off dreams. A “housing first” approach to our home - lessness challenge, though, has yield - Many folk across the Prairies are already enjoying sum - ed a concrete plan, which has engaged mer salads from their gardens. I can recall the abundance, various levels of government and years ago, of our former backyard in Prince Albert. By local First Nations plus key communi - mid-July we could go out to our raised beds just before a ty groups. This initiative looks hope - family meal with a bowl and fill it with a variety of ful, but this is only in its first budding greens, young carrots, radishes, chives with maybe a spear now. Many hope to see real fruits of late asparagus or a handful of new raspberries. The from it. seeds we planted in May provided us with a tasty bounty, Are we the sower or the seed that which could be enjoyed usually well into the fall. Jesus’ parable speaks of as told by Seeds can still be put into the ground in mid-summer. Matthew? I believe that in many ways Even now a second crop of radishes and certain varieties we are both. As Matthew says, “the of leaf lettuce will grow to maturity here in a northern gar - seed sown on rich soil is the one who den, maybe even a fast maturing variety of peas. Our hears the word and understands it.” We Design Pics growing season is intense under the high northern sun and show this by living our faith daily. usually productive despite the threat of early fall frosts. When we do, our active example becomes a seed planted With just a bit of water this mix could be formed into Our first killing frost in the Yukon can occur, however, in the hearts of those who witness our efforts. Too often it balls which they would then launch into vacant lots any time after the first week in September. seems our efforts as individuals or communities, though, around town. fall “on the path,” “on rocky ground” or amidst the Whatever approach we take, the desire is the same — Isaiah 55:10-11 thorns, only to be choked out or wither. This shouldn’t to live out our faith. Our actions always start with a small Fifteenth Sunday Psalm 65 stop us. seed, our own conversion. in Ordinary Time Romans 8:18-23 With our faith, our commitment, we know we have to We all hope to walk in the garden the psalmist July 16, 2017 matthew 13:1-23 keep trying to bring our vision of the kingdom alive in our speaks of, where “The seed that falls on good ground parishes and the world. In calm, contemplative moments will yield a fruitful harvest.” Will it ever happen? Isaiah This is the 20th season for our community garden here we can look back over the decades and see the slow the prophet wrote so many centuries ago of its in Whitehorse. When the Yukon Anti-Poverty unfolding around the world of the outlines of the just, inevitable realization. “Thus says the Lord: Just as from Organization organized this as a food security initiative for equitable and ecologically sustainable New Jerusalem we the heavens the rain and snow come down and do not low-income downtown apartment dwellers in 1997, they long for. Yet we have very far to go. return there till they have watered the earth, making it didn’t know then it would help spark a revival of garden - Some seed surely will fall “on rich soil, and produce fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the one who sows and ing right across the territory. Now two decades later fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” How often have we bread to the one who eats, so shall my word be that almost every community in the Yukon has a community been surprised by volunteer plants self-seeded from an goes forth from my mouth; my word shall not return to garden along with many schools and other community overlooked fruit the summer before? My compost pile me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for groups like our Whitehorse Food Bank. A Master always yielded wonder plants to be carefully transplanted which I sent it.” Gardening course at Yukon College, a seed bank adminis - and watched. Similarly our actions unbeknown to us may Faithful to that visionary unfolding, Paul told the early tered by the territorial government, a food security net - trigger a fundamental change or conversion in others followers of Jesus in Rome that they could see it happen - around us. ing just as we can also today. “We know that all creation is Some gardeners carefully lay out their rows, making groaning in labour pains.” And in seeing it, feeling it, we Dougherty is co-chair of the Social Justice Committee sure to plant companionable varieties. Others literally know we “have the first fruits of the Spirit” calling us on at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Whitehorse, Yukon. cast seed generously about and hope for the best. A to continue being the seed and the sower. Deep meaning can be found despite lack of explicit faith in God

think immediately of so many whom deep meaning is found beauty, when a couple has a child, attractive stoics who have wres - simply in being good for its own when scientists work to find cures In tled with this question and found sake and in being honest for its for various diseases, when arti - solace in various forms of what own sake. There’s also virtue for sans make an artifact, when Albert Camus would call “meta - virtue’s sake and virtue is indeed builders build, when teachers Exile physical rebellion,” or in the kind its own reward. Simply living an teach, when parents parent, when of Epicureanism that Nikos honest and generous life can pro - athletes play a game, when manu - Kazantzakis advocates in Zorba, vide sufficient meaning with al labourers labour, when admin - Ron Rolheiser, OMI the Greek . There’s a stoicism which to walk through life. istrators administrate, when peo - which offers its own kind of sal - So, it appears there are places ple just for the sake of integrity vation by drawing life and mean - to go outside of explicit faith itself live in honesty and generos - “To whom else shall we go? His words function at two lev - ing simply from fighting chaos where one can find deep mean - ity, and, yes, even when hedonists You have the message of eternal els. On the surface, they express and disease for no other reason ing. But is this really so? Don’t drink deeply of earthily pleasure, life.” Peter says these words to an unwanted humility and help - than that these cause suffering we believe that true meaning can they are, all of them, whether Jesus. But they are spoken in a lessness that sometimes beset us and are an affront to life, just as only be found in God? What they have explicit faith or not, conflicted context: Jesus had just all: “I have no alternative! I’m so there is an Epicureanism that about St. Augustine’s classic acting in some faith because they said something that upset and invested in this relationship that meaningfully grounds life in ele - line? You have made us for your - are putting their trust in either the offended his audience and the now I have no other options. I’m mental pleasure. There are, it self, Lord, and our hearts are Oneness, Truth, Goodness , or gospels tell us that everyone stuck with this!” That’s a humble would seem, different kinds of restless until they rest in you. Can Beauty of God. walked away grumbling that place to stand and anyone who saints. anything other than faith and God Lord, to whom else can we go? what Jesus was teaching was has ever given himself or herself There are also different kinds really quiet the restless fires with - You have the message of eternal “intolerable.” Jesus then turns to over in an authentic commitment of immortality. For some, mean - in us? life. his apostles and asks them: “Do will eventually stand on that ing outside of an explicit faith is Yes, there are things that can Well, it seems there are places you want to walk away too?” place, knowing he or she no found in leaving a lasting legacy do that, but all of them — fight - to go and many go there. But Peter answers: “To whom else longer has another practical on this earth, having children, ing chaos, curing diseases, having these aren’t necessarily, as is can we go?” But that’s more a choice. achieving something monumen - children, living for others, build - sometimes suggested by misguid - statement of stoic resignation But those words also express a tal, or becoming a household ing things, inventing things, ed spiritual literature, empty than an actual question. much deeper quandary, namely, name. We’re all familiar with the achieving goals, or simply living places that are wrong and self- where can I find meaning if I can - axiom: Plant a tree; write a book; honest and generous lives — destructive. There are, of course, not find it in faith in God? All of have a child! leave us, in an inchoate way, radi - such places, spiritual dead-ends; Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, us have at some point asked our - Poets, writers, artists, and arti - ating the transcendental proper - but, more generally, as we can see and award-winning author, is selves that question. If I didn’t sans often have their own place to ties of God and working along - simply by looking at the amount president of the Oblate School of believe in God and had no faith find meaning outside of explicit side God to bring life and order to of positive energy, love, creativi - Theology in San Antonio, Texas. or religion, what would give faith. For them, creativity and the world. How so? ty, generosity, and honesty that He can be contacted through his meaning to my life? beauty can be ends in themselves. Christian theology tells us that still fill our world, those places website: Where can we go if we no Art for art’s sake. Creativity itself God is One, True, Good, and where people are seeking God Now on Facebook: www.face - longer have an explicit faith in can seem enough. Beautiful. And so, when an artist outside of explicit faith still has God? A lot of places, it seems. I And there are still others for gives herself over to creating them meeting God. 12 Prairie Messenger FEATURE July 5, 2017 Praying the family rosary: a Newfoundland memory

By Ellen (whelan) Nesdoly 10 gangly legs and fragrant feet, us would cut him off — here a nights (when we didn’t want to alarm, “Good God Annie! This whose youthful owners weren’t word, there a phrase — as we go out), instead of a mad dash arse is burnin’ out of the kettle.” Our kitchen on the Jerseyside backward in taking a sly dart at started the response. This for the Hail, Holy Queen, there’d It took a bit of doing to return of Placentia was large, but noth - an unwary sib. One occasionally manoeuvre required prudence and be tacit agreement to see how to Gethsemane. ing unique. One might call it heard devout announcements like, precision, for if it became obvi - long we could dawdle and delay. In our teen years, if the uni - “outport standard.” It was not a “The second Glorious Mystery: ous and Mother caught on, we’d When Fred lost his place and verse unfolded as it should, thing of beauty as kitchens are Keep y’r big hocks to yerself!” be reprimanded as “Godless hea - said more than 10 Hail Marys, there’d be a dance, ball game, or today, but it was functional. For those unfamiliar, the thens making a mock of your nobody hindered him. On he’d date on the agenda, not one of A sizeable cast-iron stove had rosary is a meditation. The prayers,” and warned, “Saucy go. Nudge! Wink! His record which was reason to miss the centre stage and opposite it the prayers are in groups of 10, called slieveens! The Holy Mother of was 22. Grandma Hunt was the rosary. kitchen table was in constant use, decades, and can be said as a God will make short work of you first to capitulate, rapping the In these situations we felt a flanked by a four-child bench on mantra to involve the tongue vagabonds hereafter.” table: “Tch Tch. Glory for God’s good turn to speed to be essential, the inside, a captain’s chair for while the mind reflects on events This cut little ice as we had a sake b’y.” and that’s where Grandpa came Dad and Grandpa on each end, a in the life of our Lord, such as the notion that the Holy Mother of B’y would “glory” with shame in. He had arthritic hands from rocker for Mom and another for birth of Christ, or the resurrec - God had a warm spot for and a bowed head, aided by a sly years in boats and the Grandma on the side. Those who tion. Depending on the day of the vagabonds. foot or two and off we’d rush to beads would slip through his poor couldn’t fit on the bench had week, we would meditate on the Our earthly mother — a the next mystery of salvation. fingers two or three at a time. stools at various points on the Joyful, Sorrowful, or Glorious woman of great piety and little There were moments of pure Instead of 10 Hail Marys we’d compass and room was always mysteries. Now, outport youth of nonsense — was normally farce, like once in the second sor - often get away with as few as found for visitor or stranger. A our day were somewhat undevel - engrossed in meditation and rowful mystery, recalling the four. Mom wouldn’t correct his sink, wood box, cupboard and oped in matters contemplative oblivious to whether we said five agony of Jesus in the garden, couch completed the décor. and none of us would have Hail Marys or 50; so on stormy Grandma interrupted with pious — ENJOy, page 13 Mealtime was tight. There was known a mantra from a mackerel. Grandpa Whelan, Grandma Hunt, To us pious youth, the rosary was Mom, Dad, Tom, Bert, John, nothing short of penance, under - Fred, me, a ginger cat named taken under duress, continued Pansy and a large, hungry water - with resignation and finished off dog named Zhukov (named for a with speed and relief. Let me Soviet marshal who we heard describe ours. about with great hilarity one night As a preamble, we had the on the BBC war news). Apostles’ Creed — a lengthy Warm, rambling, spit-clean — confession of the faith. With it was a substantial room — and practice and good lung capacity the only place in the house with we could dispose of this with two heat. We cooked, ate, cleaned up, deep breath, three tops! Then fol - did homework, knitted and lowed an Our Father, three Hail squabbled — and prayed. Lord, Marys and a Glory Be, to pray we prayed! I must point out here for an increase in the virtues of that Newfies eat fast, walk fast, faith, hope and charity. Or, as we talk fast — and we pray fast. put it, to prime the pump. Then Elsewhere, I have found, people we’d hit our stride for the main pray slowly, even at a snail’s event. pace! When I came to live in Each prayer of the rosary is in Saskatchewan, I was irritated at two parts — praise and petition. the slow pace of local piety. The first part is said by a leader Thirty minutes for a rosary? No and answered by the others. In way chez Whelan. After supper the Lord’s Prayer, for instance, every night of our lives (escape the “praiser” would start off easy, no option), Mom would check the build up steam and rise to a cli - state of the table and the hour on max at the end: “ourFatherartnhven hallow - the clock: “Now’s a good time for Getting up to speed on the rosary the rosary.” bethyname, A concerted groan . . . and, on Thykingdmcomewillbeduneart cue, John had to go to the out - snheaven.” house. Tom to tie up the , The “petitioners” would Feast of doubt offers reassuring moments Bert found urgent business else - respond: where, I had to practise music, “Gveusthsdaydalybred because he attained faith through Fred hid. Ways and means were frgvusartrespsesas wefrgvthos physical touch that we are con - discussed until Dad’s hand trespsgnstus, firmed in the faith beyond doubt.” smacked the table and the dishes ldsnottemptshn delvrsfrmevl. St. Gregory goes on to say, “the clattered: “When y’r mother sez Amen.” Figure of Lord permitted the apostle to pray, ye bloody well pray and no Ten seconds you could tuck doubt after the resurrection; but he back talk about it. Down on the away an Our Father and the 10 Speech did not abandon him in doubt.” prayer bones, the lot o’ye.” Hail Marys were child’s play. These two factors are of most sig - And on the prayer bones we “HlMryfulagras lordswththre, Dr. Gerry Turcotte nificance to me: that doubt is not went! blesrthoumungwmn cause for abandonment, and that The parents, though strict on BlsfruthywumJesus. Jesus is always ready to receive the regular recitation of the HolyMarymudrfGod prfssnrs “Do not doubt, but believe.” heroic tale of faith within persecu - us. It takes the pressure off our rosary, were surprisingly lax on nowtourfrdet. Amen.” — John 20:27 tion and wonder: “Would I be as imperfections, but remains an The Doxology (Glory Be) was the manner of the saying. Some strong?” or “Would I pass the test?” incentive to be better. short, briskly dispatched and families had to kneel bolt upright There is a charming cartoon by It is surely true to say that all of us This is one of the remarkable wound up a decade. There were facing the middle of the room on pastor and cartoonist Joshua have moments of doubt, of weak - opportunities that a Catholic uni - hard floors and no complaints. five decades, which added up to a Harris where St. “Doubting” ness, of insecurity. Few would feel versity offers, and makes avail - Things were more informal at substantial prayer in any person’s Thomas laments to his fellow dis - they truly measured up to the able, to its community. The goal our place. Each grabbed a cush - language, but with the wind in the ciples: “All I’m saying is we benchmark set by God. of higher education is to pursue ion, two if possible, one for knees right quarter and the pious don’t call Peter, ‘Denying Peter,’ Thomas, for many, is both the faith and reason; to explore and to and one for elbows. We were deportment aforesaid, we or Mark, ‘Ran away naked Mark.’ hope within weakness, and the allowed to pray leaning on the Whelans could clew it up, start to Why should I be saddled with fragile person’s source of envy. doubt; to journey and discover. It chairs. finish, in seven minutes — unless this?’ His fellow disciple replies, Not only did he get to walk with was never the goal for Jesus that I’ve often thought it’s a good Mom decided to pray for every - ‘I see your point Thomas, but Christ, but also, when he doubted, disciples follow blindly. Indeed, thing the Lord has a sense of one — sick, sore, sorry, living really, it’s time to move on.” Jesus himself provided the he insisted that they question in humour, for when he arrived to and dead, in the two harbours — The Feast of St. Thomas on July answer to his prayer. “Put your order to understand. He never join the “two or three gathered in a risk run every time you got on 3 offers one of the more reassuring finger here and see my hands” (Jn feared the difficult question or his name,” he must have been your knees. moments in faith formation. Often, 20:26). How often have we cried shied away from a challenge. tickled to find himself in the Over the years we developed a when we think of martyrs and out, at times of weakness: “Show Similarly, universities — especial - midst of five elevated back sides, system for competent and effi - saints, I hope it’s true to say that we me a sign?” and for most, it is ly Catholic universities — must cient saying of the rosary. Like are occasionally overwhelmed and only a quiet faith, through prayer, never censor inquiry and must runners, we tried to lop a fraction abashed. How often do we read a that has followed the request. pursue discomfort in order to hon - Ellen Whelan Nesdoly is a here, a second there. We had our Pope St. Gregory the Great estly pursue and achieve the truth. Newfoundland-born freelance little strategies perfected. When noted that “Thomas’ unbelief has As Jesus himself put it, “Blessed writer who now lives in Shellbrook, Tom, for example, sprinted for Turcotte is president of St. benefited our faith more than the are those who have not seen and Sask. the end of a Hail Mary, the rest of Mary’s University in Calgary. belief of the other disciples; it is yet have come to believe.” July 5, 2017 CHURCH AT HOME Prairie Messenger 13 Lifelines should never be cut without warning

Around the Kitchen Table

Maureen Weber

A little over a month ago the kind of in the middle of nowhere. Saskatchewan government shut STC really did serve remote down the Saskatchewan locations. Transportation Company, or STC, I have an early memory of after its more than 70-year run. standing with my parents to see As the reality of the decision set my grandmother off on a rare trip in, radio programs featured out - to Saskatoon to visit her sisters. raged, disappointed, and The memory is like a faded film - depressed callers who told stories strip that whirrs and flickers. It of what the bus system meant to seemed a momentous occasion. riders from all corners of the Fifteen years later I was mov - province. ing to Saskatoon for my second Caller after caller said it was year of university, having stayed an essential service for the at home for my first year at St. elderly, for those who needed Peter’s College. I shared an apart - medical attention and had no ment with my best friend, but was means of transportation, for not able to tame the demons First Nations people travelling inside that prevented me from from remote locations, for those socializing with peers. I was shy, M. Weber with special needs who have few insecure, and lonely. I needed to A LIFELINE — Bus travel can be comfortable, relaxing, and safe. But in Saskatchewan, it’s no longer pos - opportunities for rides to visit go home. sible. The STC bus was a lifeline for many in the province, and was shut down before anyone had a chance family. It was, they said, a life - Since I had no car, and none of to devise replacement services to fill the void. line. my acquaintances ever went I wouldn’t have guessed STC home for the weekend, I was take me away, not lead me home, when Christmas-card snow pation of arrival, my foot pressing would be, once upon a time, a either stuck — inconceivable — but they always welcomed me, if played in the headlight beam; an imaginary accelerator to hurry lifeline for me too. or . . . there was STC. not with understanding, then at sinking into my down-filled jack - the bus to its station dock. My earliest memory of “the Because I rarely had a class on least with patience. et in bitter blue January, the win - On my frequent trips to bus” was when I was four and we Friday, I would catch the early I loved getting on the bus in dow opaque with frost; February Saskatoon I’ve often met the lived across the highway from the bus to Humboldt for the weekend. the dark of early morning to settle white-out and confidence in the green STC bus coming down the Shell service station where the It was $6.75. into the cocoon of my own seat driver; Holy Thursday evening highway, and waves of memories STC stop was located. My most anticipated moment and wait for the lurch as the bus bus in the midst of bumper to roll by along with it. But I know The bus that made its way of the week was hauling the soft- left the station. The city passed by bumper traffic — from my high that bus is mostly almost empty, from Saskatoon to points east has sided red Samsonite, a high through rain-soaked September vantage point watching passing and in recent years I’ve wondered always read “Norquay,” a place I school graduation gift, up the windows, yellow leaves clinging cars play chicken with unsuspect - how long a cavernous space thought existed only on the strip apartment stairs at 7 a.m. to walk until we reached the outskirts and ing oncomers. could continue to trundle over of a sign across the top of the over to Central Avenue and wait headed down the long straight By the time I got to third year prairie miles, eating up subsidies bus. As it turns out, Norquay, for the city bus to rumble up the stretch of highway toward my loneliness had diminished and along with fuel. We have an with fewer than 500 people, is street and take me downtown. My Humboldt. the STC bus trips dropped to a attachment to institutions long not far from the Manitoba border, parents meant for that suitcase to In the dark, heads and shoul - few, but I have never lost my love past their prime. But buses don’t ders of passengers would be of riding on the bus. Even this run on nostalgia. shadowed behind the dusting of year I continued once in awhile to Now that the end has come, light that fell from above the ride to Saskatoon on the STC life - people are upset, they are scram - seat onto the books in their laps. line. Only a few things have bling to find much-needed trans - BOSCO FOUNDATION Alone with everybody, it felt changed over the years — plush portation, and confusion reigns. John Bosco comforting to pull out my book seats, a little more legroom. And The government is wrong to pull too, and then doze off because free WiFi means less need for a service on which many depend, Child & Family Services Foundation Castle Rackrent was just too reading lights; faces are illumi - without other modes of trans - The John Bosco Child and Family Services Foundation (Bosco boring (who said it was a good nated like moons from the portation in place to fill the void idea to take English fiction to devices in their laps. left by STC’s closure. There’s no Foundation) is a public foundation dedicated to the provision of 1800?). What has never changed is the time to waste: it’s time for prairie buildings and facilities used for the treatment, education and Seasons of rides: December thrill of departure, and the antici - ingenuity to hit the road. housing of children, adolescents and adults who are in need of support. ‘Enjoy your Lord and enjoy his world’ Bosco Foundation believes in assisting non-profit and charitable organizations who provide vital services which aid vulnerable Continued from page 12 as we rushed through her ter speed and half-rigged? Give people in our society. We do this by providing our facilities to rosary. ’er full sail in a good westerly various non-profit and charitable agencies at below market level count on the principle that as the Ours was a joyful home b’ys . . .” rental rates. patriarch and 88 years of age, she wherein nobody thought that The b’ys required little telling. Our facilities are used for social services group care, foster would “offer it up.” praying had to be a gloomy occu - When the clan Whelan took the Did we give any thought to pation. The parents maintained wind of prayer in its sails, there care, adult mental health care, the St. Francis Food Bank, two Jesus, Mary, devotion or rever - (on sound theological grounds) was little need to worry about the AA groups and a NE Edmonton cadet core among others. ence in all of this? Certainly we that God is our father and, as riggin’. In addition, we provide volunteer services to assist two small non- did. We were reluctant recruits for such, isn’t put off by a bit of sky - Grandma Hunt summed up a profit organizations working with low income seniors and victims sure, but often we prayed not only larking. I can hear my dad now: simple and profound philosophy with speed, but with fevour and “Ah, honey! ‘Tis good to talk to of prayer: “ ’Tis the set of the of stroke with fundraising and volunteer recruitment assistance. ardour. your God and to think of him, and heart God sees, honey — not the The Bosco Foundation is currently working with a large service We were especially devout ye don’t have to be on y’r knees set of y’r funny bone or if ye gig - organization on a joint project with the aim of providing with intentions re good weather to do it . . . but if you are, shure gles the odd time at y’r prayers. affordable housing for low-income seniors. for a dance or in the throes of it’s no harm to be comfortable.” Enjoy your Lord and enjoy his first love. Did we appreciate the That took care of the cushion world — and don’t take y’r self 100% of donations go toward charitable purposes. regularity of it? Not us; in those department and, as far as velocity too serious.” Administrative expenses are covered by other sources. years we weren’t fond of sched - went, Grandpa put it this way: I look back at my childhood in ules, period. On the other hand, “Y’r talking to y’r blessed Father Newfoundland, and the family Please forward your donation to: we were quite sure the good in heaven, me darlin,’ so get rosary, with some nostalgia, great Bosco Foundation Lord knew we truly believed in down to brass tacks and talk. No thanksgiving, and not a little guilt 315-6770 129 Avenue NW, the truths of the Creed even need to drone on half of the day. — not for the shortcomings of my Edmonton, AB T5C 1V7 N though we could make short Shure, the blessed and holy Lord youthful prayers, but a real Tel: (780) 809-8585 Fax: (780) 809-8586 work of its recitation. Nobody knows what y’r goin’ to say remorse that I failed to teach my doubted that the Holy Virgin before ye even thinks it — so own children the joy of praying *Charitable Tax Number: 85985 8664 RT0001* was holding us in her love even what’s the sense of prayin’ quar - — at any speed. 14 Prairie Messenger EDITORIALS July 5, 2017

Summer holidays country’s total population). • $287: what the average household spent on • 17 million: number of people from around the cheese in 2015. The Prairie Messenger will begin its usual sum - world who have made their home in Canada since • $163: what the average household spent on cof - mer schedule this month. We print every second 1867. fee and tea in 2015. week in July — with the next issues scheduled for • 20.6 per cent: proportion of the population listed • $10: what the average household spent on July 19 and Aug. 2. Then we take a three-week break as foreign born in 2011 (the highest among G8 coun - ketchup in 2015. and print again the Aug. 30 issue. tries). • The Athabasca sand dunes, in the northwest cor - A changing Canada • 6.2 million: number of people who self-identify ner of Saskatchewan near the Northwest Territories, as being part of a visible minority group in 2011 (the is the most northerly active sand dune formation in three largest identify as South Asian, Chinese and In honour of Canada celebrating 150 years of the world. The dunes stretch for approximately 100 black, and make up 60 per cent of the visible minori - kilometres along the south shore of Lake Athabasca. Confederation this year, Statistics Canada released ty population). some numbers comparing Canada today to yester - • The first automated teller machine in Canada • Over 200: number of ethnic origins reported in was developed by Saskatchewan credit unions in year. 2011. 1977 and first went into service at two Sherwood In 2013 93 per cent of Canadians believed the In geographical terms, Canada is the world’s sec - Credit Union branches in Regina. Charter of Rights and Freedoms is “the country’s ond largest country. It includes 10 provinces and • Canada is the leading exporter of pulse crops in most important national symbol,” followed by the three territories. We have: national flag (91 per cent), the national anthem (88 • 9,984,670 square km: total area. the world, and most of them are grown in per cent), the RCMP (87 per cent), and hockey (77 • 5,514 km: longest distance from east to west. Saskatchewan. per cent). No figure is given for medicare, also con - • 4,634 km: longest distance from north to south. • There are more roads in Saskatchewan than in sidered an important Canadian identity and value • 1,169,561 square km: total area of fresh water. any other province in Canada. The total road surface Canada’s population is 10 times the size it was in Immigrants to Canada can be alert to what of 160,000 kilometres in Saskatchewan is enough to 1870, the year of the first census after Confederation. Canadians eat and drink: circle the four times. Here is an analysis of the people who make up • $9.2 billion: value of all beer sold by liquor • Cree is the second most commonly spoken lan - our country: stores, agencies and other retail outlets in Canada in guage in Saskatchewan. There are over 20,000 resi - • 35.2 million: the population in 2016. 2016. dents who speak Cree. • 3.5 million: the population in 1870. • $263.4 million: value of potatoes exported from These facts are of interest for trivia buffs — or • 41: the average age of a citizen in 2016. Canada in 2016. maybe they can initiate a family conversation, • 1.4 million: number of people who reported hav - • $57.9 million: value of salmon, Pacific, instead of everyone focusing on their own digital ing an indigenous identity in 2011 (4.3 per cent of the fresh/chilled from Canada in 2016. games. — PWN , the e-commerce giant, could become leading food retailer

By Sylvain Charlebois, Halifax Amazon: its online grocery busi - make Whole Foods more econom - ganic procurement, Amazon is operates the world’s most- ness, AmazonFresh, is only avail - ically accessible. starting from a strong position. watched live video streaming ser - Amazon is intent on becoming able in a handful of cities. More selection, lower prices Amazon is known for being vice (Twitch). Amazon is a tech - the world’s most powerful retail - Now, however, food is a key and delivery accuracy will be the disruptive across varied markets. nology company as much as it’s a er, with the help of food sales. piece of Amazon’s long-term pillars of a successful acquisition. It provides the world’s largest retailer, and its capacity to drive Amazon’s U.S.$13-billion focus. Food is a U.S.$700-billion Add the Whole Foods brand, cloud infrastructure, its television digital transformation has led to takeover of Whole Foods isn’t sector in the U.S. and almost prime locations and established shows have won 11 Emmys in its dominance in e-commerce. shocking. It’s been rumoured for $120 billion in Canada. It’s too supply chains of high-quality two years, it’s a global leader in This capacity is evident in its months. Now the mammoth Ama - much for Amazon to ignore. organic products, and Amazon tablet sales (behind only Apple concept for how brick-and-mortar zon, with its large revenues and Most importantly, selling food can make Whole Foods work and Samsung), its work in artifi - retail stores should work, Amazon small profits, has confirmed those is another way for Amazon to again. Since capacity and reliabil - cial intelligence is competitive rumours by making the biggest attract and retain customers, espe - ity are always challenges in or- with Google and IBM, and it — AmAZON , page 15 deal in its history. And acquiring cially if they’re tied to the Ama - troubled Whole Foods is more zon Prime subscription service. than timely for both companies. Purchasing Whole Foods is a Counting calories said to be bad science Food retailing was once not quick way to build a high-margin much more than a distraction for business in the food retail industry. By Patrick Luciani, Halifax rant menus, Freshii Inc., the where labelling laws have been in Amazon is known for its low, Toronto-based salads-soups-and- operation since the early 1990s — affordable prices and quick, effi - Last month, after Ontario man - wraps healthy-eating chain, balked. which shows that the policy Charlebois is Senior Fellow cient execution. In contrast, Whole dated calorie counting on restau - The chain’s motto is “count nutri - doesn’t work in getting people to with the Atlantic Institute for Foods is intimidating to customers ents, not calories.” But the calorie eat healthy, lose weight or bring Market Studies, and a professor in seeking affordable prices: it has a police moved in and forced the down obesity levels. the Faculty of Agriculture at strong brand but also high prices. Luciani is a Senior Fellow at company to post the calorie counts In a study in the American Dalhousie University. www.troy - Amazon’s logistics, and extensive the Atlantic Institute for Market on boards and menus. Journal of Preventative Medicine, automation and technology can Studies. In the end, Freshii fell to the the authors monitored food pur - forces of junk science. The com - chases at a fast-food chain in pany’s motto has the science just King County, Washington, and right. found the total number of sales In 2008 the Harvard Uni ver- and the average calories per order sity Dining Services posted calo - was the same with or without rie and nutrition information for food labelling. all its cafeteria food items hoping Even the lead author of the to get students to eat better. A study, Eric Finkelstein at Duke year later they abandoned the University — who has written ex - entire program. Why? It seemed tensively on the economics of students were going for low calo - food policy — was surprised by rie foods and not getting the the results. He concludes that nutrition they needed, especially people’s eating behaviour does kids with eating disorders. not change by labelling foods A recent study in the Inter - with nutrient contents or calories. national Journal of Eating Dis- It seems that those who eat at orders , women suffering from fast food restaurants know what anorexia and bulimia tended to they want, healthy or not, and eat less when calorie labels were nothing will change that other available and those suffering from than higher taxes. binge eating tended to eat more. There is also a class and in come Nonetheless, Ontario’s Minis - angle to the science. Lower-income try of Health is now laying down consumers tend to ignore labelling the law on legislation passed last much more than those who earn year that forces restaurants with more. Healthy eaters who are richer more than 20 outlets in the prov- tend to read nutrition labels while ince — mostly fast food places poorer unhealthy eaters don’t. The such as McDonalds and Kentucky very people whose behaviour the Fried Chicken but plenty of other legislation is geared to influence CNS/David Lewis, Reuters lesser brands — to post calorie seem immune to the labelling laws, DISPLACED FAmILIES IN SOUTH SUDAN CAmP — A UN peacekeeper keeps watch as children gather labels on all food items. making calorie counting a waste of in a camp for displaced civilians in Juba, South Sudan. The heads of the member churches of the South The Ontario government time and money. Sudan Council of Churches criticized the country’s political leaders “on all sides” for placing political and seems completely oblivious to personal interests above the needs of ordinary people. research in the United States — — FOODS , page 15 July 5, 2017 Prairie Messenger 15 Treaties a source of sovereignty

Continued from page 1 “In a free society some are guilty, Calls to Action of the national but all are responsible.” Truth and Reconciliation Com - of our lives,” he said, followed by Jodorkovsky stressed that this is mission. As a passionate Cana dian, the question, “What is it that we nothing new, in that “God created he stressed that the country belongs need to let go of to live in the har - only one Adam so that no one to all of us, and spoke about his mony that we are created for?” could ever claim that my ancestors grandfather, who fought for Can ada Rev. Kevin McGee, diocesan were more important than yours.” in the Second World War. administrator for the Roman Lyndon Linklater offered an Grounding the greetings, Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, address of optimism, asking, “Who prayers and addresses was a read - spoke on behalf of the Christian would have thought 150 years ago ing of Isaiah 40:21-31 simultane - community and invited Christians that a church would have put up a ously in Plains Cree and English. to be “open to more fully receiv - treaty plaque?” He applauded the Parti cipants were then led into a ing the gift that reconciliation is diversity of religious traditions that prayerful reflection by a choir from offering.” are awakening to the harms caused the Saskatoon Baha’i community. MLA Cathy Sproule highlight - by residential schools and working A period of reflection was an ed the benefits of treaties, stating to reconnect indigenous peoples opportunity for all present to that they are the “underlying with their roots. Linklater de scribed write down prayers that were then source of sovereignty in Canada.” some of the harm and trauma that collected onto a starblanket. A She added: “Each of us needs to still live on, but stressed that past sizable crowd of elders and clergy accept our responsibility in this harms were “not the fault of God, gathered to bless the intentions. relationship.” or the church, or anyone gathered, As a sending forth, Bluejay Rabbi Claudio Jodorkovsky of but of people who made mistakes.” Linklater led the assembly in Maureen Weber Congregation Agudas Israel artic - Emphasizing that it is up to all drumming the “Travelling Song.” ulated this responsibility by quot - of us to engage in the healing of The annual event was orga - Dissolving into the moment ing Jewish theologian and philoso - these mistakes, Linklater chal - nized by Sarah Donnelly of St. pher Abraham Heschel, saying, lenged participants to live out the John’s Anglican Cathedral. joy in my kitchen sky breaks sunrise shimmers over a cup of coffee Two martyrs served God in different ways the material world recedes

Continued from page 1 a commemoration of unity and press forward in our journey and some days diversity,” he said. toward full unity,” Pope Francis it’s as close as I come can’s patron saints, and the popes The traditional exchange of said. to God have sent a delegation to Turkey delegations, he added, “increases He also expressed his hope the and I am filled each year for the feast of St. our desire for the full restoration September meeting of the co- not so much with belief Andrew, patron of the patriar - of communion between Catholics ordinating committee of the Joint as recognition chate. and Orthodox.” International Commission for of a presence The feast of Sts. Peter and Pope Francis also noted that Theological Dialogue between both within and beyond Paul, the pope said, commemo - this year marks the 50th anniver - the two churches would take rates the martyrdom of two apos - sary of two meetings between place in a “spiritual climate of By Jan Wood tles who served God in different Blessed Paul VI and Patriarch attentiveness to the Lord’s will” ways, yet “both bore witness to Athenagoras that led to the tradi - and fulfil Christ’s prayer “for the the merciful love of God our tion of exchanging delegations on unity of all his disciples.” Foods high in calories also Father, which each in his own the feast days. “The fulfilment of this prayer fashion profoundly experienced.” “The example of these coura - is entrusted to God, but it also recommended as healthy “It is right to celebrate togeth - geous and farsighted pastors, involves our docility and obedi - er their self-sacrifice for love of moved solely by love for Christ ence to his will,” Pope Francis Continued from page 14 sure calorie content. But our the Lord, for it is at the same time and his church, encourages us to said. digestive systems use foods dif - But it doesn’t end there. We ferently even though two foods also know that there is no corre - may have the same number of Amazon uses data science, store sensors lation between healthy foods and calories. calorie levels. Nuts and seeds, According to this method a 28- Continued from page 14 Apple introduced the revolution - to Canada’s food distribution for example, are heavy in calo - gram serving of almonds has ary iPods and the iTunes music establishment. ries but packed with nutrients, about 170 calories, but the real Go. The prototype version, in store for convenient, legal access Canadian food companies are making them a staple of any energy content is around 129 Seattle, allows consumers to enter to music. Few observers believed still trying to harmonize the healthy diet; the same with unsat - calories, considerably less than a store, pick food products and people would be willing to pay a bricks and mortar approach with urated oils such as virgin olive labelled. Nutrition scientist simply leave. Amazon uses in- dollar per song, but it happened. online space. Most are barely in oil and avocados; all high in Rachel Carmody from Harvard store sensors, smart phones, data Today, more songs are sold the online game (the average rat - calories and all recommended as reported calorie differences could science, and a deep understanding each year than ever. But the mu - ing of Canadian grocers’ iPhone healthy foods. be as high as 50 per cent. of consumers to track purchases sic industry must share that rev - apps is two out of five). The fact One would also expect the sci - In other words, calorie la - and charge customers’ credit enue. Apple dictated a new re- that food sales aren’t the core of ence of food calorie measurement belling is a very crude way to cards. A growing number of con - gime to an old guard in a com - Amazon’s business is likely keep - to be highly accurate, but it isn’t. It measure how our bodies use the sumers aren’t willing to wait in pletely different sector and has ing Canadian food retail execu - seems that the values reported on energy released in foods, making line to give a retailer money. reaped the rewards. tives up at night. food labels don’t capture the costs government labelling all but use - While most grocers try to fig - The same fate awaits food Amazon’s size and reach allow of digestion that are lower for less. More information isn’t ure out what to do with the im - retailing if it doesn’t embrace the it to beat most competitors on price. processed foods. The method used always better information. mense amount of data available to future. And since millennials have a long- to measure caloric content is some - This is one area where health them, Amazon generates even Amazon crippled the book - standing relationship with online thing called the Atwater system, public policy is far behind the sci - more data and uses it to adapt to a store and its next prey could be shopping, that competitive advan - developed in the 19th century. ence of nutrition and behavioural shifting clientele. the food store. Given its ability to tage is key. With a portfolio of new By burning samples of food economics. If governments try to Amazon, Walmart and Costco fuse efficient distribution and fashionable private labels, millenni - one can measure the number of improve our eating habits and are doing to the grocery sector strong strategic market insight, als are clearly on Amazon’s mind. calories by the heat released. This reduce weight, this isn’t the scien - what Apple did to the music busi - Amazon could well become the Whole Foods is now owned by is how food manufactures mea - tific way to do it. ness almost 20 years ago. leading food retailer in North a company that didn’t exist 25 The music industry resisted America. Amazon still considers years ago. change, even as consumers fig - Canada a pilot project, but that Amazon, which prioritizes ured out how to download music may change quickly. Undoubted - growth and evolution over profit, for free, illegally. That’s when ly, the company is serving notice is clearly making a statement.

Editor: Abbot Peter Novecosky, OSB 306-682-1772 Subscriptions: $25.00 until May 2018; tax included; U.S. $125.00. Foreign: $200.00. Associate editors: Maureen Weber , Single copy: $1.00 GST#10780 2928 RT0001 Don Ward Copy and advertising should arrive 12 days before publication date. Layout artist: Lucille Stewart Change of address: Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing and send Advertising: Gail Kleefeld 306-682-1772 both old and new addresses. Circulation: Gail Kleefeld 306-682-1772 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Website: Circulation Department Regina diocesan editor: Frank Flegel 306-586-7316, 306-352-1651 100 College Drive, Box 190, Muenster, Sask., S0K 2Y0 Saskatoon diocesan editor: Kiply Lukan Yaworski 306-242-1500, 306-651-3935 Prince Albert: Chancery Office 306-922-4747 Fax: (306) 682-5285 [email protected] Member of Winnipeg diocesan editor: James Buchok 204-452-2227 Published by the Benedictine monks of St. Peter’s Abbey. Canadian Church Press Saint-Boniface Chancery Office 204-237-9851 and the CCNA Printed by St. Peter’s Press, Muenster, Sask. CN ISSN 0032-664X Publication Mail Agreement No. 40030139 16 Prairie Messenger INTERNATIONAL NEWS July 5, 2017 Pope tells not to be ‘armchair Catholics’

By Carol Glatz Pope Francis addressed the In what has become the stan - unity with the pope and his authori - even death, not infrequently with - new cardinals and archbishops dard practice, the pope did not ty and responsibility to care for the out due intervention on the part of VATICAN CITY (CNS) — during his homily at a mass in St. place the pallium on new arch - flock the pope entrusted to him. those who could defend their The Catholic Church’s new cardi - Peter’s Square June 29, the feast bishops during the liturgy. Rather, In his homily at the mass, the sacrosanct rights,” the pope said. nals and new archbishops must be of Sts. Peter and Paul, who are the after the mass, the pope handed pope said the life of every apostle However, there is no Christ and willing to risk everything, patient - patron saints of the Vatican and each archbishop a pallium folded is built on: constant, edifying no Christian without the cross, he ly endure evil and bear crosses the city of Rome. up in a small, simple wooden box prayer; a firm, passionate profes - said. “Christian virtue is not only a like Jesus did, Pope Francis said. The mass was celebrated the tied with a brown ribbon as a sion of faith; and a willingness to matter of doing good, but of toler - “The Lord answers our prayers. day after Pope Francis created soloist sang “You Got to Walk that patiently endure persecution. ating evil as well,” he said, quot - He is faithful to the love we have new cardinals from El Salvador, Lonesome Valley,” a traditional People must ask themselves ing St. Augustine. professed for him, and he stands Mali, Laos, and Spain. American gospel song. whether they are “ ‘armchair Enduring evil means “imitating beside us at times of trial.” Just as Thirty-six archbishops appointed The actual imposition of the Catholics,’ who love to chat about Jesus, carrying our burden, shoul - he accompanied the apostles, “he over the course of the past year woolen band was to take place in how things are going in the church dering it for his sake and that of will do the same for you,” the were also invited to come to Rome the archbishop’s archdiocese in the and the world,” he said, or if they others,” knowing that the Lord is pope told five new cardinals and to concelebrate the feast day mass presence of his faithful and bishops are “apostles on the go,” who are by one’s side. about 30 archbishops named dur - with Pope Francis. They came from neighbouring dioceses. The on fire with love for God and Finally, the pope said, prayer is ing the past year. from 26 countries. pallium symbolizes an archbishop’s ready to offer their lives for him. another essential element of the Apostles of Christ “know that life of an apostle as it “is the water Müller loses important post at Vatican they cannot just tread water or needed to nurture hope and take the easy way out, but have to increase fidelity. Prayer makes us risk putting out into the deep, daily feel loved and it enables us to love By Cindy wooden was appointed to the post by Apostolic Life, and for Catholic renewing their self-offering,” he in turn.” now-retired Pope Benedict XVI. Education. He is a member of the said. As is customary, a delegation VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis had met that pontifical councils for Legislative Christians must follow the Lord from the Orthodox Ecumenical Promoting the secretary of the morning with Müller, whose five- Texts, for Promoting Christian completely and live according to Patriarchate of Constantinople Congregation for the Doctrine of year term was to end July 2. Unity and for Culture. his ways, not ways guided by per - attended the mass for the feast of the Faith to the office of prefect, Both Rorate Caeli and Corris - “I have plenty to do in Rome,” sonal self-interest, he said. Christ’s Sts. Peter and Paul. Pope Francis chose not to ask pondenza Romana implied Müller he said, even though at the age of way “is that of new life, of joy and Before the mass, Archbishop German Cardinal Gerhard Müller was let go because he insisted that 69, he said, “I would normally resurrection; it is also the way that Job of Telmessos, head of the to serve a second five-year term divorced and civilly remarried already be retired.” passes through the cross and per - Orthodox delegation, joined the in the post. Catholics could not receive com - Müller was the first Vatican secution.” pope in prayer at the tomb of St. munion unless they made a com - official formally confirmed in his In different parts of the world, Peter inside St. Peter’s Basilica. mitment to abstain from sexual post by Pope Francis after his “often in complicit silence, great The two also stopped before a relations with their new partners. election in 2013 and was among numbers of Christians are margin - bronze statue of St. Peter, which Other bishops and bishops’ confer - the 19 churchmen named cardi - alized, vilified, discriminated was adorned with a jewelled tiara, ences have read Pope Francis’ nals that year by Pope Francis. against, subjected to violence and ring and red cope. exhortation on the family, Amoris The prefect of the doctrinal con - Laetitia , as presenting a process of gregation is responsible for promot - Cardinal Pell faces discernment that in certain circum - ing the correct interpretation of stances could allow some couples Catholic doctrine and theology; his to return to the sacraments. office also is responsible for con - charges in Australia Müller told the German daily, ducting investigations of clergy Allgemeine Zeitung , that “There accused of sexually abusing minors. By Cindy wooden were no disagreements between Resigning from the Pontifical Pope Francis and me” and that there Commission for the Protection of VATICAN CITY (CNS) — had been no dispute over Amoris Minors, Marie Collins, one of the Proclaiming his innocence after Laetitia , the newspaper reported founding members and the last being charged with sexual abuse, July 2. The cardinal spoke with remaining abuse survivor on the Australian Cardinal George Pell reporters while he was in cel - commission, said members of the said, “I’m looking forward finally ebrating his 50th high school were reluctant to to having my day in court.” reunion July 1 and mass July 2 com - im plement the commission’s rec - “I’m innocent of these charges. memorating the 29th anniversary of ommendations and she particular - They are false. The whole idea of the death of Cardi nal Hermann Volk ly cited Müller. sexual abuse is abhorrent to me,” of Mainz, who or dained him to the As head of the doctrinal con - he said June 29 during a brief priesthood in 1978. CNS 2015 file photo/Paul Haring gregation, the prefect also serves news conference in the Vatican According to the interview as president the Pontifical Bibli cal NEw PREFECT — Spanish press office. with Allgemeine Zeitung , the car - Commission, the International Greg Burke, director of the Archbishop , dinal said the pope’s decision had 73, has been appointed by Pope Theological Commission and the Vatican press office, said Pope Francis as the new prefect of the been unexpected since such terms Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Francis had granted Pell a leave Congregation for the Doctrine of were usually renewed, but that he Dei , which is responsible for the of absence from his position as the Faith. was not bothered by it. pastoral care of traditionalist prefect of the Vatican Secretariat “I do not mind,” he said, add - Catholics and for the ongoing rec - for the Economy so that he can The Vatican announced July 1 ing that “everyone has to stop” at onciliation talks with the Society work on his defence. that the pope chose as prefect some point. of St. Pius X. Pell, Burke added, will not par- Spanish Archbishop Luis Ladaria “The five-year term had now The new prefect, Ladaria, was ticipate in any public liturgies Ferrer, 73, a Jesuit theologian expired,” he said. The cardinal told appointed congregation secretary while his case is being considered. CNS/Paul Haring who had been appointed secretary the newspaper that Pope Francis by Pope Benedict after having “These matters have been under Cardinal George Pell of the congregation in 2008 by wanted, in general, to limit the worked with him as a member of investigation now for two years,” then-Pope Benedict XVI. term of office to five years and he the International Theological Pell told the press. “There’s been against Pell have obviously been “The Holy Father Francis just happened to be the first person Commission in 1992 - 1997, as a relentless character assassination, a tested in any court yet.” thanked His Eminence Cardinal to which the new standard applied. consultant to the doctrinal congre - relentless character assassination, “Cardinal Pell, like any other Gerhard Ludwig Müller at the con - However, he said he regretted gation from 1995 to 2008 and as and for more than a month claims defendant, has a right to due pro - clusion of his quinquennial man - losing three staff members of the secretary general of the theological that a decision on whether to lay cess and so therefore it is im por tant date,” the Vatican announcement doctrinal congregation after Pope commission from 2004 until being charges was imminent.” that the process is allowed to run said. No new position was an - Francis let them go “a few weeks named congregation secretary. Without giving specifics about its natural course,” Patton added. nounced for Müller, who at 69 is ago,” according to the German Ladaria was born in Manacor, the number of charges or the In his statement, Pell said he still more than five years away newspaper. “They were compe - Mallorca, April 19, 1944, and earned incidents, police in Australia’s had kept Pope Francis informed from the normal retirement age for tent people,” the cardinal said. a law degree at the Uni versity of Vic toria state announced June 29 “during these long months” when a bishop. He said he would stay in Rome Madrid before entering the Society that charges had been filed police and the Australian media Anticipating an announcement and continue working in pastoral of Jesus in 1966. After theology and against the cardinal and that he were talking about the possibility of the pope’s decision June 30, care and continue scholarly, acad - philosophy studies in Spain and has been ca lled to appear in of charges being made. both the English Rorate Caeli emic pursuits — “continue my , he was or dained to the court July 18. A year ago, in July, allegations blog and the Italian Corris pon - role as a cardinal.” He is a mem - priesthood July 29, 1973. Victoria Police Deputy Com - surfaced in a report by the Aus - denza Romana blog presented the ber of the congregations for He earned a doctorate in theolo - missioner Shane Patton told tral ian Broadcasting Corp. featur - pope’s move as a dismissal of the Eastern Churches, for Institutes of gy from the Pontifical Gregorian reporters June 29, “Cardinal Pell ing several people who accused German cardinal, who originally Consecrated Life and Societies of University in Rome in 1975 and is facing multiple charges in Pell of sexual assault; at least one began teaching dogmatic theology respect of historic sexual offences of the accusations had been found There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe at the Pontifical University and there are multiple complain - to be unsubstantiated by an Aus - what isn’t true. The other is to refuse to believe Comillas in Madrid. Nine years la- ants relating to those charges.” tralian court in 2002. Some accu - ter, he began teaching at the Patton also told reporters, “It is sations dated to the late 1970s, what is true. Gregorian and served as vice- important to note that none of the when Pell was a priest in Ballarat, — Søren Kierkegaard of the university from 1986 to 1994. allegations that have been made Australia.