Ballycroy and Beyond
Ballycroy and Beyond Index Locators in ‘bold’ denotes pictures; locators Ambrose (Dr), 136 with ‘t’ denotes tables. Ambrose, Henry (Tommy), 46 Amiens, The Treaty of, 25 A Pretty Peeler’s Portrait,350 An Gorta Beag, 1879, 585 Abbey of Staad, 564, 564 analysis of population Ballycroy, 245 Abbeyleix House, Princess Margaret, 105 Anderson, Maggie, 546 Abhorrence, assassination attempt Oram, Anglican Achill Mission, 460 388 Anglican Church of England, 8, 198 Achill Church Mission, 167 Anglican Established Church, 168 Achill converts, 181 tithes to, 163-164 Achill Herald, report on religious violence, Anglican faith, conversion to, 178 198, 540 Anglo Irish, sub-culture, 5 Achill Island, 39 Annagh (island), 135-136, 466 Achill Mission, 228 “Annals of Lough Ce, The,” 573 Trustees of, 134 Annseley, Lady Catherine 153 “Achill Missionary Herald and Western Annual visit landlord – letter Irish Times, Witness, The”, 174 319 Achill Mission estate, 134 anti-rent meetings, 471 Achill Missionary Herald, 170, 231 at Swinford, 584 front cover of, 176 Antwerp, holiday Caroline Clive, 14 Achill Petty Sessions, 496 Aranda, Martin de, 563-564 Achill scene, 180 Archer, Honourable Harriet, 8 Achill storm/drownings (Nicholson), 215 Ardilaun (Lord), 237 Act for the Settlement of Ireland, 466 “Armada in Ireland, The” (Fallon), 560 Act of Union, 169 Armada ships driven on Irish coast, active agitation, on Clive estates, 128 556 -575 Adams, Anne, and Thomas Joyce marriage, Armada ships, servants and priests, 549 184 Armada, attacked by fire-ships, 553 Adams, Dr Neason,
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