김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

If you're writing an article on, say, belly dancing, then you want people who are looking for this type of information on a search engine to be able to find your article. So you would to determine the most likely phrases your readers would use─ for example, how to belly dance, belly dancing fitness, belly dancing─ and then include one or two of those terms in your article title. If you determined that the term belly dancing is searched more frequently than how to belly dance, you might write a title like this: "Belly Dancing for Beginners." Or you might even incorporate two popular search terms into one heading: "Belly Dancing: Fitness Fun for the Healthy-Minded."

① ask your readers about them ② collect evidences on the Internet ③ decorate your article colorfully ④ make your keyword shortly ⑤ do keyword research first

2.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

Silence is more than staying quiet while someone is speaking. Allowing several seconds to pass before you begin to talk gives the speaker time to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. She might want to continue. Someone who talks nonstop might fear she will lose the floor if she pauses. If the message being sent is complete, this short break gives you time to form your responses and helps you avoid the biggest barrier to listening─ listening with your answer running. If you make up a response before the person is finished, you might miss the end of the message, which is often the main point. In some circumstances, pausing for several seconds might be inappropriate. Ignore this suggestion completely in an emergency, where immediate action is usually necessary.

① the difference of silence and ignorance ② the necessity of break in relationship ③ the response and the listening in a dialogue ④ the pros and cons of silence in a talk ⑤ the role of silence in conversation 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

New ideas are usually presented just that way─ as new. Different. Unlike what's gone before. Bad news! This doesn't give the listener or learner any grounding, context, or reason to believe they can tune in. We all need to feel some ownership of turf before we venture forth to a world that is unknown. "Turf" in this case means knowing that past information and experience, one's background, is valuable and useful in a new situation. New data creates major resistance since one doesn't know how to listen to it, to relate to or even imagine it. Thus, the safest way to discuss new information is . To start with the familiar and then to add the new as variations from the old. To establish and remind one of what is, then show how it leads to what could be.

① consulting specialists in the field ② utilizing well-known reference books ③ using existing data and experience ④ beginning with an efficient approach ⑤ finding out the details on new ideas

4.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

The spread of agricultural techniques came about through borrowing and cultural contact as well as through migration. (A) , farming developed in response to local conditions. As the last Ice Age ended and hunting and fishing techniques improved, a general increase in population fixed the Paleolithic ecology. Game became scarcer and more elusive while the human competition for dwindling resources grew more intense. Herding and the cultivation of row crops were soon essential to survival. (B) , as the human population continued to grow, herding diminished. It provided fewer calories per unit of land than farming and was increasingly restricted to areas otherwise unsuitable for cultivation. Though crop raising would always be supplemented to some extent by other sources of food, it gradually emerged as the primary activity wherever land could be cultivated. *Paleolithic 구석기 시대의

(A) (B) ① In addition As a result ② In fact Therefore ③ For example Likewise ④ In other words However ⑤ Instead In short

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

Take care not to use jargon or technical terms when discussing topics with people who aren't familiar with your hot issue. Give them an inside look at what excites you about the topic, rather than overly specific details. ① Avoid talking about your own hot issues too much; it's a common problem. ② Be sensitive to how much time you devote to your hot issue without hearing again from the other person. ③ It's all right to let someone know what turns you on, but be aware that the other person may not necessarily want to hear everything you have to say about that topic. ④ Besides, show your respect to others as you want to be respected by others. ⑤ If you get go-ahead signals, then continue with a few more sentences until you sense that the conversation should return to the other person.

6.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Soil is the thin blanket that exists between rock and the sky. Soil supports all life and is itself, in some measure, the product of living things.

(A) If you live in a residential or industrial area, you can be pretty sure that after the developers left, not much good soil remained. It was probably removed and sold before the construction began. (B) This is no longer true; good soil is getting harder to find. You can no longer take it for granted that you'll find good garden soil lying around in your backyard. (C) For all that, we often treat the soil like, literally, the dirt under our feet. We've developed this careless attitude partly because for generations soil has been dirt cheap. There was never any problem about having enough of it.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

In general, temperatures at the South Pole average 54℃ lower than the North Pole. So why is the southern tip of the Earth so much colder than the northern tip? ① The answer lies in the geography of each location. ② While the North Pole is, by definition, located at sea level─ there is no solid land at the North Pole, only a series of icy formations in winter─ the South Pole sits 2,730 meters above sea level. ③ Higher elevations are colder than locations at low altitudes, because seawater acts as an insulator, holding in heat from the sun and warming the air around it. ④ If the climate gets warmer, it will melt the ice near the north and south poles, and many areas along the coast may be flooded. ⑤ Because the North Pole is nothing but seawater, it is able to retain heat more efficiently than the high-and-dry South Pole.

8.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

Intact ecosystems ensure the provision of environmental services, for example, to produce clean drinking water, nutrient-rich soils and oxygen, as well as to pollinate crop plants.

Protection of biological diversity targets not only the goal of conserving natural resources. ()① The primary emphasis of development cooperation is placed on preserving people's livelihoods. ()② It is the rural poor who are most dependent on biological diversity. ()③ Diversity of farm animal breeds and crop plants used in local agriculture is essential to their food supply and ensures productivity as well as adaptability to disease or changing environmental conditions. ()④ They form the basis for all human life. ()⑤ Forests and other natural ecosystems offer the possibility to gather wild plants and hunt animals, thereby providing many rural inhabitants with a major supplementary food source, in particular when crop harvests are poor.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

If you're writing an article on, say, belly dancing, then you want people who are looking for this type of information on a search engine to be able to find your article. (A) , you would do keyword research first to determine the most likely phrases your readers would use─ for example, how to belly dance, belly dancing fitness, belly dancing─ and then include one or two of those terms in your article title. (B) , if you determined that the term belly dancing is searched more frequently than how to belly dance, you might write a title like this: "Belly Dancing for Beginners." Or you might even incorporate two popular search terms into one heading: "Belly Dancing: Fitness Fun for the Healthy-Minded."

(A) (B) ① In fact In short ② Thus In other words ③ Moreover As a result ④ Nonetheless Therefore ⑤ However In addition

10.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Silence is more than staying quiet while someone is speaking. Allowing several seconds to pass before you begin to talk ①give the speaker time to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. She might want to continue. Someone who talks nonstop might fear she will lose the floor if she pauses. If the message ②being sent is complete, this short break gives you time to form your responses and helps you ③avoid the biggest barrier to listening─ listening with your answer running. If you make up a response before the person is finished, you might miss the end of the message, ④which is often the main point. In some circumstances, pausing for several seconds might be inappropriate. Ignore this suggestion completely in an emergency, ⑤where immediate action is usually necessary.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

Thus, the safest way to discuss new information is to start with what is already known.

New ideas are usually presented just that way─ as new. Different. Unlike what's gone before. Bad news! This doesn't give the listener or learner any grounding, context, or reason to believe they can tune in. ()① We all need to feel some ownership of turf before we venture forth to a world that is unknown. ()② "Turf" in this case means knowing that past information and experience, one's background, is valuable and useful in a new situation. ( ③ ) New data creates major resistance since one doesn't know how to listen to it, to relate to or even imagine it. ()④ To start with the familiar and then to add the new as variations from the old. ()⑤ To establish and remind one of what is, then show how it leads to what could be.

12.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

The spread of agricultural techniques came about through borrowing and cultural contact as well as through migration. Farming, in other words, developed in response to local conditions. As the last Ice Age ended and hunting and fishing techniques improved, a general increase in population fixed the Paleolithic ecology. Game became scarcer and more elusive while the human competition for dwindling resources grew more intense. Herding and the cultivation of row crops were soon essential to survival. In time, as the human population continued to grow, herding diminished. It provided fewer calories per unit of land than farming and was increasingly restricted to areas otherwise unsuitable for cultivation. Though crop raising would always be supplemented to some extent by other sources of food, it gradually emerged as the primary activity wherever land could be cultivated. *Paleolithic 구석기 시대의

① the emergence of farming as human main activity ② the cause of Paleolithic ecology destruction ③ the developing process of agricultural skills ④ the importance of herding and cultivation ⑤ the skills for survival in ancient times

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Take care not to use jargon or technical terms when ①discussing topics with people who aren't familiar with your hot issue. Give them an inside look at ②what excites you about the topic, rather than overly specific details. Avoid ③to talk about your own hot issues too much; it's a common problem. Be sensitive to how much time you devote to your hot issue without hearing again from the other person. It's all right to let someone ④know what turns you on, but be aware that the other person may not necessarily want to hear everything you have to say about that topic. If you get go-ahead signals, then continue with ⑤a few more sentences until you sense that the conversation should return to the other person.

14.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Soil is the thin blanket that exists between rock and the sky. Soil supports all life and is itself, in some measure, the product of living things. For all that, we often treat the soil like, literally, the dirt . We've developed this careless attitude partly because for generations soil has been dirt cheap. There was never any problem about having enough of it. This is no longer true; good soil is getting harder to find. You can no longer take it for granted that you'll find good garden soil lying around in your backyard. If you live in a residential or industrial area, you can be pretty sure that after the developers left, not much good soil remained. It was probably removed and sold before the construction began.

① an invaluable present ② the beginning of life ③ a barren property ④ the dirt under our feet ⑤ a fertile garden

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?다음 글에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

In general, temperatures at the South Pole average 54℃ lower than the North Pole. So why is the southern tip of the Earth so much colder than the northern tip? The answer lies in the . While the North Pole is, by definition, located at sea level─ there is no solid land at the North Pole, only a series of icy formations in winter─ the South Pole sits 2,730 meters above sea level. Higher elevations are colder than locations at low altitudes, because seawater acts as an insulator, holding in heat from the sun and warming the air around it. Because the North Pole is nothing but seawater, it is able to retain heat more efficiently than the high-and-dry South Pole.

① the psychological distance ② emotional bonding among species ③ little tolerance for variations ④ the geography of each location ⑤ personal disaster of the Earth

16.?다음 글에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Protection of biological diversity targets not only the goal of conserving natural resources. The primary emphasis of development cooperation is placed on . It is the rural poor who are most dependent on biological diversity. Diversity of farm animal breeds and crop plants used in local agriculture is essential to their food supply and ensures productivity as well as adaptability to disease or changing environmental conditions. Intact ecosystems ensure the provision of environmental services, for example, to produce clean drinking water, nutrient-rich soils and oxygen, as well as to pollinate crop plants. They form the basis for all human life. Forests and other natural ecosystems offer the possibility to gather wild plants and hunt animals, thereby providing many rural inhabitants with a major supplementary food source, in particular when crop harvests are poor.

① predicting the whole ecosystem ② preserving people's livelihoods ③ preventing a natural disaster ④ reaping a rich harvest ⑤ controlling the productivity

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

I remember when our seventeen-year-old son Derek got involved in learning about Buddy Holly─ the 1950s singer-musician. ① I made a trip to the library and read everything I could find about Buddy Holly. ② I read the lyrics to his songs. ③ He was always singing songs and writing lyrics. ④ Later I engaged Derek in conversation about Buddy's lyrics. ⑤ He was surprised that I even knew the lyrics. Some time later, I scheduled a seminar in Fort Worth, Texas, and asked Derek if he would like to go with me. "After the seminar," I said, "we'll drive out to Lubbock and explore Buddy Holly's roots." I'll never forget the look in his eyes when he said, "Dad, I'd love to do that."

2.?다음 글에서 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Maybe you have a dog that has never been walked regularly. He or she will benefit as much as you will from daily exercise! If you've been considering getting a dog for a variety of reasons, make sure you choose a breed that would love to walk with you and not be too much to handle. Dogs can be on a walk. And they're never too tired or too busy when you want to head out the door. I love walking with medium- or small-sized dogs like my cockapoo or my son's Welsh corgis. Larger dogs can be good walking partners, but unless they are well trained, they'll end up dragging you down the street.

① a real trouble maker ② a perfect guide ③ an excellent excercise buddy ④ a great source of fun and joy ⑤ a very good guard

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

In your new home, you may not any longer need to own large equipment such as lawnmowers and chainsaws. Because these items might contain oil or gas, throwing them away could be harmful to the environment. (A) , this equipment might have been stored for quite some time and could be old and dirty. Taking the time to clean these items and to find a proper way to get rid of them is safer for the environment. (B) , local environmental agencies across the country have set up programs for homeowners to trade in their old gasoline powered lawnmowers and electric equipment. Contact your local solid waste or environmental agency to ask about these programs. *chainsaw 동력 사슬톱

(A) (B) ① In other words Consequently ② Instead By contrast ③ Furthermore That is to say ④ Likewise Therefore ⑤ Moreover For instance

4.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

One thing that we need to be careful of is that we should . In 1993, Joe Carter won the World Series for the Toronto Blue Jays with a walk-off home run, and few people will forget that. He had plenty of home runs in his career─ he's forty-fifth on the all-time home run list with 396─ which is why we tend to think of him as a very good player. But actually, Carter was very average. When he wasn't hitting home runs, he was making a lot of outs. Nearly 70 percent of his trips to the plate resulted in an out for his team, compared to the league average of 67 percent. As fans, we find it easy to remember the home runs. In a game where an out is the most common outcome, outs do not stick in our memories. *walk-off home run 끝내기 홈런

① remember Joe Carter as a excellent baseball player ② know relatively unknown baseball players such as Joe Carter ③ judge some athletics not by our wrong memories but by their accomplishments ④ admit Joe Carter was one of top professional baseball players ⑤ know Joe Carter was Toronto Jays’s most consistent player

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

In addition to the many reasons for wanting a home whose design reflects your own needs, there is a strong appeal in the idea of . In our highly industrialized society, most of us have been trained to perform limited technical tasks and to depend on the skills of others for everything else we need. This dependence on others for essentials such as food and shelter is sometimes alarming because we can't be sure of the quality of what we are getting. Many people have already turned to growing their own vegetables and sewing their own clothes. The knowledge that we can provide for our own needs, even partially, makes us feel somehow more complete as human beings.

① buying a luxurious building ② decorating the details of buildings ③ building confidence with others ④ building that house by yourself ⑤ exchanging our abilities with others

6.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

Worse, when you give the recognition to someone else, these people's resentment builds and their productivity starts to drop.

Someone who is motivated for recognition needs public praise. These people look forward to having their names called at a public meeting. ()① This isn't vanity, and even if you think it is, it is what some of your people need. ()② When they don't get it, they become less motivated. ()③ Don't give them recognition if they don't deserve it, but make sure you have been clear about what they need to do to be recognized. ()④ They want the plaque they can hang on their cubicle wall. ()⑤ But remember, you can't just give a plaque to everyone because people who are motivated for achievement may get offended.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7. 'she'에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ?

I once saw a young girl who had spent months in hospital with paralyzed legs. As a last resort, her parents called in a psychologist, and the next day she was walking. She told me a story about her drawing that gave a lead to the secret problem. She felt guilty because she was growing too big-boned to be able to become a professional ballet dancer. Her family had invested so much in her ballet lessons, and had expected a brilliant future for her. The psychologist helped her to see her many other talents she could develop, and that she needed no excuses for stopping serious ballet. She got out of bed and walked. The paralysis had been real, but its solution was not medical. It was the recognition of the unconscious conflict that cured her. *paralyzed 마비된

① 다리 마비로 몇 달간의 입원 생활을 했다. ② 부모들의 기대에 따르지 못한 죄책감을 느꼈다. ③ 그림을 통해 자신의 문제에 대한 실마리를 제공했다. ④ 심리학자의 도움으로 발레에 대한 더 많은 재능을 발견할 수 있었다. ⑤ 다리 마비는 심리적인 것에 의한 것이었다.

8.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Every time we approach a problem, we bring to bear assumptions that limit our ability to conceive fresh solutions, but brilliant thinkers are always aware of the assumptions and are always happy to confront them. (A) , there is a story told about a northern pike. A pike was put into an aquarium, which had a glass screen dividing it. In the other half from the pike there were many small fish. The pike tried repeatedly to eat the fish but each time hit the glass screen. The screen was eventually removed, but the pike did not attack the little fish. It had learned that trying to eat the little fish was useless and painful, so it stopped trying. (B) , we often suffer from this 'pike syndrome,' where early experience conditions us into wrong assumptions about similar but different situations. *northern pike (어류 ) 창꼬치

(A) (B) ① For example As a result ② For example Similarly ③ In addition Similarly ④ In addition Therefore ⑤ Similarly Therefore

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.다음 글에 드러난 ‘I' 의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

I remember when our seventeen-year-old son Derek got involved in learning about Buddy Holly─ the 1950s singer-musician. I made a trip to the library and read everything I could find about Buddy Holly. I read the lyrics to his songs. Later I engaged Derek in conversation about Buddy's lyrics. He was surprised that I even knew the lyrics. Some time later, I scheduled a seminar in Fort Worth, Texas, and asked Derek if he would like to go with me. "After the seminar," I said, "we'll drive out to Lubbock and explore Buddy Holly's roots." I'll never forget the look in his eyes when he said, "Dad, I'd love to do that."

① ashamed and regretful ② satisfied and pleased ③ worried and concerned ④ calm and relieved ⑤ frustrated and disappointed

10.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

Maybe you have a dog that has never been walked regularly. He or she will ①benefit as much as you will from daily exercise! If you've been considering getting a dog for a variety of reasons, make sure you choose a breed that would love to walk with you and not be too much to handle. Dogs can be a ②disturber of fun and joy on a walk. And they're never too tired or too busy when you want to ③head out the door. I love walking with medium- or small-sized dogs like my cockapoo or my son's Welsh corgis. Larger dogs can be good walking partners, but unless they are well ④trained, they'll end up ⑤dragging you down the street.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은

In your new home, you may not any longer need to own large equipment such as lawnmowers and chainsaws. Because these items might contain oil or gas, throwing them away could be harmful to the environment. In addtion, this equipment might have been stored for quite some time and could be old and dirty. Taking the time to clean these items and to find a proper way to get rid of them is safer for the environment. Local environmental agencies across the country have set up programs for homeowners to trade in their old gasoline powered lawnmowers and electric equipment. Contact your local solid waste or environmental agency to ask about these programs. *chainsaw 동력 사슬톱

① 자연을 보호할 수 있는 방법을 알려주려고 ② 폐기물 처리 관서와 지역 환경 관서를 홍보하려고 ③ 새로운 장비들을 구입할 수 있는 방법을 알리려고 ④ 오래된 장비들을 처리할 수 있는 방법을 알리려고 ⑤ 보상판매의 세부적인 내용을 설명하려고

12.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

One thing that we need to be careful of is not to let our evaluations be biased by our memories, particularly when it comes to grand events.. In 1993, Joe Carter won the World Series for the Toronto Blue Jays with a walk-off home run, and few people will forget that. He had plenty of home runs in his career─ he's forty-fifth on the all-time home run list with 396 ─ which is why we tend to think of him as a very good player. But actually, Carter was very average. When he wasn't hitting home runs, he was making a lot of outs. Nearly 70 percent of his trips to the plate resulted in an out for his team, compared to the league average of 67 percent. As fans, we find it easy to remember the home runs. In a game where an out is the most common outcome, outs do not stick in our memories. *walk-off home run 끝내기 홈런

① qualities needed for a successful baseball player ② a tendency of making judgement based on wrong memories ③ the relation between players' career and performance ④ the necessity for objective appraisals of athletes ⑤ an impartial evaluation necessary for sports games

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

In addition to the many reasons for wanting a home whose design reflects your own needs, there is a strong appeal in the idea of building that house by yourself. In our highly industrialized society, most of us have been trained to perform limited technical tasks and to depend on the skills of others for everything else we need. This dependence on others for essentials such as food and shelter is sometimes alarming because we can't be sure of the quality of what we are getting. Many people have already turned to growing their own vegetables and sewing their own clothes. The knowledge that we can provide for our own needs, even partially, makes us feel somehow more as human beings.

① perfect ② complex ③ confident ④ modest ⑤ proud

14.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Someone who is motivated for recognition needs public praise. These people look forward to having their names called at a public meeting.

(A) They want the plaque they can hang on their cubicle wall. But remember, you can't just give a plaque to everyone because people who are motivated for achievement may get offended. (B) This isn't vanity, and even if you think it is, it is what some of your people need. When they don't get it, they become less motivated. (C) Worse, when you give the recognition to someone else, these people's resentment builds and their productivity starts to drop. Don't give them recognition if they don't deserve it, but make sure you have been clear about what they need to do to be recognized.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

I once saw a young girl who had spent months in hospital with paralyzed legs. As a last resort, her parents called in a psychologist, and the next day she was walking. She told me a story about her drawing that gave a lead to the secret problem. She felt guilty because she was growing too big-boned to be able to become a professional ballet dancer. Her family had invested so much in her ballet lessons, and had expected a brilliant future for her. The psychologist helped her to see her many other talents she could develop, and that she needed no excuses for stopping serious ballet. She got out of bed and walked. The paralysis had been real, but its solution was not medical. It was that cured her. *paralyzed 마비된

① the awareness of the subconscious conflict ② the time to have been in the hospital ③ the continuous practice to be the best ballet dancer ④ the generous kindness of the psychologist ⑤ the discovery of an effective new medicine

16.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

Every time we approach a problem, we bring to bear assumptions that ①restrict our ability to conceive fresh solutions, but brilliant thinkers are always aware of the assumptions and are always happy to ②face them. There is a story told about a northern pike. A pike was put into an aquarium, which had a glass screen dividing it. In the other half from the pike there were many small fish. The pike tried repeatedly to eat the fish but each time hit the glass screen. The screen was eventually removed, but the pike did not ③prey on the little fish. It had learned that trying to eat the little fish was useless and painful, so it stopped trying. We often ④suffer from this 'pike syndrome,' where early experience conditions us into ⑤proper assumptions about similar but different situations. *northern pike (어류 ) 창꼬치

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

It was around 50 million years ago that India, traveling northward on the Indian plate, crashed into the southern edge of the Eurasian plate. When continents come together, it is impossible for one plate to be drawn downward beneath the other because both plates are equally buoyant. (A) , the two sections of continental crust are thrust up into complex folds to form a continuous mountain chain with several high peaks. The collision between India and Eurasia created the Himalaya Mountains, and the collision has not ended. India is still moving northward at a rate of 1.5-2 inches (4-5 cm) a year, and wrinkling has shortened the Indian plate by about 600 miles (1,000 km). (B) , the Himalayas, like some other mountain ranges, are still growing higher.

(A) (B) ① Instead Consequently ② Instead Moreover ③ However Moreover ④ However Therefore ⑤ Moreover Therefore

2.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Many animals lack ears─ that is, they do not have eardrums that vibrate in sympathy with the surrounding air─ but they are still able to gather vibrational information. A person can detect a passing car radio that has the bass turned up. (A) , Predators can detect movements of large herding animals by using vibrational information carried in the soil. Direct communication via vibration come from the invertebrate world. (B) , Some white ants communicate alarm by banging their heads on the ground together at the same time. Wolf spiders, which do not build webs, drum the ground during courtship. Vibrational information also plays an important role in communication in the honeybee dance.

(A) (B) ① Besides Therefore ② For example As a result ③ Likewise For example ④ However Otherwise ⑤ Similarly In other words

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

In the past, animal source proteins were considered superior because they were the highest in protein. Today many experts believe they actually have too much protein for good health, because it's stored in the body as toxins or fat. ① Animal source protein was thought to be complete protein, supplying necessary amino acids. ② Proteins, besides water, are the most plentiful substance in the body. ③ Now we know it also includes unhealthy inorganic acids. ④ Animal protein was seen to supply more iron and zinc, but is now seen as also supplying cholesterol, fat and calories. ⑤ An important study by Baylor College of Medicine in Houston showed men on diets high in soy protein experienced a drop in cholesterol, compared to men on diets high in animal protein. The study concluded that men should replace up to 50% of their meat protein intake with vegetable protein.

4.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Being anonymous on the Internet gives many individuals a sense of freedom, which makes them feel able to say or do anything online.

(A) In political newsgroups or chat discussions, many people feel they can be completely honest about what they think and can introduce new ideas and points of view without inhibition. (B) Anonymous email is also a safe way for an employee to blow the whistle on a questionable business practice, or for an individual to tip off police to a crime or potential terrorist attack. (C) This sense of true freedom of speech can be beneficial. For example, a reserved individual who might never complain about a poor product or service in person may feel comfortable lodging a complaint by email.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Garrett Hardin, who called attention to the damage that innocent actions by individuals can inflict on the environment, held that all forms of commonly managed property would necessarily be degraded over time. But we have found, on the contrary, that under appropriate conditions many people do organize effectively to protect natural environments. Some institutions, such as in Switzerland, have recorded histories of persistence over centuries. Others, such as in Nepal, have been successful at maintaining forests even in conditions of extreme conflict and armed violence. that are considered reasonable and fair is crucial for achieving effective management of common property. Local groups in different environments and cultures have developed an unbelievable variety of ways to do this using their considerable indigenous knowledge. *inflict (상처 · 고통 따위를 ) 입히다

① Admitting cultural differences ② Taking immediate steps ③ Continuing to find good institutions ④ Developing shared norms and rules ⑤ Observing international regulations

6.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Not all writers acknowledge their co-authors in their books. Sarah Walker's The Promise of an American Life is a case in point. Nowhere on her title page or copyright page is there a suggestion that anyone but Walker wrote her story. But with today's technological networking, it became widely known that Anna Vincent helped her with the story. This is what is referred to as ghostwriting, since the co-author is not visible, and it raises . Is this plagiarism, suggesting that the writer is taking credit for work done by someone else? And if we cannot trust the authorship, can we trust the content? It also suggests a false image of the memoirist: that he or she is capable of writing a coherent book when, in fact, that may not be the case.

① some problems on royalties ② some moral issues ③ the unity of the text ④ widespread popularity ⑤ a logical idea

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Never ①we have experienced such an explosion of new production techniques. Throughout the world, new and more efficient technology is making ②it possible to manufacture more products at any possible selling price. New, more powerful computers reduce production costs and ③increase the supply of all sorts of goods and services. For example, computers are now milking cows. Computers admit the cows into the milking area and then activate lasers to guide milking cups into place. Dairy farmers no longer must wake up at 5:30 a.m., and cows get ④milked whenever they fancy, day or night. As this technology spreads across the , it will be possible ⑤to offer more milk for sale at a variety of prices, and the supply of milk will increase.

8.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Every security system, without exception, needs trusted people to function, though these people are not necessarily trustworthy. The person who installs your front-door lock is, by definition, a trusted person. You have no choice but to trust him, but he could make a copy of your key for himself, and you wouldn't be the wiser. In a hospital security system designed to protect patient privacy, doctors are trusted. They have to know a patient's private medical background. Other trusted people are guards watching surveillance cameras, people writing parking tickets, screeners, inspectors, and police officers who respond to cries for help. We don't have to like it, but we have no choice but to trust these people. Without them, . *surveillance 감시

① security system becomes endangered ② they would not be trusted ③ systems would not operate ④ patient privacy cannot be protected ⑤ security systems are reinforced

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

It was around 50 million years ago that India, traveling northward on the Indian plate, crashed into the southern edge of the Eurasian plate. When continents come together, it is impossible for one plate to be drawn downward beneath the other because both plates are equally buoyant. Instead, the two sections of continental crust are thrust up into complex folds to form a continuous mountain chain with several high peaks. The collision between India and Eurasia created the Himalaya Mountains, and the collision has not ended. India is still moving northward at a rate of 1.5-2 inches (4-5 cm) a year, and wrinkling has shortened the Indian plate by about 600 miles (1,000 km). As a result, the Himalayas, like some other mountain ranges, .

① continue to be flat ② keep disappearing ③ keep increasing ④ are growing higher ⑤ are becoming lower

10.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

Many animals lack ears─ that is, they do not have eardrums that vibrate in ①sympathy with the surrounding air─ but they are still able to gather vibrational information. Predators can ②hear movements of large herding animals by using vibrational information carried in the soil, much as a person might detect a passing car radio that has the bass turned up. Most examples of direct communication via vibration come from the ③invertebrate world. Some white ants communicate alarm by ④banging their heads on the ground together at the same time. Wolf spiders, which do not build webs, ⑤drum the ground during courtship. Vibrational information also plays an important role in communication in the honeybee dance.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

In the past, animal source proteins ①were considered superior because they were the highest in protein. Today many experts believe they actually have too much protein for good health, because it's stored in the body as toxins or fat. Animal source protein was thought to be complete protein, ②supplying necessary amino acids. Now we know it also includes unhealthy inorganic acids. Animal protein was seen ③to supply more iron and zinc, but is now seen as also supplying cholesterol, fat and calories. An important study by Baylor College of Medicine in Houston showed men on diets high in soy protein ④experiencing a drop in cholesterol, compared to men on diets high in animal protein. The study concluded ⑤that men should replace up to 50% of their meat protein intake with vegetable protein.

12.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

on the Internet gives many individuals a sense of freedom, which makes them feel able to say or do anything online. This sense of true freedom of speech can be beneficial. For example, a reserved individual who might never complain about a poor product or service in person may feel comfortable lodging a complaint by email. In political newsgroups or chat discussions, many people feel they can be completely honest about what they think and can introduce new ideas and points of view without inhibition. Anonymous email is also a safe way for an employee to blow the whistle on a questionable business practice, or for an individual to tip off police to a crime or potential terrorist attack.

① Creating a user account ② Being anonymous ③ Chatting discussions ④ Reporting news ⑤ Spreading new ideas

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Garrett Hardin, who called attention to the damage that innocent actions by individuals can inflict on the environment, held that all forms of commonly managed property would necessarily be degraded over time. (A) , we have found that under appropriate conditions many people do organize effectively to protect natural environments. Some institutions, such as in Switzerland, have recorded histories of persistence over centuries. (B) , others, such as in Nepal, have been successful at maintaining forests even in conditions of extreme conflict and armed violence. Developing shared norms and rules that are considered reasonable and fair is crucial for achieving effective management of common property. Local groups in different environments and cultures have developed an unbelievable variety of ways to do this using their considerable indigenous knowledge. *inflict (상처 · 고통 따위를 ) 입히다

(A) (B) ① Furthermore Similarly ② However In other words ③ Nonetheless Likewise ④ Moreover Therefore ⑤ Instead In addition

14.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Not all writers acknowledge their co-authors in their books. Sarah Walker's The Promise of an American Life is a case in point. Nowhere on her title page or copyright page ①is there a suggestion ②that anyone but Walker wrote her story. But with today's technological networking, it became widely known that Anna Vincent helped her with the story. This is what ③is referred to as ghostwriting, since the co-author is not visible, and it raises some ethical questions. Is this plagiarism, ④suggest that the writer is taking credit for work done by someone else? And if we cannot trust the authorship, can we trust the content? It also suggests a false image of the memoirist: that he or she is capable of ⑤writing a coherent book when, in fact, that may not be the case. *plagiarism 표절

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Never have we experienced such an explosion of new production techniques.

(A) For example, computers are now milking cows. Computers admit the cows into the milking area and then activate lasers to guide milking cups into place. Dairy farmers no longer must wake up at 5:30 a.m., and cows get milked whenever they fancy, day or night. (B) Throughout the world, new and more efficient technology is making it possible to manufacture more products at any possible selling price. New, more powerful computers reduce production costs and increase the supply of all sorts of goods and services. (C) As this technology spreads across the United States, it will be possible to offer more milk for sale at a variety of prices, and the supply of milk will increase.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

16.?다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은

Every security system, without exception, needs trusted people to function, though these people are not necessarily trustworthy. The person who installs your front-door lock is, by definition, a trusted person. You have no choice but to trust him, but he could make a copy of your key for himself, and you wouldn't be the wiser. In a hospital security system designed to protect patient privacy, doctors are trusted. They have to know a patient's private medical background. Other trusted people are guards watching surveillance cameras, people writing parking tickets, airline baggage screeners, customs inspectors, and police officers who respond to cries for help. We don't have to like it, but we have no choice but to trust these people. Without them, systems would not function. *surveillance 감시

① 보안 시스템의 점검은 정기적으로 이루어져야 한다. ② 보안 시스템은 개인 정보 보호 서비스가 제공되어야 한다. ③ 모든 기업은 보안 시스템을 갖춰야 한다. ④ 보안 시스템의 기능은 그 시스템을 운영하는 사람을 필요로 한다. ⑤ 보안 시스템은 경찰의 감시 하에 운영되어야 한다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

You have probably had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night with an idea. It was such a good one that you told yourself to remember it next morning. But, like the memory of your dreams, it fades away fast. "Every composer knows," Hector Berlioz said, "the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one has not had time to write down." He spoke from experience, he added. Keep a pencil and pad by your bed. Carry a pocket notebook so that ideas that strike you while waiting for someone or travelling on a train can be recorded. Later you can transfer these jottings to your main notebook.

① the limitation of capacity for memory ② the importance about taking notes ③ pros and cons about taking notes ④ the reason we often forget ideas ⑤ what and how to jot down

2.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

When we're reading, some of the benefits of factual knowledge require that the knowledge be fairly deep─ for example, we need detailed knowledge to be able to chunk.

(A) Of course deep knowledge is better than shallow knowledge. But we're not going to have deep knowledge of everything, and shallow knowledge is certainly better than no knowledge. (B) For example, I know almost nothing about baseball, but for general reading, a shallow definition such as "a sport played with a bat and ball, in which two teams oppose one another" will often do. (C) But other benefits result from shallow knowledge. We usually do not need to have detailed knowledge of a concept to be able to understand its meaning in context when we're reading.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

There are times in any interaction when a strict adherence to the truth would only interrupt its natural flow, probably needlessly. When a friend wants to tell you about the great time he had in Montauk over the weekend, and asks you, "You know where Montauk is, right?" it borders on the pointless, not to mention the tedious, to stop his story and find out exactly where the town might be. The conversation goes much more smoothly if you nod, and say, "Oh, sure, Montauk." I call such deception "lies of social convenience." These lies grease the wheels of social conversation. They are not about fooling someone or achieving illegal gain. They are a way to make communication easier, or sometimes even possible.

① the necessity of the good lies ② the definition for lies of social convenience ③ the importance of true conversation ④ how to cut others' conversation formally ⑤ how to make social conversation easy

4.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Because of the of health care, doctors, and medicines around the world, many preventable and curable diseases go untreated. When the average life expectancy in countries is in the 30s, we know that medical help is not available for common medical problems. For example, dehydration from diarrhea caused by water-borne diseases such as cholera, blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency, malaria caused by infected mosquitoes, and other preventable diseases are unnecessary afflictions in today's world. Yet many nations in the Global South have few physicians per capita. For instance, in Malawi, there is one doctor for every 100,000 people, in Ethiopia and Niger, three doctors for every 100,000 citizens, and in Mali, four doctors per 100,000 citizens. The few doctors in these countries are located mostly in urban areas. *dehydration 탈수

① insufficient information ② inadequate education ③ outdated technology ④ noticeable discrimination ⑤ uneven distribution

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은

Considering the multitude of data that people in our contemporary society need to remember, a certain amount of notetaking and information deposited in books is unavoidable. But the tendency away from remembering is growing beyond all sensible proportions. One can easily and best observe in oneself that writing things down diminishes one's power of remembering, but some typical examples may prove helpful. An everyday example occurs in stores. Today a salesclerk will rarely do a simple addition of two or three items in his or her head, but will immediately use a machine. The classroom provides another example. Teachers can observe that the students who carefully write down every sentence of the lecture will understand and remember less than the students who trusted their capacity to understand and, hence, remember at least the essentials.

① Arithmetic : Amazing Math Skills ② Notetaking : The Memory Breaker ③ How Can We Develop Our Brain? ④ Take A Note, And You'll Get Good Grades! ⑤ Modern Technology : A Memory Assistant

6.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Wood is a material that is widely acknowledged to be environmentally friendly. It has been welcome as an alternative material for a long time in building houses instead of cement or bricks. However, it is not always easy to evaluate the relative merits of one particular material such as wood over another. Many species of tree are now endangered, including mahogany and teak, and deforestation, particularly in tropical rainforests, has had a severe impact both on local communities and on indigenous plants and wildlife. Where wood is harvested, then transported halfway across the globe, the associated energy costs are high, causing a negative impact on the environment. What is more, where wood is treated with chemicals to improve fire- and pest-resistance, its healthful properties are .

① perpetuated ② maximized ③ compromised ④ useless ⑤ diversified

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection isn't going to make much difference. If you're rejected, don't automatically assume it's your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you are asking him to do; none of it may have anything to do with you. Perhaps the person is busy or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in spending time with you. Rejections are a part of everyday life. Don't let them keep you from . When you begin to get encouraging responses, then you are on the right track. It's all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections.

① helping others without hesitation ② reaching out to others ③ accepting others' opinions ④ getting along with others ⑤ admitting differences among people

8.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

Faced with stiffer competition and tougher hiring requirements, companies of every sort are becoming single-minded about productivity and bottom-line performance. ① Consequently, competition for jobs is increasing as management seeks and hires only those persons who appear to have the most potential for helping to boost the company's profits. ② For many companies, employees are now viewed as a variable cost─ hence the term human capital ─ to remain "on the books" only as long as they continue to produce. ③ Accordingly, investment in human capital is every bit as important as investment in other capital. ④ Looking for an old-fashioned job like the one "Dad used to have" is a waste of your time. ⑤ Jobs are temporary in the new economy; henceforth, you always need to be looking for the next opportunity.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Interviews are about making a positive impression by answering questions intelligently. To this end, many interviewees feel that they have to provide the perfect answer to every question, whether or not they actually know the answer. Clearly, a great interview is one in which you can answer all the questions; however, if you don't know the answer, it is better to admit to it rather than pretend to know and start rambling. Most interviewers can pick up on rambling easily and they don't like it for a couple of very important reasons: first, it makes you sound dishonest; and second, it makes you sound less than intelligent. You if you give the impression that you're neither honest nor bright.

① had better admit having many abilities ② must show other abilities you have ③ may well hide your ignorance ④ had better prepare another interview ⑤ may as well not attend the interview

10.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은

I'm a long-time resident of Glendale. I feel the intersection at Western Avenue and Virginia Street is very dangerous. There are simply too many different traffic signals, and I've seen lots of near-accidents because people were confused about which light to look at. Besides, the traffic sensors on Western Avenue don't seem to be functioning. Perhaps there might be pressing emergencies that won't wait, but this issue affects the safety of every driver or pedestrian who uses that intersection. Nothing is as important as our citizens' safety, so fixing this issue should be made a top priority. I hope that the word spreads and that immediate action will be taken.

① 작동하지 않는 신호등의 위치를 알려주려고 ② 사고 위험지역에 신호등 설치를 제안하려고 ③ 시민의 안전의식에 대한 교육의 필요성을 제기하려고 ④ 교차로 신호등 문제의 신속한 해결을 요청하려고 ⑤ 불필요한 신호등의 올바른 위치선정을 제안하려고

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

In the 1960s, I helped a client get a very broad patent on a laser pumped by a chemical reaction explosion. We were very pleased with this patent. However, it was so advanced at the time that the technology behind it is just now being implemented in connection with the Star Wars defense effort. Unfortunately, the patent expired in the meantime. The same goes for the computer mouse, the patent for which expired in 1980, just before the concept became popular, and the rollerblade skates, the patent for which expired in 1985, just before the rollerblade craze started. A survey found that major innovations like the telephone, radio, dishwasher, color TV, microwave oven, VCR, computer, and cell phone took an average of 11.4 years to be owned by 25% of all U.S. households. The moral? Even if you have a great invention, make sure .

① more people become indifferent to the spread of prosperity ② technology makes us independent from natural environments ③ patent rights for the great product will be possible to obtain ④ it can be commercially implemented within the patent period ⑤ it can be submitted the patent for the government's approval

12.다음 글의 내용을 한 단어로 요약하고자 한다 . 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Perhaps some will say that animals have some inherent value, only less than we have. However, attempts to defend this view can be shown to lack rational justification. What could be the basis of our having more inherent value than animals? Their lack of reason, or autonomy, or intellect? Only if we are willing to make the same judgment in the case of humans who are similarly deficient. But it is not true that such humans─ the retarded child, for example, or the mentally handicapped─ have less inherent value than you or I. Neither, then, can we rationally sustain the view that animals like them in being the experiencing subjects of a life have less inherent value. All who have inherent value have it equally, whether they be human animals or not. *retarded (어린이가 ) 정서 · 지능 · 학력 발달이 더딘

Just as Humans who are (A) in intellectual abilities are not considered to have less inherent value than normal people, so inherent value of animals are not (B) than that of people.

(A) (B) ① insufficient more ② handicapped equal ③ sufficient more ④ deficient less ⑤ excellent equal

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

You have probably had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night with an idea. It was such a good one that you told yourself to remember it next morning. But, like the memory of your dreams, it . "Every composer knows," Hector Berlioz said, "the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one has not had time to write down." He spoke from experience, he added. Keep a pencil and pad by your bed. Carry a pocket notebook so that ideas that strike you while waiting for someone or travelling on a train can be recorded. Later you can transfer these jottings to your main notebook.

① comes into the picture ② fades away fast ③ becomes clear quickly ④ causes you to be confused ⑤ reminds you a good idea

14.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

When we're reading, some of the benefits of factual knowledge require that the knowledge be fairly deep─ for example, we need detailed knowledge to be able to chunk. (A) , other benefits result from shallow knowledge. We usually do not need to have detailed knowledge of a concept to be able to understand its meaning in context when we're reading. (B) , I know almost nothing about baseball, but for general reading, a shallow definition such as "a sport played with a bat and ball, in which two teams oppose one another" will often do. Of course deep knowledge is better than shallow knowledge. But we're not going to have deep knowledge of everything, and shallow knowledge is certainly better than no knowledge.

(A) (B) ① Similarly In addition ② In addition For example ③ In addition Therefore ④ However Therefore ⑤ However For example

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

There are times in any interaction when a strict adherence to the truth would only interrupt its natural flow, probably needlessly.

(A) When a friend wants to tell you about the great time he had in Montauk over the weekend, and asks you, "You know where Montauk is, right?" it borders on the pointless, not to mention the tedious, to stop his story and find out exactly where the town might be. (B) They are not about fooling someone or achieving illegal gain. They are a way to make communication easier, or sometimes even possible. (C) The conversation goes much more smoothly if you nod, and say, "Oh, sure, Montauk." I call such deception "lies of social convenience." These lies grease the wheels of social conversation.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

16.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Because of the uneven distribution of health care, doctors, and medicines around the world, many preventable and curable diseases go untreated. When the average life expectancy in countries is in the 30s, we know that . For example, dehydration from diarrhea caused by water-borne diseases such as cholera, blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency, malaria caused by infected mosquitoes, and other preventable diseases are unnecessary afflictions in today's world. Yet many nations in the Global South have few physicians per capita. For instance, in Malawi, there is one doctor for every 100,000 people, in Ethiopia and Niger, three doctors for every 100,000 citizens, and in Mali, four doctors per 100,000 citizens. The few doctors in these countries are located mostly in urban areas. *dehydration 탈수

① most of doctors in these countries are not experienced sufficiently ② many kinds of tropical diseases are prevail in these countries ③ medical help is not available for common medical problem ④ there is only one doctor per 100,000 capita ⑤ it is almost impossible to extend average life expectancy

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

17.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Considering the multitude of data that people in our contemporary society need to remember, a certain amount of notetaking and information deposited in books is unavoidable. But the tendency away from remembering is growing beyond all sensible proportions. One can easily and best observe in oneself that , but some typical examples may prove helpful. An everyday example occurs in stores. Today a salesclerk will rarely do a simple addition of two or three items in his or her head, but will immediately use a machine. The classroom provides another example. Teachers can observe that the students who carefully write down every sentence of the lecture will understand and remember less than the students who trusted their capacity to understand and, hence, remember at least the essentials.

① one can develop oneself through memorizing ② writing can help remind one's old memories ③ remembering can be steadily developed over time ④ the amount of information one remember can increase ⑤ jotting things down decreases one's power of memory

18.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Wood is a material that is widely acknowledged to be environmentally friendly. It has been welcome as an alternative material for a long time in building houses instead of cement or bricks. (A) , it is not always easy to evaluate the relative merits of one particular material such as wood over another. Many species of tree are now endangered, including mahogany and teak, and deforestation, particularly in tropical rainforests, has had a severe impact both on local communities and on indigenous plants and wildlife. Where wood is harvested, then transported halfway across the globe, the associated energy costs are high, causing a negative impact on the environment. (B) , where wood is treated with chemicals to improve fire- and pest-resistance, its healthful properties are compromised.

(A) (B) ① By contrast Moreover ② Likewise As a result ③ However Otherwise ④ In fact What is more ⑤ Nevertheless Therefore

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

19.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

If you have been rejected many times in your life, then one more rejection isn't going to make much difference.

(A) Perhaps the person is busy or not feeling well or genuinely not interested in spending time with you. Rejections are a part of everyday life. Don't let them keep you from reaching out to others. (B) If you're rejected, don't automatically assume it's your fault. The other person may have several reasons for not doing what you are asking him to do; none of it may have anything to do with you. (C) When you begin to get encouraging responses, then you are on the right track. It's all a matter of numbers. Count the positive responses and forget about the rejections.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

20.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Faced with stiffer competition and tougher hiring requirements, companies of every sort ①are becoming single-minded about productivity and bottom-line performance. Consequently, competition for jobs is increasing as management seeks and ②hire only those persons who appear ③to have the most potential for helping to boost the company's profits. For many companies, employees are now viewed as a variable cost─ hence the term human capital ─ to remain "on the books" only ④as long as they continue to produce. Looking for an old-fashioned job like the one "Dad used to have" is a waste of your time. Jobs are temporary in the new economy; henceforth, you always need ⑤to be looking for the next opportunity.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

21.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

Interviews are about making a positive impression by answering questions intelligently. To this end, many interviewees feel that they have to provide the perfect answer to every question, whether or not they actually know the answer. Clearly, a great interview is one in which you can answer all the questions; however, if you don't know the answer, it is better to admit to it rather than pretend to know and start rambling. Most interviewers can pick up on rambling easily and they don't like it for a couple of very important reasons: first, it makes you sound dishonest; and second, it makes you sound less than intelligent. You may as well not attend the interview if you give the impression that you're neither honest nor bright.

① expected questions interviewees should know in advance ② how to answer interviewers' questions properly ③ the necessity of perfect answer in being interviewing ④ interviewees' attitude in being interviewing ⑤ the requirements as interviewers

22.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

I'm a long-time resident of Glendale. I feel the intersection at Western Avenue and Virginia Street is very ①dangerous. There are simply too many different traffic signals, and I've seen lots of near-accidents because people were ②aware of which light to look at. Besides, the traffic sensors on Western Avenue don't seem to be ③functioning. Perhaps there might be pressing emergencies that won't wait, but this issue affects the safety of every driver or ④pedestrian who uses that intersection. Nothing is as important as our citizens' safety, so fixing this issue should be made a top ⑤priority. I hope that the word spreads and that immediate action will be taken.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

23.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

In the 1960s, I helped a client ①get a very broad patent on a laser pumped by a chemical reaction explosion. We were very pleased with this patent. However, it was so advanced at the time ②when the technology behind it is just now ③being implemented in connection with the Star Wars defense effort. Unfortunately, the patent expired in the meantime. The same goes for the computer mouse, the patent for which expired in 1980, just before the concept became popular, and the rollerblade skates, the patent for which expired in 1985, just before the rollerblade craze started. A survey found that major innovations like the telephone, radio, dishwasher, color TV, microwave oven, VCR, computer, and cell phone took an average of 11.4 years ④to be owned by 25% of all U.S. households. The moral? ⑤Even if you have a great invention, make sure it can be commercially implemented within the seventeen-year patent period.

24.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

However, attempts to defend this view can be shown to lack rational justification.

Perhaps some will say that animals have some inherent value, only less than we have. ()① What could be the basis of our having more inherent value than animals? ()② Their lack of reason, or autonomy, or intellect? Only if we are willing to make the same judgment in the case of humans who are similarly deficient. ()③ But it is not true that such humans─ the retarded child, for example, or the mentally handicapped─ have less inherent value than you or I. ()④ Neither, then, can we rationally sustain the view that animals like them in being the experiencing subjects of a life have less inherent value. ()⑤ All who have inherent value have it equally, whether they be human animals or not. *retarded (어린이가 ) 정서 · 지능 · 학력 발달이 더딘

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

When asked directly, many American diners express the desire to eat a healthier diet, but they find it hard to follow through with actions. ① In a recent survey, Mintel Menu Insights found that only one in five (20%) diners ranked the healthiness of the foods they ordered as an important factor when they ordered dinner. ② When they described what they look for on a dinner menu, most important to consumers were taste (77%) and hunger satisfaction (44%). ③ Unfortunately, There are few restaurants that are aware of the importance of eating a healthy diet. ④ While many restaurants have made a conscious effort to roll out and then highlight what are perceived to be healthy menu items, only slightly more than half (51%) of the adults interviewed actually said they order them. ⑤ Yet, some 75% said they would like to see more healthy items on the menu.

2.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

In addition to noticing smells, most of us infer air pollution from smog-like conditions. That is, we use to determine the presence or absence of pollution. If a scene looks hazy, especially if the haze is brown, we perceive that there is considerable pollution present. At least two research studies have suggested that visibility is the primary cue that average citizens use to detect air pollution. These researchers asked the open-ended question, "What do you think of when you hear the term 'air pollution'?" There was a strong tendency for respondents to specify effects of pollution, such as smoke or smog, rather than to specify causes, such as factories or automobiles.

① all our sensory organs ② visual perception ③ weather condition ④ mechanical devices ⑤ our physical signal

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

With the cost of produce, particularly organic produce, it is a bargain investment.

The thought of starting to grow a vegetable garden can be intimidating. ()① But give tomatoes a try─ they really aren't that hard. ()② You can grow them from seeds if you really want the full experience or buy small starter plants early in the spring. ()③ One tomato plant will run around $4, and when fully grown and producing, will keep you in tomatoes all summer long. ()④ Eat your tomatoes fresh, or roasted on sandwiches, or make your own spaghetti sauce. ()⑤ If your garden produces enough, you can try canning and enjoy your summer tomatoes all winter long next year.

4.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Why do you need a good memory? In order to have access to the right information at the right time.

(A) An address book is another commonly used memory aid─ common because it is effective. These aids sometimes fail in their desired use because they are not available at the right time (or because you forget to use them, or forget where you put them). (B) This goal of having access at the right time is often better met by writing the information down in the right place than it is by searching your memory. A pocket diary is a good example of a written memory aid. (C) The key to using written information effectively is to choose a few specific places to write your notes in and a few specific places to keep them in.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Some people become angry or start a fight in order to between themselves and another person. Let's say you and your partner have been spending a great deal of time together. You are beginning to feel a bit bothered and pressured. Instead of admitting this to yourself and explaining to your partner that you need a little space, you start a fight or get angry with him for some small thing he has done. That way you feel justified in walking out. When he calls later, you tell him you think it is better if you take a few days off from seeing each other since you are not getting along. In reality, you wanted the space all along.

① break the relationship ② maintain intimacy ③ create distance ④ avoid a farewell ⑤ achieve contentment

6.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

We live in a world of visual stimuli, and television news with its ever present background visuals has ①changed the ways we see political leaders. Roger Masters introduced the term visual quotes to ②illustrate the video clips or photographs that serve as background to television stories about political leaders. When viewers "watch" a TV newscast about a political leader, their attention is ③distracted more to the visual images than to what is being said. Many news watchers assume that brief video segments are merely background to the real story, but in truth they ④capture the foreground in people's consciousness and memory. In earlier times, citizens learned their political news through ⑤contact with pamphlets and newspapers. Information previously arrived by words; now it comes via pixels. *pixel픽셀 , 화소 (畵素 )

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

While many have considered human cooperation primarily a learned behavior, recent evidence suggests that it may also have . In a brain-scanning experiment, some scientists found that when humans cooperated with each other, their brains lit up in the same neighborhoods that come to life when we win a prize, or eat a piece of chocolate cake─ the inner reward circuitry that responds to dopamine and provides that glow of pleasure. In other words, we cooperate because it makes us feel good. And that may mean, some researchers speculate, that the urge to cooperate is, at some level, simply innate in humans. Perhaps our early ancestors needed to help each other to hunt big game, find more nutritious food, or raise smarter kids. The ones who successfully learned to work as a team might have had a survival advantage. *dopamine도파민 ( 뇌신경 세포의 흥분 전달 역할을 하는 호르몬 )

① cultural roots ② biological roots ③ economic roots ④ historical roots ⑤ evolutionary roots

8.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은

Long-distance trucking, which is the transport of goods between metro areas, has benefited from the improved matching that follows lower search costs. A truck that has delivered its load needs to find another load for its journey back to home base, rather than return empty. This used to mean the trucker or the dispatching office had to make a lot of telephone calls. Now, the Internet makes available instant information on truck capabilities and potential loads. Entrepreneurs have set up password-access websites to provide the information, to which truckers and companies with goods to ship can subscribe for a monthly fee. Trucks now rarely have to return home with an empty trailer, and productivity gains of twenty percent or more have been reported.

① 운송 사업에는 인터넷이 필수적이다. ② 인터넷을 이용하여 운송사업의 생산성을 향상시켜야 한다. ③ 운송 사업을 하기 위해 인터넷을 잘 이용해야한다. ④ 운송 사업이 성공하기 위해 운송 효율을 높여야 한다. ⑤ 장거리 운송 사업은 단거리 운송 사업에 비해 이익이 높다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9. American dinners에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ?

When asked directly, many American diners express the desire to eat a healthier diet, but they find it hard to follow through with actions. In a recent survey, Mintel Menu Insights found that only one in five (20%) diners ranked the healthiness of the foods they ordered as an important factor when they ordered dinner. When they described what they look for on a dinner menu, most important to consumers were taste (77%) and hunger satisfaction (44%). While many restaurants have made a conscious effort to roll out and then highlight what are perceived to be healthy menu items, only slightly more than half (51%) of the adults interviewed actually said they order them. Yet, some 75% said they would like to see more healthy items on the menu.

① 건강에 좋은 음식을 먹고 싶어 하는 욕구를 가지고 있다. ② 20%정도만이 음식을 주문할 때 건강에 좋은지의 유무를 고려했다 . ③ 음식을 주문할 때 가장 많이 고려하는 것은 허기 충족이었다. ④ 조사의 응답자 중 대략50% 가 식당에서 건강 식단 품목을 주문했다 . ⑤ 조사의 응답자 중 많은 응답자가 식당 메뉴에서 건강 식단 품목을 보기를 원했다.

10.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

In addition to ①noticing smells, most of us infer air pollution from smog-like conditions. That is, we use visual perception to determine the presence or absence of pollution. If a scene looks ②hazy, especially if the haze is brown, we perceive that there is considerable pollution present. At least two research studies have suggested that visibility is the primary cue that average citizens use ③to detect air pollution. These researchers asked the open-ended question, "What do you think of when you hear the term 'air pollution'?" There was a strong tendency ④for respondents to specify effects of pollution, such as smoke or smog, rather than ⑤specifying causes, such as factories or automobiles.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

The thought of starting to grow a vegetable garden can be intimidating. But give tomatoes a try─ they really aren't that hard. ① You can grow them from seeds if you really want the full experience or buy small starter plants early in the spring. ② One tomato plant will run around $4, and when fully grown and producing, will keep you in tomatoes all summer long. ③ Home-grown tomatoes taste better than any sold in the grocery store. ④ With the cost of produce, particularly organic produce, it is a bargain investment. ⑤ Eat your tomatoes fresh, or roasted on sandwiches, or make your own spaghetti sauce. If your garden produces enough, you can try canning and enjoy your summer tomatoes all winter long next year.

12.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Why do you need a good memory? In order to have access to the right information at the right time. This goal of having access at the right time is often better met by writing the information down in the right place ①than it is by searching your memory. A pocket diary is a good example of a written memory aid. An address book is ②another commonly used memory aid ─ common because it is effective. These aids sometimes fail in their ③desired use because they are not available at the right time (or because you forget to use them, or forget where you put them). The key to ④use written information effectively is to choose a few specific places to write your notes in and a few specific places to keep ⑤them in.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Some people become angry or start a fight in order to create distance between themselves and another person. Let's say you and your partner have been spending a great deal of time together. You are beginning to feel a bit bothered and pressured. Instead of admitting this to yourself and explaining to your partner that you need a little space, you start a fight or get angry with him for some small thing he has done. That way you feel justified in walking out. When he calls later, you tell him you think it is better if you take a few days off from seeing each other since you are not getting along. In reality, you .

① you wanted to keep good terms on others ② you wanted to meet a caring person ③ you wanted to be a sociable being ④ you wanted to enjoy the sense of freedom ⑤ you wanted the space all along

14.다음 글의 내용을 한 단어로 요약하고자 한다 . 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

We live in a world of visual stimuli, and television news with its ever present background visuals has transformed the ways we see political leaders. Roger Masters introduced the term visual quotes to describe the video clips or photographs that serve as background to television stories about political leaders. When viewers "watch" a TV newscast about a political leader, their attention is drawn more to the visual images than to what is being said. Many news watchers assume that brief video segments are merely background to the real story, but in truth they occupy the foreground in people's consciousness and memory. In earlier times, citizens learned their political news through exposure to pamphlets and newspapers. In the past, information arrived by words; now it comes via pixels. *pixel픽셀 , 화소 (畵素 )

The background visuals of TV news (A) more viewers' interest than TV news being said, which (B) the foreground in people's consciousness and memory.

(A) (B) ① attracts arrives at ② attracts accounts for ③ catches answers for ④ catches intends to ⑤ denies depends on

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

While many have considered human cooperation primarily a learned behavior, recent evidence suggests that it may also have biological roots.

(A) In a brain-scanning experiment, some scientists found that when humans cooperated with each other, their brains lit up in the same neighborhoods that come to life when we win a prize, or eat a piece of chocolate cake─ the inner reward circuitry that responds to dopamine and provides that glow of pleasure. (B) Perhaps our early ancestors needed to help each other to hunt big game, find more nutritious food, or raise smarter kids. The ones who successfully learned to work as a team might have had a survival advantage. (C) In other words, we cooperate because it makes us feel good. And that may mean, some researchers speculate, that the urge to cooperate is, at some level, simply innate in humans. *dopamine도파민 ( 뇌신경 세포의 흥분 전달 역할을 하는 호르몬 )

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

16.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Long-distance trucking, which is the transport of goods between metro areas, ①has benefited from the improved matching that follows lower search costs. A truck that has delivered its load needs to find another load for its journey back to home base, rather than return empty. This ②used to mean the trucker or the dispatching office had to make a lot of telephone calls. Now, the Internet makes ③available instant information on truck capabilities and potential loads. Entrepreneurs have set up password-access websites to provide the information, ④which truckers and companies with goods to ship can subscribe for a monthly fee. Trucks now rarely have to return home with an empty trailer, and productivity gains of twenty percent or more ⑤have been reported.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Consumer needs could be probed more deeply by psychological in-depth interviewing consisting of projective techniques such as word associations and sentence completions. Beyond this, some researchers use a laddering technique in which they follow the consumer's explanation with another probing question. (A) , the consumer may say that she bought a high-quality car because it is better engineered. "Why is this important to you?" "Because the car will ride more smoothly." "Why is this important to you?" "Because I like to be comfortable." "Why is this important to you?" "Because I feel important and deserve the best." (B) , we move from a simple explanation to a much deeper set of meaning motivating the customer.

(A) (B) ① In addition Thus ② For instance In short ③ In addition As a result ④ For instance Therefore ⑤ In addition In short

2.?다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은

Throughout our daily lives, we all take on a wide variety of roles and titles. At any given time, each of us may be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mother or father, an employee or boss, and so on. Each of these roles brings with it a set of responsibilities and obligations. However, in order to be good at each of these roles, we must be good as individuals first. We have no hope to have a positive effect on others without a solid internal foundation. Your independence also helps support your inner strength, drive, and personal expectations. When these fundamentals are sound, you will create opportunities to contribute positively to those around you. Without a stable foundation, your message becomes unclear, and your potential for positive change is weakened.

① Personal Life : Based on Social Advancement ② Society : The End of Personal Life ③ Sound Society Is from Strict Laws ④ Society : The Fruits of Individual Efforts ⑤ Personal Life : Basement of Social Life

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

A way requesters can manipulate similarity to increase liking and compliance is to claim that they have background and interests similar to ours. Car salespeople, for example, are trained to look for evidence of such things while examining a customer's trade-in. If there is camping gear in the trunk, the salespeople might mention, later on, how they love to get away from the city whenever they can; if there are golf balls on the back seat, they might remark that they hope the rain will hold off until they can play the eighteen holes they scheduled for later in the day; if they notice that the car was purchased out of state, they might ask where a customer is from and report─ with surprise ─ that they (or their spouse) were born there, too.

① the way salespeople can increase sales volume ② the reason customers have to show their preference ③ the way salespeople can draw customers' attention ④ the things customers have to demand salespeople ⑤ the way salespeople can approach customers easily

4.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Demand is a familiar concept that is much misunderstood. Many people believe that demand is what you wish for or want. If that were an accurate description of demand, then we would no doubt be riding in Ferraris while also enjoying all the other goods we might ever want. (A) , this certainly does not fit our description of scarcity and the real world. Then there are people convinced that demand is what we actually get. If there are six pairs of socks under the Christmas tree, that must be demand, or so they believe. They see demand as a certain amount. (B) , demand is neither what we want nor what we actually get. Since demand is a word in frequent use outside of economics, the word has taken on many different meanings.

(A) (B) ① Besides Consequently ② In other words Therefore ③ Hence By contrast ④ In addition Otherwise ⑤ However In fact

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은

We often forget that the main purpose of criticizing is not to be negative but to be constructive: to fix something. But general criticism is destructive. It doesn't lead anyone to know how to fix things; it just makes people feel bad. We all have different verbal and visual styles and conceive different ways to say the same thing. But, unless you can explain specifically, you haven't started fixing anything. To help the criticized person know how to fix what you object to, define exactly what went wrong and why it is unsatisfactory. Most people are generally so sensitive to criticism that they'll say, "Yes, I understand," when they actually don't, just to get the criticism to end. Specific examples for improvement as well as specific descriptions of exactly what you mean are a must.

① 지나치게 구체적인 비판은 파괴적일 수 있다. ② 건설적이고 구체적인 비판을 해야 한다. ③ 상대방의 감정을 고려한 비판을 해야 한다. ④ 비판의 주된 목적이 반대이어서는 안 된다. ⑤ 비판은 잘못된 상황을 바로잡기 위한 수단이다.

6.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

The opposite of talking is knowing when to stop. Speakers often have a problem with that. They're afraid that stopping might look like they forgot or lost what to say next. It's difficult to realize that as eloquent as well-chosen words are, silence is equally, and often more, eloquent. Eloquent not because it gives the audience a chance to stop and think but because it compels them to do so. When you're hot on the trail of delivering a message, the audience is busy absorbing it, and you're both moving at quite a pace. It is therefore invaluable for them to be given a pause in which to consider what you have just said. Not only for relief from the one-way charge but to be able to think on their own instead of running with you.

① how to improve speaking skills ② the best speaking attitude for the audience ③ usefulness of silence in the speech ④ silence as a symbol of concentration ⑤ the importance of the accurate speech

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

In fact, there's probably little in your home that will not send messages from which others will draw inferences about you.

People will make inferences about you based on how you decorate your home. ()① The expensiveness of the furnishings may communicate your status and wealth; their coordination may convey your sense of style. ()② The magazines may reflect your interests, and the arrangement of chairs around a television set may reveal how important watching television is to you. ()③ The contents of bookcases lining the walls reveal the importance of reading in your life. ( ④ ) Similarly, the absence of certain items will communicate something about you. ()⑤ Consider what messages you'd get from a home where no television, phone, or books can be seen.

8.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

Also, students need to be taught that uncertainty and discomfort are a part of living a creative life.

A creative idea is likely to come in bits and pieces and to develop over time. ( ① ) However, the period in which the idea is developing tends to be uncomfortable. ()② Without time or the ability to tolerate ambiguity, many people may jump to a less than optimal solution. ()③ When a student has almost the right topic for a paper or almost the right science project, it's tempting for teachers to accept the near-miss. ( ④ ) To help students become creative, teachers need to encourage them to accept and extend the period in which their ideas don't quite come together. ()⑤ Ultimately, they'll benefit from their tolerance of ambiguity by coming up with better ideas.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

The research of Mackie and Worth suggests that there are two ways of forming judgements about complex issues.

(A) When we have little time and information, or it is not so important to get the right answer, we can switch to the fast and economical method of following our feeling. (B) One way is slow but very precise. The other quick and dirty. The slow but precise way relies mainly on logic, but the quick and dirty way relies heavily on emotion. (C) Reason and emotion can thus be seen as two complementary systems in the human brain for making decisions. When it is important to get the answer right, and we have a lot of time and information at our disposal, we can use the slow and clean method of reasoning things through.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

10.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

There are some who can not stay unhappy, no matter how they try. They are like a cork in the water─ great waves of trouble roll over them and beat them down, and the next minute up they come again as light as ever. ① You tell them it is a miserable day, but they don't see it. ② That is because their eyes are fixed on a little bit of blue sky, and looking at that, they forget the miles of leaden clouds all about it. ③ We know that unhappy people have something in common. ④ They have trouble upon trouble, but they hope on. ⑤ A great loss comes and sweeps them almost away, but they go resolutely to work to get some gain that shall quite make amends for it. They are disappointed repeatedly, but they still believe that the next joy to which they look forward is certain to be all they expected.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

A small business owner could never afford to offer his employees healthcare benefits. It was not typically a problem because most of the employees accessed healthcare through their working spouses. (A) , tragedy struck one year when two of his most productive employees were stricken with life-threatening illnesses. One had a heart attack, and the other had lung cancer. They each, obviously, had to miss work. With productivity gone and the business hurting, he chose to give the employees the only portion of their salary he could afford. (B) , the business operated at a loss that year, but when the two individuals overcame their life-threatening illnesses, he found that their new-found loyalty reaped a new set of rewards as they told their stories of a business owner who cares about much more than a profit.

(A) (B) ① In addition Therefore ② In contrast In other words ③ However As a result ④ Moreover In sum ⑤ Similarly Consequently

12.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

In most cases, anger is characterized by a gap in interpersonal understanding. In a study, participants in a conflict were asked to provide narratives about their anger experiences. Angry people nearly always insisted that the other person's behavior was wrong, while their own was justified. They described the offenders' actions as unreasonable, arbitrary, and selfish. The offenders did not see their actions in this way at all, and offered reasonable explanations of their motivation and behavior. Descriptions of the incidents were entirely (A) . The individuals who had been angered described the incidents in long-term contexts, not allowing for circumstances. The offenders held a much more favorable view toward things. Although acknowledging that they had done wrong, the offenders (B) the severity of the incidents. In their view, the angry incidents were time-limited, with happy endings.

(A) (B) ① similar maximized ② similar minimized ③ opposite maximized ④ different minimized ⑤ different maximized

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은

Consumer needs could be probed more deeply by psychological in-depth interviewing consisting of projective techniques such as word associations and sentence completions. Beyond this, some researchers use a laddering technique in which they follow the consumer's explanation with another probing question. For example, the consumer may say that she bought a high-quality car because it is better engineered. "Why is this important to you?" "Because the car will ride more smoothly." "Why is this important to you?" "Because I like to be comfortable." "Why is this important to you?" "Because I feel important and deserve the best." Thus, we move from a simple explanation to a much deeper set of meaning motivating the customer.

① Various Kinds of Interview Techniques for Consumers Psychology ② Probing Questions for Psychological In-depth Interviewing ③ A Laddering Technique : How to Grasp Consumer Needs ④ The Process to Find out Consumer Needs Efficiently ⑤ What Makes Consumers Psychology Boost?

14.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은

However, in order to be good at each of these roles, we must be good as individuals first.

Throughout our daily lives, we all take on a wide variety of roles and titles. At any given time, each of us may be a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mother or father, an employee or boss, and so on. ()① Each of these roles brings with it a set of responsibilities and obligations. ()② We have no hope to have a positive effect on others without a solid internal foundation. ()③ Your independence also helps support your inner strength, drive, and personal expectations. ()④ When these fundamentals are sound, you will create opportunities to contribute positively to those around you. ()⑤ Without a stable foundation, your message becomes unclear, and your potential for positive change is weakened.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

A way requesters can manipulate similarity to increase liking and compliance is to claim that they have background and interests similar to ①us. Car salespeople, for example, are trained to look for evidence of such things while ②examining a customer's trade-in. If there is camping gear in the trunk, the salespeople might mention, later on, ③how they love to get away from the city whenever they can; if there are golf balls on the back seat, they might remark that they hope the rain ④will hold off until they can play the eighteen holes they scheduled for later in the day; if they notice that the car ⑤was purchased out of state, they might ask where a customer is from and report─ with surprise─ that they (or their spouse) were born there, too.

16.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Demand is a familiar concept that is much misunderstood. Many people believe that demand is what you wish for or want.

(A) Then there are people convinced that demand is what we actually get. If there are six pairs of socks under the Christmas tree, that must be demand, or so they believe. They see demand as a certain amount. (B) In fact, demand is neither what we want nor what we actually get. Since demand is a word in frequent use outside of economics, the word has taken on many different meanings. (C) If that were an accurate description of demand, then we would no doubt be riding in Ferraris while also enjoying all the other goods we might ever want. This certainly does not fit our description of scarcity and the real world.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

17.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

We often forget that the main purpose of criticizing is not to be negative but to be constructive: to fix something. But general criticism is destructive. It doesn't lead anyone to know how to fix things; it just makes people feel bad. We all have different verbal and visual styles and conceive different ways to say the same thing. But, unless you can explain specifically, you haven't started fixing anything. To help the criticized person know how to fix what you object to, define exactly what went wrong and why it is unsatisfactory. Most people are generally so sensitive to criticism that they'll say, "Yes, I understand," when they actually don't, just to get the criticism to end. Specific examples for improvement as well as specific descriptions of exactly what you mean are a must.

① how to accept others' criticism ② how to present an argument ③ how to consider others' feeling ④ how to make a proper criticism ⑤ how to fix others' fault

18.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

The opposite of talking is knowing when to stop. Speakers often have a problem with that. They're afraid that stopping might look like they forgot or lost what to say next. It's difficult to realize that as eloquent as well-chosen words are, silence is equally, and often more, eloquent. Eloquent not because it gives the audience a chance to stop and think but because it compels them to do so. When you're hot on the trail of delivering a message, the audience is busy absorbing it, and you're both moving at quite a pace. It is therefore invaluable for them to be given in which to consider what you have just said. Not only for relief from the one-way charge but to be able to think on their own instead of running with you.

① an intense message ② profound insight ③ a break time ④ touching speech ⑤ comprehensive empathy

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

19.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

People will make inferences about you based on how you decorate your home. The expensiveness of the furnishings may communicate your status and wealth; their coordination may convey your sense of style. ① The magazines may reflect your interests, and the arrangement of chairs around a television set may reveal how important watching television is to you. ② The contents of bookcases lining the walls reveal the importance of reading in your life. ③ You can work miracles with very little money if you follow home decoration tips. ④ In fact, there's probably little in your home that will not send messages from which others will draw inferences about you. ⑤ Similarly, the absence of certain items will communicate something about you. Consider what messages you'd get from a home where no television, phone, or books can be seen.

20.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

A creative idea is likely to come in bits and pieces and to develop over time. However, the period ①in which the idea is developing tends to be uncomfortable. Without time or the ability to tolerate ambiguity, many people may jump to a less than optimal solution. When a student has ②almost the right topic for a paper or almost the right science project, it's ③tempting for teachers to accept the near-miss. To help students become creative, teachers need to encourage them ④accept and extend the period in which their ideas don't quite come together. Students need ⑤to be taught that uncertainty and discomfort are a part of living a creative life. Ultimately, they'll benefit from their tolerance of ambiguity by coming up with better ideas.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

21.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

The research of Mackie and Worth suggests that there are two ways of forming judgements about complex issues. One way is slow but very precise. The other quick and dirty. The slow but precise way relies mainly on logic, but the quick and dirty way relies heavily on emotion. Reason and emotion can thus be seen as two complementary systems in the human brain for making decisions. When it is important to get the answer right, and we have a lot of time and information at our disposal, we can use the slow and clean method of reasoning things through. When we have little time and information, or it is not so important to get the right answer, we can switch to the fast and economical method of following our feeling.

① the reason logical judgement is more important than emotional judgement ② the difference between judgement by reason and by emotion ③ the judgement process to get the right answer ④ the necessity of precise and quick judgement ⑤ two ways of judgement as independent system

22.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

There are some who can not stay unhappy, no matter how they try. They are like a cork in the water─ great waves of trouble ①roll over them and beat them down, and the next minute up they come again as light as ever. You tell them it is a miserable day, but they don't see it. That is ②why their eyes are fixed on a little bit of blue sky, and ③looking at that, they forget the miles of leaden clouds all about it. They have trouble upon trouble, but they hope on. A great loss comes and sweeps them almost away, but they go resolutely to work to get some gain that shall quite make amends for ④it. They are disappointed repeatedly, but they still believe that the next joy ⑤that they look forward to is certain to be all they expected.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

23.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은

A small business owner could never afford to offer his employees healthcare benefits. It was not typically a problem because most of the employees accessed healthcare through their working spouses. However, tragedy struck one year when two of his most productive employees were stricken with life-threatening illnesses. One had a heart attack, and the other had lung cancer. They each, obviously, had to miss work. With productivity gone and the business hurting, he chose to give the employees the only portion of their salary he could afford. The business operated at a loss that year, but when the two individuals overcame their life-threatening illnesses, he found that their new-found loyalty reaped a new set of rewards as they told their stories of a business owner who cares about much more than a profit.

① Many strokes fell great oaks. ② One good turn deserves another. ③ A leopard cannot change his spots. ④ Good luck alternates with misfortune. ⑤ A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

24.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

In most cases, anger is characterized by a gap in interpersonal understanding. In a study, participants in a conflict were asked to provide narratives about their anger experiences. Angry people nearly always insisted that the other person's behavior was wrong, while their own was justified. They described the offenders' actions as unreasonable, arbitrary, and selfish. The offenders did not see their actions in this way at all, and offered reasonable explanations of their motivation and behavior. Descriptions of the incidents were entirely different. The individuals who had been angered described the incidents in long-term contexts, not allowing for circumstances. The offenders held a much more favorable view toward things. Although acknowledging that they had done wrong, the offenders minimized the severity of the incidents. In their view, the angry incidents were time-limited, with happy endings.

① the problems of health by anger ② the conflict between offenders and victims ③ how to advance an opinion reasonably ④ anger by distinction in mutual understanding ⑤ the psychological distress of victims

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Among adolescents who own horses, more than 70 percent confide in the animal, talking out their problems in the isolation of the barn while grooming and caring for the animal. Sometimes, if the teenager is too upset, there may be no intended contact, no grooming, and the youngster will let the horse lean against her, frequently with no eye contact between person and animal. The child talks, and both just look off into nowhere but feel the presence of one another. That is not surprising; adolescents often feel alienated from parents and peers, unable to share innermost feelings with any human being for fear of invasion, correction, or ridicule.

① animals can talk with people ② a pet needs a friend to depend on ③ we need pets for a peace of mind ④ a pet and a friend are alike ⑤ a pet can be a close friend

2.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

I'm sure you have at one time or another gone to fetch something from another room─ only to find that when you get there you have forgotten what it was you came for.

(A) So if your class meets in one room all semester and then you take the final in a different room, your ability to recall study material is reduced. (B) The most effective way to solve this is to go back to the original room, where the memory often immediately comes back. The reason for this is probably that the original room contains many cues which help you reconstruct the original thought. (C) And the same effect applies to your physiological state: If you learn all your best jokes while drinking beer in campus bars, you're more likely to recall those jokes when you're in that same state and environment.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

From a study of 19 baseball teams on the east and west coasts of the USA, it has been found that West Coast teams do significantly worse in away games that involve a long flight. ① The severity of jet lag and the time needed to recover depend on the number of time zones crossed and the direction of . ② If you are suffering from jet lag, you feel tired and slightly confused after a long journey by aeroplane. ③ Traveling from west to east is worse, requiring longer recovery time. ④ For the three seasons between 1991 and 1993, home teams won 56% and 62% of their total games, and games against teams that had just traveled westward and eastward, respectively. ⑤ Furthermore, it was found that the home team could, on average, expect to score 1.24 more runs than usual when their opponent had just completed eastward travel.

4.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

Although most children acquire some ability to manufacture facial expressions they don't feel, not everyone does this equally well or believes it to be a good thing. Some children, for example, do not suppress anger with a smile. These children tend to be the ones who more generally have behavior problems. Investigators have found that unpopular children are more likely to frown and grimace when they lose at a game and less likely to contain their smiling when they win at a game than popular children. They will probably vent their "real" feelings and are less likely to suppress these for the sake of others' feelings. Showing off a win with an expansive grin is not likely to endear you to others. Socially competent children recognize that there are times when hiding or disguising emotions is what friends do.

① benefits of a bright personality ② how to read various facial expressions ③ the necessity to control facial expressions ④ the effective ways to suppress real feelings ⑤ images of facial expressions and body behavior

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Introduction of new equipment into the home necessarily changes . When my parents bought their first TV set in the early 1950s in the United States, for example, they placed it at the end of the rectangular living room in the front part of the house. But from the point of view of my parents, the television became an unwanted intrusion on family life within a few years. My mother insisted that we add a small room to the house especially for TV viewing─ the "TV room." Placing the TV set out of the way restored the living room to its original purpose─ for reading and relaxing without distraction, and as a setting to entertain guests.

① its original function ② all aspects of family life ③ the leisure time of the family ④ the concept of family life cycle ⑤ the living space and how it is used

6.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Norms do exist in sports worlds, but when athletes and others push normative limits, responses are often different than they would be in other settings. Engaging in extreme behaviors that risk health and well-being and inflict pain and injury on others is not as quickly in sports as in other activities. We tend to view the motives of people in sports, especially athletes, as positive, because their behaviors are directed toward the achievement of success for their team, school, community, country, or corporate sponsors. Therefore, those behaviors, even when they clearly overstep accepted limits, may be tolerated or even praised, rather than condemned. Athletes and even coaches are seen as different and deviant in ways that evoke fascination and awe, rather than automatic condemnation.

① praised ② ignored ③ estimated ④ condemned ⑤ recognized

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Among adolescents who own horses, more than 70 percent confide in the animal, ①talking out their problems in the isolation of the barn while grooming and caring for the animal. Sometimes, if the teenager is too upset, there may be no ②intended contact, no grooming, and the youngster will let the horse ③lean against her, frequently with no eye contact between person and animal. The child talks, and both just look off into nowhere but feel the presence of one another. That a pet can be a close friend ④is not surprising; adolescents often feel alienated from parents and peers, ⑤are unable to share innermost feelings with any human being for fear of invasion, correction, or ridicule.

8.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

I'm sure you have at one time or another gone to fetch something from another room─ only to find that when you get there you have forgotten what it was you came for. The most effective way to solve this is to go back to the original room, where the memory often immediately comes back. The reason for this is probably that the original room contains many cues which help you reconstruct the original thought. So if your class meets in one room all semester and then you take the final in a different room, your ability to recall study material is reduced. And the same effect applies to your physiological state: If you learn all your best jokes while drinking beer in campus bars, you're more likely to recall those jokes when you're in that same state and environment.

① how to remember some things better ② the reason forgetfulness often happens ③ the effect same circumstance have on memory ④ the cause and effect of forgetfulness ⑤ the impact physiological state have on memory

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

From a study of 19 baseball teams on the east and west coasts of the USA, it has been found that West Coast teams do significantly worse in away games that involve a long flight. The severity of jet lag and the time needed to recover depend on the number of time zones crossed and the direction of travel. (A) , traveling from west to east is worse, requiring longer recovery time. For the three seasons between 1991 and 1993, home teams won 56% and 62% of their total games, and games against teams that had just traveled westward and eastward, respectively. (B) , it was found that the home team could, on average, expect to score 1.24 more runs than usual when their opponent had just completed eastward travel.

(A) (B) ① Moreover Likewise ② In fact However ③ Hence Consequently ④ Therefore Similarly ⑤ Besides In other words

10.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Although most children acquire some ability to manufacture facial expressions they don't feel, not everyone does this equally well or believes it to be a good thing. Some children, for example, do not suppress anger with a smile. These children tend to be the ones who more generally have behavior problems. Investigators have found that unpopular children are more likely to frown and grimace when they lose at a game and less likely to contain their smiling when they win at a game than popular children. They will probably vent their "real" feelings and are less likely to suppress these for the sake of others' feelings. Showing off a win with an expansive grin is not likely to endear you to others. Socially competent children recognize that there are times when is what friends do.

① providing help to the friends ② expressing moods frankly ③ sacrificing themselves for friends ④ hiding or disguising emotions ⑤ concealing our frank thoughts

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Introduction of new equipment into the home necessarily changes the living space and how it is used. So when a family brings home its first TV set, the domestic space and its meanings change. When my parents bought their first TV set in the early 1950s in the United States, for example, they placed it at the end of the rectangular living room in the front part of the house. But from the point of view of my parents, the television became on family life within a few years. My mother insisted that we add a small room to the house especially for TV viewing─ the "TV room." Placing the TV set out of the way restored the living room to its original purpose─ for reading and relaxing without distraction, and as a setting to entertain guests.

① causes of conflict ② pride and joy ③ a symbol of fortune ④ a luxury item ⑤ an unwanted intrusion

12.?다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은

Norms do exist in sports worlds, but when athletes and others push normative limits, responses are often different than they would be in other settings. Engaging in extreme behaviors that risk health and well-being and inflict pain and injury on others is not as quickly condemned in sports as in other activities. We tend to view the motives of people in sports, especially athletes, as positive, because their behaviors are directed toward the achievement of success for their team, school, community, country, or corporate sponsors. Therefore, those behaviors, even when they clearly overstep accepted limits, may be tolerated or even praised, rather than condemned. Athletes and even coaches are seen as different and deviant in ways that evoke fascination and awe, rather than automatic condemnation.

① Comparison between Sports and Other Activities ② Policies in Sports: Too Lenient Norms ③ Extreme Behaviors Leading to Condemnation in Sports ④ Common Injuries in Athletes and Prevention Method ⑤ Drugs: Shortcut to Unfair Advantages

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은

Leisure can come from any experience in which motives are more important than the activity itself or the time spent pursuing an activity. Thus, the experience of leisure generally includes relative freedom to choose what you want to do. The idea of relative freedom is carefully used because any activity cannot be completely free─ we all have obligations to our own well-being as well as the well-being of others. Nevertheless, leisure is undertaken because it is enjoyable and makes a person feel good physically and mentally. In other words, leisure experiences generally offer some element of satisfaction. Leisure experience may be more likely to occur during free time, but as a state of mind, leisure is not limited to a specific time or activity.

① Essence of Leisure : Satisfaction and Pleasure ② Leisure : Free Activity or Obligatory Activity?? ③ The Most Preferable Leisure Activity for Healthy Life ④ Elements That Promote Leisure Activities ⑤ Relation between Leisure Activity and Free Time

2.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

A study of household waste of Tucson residents produced meaningful information about social issues. For example, when surveyed by questionnaires, only fifteen percent of households reported consuming beer, and no household reported consuming more than eight cans a week. Analysis of garbage from the same area showed that some beer was consumed in over eighty percent of the households, and fifty percent of households discarded more than eight cans per week. In addition to providing actual data on beer consumption, the study tested the validity of research survey techniques, upon which social scientists rely heavily. The tests show a significant difference between what people say they do and what they actually do. Therefore, ideas about human behavior based on simple survey techniques .

① are the base of real tests ② may be incomplete and wrong ③ lead to similar conclusions ④ may be seriously in error ⑤ may bring consistent results

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은

E-books are an area of rapid development. Most major publishers are producing (mainly reference) titles in electronic format. ① Libraries are increasingly purchasing electronic titles, many of which are being added to their catalogues. ② However, not all libraries add individual titles to their catalogues. ③ This means checking that library's e-book databases separately in order to find what is available. ④ A list of books available through the library system is consulted by the computer terminal near the reference desk. ⑤ Locating a title can therefore be time-consuming because of having to search a number of sources. Fortunately, records for individual titles of e-books are becoming easier for libraries to obtain and add to their catalogues, and also e-book collections are being included in library metasearch systems which will search across multiple electronic resources provided by that library.

4.다음 글에 드러난 'Carol' 의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은 ?

Carol was giving a talk at parents' night in her school. She decided to begin with a joke─ one that most of her friends found very funny. Unfortunately, she forgot that an audience of adults might be quite different from a group of her friends. As she completed the joke, Carol waited for everyone to laugh. Instead, there was stony silence. No one in the audience reacted. The joke had been a complete failure. Even worse, Carol had made a negative impression right from the beginning of her talk. As a result, no one in the audience was inclined to listen very closely to the rest of what she was saying.

① proud and satisfied ② calm and relieved ③ worried and concerned ④ ashamed and humiliated ⑤ frustrated and disappointed

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

It may be the first time in history that most of a child's exposure to the world outside his or her family has occurred without parental supervision. It used to be that the television set was in the "family room" and television viewing was considered a family activity. By the beginning of this century, in contrast, two-thirds of 8- to 18-year-olds had television sets in their own bedrooms. Most young Americans have personal control over other kinds of media as well, including radios, cassette and CD players, magazines, videotape players, video game players, and computers that provide access to more games and the Internet. Thus, today's youth frequently consume media alone and in the privacy of their own rooms, so there is less opportunity for adult intervention or conversation about what they see, hear, and read.

① how to show parental love to their children ② parental interference about children's education ③ mass media and educational use of children ④ impact of parental supervision on children ⑤ parental supervision about children's media use

6.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Since the dawn of civilization, man has been engaged in the process of discovery by unveiling the mysteries of nature.

(A) Thus, the function of science is to search for causes of natural phenomena and other events. In this process of searching for knowledge and truth, man has accumulated a vast store of knowledge known as science. (B) This had led to an accumulation of the body of knowledge about nature through experiments and reasoning called science. The word science originated from a Latin word sciō, which means 'I know.' (C) Therefore, an originated effort to know about the things and happenings in nature is science. Man has come to the conclusion that there cannot be any event in nature without reason. There is a universal law of 'cause and effect.'

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Man was formerly thought to be a reasoning animal, basing his actions on the conclusions of natural logic.

(A) However, modern research has shown that quite the opposite is true. Most of our opinions and actions are not based upon conscious reasoning, but are the result of suggestion. (B) In fact, some authorities declare that an act of pure reasoning is very rare in the average mind. Momentous decisions are made, far-reaching actions are determined upon, primarily by the force of suggestion. (C) It was supposed that before forming an opinion or deciding on a course of conduct he weighed at least some of the reasons for and against the matter, and performed a more or less simple process of reasoning.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

8.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

Negotiation is often a zero-sum game in which one party's gain is the other party's loss. For example, every dollar less that you pay for a car is your gain and the seller's loss. Therefore, you don't have a true collaboration (win-win situation). Negotiating is about getting what you want, but at the same time it is about developing ongoing relationships. To get what you want, you have to sell your ideas and convince the other party to give you what you want. However, negotiation should be viewed by all parties as an opportunity for everyone to win some, rather than as a win-lose situation. In other words, all parties should believe they got a good deal. If union employees believe they lost and management won, employees may experience job dissatisfaction, resulting in lower performance in the long run.

① the process of negotiation ② the real meaning of negotiation ③ the strategy of efficient negotiation ④ the necessity of labor-management cooperation ⑤ the conditions of desirable labor-management relations

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

9.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

Leisure can come from any experience in which motives are more important than the activity itself or the time spent pursuing an activity.

(A) Thus, the experience of leisure generally includes relative freedom to choose what you want to do. The idea of relative freedom is carefully used because any activity cannot be completely free─ we all have obligations to our own well-being as well as the well-being of others. (B) In other words, leisure experiences generally offer some element of satisfaction. Leisure experience may be more likely to occur during free time, but as a state of mind, leisure is not limited to a specific time or activity. (C) Nevertheless, leisure is undertaken because it is enjoyable and makes a person feel good physically and mentally.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

10.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은

A study of household waste of Tucson residents produced meaningful information about social issues. For example, when surveyed by questionnaires, only fifteen percent of households reported consuming beer, and no household reported consuming more than eight cans a week. Analysis of garbage from the same area showed that some beer was consumed in over eighty percent of the households, and fifty percent of households discarded more than eight cans per week. In addition to providing actual data on beer consumption, the study tested the validity of research survey techniques, upon which social scientists rely heavily. The tests show a significant difference between what people say they do and what they actually do. Therefore, ideas about human behavior based on simple survey techniques may be seriously in error.

① 실제 쓰레기 배출량은 거주자들의 주장하는 배출량과는 다르다. ② 단순한 연구 조사 기법에 기초한 조사 결과의 신뢰도는 낮다. ③ 사회과학자들이 선호하는 설문 조사 기법은 타당성이 높다. ④ 인간 행동에 관한 연구 조사 결과는 오류가 많은 편이다. ⑤ 설문 조사의 결과는 사회적 논쟁거리에 대한 정보를 제공한다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

11.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

E-books are an area of rapid development. Most major publishers are producing (mainly reference) titles in electronic format.

(A) Fortunately, records for individual titles of e-books are becoming easier for libraries to obtain and add to their catalogues, and also e-book collections are being included in library metasearch systems which will search across multiple electronic resources provided by that library. (B) This means checking that library's e-book databases separately in order to find what is available. Locating a title can therefore be time-consuming because of having to search a number of sources. (C) Libraries are increasingly purchasing electronic titles, many of which are being added to their catalogues. However, not all libraries add individual titles to their catalogues.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

12.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은

Carol was giving a talk at parents' night in her school. She decided ①to begin with a joke─ one that most of her friends found very funny. Unfortunately, she forgot that an audience of adults might be quite ②different from a group of her friends. ③As she completed the joke, Carol waited for everyone to laugh. Instead, there was stony silence. No one in the audience reacted. The joke ④has been a complete failure. Even worse, Carol had made a negative impression right from the beginning of her talk. As a result, no one in the audience was inclined to listen very closely to the rest of ⑤what she was saying.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

13.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은

It may be the first time in history that most of a child's exposure to the world outside his or her family has occurred without parental supervision.

(A) Most young Americans have personal control over other kinds of media as well, including radios, cassette and CD players, magazines, videotape players, video game players, and computers that provide access to more games and the Internet. (B) Thus, today's youth frequently consume media alone and in the privacy of their own rooms, so there is less opportunity for adult intervention or conversation about what they see, hear, and read. (C) It used to be that the television set was in the "family room" and television viewing was considered a family activity. By the beginning of this century, in contrast, two-thirds of 8- to 18-year-olds had television sets in their own bedrooms.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

14.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은

Since the dawn of civilization, man has been engaged in the process of discovery by unveiling the mysteries of nature. This had led to an accumulation of the body of knowledge about nature through experiments and reasoning called science. The word science originated from a Latin word sciō, which means 'I know.' Therefore, an originated effort to know about the things and happenings in nature is science. Man has come to the conclusion that there cannot be any event in nature without reason. There is a universal law of 'cause and effect.' Thus, the function of science is to search for causes of natural phenomena and other events. In this process of searching for knowledge and truth, man has accumulated a vast store of knowledge known as science.

① the function of modern science ② achievements of modern science ③ the birth and meaning of science ④ advances in science and technology ⑤ many breakthroughs in science

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

15.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은

Man was formerly thought to be a reasoning animal, basing his actions on the conclusions of natural logic. It was supposed that before forming an opinion or deciding on a course of conduct he weighed at least some of the reasons for and against the matter, and performed a more or less simple process of reasoning. However, modern research has shown that . Most of our opinions and actions are not based upon conscious reasoning, but are the result of suggestion. In fact, some authorities declare that an act of pure reasoning is very rare in the average mind. Momentous decisions are made, far-reaching actions are determined upon, primarily by the force of suggestion.

① the idea is groundless ② the process of reasoning is complex ③ this is not the case ④ reasoning is the nature of human being ⑤ human lacks an ability to reason

16.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은

Negotiation is often a ①zero-sum game in which one party's gain is the other party's loss. For example, every dollar less that you pay for a car is your gain and the seller's loss. Therefore, you don't have a true ②collaboration (win-win situation). Negotiating is about getting what you want, but at the same time it is about developing ongoing relationships. To get what you want, you have to sell your ideas and ③convince the other party to give you what you want. However, negotiation should be viewed by all parties as an opportunity for everyone to ④lose some, rather than as a win-lose situation. In other words, all parties should believe they got a good deal. If union employees believe they lost and management won, employees may experience job ⑤dissatisfaction, resulting in lower performance in the long run.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

Even as a young child, I was fascinated by the way dolphins glided gracefully, effortlessly, through the water. Watching them always felt like magic! When I was ten, I asked my mom if we could call Sea World in San Diego, California, to see if there were any jobs open for someone as young as me. I thought maybe I could be an assistant trainer. We called, but of course, we were told that Sea World was not quite ready to hire someone without a degree in biological science, nor a background working at the world-famous theme park. Though immensely disappointed, I knew my ruled me out: All I’d ever done was visit aquariums.

① much disappointment ② negative thoughts ③ unilateral decision ④ lack of qualifications ⑤ partial satisfaction

2.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ⑤

Alonso Berruguete, ①born at Parades de Nava, in Castile, was the most famous Spanish artist of his time. He is called the Michelangelo of Spain, ②because he was a painter, sculptor, and architect. He was painter to Philip I. Later he went to Italy, and journeyed from Florence to Rome with Michelangelo in 1505. He studied in Italy many years. He was appointed painter and sculptor to the Emperor Charles V. Berruguete received 4,400 ducats for the altar in the Church of St. Benito el Real in Valladolid, ③where he settled. When he was ④almost eighty years old, he went to Toledo to erect a monument in the Hospital of St. John Baptist. He stayed in the hospital, and died there. He left a large fortune, and ⑤buried with splendid ceremonies at the expense of the emperor. *ducat더컷 ( 과거 유럽 여러 국가들에서 사용된 금화 )

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은 ④

In 1954, Roger Bannister, a British physician and athlete, ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. By modern-day ①standards, this might not seem a great achievement. But at the time, the significance of this was that, not only was this a new world record, but it also ②shattered the belief that had been strongly held up until that time that it was not humanly possible for any man to run a mile in less than four minutes. ③Ironically, less than two months later, Roger Bannister’s record was broken by an Australian athlete, John Landy, who ran the mile in 3 minutes 58 seconds. Since then the record has been ④unchanged many times. But it was Roger Bannister who opened the door for many other athletes by ⑤proving that your beliefs can change the world.

4.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Every time you get on an airplane and aren't breathing secondhand smoke you have a small Canadian nonprofit to thank. Flying in an airplane twenty years ago was a smoky, unpleasant experience for many passengers. Usually about a quarter of the passengers would be , and because of poor ventilation systems, passengers had to breathe significant amounts of secondhand smoke in a small enclosed space. It was an uncomfortable way to travel. But Garfield Mahood and the Non-Smokers' Rights Association based in Toronto promoted an aggressive clean-indoor-air revolution. This ultimately led to Air becoming the first airline in the world to ban in-flight smoking. This started a chain reaction that forced all major carriers to ban smoking. Today, even many smokers appreciate the smoke-free air on an airplane. *ventilation 환기

① how to prevent inflight secondhand smoking ② ways to keep inflight-air clean ③ inflight anti-smoking campaign initiated by a nonprofit organization ④ the first airline in the world to ban inflight smoking ⑤ the harmful effect of secondhand smoking.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ④

Even as a young child, I was fascinated by ①the way dolphins glided gracefully, effortlessly, through the water. Watching them always felt like magic! When I was ten, I asked my mom if we could call Sea World in San Diego, California, ②to see if there were any jobs open for someone as young as me. I thought maybe I could be an assistant trainer. We called, but of course, we ③were told that Sea World was not quite ready to hire someone without a degree in biological science, ④or a background working at the world-famous theme park. Though immensely ⑤disappointed, I knew my lack of qualifications ruled me out: All I’d ever done was visit aquariums.

6.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Alonso Berruguete, born at Parades de Nava, in Castile, was the most famous Spanish artist of his time.

(A) He studied in Italy many years. He was appointed painter and sculptor to the Emperor Charles V. Berruguete received 4,400 ducats for the altar in the Church of St. Benito el Real in Valladolid, where he settled. (B) He is called the Michelangelo of Spain, because he was a painter, sculptor, and architect. He was painter to Philip I. Later he went to Italy, and journeyed from Florence to Rome with Michelangelo in 1505. (C) When he was almost eighty years old, he went to Toledo to erect a monument in the Hospital of St. John Baptist. He stayed in the hospital, and died there. He left a large fortune, and was buried with splendid ceremonies at the expense of the emperor. *ducat더컷 ( 과거 유럽 여러 국가들에서 사용된 금화 )

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

In 1954, Roger Bannister, a British physician and athlete, ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. By modern-day standards, this might not seem a great achievement. But at the time, the significance of this was that, not only was this a new world record, but it also shattered the belief that had been strongly held up until that time that it was not humanly possible for any man to run a mile in less than four minutes. Ironically, less than two months later, Roger Bannister’s record was broken by an Australian athlete, John Landy, who ran the mile in 3 minutes 58 seconds. Since then the record has been bettered many times. But it was Roger Bannister who opened the door for many other athletes by proving that .

① your beliefs can change the world ② one record must be broken by other records ③ there is no limit to human abilities ④ he was the greatest athlete this country had ever produced ⑤ a dedicated athlete must set the world record

8.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Every time you get on an airplane and aren't breathing secondhand smoke you have a small Canadian nonprofit to thank. Flying in an airplane twenty years ago was a smoky, unpleasant experience for many passengers.

(A) This started a chain reaction that forced all major carriers to ban smoking. Today, even many smokers appreciate the smoke-free air on an airplane. (B) Usually about a quarter of the passengers would be smoking, and because of poor ventilation systems, passengers had to breathe significant amounts of secondhand smoke in a small enclosed space. It was an uncomfortable way to travel. (C) But Garfield Mahood and the Non-Smokers' Rights Association based in Toronto promoted an aggressive clean-indoor-air revolution. This ultimately led to becoming the first airline in the world to ban in-flight smoking. *ventilation 환기

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ③

After many centuries of upheaval, the Gupta Empire was founded by another ruler named Chandragupta. He dreamed of recreating the glory and stability of the Maurya Empire. ① Through a series of manoeuvres, Chandragupta managed to have himself crowned Maharaja (king of kings) in the ancient capital of Pataliputra. ② Thus began a century-and-a-half of Gupta rule, during which great advances were made in Indian art, science, music, and literature. It is often called India’s “Golden Age.” ③ Other kingdoms had their "Golden Age" after India's "Golden Age" decayed and lost it's power. ④ The Guptas ruled the north but could never conquer the kingdoms of the Deccan Plateau or the Dravidian and Tamil kingdoms of the south. ⑤ But the influence of Gupta art and science spread far beyond the borders of the empire. *upheaval격변 , 대변동 **manoeuvre 책략 , 계략

2.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

In 512 B.C., Darius the Great of the Persian Empire built a massive and magnificent palace on a city called Persepolis. Excavated tablets show how, over a period of sixty years, the emperor had precious woods, stone, and gold imported from distant provinces to decorate the city, and it became known as one of the wonders of the ancient world. In 330 B.C., Persepolis was captured by Alexander the Great and subsequently burned to the ground, though it’s unclear whether the fire was deliberate or accidental. Persepolis sits on a high and flat area that rises 30 feet from the plain below. Even though the ruins today reflect but , visitors are fascinated by the city included on the World Heritage List in 1979. *excavate 발굴하다

① a shadow of its former glory ② a mysterious and wondrous city ③ an easily inaccessible place ④ an area suffering aggression by foreign powers ⑤ a damaged site by a tourism industry

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Most Chinese find it hard to specify exactly which religion they belong to, for they take and use parts of many. It is in this folk-religion context that one of Chinese religion's most significant contributions to arises. This is the art of feng shui. 'Feng shui' means literally wind-water and refers to the need to position any building, tomb or even your bed according to the prevailing natural forces in the area. Feng shui has helped shape the characteristic Chinese landscape where buildings complement the natural features, rather than attempt to overowe them; where trees and bushes are planted to help buildings merge into the landscape; where natural materials predominate over humanly constructed materials. In other words, it is a way of building which sees the existing landscape as full of powers and forces, meaning and purpose long before humanity came to contribute. *art of feng shui 풍수설

① seeking the meaning of life ② building affordable homes ③ environmental awareness ④ the beautiful and gorgeous scenery ⑤ understanding of natural occurrences

4.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤

I grew up in North America and always went to supermarkets for grocery shopping. When I moved to Italy, I was amazed that many Italians shop each day at markets. In Canada, I had grown up in a house with a large refrigerator and freezer. I was surprised to find that most Italian households had miniscule fridges. This is another reason that Italians grocery shop more frequently. Daily shopping places an emphasis on fresh and seasonal produce, which is reflected in regional Italian cuisine. In Italy, it would be nearly unthinkable to eat asparagus in October. I started to appreciate the seasons that I found on my plate and I really enjoyed the fact that not all produce was available year-round like at home. Eating strawberries became an early summer celebration. I ate as many berries as I could, knowing they would not last long at the market stalls. *miniscule아주 작은 , 극소의

① the role of a refrigerator in Italy ② benefits of the four seasons in Italy ③ features of genuine Italian cuisine ④ participation in Italian health-food market ⑤ distinctive culture of grocery shopping in Italy

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5. The Gupta Empire에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ④

After many centuries of upheaval, the Gupta Empire was founded by another ruler named Chandragupta. He dreamed of recreating the glory and stability of the Maurya Empire. Through a series of manoeuvres, Chandragupta managed to have himself crowned Maharaja (king of kings) in the ancient capital of Pataliputra. Thus began a century-and-a-half of Gupta rule, during which great advances were made in Indian art, science, music, and literature. It is often called India’s “Golden Age.” The Guptas ruled the north but could never conquer the kingdoms of the Deccan Plateau or the Dravidian and Tamil kingdoms of the south. But the influence of Gupta art and science spread far beyond the borders of the empire. *upheaval격변 , 대변동 **manoeuvre 책략 , 계략

① 마우리아 왕조의 영광을 재현하길 원했던 지배자에 의해 세워졌다. ② 한 세기 반 동안 인도를 지배했다. ③ 인도의 예술,,. 과학 문학에서의 큰 발전을 이루어냈다 ④ 북부지역 외에도 데칸 고원의 왕국들,. 남부지역의 왕국들까지 지배했다 ⑤ 국경을 넘어 다른 왕국들에게 예술적,. 과학적 영향을 미쳤다

6.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은 ②

In 512 B.C., Darius the Great of the Persian Empire built a massive and ①magnificent palace on a city called Persepolis. Excavated tablets show how, over a period of sixty years, the emperor had precious woods, stone, and gold imported from distant provinces to ②defend the city, and it became known as one of the ③wonders of the ancient world. In 330 B.C., Persepolis was captured by Alexander the Great and subsequently burned to the ground, though it’s ④unclear whether the fire was deliberate or accidental. Persepolis sits on a high and flat area that rises 30 feet from the plain below. Even though the ruins today reflect but a shadow of its former glory, visitors are ⑤fascinated by the city included on the World Heritage List in 1979. *excavate 발굴하다

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

Most Chinese find it hard to specify exactly which religion they belong to, for they take and use parts of many.

(A) Feng shui has helped shape the characteristic Chinese landscape where buildings complement the natural features, rather than attempt to overowe them; where trees and bushes are planted to help buildings merge into the landscape; where natural materials predominate over humanly constructed materials. (B) It is in this folk-religion context that one of Chinese religion's most significant contributions to environmental awareness arises. This is the art of feng shui. 'Feng shui' means literally wind-water and refers to the need to position any building, tomb or even your bed according to the prevailing natural forces in the area. (C) In other words, it is a way of building which sees the existing landscape as full of powers and forces, meaning and purpose long before humanity came to contribute. *art of feng shui 풍수설

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (A)-(C)-(B) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

8.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

I grew up in North America and always went to supermarkets for grocery shopping. When I moved to Italy, I was amazed that many Italians shop each day at markets. In Canada, I had grown up in a house with a large refrigerator and freezer. I was surprised to find that most Italian households had miniscule fridges. This is another reason that Italians grocery shop more frequently. Daily shopping places an emphasis on fresh and seasonal produce, which is reflected in regional Italian cuisine. In Italy, it would be nearly unthinkable to eat asparagus in October. I started to appreciate the seasons that I found on my plate and I really enjoyed the fact that not all produce was available year-round like at home. Eating strawberries became an early summer celebration. I ate as many berries as I could, knowing . *miniscule아주 작은 , 극소의

① my refrigerator was too small ② their freshness would be of short duration ③ their price would be increased soon ④ they would not last long at the market stalls ⑤ they would provide a lot of nutrition

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Garbage is NOT collected on these days: • Labor Day (1st Monday in September) • Christmas (December 25) • New Year’s Day (January 1)

Please don’t expect garbage collection on the three holidays: Labor Day, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Service will resume the day after. If your collection day comes later in the week after collection has been delayed because of a weekday holiday, your service will also be postponed to the next day that week.

If the holiday falls on a weekend, services will proceed as normal.

Hospitals and senior centers are the exceptions, so regular collection schedules apply.

In case Christmas takes place on a Thursday: • Those with service on Thursday will receive service on Friday after Christmas. • Those with service on Friday will be scheduled for Saturday. • On the Monday after, service will return to normal.

Regular Collection Day Christmas Week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday No change Thursday Friday Friday Saturday

① 쓰레기 수거 방법의 변경을 안내하려고 ② 공휴일 관련 쓰레기 수거 일정을 알리려고 ③ 쓰레기 분리수거의 중요성을 강조하려고 ④ 쓰레기 수거 방법 변경을 촉구하려고 ⑤ 공휴일 쓰레기 수거 지연에 대해 해명하려고

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

2.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

Over the last twenty-five years, Dr. Paul Connett, a chemistry professor at St. Lawrence University, has given more than 1,200 presentations on waste to students, urban planners, community residents, policy makers, and anyone else who will listen. In his presentations, Connett sometimes picks up a garbage can and pulls out its contents for people to consider. He holds up paper, a glass bottle, a pen out of ink, a plastic bag, maybe a banana peel, and asks that each of them be identified. “Is anything in here called waste? No─ these are all resources in the wrong place. ‘Waste’ is a verb, not a noun. Waste is . Separated, they are resources; mixed together, they are wasted.”

① what we do by mixing them together ② what we misunderstand the real meaning ③ the main cause of environmental damage ④ becoming a problem all over the nation ⑤ a serious problem that costs a tremendous amount of money

3.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ④

A watt is a unit of measurement of power. One horsepower equals 745.7 watts. ① Your electricity consumption, measured in watts, is monitored by a meter, which your utility company reads monthly to determine how large (or small) a bill you get. ② That glass-enclosed meter in your basement or outside your house has a disk in it that spins, recording your use of watts. ③ The faster it spins, the more money you’re spending and the more electricity you’re using─ or wasting ─ and the bigger your utility bill will be. ④ Therefore, appliance manufacturers must keep power consumption of new products below 1W. ⑤ It’s up to you to slow down that spinning disk by using fewer watts. Shut off the lights, change your lighting fixtures, and you can be a watt wizard. *utility company공공물 회사 ( 전기 , 가스 , 상수 등을 제공하는 회사 )

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

4.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Fortunately, we humans are able to , when we realize their effect on our ecosystem. We once sucked water from the land without a second thought, but now we've all agreed to buy toilets that economize. Also, we've agreed to stop making any further changes in ecosystems where endangered species live. And in some tall buildings, we voluntarily turn down the lights during migration season, to let birds pass through the territory unmesmerized. So, if our tools have magnified our impact on the planet, at least the same tools can now be turned to the purpose of restoring the waters and the forests, and redarkening the skies. *unmesmerized (빛에 ) 홀리지 않은

① form good habitats for animals ② undo some of our actions ③ reconsider our past errors ④ save some limited resources ⑤ revive some extinct animals

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

Holiday Collection

Garbage is NOT collected on these days: • Labor Day (1st Monday in September) • Christmas (December 25) • New Year’s Day (January 1)

Please don’t expect garbage collection on the three holidays: Labor Day, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. Service will resume the day after. If your collection day comes later in the week after collection has been delayed because of a weekday holiday, your service will also be postponed to .

If the holiday falls on a weekend, services will proceed as normal.

Hospitals and senior centers are the exceptions, so regular collection schedules apply.

In case Christmas takes place on a Thursday: • Those with service on Thursday will receive service on Friday after Christmas. • Those with service on Friday will be scheduled for Saturday. • On the Monday after, service will return to normal.

Regular Collection Day Christmas Week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday No change Thursday Friday Friday Saturday

① the first day next week ② the weekend that week ③ the same day next week ④ the next day that week ⑤ the afternoon that day

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

6.?다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Over the last twenty-five years, Dr. Paul Connett, a chemistry professor at St. Lawrence University, has given more than 1,200 presentations on waste to students, urban planners, community residents, policy makers, and anyone else who will listen. In his presentations, Connett sometimes picks up a garbage can and pulls out its contents for people to consider. He holds up paper, a glass bottle, a pen out of ink, a plastic bag, maybe a banana peel, and asks that each of them be identified. “Is anything in here called waste? No─ these are all resources in the wrong place. ‘Waste’ is a verb, not a noun. Waste is what we do by mixing them together. Separated, they are resources; mixed together, they are wasted.”

① 자원의 낭비를 막기 위해 쓰레기를 줄여야 한다. ② 쓰레기는 분리 후 재활용한다면 자원이 될 수 있다. ③ 쓰레기에 대한 정의는 다시 정의되어질 필요가 있다. ④ 쓰레기 문제 해결은 정책적 지원이 이루어져야 한다. ⑤ 도시 미관을 위해 쓰레기통의 숫자를 늘려야 한다.

7.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ⑤

A watt is a unit of measurement of power. One horsepower equals 745.7 watts. Your electricity consumption, ①measured in watts, is monitored by a meter, ②which your utility company reads monthly to determine how large (or small) a bill you get. That glass-enclosed meter in your basement or outside your house has a disk in it that spins, ③recording your use of watts. The faster it spins, the more money you’re spending and the more electricity you’re using─ or wasting ─ and ④the bigger your utility bill will be. It’s up to you to slow down that spinning disk by using fewer watts. Shut off the lights, change your lighting fixtures, ⑤or you can be a watt wizard. *utility company공공물 회사 ( 전기 , 가스 , 상수 등을 제공하는 회사 )

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

8.다음 글의 내용을 한 단어로 요약하고자 한다 . 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ③

Fortunately, we humans are able to undo some of our actions, when we realize their effect on our ecosystem. We once sucked water from the land without a second thought, but now we've all agreed to buy toilets that economize. Also, we've agreed to stop making any further changes in ecosystems where endangered species live. And in some tall buildings, we voluntarily turn down the lights during migration season, to let birds pass through the territory unmesmerized. So, if our tools have magnified our impact on the planet, at least the same tools can now be turned to the purpose of restoring the waters and the forests, and redarkening the skies. *unmesmerized (빛에 ) 홀리지 않은

Realizing the harmful effects on (A) , humans are trying to restore it to its original state by changing the purpose of the same tools that we have used to (B) the Earth.

(A) (B) ① species explore ② species conquer ③ ecosystem exploit ④ architecture protect ⑤ ecosystem protect

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Bring your enthusiasm for animals with you for this unique Sunset zookeeper experience! Participants will try their hand at various zookeeper responsibilities such as preparing animal diets, helping to weigh animals, taking part in animal training, and cleaning.

Who: Anyone aged 9 and up with a passion to learn about animals When: Only one participant per date. Call early for the best selection! Cost: $250 (zoo admission is included) What to wear: Closed-toed shoes, a comfortable shirt, and pants or shorts. Cancellation fees: A cancellation fee of 50 percent will be charged for cancelling with less than two weeks’ notice. A cancellation fee of 100 percent will be charged for a missed program.

① 동물 보호에 대한 중요성을 강조하려고 ② 동물원 특별 행사를 홍보하려고 ③ 동물원 입장료 변경을 안내하려고 ④ 동물원 내에서 안전수칙을 안내하려고 ⑤ 동물원에서 있었던 사고에 대해 해명하려고

2. Philip Reis에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ②

In 1860, Philip Reis invented what he described as an “artificial ear.” This crude instrument worked─ but poorly. So Reis kept tinkering with it. He worked on his telephone for several years, and his models became more and more sophisticated. Eventually, Reis sent some improved models of his telephone to scientists around the world. The phones could transmit music fairly well, but speech was difficult to understand. Most scientists at the time regarded the Reis telephone as little more than a toy. Crushed, he abandoned his work and died in 1874. Two years later, Alexander Graham Bell filed the patent that earned him the glory and financial rewards of telephone invention. Sometimes, being first doesn’t mean being famous . *tinker 서투르게 고치다

① Graham Bell보다 앞서 전화기 발명에 힘썼다 . ② 처음 만든 전화기는 형편없었고 작동도 하지 않았다. ③ 발명한 전화기가 과학자들에 의해 인정받기를 원했다. ④ 초기에 발명한 전화기를 개량했지만 통화감이 좋지 못했다. ⑤ 과학자들의 부정적 반응에 결국 전화기 발명을 포기했다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ④

Located on Big Talbot Island en route to Fernandina Beach, Beaks, a nonprofit bird sanctuary, is well worth the effort to find and visit. ① When you pull into the parking lot, the welcome committee─ a pair of peacocks ─ will usually stroll over to greet you. ② Children love walking the trails in this pristine North Florida setting and stopping at various cages housing injured birds in the process of being nursed back to health. ③ About 2,000 injured birds are brought to the sanctuary every year. ④ This is because settlers wanting timber and shelter destroyed bird habitats as they clear forests and shrubland. ⑤ Some patients─ like a bald eagle that was shot in the wing and can never live in the wild again─ have become permanent residents. Admission is free, but donations are very welcome. The sanctuary is currently changing its hours of operation, so please call before visiting.

4. 밑줄 친 it(its)이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 하나는? ③

A small, glowing green Australian jumping spider hunts big game. After a mighty four-inch leap, ①it sinks its fangs into a dragonfly's neck. Even if this huge insect takes off, the spider hangs on until ②its venom works and the dragonfly makes a crash landing. Four inches may not seem like much of a jump, but ③it is a huge distance for an animal half an inch long. That would be like a five-foot-tall person leaping over six cars lined up end to end. When an Australian jumping spider leaps, ④it pushes off with strong hind legs, like a swimmer taking off from a starting block. The Australian jumping spider is a wanderer, so it makes no webs, traps, or snares. But ⑤it does use silk to make cradles for eggs and nets to sleep in. *venom독 , 독액

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ①

Keeper Experience Program at Sunset Zoo Bring your enthusiasm for animals with you for this unique Sunset zookeeper experience! Participants will try their hand at various zookeeper responsibilities such as preparing animal diets, helping to weigh animals, taking part in animal training, and cleaning.

① Who: Adult aged 20 and up with professional knowledge about animals ② When: Only one participant per date. Call early for the best selection! ③ Cost: $250 (zoo admission is included) ④ What to wear: Closed-toed shoes, a comfortable shirt, and pants or shorts. ⑤ Cancellation fees: A cancellation fee of 50 percent will be charged for cancelling with less than two weeks’ notice. A cancellation fee of 100 percent will be charged for a missed program.

6.,?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은 ②

In 1860, Philip Reis invented what he described as an “artificial ear.” This ①crude instrument worked─ but poorly. So Reis kept tinkering with it. He worked on his telephone for several years, and his models became more and more ②simplified. Eventually, Reis sent some ③improved models of his telephone to scientists around the world. The phones could transmit music fairly well, but speech was difficult to understand. Most scientists at the time regarded the Reis telephone as little more than a toy. ④Crushed, he abandoned his work and died in 1874. Two years later, Alexander Graham Bell filed the patent that ⑤earned him the glory and financial rewards of telephone invention. Sometimes, being first doesn’t mean being famous . *tinker 서투르게 고치다

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7. Beaks에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ④

BEAKS 12084 Houston Ave. Located on Big Talbot Island en route to Fernandina Beach, this nonprofit bird sanctuary is well worth the effort to find and visit. When you pull into the parking lot, the welcome committee─ a pair of peacocks ─ will usually stroll over to greet you. Children love walking the trails in this pristine North Florida setting and stopping at various cages housing injured birds in the process of being nursed back to health. About 2,000 injured birds are brought to the sanctuary every year. Some patients─ like a bald eagle that was shot in the wing and can never live in the wild again─ have become permanent residents. Admission is free, but donations are very welcome. The sanctuary is currently changing its hours of operation, so please call before visiting.

① 섬에 위치한 비영리 조류 보호소이다. ② 산책로가 있어서 아이들이 좋아할 수 있다. ③ 매년 대략2 천 마리의 부상당한 새를 치료한다 . ④ 입장료와 기부금으로 운영된다. ⑤ 운영시간 변경으로 방문 전 전화를 필요로 한다.

8.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은 ③

That would be like a five-foot-tall person leaping over six cars lined up end to end.

A small, glowing green Australian jumping spider hunts big game. After a mighty four-inch leap, it sinks its fangs into a dragonfly's neck. ()① Even if this huge insect takes off, the spider hangs on until its venom works and the dragonfly makes a crash landing. ()② Four inches may not seem like much of a jump, but it's a huge distance for an animal half an inch long. ()③ When an Australian jumping spider leaps, it pushes off with strong hind legs, like a swimmer taking off from a starting block. ()④ The Australian jumping spider is a wanderer, so it makes no webs, traps, or snares. ()⑤ But it does use silk to make cradles for eggs and nets to sleep in. *venom독 , 독액

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1. Tony Parker에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ③

Tony Parker plays point guard for the San Antonio Spurs. He is one of the fastest point guards in the National Basketball Association, or NBA. At 190 centimeters, Parker is shorter than most NBA players. Luckily, his speed makes up for his lack of height. Parker was born in the country of Belgium, and he grew up in France. Tony Parker’s mother came from the Netherlands, and his father is an American. Tony’s father had played college basketball in Chicago. Then he moved to Europe to become one of the best basketball players in France. Even though young Tony loved to watch his father play basketball, he was more interested in soccer. Tony was not very tall, so he did not think of basketball as his sport. The great Michael Jordan changed his mind.

① NBA에서 가장 빠른 포인트 가드 중 한 사람이다 . ② 대부분의NBA 선수들보다 키가 작다 . ③ 시카고에 있는 대학 농구팀 출신이다. ④ 어렸을 땐 축구에 관심이 더 많았다. ⑤ Michael Jordan에게서 영향을 받았다 .

2.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ⑤

Cozy and convenient, Hotel Amadeus is only two minutes away from St. Stephen’s Cathedral and within walking distance of ①practically everything of musical or historical note in Vienna. It was built on the site of a once-legendary place, Zum roten Igel, ②that Johannes Brahms and Franz Schubert often visited. The bedrooms and carpeted public rooms are pleasant, and ③furnished in a comfortable, modern style, many with views of the cathedral. Ceilings are low, and the double glass window panes on the windows ④quiet but do not block street noise completely. The tiled bathrooms are midsize, but there’s not ⑤room enough to lay out your toiletries. Eight rooms have showers but no tubs. It’s a good value for the money, but don’t expect warm fuzzies from the staff. *warm fuzzies (호의나 애정에 의한 ) 벅찬 감동

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

The old saying “ ” is often misinterpreted by young athletes. They think it means that any uncomfortable sensation, from the severe pain of injury to mild discomfort, can be worked through. If the saying is applied to pushing through fatigue in an endurance situation, then it’s probably helpful. Soreness is often the by-product of hard work and training. Pain, however, indicates a problem that needs to be examined and corrected to prevent further damage. But many athletes and fitness enthusiasts continuously push, compete, and train into pain, and use ice and anti-inflammatory medications for long periods to mask pain. *anti-inflammatory항염증의 , 소염제의

① Walls have ears ② No pain, no gain ③ Efforts saves time ④ Hard work leads to success ⑤ Pain of the neck

4.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

We plan our vacations, sometimes as if they were the only part of life worth really living.

(A) However, vacation represents a tiny percentage of our overall lives. Most people spend a week or two on vacation. The rest of the time it's business as usual. To spend fifty weeks a year planning and longing for the other two is a classic example of reversed priorities, an exercise in almost guaranteed frustration. (B) We build up our expectations that our time off is going to be the highlight of our year, a saving grace that will make up for all the hassle and disappointment of our daily lives. (C) The problem is that, when your primary emphasis is on later, your mind is removed from the present moment. Instead of discovering joy in daily living, your focus is on how much more fun you'll be having later.

① (A)-(B)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5. 밑줄 친 he가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 하나는? ③

Tony Parker plays point guard for the San Antonio Spurs. He is one of the fastest point guards in the National Basketball Association, or NBA. At 190 centimeters, ①he is shorter than most NBA players. Luckily, his speed makes up for his lack of height. ②He was born in the country of Belgium, and he grew up in France. Tony Parker’s mother came from the Netherlands, and his father is an American. Tony’s father had played college basketball in Chicago. Then ③he moved to Europe to become one of the best basketball players in France. Even though young Tony loved to watch his father play basketball, ④he was more interested in soccer. ⑤He was not very tall, so he did not think of basketball as his sport. The great Michael Jordan changed his mind.

6. Hotel Amadeus에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ④

Cozy and convenient, Hotel Amadeus is only two minutes away from St. Stephen’s Cathedral and within walking distance of practically everything of musical or historical note in Vienna. It was built on the site of a once-legendary place, Zum roten Igel, that Johannes Brahms and Franz Schubert often visited. The bedrooms and carpeted public rooms are pleasant, and furnished in a comfortable, modern style, many with views of the cathedral. Ceilings are low, and the double glass window panes on the windows quiet but do not block street noise completely. The tiled bathrooms are midsize, but there’s not enough room to lay out your toiletries. Eight rooms have showers but no tubs. It’s a good value for the money, but don’t expect warm fuzzies from the staff. *warm fuzzies (호의나 애정에 의한 ) 벅찬 감동

① 비엔나의 유명한 장소와 가까운 거리에 위치해 있다. ② 침실과 카펫이 깔린 쾌적한 라운지 공간을 가지고 있다. ③ 편안하고 현대적인 스타일의 가구가 비치되어 있다. ④ 창문의 이중 유리창이 거리의 소음을 완전히 차단시켜 준다. ⑤ 여덟 개의 방에 샤워 시설을 갖추고 있지만 욕조는 없다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ④

The old saying “No pain, no gain” is often misinterpreted by young athletes. They think it means that any uncomfortable sensation, from the severe pain of injury to mild discomfort, can be worked through. ① If the saying is applied to pushing through fatigue in an endurance situation, then it’s probably helpful. ② Soreness is often the by-product of hard work and training. ③ Pain, however, indicates a problem that needs to be examined and corrected to prevent further damage. ④ Thus, taking the pills with caffeine before the workout lasts longer and helps reduce pain afterwards. ⑤ But many athletes and fitness enthusiasts continuously push, compete, and train into pain, and use ice and anti-inflammatory medications for long periods to mask pain. *anti-inflammatory항염증의 , 소염제의

8.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ②

We plan our vacations, sometimes as if they ①were the only part of life worth really living. We build up our expectations ②which our time off is going to be the highlight of our year, a saving grace that will make up for all the hassle and disappointment of our daily lives. However, vacation represents a tiny percentage of our overall lives. Most people spend a week or two on vacation. The rest of the time it's business as usual. To spend fifty weeks a year planning and longing for the other two ③is a classic example of reversed priorities, an exercise in ④almost guaranteed frustration. The problem is that, when your primary emphasis is on later, your mind is removed from the present moment. Instead of discovering joy in daily living, your focus is on ⑤how much more fun you'll be having later.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

The experience of listening to music is, to a considerable degree, what you bring to it. Make it a point to listen to something you particularly like at the end of a busy work day and again when you wake up the next morning. You will find the difference fascinating. I did exactly that with Johann Sebastian Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor. I had spent a long day in the operating room on a difficult case, and was concerned about the patient's eventual well-being. The result of the evening listen was relaxation and a discharge of anxiety. The morning experience left me exhilarated and eager to start a new day. I had called the ICU before the morning listen to find that the patient was doing splendidly.

① 음악을 듣는 시간대는 마음의 상태에 영향을 미친다. ② 마음의 상태는 음악을 듣는 경험에 영향을 미친다. ③ 일을 할 때 음악을 듣는 것은 일의 효율에 영향을 미친다. ④ 음악을 듣는 것은 긴장 완화와 불안감 해소에 도움을 준다. ⑤ 음악을 듣는 행위는 치료 효과의 향상에 도움을 준다.

2.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Several studies have shown that the arousing qualities of in-store music can mediate . The first and perhaps most theoretically-oriented of these was carried out by Smith and Curnow. They tested the 'arousal hypothesis' that a certain noise level will increase activity by playing loud and soft music in a supermarket. Customers in the loud music condition spent less time on average in the supermarket than those in the soft music condition. Arousing music made customers shop more quickly. Similarly, in another study, a researcher played slow (<73 bpm) and fast (>93 bpm) music in a supermarket, and measured the time it took customers to move between two points in the store. Customers were slower under the slow than the fast tempo conditions, but perhaps because of this also spent more in the former condition.

① the number of potential consumers ② the kind of items consumers choose ③ the tempo of consumer behaviour ④ how many times consumers visit the store ⑤ consumers' spending habits

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3. Monet에 관한 설명으로 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ? ④

Monet broke with the traditional painting methods of his day and used a loose brush stroke because he noticed that sunlight changes its position and intensity as the sun overhead. Changes in sunlight in turn change the way the landscape looks. Monet wanted to paint the immediate effect of particular qualities of light on the landscape. He would work on a painting for only a half hour at a time because after that, the light changed. During the time he painted, he did not try to get every detail down precisely. Instead, he quickly painted his impression of the moment. His loose brush strokes allowed him to work fast and capture the image of a landscape under a fleeting condition of light.

① 당대의 전통적인 회화기법을 버렸다. ② 한 번에30 분 동안만 작업하곤 했다 . ③ 모든 세세한 부분까지 정확하게 그리지 않았다. ④ 힘을 뺀 붓 터치 기법으로 천천히 작업을 했다. ⑤ 시시각각 변하는 빛의 조건에서 풍경의 이미지를 포착했다.

4.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

As we have become wealthier, style has become more important to us and is something with which we want to imbue our homes. But 'style' is a very personal notion, so why should anyone look to employ someone else, an interior designer, to tell them what is right? Why should you as a designer presume to impose your ideas upon a space that isn't your own? The answer is this: interior design is about . It is about taking a holistic view of the way that individuals use and enjoy the spaces that they inhabit. It is about finding a cohesive answer to a set of problems and dressing the solution so as to strengthen our experience of the space. Many people understand this and that they do not have the necessary skills to tackle the job themselves. And so there is the need for professional interior designers. *imbue 가득 채우다

① representing characteristics of the dwellers ② something that the residents knows best ③ so much more than what looks right ④ not only licenses but also special eye for it ⑤ process of solving problems

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ③

The experience of listening to music is, to a considerable degree, what you bring to it. Make it a point ①to listen to something you particularly like at the end of a busy work day and again when you wake up the next morning. You will find the difference ②fascinating. I did exactly that with Johann Sebastian Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor. I had spent a long day in the operating room on a difficult case, and ③concerned about the patient's eventual well-being. The result of the evening listen was relaxation and a discharge of anxiety. The morning experience left me ④exhilarated and eager to start a new day. I had called the ICU before the morning listen ⑤to find that the patient was doing splendidly.

6.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

Several studies have shown that the arousing qualities of in-store music can mediate the tempo of consumer behaviour. The first and perhaps most theoretically-oriented of these was carried out by Smith and Curnow. They tested the 'arousal hypothesis' that a certain noise level will increase activity by playing loud and soft music in a supermarket. Customers in the loud music condition spent less time on average in the supermarket than those in the soft music condition. Arousing music made customers shop more quickly. Similarly, in another study, a researcher played slow (<73 bpm) and fast (>93 bpm) music in a supermarket, and measured the time it took customers to move between two points in the store. Customers were slower under the slow than the fast tempo conditions, but perhaps because of this also .

① spent more in the former condition ② purchased few items in the latter condition ③ shopped all day in the former condition ④ complained about the loud music in the latter condition ⑤ bought much more products than as usual

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ⑤

Monet broke with the traditional painting methods of his day and used a loose brush stroke ①because he noticed that sunlight changes its position and intensity as the sun travels overhead. Changes in sunlight in turn change ②the way the landscape looks. Monet wanted to paint the immediate effect of particular qualities of light on the landscape. He ③would work on a painting for only a half hour at a time because after that, the light changed. ④During the time he painted, he did not try to get every detail down precisely. Instead, he quickly painted his impression of the moment. His loose brush strokes allowed him ⑤work fast and capture the image of a landscape under a fleeting condition of light.

8.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

As we have become wealthier, style has become more important to us and is something with which we want to imbue our homes. But 'style' is a very personal notion, so why should anyone look to employ someone else, an interior designer, to tell them what is right? Why should you as a designer presume to impose your ideas upon a space that isn't your own? The answer is this: interior design is about so much more than 'what looks right.' It is about taking a holistic view of the way that individuals use and enjoy the spaces that they inhabit. It is about finding a cohesive answer to a set of problems and dressing the solution so as to strengthen our experience of the space. Many people understand this and that they do not have the necessary skills to tackle the job themselves. And so there is the need for . *imbue 가득 채우다

① an education for interior designers ② flexibility in interior design ③ coherent interior design ④ professional interior designers ⑤ a respectful view of interior design

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤

Nine study rooms are now available at Eskind Library. You may reserve the rooms in advance either in person or by calling 936-1410. The use of study rooms is governed by the following policies: * Study rooms are available to students in groups, not individually, before 5 p.m. * The rooms are reserved for a two-hour period and can be renewed for an additional two hours if no one is waiting. * No reservations will be taken for the use of the rooms after 5 p.m. The rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis with groups given preference over individuals. * Study room keys must be returned immediately and overdue keys are charged at $2 per hour.

① 도서관 내 공부방 건립에 관해 홍보하려고 ② 도서관 내 공부방의 역할에 대해 알리려고 ③ 도서관 내 공부방의 관리 직원을 구하려고 ④ 도서관 내 공부방의 운영시간을 알리려고 ⑤ 도서관 내 공부방에 관한 이용 방침을 안내하려고

2.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ②

Reading about heroes has been an important part of a nationwide interest in teaching and learning values because heroes embody the values we seek out in real life. They are willing to stand up for which they believe. (A) , for children, biographies of exemplary heroes provide superb models of citizenship. Heroes are special people; their behavior seems to invite emulation. Children need heroes because heroes inspire them to similar rightness. (B) , in contrast to the past when heroes could do no wrong, modern biographies show their human side, informing young historians about their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Children relate more closely to heroes when they can accept them as real people, complete with doubts, discouragement, mistakes, conflict, and frustration.

(A) (B) ① What is more In other words ② Above all However ③ In contrast As a result ④ In fact On the contrary ⑤ First of all Otherwise

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ④

One of the disadvantages of focusing on a particular occupation too soon is that students' interest patterns are often not sufficiently reliable or stable in high school years to predict job success and satisfaction. (A) , the typical student does not have enough self-knowledge to make realistic decisions. The pressure to make premature vocational decisions often results in choosing an occupation in which one does not have the interests and abilities required for success. There should be a psychological break during adolescence to enable young people to get some distance from the pressure of choosing a career too soon. (B) , a break can reduce the pressure of having to make key life choices without sufficient data. As young people gain experience, they are likely to develop a new perspective about what they want from a career and from life.

(A) (B) ① Similarly As a result ② Moreover As a result ③ Similarly In other words ④ Moreover In other words ⑤ Similarly Furthermore

4.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Students here warn that "Montana Tech is a very challenging school. If you want to go to school to party a lot, I wouldn't recommend coming to Tech." Writes one engineer, "Life at Montana Tech is definitely . Most of the time is spent thinking about school projects, extracurricular activities, and/or research projects." MT's setting is ideal for this lifestyle, as it offers relatively few distractions. "Butte is a pretty old mining town with not much to do," agree most students here. In one respect, the campus' location is superb. "If you are an outdoorsman," explains one student, "this is a paradise. Hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing, camping, and climbing spots are so close to here that you wouldn't believe it."

① filled with outdoor activities ② recreational atmosphere ③ academically oriented ④ full of interesting clubs ⑤ ensuring a successful career

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ③

Eskind Library Study Room Policies Nine study rooms are now available at Eskind Library. You may reserve the rooms in advance either in person or by calling 936-1410. The use of study rooms is governed by the following policies: ① Study rooms are available to students in groups, not individually, before 5 p.m. ② The rooms are reserved for a two-hour period and can be renewed for an additional two hours if no one is waiting. ③ We offers the special study room to students at the top of our community. ④ No reservations will be taken for the use of the rooms after 5 p.m. The rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis with groups given preference over individuals. ⑤ Study room keys must be returned immediately and overdue keys are charged at $2 per hour.

6.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은 ⑤

In contrast to the past, however, when heroes could do no wrong, modern biographies show their human side, informing young historians about their weaknesses as well as their strengths.

Reading about heroes has been an important part of a nationwide interest in teaching and learning values because heroes embody the values we seek out in real life. ① They are willing to stand up for which they believe. ② And, for children, biographies of exemplary heroes provide superb models of citizenship. ③ Heroes are special people; their behavior seems to invite emulation. ④ Children need heroes because heroes inspire them to similar rightness. ⑤ Children relate more closely to heroes when they can accept them as real people, complete with doubts, discouragement, mistakes, conflict, and frustration.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

One of the disadvantages of is that students' interest patterns are often not sufficiently reliable or stable in high school years to predict job success and satisfaction. Furthermore, the typical student does not have enough self-knowledge to make realistic decisions. The pressure to make premature vocational decisions often results in choosing an occupation in which one does not have the interests and abilities required for success. There should be a psychological break during adolescence to enable young people to get some distance from the pressure of choosing a career too soon. A break can reduce the pressure of having to make key life choices without sufficient data. As young people gain experience, they are likely to develop a new perspective about what they want from a career and from life.

① focusing on a particular occupation too soon ② choosing a future career in advance ③ participating in an internship program ④ entering a vocational school without regard to field of interest ⑤ experiencing working world through recommendation of teacher

8.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ④

Students here warn that "Montana Tech is a very ①challenging school. If you want to go to school to party a lot, I wouldn't recommend coming to Tech." Writes one engineer, "Life at Montana Tech is ②definitely academically oriented. Most of the time is spent ③thinking about school projects, extracurricular activities, and/or research projects." MT's setting is ideal for this lifestyle, as it offers relatively ④a few distractions. "Butte is a pretty old mining town with not much to do," agree most students here. In one respect, the campus' location is superb. "If you are an outdoorsman," explains one student, "this is a paradise. Hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing, camping, and climbing spots are so close to here ⑤that you wouldn't believe it."

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Many scientists have dismissed the claims that telepathy is one of the extraordinary abilities and powers that humans possess, but subtle two-way communications have been well documented between mothers and children, twins, sisters and other close relatives. This ability has been kept alive to a much greater extent in the Australian Aborigine population and by the African Bushman. Aboriginal people prefer to walk together in total silence because while walking they speak in the ancient way with 'telepathy' rather than voice. When they feel a sense of anxiety, they may sit down and enter a meditative state. Each part of their body is associated with a relative or a geographic location. When a part twitches, by touching that place they can visualize what is happening to the relative or at the location. These practices have been repeatedly observed by anthropologists to be accurate and effective.

① the effect of telepathy on daily lives ② the necessity of telepathy in communication ③ the power of telepathy against scientists' disregard ④ history and effectiveness of telepathy ⑤ the reason scientists deny telepathy

2.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ③

The Incas believed the rainbow was a two-headed dragon-like god called Chuichu. ① They realized there's a connection between the rainbow and the sun, though they didn't quite understand how its multicolored effect was produced. ② They considered the rainbow to be a gift or message from the sun god Inti, indicating the presence of the charitable god Chuichu. ③ In fact, a rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining. ④ Because he linked the world of the gods in the sky with the Earth, Chuichu was thought of as a kind of heavenly messenger, who helped the gods of both the sun and the rain in bringing their life-giving gifts to the Earth. ⑤ Some people regarded the rainbow god as an even more magical presence that linked the three fundamental parts of the Incan cosmos ─ the sky, the Earth's surface, and the underground realm.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ⑤

An allegory is a story which has two meanings─ a surface one and an underlying one. Because the surface story propels the reader along on its own terms, it is a useful way of conveying what may be difficult or controversial material in the 'hidden' story. (A) , in 'Animal Farm', George Orwell's literature, the animals revolt against their exploitative two-legged owner and decide to run the farm along socialist lines. (B) , Before long the pigs take over the running of the farm, even moving into the farmhouse and eating at the table. The other animals find themselves working long hours under the pigs' tyrannical rule. It is all, of course, an allegory for the Russian Revolution.

(A) (B) ① For instance Therefore ② What is more Therefore ③ For instance Moreover ④ What is more However ⑤ For instance However

4.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

The conversational clash can occur when Americans are speaking with people from other cultures. American culture values small talk, whereas most Asians value silence, which might lead them to believe that Americans talk too much. Although the American is not comfortable with long periods of silence in the conversation, the Asian will take more time to answer. This can carry over into the classroom, as the English learner from other cultures may be slower to answer for a multitude of reasons such as processing the questions, thinking of how to translate, or cultural conversational style. It is imperative that the teacher teaching the students from Asian cultures allow more wait time and appear to be comfortable doing so. Teachers can set the tone of the class, and if they demonstrate patience, the students will learn patience as well.

① 대화도중의 긴 침묵은 상대방에게 불편을 줄 수 있다. ② 영어 문화권의 대화 방식을 존중할 필요가 있다. ③ 교사들은 대화를 유도할 수 있는 학급 분위기를 조성해야 한다. ④ 대화를 할 경우 문화적 차이를 고려해야 한다. ⑤ 다른 문화권 사이의 충돌은 대화로 해결할 수 있다.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ⑤

Many scientists have dismissed the claims that telepathy is one of the extraordinary abilities and powers that humans possess, but subtle two-way communications have been well documented between mothers and children, twins, sisters and other close relatives. This ability has been kept alive to a much greater extent in the Australian Aborigine population and by the African Bushman. Aboriginal people prefer to because while walking they speak in the ancient way with 'telepathy' rather than voice. When they feel a sense of anxiety, they may sit down and enter a meditative state. Each part of their body is associated with a relative or a geographic location. When a part twitches, by touching that place they can visualize what is happening to the relative or at the location. These practices have been repeatedly observed by anthropologists to be accurate and effective.

① listen to others without a word ② consider the feeling of other people ③ be absorbed in themselves ④ read other people's minds ⑤ walk together in total silence

6.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ⑤

The Incas believed the rainbow was a two-headed dragon-like god called Chuichu. They realized there's a connection between the rainbow and the sun, though they didn't quite understand how its multicolored effect was produced. They considered the rainbow ①to be a gift or message from the sun god Inti, ②indicating the presence of the charitable god Chuichu. Because he linked the world of the gods in the sky with the Earth, Chuichu was thought of ③as a kind of heavenly messenger, ④who helped the gods of both the sun and the rain in bringing their life-giving gifts to the Earth. Some people regarded the rainbow god as an ⑤very more magical presence that linked the three fundamental parts of the Incan cosmos─ the sky, the Earth's surface, and the underground realm.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

An allegory is a story which has two meanings─ a surface one and an underlying one. Because the surface story propels the reader along on its own terms, it is a useful way of conveying what may be difficult or controversial material in the story. One of the finest examples of allegory in literature is George Orwell's Animal Farm, where the animals revolt against their exploitative two-legged owner and decide to run the farm along socialist lines. Before long, however, the pigs take over the running of the farm, even moving into the farmhouse and eating at the table. The other animals find themselves working long hours under the pigs' tyrannical rule. It is all, of course, an allegory for the Russian Revolution.

① direct ② hidden ③ definite ④ ambiguous ⑤ contradictory

8.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

can occur when Americans are speaking with people from other cultures. American culture values small talk, whereas most Asians value silence, which might lead them to believe that Americans talk too much. Although the American is not comfortable with long periods of silence in the conversation, the Asian will take more time to answer. This can carry over into the classroom, as the English learner from other cultures may be slower to answer for a multitude of reasons such as processing the questions, thinking of how to translate, or cultural conversational style. It is imperative that the teacher teaching the students from Asian cultures allow more wait time and appear to be comfortable doing so. Teachers can set the tone of the class, and if they demonstrate patience, the students will learn patience as well.

① Culture shock ② Physical contact ③ Language barriers ④ The conversational clash ⑤ Conflict by Stereotype

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

1.?다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ③

Commuters may have little choice. Housing might simply be too expensive close to where people work, so they're forced to live farther away from their jobs. An economist found that commuting grew the most in counties in which income inequality had grown the most. He calls this the "Aspen effect," after the wealthy Colorado city, which keeps expanding because the middle-class people who work in the town keep having to move farther away to find cheap housing. But there is a paradox here as well: Statistics show that commuting miles rise, not fall, with income. In other words, the people with the money to live close to the action seem to be doing more of the driving. Maybe those people are moving farther out in Aspen because they have more money, and they're choosing to buy bigger homes despite the commute.

① 소득 불평등이 높은 계층은 보통 통근시간도 길다. ② 소득이 낮은 계층은 어쩔 수 없이 교외지역의 집을 구할 수밖에 없다. ③ 중산층의 증가는 교외지역의 팽창을 야기한다. ④ 수입이 높을수록 지출도 비례해서 늘어난다. ⑤ 소득이 높은 반면에 평균 통근시간이 늘어나는 경우도 있다.

2.?다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은 ④

An essay writing contest is being held by the NACP. In a 1000-1500 word essay, please respond to either or both of the questions below. 1. What is the importance in protecting online privacy? 2. What can be done to better online privacy? Please proceed to the following websites and read through them before writing. www.dotrights.org/education and www.trackedinamerica.org provide information on online privacy and surveillance. Rules and rewards: First Prize winner $300, Second Prize winner $200, Third Prize winner $100. Contest winners will be awarded in early August, 2013. Contestants must currently be high school students residing in Nevada. Please email all entries to [email protected] by April 12, 2013.

① 온라인상의 개인 정보를 보호정책의 중요성을 강조하려고 ② 개인 정보 보호 정책을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 알리려고 ③ 글쓰기 능력을 향상시킬 수 있는 사이트를 홍보하려고 ④ 온라인 개인 정보에 관한 글쓰기 대회를 안내하려고 ⑤ 개인 정보 보호에 관한 질문지의 작성을 요구하려고

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

3.?다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은 ④

Just as we are currently fixed in place by the need for letters ①to reach us, we are also fixed in time. 'I will call you at 8 o'clock,' or 'Please sign for this registered letter,' or 'The bank's business hours are 9:30 to 15:30' do not seem ②unreasonable at present. In the future we will have more control over when and where we do things. Voice mail and the ability to transfer calls to different places are already with us. ③Twenty-four-hour telephone banking removes time restrictions on financial transactions. Television on demand will let us ④ordering the programmes we want when we want them. This time shifting may also help solve some of the problems of transportation with everyone currently ⑤wanting to travel at the same time.

4.다음 글의 빈칸 (A),(B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ②

Most of the research on signs has tested symbol messages, as they are more likely than word signs to be misunderstood. (A) , word sign messages can also be misunderstood, as shown by Hawkins, Womack, and Mounce. They assessed comprehension of 31 signs, 15 of which had word messages. Eight of these were understood by less than two-thirds of drivers tested. Because of space limitations, word messages must often be shortened by the use of abbreviations. Some of these are not well understood, and many should be used only with a prompt. (B) , BLKD (for blocked) should be preceded by "Lane," CONG (for congestion), by "Traffic." Some abbreviations should be avoided. ACC could be considered as either "Access" or "Accident"; WRNG could be "Warning" or "Wrong." *prompt 상기시켜주는 말

(A) (B) ① Likewise For example ② However For example ③ Likewise Consequently ④ However Consequently ⑤ Likewise However

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

5.?다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ②

Commuters may have little choice. Housing might simply be too expensive close to where people work, so they're forced to live farther away from their jobs. An economist found that commuting grew the most in counties in which income inequality had grown the most. He calls this the "Aspen effect," after the wealthy Colorado city, which keeps expanding because the middle-class people who work in the town keep having to move farther away to find cheap housing. But there is a paradox here as well: Statistics show that commuting miles rise, not fall, with income. In other words, the people with the money to live close to the action seem to . Maybe those people are moving farther out in Aspen because they have more money, and they're choosing to buy bigger homes despite the commute.

① have a close commuting distance ② be doing more of the driving ③ be wasting beyond necessity ④ be leading more leisurely lives ⑤ prefer the urban area to the suburbs

6.?다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은 ④

Writing Contest About Online Privacy An essay writing contest is being held by the NACP. In a 1000-1500 word essay, please respond to either or both of the questions below. 1. What is the importance in protecting online privacy? 2. What can be done to better online privacy? ① Please proceed to the following websites and read through them before writing. www.dotrights.org/education and www.trackedinamerica.org provide information on online privacy and surveillance. ② Rules and rewards: First Prize winner $300, Second Prize winner $200, Third ③ Prize winner $100. Contest winners will be awarded in early August, 2013. Contestants must currently be high school students residing in Nevada. ④ Contestants are grouped according to age and ability. ⑤ Please email all entries to [email protected] by April 12, 2013.

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다 김해영어과외교실ALL THAT ENGLISH 교육 상담☎ 011-9394-1856 ( 곽일신 )

7.?다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은 ①

Just as we are currently fixed in place by the need for letters to reach us, we are also fixed in time. 'I will call you at 8 o'clock,' or 'Please sign for this registered letter,' or 'The bank's business hours are 9:30 to 15:30' do not seem unreasonable at present. In the future we will have more control over when and where we do things. Voice mail and the ability to transfer calls to different places are already with us. Twenty-four-hour telephone banking removes time restrictions on financial transactions. Television on demand will let us order the programmes we want when we want them. This time shifting may also help solve some of the problems of transportation with everyone currently wanting to travel at the same time.

① the advantages of tomorrow's technology ② the limitation of modern technology ③ the time restriction of modern people ④ the technological revolution of modern society ⑤ the problems of the advent in technology

8.,?글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은 ④

Some of these are not well understood, and many should be used only with a prompt.

Most of the research on signs has tested symbol messages, as they are more likely than word signs to be misunderstood. ()① However, word sign messages can also be misunderstood, as shown by Hawkins, Womack, and Mounce. ()② They assessed comprehension of 31 signs, 15 of which had word messages. Eight of these were understood by less than two-thirds of drivers tested. ()③ Because of space limitations, word messages must often be shortened by the use of abbreviations. ()④ For example, BLKD (for blocked) should be preceded by "Lane," CONG (for congestion), by "Traffic." ()⑤ Some abbreviations should be avoided. ACC could be considered as either "Access" or "Accident"; WRNG could be "Warning" or "Wrong." *prompt 상기시켜주는 말

본 교재는 김해지역 고등학교3 학년 학생들을 위해 ALL THAT ENGLISH 에서 제작한 EBS 교재의 변형문제집입니다