Biology: Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Shannon Contact Information Steve Shannon Room 85 School Phone: (402) 443-4332 Ext. 3224 Email:
[email protected] General Course Description This course begins with a consideration of the living condition and discussion of the unique properties of living organisms that set life apart from the non-living. It continues with molecular and cellular biology, from which it moves logically into reproduction and genetics. An understanding of genetics gives meaning to organized variation, evolution and methods of scientific classification units dealing with microbiology and plant and animal phylum. This course is designed for the college-bound student. Students should expect a demanding daily homework load as well as projects, quizzes, tests, and laboratory write-ups. A high level of understanding in problem solving and the scientific methods is necessary for success in this course. Daily Class Materials Needed *Student Planner *Modern Biology textbook *3 Ring Binder/Folder *Notebook *Pen/Pencil *Calculator Daily Requirements: All students will be required to keep a 3-Ring Binder with all their classroom materials in the binder. This binder will hold the student’s Vocabulary Word List, Notes, Classroom Assignments and Activities, Labs, Quizzes, and Reviews. This notebook will be graded at the end of every chapter. General Routines and Procedures 1. BE ON TIME AND PREPARED FOR LEARNING *Respect for Others (Teachers, Students, and Community) -Ways to Show Respect to Others: 1. Make good eye contact when communicating with others 2. BE ON TIME! Punctuality is vital in today’s world. Virtually any job you may have will require you to be on time and ready to work.