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Thenationalsongsandlegendsof 0 D O I N E “ 1m m mat a 5 m 3m g mma. VI L L RR . E . C . GRE N E MU AY e La. Guerr est m a patrie , Mon harno is ma m aison Et en toute saison, C bnflmfime dmnrma vm. IJDFUDOQI SMITH E LD ER A D 00 65 C ORNH I L L . , , N , , BO MB AY : SM TH TA YL R AND 00 I , O , 1 85 4 . 32 7 LO ND ON AND V PRI T RS WH XT E D U F BI ABS . BRA B RY E ANS, N E , T H I S L I T T L E B O O K I s B ebicateh IN R U L C TI G ATEF AFFE ON, TO H E R W H O H AS E E N F O R T EN E A S TH E C O MP I N H Y S U D I ES B Y R AN O OF T , W H O H AS BR IGH TENED EV ER Y J O Y A N D C ONSO LED E VE RY so n o w I H AV E r um ; W H O H A S BE EN T H E LIGH T OF MY H EARTH A ND T H E PR ID E OF H Y H EART T HE RID E MY OU TH T H E R IE D OF MY M A H D B OF Y , F N N OO ; W H BE U I U L A N D U T I IN L V V R C H I G A N D OSE A T F S S A N G O E, E E EER N ON BEOKONIN G U PWA D R S, H A S H A D FOR H E SOMETH ING AT O N C E H U MBLING A N D X LT I T E A I NG N I . INTRODU C TI N O . T HE countrie s now known under the name s of M W ll hi e th e n oldavia, a ac a, B ssarabia, Bucovi a, th e T ni m e in e Banat, and ransylva a, for d anci nt m e th r th D i e ti s e count y of e acians, a warl k and e e e me r m Jasebus savag p opl , who ca f o and Mar iens th n th x T g on e ba ks of e O us . hey e e e D e e D ae e w r first call d rbi s, or s, and th y S e th am e n e th e e e pok e s la guag as G ta , who inhabited th e country at th e m outh of th e D anube . T heir God was calle d Zam olxis : he ai e e e di e is s d to hav b n a scipl of Pythagoras, to e e e e and hav stray d into th ir country, wher he establishe d a religion based on th e system s h e of hi s great m aster . After hi death was honoure d as the chi ef of their divinitie s . viii INTRODUCTION . T h e ancient Dacians appear to have had a e e nm e we e e e lib ral gov r nt, and h ar that th y wer e o e : th e K the divid d int four class s ing, Prie sts , ” th e E e the e e . T e m ld rs , and P opl h ir ost re mark e ee in m are e A u abl d ds ar s th ir war against ug stus, e e e B e ribaste s the e und r th ir chi f , and subse qu nt e who d hi victori s of that barbarian , extende s s rule a far as th e frontie rs of m odern Bavaria. T u C T A in llius ato , iberius , and ppius Sab us were e o ne a e the e th conqu re d , ft r oth r, by e victorious e e i e Dacians but at l ngth th ir ch f, Duras , fe arful e e e e n the m e of ultimat d f at, and dr adi g rese nt nt of the R m e mm D ec ebalus o ans , gav up his co and to , wh o becam e their fir st King ; and uniting the various petty rulers under m e i E e the e his sway, so th ng as gb rt did H ptarchy , e e e e e m s ms to hav e stablish d a pow rful onarchy . H e fou ght again with the Romans ; and o ne F inc ulus hi s m e , with successor Do itian , app ar to have been beaten by hi m at T alpa . A village in ” Vida C o alni ciano Histoin de la Mol o -Waflac hi e g , d e. H a ears to ave ta en his materials o wever wit out aufi c ieut pp h k , h , h INT RODUCTION . ix the district of Vlaskta is still pointed out as the scene of these engagem ents . But at th E m e T e length e p ror rajan, surpris d e i e eme le d n e e n at thes ach v nts , his invi cibl l gio s D lu was m e . e c eba s e e into Dacia pro ptly d f at d , m n e H e a and his ar y a nihilat d . sued in v in for peac e h e appears to have been still too powerful e m e the and troubl so to obtain it, and - 1 . x) . 101 2. war be gan again in the following spring . D ec ebalus was again beaten ; and a fine histo t ical picture might be painte d of the vanquished e th m th e R m barbarian s eking e ca p of o ans , hearin him e g with a fish, a littl corn , and a u e ea e m . e b ndl of sp rs , in tok n of sub ission P ac e is grante d . But what barbarian e ver kept his m m word, or did not istake cle ency for we akne ss T rajan has hardly reache d hom e when h e he ars e D ec ebalus th e that his fri nd is again in e fi ld, and the has thrown away scabbard . Th e E m e e e e m p ror r turns , d t r ine d to quiet him this time ; and with T rajan com e his nephe w A i i M . T h dr an , and Lucius Qu ntus arcus e INT RODUCTION . R m n ss the e a o a s pa wint r in Bulg ria, and cross h t e Danube in spring, over a bridge built for the purpose by the architect A llo d po or of Damascus . D ec e balu e e e un s, who appears to hav b n as e scrupulous a barbarian as could b , now sent m m T so e assassins to m urder his ene y . hey were of course discovered ; and the war be gan on both sides with much violence . T h e D acians are again routed . Sarm ese Gh tusa e a rme ur e , th ir c pital, is sto d and b nt, and D ec ebalus has co mmitte d suicide ; all a n. 106. h 1 before t e year 06 . Th e conquere d province was now people d by one of those Rom an c olonie s which be cam e a e e e e e e ed e bl ssing wh r v r th y s ttl , and which carri d the arts and civilization of the Quee n C ity from th e m m e E uphrate s to th U ber, fro Memphis to T h n T hule . e ew colony was of course under th e r e R me e e p ot ction of o , in whos history th irs is henceforth m erged . e e e e Th e Wallac hs now liv d in p ac , a rac of INTRODUCTION . xi e e e th e e the hunt rs and sh ph rds, till e app aranc of E e T urks in urope . But th y soon had to defend th e m them selve s against Payni horde , whi ch m the e e th e enace d lib rti s of world, till humble d C e M e the l i T by harl s art l upon p a ns of ours . I 1 393 M e m e n irc a, Do n (or Princ ) of the e eei the e o th e Mussul Wallachs , for s ng succ ss f. man m a ve m e ar s, and nxious to sa hi s lf and his country from th e appalling rigour with which they e ed n e e e e tr at co qu r d nations , sign d a tr aty with the Sul B a ze N he e tan ja t at icopolis , in which agr ed l his fi f m th e to ho d principality as a e fro Soldan .
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